Задания для школьного этапа Всероссийской олимпиады по

Задания для школьного этапа Всероссийской олимпиады по
английскому языку в 2014-2015 учебном году
10 класс
Время выполнения – 1 час
Максимальное количество – 88 баллов
Task 1
Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the
sentences a-e the one which fits each gap (1-4). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. (4 points)
a. Even the choice of Nord-Ost was probably not random: it is definitely the
most patriotic and domestic musical.
□ b. Actors sing, dance and even turn cartwheels, while sets change every five
□ c. Even though musicals have been showing in Moscow for a number of
years, there has never been as great boom as there is this season.
□ d. Musicals are doing good business once again, and the communication
between artists and audiences is at an unprecedented level.
□ e. But cooler heads, as well as the general optimism and cheerfulness of
Muscovites have prevailed, and Nord-Ost will continue its triumphant run in the
Russian capital.
Musicals Come to Moscow
The musical is definitely the genre of the day. (1)_____________ . There are 42
musicals currently running in New York, 31 in London, 10 in Paris, and six in
Berlin. In six months, Moscow will catch up with Paris, as several premiers are
being readied for launch, even prior to the opening of the next theatre season.
The musical is not like an ordinary theatrical production. In this musical,
actresses fly over the stage, while the stage itself transforms into an icebreaker.
(2)____________. The musical presents a lot of unfamiliar music, creating an
atmosphere the audience can really enjoy.
It goes without saying that this musical has also become a symbol in Moscow
of the recent hostage tragedy. The bandits who took the audience hostage in the
Dubrovka Theatre Centre on Melnikova Street knew exactly where to find a group
of contemporary middle-class Muscovites.
(3)______________. The result is well-known to everyone around the globe: three
nightmarish 34
days and nights.
A completely new attitude has developed towards musicals after those
unforgettable days in October. Even as the tragedy was unfolding, voices were
being raised demanding Nord-Ost never again be shown to the public, and that
collaterally, all other musicals should be shut down as well. (4)____________.
The terrorists failed in one respect: they could not sow the seeds of sadness and
despondency in our hearts, or to turn spectators off to the most positive and
optimistic of theatrical styles.
Task 2
Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) according
to the text. (5 points)
1) It
is hard for contemporary adults to maintain friendships.
2) People lose friends trying to balance career and family.
3) Sociologists say that the ability to maintain friendships ebbs and flows with
4) E-mails help keep some relationships afloat for the long term.
5) It takes extra effort to continue to have relationships with a circle of highschool friends.
In this overstressed, hyperlinked age, some people seem wired to everything
but each other. The struggle to balance career and family has had an unintended
casualty: friends. Sociologists say that the time of life when people have the most
friends is young adulthood and old age; the time of life when people have the least
friends is middle age. But I can’t say that my parents’ ability to maintain
friendship ebbs and flows.
Despite the shortcomings of e-mails as a means of personal connection, it may
help keep some relationships afloat, at least for the short term. My parents use email to stay in better touch with a circle of high-school friends by sending along
anecdotes, congratulations and digital photos of our family.
Maintaining those connections has bolstered them during tough times,
particularly when my father was out of job and when my grandfather (my mum’s
father) died of cancer a few months ago. They knew my grandfather and
understood how close my mum was to him. She says, “When I need to have an
‘I’m loosing my mind’ talk, I go back to these friends.”
For my parents, the key is realising that maintaining friendships takes extra
effort, just the way balancing work and family does. Yet every year my mum
manages to arrange a long weekend for our family and a dozen of friends. She
plans the weekend with workplace efficiency, sending out invitation letters and
fax-reply forms, reserving lodging space for the group and booking advance
guided tours. “I’ve handled complex litigation,” she says. “Organising a weekend
isn’t that hard.”
While some folks treat their lives as a house of cards that could topple if they
add just one more obligation, my parents think of friendship as an integral
component of
their life. ‘You can’t wait to live your life,” they say. “If you like
being around friends and want to continue to have a relationship, you can’t put
them off.”
From The Wall Street Journal
Task 3
Read the text about self-study tips. The text has eight sections 0—7.
For sections 1—7, choose the correct heading A—L from the list of headings.
Write the correct letter A—L in boxes 1—7 on your answer sheet. Section 0 is
used as an example. (7 points)
List of Headings
A Consult your teacher
.B Take a break
.C Make a timetable
.D Create a working place
.E Sit comfortably
.F Study at home
.G Talk about your work
..H Photocopy important material
.I Make catalogue references
J Use the library
K Prioritize your work
.L Exercise regularly
Example: 0 - C
Self-study Tips
0 However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay nil In the long
run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying — and stick to it. It is
best to make a weekly allocation of your time, making sure that you have enough
left for recreational activities or simply to be ‘with’ yourself: reading a novel or
watching a television programme.
1. As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly
what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you tackle the most
significant tasks first, leaving the easier or less urgent areas of your work until
2. On a physical level, make sure that you have an area or space for studying.
Don’t do it just anywhere. If you always study in the same place, preferably a
room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when
you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.
3. Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk,
chair, etc., is at a good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are
plenty of guidelines
available from the government on posture, angles, lighting
and the like. Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.
4. If you are doing a long essay or research paper which involves the use of
library books or other articles, it helps to keep details of the titles and authors on
small cards in a card box. It is also a good idea to log these alphabetically so that
you can find them easily — rather like keeping telephone numbers. It’s all too
easy to read something and then forget where it came from.
5. Make use of equipment that is available to you. If you find a useful article in
the library, it is best to make a copy of the relevant pages before you leave. Then,
when you get back to your study, you can mark the article and make any
comments that you have in the margin.
6. If you are working on a topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to
concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a
period of time. ‘Airing the mind’ can work wonders sometimes. After a period
away from the task, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it
refreshed and full of ideas.
7. Similarly, it may help to discuss a topic with other people, especially if you
feel that you have insufficient ideas, or too many disorganised ideas. Bring your
topic up in conversations at meal times or with other students and see what they
have to say. You don’t want to copy their ideas but listening to what they think
about something may well help you develop or refine your own thoughts.
Use of English
Task 1
In most lines of this text there is an extra word. Write the extra word, or put
a tick (S) if the line is correct. Line 0 is an example. (15 points)
0. OK, let me tell you about our summer plans. In August
1. Gordon will then have been working for the company for
25 years,
2. and he is getting for a bonus of a three-week paid holiday. So we have
3. decided to rent a car and drive around Eastern Europe. We will be
4. leaving towards the end of August, and our aim there is to visit as
5. many countries as we can. We’re flying out to Budapest — soon we are
6. due to catch a plane on the 28th day — and there we’ll have a stopover in a
7. friend’s house before starting our grand tour. We’ll most probably
8. spend the best part of the trip in Hungary. When we’ve just finished
9. there, we’ll be probably go to Romania, but beyond that we haven’t
10. made too our arrangements. We will know a bit more by the end
11. of this week, when
34 we get a whole load of brochures from the
12. tourist agency. We’d like to get to as far as Russia, but realistically,
13. I doubt whether we’ll have time. I hope it won’t be too expensive, but
14. from till now on we really have to tighten our belts! I can’t wait!
15. In just over two months’ of time we’ll be having the time of our lives!
0. ___۷___
1. _______
2. _______
3. _______
4. _______
5. _______
6. _______
7. _______
8. _______
9. _______
Task 2
Match the expressions in bold from the left-hand column with one of the
meanings from the right-hand column. There are two extra meanings you
do not have to use. (10 points)
Example: 0 –A
0. Anna’s invited me to go on holiday with her,
but I’m in two minds about it.
A. unable to decide
1. Have a good trip. Mind how you go on the roads,
they are terrible at that time of day.
B. calm state
2. I’m sorry I didn’t post the letter, it slipped my mind, C. stop worrying
I’m afraid.
3. Being insured costs a lot of money but it gives you a D. say what one thinks
peace of mind.
4. I can still see the whole scene in my mind's eye.
E. forget
5. What annoys me about him is the fact that he keeps F. make a decision
changing his mind all the time.
6. Stop wasting time, make up your mind!
G. tell someone off
7. Never mind! I’ll do much better next time.
H. remember
8. I was so annoyed that 1 couldn’t resist giving him a
piece of my mind.
I. take care
9. Don’t worry about what other people think, just speak J. alter one’s opinion
your mind.
10. Bear in mind that you are not as young as you used K. imagination
to be.
L. have the same opinion
M. have a plan or intention
Task 3 Join the two halves of the famous quotes. (5 points)
Example: 0 — F
Words of wisdom
0. Not only should justice be done,
1. Not until34it is too late
2. Only when 1 am unbearably unhappy
A. to such a great account.
B. do I have the true feeling of myself.
C. does one recognize the really important
moments in one’s life.
3. Time is like a river made up of two D. to do so much.
events. No sooner does anything appear
4. Never before have we had so little time
E. than it is swept away and something else
comes into its place.
5. Never has a man turned so little F. but it should manifestly and undoubtedly
be seen to be done.
Task 4
1) Our
Choose the right word. (10 points)
English teacher always uses ... information. Every day we discuss hot TV
a. progressive b. old-fashioned
c. fashionable d. up-to-date
Are you sure that Andrea's native ... is German? Her pronunciation is perfect!
a. language b. tongue
c. voice
d. home
The boy had his pockets full of small green apples. I asked for one but he
gave me a ....
a. handful
c. mouthful
b. teaspoonful
d. spoonful
He came home so hungry yesterday. He said he could eat a whole ... of salad
but ate just a mouthful.
a. candlestick
c. bowl
b. sledge
d. tablecloth
It is ... to leave without saying “goodbye”.
a. regretful
c. rude
b. disappointed
d. cheerful
Her husband was killed in a car crash and she was crying for hours and the
next day she looked absolutely ... .
a. up-to-date
c. cheerful
b. joyful
d. helpless
It was a hot day and Ann was wearing a ... summer dress.
a. warm
c. wool
b. light
d. firm
I am terribly cold. Touch my hand; it is as cold as ... .
a. ice
c. a daisy
b. a cucumber
d. a lark
She replied in a soft and low .... .
a. voice
c. question
b. scream
10) The
writer of a book or a report is called .... .
a. an autobiography
b. an author
c.a plot
d.a librarian
Task 5 Complete the text with the following words:
be able, been learning, can, could, do I want, during, for, have learnt, I’d like
to, I like, I want, learning, me to speak, more accurate, most accurately, read,
reading, since, that I speak, to be able, was, went, will work, work . (12points)
Learning English
I started learning English when I (1) ____ _______in Secondary School. I
didn’t find it easy but my teacher advised me to listen to songs and (2)
__________books in English at my spare time and that helped me a lot in learning
I have (3)_________ English for four years and I have been in England now
(4)__________six weeks. Since I arrived I (5)_________quite a lot of new words
but I still find the English grammar difficult. While I’m in England
(6)_________improve my speaking and learn to be (7)__________.
My father, who works in a hotel, wants (8)_________and write English fluently
so that I can help him in his business. But if I (9) _________in the hotel, I won’t
be able to go to university to study law. When people ask me what (10)_______to
do, I usually tell them that my dream is to be a lawyer.
Now I’m in England and I’m enjoying the chance of meeting people from all
over the world. I’ve made lots of good friends and I hope I’ll (11)_________to go
and see them in their countries. Sometimes I wish
I (12)__________ speak more languages - but then I think of all the grammar I
would have to learn!
Part 4
Speaking (20 points)
Say how people can become successful. Think of as many ways as you can.