The Business School Department of Finance CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Course Handbook 2006/2007 Contents Section 1 – General University Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 University Overview Getting to University Parking Application and Registration Catering Facilities Learning Resources Other Student Services Students Union Page 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 Section 2 – Course Administration Certificate in Business Accounting 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Overview CIMA Registration Exemption Policy Entry Requirements Term Dates Examination Dates/ Venue 6 6 6 7 7 7 Section 3 – Course Delivery 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 CIMA Course Leader Course Team Course Timetable Recommended Reading Overview of Modules 8 8 9 9 10 Section 4 – Advice on Studying and Taking Examinations 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Studying Revision Examinations Nerves and Mental Blocks 13 13 13 14 Section 5 – Policies and Regulations 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Withdrawals Complaints Policy Equal Opportunities Policy Disability Statement Appeals Procedure Health and Safety Procedures 15 15 15 16 16 16 Section 6 – Appendices A B CIMA ID Collection form Book publisher order forms 17 18 1 SECTION 1 GENERAL UNIVERSITY INFORMATION 1.1 The University The University of Gloucestershire is Britain’s newest university, achieving university status during 2001. The original Cheltenham and Gloucester college of Higher Education was created in 1990 by the merger of the College of St Paul and St Mary with the majority of the higher education programmes form the Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology. The partners in the merger shared in common a vision of developing a strong higher education institution playing a full part in the educational, social, economic and cultural life of Gloucestershire and beyond. The Gloucestershire Business School was formed in 1998 and is responsible for the on going development of the provisions in Business Management and Information Technology. With 125 academics, 30 support staff and more than 3,000 students, the Business School is one of the largest in the region. The Business school is organised into five departments of which the Department of Finance (where this course is situated) is one. The Business School is located on the Park campus. Your CIMA course administrator is Angela Lunan who is situated in LCE 017 on the Park campus, please ask at park reception for directions. Address: Gloucestershire Business School The Park Cheltenham GL50 2RH Telephone: 01242 714299 E-mail: 1.2 Fax: 01242 714111 Getting to University The University has several sites the Park campus, which is the main site for the CIMA programme, is situated south of the town centre. It is approximately one mile from the bus station in Cheltenham town centre and approximately one mile from the rail station situated in southwest Cheltenham. 1.3 Parking The University car park is restricted to those who have a permit between the hours of 08.30 and 17.00 Monday to Friday. This can either be in the form of a full years permit, which costs £50, a half-year 2 permit, which costs £30, or alternatively it is possible to buy a daily permit for £1 from the pay and display machines in the main car park. A permit can be purchased through the university on line shop and attracts a 10% discount or by post or in person to the campus office where the full fee is payable. A permit does not guarantee you a space in the car park, which is often full during the day. Parking is likely to be easier in the evenings. Alternatively there is some free parking on the roads close to the University. 1.4 Application and Registration Enrolment on the course is by completion of two procedures: Application and Registration, both must be completed. Application to courses is via the completion of an application form which can be obtained from course administration (see section 1.1 above). Once your application form has been processed and accepted you will receive confirmation of a reserved place on the course from the course administrator. In addition you will receive a letter from Student Records also confirming the processing of your application and inviting you to formally accept the place on the course by returning the reply slip. If this slip is not returned you will not be able to complete the registration process. This year online registration will be available from 1st September. The student records team send out full details of the process together with sponsorship and direct debit information for the payment of fees. As a result of online registration, there will be a streamlined face-toface process, for obtaining your student ID card and NUS card. This process will take place at the Park Campus, Cheltenham. You will be notified in due course of the date of this event by the student records team. For this event you will need to bring your copy of your online registration, proof of identity with you, both the original document and a copy for our records together with one passport sized photograph with your name and course printed on the back. It is also possible to join the Students Union at this event and get an NUS card, which you can use in various shops to obtain discounts. In order to obtain a card you will need your university ID card plus an additional passport sized photograph, a charge of £2 is made to cover the cost You will need your student ID card to access the learning centre and its computer facilities. Your student number is your user name and you must get a four-digit password from the learning centre issue desk to use the computers. 3 If you are unable to complete this procedure on the assigned date additional later dates will be available, information will be posted around the campus or contact Angela Lunan for details. 1.5 Catering Facilities The student restaurant serves a wide variety of hot and cold food as well as drinks, and is open, during term time: Monday to Thursday 08:00 – 20:00 hours, and Friday 08:00 – 17:00 hours Outside of undergraduate term time, a reduced service is available from 08:00 – 15:00 hours. In the corridor outside the restaurant there are some vending machines selling hot and cold drinks, chocolate and crisps. The bar is also open during the day and evening serving hot and cold drinks. 1.6 Learning Resources The Park Learning Centre offers access to the full range of technology and learning resources. It houses more than 150 computers and has a variety of workspaces for group work and individual study. Facilities include: borrowing of additional texts and materials; researching information from CD’s electronic journals, databases and on-line learning materials; free Internet access; reprographic services. The learning resource centre at the park campus is open at the following times: TERM TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.45 am - 10.00 pm 10.00 am - 10.00 pm 8.45 am - 10.00 pm 8.45 am - 10.00 pm 8.45 am - 8.00 pm 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Ref/Computers ONLY 12.00 pm - 4.00 pm Contact numbers: Issue Desk: Information Desk: 01242 532721 01242 543458 4 VACATIONS Times vary during vacation. Check on site or via the web page 1.7 Other Student Services The university is here to help and give support, no matter what issues you may face. The student services department offers advice, guidance and support on a range of matters. For up the minute information about student services, please look at our web site: Facilities include: Pre-school centre – providing childcare Counselling service Disability services Financial advice Chaplaincy 1.8 Students Union All full and part-time students at the University of Gloucestershire automatically become a member of the Students’ Union (SU). The SU provides a wide range of services for further information check out the web site at 5 SECTION 2 COURSE ADMINISTRATION 2.1 Overview The CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting qualification is designed to be an introductory CIMA qualification which on successful completion allows you access to the CIMA Professional Qualification which has two levels – Managerial and Strategic. In order to become a CIMA member you must complete all exams in the Professional Qualifications Managerial and Strategic Levels and have at least three years’ relevant practical experience. The subjects and timetables provided by this School for the Certificate in Business Accounting can be found at Section 3 of this Handbook. The School offers all subjects each year. Assessment is by Computer Based externally set examinations. 2.2 CIMA Registration You should register with CIMA at the earliest opportunity. Student membership must be obtained before examination entry forms will be accepted. Following registration, CIMA Contact (020 8849 2251; ) will offer advice and guidance to students, issue examination entry forms and deal with all registration and examination queries. Original certificates will be required to support any exemption claim; an overview of the Institute’s exemption policy is set out below. As part of our quality procedures we require you to give us your CIMA registration number. A form is attached at the end of this booklet please fill in the details and return the form either to Angela Lunan or Angela Lorenz. 2.3 Exemptions Policy The Institute will consider applications for exemption according to the following policy. A charge is payable for assessment: 1. 2. 3. AAT(UK): CIMA will grant direct entry to the Managerial Level to students who have achieved the Association of Accounting Technicians’ qualification. Business Studies, Business Administration and Accountancy Degrees from recognised institutions, all grant direct entry to the Managerial Level. Please check the exemptions database on the CIMA web site ( ) to see if you qualify for further exemptions. BTEC (EDEXCEL) Higher National Awards in Business and Finance give you exemptions from Business Economics and Business Law papers on the Certificate Course. CIMA will also 6 consider requests for exemptions from the remaining Certificate course subjects from colleges, but not from individual students. Special exemptions: If your qualification is not listed on the database, CIMA will assess your qualification on registration. You must submit a certified copy of your results, a full syllabus, exam question papers and a course transcript. Further information relating to exemptions can be obtained through the CIMA web site or by contacting the student services team. 2.4 Certificate in Business Accounting Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements to this course. 2.5 Term Dates 2006/2007 AUTUMN TERM Week beginning 18th September 2006 – Week ending 15th December 2006 CHRISTMAS VACATION 2007 16th December 2006 – 7th January SPRING TERM Week beginning 8th January 2007 - Week ending 30th March 2007 EASTER VACATION 31st March 2007 – 22nd April 2007 SUMMER TERM Week beginning 23rd April 2007 – Week ending 11th May 2007 2.6 Examination Dates The Certificate in Business Accounting subjects taught by the School will be examined by external examination. These examinations will take place by computer assessment. The University is accredited to offer internal candidates these assessments. The University currently offers three opportunities to take these assessments during CIMA’s normal exam week (3rd week in May) and also one month later and in September for resits. A list of alternative venues offering computer facilities can be accessed through the CIMA Web Site. 7 SECTION 3 COURSE DELIVERY 3.1 CIMA Course Leader The CIMA Course Leader is responsible for managing all aspects of the provision and will coordinate any concerns and complaints raised by students. Your CIMA Course Leader is: Angela Lorenz BA(HONS), PGCE(FE), ACMA , MBA Tel: 01242 714351 or Email: 3.2 Certificate Course Team SUBJECT TUTOR Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Sue Gregson, ACMA, Bsc (Hons). PKPL 203 Tel: 01242 714344 Fundamentals of Management Accounting Angela Lorenz BA(HONS), PGCE(FE), ACMA, MBA PKPL 209 Tel: 01242 714351 PKPL 209 Tel: 01242 714350 PK PL 211 Tel: 01242 714356 Margaret Greenwood FCA CONTACT NUMBER Fundamentals of Business Economics Jim Keane, MBA, Msc, Bsc (Hons) Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law Kathy Idensohn PKPL 005 Tel: 01242 714329 Chris Wiltshire ACA PKPL 209 Tel: 01424 714352 Business Mathematics Maureen Clutterbuck PKLCE 030 Tel: 01242 714314 NOTE: the above is provisional and may change before the start of the year PKPL = Park campus, Pallas building, PKLCE = Park campus, Learning Centre, PKLCB = Park Campus, Learning Centre Bridge. 8 3.3 Course Timetable Wednesday 9.15 – 10.45 Fundamentals of Ethics. Corporate Governance and Business Law 11.00 – 12.30 Fundamentals of Management Accounting 12.30 – 1.30 Lunch Break 1.30 – 3.00 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics 3.15 – 4.45 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 4.45 – 5.30 Tea Break 5.30 – 7.00 Fundamentals of Business Economics This timetable allows 42 hours of class contact per subject (approximately). Students are expected to devote twice this time to home study. Breadth of reading is essential to a full understanding of the subjects. coursework and Reading will be given (usually weekly) which should be attempted, additionally tutors will usually require you to complete tests and mock exams at various intervals throughout the course. Classes will usually involve a variety of teaching and learning methods including lecture followed by tutorial activity and group discussions. Schemes of work will be given by each tutor detailing what will be covered on a week by week basis. Rooming information is not yet available but will be placed on the website as soon as possible at the following link: 3.4 Recommended Reading For the CIMA courses there are a number of book publishers that supply texts. CIMA recommend the use of their own study system materials published by Elsevier and the course teaching team endorses these. With the exception of: Jim Keane who is recommending the Kaplan Text An order form is attached to this handbook for the Kaplan texts giving a 40% discount and information is also attached for the Elsevier books with which you can receive 10% discount and FREE P&P when you buy your course textbooks online at and input the code: AMD4 9 3.5 Overview of Modules Paper C1: Management Accounting Fundamentals Aim: This syllabus aims to test the student’s ability to: Explain and use concepts and processes to determine product and service costs Explain direct, marginal and absorption costs and their use in pricing Apply C-V-P analysis and interpret the results Apply a range of costing and accounting systems Explain the role of budgets and standard costing within organisations Prepare and interpret budgets, standard costs and variance statements The syllabus contains the following key areas: Cost Determination (25%) Cost Behaviour and Break-even Analysis (10%) Standard Costing (15%) Costing and Accounting systems (30%) Financial Planning and Control (20%) Paper C2: Financial Accounting Fundamentals Aim: This syllabus aims to test the student’s ability to: Explain the conceptual and regulatory framework of accounting Explain the nature of accounting systems and understand the controls of such systems Prepare and interpret accounts for a single entry Calculate and interpret simple accounting ratios The syllabus contains the following key areas: Conceptual and regulatory framework (20%) Accounting systems (20%) Control of accounting systems (15%) Preparation of accounts for single entities (45%) 10 Paper C3: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics Aim: This syllabus aims to test the student’s ability to: Demonstrate the use of basic mathematics including, formulae and ratios. Identify reasonableness in the calculation of answers. Demonstrate the use of probability where risk and uncertainty exist. Apply techniques for summarising and analysing data. Calculate correlation coefficients for bivariate data and apply technique of simple regression analysis Demonstrate techniques used for forecasting. Apply financial mathematical techniques. Apply spreadsheets to facilitate the presentation of data, analysis of univariate and bivariate data and use of formulae. The syllabus contains the following key areas: Basic mathematics (15%) Probability (15%) Summarising and analysing data (15%) Inter-relationships between variables (15%) Forecasting (15%) Financial mathematics (15%) Spreadsheets (10%) Paper C4: Fundamentals of Business Economics Aim: This syllabus aims to test the student’s ability to: Distinguish the differing goals of organisations and identify how these differing goals affect the decisions made by managers; Illustrate how market economies function and identify the reasons for and impacts of government involvement in economic activities; Identify the role of financial institutions and markets in the provision of short and long term finance to individuals, businesses and governmental organisations; Identify how macroeconomic variables and government economic policies affect the organisation. The syllabus contains the following key areas: The Goals and Decisions of Organisations (20%) The Market System and the Competitive Process (30%) The Financial System (20%) The Macroeconomic Context of Business (30%) 11 Paper C5: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law Aim: This syllabus aims to test the student’s ability to: discuss the framework of professional values, ethics and attitudes for exercising professional judgement and acting in an ethical manner, that is in the best interests of society and the profession; explain the need to comply with the CIMA and IFAC ‘Codes of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; explain the importance of good corporate governance and the evolution of good practice; explain fundamental aspects of the organisation and operation of the English legal system and compare and contrast it with other legal systems; explain the elements of the tort of negligence and the manner in which the tort impacts upon professional advisers; explain the essential elements of a simple contract, what is regarded as adequate performance of the simple contract, and the remedies available to the innocent party in the event of a breach; explain the essential differences between sole traderships, partnerships and companies limited by shares; explain the way in which companies are administered, financed and managed; apply legal knowledge to solve business problems. Note: Unless specifically mentioned, the English legal system will be the context for those parts of this syllabus that relate to the study of business law. The syllabus contains the following key areas: Ethics and Business (15%) Ethical Conflict (10%) Corporate Governance (10%) Comparison of English Law with Alternative Legal Systems (10%) The Law of Contract (20%) The Law of Employment (10%) Company Administration and Finance (25%) 12 SECTION 4 ADVICE ON STUDYING AND TAKING EXAMS 4.1 Studying The CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting is a professional accounting qualification, the emphasis of which is upon learning rather than teaching. This places the onus on students to ensure that each topic covered in class is fully understood before progressing to the next topic, and this cannot be achieved without a fair amount of home study. The following points may be helpful to those who have not studied much before: 4.2 Be organised and prepared. Manage your time. Set realistic timetables and quiet locations for your work. Lay out notes clearly & carefully with a wide margin for refresher points. Cross refer to copies of newspaper/magazine articles kept on file. Remember, the better the notes, the easier the revision. Above all, focus on key issues and from these, draw down details. Revision If you do not understand the subject the night before the examination, it’s too late. So plan a realistic timetable for revision well before the examination: 4.3 Quickly scan through all notes on the subject and refresh where memory has dimmed. Then tackle past examination papers under pretend exam conditions. Use tutorial sessions to elicit answers where you have a problem. Be self-critical. Use refresher points for final recollections. Be positive. Examinations There is a distinct technique to tackling examinations and the following pointers may help: Be alert for changes in the general instructions – number of questions to be answered. Read each question carefully. Take your time go back to questions you are not sure of. 13 4.4 Your workings will not be marked but take care with them so that you minimise the chance of errors. Nerves and Mental Blocks Mental blocks and nerves are often caused by cramming at the last minute with late nights and too much coffee. However, if you have worked to a plan and are still overcome, the following pointers may help: For nerves, eat properly before the examination to keep blood sugar and energy levels up. Take a deep breath; hold it for a few seconds and exhale slowly. Tackle the fear of failure – think positively. Mental blocks are common; try the following: o Leave that question and move to the next question – remember to come back to it. o Only answer questions you are confident about first. This is all right so long as the answer number reflects the question number. o Use a separate sheet of paper to jot down notes as you scan the paper initially. These will act as triggers later. o Allow a set time for each question and stick to it. o Allows answer every question on the test – you have a one in four chance of being right. 14 SECTION 5 POLICIES AND REGULATIONS 5.1 Withdrawals If you need to withdraw from the course after you have registered you will be required to complete a withdrawals form. These can be obtained from the course administrator. Full details of the Universities fee and refund policy can be found on the web site at: 5.2 Complaints Policy If you have any concerns about the tuition or the facilities, or any problems which may affect your studying, do not hesitate to bring them to the attention of your class tutor in the first instance. If, having considered this process, you feel that you need to make a formal complaint then you should write to the Course leader setting out your grievance in full, with evidence to support allegations and support from other students if applicable. Further details can be found on the web site at: 5.3 Equal Opportunities Policy The University is committed to being a community in which equality of opportunity is a reality for all students and staff. Our mission statement and the traditional values on which we are founded mean that we actively seek to create a positive environment in which all staff and students are respected. No member or prospective member of the University community will receive unfair or unlawful treatment due to race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability, nor face unwarranted discrimination on the grounds of age. Full details of this and the Universities other specific policies can be found in the Students' A-Z (available via the Students Union or at start of course) or via the web site at 5.4 Disability Statement If you have a disability for which you require particular treatment or resources please contact the course leader as soon as possible. Full details of the University’s provisions for students with a disability can be found via the University web site. 15 5.5 Appeals Procedure If a candidate wishes to raise an appeal about an examination result, he/she should contact CIMA directly. 5.5 Health and Safety Procedures Full details can be found in the Students' A-Z Disclaimer: The University will take reasonable steps to provide the educational services as described in this handbook. It does not guarantee the provision of such services and this handbook does not form part of any contract between you and the University. The University shall be under no liability for loss occasioned to any person as a result of the contents or omissions from this handbook 16 DATA COLLECTION FORM Course: CIMA Name : Telephone : (home) (work) Email Address : CIMA Student Number : I agree that the University of Gloucestershire can use my student number only for the purpose of obtaining exam results data to use as part of ongoing course evaluation. Signed: Date: 17 Please send your completed order form by post to: Kaplan Publishing Foulks Lynch, Unit 2 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham RG41 2QZ or by fax to 0118 979 7455 For all queries relating to this order please call our helpline on 0118 912 3000 CIMA Publications Student Order Form COLLEGE: 40% STUDENT DISCOUNT UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTER Examination Date: Nov 06 May 07 Study Text £28.00 Workbook with CD £30.00 Exam Kits £16.00 Bitesize £10.00 Practice 4 Success CDs £15.00 Certificate (New syllabus) Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Study Text £28.00 Exam Kits Nov 06 £15.00 Exam Kits May 07 £16.00 Pocket Notes £10.00 Practice 4 Success CDs £15.00 Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity - Paper C01 Paper C02 Paper C03 Paper C04 Paper C05 Management Accounting Fundamentals Financial Accounting Fundamentals Business Mathematics Economics for Business Fund. of Ethics, Corporate Governance & Business Law Professional Paper P1 Paper P2 Paper P3 Paper P4 Paper P5 Paper P6 Paper P7 Paper P8 Paper P9 Management Accounting Performance Evaluation Management Accounting Decision Making Management Accounting Risk and Control Strategy Organisational Management & Information Systems Integrated Management Management Accounting Business Strategy Financial Accounting and Tax Principles Financial Analysis Financial Strategy Total Value TOPCIMA £28.00 Test of Professional Competence in Management Accounting Study Text The Knowledge* SUB TOTAL £ 40% DISCOUNT £ PLUS DELIVERY CHARGE (£5 FOR UP TO 10 BOOKS) £ TOTAL £ LESS STUDENT Cardholder Details Name on card: ……………………………………………………...................... 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ISBN 0750680318 0750680334 075068030x 0750680342 0750680326 TITLE PRICE Management Accounting Financial Accounting Business Maths £35.00 £35.00 £35.00 DISCOUNTE D PRICE £31.50 £31.50 £31.50 Business Economics Fundamentals Of Ethics,Corporate Govenance & Business Law Performance Evaluation £35.00 £35.00 £31.50 £31.50 £35.00 £31.50 Decision Management £35.00 £31.50 Risk and Control Strategy £35.00 £31.50 Organisational Management Info Systems £35.00 £31.50 Integrated Management £35.00 £31.50 Business Strategy £35.00 £31.50 Financial Accounting and Tax Principles £35.00 £31.50 Financial Analysis £35.00 £31.50 Financial Strategy £35.00 £31.50 Test Of Professional Competence £35.00 £31.50 Exam Practice Kits £14.99 £13.49 Revision Cards £8.99 £8.09 0750680520 0750680474 0750680423 0750680458 0750680466 0750680431 0750680490 0750680482 075068044x 0750680504 To also include All Financial and Accounting books 19 ORDER NOW at http// and input the promotional code AMD4 on the attached card to receive your discount. 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