DALAM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA DI SHAH ALAM DALAM NEGERI SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN PERMOHONAN JENAYAH NO. 44-207-2007 DI ANTARA DURAI RAJA A/L SUPPIAH DAN 1. TIMBALAN MENTERI KESELAMATAN DALAM NEGERI, MALAYSIA 2. PENGARAH, PUSAT PEMULIHAN AKHLAK, KAMUNTING, PERAK 3. KETUA POLIS NEGARA, MALAYSIA 4. KERAJAAN MALAYSIA ALASAN PENGHAKIMAN In this application for a writ of habeas corpus to issue, the applicant had forwarded one issue for the consideration of this Court, which according to his learned Counsel Mr. Vishnu, once considered with the facts attending before me, should justify this court to agree with him to release the applicant . Basically, this case revolved around the true import of rule 5(1) and (2) of the Public Order and Prevention of Crime (Procedure) Rules, 1972 [‘the said 1972 Rules’] and whether there had been a non-compliance with the mandatory procedure as contained in the said Rule 5. If there was, as was alleged by the learned counsel, then such a breach must necessarily obligate this court to issue a writ of habeas corpus as to release this applicant forthwith. The facts in this matter, which both parties appeared to have agreed upon can be summarized as follows: That the applicant was detained pursuant to an order issued by the Timbalan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, under section 4(1) of the Emergency Ordinance (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) 1969 vide an order dated the 4.9.2006. It was also agreed that the notice known as Borang II was served on the applicant on the 24.11.2006, by Harun bin Musa who was then a warden at the Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak Simpang Renggam, Johore[ ‘PPA Simpang Renggam’]. It was also agreed that applicant did appear before the Advisory Board on the date as mentioned in the said notice. The said warden had affirmed an affidavit [encl: 5] wherein he had affirmed that he had indeed served the said notice, Borang II on the applicant on the 24.11.2006. As proof of this, he had exhibited in his affidavit, the said notice which contained the date “24.11.2006” and the signature of the applicant as proof of his receipt of the same. That would appear to be the extent of their capacity to be mutually agreeable on the facts in this matter. 2 The applicant’s counsel had then submitted that granted that the applicant had signed on the notice as acknowledgement of the said Borang II there was no proof on the said notice that could show when the notice was received by him. This despite the fact that warden Harun bin Musa had written on the said notice the date “24.11.2006” in a space that existed in between the date of service and date of receipt. Why he had chosen to do so remained a mystery till today. Was he meaning to do so in the name of being economical with his writing? Be that as it may, looking back at his affidavit paragraphs 10 and 11 therein, it had become quite apparent that he had served the notice on the 24.11.2006 and that the applicant had received it. I now reproduce the said paragraphs 10 and 11 verbatim: “10. Merujuk perenggan 7 dalam afidavit Pemohon, saya meyatakan bahawa pada 24-11-2006 di PPA Simpang Renggam, saya telah menyampaikan kepada Pemohon sesalinan Notis Pendengaran Representasi (selepas ini disebut sebagai “Borang II”) di bawah Kaedah 5(1), Kaedah-Kaedah Ketenteraman Awam Dan Mencegah Jenayah (Acara), 1972 (selepas ini disebut sebagai ‘Kaedah-kaedah tersebut”) yang saya terima daripada Lembaga Penasihat bertarikh 16-11-2006. Saya kemudiannya telah membaca dan menjelaskan kepada Pemohon berhubung Lembaga Penasihat yang akan bersidang pada 06-12-2006, jam 10.00 pagi di Pusat Pemulihan Simpang Renggam bagi maksud representasi 3 Pemohon berhubung dengan Perintah Tahanan yang telah dibuat terhadap Pemohon. Saya juga telah membaca dan menjelaskan kepada Pemohon tentang hak-hak beliau untuk membuat representasi di hadapan Lembaga Penasihat dan telah menerangkan kepada beliau bahawa beliau boleh hadir sendiri dan berhak di wakili peguam bela semasa persidangan tersebut. Borang II yang saya rujuk telah dilampirkan sebagai ekshibit “SI-2” di dalam Afidavit Jawapan SUHAILA BINTI IBRAHIM iaitu Setiausaha Lembaga Penasihat semasa persidangan representasi Pemohon. 11. Saya selanjutnya percaya dan menyatakan bahawa Pemohon mengakui telah menerima salinan dan memahami isi kandungan Borang II tersebut dengan menurunkan tandatangannya di atas Borang II tersebut. Saya selanjutnya menyatakan bahawa saya sesungguhnya telah menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia yang mudah dan kemudian menterjemahkannya ke dalam Bahasa Tamil. Pemohon sendiri mengakui memahami penerangan saya dan kemudiannya menurunkan tandatangan pada Borang IIe tersebut.”[italics added by me as emphasis] Thus, in the context of the facts as could be seen above, when Harun bin Musa stated the date “24-11-2006” in a space that existed between date of service and the date of receipt of the said ‘Borang II’ what he meant was that the said stated date 4 was referring to the date of service by him on the applicant and the date of receipt by the applicant who had signed on it as acknowledgement. That is my finding on the issue. The applicant had also directed this court’s attention to paragraph 13 of the same affidavit by the said warden whereby he had said in that same paragraph 13 that he had served the notice on the applicant on the 20.11.2006. According to learned counsel, this further cast doubt as to when the notice was served on his client. No corrective affidavit was filed in by the warden accordingly. The learned SFC referred this court to the case of Tay Lay Beng v. Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Malaysia and Anor [2004] 8 CLJ 674, where the court in that case had looked at the overall evidence in determining whether a discrepancy as to the date relating to a particular event could be held to be a mere typographical error. In that case, it was ruled that there were other ample evidence to support such a finding relating to the erroneous date of the applicant’s arrest in the affidavit of the Police Officer reporting the circumstances of the detenu’s arrest . As such, the mistake in the affidavit of the said Police Officer in that case was held by the Court as a mere typographical error. In this case before us, looking at the circumstances in this case, I too find that the date “20.11.2006” as appearing in paragraph 13 of the affidavit of the said warden has been a typographical error as well. There exist averments in affidavits of other deponents who have 5 deposed that the document was served on the applicant on the 24.11.2006, such as that of the Secretary of the Advisory Board. Going back to what actually has been proven at this stage by the affidavits of all relevant parties, has been that the notice in Borang II was for all intent and purposes, served on this applicant on the 24.11.2006. The fact that the applicant had signed as having acknowledged the receipt of the same was not denied. In fact it was accepted and admitted by learned counsel. His only complaint was that there was no evidence to show when the applicant received it, the affidavit of the warden notwithstanding. So, that must therefore bring us now to the interpretation of the true working of Rule 5(1) and (2) of the said 1972 Rules. What course of action is contemplated by the framers of this Rule 5 ? According to the learned SFC what this Rule 5 requires is that the notice Borang II must be served on the applicant as it concerns his right to appeal before the Advisory Board so that the applicant would be acquainted with the date of the hearing of his appeal before the Advisory Board and henceforth to further chart his next move, like whether he was minded to engage legal counsel to advise him, moving forward. That must be ‘the pith and substance’ that underlines the existence of the said Rule 5 and which needed to be abided by the detaining authority. According to him, once service on the applicant had been proven, there was no legal requirement to show when in point of time did the applicant receive it. To my mind, the 6 contents of paragraphs10 and 11 of the affidavit [encl.5] of the warden which were not challenged by any semblance of an affidavit by this applicant are sufficient to meet the requirements of the said Rule 5. The learned counsel submitted otherwise and cited the case of Aw Ngoh Leang v. IGP (1993) 1 MLJ 65 in trying to draw an anology that could be had from that case. The learned SFC, in the course of his submission in reply, had addressed the matter quite admirably by distinguishing the issues obtaining in both the cases. Suffice for me to say that the Court in Aw’s case[supra] was faced with a different provision albeit emanating from the same legislation. Suffice too, for me to say that I am in total agreement with the learned SFC’s argument and ultimate opinion on the matter. Indeed the distinction was a valid one and the consequential effect obtaining therefrom was equally valid as well. In Aw’s case [supra], the non-compliance had come in the form of failure to serve the mandated 3 copies of ‘Borang I’ on the detainee as required by Rule 3 of the 1972 Rules. Since the non-compliance was in respect to a mandatory procedure, such failure must necessarily be fatal and indeed a writ of habeas corpus was issued. Justice LC Vohrah J had gone so far to say in that Aw’s case that any disobedience of the mandatory requirements for the protection of the right of a detainee would vitiate an order of detention made, even if no real prejudice has ensued to that detainee. No such similarity in terms of express mandatory provisions could be found in Rule 5 which ought to ‘necessitate’ this court to rule in like manner as did the appellate justices in Aw’s case [supra]. 7 Having considered the arguments from both parties, I agree with the learned SFC on the true import of the said Rule 5. To my mind, Rule 5, as appears in sub-rules(1) and (2) are clear as regards their intent, which requires the detaining authority to ensure that the detainee be served with the Borang II so as to enable him to ponder his next course of action such as whether he would wish to forward his representations to the Advisory Board. There is nothing in them to even suggest that there must be proof as to when the applicant had received the said Borang II. In fact, from the warden’s affidavit [encl 5], since the service was done by him on a certain date on the same applicant, who had also admitted to having received it by signing on it as acknowledgement, the only reasonable inference which could be drawn from such a circumstance must necessarily be that the applicant must have received it on the same date when the good warden had served it on him. There has been no affidavit emanating from this applicant rebutting the asserted fact that the said Borang II was served on him on 24.11.2006. In fact, to my mind, paragraph 13 in the affidavit of the said warden was crafted as a summary of what he had done which are contained in the previous paragraphs. That bolsters my finding that the date stated therein as “20.11.2006” has been an unfortunate typographical error but one with no dire consequence emanating therefrom. The Aw’s case [supra] cited by the learned counsel could be easily distinguishable in the manner which was submitted to by the learned SFC, in that it concerned a different legal provision in the same 1972 Rules, but 8 which required a different set of procedural compliance by the detaining authority. As such, based on the above, I would therefore refuse to order that a writ of habeas corpus be issued to secure the release of this applicant. (……………………………………) ABANG ISKANDAR B. ABANG HASHIM JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER HIGH COURT SHAH ALAM. Dated this 13th May, 2008. 9