Developing shared digital resources for more extensive and easier access to scientific information in Indonesia Sobari Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information Indonesian Institute of Sciences Abstract This paper describes on-going activities in developing shared digital resources in university libraries and information centres of government institutions in Indonesia. The main goal of the activity is to to improve the availability and accesibility of scientic data/information which were generated from the universities and government institutions. The benefits of developing shared digital resources, government initiatives, Indonesian digital library networks, database resources development in PDII, disseminating information, and the constraints of the developing activities are discussed here. 1. Background It has been realized that the development of science and technology needs the mastering capability to utilize them. In the national level, libraries or information centres which could give scientific information services to the scientific community or users as general, have a significant role to accelerate the science and technology development. It has been also acknowledged that there is no library that could give any services in all aspects of science and technology. So, the cooperation between libraries or information centres would be more possible to give satisfying services to the users. Beside, the continuing escalation of the price of materials, particularly periodicals, means that meager budgets of developing countries lose purchasing power year to year, so the capability to give satisfying services would also decrease. The tradition of cooperative collection development and resource sharing among libraries began decades ago as means to alleviate problems of lack of space and costly duplication, especially for little-used materials. Now, with electronic networks facilitating cooperation, the lines are blurring as to what constitutes ownership and resource sharing. Because of the vast storage capacity of electronic media, space is no longer the issue. Rather, the issue for libraries is the role they should play in access provision and document delivery when end-users have direct access to OPACs and myriad other information resources available through network connections[5]. Though, Indonesian scientific information networks has been a discourse in library and information discussions since 1971, but their implementation is still need an improvement, especially in the development of the resources which could be shared in the networks. The growing popularity of the Internet as a source for information resources leads to the need to apply rational collection development as the acquisition of digital library materials. 2. Objectives The objective of the developing shared digital resources is to improve the availability and accesibility of scientific data/information. Government institutions and university libraries are the information sources of these kinds of information. They have published in limited number the scientific grey literature which of course have limited dissemination. 3. Benefits The developing shared digital resources will offer an extraordinary intellectual resource of major research value not only to students and researchers in the institution but to the scholarly community in general. If the availability and accesibility of scientific data/information could extensively be improved, it would make benefits such as : provide the academic research community with physical and virtual access to the shared resources of all the library parties; facilite scientific or technical collaborative activities; facilite comparisons of topics and knowledge; negate the reduplication research activities, plagiarism, and overlapped activities; assist the government or controlling bodies in carrying out their controlling function; and support decision makers in education and research sectors. 4. Government initiatives In line with the necessity to develop a resource sharing and cooperative collection development among scientific libraries, government of Indonesia through the Office of Minister for Research and Technology has issued a Ministerial Decree No. 44/M/Kp/VII/2000 regarding science and technology grey literature deposit. The implementation of this government policy is in the digitalization of grey literatures which include theses, dissertations, and research reports, from the science and technology related government institutions, non departmental government institutions, and universities. The step to initiate that program was the memorandum of understanding regarding a digital library development signed between the Office of Minister for Research and Technology (OMRT) and the university libraries or government institutions. The OMRT has awarded docushare, a software for digitalization, to three universities in early 2002, they are UPT Perpustakaan IPB (Bogor Agricultural Universitiy Library), Jaringan Perpustakaan APTIK (Association of Catholic Universities-APTIK’s digital library network), and UPT Perpustakaan ITENAS (ITENAS Library), and to PDII (Centre for Scientific Documentation and Informatioan). The recent result of the digitalization process can be seen in Table-1. Table-1 : Digitalization process in 4 docushares INSTITUTION DIGITIZED DOCUMENTS REMARKS PDII (Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information) - 2.961 records Research reports, articles, papers, and theses (grey literatures) UPT Perpustakaan IPB (Bogor Agricultural Universitiy Library) - 630 doctoral dissertations - 800 master’s theses - 250 appropriate technology - Dissertation Summary - 1979–2002 dissertations (almost all) - from 8.000 theses collection - the OMRT document (WARINTEK) - CD-ROM format Jaringan Perpustakaan APTIK (APTIK’s digital library network) - more than 14.000 skripsi, master’s theses, research reports, inhouse journals, and multimedia UPT Perpustakaan ITENAS (ITENAS Librarry) - 17 ITENAS journal - 24 books - 9 ITENAS appropriate technology - 9 ITENAS products offering - RISTEK appropriate technology - full text - full text - text and pictures - text and pictures - text and pictures 5. Digital library networks. There are several university libraries and government institutions which have developed digital library and build the networks. But, it could be mentioned that one of the outstanding achievement in the building of information networks in Indonesia is the establishment of Indonesian Digital Library Network (IndonesianDLN) in 2001. IndonesianDLN is the first digital library network in Indonesia ( The development of IndonesiaDLN was pioneered and driven by the Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Indonesia, together with other librarians and information engineers. This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and the Indonesian Foundation for Telecommunication and Information Research (YLTI) for the period of 2000-2002. Prior to the IndonesianDLN was the establishment of Indonesia Digital Library Network Forum (The IndonesiaDLN Forum) that was initiated at October 2000. According to Fahmi, head and founder of Knowledge Management Research Group-ITB, the mission of IndonesiaDLN is to unlock the knowledge of the Indonesian people – especially local content – and share it nationally. It intends to provide information about Indonesia, including information about Indonesian final projects, theses, dissertations and research reports, as well as such topics as its heritage, regional power and history. It hopes to do so in an easy, user-friendly way that is distributed and invites contributions widely from the Indonesian people. Such information will be very useful in increasing the number of the nation's information literate and the collaboration among them and in promoting Indonesia internationally. The member of IndonesiaDLN are education institutions, research institutions, NGOs, community organization, government institutions, etc. IndonesianDLN is a new hope. Institutions, anywhere in Indonesia, as long as they have an internet connection, can implement the network system and join IndonesianDLN. They can share and download electronic collections on the Network. The IndonesianDLN is growing very quickly. Only two months after its launch the number of registered partners reached 43. Of this number, 14 have successfully connected to hub-server and shared their electronic collections. The number has since increased. Furthermore, IndonesianDLN is ready for wider international collaboration in developing DL networks especially among developing countries [3]. The other valuable Indonesian digital/virtual libraries have been developed to meet the increases in end-user access to computer-based information resources and library use of networks and telecommunications (see Table-2). Table-2 : The main Indonesian libraries and the networks LIBRARIES/NETWORKS LOCATION URL REMARKS IPTEKNET S&T information Center Jakarta Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (National Library) Jakarta and all province PDII (Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information) Jakarta –Java UPT Perpustakan IPB (Bogor Agricultural Universitiy Library) Bogor – West Java Jaringan Perpustakaan APTIK (APTIK’s digital library network) Bandung – West Java or UPT Perpustakaan ITENAS (ITENAS Librarry) Bandung – Wes Java Indonesian Digital Library Networks IDLN Bandung – West Java Perpustakaan UI (Indonesia University Library) Jakarta - Java Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga (Airlangga University Library) Surabaya – Est Java Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Brawijaya (Brawijaya University Central Library) Malang – East Java Indonesian Christian University Virtual LibraryInCUVL Surabaya –East Java Virtual network Jaringan Perpustakaan lingkungan Hidup (Environment Library Network) Jakarta – Java Virtual network Jaringan Informasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Nasional (National Biodiversity Information Network) Bogor – West Java Under construction Virtual network Mekanisme Balai Kliring Konvensi Keanekaragaman Hayati (Convention on Biological Diversity ClearingHouse Mecanism) Jakarta Virtual network Virtual network Virtual network 6. PDII library database resources development In order to provide extensive and easier access to Indonesian scientific information (grey literatures), Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information (here after called PDII) library, increases the cooperation to develop scientific information databases with several university libraries and non departmental institutions. The participants of this cooperation are : BATAN-National Nuclear Energy Agency (Jakarta); LAPAN-National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Jakarta); LEMIGAS- Research and Development Center for Oil and Gas Technology (Jakarta); BAKOSURTANAL-National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bogor); BPPT-Indonesian Agency Assessment and Application for Technology (Jakarta); BPS-Statistics Indonesia (Jakarta); and HANKAM-Security and Defense Department (Jakarta). The Universities who have stated their agrrement in this program were : University of Indoensia (Jakarta); Bogor Institutes of Agriculture (Bogor, West Java); Surabaya Institutes of Technology (Surabaya, East Java); Brawijaya University (Malang, East Java); Diponegoro University (Semarang, Central Java). The database resources of each participant could support the resource sharing in servicing the users. Details of database collections of each non-departmental government institutions could be seen in Table-3 below. Table-3 : Database resources in five non-departmental government institutions INSTITUTIONS DATABASE NAME/SIZE DESCRIPTION Indonesian Agency Assessment and Application for Technology (BPPT) Bibliographic database 15.000 records records research reports in the form of articles, research reports, theses, dissertations, and annual activities reports of the Agency; National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN). 2,3 millions records It is an International Nuclear Information System (INIS) that encompass 108 countries, 19 international organizations, and of biliographic records. Abstracts in English was cited in the bibliographic description SIPULITBANG Intranet platform, records articles and papers published by the agency. Use MARC 21 and Dublin Core 6.000 titles Bibliographic records 4.000 titles NASA journals full text database In-house journal Statistics Indonesia (BPS) bibliographic database records survey documents along with the instruments used; use the CDS/ISIS software. National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL) BAKOS records monographs, articles, and analysis National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN PDII (Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information BUKU Books BIBLIO the results of surveys and researchs performed by the Agency; BUKU/29.123 records books and monograph catalogue LAPO/29.270 records research report catalogue, and the abstracts CONF/27.680 records index of work paper, seminar, conference, etc. TESIS/21.578 records theses catalogue and the abstracts ARTI/30.417 records scientific journal article catalogue and the abstracts TTG/15.730 records ISDS/7.425 records annotation of appropriate technology information. Catalogue of ISSN LIPI/2.300 records Grey literature of LIPI PATENT/500 records Full text and abstract of Indonesian patent PTN/4.629 records Patent DESK/31.515 records S&T descriptors RUT/1.940 records Integrated priority research reports RIAU/592 records Information Riau TEUGM/10.227 records Gajah Mada University Theses 7. Disseminating information At least two different manners of information dissemination of shared digital resources could be implemented, i.e. through the internet, and CD-ROM. In using the internet as dissemination channel, it could be said that the databases from each library would contribute to be internetbased resources nationaly or internationaly. Unfortunately, at the present time, the Internet frequently becomes the "World Wide Wait" due to slow response time on busy servers or high volume traffic jams on network transmission lines or at hub intersections. At peak afternoon and evening usage hours some Internet resources become virtually unusable due to slow response time waiting to connect to overburdened servers or just waiting for the information packets to traverse jammed network lines. One possible solution is to put a copy of the shared digital resources materials on a local server, or use the CD-ROMs delivered to the local or remote libraries. 8. Constraints There are some constraints adhered in the developing shared digital resources in Indonesia. Those are connected to : human resources possession in the Indonesian library or information centers. Digitizing documents needs computer-literate library staff that would operate the sophisticated hardwares and softwares. The skilled librarians on those subject are limited; copyright infringement. Some of the university library still afraid of this infringement caused by the easy character of the digital library; internet connectivity in Indonesia. The Government (Dirjen Postel: Post and Telecommunication) has issued more than 150 licenses, but only about 40 ISPs are operating, and most them are located in the Jakarta area. In other parts of Indonesia, only Wasantara net ( is available. budget. Beyond task-oriented considerations, such as the selection process itself, some of the biggest problems, not surprisingly, stem from simultaneous decreases in funding and increases in operating costs. 9. Conclusions Developing digital resources, apparently, has become a common need of Indonesian library or information community. Science and technology libraries or information centres should develop their resources in a digital format and build the network, so the services could increase tremendously because of a huge collection that has been integrated. But, it is not easy to make cooperation with the others. Some obstacles pertaining in respectives libraries or information centers must be justified. Those obstacles include the interests and mission of each library, human resources, budgets, and their capability in the application of information technology. But, the demands of scientific information is still futher growth and expand, so we could not just waiting.The success of such a project also depends on an aggressive commitment by its members and of course facilitator of the sharing activities. 10. References Blasius, Sudarsono. 1999. The development of information infrastructure for R&D : PDIILIPI,s experience. The 1th Regional Workshop on S&T Information in South East Asia, 22 – 23 June 1999, Kuala Lumpur. Coutinho, Fiona C. et al. [1999]. Integrating Digital Resources into a Traditional University Research Library. Fahmi, Ismail. [2001]. The Indonesian Digital Library Network is born to struggle with the digital divide. McGeachin, Robert B. [1998]. Selection Criteria for Web-Based Resources in a Science and Technology Library Collection. Schamber, Linda. [1996]. Library collection development in an electronic age. Sri Hartinah. 2002. Science and technology, information databases and services at PDII-LIPI. Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information, Jakarta.