Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 Relaxation Massage Initial Consultation Form ........................................................... 2 Relaxation Massage Follow Up Form......................................................................... 8 Introduction This booklet contains master copies of the Client Case Taking Sheets (CCTS) that are required for the Certificate in Relaxation Massage. To use these forms, take a photocopy of the form you require. Alternatively, you can download and print electronic versions of each form from the Student Resources Centre area of the College website. To locate the forms, login to the Student Resources Centre on the bottom left of the home page and then use the left hand navigation menu to go to ‘Student Forms/Downloads’. This is can be found at the bottom of the menu. Relaxation Massage Initial Consultation Form Student Name: ______________________ Client Name: _______________________ Time _________ Duration of Massage__________ Date _____/_____/_____ BIOGRAPHICAL DATA * INDICATES INFORMATION THAT THE COLLEGE REQUIRES. IN ORDER TO PROTECT CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY, PLEASE BLANK OUT THE REST. Clients Name*(*First only): _______________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone*: ___________________________________ Alternative Phone: _________________________ D.O.B*: ___________________________________ Age:______ Gender*: __________________________ __ Relationship Status*:_________________________ Children (Ages)*: ______________________________ Occupation*:________________________________ Since when*: _________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: __________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Relation to you: ____________________________ General Practitioner: ________________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Always ask the client for consent to contact their Doctor and if the client does not know their Doctor, or does not have one please log this on the CCTS form. Religion/Cultural Considerations*: _____________________________________________________________ GENERAL HEALTH □ Very Good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor CLIENT GOAL Remember the following: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan (SOAP) What does the client want in this consultation - general relaxation, pain relief, tension relief? Does your client have areas of pain or tension? Ensure that you document perceived cause, duration, treatments tried, diagnosis, pain scale etc Has the client had a massage or body work before, and if so was it helpful? Please indicate areas of: Tension in GREEN Pain in RED ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATIONS Absolute Contraindications are conditions where a client cannot receive massage. Giving a massage to a client who has an absolute contraindication can result in serious health risks for the client and/or the therapist. Some absolute contraindications can cause death. Not all are permanent. Once a condition has cleared the client will be able to receive a massage treatment. □ Acute Bacterial / Viral conditions □ Blood clotting disorders □ Embolism □ Heart Conditions □ Renal problems □ Pregnancy – first trimester □ Acute inflammatory conditions □ Cancer, specify □ Fever / High temperature □ Hypertension 160 / 100 □ Thrombosis RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATIONS Relative Contraindications are conditions where diagnosis, medication and other characteristics require the therapist to take precautions and adapt and monitor the treatment to suit the client. □ Allergies □ Diabetes mellitus □ Dizziness □ Gout □ Hepatitis □ Hypotension □ Multiple Sclerosis □ Osteoarthritis □ Rheumatoid arthritis □ Asthma □ Digestive problems □ Epilepsy □ Headaches □ Hypertension (diagnosed, with consent) □ Migraine □ Numbness/tingling □ Oedema □ Stroke (rehabilitation) 140/ 90 – 159/99 LOCAL CONTRAINDICATIONS These are conditions involving a pathology related illness/disease or an acute injury. Caution must be exercised, and the massage must be adapted to the condition. This is to ensure the safety of both client and the therapist. For the client, the massage must be adjusted as to ensure it will not spread the condition, or further injure the client. For the therapist, it is to ensure they do not contract the condition. □ Eczema □ Psoriasis □ Fractures □ Varicose veins BLOOD PRESSURE AND MELANOMA □ Last time BP was taken and reading □ Family history of Hypertension □ Family history of Hypotension □ Are you aware of any new or changes to existing moles? □ Any bleeding / itchiness? □ Family and / or personal history of skin cancer? Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Remember to check for the following: Asymmetry Border Colour Diameter – 6mm Elevation Enlargement (ABCDEE) Referral to Doctor If you have ticked any of the above conditions, please ensure that you give more detail below, including severity, duration, treatment tried, and consent from primary health provider where necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: MEDICATION / SUPPLEMENTS Please also state the reason for, and duration of use. LIFESTYLE Work: Document the activity that the client predominantly does within her/his job, computer 8.5hrs per day. Family: Commitments, family activities - document if appropriate. Exercise: Type of exercise, how long and how often. Sleep: Length of time sleeping, broken or unbroken etc. Energy levels: (1 – 10) Stress levels: (1 – 10) CLIENT DECLARATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is an agreement between you and the client. Both to sign to legally cover all aspects of this consultation. I, ________________________________________ (Client must write their name here), have given the student practitioner accurate personal information, and I declare that I am in good health to receive a massage treatment. I am aware that both myself, and the student practitioner both have the right to stop the treatment at any time. I also give consent for my health information to be documented, and physical examinations and assessments to be performed. I understand that a treatment plan will be created for me after agreement between myself and the student practitioner. Client Signature: _________________________________________ (Client must sign here) Student Practitioner Signature: ____________________________ (Student must sign here) Date: ____________________________ ASSESSMENT/MASSAGE ASSESSMENT Includes observation and palpation of tissues relevant to client goal. TREATMENT PLAN Based on the information you have documented, what treatment is appropriate for this client today? TREATMENT GIVEN Massage - document modifications made according to client’s condition and palpatory findings, oils etc. POST TREATMENT EVALUATION Description of treatment - findings, client response to techniques used, what can be learnt? CLIENT FEEDBACK Please list all comments from the client stating what you have learnt from this feedback. HOME EXERCISE / SELF HELP TECHNIQUES Document any advice given to client, e.g. adequate hydration after treatment. REFERRAL If applicable, state who you have referred the client to. FOLLOW UP DATE / TIME REMINDERS / SELF REFLECTION Areas needing research, things to ask your client or do for your client in the next appointment, how you felt about this consultation - is there areas that need work etc CLIENT CONSENT I consent for this case study to be forwarded to the Naturopathic College of New Zealand where it will be assessed as part of the student practitioner’s written course work. I understand that all my identifiable details will be erased before my notes are sent to the College. I give my telephone number in the knowledge that the College may wish to contact me to confirm the authenticity of the consultation. Christian name (Only): _____________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________ Student Name: ____________________________ NCNZ Student Number: __________________________________ Relaxation Massage Follow Up Form Student Name: _______________________ Client Name: _______________________ Time _________ Duration of Massage__________ Date _____/_____/_____ EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS TREATMENT Improvement of symptoms, energy levels, improved sleep, etc. PRESENTING COMPLAINT AND CLIENT REQUIREMENTS Please indicate areas of: Tension in GREEN Pain in RED CLIENT DECLARATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is an agreement between you and the client. Both to sign to legally cover all aspects of this consultation. I, ________________________________________ (Client must write their name here), have given the student practitioner accurate personal information, and I declare that I am in good health to receive a massage treatment. I am aware that both myself, and the student practitioner both have the right to stop the treatment at any time. I also give consent for my health information to be documented, and physical examinations and assessments to be performed. I understand that a treatment plan will be created for me after agreement between myself and the student practitioner. Client Signature: _________________________________________ (Client must sign here) Student Practitioner Signature: ____________________________ (Student must sign here) Date: ____________________________ ASSESSMENT/MASSAGE ASSESSMENT Observation and palpation of tissues - any asymmetry, changes in skin texture, colour, heat, bruising, etc. TREATMENT PLAN Based on the information documented, what treatment is appropriate for this client today? TREATMENT GIVEN Massage – document modifications made according to client’s condition and palpatory findings. POST TREATMENT EVALUATION AND CLIENT FEEDBACK Description of treatment, what were the findings, how did the client respond to the techniques used and what can be learnt from this? HOME EXERCISE / SELF HELP TECHNIQUES Document any advice given to client e.g. adequate hydration after treatment. REFERRAL If applicable, state who you have referred the client to. FOLLOW UP DATE / TIME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION