Major Works Data Sheet

Major Works Data Sheet
MLA Book Citation:
Biographical information about author:
ie. Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter's Daughter. New York: Putnam, 2001.
ie. Last Name, First. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, date.
Point of View:
Description of Author’s Writing Style:
Plot Summary:
Characteristics of the genre:
Historical info. about the period of publication
(what is happening historically at the time of the
publication—preferably, the first publication):
Role in story
Characteristics (3-5 adj.)
Quote that reveals
character, page number,
and explanation
Role in story
Characteristics (3-5 adj.)
Quote that reveals
character, page number,
and explanation
Role in story
Characteristics (3-5 adj.)
Quote that reveals
character, page number,
and explanation
Role in story
Characteristics (3-5 adj.)
Quote that reveals
character, page number,
and explanation
Memorable Quotes
Quotation/speaker/page #
Examples of Literary Techniques
(Imagery, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, irony, foreshadowing, etc.) :
Quotation/speaker/page #
Setting (time and place)
The atmosphere or emotional condition created by the piece, within the setting.
Ideas from How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Consider the quest, symbols, Christ figure, flight, water, weather, geography,
violence, seasons, disease, blindness, irony, baptism, aha factor, etc. Select your
pattern and/or at least one other pattern from How to Read Lit… to discuss
Importance of opening scene
Themes (3) & Explanation
A theme is a universal/main idea behind a novel, or the deeper meaning of the
work; it does NOT include plot details, though details may be discussed in your
Importance of closing scene
Personal Comments and Analysis:
MLA List of References (List where you found information for this assignment):
ie. Phillips, Brian and Sekaran, Shanti. SparkNote on The Outsiders. 23 July 2006 <>.
ie. Sauder, Diane. MonkeyNotes on The Outsidesr. 1 August 2006 < >