United States History Bill of Rights Grade Level 9-12 USH 1.1 Overview Objectives Materials Procedures The students will learn the about the Bill of Rights. After this activity the students will be able to identify all 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights with 100% accuracy. Projector Computer Prepared PowerPoint slides on information Prepared Quizlet Activity 1. Settle the students down and ask them to get out paper and writing utensils for notes. 2. Start the PowerPoint and start going over the information. 3. Ask the class what they think the Bill of Rights are. The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. They include the rights that every person is entitled to, their God given rights. 4. Then go through the slides and explain each of the amendments. 5. After you have explained all of them ask if there are any questions. 6. Tell them that the next class they will be given a quiz over the Bill of Rights. They need to go to Quizlet to study the information. http://quizlet.com/1064589/bill-of-rights-flash-cards/