MBA 7003 MARKETING MODULE (2013-14) ASSIGNMENT: 50% RESIT SIT You must work INDIVIDUALLY to develop an outline marketing plan of 3000 words for a market entry / growth opportunity in Bulgaria for Cadbury. Your plan should include the following: Marketing plan structure a) PESTEL analysis of the country b) Target market: a description of your target market segment – its characteristics, size (number of customers, sales volume) and trends c) Microenvironment: discussion of the existing microenvironment for your segment (current competitors and distributors). Analysis of the segment on the basis of Porter’s Five Competitive Forces. d) Objectives: SMART market awareness objectives and sales objectives for the first three years (20142016) e) Unique selling proposition and sources of competitiveness – definition of company’s USP for your chosen target market and the sources of company’s and product’s competitiveness f) Key marketing strategies: strategies you will use in order to enter/grow in the chosen market segment – entry mode, Ansoff grid, General Electric grid, BCG grid, value positioning, Bowman strategy clock, Porter’s generic strategies g) Marketing mix: detailed definition of a suitable outline future marketing mix (4Ps/8Ps) you will use in order to enter/achieve growth in the chosen target market segment Number of marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 10 marks 20 marks 20 marks Additional 10 marks will be awarded for technical layout of the assignment. Your plan should be word-processed, justified and contain suitable references for sources of information and relevant academic material and theories. You should aim to keep the plan brief and succinct. Note that theory without application to the case study and the chosen market will not receive a high mark. Detail and supplementary information may be included within appendices but these should not be used to subvert the word limit. INSTRUCTIONS: You should briefly present the supporting market information and rationale for your marketing decisions. The APA Harvard style in referencing (min 20 sources) is required. Due date: Submit a paper copy to the IUC Hand-in Office by 7 pm on 24th July 2014 Submit also an electronic copy to before 24:00 on the same date You should submit to the Hand-in office by the due-date: Page 1 of 3 a MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (Appendix 1) bearing your name and student number; your outline MARKETING PLAN (not an academic essay) of 3000 words. Assessment criteria: Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Met/IUC marking criteria at levels A to F. Actual marks will not be disclosed; however you will be given feedback and an indication of the overall grade (A to F). All marks are subject to agreement at the MBA Examination Board. Use at least 20 academic sources. If less than 20 academic sources are used the final mark will be capped at 40%. Do not forget to utilise IUC’s and Cardiff Met’s library and electronic resources. Page 2 of 3 MBA7003 MARKETING RESIT ASSIGNMENT: MARKING & FEEDBACK SHEET (2013-14) Name: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Student number: Marks PESTEL 10 Target market 10 Microenvironment 10 Objectives 10 USP and competitiveness 10 Key strategies 20 Marketing mix 20 Technical layout 10 A 70+ B C D E 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-35 SOURCE REFERENCING CAP (20 minimum; Harvard referencing) OVERALL FEEDBACK (also see comments on assignment): 1st marked by: 40% F 34-0 Feedback (see also assignment) cap Signed: Dated: GRADE Signed: Dated: GRADE Second Markers’ comments (if relevant): 2nd marked by: Consolidated mark and comments: FINAL MARK External Examiner comments (if relevant): Page 3 of 3