Training and Practical Assessments Diploma Level 3 – Plastering Candidate Name CAA Number Registration Date Completion Date Contact Address Contact Number Personal Tutor Assessors Internal Verifier Quality Adviser Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 1001 Carry out safe working practices in construction You must demonstrate your competence in the health and safety tasks indicated below they cover all practical tasks and are designed to prepare you for your practical assessments you should be competent in all of these tasks before you attempt your assessments. You need to show that you have: Demonstrated understanding of workshop evacuation procedures Demonstrated understanding of health and safety signage Demonstrated understanding of risk assessments Demonstrated safe manual handling techniques (plaster materials) Demonstrated safe use of access equipment (hop ups and podiums) Demonstrated safe use of cutting hand tools (trowel, knife and tin snips) Demonstrated safe use of hand held power tools (screw gun, mixing whisk) Demonstrated safe use of pug-mill (loading and unloading) Demonstrated correctly cleaning tools, plant and work-area Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3002 Information, quantities and communicating with others 3 You must demonstrate your competence in the following training tasks. Ensure good working relationships You need to show that you have: Organised and compiled a simple agenda for a small group meeting Resolved issues with colleagues and used various methods of recording the outcome Communicated effectively with relevant personnel including line managers and colleagues Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3003 Building methods and construction technology 3 You must demonstrate your competence in the following training tasks. Appreciate energy efficiency in new construction buildings You need to show that you have: Investigated and produced a report on different energy efficiency methods used to construct domestic and commercial dwellings Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3019 Apply plaster materials to produce complex internal surfaces You must demonstrate your competence in the following training tasks. Apply and finish one-, two- and three-coat plain work to solid and applied complex surface backgrounds including brickwork, blockwork, plasterboard and expanded metal lathing including sanded and lightweight plasters. Float and set a wall area (Sanded) You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Prepared wall area correctly Mixed materials correctly Used appropriate PPE Left wall areas flat ±3 mm in 1800mm Internal and External angles plumb ±3 mm in 1800mm Columns and metal trims plumb ±3 mm in 1800mm Kept work areas free from debris Worked safely Left work area clean and tidy, cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3019 Apply plaster materials to produce complex internal surfaces You must demonstrate your competence in the following task. Apply and finish one-, two- and three-coat plain work to solid and applied complex surface backgrounds including brickwork, blockwork, plasterboard and expanded metal lathing including sanded and lightweight plasters. Install sheet materials bond and set a ceiling area (Lightweight plasters) You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools and ancillary equipment Prepared ceiling area correctly Mixed materials correctly Used appropriate PPE Positioned boards correctly Fixed boards securely Scrims/tapes are correct applied Bonded ceiling flat ±3 mm in 1800mm Produced a smooth matt finish (Skim) Produced a finish free of fat or gauls (less than 5%) Worked safely Kept work area free from debris Cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3019 Apply plaster materials to produce complex internal surfaces You must demonstrate your competence in the following task. Apply and finish one-, two- and three-coat plain work to solid and applied complex surface backgrounds including brickwork, blockwork, plasterboard and expanded metal lathing including sanded and lightweight plasters. Install expanded metal lathing EML (Timber wall lightweight plaster) You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Used appropriate PPE Prepared wall correctly Building paper correctly fixed Fixed EML correctly Overlap correct and tied Pricking up coat correctly applied Floating coat level ±3 mm in 1800mm Kept work areas free from debris Worked safely Cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3020 Apply plaster materials to produce complex external surfaces You must demonstrate your competence in the following task. Apply one-, two- and three-coat rendering, texture and imitation finishes to external backgrounds. Render and dash a column with internal and external angles You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Used appropriate PPE Prepared background correctly Scratch coat correctly applied Laying in coat evenly applied Pebbles evenly applied Internal angles plumb pebbles evenly applied External angles plumb pebbles evenly applied Kept work areas free from debris Worked safely Cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3021 Form screeds and granolithic finishes You must demonstrate your competence in the following task. Form granolithic finishes. Lay granolithic toppings to levels and falls. Produce skirting form steps. You need to show that you have: Set out floor and skirting area Set out levels and gradients Prepare background Use hand and power tools Mix granolithic materials Work as an individual and as part of the team Work in a safe manner Position damp-proof membrane Lay granolithic toppings to levels and falls Finish granolithic toppings with trowel Form and finish steps Produce skirting Cure completed work Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Criteria and marking sheet for training towards practical assessments To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: CC 3022 Prepare and run in-situ moulds You must demonstrate your competence in the following task. Prepare, apply and finish plastering materials to form mouldings. Apply and finish in-situ plaster to form cornice, dado, arches and panel mouldings You need to show that you have: Select equipment for use with running Prepare backgrounds Install bracketing Run down short breaks and returns Form internal and external mitres Mix plastering materials in sequence Apply cornice Apply dado Apply arch Apply panel Keep work area clean and free from debris Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Practical assessment plan Time allowed – up to 20 hours: This assessment is made up of three tasks based around a practical situation. Instructions to Learners: You should read all the instructions carefully before you start work check with your tutor if necessary to make sure that you understand what you have to do. If you need to ask for help once you start the assessment it may affect whether you pass or not. You should also read the assessment criteria to see what your tutor is assessing and to remind you of the required standards. You must complete all the tasks within 20 hours. A suggested time allowance is given for each task, but you can use a little more or less time on a task as long as you finish the whole assignment within 20 hours. Remember overrunning on one task will leave you less time for the remaining tasks. In order to pass this assignment, you must show your tutor that you use safe working practices throughout this assignment. You must use the relevant safety equipment and work to current legislation and regulations. If you do not do this, your tutor will stop the assessment immediately. Background information: You are working on a job for a plastering company. Your supervisor has asked you to plaster a curved wall and plasterboard and set a ceiling, and create a moulded cornice using the drawing provided. Before you start each task, you will complete a method of work and materials list for each stage of the work. I have agreed the assessment plan with the assessor and I fully understand what is required. I have received an explanation of the appeals procedure and understand the process. Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Assessment criteria and marking sheet To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: Task A: Plasterboard and set a ceiling area (time guide 3 hours) You will need to: Plasterboard the ceiling Set the ceiling You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Produced an acceptable method statement and materials list Used appropriate PPE Produced ceiling finish ±3 mm in 1800mm Worked in according to method statement Produced smooth matt finish Produced a finish free of fat or gauls (less than 5%) Kept work areas free from debris Worked safely Left work area clean and tidy, cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Completed the task within the suggested timescale of 3 hours (or a reasonable amount of extra time) Yes No Knowledge questions and model answers relating to practical task A (A minimum of two questions from each task answered correctly) Task A: Plasterboard and set a ceiling area Q 1 A coffered ceiling is one which. A 1 Has intersecting beams Q 2 Prior to floating a ceiling, dots may be fixed. A 2 Using a marked square from a datum line Q 3 Levels may be transferred accurately round a beam. A 3 Using a levelling cradle Q 4 The maximum gap allowed between board joints is. A 4 2-3mm Q 5 Why do we stagger boards. A 5 To break joints and prevent cracking Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Assessment criteria and marking sheet To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: Task B: Apply plaster to a curved wall area (time guide 8 hours) (Drawing1) You will need to: Set out and plaster the wall area. You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Produced an acceptable method statement and materials list Worked according to method statement Set out curved wall as per drawing ±3 mm Used appropriate PPE Positioned and fixed boards securely Bonded wall flat ±3 mm in 1800mm Left wall areas flat ±3 mm in 1800mm Produced a smooth matt finish Produced a finish free of fat or gauls (less than 5%) Worked safely Kept work area free from debris Cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Completed the task within the suggested timescale of 8 hours (or a reasonable amount of extra time) Yes No Knowledge questions and model answers relating to practical task A (A minimum of two questions from each task answered correctly) Task B: Apply plaster to a curved wall area When setting out a curved wall with a radius of 5.000m, the Q1 scale of the drawing to be consulted would be. A 1 1to50 Lightweight plaster to be used on expanded metal lath Q2 should be. A 2 Bonding grade Q 3 Pattern staining is the result of. A 3 Dirt being deposited on the surface In two-coat plastering, the correct specification for the first Q4 coat on plasterboard is. A 4 Pre-mixed lightweight bonding plaster Q 5 Reeds and flutes are formed on. A 5 Colums Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Assessment criteria and marking sheet To be completed by the assessor and signed by the candidate: Task C: Produce curved cornice (time guide 9hours) (Drawings 2and 3) You will need to. Construct a suitable running mould Set out and run the in-situ cornice moulding with a returned stopped end 150 mm from the end of the curved wall section. You need to show that you have: Selected correct tools Used appropriate PPE Produced an acceptable method statement and materials list Worked according to method statement Made running mould profile Constructed running mould correctly Created moulding run to a finish with less than 5% fat or gauls Completed returned stopped ends correctly Kept work areas free from debris Worked safely Cleaned resources and returned to appropriate location Completed the task within the suggested timescale of 1 hour (or a reasonable amount of extra time) Yes No Knowledge questions and model answers relating to practical task A (A minimum of two questions from each task answered correctly) Task C: Produce curved cornice Q 1 Bracketing is used on in-situ work to. A 1 Save weight of material Q 2 A gig stick is used to. A 2 Run curved mouldings Q 3 The material used for forming the face of internal work is. A 3 Class A plaster and lime putty 1:1 Q 4 A core for a solid in-situ cornice would be. A 4 Sand and casting plaster 1:1 Q 5 A muffle is a. A 5 False profile Candidate feedback: Assessors comments: Action plan (if appropriate) Candidate Signature Assessor Signature Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Date Date Yes No Unit completion, tracking and declaration sheet Unit no: CC1001S CC3002S CC3003S CC3019S CC3020S CC3021S CC3022S Task: A B C Unit no: CC1001K CC3002K CC3003K CC3019K CC3020K Training Unit title: Carry out safe working practices Information, quantities and communicating with others 3 Building methods and construction technology 3 Float and set wall area. Install sheet materials bond and set ceiling area. Install expanded metal lathing EML. Render and dash a column with internal and external angles Lay granolithic toppings to levels and falls. Produce skirting, form steps. Apply and finish in-situ plaster to form cornice, dado, arches and panel mouldings Date: Assessment title: Plasterboard and set a ceiling area (time guide 3 hours) Apply plaster to curved wall area (time guide 8 hours) Produce curved cornice (time guide 9 hours) Date: Knowledge papers Unit title: Carry out safe working practices Information, quantities and communicating with others 3 Building methods and construction technology 3 Apply plaster materials to produce complex internal surfaces Apply plaster materials to produce complex external surfaces Form screeds and granolithic finishes Date: CC3021K CC3022K Prepare and run in-situ moulds GOLA completion I (candidate name) ___________________________________ the candidate declare that all the evidence provided and signed by me was produced by me. Candidate signature ____________________________ Date ___________ I (assessor name) ___________________________________ the assessor declare that all the evidence provided and signed by me was produced by the candidate. Assessor signature _____________________________ Date ____________ Internal Verifier Signature Quality Adviser Signature Date Date Report of candidate’s portfolio completion documentation: Does the candidates portfolio of evidence records contain Candidate’s registration details Full set of completed knowledge papers Completed practical booklet Completed tracking document Copy of GOLA test Completed CQS004 Comments/Actions Verifiers Stamp/Signature Yes I.V. doc (c) No Action Required