2013-2014 “HOSA: THE FUTURE BEGINS NOW” PENN HOSA DIRECTORY 1 PENN HOSA 2013-2014 Advisors Secondary / Postsecondary / Collegiate Chapters School Name & Address A. Philip Randolph Career & Technical High School 3101 Henry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19129 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address SECONDARY Charlene Fenster cfenster@philasd.org (215) 227-4407 ext. 72 Fax: (215) 227-8655 Oral Health #18251 Yolanda Stallings (215) 227-4608 Fax: (215) 227-8655 Fire Science #18252 ycs.fetc@gmail.com Keith Davis Abraham Lincoln High School 3201 Ryan Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19136 Archbishop Wood Catholic HS 655 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 Region Philadelphia Philadelphia kjd.fetc@gmail.com Philadelphia Francine Linda McGreevy Gibbs (215) (717) 227-4407 805-7236 ext. 50 Fax: Fax: (215) 227-8655 Health #18190 fpalmer@philasd.org lmcgreevy@philasd.org Linda McGreevy (717) 805-7236 Fax: Philadelphia Philadelphia lmcgreevy@philasd.org TBA (717) 805-7236 Fax: #18229 @philasd.org Philadelphia lciabarra@archwood.org Philadelphia Louise Ciabarra (215) 672-5050 ext. 408 Fax: (215) 672-5451 #18181 2 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Bedford County Technical Center 195 Pennknoll Road Everett, PA 15537 Cindy A. Clites (814) 623-2760 ext. Fax: (814) 623-7234 #18049 cindy@bedfordctc.org Southcentral (SC) Berks CTC—East 3307 Friedensburg Road Oley, PA 19547 Mae Endy (610) 987-6201 ext. 3536 Fax: (610) 987-6106 mae.endy@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Beverly Brader (610) 987-6201 ext. 3529 Fax: (610) 987-6106 beverly.brader@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Maureen Longenecker (610) 987-6201 ext. 3535 Fax: (610) 987-6106 HOSA AM #18257 & HOSA PM 18258 maureen.longenecker@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Todd Heckman (610) 987-6201 ext. 3547 Fax: (610) 987-6106 todd.heckman@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Karen Holcombe (610) 374-4073 ext. 4535 Fax: (610) 374-1340 Berks CTC- West Sunrise #18037 & Sunset #18138 karen.holcombe@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Berks CTC-West 1057 County Road Leesport, PA 19533 3 School Name & Address Berks CTC-West (cont.) Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Kelly Ruth (610) 374-4073 Fax: (610) 374-1340 kelly.ruth@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Stephen Dintino (610) 374-4073 ext. 4547 Fax: (610) 374-1340 steven.dintino@berkscareer.com Southeast (SE) Bucks County Technical HS 610 Wistar Road Fairless Hills, PA 19030-4106 Donna Milner (215) 949-1700 ext. 2068 Fax: (215) 949-2104 #18134 dmilner@bcths.com Southeast (SE) Butler County AVTS 210 Campus Lane Butler, PA 16001 Tonya Blank (724) 282-0735 ext. 229 Fax: (724) 282-7448 #18270 blankt@butlercounty.tec.pa.us Northwest (NW) Andrea Wehner (724) 282-0735 ext. 272 Fax: (724) 282-7448 #18270 wehnera@butlercounty.tec.pa.us Northwest (NW) Michele Dominic (570) 325-3682 ext. 1318 Fax: (570) 325-3683 #18038 mdominic@carboncti.org Northeast (NE) Carbon Career & Technical Institute 150 West 13th Street Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-1899 4 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Career Institute of Technology 5335 Kesslersville Road Easton, PA 18040 Denise M. McGaughran (610) 258-2857 ext. 3417 Fax: (610) 258-0805 #18015 mcgaughran@citvt.com Northeast (NE) Chester County Technical College HS - Brandywine Campus 443 Boot Road Downingtown, PA 19335 Geraldine Yesesky (610) 384-1585 ext. 3305 Fax: (610) 380-0199 TCHS Brandywine Cool Blue #18022 geriy@cciu.org Southeast (SE) Kathryn D’Ancona (484) 593-5100 ext. 8207 Fax: (484) 593-5960 TCHS Brandywine Freckerrs #18194 kathrynd@cciu.org Southeast (SE) Sharon Wolf (484) 593-5100 ext. Fax: (484) 593-5960 sharonw@cciu.org Southeast (SE) Chester County Technical College HS-Pickering Campus 1580 Charlestown Road Phoenixville, PA 19460 Donna Dietrich (610) 933-8877 ext.4232 Fax: (610) 983-0680 TCHS Pickering #18028 donnad@cciu.org Southeast (SE) Central Montco Technical HS 821 Plymouth Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Connie Price (610) 278-2061 Fax: (610) 239-9305 #18012 cprice@cmths.org Southeast (SE) 5 School Name & Address Central Montco Technical HS (cont.) Chester Co. Technical College HS 280 Pennock Bridge Road West Grove, PA 19390 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Kathy Glacken (610) 270-2032 (hospital) (610) 277-2301 ext. 395 Fax: (610) 239-9305 kglacken@cmths.org Southeast (SE) Charles Burckhardt (610) 277-2301 ext. 329 Fax: (610) 239-9305 cburckhardt@cmths.org Southeast (SE) Joanne Gandy (610) 277-2301 ext.390 Fax: (610) 239-9305 jgandy@cmths.org Southeast (SE) Nicole Stowell (610) 277-2301 ext. 330 Fax: (610) 239-9305 nstowell@cmths.org Southeast (SE) Anne Marie McCauley (610) 345-1800 ext. Fax: (610) 345-1803 TCHS Pennocks Bridge #18224 annemariemc@cciu.org Southeast (SE) Alexis Casale (610) 345-1800 ext. 2065 Fax: (610) 345-1803 #18224 alexisc@cciu.org Southeast (SE) 6 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Clarion County Career Center 447 Career Lane Shippenville, PA 16254 Tracy Wildeson (814) 226-4391 ext. 125 Fax: (814)226-7350 #18283 #18284 twildeson@clarioncte.org Northwest (NW) Columbia-Montour AVTS 5050 Sweppenheiser Drive Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Ann Marie Cary (570) 784-8040 ext. 3341 Fax: (570) 784-3565 #18040 acary@cmvt.us Northcentral (NC) Connellsville Area Career & Technology Center 720 Locust Street Connellsville, PA 15425 Donna Benzio (724) 626-0236 Fax: #18276 dbenzio@casdfalcons.org Southwest (SW) mfoland@cpavts.org Southcentral (SC) Cumberland-Perry AVTS 110 Old Willow Mill Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Michele Foland (717) 697-0354 ext. 135 Fax: (717) 795-9628 CPAVTS HOSA #18041 7 School Name & Address Cumberland-Perry AVTS (cont.) Dauphin County Technical School 6001 Locust Lane Harrisburg, PA 17109 Delaware County Technical HS— Folcroft 701 Henderson Boulevard Folcroft, PA 19032 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Kathy Lauver (717) 697-0354 ext. 155 Fax: (717) 795-9628 CPAVTS Nursing Assisting AM #18279 CPAVTS Nursing Assisting PM #18280 klauver@cpavts.org Southcentral (SC) Kim Olcese (717) 697-0592 ext. 139 Fax: (717) 795-9628 CPAVTS Health Careers Tech AM #18281 CPAVTS Health Careers Tech PM #18282 kolcese@cpavts.org Southcentral (SC) Cynthia Meas (717) 652-3170 ext. 1103 Fax: (717) 652-9326 #18096 cmeas@dcts.org Southcentral (SC) Tiffany Houtz (717) 652-3170 ext. 1308 Fax: (717) 652-9326 thoutz@dcts.org Southcentral (SC) Brenda Scheidler (717) 652-3170 ext. 1102 Fax: (717) 652-9326 bscheidler@dcts.org Southcentral (SC) Christine Sekul (610) 583-7620 ext. 208 Fax (610) 583-6537 Diamond #18182 csekul@dciu.org Southeast (SE) 8 School Name & Address Delaware County Technical HSFolcroft (cont.) Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Diann Hopely (610) 583-7620 ext. 208 Fax: (610) 583-6537 Silver #18206 dhopely@dciu.org Southeast (SE) Mary Flanagan (610) 583-6537 ext. Fax: (610) 583-6537 Ruby #18238 mflanagan@dciu.org Southeast (SE) Rosemary Barakat (610) 368-9442 ext. Fax: (610) 583-6537 Gold #18062 mbarakat@dciu.org Southeast (SE) Delaware Valley High School 252 Routes 6 & 209 Milford, PA 18337 Barbara Coyle (570) 296-1850 ext. 7027 Fax: (570) 296-3164 #18001 bcoyle@dvsd.org Northeast (NE) Downingtown East High School 50 Devon Drive Exton, PA 19341 Dr. Beth Kunze (610) 363-6400 Fax: (610) 903-1047 #18269 bkunze@dasd.org Southeastern (SE) Dowingtown S.T.E.M. Academy 335 Manor Avenue Dowingtown, PA 19335 Dr. Susan Carrier (610) 269-8460 Fax: (484) 694-5590 #18275 scarier@dasd.org Southeastern (SE) 9 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Edward Bok Technical High School 1901 South 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19148 Sheila Webber (215) 952-6200 ext. 5260 Fax: (215) 952-6210 #18048 swebber@philasd.org Philadelphia Erie City Schools 1534 East 26th Street Erie, PA 16510 Elaine Stanton (814) 431-1717 Fax: (814) 217-6864 #18235 j2cstanton@aol.com Northwest (NW) Fayette County Technical Institute 175 Georges Fairchance Road Uniontown, PA 15401 Pamela Lowry (724) 437-2721ext. 115 Fax: (724) 437-2576 #18241 plowry@fayettecti.org Southwest (SW) Franklin County CTC 2463 Loop Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 Michelle Shank (717) 263-9033 ext. 277 Fax: (717) 263-6568 #18024 mshank@franklinctc.com Southcentral (SC) mselman@franklinctc.com Southcentral (SC) kmaier@franklinctc.com Southcentral (SC) Marla Selman (717) 263-9033 ext. 248 Fax: (717) 263-6568 #18024 Kathy Maier (717)263-9033 ext. 267 Fax: (717) 263-6568 Franklin Co. Medical Assistants #18272 10 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Franklin Learning Center 616 North 15th Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 TBA (215) 684-5916 Fax: (215) 684-8969 #18025 @philasd.org Philadelphia Greater Altoona CTC 1500 Fourth Avenue Altoona, PA 16602-3605 Mary Sue Curran (814) 946-8450 ext. 1311 Fax: (814) 941-8351 Dental #18054 mary.sue.curran@gactc.edu Northcentral (NC) Della Gens (814) 946-8450 ext. 1254 Fax: (814) 941-8351 #18123 della.gens@gactc.edu Northcentral (NC) Greene County CTC 60 Zimmerman Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370-8281 Kelli Hart (724) 627-3106 ext.240 Fax: (724) 852-2565 #18043 hartk@grvt.org Southwest (SW) Hazleton Area Career Center 1451 West 23rd Street Hazleton, PA 18201-1597 Karen Bonomo (570) 459-3221 ext. 82415 Fax: (570) 459-3181 bonomok@hasdk12.org Northeast (NE) Geraldine Direnzo (570) 459-3221 ext. 82416 Fax: (570) 459-3181 direnzog@hasdk12.org Northeast (NE) Mary C. Makuta (570) 459-3221 ext. 82400 Fax: (570) 459-3181 #18004 makutam@hasdk12.org Northeast (NE) 11 School Name & Address Huntingdon County CTC 11893 Technology Drive PO Box E Mill Creek, PA 17060 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Maria Border (814) 643-0951 ext. 238 Fax: (814) 643-1690 #18017 mborder@tiu11.org Southcentral (SC) Tammy Hurley (814) 643-0951 ext. 241 Fax: (814) 643-1690 #18017 thurley@tiu11.org Southcentral (SC) John Bartran High School 67th & Elmwood Avenue Pliladelphia, PA 19142 Jeanine Dunmore (215) 866-6074 Fax: (215) 951-0342 #18234 jdunmore@philasd.org Philadelphia Kensington Health Science Academy 2463 Emerald Street Philadelphia, PA 19125 Karen Finkelstein (215) 291-5185 ext. Fax: (215) 291-6320 #18233 kmfinkelstein@philasd.org Philadelphia Lancaster County CTC 1730 Hans Herr Drive Willow Street, PA 17584 Mary Barr (717) 464-7050 ext. 7092 Fax: (717) 464-9518 #18128 mbarr@lcctc.org Southcentral (SC) Holly Maisano (717) 464-7050 ext. 7087 Fax: (717) 464-9518 hmaisno@lcctc.org Southcentral (SC) 12 School Name & Address Lancaster County CTC (cont.) Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Eileen Miller (717) 464-7050 ext. 7125 Fax: (717) 464-9518 emiller@lcctc.org Southcentral (SC) Diana Smith (717) 464-7050 ext. 7078 Fax: (717) 464-9518 dsmith@lcctc.org Southcentral (SC) Melody Miller (717) 464-7050 ext. 7094 Fax: (717) 464-9518 mmiller@lcctc.org Southcentral (SC) Langley High School 2940 Sheraden Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15204 Tia Ellis (412) 778-2100 Fax: (412) 778-2106 #18237 tellis1@pghboe.net Southwest (SW) Lawrence County CTC 750 Phelps Way New Castle, PA 16101-5099 Martha Diamond (724) 658-3583 ext. 8138 Fax: (724) 658-8530 #18057 mdiamond@lcvt.tec.pa.us Northwest (NW) Lebanon County CTC 833 Metro Drive Lebanon, PA 17042-9197 Lori Mattis (717) 273-8551 ext. 2170 Fax: (717) 273-0534 HCT HOSA #18026 lmattis@lcctc.k12.pa.us Southeast (SE) Brenda Kreamer (717) 273-8551 ext. 2114 Fax: (717) 273-0534 HCT HOSA #18026 bkreamer@lcctc.k12.pa.us Southeast (SE) 13 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Lebanon County CTC (cont.) Alicia Wike (717) 273-8551 ext. 2119 Fax: (717) 273-0534 MA HOSA AM #18262 & Ultimo HOSA PM #18265 Lehigh Career & Technical Institute 4500 Education Park Drive Schnecksville, PA 18078-9374 Donna Pavlovic (610) 799-2300 Fax: (610) 799-1314 Emerging Health Professionals Red Team #18118 & Green Team #18232 & Blue Team #18185 pavlovicd@lcti.org Southeast (SE) Cindy Heil (610) 799-1412 ext. Fax: (610) 799-1314 Dental AM #18183 & Dental PM #18184 heilc@lcti.org Southeast (SE) Jackie Gannon (610) 799-1445 Fax: (610) 799-1314 gannonj@lcti.org Southeast (SE) Tracey V. Petty (215) 276-5253 ext. 3702 Fax: (215) 276-5844 #18228 tpetty@philasd.org Philadelphia Martin Luther King HS Promise Academy 6100 Stenton Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19138 awike@lcctc.k12.pa.us Region 14 Southeast (SE) School Name & Address Mastbaum High School 3116 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19134 McCaskey East High School 1051 Lehigh Avenue Lancaster, PA 17602 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology 2740 Old York Road Jamison, PA 18929-1021 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Olga Torres (215) 291-4703 ext. 1020 Fax: (215) 291-5657 Nursing Hearts #18195 otorres@philasd.org Philadelphia Darlene Chester-Fowler (215) 291-4703 ext. Fax: (215) 291-5657 Mastbaum Striders #18226 dchester@philasd.org Philadelphia Nelleke Beats (717) 396-6810 ext. 31215 Fax: (717) 391-8694 #18245 nfbeats@lancaster.k12.pa.us Southeast (SE) Jennifer Steco (717) 396-6810 ext. 31219 Fax: (717) 391-8694 jlsteco@lancaster.k12.pa.us Southeast (SE) Mary Rost (717) 396-6810 ext. 31205 Fax: (717) 391-8694 morost@lancaster.k12.pa.us Southeast (SE) Marsha K. Moyer (215) 343-2480 ext. 242 Fax: (215) 343-8626 #18063 MBIT Health mmoyer@mbit.org Southeast (SE) 15 School Name & Address Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (cont.) Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Gina Boccella (215) 343-2480 ext. 214 Fax: (215) 343-8626 MBIT HOC #18039 gboccella@mbit.org Southeast (SE) Lisa Cuffari (215) 343-2480 ext. 213 Fax: (215) 343-8626 Dental #18260 lcuffari@mbit.org Southeast (SE) John Falla (215) 343-2480 ext. 228 Fax: 9215) 343-8626 MBIT Protective Services #18121 jfala@mbit.org Southeast (SE) Mifflin-Juniata CTC 700 Pitt Street Lewistown, PA 17044-1680 TBA (717) 248-3933 ext. 137 Fax: (717) 248-5148 #18080 Southcentral (SC) Monroe Career & Technical Institute 194 Laurel Lake Road Bartonsville, PA 18321 Tammy Rubino (570) 629-2001 ext. 2412 Fax: (570) 629-9698 Gold #18002 trubino@monroecti.org Northeast (NE) Joann Gomez (570) 629-2001 ext. 2410 Fax: (570) 629-9698 Gold #18002 jgomez@monroecti.org Northeast (NE) 16 School Name & Address North Montco Technical Career Center 1265 Sumneytown Pike Lansdale, PA 19446 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Teresa England Lewis (215) 368-1177 ext. 116 Fax: (215) 955-7929 #18094 tengland@nmtcc.org Southeast (SE) Kathleen Mack (215) 368-1177 ext. 189 Fax: (267) 646-1110 kmack@nmtcc.org Southeast (SE) Audrey Cortez (215) 368-1177 ext. 189 Fax: (215) 955-7929 acortez@nmtcc.org Southeast (SE) Suzanne Wright (215) 368-1177 ext. 116 Fax: (267) 646-1110 swright@nmtcc.org Southeast (SE) Olney High School 100 West Duncannon Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 Michael Rothstein (215) 456-3014 Fax: (215) 581-3406 #18208 mmser@comcast.net Philadelphia Overbrook High School 5898 Lancaster Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131 Valarie Jordan (215) 581-5507 ext. Fax: (215) 581-3406 #18211 vjordan@philasd.org Philadelphia Paul Robeson HS for Human Services 4125 Ludlow Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Megan Kelly (215) 850-1806 ext. Fax: (215) 823-8252 #18217 mekelly@philasd.org Philadelphia 17 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Peabody High School 515 North Highland Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Robin Campbell (412) 665-2050 ext. Fax: (412) 665-2077 #18231 rcampbell@pghboe.net Southwest (SW) Pottstown HS 750 North Washington Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Michaela Johnson (610) 970-6700 ext. 82238 Fax: (610) 970-1363 #18107 mjohnson@pottstownsd.org Southeast (SE) Reading-Muhlenberg CTC 2615 Warren Road Reading, PA 19612-3068 Alice K. Bowers (610) 921-7300 ext. 7451 Fax: (610) 921-7367 Pioneer Chapter # 18145 abowers@rmctc.org Southeast (SE) Alice Bowers, Acting Advisor (610) 921-7300 ext. 7450 Fax: (610) 921-7367 Heritage HOSA #18051 abowers@rmctc.org Southeast (SE) mstephenson@rmctc.org Southeast (SE) Norma Tamayo (610) 921-7300 ext. 7452 Fax: (610) 921-7367 HOSA Freedom #18144 ntamayo@rmctc.org Southeast (SE) Mark Dietrich (610) 921-7300 ext. 7427 Fax: (610) 921-7367 (Protective Services) HOSA Heroes #18203 mdietrich@rmctc.org Southeast (SE) Margaret Stephenson (610) 921-7300 ext. 7453 Fax: (610) 921-7367 HOSA Pride #18146 18 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Roberts Vaux High School 2300 West Masters Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 Yvonne D. Harris (215) 684-5068 Fax (215) 684-2106 #18214 yharris@philasd.org Philadelphia Sayre High School 5900 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 Lucretia Beyah (215) 471-2904 Fax: (215) 471-3486 #18215 ivyleague263@aol.com Philadelphia Schuylkill Technology Center 101 Technology Drive Frackville, PA 17931 Karen Phillips (570) 874-1034 ext.4841 Fax: #18261 philk@stcenters.org Northeast (NE) St. Marys Area HS 977 South St. Marys Road St. Marys, PA 15857 Robert Kopp (814) 834-7831 Fax: (814) 781-2190 #18065 rkopp@smasd.org Northwest (NW) Jessica Krug (814) 781-2156 Fax: (814) 781-2190 #18065 jekrug@smasd.org Northwest (NW) Maryanne Neal (814) 231-1111 Fax: (814) 231-5024 State High HOSA #18239 mtn11@scasd.org Southcentral (SC) Tami Gilmour (814) 231-1111 Fax: (814) 231-5024 tag13@scasd.org Southcentral (SC) State College Area High School 653 Westerly Parkway State College, PA 16801 19 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Steel Center AVTS 565 Lewis Run Road Jefferson Hills, PA 15025 Michael Bowman (412) 469-3200 ext. 2504 Fax: (412) 469-3209 #18047 mbowman@scavts.net Southwest (SW) Tanya Busch (412) 469-3200 ext. 2506 Fax: (412) 469-3209 #18047 tbusch@scavts.net Southwest (SW) STEM Magnet High School 1701 Upland Street Chester, PA 19013 Renee Maddox (610) 447-3401 Fax: (610) 447-3661 #18131 rmaddox@chesteruplandsd.org Southeast (SE) SUN Area Technical Institute 815 East Market Street New Berlin, PA 17855 Dorothy Randler (570) 966-1031 ext.140 Fax: (570) 966-9492 #18029 drandler@sun-tech.org Northcentral (NC) Robin Harvey (570) 966-1031 ext.136 Fax: (570) 966-9492 #18029 rharvey@sun-tech.org Northcentral (NC) Patricia Millett (570) 966-103 ext. 162 Fax: (570) 966-9492 #18029 pmillett@sun-tech.org Northcentral (NC) 20 School Name & Address Advisor (s) Phone Number Fax Number Email Address Region Susquehanna County CTC 100 Schoolhouse Road Dimock, PA 18816 Darlene Drake (570) 278-9229 ext. 780 Fax: (570) 278-3913 #18202 darlene.drake@elklakeschool.org Northeast (NE) Swenson Arts & Technology HS 2750 Red Lion Road Philadelphia, PA 19114-1070 Yvonne Hicks (215) 961-2009 ext. 1250 Fax: (215) 961-2081 #18220 Yhicks57932@aol.com yhicks@philasd.org Philadelphia Thomas Edison High School 151 West Luzerne Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 Hope Waller (215) 324-9599 ext. 2070 Fax: (215) 329-5824 Queens of Hearts @18180 hwaller@philasd.org Philadelphia Tyrone Area High School 1001 Clay Avenue Tyrone, PA 16686 Christie Taylor (814) 684-4240 ext. 3135 Fax: (814) 684-4245 #18099 crtaylor@tyrone.k12.pa.us Northcentral (NC) 21 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Universal Audenreid Charter HS 3301 Tasker Street Philadelphia, PA 19145 Anna Brinson (215) 952-4801 Fax: (215) 952-4805 #18230 aoliveras@universalcompanies.org Philadelphia Collette Drakeford (215) 952-4801 Fax: (215) 952-4805 #18230 lexpharm@aol.com drakefordcollette@gmail.com cdrakeford@universalcompanies.org Marie Sauter (215) 795-2911 ext. 264 Fax: (215) 795-0530 #18199 and #18032 msauter@ubtech.org Southeast (SE) Marianne Deose (215) 795-2911 ext. 250 Fax: (215) 795-0530 Upper Bucks Dental Explorers #18200 Upper Bucks Dental Smiles #18201 mdeose@ubtech.org Southeast (SE) Jeanne Kravitz (570) 288-8493 ext. 154 Fax: (570) 288-3126 #18076 jkravitz@wsavts.net Northeast (NE) Gina Harrison (570) 288-8493 ext. 209 Fax: (570) 288-3126 gharrison@wsctc.net Northeast (NE) Philadelphia Upper Bucks County Technical School 3115 Ridge Road Perkasie, PA 18944-3909 West Side CTC 75 Evans Street-Pringle Borough Kingston, PA 18704 22 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Western Center for Technology 77 Graterford Road Limerick, PA 19468 Patricia King (610) 489-7272 ext. 117 Fax: (610) 489-8778 #18009 PKing@westerncenter.org Southeast (SE) Lisa Cassidy-Lawler (610) 489-7272 ext. 115 (610) 489-8778 #18009 Lcassidy-lawler@westerncenter.org Southeast (SE) Steven Beal (215) 441-6181 Fax: (215) 441-6000 #18267 bealst@centennialsd.org Southeast (SE) Ignacio Jayo (215) 441-6181 ext. Fax: (215) 441-6000 #18267 jayoig@centennialsd.org Southeast (SE) tlobrutto@wbactc.org Northeast (NE) kmcginley@wbactc.org Northeast (NE) William Tennent High School 333 Centennial Road Warminster, PA 18947 Wilkes-Barre Area CTC Box 1699 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705-0699 Tina LoBrutto (570) 822-4131 ext. 143 Fax: (570) 823-4304 #18007 Kim McGinley (School Nurse) (570) 822-4131 ext. 120 Fax: (570) 823-4304 #18007 23 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Williamsport High School 2780 West 4th Street Williamsport, PA 17701 Mindy Vlacich (570) 323-8411 Fax: (570) 322-4150 #18277 mvlacich@wasd.org Northcentral (NC) POSTSECONDARY/COLLEGIATE School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Bloomsburg University 400 East 2nd Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Jennifer Sabins (student) 1059 Northumberland Hall 400 East Second St. Bloomsburg PA 17815 570-360-4933 #18250 jrs61808@huskies.bloomu.edu Northeast (NE) Anita Wasileski (Advisor) (570) 389-4818 ext. 5380 #18250 awasiles@bloom.edu Northeast (NE) Delaware Co. Technical School LPN Program 85 Mallin Road Broomal, PA 19008 Danielle Palmer (484) 423-7000 ext. 6675 Fax: (610) 957-5991 #18266 dpalmer@dciu.org Southeast (SE) Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 Diane Yang 710 Widell Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026 (610) 202-5610 #18212 drexelhosa@gmail.com Philadelphia 24 School Name & Address Greater Altoona CTC 1500 Fourth Avenue Altoona, PA 16602 Practical Nursing #18205 Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number Rebecca Romagna (814) 946-8490 Fax: (814) 569-1711 E-Mail Address Region rebecca.romagna@gactc.edu Northcentral (NC) Harrisburg Area Community College Harrisburg Campus One HACC Drive Blocker 106 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Holly Lukens (717) 221-1392 Fax: (717) 909-4010 #18271 hblukens@hacc.edu Southcentral (SC) Juniata College 1700 Moore Street Brumbaugh Academic Center Huntingdon, PA 16652 Debra Kirchhof-Glazier, Ph.D. Professor of Biology Director of Health Professions Program (814) 641-3574 Fax: (814) 641-3687 Sigma Alpha Chapter # 18056 kirchhof@juniata.edu Southcentral (SC) Laurel Business Institute Uniontown Campus 11 East Penn Street Uniontown, PA 15401 Susan Gessner (724) 439-4900 Fax: (724) 439-3607 LBI Uniontown Campus #18213 gessners@laurel.edu Southwest (SW) Dawn Bellotti (724) 439-4900 Fax: (724) 439-3607 bellottid@laurel.edu Southwest (SW) Sandi Petro (724) 439-4900 Fax: (724) 439-3607 petros@laurel.edu Southwest (SW) 25 School Name & Address Advisor(s) Telephone Number Fax Number E-Mail Address Region Laurel Technical Institute 200 Sterling Avenue Sharon, PA 16146 Tracy Schliep (724) 983-0700 Fax: (724) 938-8355 LTI Sharon HOSA #18244 schliept@laurel.edu Northwest (NW) Laurel Technical Institute Meadville Campus 847 North Main Street Suite 204 Meadville, PA 16335 Dawn Muntean (814) 724-0700 ext. 2420 Fax: (814) 724-2777 #18264 munteand@laurel.edu Northwest (NW) South University 1400 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Aileen Dillon (412) 995-7424 Fax: #18268 adillon@southuniversity.edu Southwest (SW) YTI-Career Institute Lancaster Campus 3050 Hempland Road Lancaster, PA 17601 Tricia Evans (717) 295-1100 ext. 1134 Fax: (717) 295-1135 YTI Lancaster Campus #18139 tricia.evans@yti.edu Southeast (SE) YTI-Career Institute York Campus 1405 Williams Road York, PA 17402 Angie Kann (717) 757-1100 ext. 1254 Fax: (717) 757-4964 YTI York Campus #18278 angie.kann@yti.edu Southcentral (SC) 26 PENNSYLVANIA HOSA PENN HOSA, Inc. Corporate Headquarters 293 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, PA 17042 Office: (717) 273-8605 Fax: (717) 450-5658 janetnelsonhosa@gmail.com Web: www.pahosa.org Janet E. Nelson PENN HOSA Executive Director/ State Advisor Corporate Headquarters 293 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, PA 17042 Home: (717) 273-8605 Fax: (717) 450-5658 janetnelsonhosa@gmail.com Beverly & Kevin Brader PENN HOSA Adult Co-Treasurers 318 Preston Road Wernersvlle, PA 19565 Work: (610) 987-6201 *1*1 Ext. 3529 beverly.brader@berekscareer.com Dolores Homan Co-Director Competitive Events 80 Wyomissing Hills Boulevard Reading, PA 19609 (610) 678-8941 Reading-Muhlenberg Alumni #18198 deehoman@juno.com Margaret Knaub Parliamentarian 2946 Jefferson Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8991 mckn@innernet.com 27 BUREAU OF CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION TBA PDE State Facilitator Bureau of Career & Technical Education Department of Education 333 Market Street 11th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 (717) 346-3191 Fax: (717) 783-6672 Esther Brown Health Occupations Program Specialist Program Standards & Quality Assurance Division Bureau of Career & Technical Education Department of Education 333 Market Street—11th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 (717) 783-6951 Fax: (717) 783-6672 ebrown@pa.gov NATIONAL HOSA HEADQUARTERS Dr. Jim Koeninger Executive Director 548 Silicon Drive Southlake, TX 76092 (972) 874-0062 (800) 321-4672 (HOSA) Fax: (972) 874-0063 hosa@hosa.org Web: www.hosa.org Karen Elias-Koeninger Associate Director 548 Silicon Drive Southlake, TX 76092 (972) 874-0062 (800) 321-4672 (HOSA) Fax: (972) 874-0063 hosa@hosa.org Web: www.hosa.org my docs\hosa\directories\advisor directory\ penn hosa final advisor directory \word Rev 4/12; 8/12; 11/12; 1/13; 8/13 28