
Haifa University
Department of Computer Science
Final Report
Dr. Hagit Hel-Or
Table of Contents
Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1 - Abstract .................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 - General Description ................................................................................ 7
Picture Maker Class ..................................................................................................... 10
Item_Package class ...................................................................................................... 10
DynamicTree Class ...................................................................................................... 11
Layers class .................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 3 - Detailed Description .............................................................................. 12
PictureMaker class ....................................................................................................... 12
Item_Package Class ..................................................................................................... 14
Dynamic Tree class ...................................................................................................... 18
Layers class .................................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 4 - Summary ................................................................................................ 23
Appendix – Operating Instruction ............................................................................... 25
Staring drawing Icons in the Main Screen ................................................................... 25
Grouping ...................................................................................................................... 26
Setting As Part Of ........................................................................................................ 28
Setting Up a Relation ................................................................................................... 29
FG/BG Separator ......................................................................................................... 30
Extra Features of VOPD Application .......................................................................... 35
Table of Figures
Figure 1- Application View ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 – Generic Class Diagram ................................................................................. 9
Figure 3 – Color Chooser ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 4 – Show Properties Screen .............................................................................. 16
Figure 5 – Correct Grouping ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 6 - Incorrect Grouping ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 7 – Move Layer Example ................................................................................. 22
Figure 8 – Result of Applying Move Layer Down ..................................................... 22
Figure 9 – Example of Dragging an Icon..................................................................... 25
Figure 10 – Grouping Screen ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 11 – Set as Part of Screen ................................................................................. 28
Figure 12 – Set Relation Screen................................................................................... 29
Figure 13 – Relation-Typing Screen ............................................................................ 30
Figure 14 – Set as Foreground Separator Screen ......................................................... 31
Figure 15 – Result of Applying Set as Foreground Separator Screen ......................... 32
Figure 16 – Move Layer Up Screen ............................................................................. 33
Figure 17 –Result of Applying Move Layer Up Screen .............................................. 34
Figure 18 – Show Properties Screen ............................................................................ 35
"Semantic Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Object-Process Diagrams",
D. Dori and H.Z. Hel-Or, in Advances in Pattern
Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1451,
Pages 230-241, Editors: A. Amin, D. Dori, P. Pudil and H. Freeman, 1998.
Chapter 1 - Abstract
The increase in accessibility to on-line visual data has promoted the interest in
browsing and retrieval of images from Image Data-bases.
An image retrieval system has been previously developed, that is based on the
semantic contents of the scene.
In this retrieval system, images are represented using object-process diagrams called
VOPD (Visual Object-Process Diagrams). These descriptions involve the objects in
the scene and their inter- and intra-relationships. This allows for abstract, high-level
representation of the layout of the scene, as well as a distinction between the
dominant core of the scene and its background.
Although graced with many advantages, a major drawback of the VOPD based
Semantic Content Based Image Retrieval system is the need for the user or database
manager to learn and be knowledgeable in the rules and structures of the VOPD.
This is not trivial and in fact troublesome to the naive user.
To overcome this drawback two approaches are suggested to provide an interface to
the Image Retrieval system and to bypass the need of manually creating VOPD
The optimal solution would be to provide an automatic VOPD generator which given
any input image, outputs its VOPD. This, however, would require very sophisticated
Computer Vision and Image Understanding techniques, which are currently
unavailable. Instead, two VOPD generators are suggested (in this project and in the
Block World project) which relax the constraints and limitations of an automatic
VOPD generator.
In this project fully automatic characteristic of the system is relaxed. In this approach,
an interface tool - The PictureMaker - is developed to guide the naive user into
supplying the necessary details required to create the image VOPD. The interface tool
is very intuitive and is based on the simple process of creating an image using visual
and graphic tools. The naive user requires almost no training in using this tool to
create VOPDs from images or to create VOPD queries.
The PictureMaker is based on objects being drawn in layers to create a schematic
"drawing" of the original or query image.
Chapter 2 - General Description
The main motivation of the application is to function as an interface between the user
and a server that will contain all the VOPDs.
The application has a friendly GUI and supplies comfortable tools for the user in
order to create a VOPD.
The application also supplies all the features (connections) that are mentioned in the
VOPD article.
The main features are:
Grouping – An option to assign few objects as a group and in addition there is
an option to nest groups.
Set As Part Of – a feature that enables the user to set an object as part of another
object. Nesting is also permitted here.
Set Relation – An option to assign a relation between two objects. Other
Attributes such as Truncated, Occluded, Color, Size and Location.
In addition, the application divides the image into foreground and background using a
separator line, that is a main idea in the VOPD concept.
The application is divided into several frames as shown below:
The Main Screen Frame - contains the drawn picture.
VOPD Tree Frame - contains tree that will create a VOPD for a given picture.
The Layers frame - represents the layers and their order.
The Image Viewer Frame - will show the current selected icon.
Figure 1- Application View
An object that is created during application run time appears in the Main Screen
Frame, the Layers Frame and the VOPD Tree Frame.
The application enables easy expanding the image directory that contains the icons
that represent the object by adding new icons to the image directory.
The application’s input is the user’s drawn picture.
The output of the application is a simple to read text file, which reflects the drawn
The file can be saved under any name and extension and can be loaded at any time to
recreate the image again.
Meanwhile, the user can see the reflection of this drawing by a well-organized VOPD
tree and a list box that shows the layers of the drawn picture.
Another option the application suggests is going back. This operation is done by
enabling the user to delete an object or even restart the entire picture.
All the features that are mention above are available through menu bars and popup
Generic Class Diagram
Item Package Class
Picture Maker class
Sub class
Dynamic Tree Class
Layers Class
Figure 2 – Generic Class Diagram
Picture Maker Class
The PictureMaker class is a shell class of the entire application. This class
communicates with all the other classes and it manages the entire process.
The class receives all the application’s input during its operation.
The class has a data structure in a form of array of objects that are instances of the
class that represents a drawn object in the picture (Item_Package class).
The above data structure is the main data structure of the application. All updates and
changes during application run time affect this data structure.
This data structure keeps track and reflects the drawn image’s current state.
This class is also responsible for the application’s Main Screen Frame. In addition, it
is also in charge of the menu bar, organizes all the frames in the application and takes
care of full coordinated state between all the frames in the application.
Item_Package class
The Item_Package class is a sub-class of the PictureMaker class. It represents an
object, meaning that every object is an instance of the Item_Package class.
Each object has the following attributes:
Serial Number
Other parameters like Part of relations, grouping relations, occluding, truncating,
free text relations.
In addition, each object has a popup menu that allows a few other features such as:
Full Screen, Color Changing, Foreground Separator and properties showing.
DynamicTree Class
The dynamic Tree class is a shell class for the VOPD Tree Frame.
This class is the only class that recognizes objects like background, foreground and
my image, therefore dividing the objects’ treatment to physical and logical. Physical
handling is the object’s location in the tree. Logical handling is the object’s location
in the data structure.
In addition, the class enables the relation between several objects, which are
represented by the Item_Package class, such as grouping, set as part of and set
relation-features that are available through the popup menu.
This popup menu also enables the user to ungroup and UnPart.
Layers class
The layers class is a shell class for the layers Frame. In addition to the objects, this
class has a line that represents the separator, which represents the separation between
the foreground and the background.
Like the DynamicTree Class, the layers class also handles the objects in two planes:
logical and physical, when the physical place of the object is affected by the separator
line and the logical place of the object is not affected by the separator.
In addition, the class enables another options like Move layers Up/Move layers Down
and Set Separator through a popup menu.
Chapter 3 - Detailed Description
PictureMaker class
The PictureMaker class is a shell class of the entire application. This class
communicates with all the other classes and it manages the entire process.
The class receives all the application’s input during its operation.
The class is in charge of dividing and organizing the frames in the application. The
division’s algorithm is to retrieves a parameter that indicates the screen resolution and
then assign proportionally the frames sizes.
The class deals with the Drag and Drop issue between the Icon Viewer Frame and the
Pad, that is the Main Screen Frame of the application.
The Drag and Drop function operates by detecting a mouse pressing in the source
frame (the Icon Viewer Frame) and then detecting a mouse release in the target (Main
Screen Frame). When detecting the above drag and drop form, the object that is
shown in the Image Viewer is drawn at the Main Screen Frame.
The PictureMaker class takes care that ‘younger’ objects that are drawn at the Main
Screen Frame will hide ‘older’ objects that were drawn before.
The class has a Combo Box component, that is filled by icons’ names from the images
directory every time the application starts. This means that adding an icon to the
image directory will add another icon to the application the next time the application
will be started.
When the user chooses a filename (icon) in the Combo Box, the Image Viewer Frame
will show the selected icon.
An object that is created during run time appears in 3 frames:
Main Screen Frame
VOPD Tree Frame
Layers Frame
The picture maker class takes care of full coordination between those 3 frames. That
means that when the user selects a certain object in every frame, a message is sent to
the class and the PictureMaker class activates the selected object in all 3 frames.
The PictureMaker class keeps track of the number of objects that exist in the
application and who is the current object that is selected by the user.
The picture maker class is responsible of the coordination between all the classes,
using shared memory that is actually a part of the class itself.
This shared memory is an array of instances of Item_Package class.
The class also keeps track of the location of the line separator at any moment and
keeps a counter that counts the number of groups.
The picture maker class contains also a menu bar with Load, Save and Restart
Save –saving the current state of the application as a file name that is given by the
Load – loading and translating of a picture maker file and reconstruct the saves
Restart – a possibility to restart the application, this is done by resetting all the
databases to the initial values.
Item_Package Class
The Item_Package class is a sub-class of the PictureMaker class. It represents an
object, which means that every object is an instance of the Item_Package class.
Every object has several attributes as shown below:
Class Item_Package
[] relations;
[] relate_to;
[] groups;
Each object appears in 3 frames. It is displayed in the Main Frame by an internal
frame that contains an image of the object icon. Each internal frame has a certain size
and a certain location that can be changed by action listeners that is attached to the
internal frame.
The internal frame appears where the user has dropped the mouse and the initial size
of the internal frame is 80*80 pixels. In addition, by double clicking the image icon,
we eliminate the internal frame and drawing the image itself, where the internal frame
was at the size of the formal internal frame.
This is reversible, since the drawn image has an action listener too, that enables the
user to click the image and receive the internal frame.
Every object’s color is created during the application’s running and assigned by initial
value of 100,100,100 in RGB format.
Every object can be a son of (part of) another object but only 1 object (a father can
have several sons, but a son can have only 1 father). Therefore 1 parameter is more
than enough to describe the son of status of an object. The SonOf parameter is
assigned as –1 at the beginning and is changed during the application’s running.
The value of the SonOf parameter indicates the SerialNumber of the father. For
example, if we want to set object number 5 as son of object number 3, all we have to
do is assign object number five’s SonOf parameter to 3.
Every object can be also assigned to a group or groups. This is done by incrementing
the num_of_groups parameter by 1 and set the number of the group in the group array
of the object.
The same algorithm is used to record a relation between two nodes.
Each instance of Item_Package can have up to 10 relations and can be assigned to up
to 10 groups.
The Item_Package contains a popup with these items:
Full Screen – allows the user to expand the internal frame of a certain object to
the size of the Main Screen Frame. This option is used mainly in case that a
uniform background is needed for example sky.
Change Object Color – allows the user to change the value of the object color.
Note that the color of the object is not changed, only the value in the Data
Structure. The color changing is done by the user using a Color Chooser window
as shown below:
Figure 3 – Color Chooser
Show properties - allows the user to view a selected object properties and its
attributes as shown in the below figure.
Figure 4 – Show Properties Screen
o Serial Number – the serial number of the object in the array of objects
and layers order
o Name – indicating the object name as transferred from the images file.
o Location & Size- parameters that are transferred by internal frame
o Color – the current value of object’s color (default value or changed
o Truncated - defines whether this object is lying on the Main Screen
frame board. This parameter is a Boolean parameter.
o Occluded - defines whether this object is occluded by another object
it’s done by using a method that checks whether two objects
(representing by internal frames) are coincided.
Set as FG separator – allows the user to set a specific object as the object that
separates between the background and foreground of the image. This
operation is done by setting the line separator of the entire application
according to the serial number of the object that selected.
Dynamic Tree class
The dynamic Tree class is a shell class for the VOPD Tree Frame.
The main object of the class is an instance of Jtree. This is a java API that supplies the
tree form class with useful methods that simplify the treatment of trees and changes
their construction according to the updating and changes that are occurring during
application run time.
While the application is running for the first time, the tree creates 3 items (before the
user inserts objects and starts drawing his picture)
The items are:
My image
FG (fore ground)
BG (background)
It is important to realize that these items are semi-virtual objects from the picturemaker class point of view, and do not exist in the logical view of objects that are
created during run time.
As long as there are no changes in the FG/BG separator, all of the previously created
objects are displayed as apart of the FG item
In case that there was a change in the separator, there is also a change at the BG and
FG location in the tree. The appropriate objects are transferred under the BG item
according to line separator’s new location.
Among the many methods that the Java API JTree supplies, there are some methods
that are more crucial to the application – methods that enable us to manage tracking
on which node is currently selected by the user, if more than one node is selected and
according to this data control what occurs and changes in the tree class.
The dynamic tree class controls and operates the application’s central features such
as: Grouping, Set as part of and set relation. These features are available using popup
menus that appear when the application indicates a right mouse clicking on one or
more items in the tree.
Grouping – An option to assign a few objects as a group. In addition, there is
also an option to nest groups. When the dynamic tree class detects that
grouping is requested, the class ascertains that more than one item is selected
and also that the selected items are contiguous (in case one of the above does
not occur, the application displays an error message that specifies exactly why
the operation was aborted). The dynamic tree class updates the data structure
so all the selected items will be assigned as the same group number.
Nesting grouping is permitted only in items that belong to the same group,
meaning that in any case of selecting the grouping option, the items must
belong to the same group as can be shown below.
Permitted and not permitted grouping situation are shown below.
Figure 5 – Correct Grouping
Figure 6 - Incorrect Grouping
In the same popup menu there is also an un-grouping option – the reverse
operation to grouping.
This option affects the only items that belong to the last common group.
Note that this option is possible also on clicking single item when the dynamic
tree class recognizes his rest group members according to nesting level.
Set As Part Of – a feature that enables the user to set an object as part of
another object. Nesting is also permitted here.
The moment the dynamic tree class detects that this option is selected, the
class ascertains that more than one item is selected and also that there were
selected contiguous items (in case one of the above does not occur the
application notify the user by an error message). The dynamic tree class
updates the data structure in a form that the first selected item that was
selected (the item with the lowest
serial number) become the father of the
rest of the item(s).
Note that there is one and only one father to each item.
At this point, by using refresh tree () method the tree with the updating data is
redrawn by the application.
UnPart – This option is available in the same popup menu and this is the
reverse operation to ‘ set as part of’. The operation can be applied only to
items that have no children and they are the youngest in the children chain of
the item that was pointed as the father. In any other case, an error message will
appear to the user.
Set Relation – An option to assign a relation between two objects. This is a
free text relation. The moment the dynamic tree class detects that this option
was selected, the class updates the data structure (the objects array) in a form
that the relation that was typed by the user will be inserted and displayed in
the database as relation between those two nodes. Note that for two specific
nodes there are up to 10 relations permitted by the application.
In dynamic tree class, there is quite an important function: refresh tree (). This
function role is to redrawn the tree according to the changes that took place during
application run time and caused updating the data structure- objects array.
Layers class
The layers class is a shell class for the layers Frame. The main object of this class is
instance of java API JList that is a simple list of items structure that operates and
control it’s selected items.
The class keeps track of the order, which the objects of the application will be drawn
on the main screen frame.
The JList object contains all the objects and the separator item. As previously
mentioned, we can say that from picture maker class point of view it is a virtual object
and it is transparent. The separator initial location in the JList is 0.
The entire operation of the layers class is managed and controlled via mouse listeners
that belong to this class and enable the class to detect an item selection from the list of
layers at any moment.
The layers class enables several features on a single item from the list (it actually
represents an object) such as: Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down and Set Separator.
Move Layer Up/Down – option that allows the user to play with the order of the
layers in the layers frame and by that also affect the order the picture will be drawn.
The moment the class detects that this option is selected attaching to specific object is
ascertains that only one item was selected and this item is not a father of any other
item, the class searches the place, which this item will be put.
It is done by locating the brother item – i.e. the first item that locating above or below
the selected item (according to chosen operation) or in other words, the first item with
the same father as the selected item. In case there is no common father i.e. that all the
items in application are children of FG/BG (marked –1 in the ‘son of’ field) and they
are in the same level.
The selected node is copied temporally and assign in the end of the data structure and
after lowering/rising all the items that should be moved one place down or up the item
copies from the temporally place to the new place that was request by the user.
In case the selected item is the separator after the class detects that the user selects the
separator the class search for the first place that the separator can be assigned when
impossible place is defined inside “family” of items or just in the edges of the list.
Note that after all the operation mentioned above, all the frames are updated
according to the changes that were done through the operation.
For example, if the sun icon is selected to 'move layer down' as shown below:
Figure 7 – Move Layer Example
Because the icon sun is above icon that has 2 Children, the sun icon will skip over the
3 icons and relocate right after them as shown below:
Figure 8 – Result of Applying Move layer Down
Chapter 4 - Summary
The main goal of the Picture Maker -VOPD was to built a friendly interface
application, comfortable as possible to the user. This interface is due to be a part of a
larger project that its main and final goal is building a visual search engine. This
search engine will improve and correct the current situation, as mentioned in the
The secondary goal is that by accomplishing the first goal, the application shall supply
all the tools to build, set and indicate all the features and relations that are vital part of
the visual object process diagram.
In our opinion, we have achieves these main goals. In addition, we feel that the
application is quite appropriate for future extensions for the bigger VOPD project,
since application's output is well organized and simple to process, thanks to the file's
organization of the data that is needed for further development from this point on.
Another goal that was partially a background requirement was that the application
would be written in JAVA language so that it could run and operate on any platform,
especially on web compatible platform.
By fulfilling this goal, this project provided us with much needed background and
experience with a quite powerful object oriented language.
Through the programming we became aware of the enormous capabilities of this
language, especially in the graphic field.
At this project's stage, we could have written the code for the same application in a
visual C++ environment - something that would have probably accelerated the
application's operation, but on the other hand, we could not have accomplished the
goal of "any platform compatibility".
This project gave us the opportunity to become more skillful in object-oriented
programming and in the same time to get to know the problems in computer vision,
especially objects detection in a given picture.
The picture maker project was written at the same time with other project that use
search algorithm in order to find the nearest picture to the requested picture we are
looking for.
The next stage is to combine both projects - combination that would lead to
completion of the bigger project of VOPD under the refinement that had taken about
the fully automatic requirement of the system.
Appendix – Operating Instruction
In the following pages we will try to get a quick and simple summary of the
application’s capabilities and operation.
In addition, we will introduce a short introduction of the best way to use this
application combined with all the extra tools.
Staring drawing Icons in the Main Screen
In order to put icons in the Main Screen, all you have to do is drag an image from the
Image Viewer Frame and drop it in the Main Screen Frame as shown below:
Figure 9 – Example of Dragging an Icon
As you can see, the new icon was inserted to the main screen. The VOPD Tree Frame
also reflects the added icon, as son of FG (ForeGround). This icon insertion is also
displayed in the Layers Frame.
Each icon can be closed, resized and moved in the main screen. During these
operations, the icon will be displayed as shown above (as internal frame).
Double clicking the image itself will hide the internal frame and will show only the
frame’s inside image. The image will be scaled to the frame’s size.
When another icon is selected or dragged to the main screen it will be considered as
double clicking on the old icon.
Option in the application that enable to group several nodes together. In the below
example there is grouping of 3 trees icons that were drawn before.
In order to group nodes together, you should:
Select several contiguous icons in the VOPD Tree Frame (using the CTRL key
or the shift key).
Right click with the mouse. A new popup should be displayed.
Choose "Set As A Group".
You should see a change in the VOPD tree frame (the group number will appear
right after the name).
Figure 10 – Grouping Screen
You should select only contiguous nodes. Any other selected will cause an error
message to appear.
The application enables group nesting. The nested group should be fully inside
the "parent group".
Grouped objects are not stacked together, so moving a grouped icon will not
affect the grouping.
Ungrouping option is also available.
In order to ungroup all you have to do is select a node (or more) in the group and
select UnGroup in the popup menu.
Setting As Part Of
Another option of the application is to set a ' part of ' relation between two nodes.
In order to set a 'part of ' relation:
Select at least two contiguous nodes in the VOPD tree frame.
Right click on the mouse. A new popup should be displayed.
Choose " Set As Part Of ".
The first selected node should be a 'father' of all the other selected nodes.
Figure 11 – Set as Part of Screen
The order of the selection of the nodes is not important. The father will be the
oldest object and not the first selected node.
The program enables nested 'Part Of' relations.
UnPart function is also available.
In Order to UnPart you should select only 1 node at a time. This node should
be the 'youngest' node in the chain of the 'Part Of' relation.
Setting up a Relation
There is an option to specify a relation between nodes.
In order to set up a relation:
Select 2 nodes in the VOPD tree frame. The selection’s order is important.
Right click on the mouse. A new popup should be displayed.
Choose "Set Relation".
Figure 12 – Set Relation Screen
A new frame will appear as shown below.
Type the relation between the two nodes.
Figure 13 – Relation-Typing Screen
The application enables up to 10 relations.
You can type the relation in Hebrew or in other language.
FG/BG Separator
The separator separates between the FG (ForeGround) and the BG (BackGround).
There are 3 ways to set the separator.
The first is done through the Main Screen Frame by selecting an object and choosing
'Set as foreground Separator' in the popup menu. This selected icon will become the
new separator as shown below.
The second way is choosing and icon in the Layers Frame, and choosing 'set
separator' option in the popup menu.
The third way to set the separator is through the Layers Frame by selecting the line
separator (the dashed line in that frame) itself and selecting move up/move down from
the layers popup menu (will be shown further).
Figure 14 – Set as Foreground Separator Screen
The result of setting the separator: all the VOPD tree structure is changed according to
the location of the separator selection. The Layers Frame also reflects the new
Figure 15 – Result of Applying Set as Foreground Separator Screen
Moving layers Up and Down
There is an option to change the layers’ order in the layers frame.
In Order to move the layers up and down:
Select an icon in the layers frame.
Choose 'Move Layer Up' or 'Move Layer Down' in the popup menu.
Figure 16 – Move Layer Up Screen
As a result, the layer will go up or down.
The order of layers will be changed in all frames.
Figure 17 –Result of Applying Move Layer Up Screen
1. If you choose the line separator, the line separator will go up or down and appear
where it can (The line separator cannot be in the middle of 'part of' relation.)
2. A node will go up and down until it meets a 'brother node' or a 'father node'. That
means that the new location of the selected icon will be above or below
(according the chosen operation) the first icon, which its level is the same of the
selected icon.
In case icon selected to 'move layer up/down' and it’s located above or under
group of icons there will be no skipping above the icons and the selected icon will
squeeze among the grouped icons.
Extra features of vopd application
There are several features the PictureMaker application supplies, that are available
through popup menu that are displayed by right clicking on specific icon in the main
screen as shown below:
Figure 18 – Show Properties Screen
Full screen:
This option enables selected icon to be drawn and fill all the application’s main
window. It is useful mainly for specific icons like sky etc.
Change object color:
The created objects that are drawn during the application’s running have a default
color value in RGB format. This default value is 100,100,100. There is an option to
change this color by pointing to 'change object color' item in the popup menu that will
lead to appearing of this color chooser.
Note: The object color isn't changed, only the value of its RGB value represented
Show item’s properties:
There is an option to display the properties of a selected icon by choosing 'show item
properties' item in the popup menu. The properties are organized in a frame, that is
shown below: