French Games Flashcard Games Using a small set of flashcards (many available from French shelf), play quick fire memory games: a) With blu-tack, stick them around the room. Ask children to bring them to you one by one. Each time a child brings it to you, they must say the French word it is describing to you, e.g. days of the week, weather, etc. b) Stick all the flashcards on the board, ask the children to close their eyes. Then remove one card, children to guess which one is missing. Number Games a) Show me! ; Child or teacher to call out a number, rest of the class to show number using fingers, number fans or whiteboards. b) Bingo on whiteboards c) Write two sets of identical numbers on the board. Divide the class into two teams. Nominate one player from each team. Call out a number, the two players run to the board to circle the number. Winner is the first person back to their chair/carpet. d) 21’s – Go round the class, starting at 1, each child saying the next number in succession. If a child says 2 numbers, e.g. 4 and 5, the direction of play gets reversed, if three numbers, the next child misses a go. Whoever ends up saying 21 is out. Younger children could play to 12, etc as they progress with their numbers. e) Dice game – One set of dice per pair/group. Each player to write a list of 5 numbers they have to roll. Players take it in turns to roll dice, first player to tick of all numbers wins. f) Oh La La! – Same as fizz buzz game. Go round the class saying numbers in French in succession. Instead of saying a multiple of three, player to say oh la la! (double points if combined with typical French shrug of the shoulders!) g) Clumps – PE warm up. Call out French number, children to get into groups of that number. Backwards Bingo Good for numbers, but can be used with any set of vocabulary. Using a set of French words, e.g colours. Every member of the class chooses one of the words from the set. Whole class stand up. Pupil/teacher calls out the colours, players sit down if they hear the colour they were thinking of. When only one colour left, the remaining player/s to say which colour you have not called. Cheating is discovered as it is hard to work out which one is left! Vocabulary Donnez-moi! Give me! Apportez-moi! Bring me! Fermez-les-yeux! Close your eyes! Ouvrez-les-yeux! Open your eyes! Qu’est-ce qui manque? What’s missing? Montrez-moi! Show me! Tu as gagné! You’ve won! le gagnant the winner (masc) la gagnante the winner (fem) Passez un tour Miss a turn Changez la direction Change direction le dé – the die les dés – the dice lancez les dés throw the dice Asseyez-vous! Sit down! Ecoutez bien! Listen well! une faute a mistake Jacques a dit – Simon Says Jacques a dit..levez-vous – stand up asseyez – vous – sit down sautez – jump marchez - walk levez-la-main – put your hand up posez –la-main – put your hand down fermez-les-yeux- close your eyes ouvrez-les-yeux – open your eyes regardez-moi – look at me touchez - touch tu as perdu you’ve lost Mexican Wave Works best in table groups to start with. Send around a mexican wave, each group standing and waving whilst saying a number, colour, etc. une vague mexicaine mexican wave Show me Useful for classroom objects, colours, numbers Pupil/teacher to call out a player and an object they must show Montrez-moi Show me Montrez-moi quelque chose bleu Show me something blue Montrez-moi deux crayons Show me two pencils Draw me a monster! Useful for numbers, colours, shape, parts of the body. Pupil/Teacher to secretly draw a monster on whiteboard/paper. Giving one instruction at a time, rest of the class to try and draw the monster. At end, everyone to show their monster and see how similar it is to the original. les yeux – eyes la bouche – mouth le nez – nose les oreilles – ears les bras – arms les jambes –legs l’estomac – stomach les cheveux - hair dessinez un monstre draw a monster il a ……. it has………. il a cinq yeuxs rouges it has five red eyes grand(e) – large petit(e) –small rond-round carré- square Fruit salad Players sitting in a circle. Pupil/teacher to go round the circle giving each person a word, e.g a colour, number,etc. Pupil/teacher calls out a word, the players who were given that word run around the outside of the circle and sit back down at their place. Winner is the first back. salade de fruits asseyez –vous en cercle sit in a circle CA October, 2006