MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2010 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Vaun D. Ryan. A roll call was taken which showed council members Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum present. Guy Coleman was excused. Mayor Ryan stated that the meeting was a regularly called meeting and that notice of the time, place and agenda of the meeting had been provided to the local news media and to each member of the governing body. Others present included Acting City Manager Justin Johnson, City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken, Jean Liddell, Roger Eschler, Andre Salvail, Windsor Reed, Rachel Morgan, Dorian Morgan, Cindy Warren, Rick Harrison, Kim Farley, Logan Wisener, Eric Underwood, Alisa Winterton, Jeffrey Larsen, Tylene Puro, Ashlynn Orme, Cheyenne Parrish, Caleb Jensen, Shaun Murray, Ben Willard, Taryn Puro, Wayne Underwood, Dallin Winterton, and Randy Crozier. Opening prayer was given by Councilman Lane Yack. MINUTES A motion was made by Councilman David Labrum to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 26, 2010, after revision. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously. HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD APPOINTMENT City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken gave the oath of office to Rachel Morgan who accepted the appointment to serve on the Roosevelt Housing Authority Board. Rachel replaces Cathy McDonald. WINDSOR REED DONATION PRESENTATION Roosevelt City resident Windsor Reed has made a donation to Roosevelt City. The donation is a 45 Colt Winchester Roosevelt Commemorative Rifle #2 in a total production of ten. This rifle will be displayed in the Mayor’s office. CEDARVIEW/MONTWELL CULINARY WATER AGREEMENT Council reviewed the revised Cedarview/Montwell Culinary Water Agreement. After review, a motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to approve the agreement after the addition that “seven days…” be spelled out instead of “give timely Notice of termination…” is Page Two MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2009 made to the agreement. Motion was seconded by Councilman David Labrum. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously. CITY SHOP DISCUSSION Roger Eschler addressed Council regarding concerns they have expressed with use of the City Maintenance Shop. After discussion, Council directed that a policy be drafted to address the issue and will be reviewed at the next meeting. YOUTH CITY COUNCIL INTRODUCTION Councilman Lane Yack introduced the newest Youth City Council members. These members are Ben Willard, Jeffrey Larson, Alisa Winterton, Ashlynn Orme, Cheyenne Parrish, Eric Underwood, Wayne Underwood, Logan Wisener, Tylene Puro, Taryn Pruo, Shawn Murray, Dalin Winterton, and Caleb Jensen. Lane stated that these members are willing to participate in service projects. DUCHESNE COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENT Councilman David Labrum reported on his meeting with Commissioner Winterton, the county sheriff and our police chief. As a result of this meeting it was determined that monthly reports will be given to the county of the shelter’s activities. There will be no change in the financial contribution from the County at this time. This will be reviewed at the end of April. NEOLA WATER DISTRICT & STARVATION WATER FEES Council discussed the need to have Neola Water District participate in the Starvation water fees structure so Roosevelt residents aren’t paying a higher price for water than Neola Water District is charged for wholesale water from Roosevelt City. Roger Eschler reported that the agreement with Neola to provide them wholesale water is for twenty-five years. This twenty-five period will expire this coming June. Council directed that a meeting be arranged with Neola Water District to discuss a new agreement prior to it’s expiration. GENERAL WATER DISCUSSION Randy Crozier was invited to attend the meeting to report on general water issues and answer questions. He discussed the Sandwash water. Randy stated that it will run on the temporary basis one more year. After that, the permanent terms will be in effect. Roosevelt has committed to 2,000 acre feet of water and under the permanent terms, that amount of water will need to be paid for after this year. There is an additional 1,000 acre feet that will be available but will be divided among interested entities. Randy reported that Roosevelt City will have a ten year period Page Three MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2009 to use up to the 2,000 acre feet after which we will have to begin paying for all 2,000 acre feet, whether or not we are using them. There is a 30 year period to pay off the entire financial commitment of the 2,000 shares. Randy also explained the status of other entities participating in the Starvation water project. It was suggested that when the agreement was ready, all entities sign at one time. Councilman Woolstenhulme also recommended that a public hearing be held to receive comments and concerns from the public. EL PASO GAS RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUEST Jennifer Hall stated that she has been contracted by El Paso Gas to work on obtaining a right-ofway from Roosevelt City to construct a natural gas pipeline. This will be a 2” pipe inside a 4” pipe. Ms. Hall explained the route alternatives and is proposing a price of approximately $4,000.00 for this right-of-way. Roger Eschler stated that he would recommend the route be along property line. This is a little longer route but would keep the right-of-way out of the area of pivot #5 of the sewer farm. Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme stated that this price is fairly low and we would need to make sure we made the right decision for Roosevelt citizens. Ms. Hall will take these concerns back to El Paso. Roger Eschler will contact Ms. Hall after Council makes a decision. MASTERS OF SCIENCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEGREE Council reviewed a memorandum regarding the Masters of Science and Human Resources degree being sought by our Finance Director Justin Johnson, at the encouragement of Council. This memo outlines the commitments of both parties. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Councilman David Labrum to approve this memorandum as presented. Motion seconded by Lane Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously. CONCESSION STAND AND PARKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING Justin Johnson reported on the construction work being done on the Constitution Park concession stand and the Parks maintenance building. The work is proceeding on the concession stand. Drew Eschler plowed the access road to the allow Basin Builders to drop off the materials for Dan Crozier. Crozier’s crew has started removing snow so they can begin work. After the framing and exterior is complete Crozier will move his crew to the new restrooms. VEHICLE ALLOWANCE POLICY REVIEW Council was given the existing vehicle allowance policy for their review. Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme has asked that the policy include that the monthly gas allowance be tied to the leased vehicle only and not used with any other vehicles. Page Three MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING CITY VEHICLE USEAGE February 9, 2009 Councilman Robert Yack asked that Roosevelt City employees keep a useage log on city vehicles from now on. While there are no questions regarding the use of these vehicles, Council feels this information will help during budget discussions. CROWN HOME PAYOFF DISCUSSION City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken reported on a request received from the CROWN Housing program that the interest be waived for the $4,500 loan made for a CROWN home. This is a low income housing program and previously the interest on the first two CROWN homes was waived and the principle amount of $5,000 each for two homes was reinvested in the CROWN program toward construction of additional low income housing. Council wanted to know the dollar amount of the interest and how many homes this may apply to in the program. Council directed that more information be obtained before a decision is made. BUDGET STATUS Finance Director Justin Johnson reported on the status of the budget at this time. This is based on the November sales tax report which has just been received. Justin stated that the last two months have shown improvements in tax revenue. In September we had a decrease of 30% compared to the prior year. In October the decrease was 28% followed by a 22% decrease in November. He felt that trend is showing signs of improvement. He also stated the he felt the department heads were doing a good job managing their budgets and that the over all condition of the budget is favorable. SWIMMING POOL PROJECT UPDATE Kirk Wentworth came before Council to report on the status of the swimming pool project. State law requires signatures on a petition from 900 registered voters before it can be placed on the ballot for Duchesne County elections. The primary election will be held June 22nd and that is when this would be on the ballot. The petition effort is being sponsored by a county-wide citizens group. Kirk asked if Council is still willing to donate property next to the existing Roosevelt City pool. Council stated that they are still willing to donate the property but acknowledge that the County will have the final say. PURCHASE ORDERS A motion was made by Councilman David Labrum to approve the following purchase orders. Motion seconded by Councilman Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously. Page Four MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING 54102 54088 54095 Western Petroleum Moreton & Company Utah Dept. of Workforce Service $ February 9, 2009 7,281.37 2437.00 3,858.82 54058 54096 54020 54018 54017 53516 54053 54054 54036 53972 54082 53513 Sport Supply Group, Inc. Basin Arts Council SCI Automation Thatcher Company Freedom Mailing Services, Inc. Utah Community Planners Travis Berg Bill McCarins Staker & Parson Company Dan's Tire Justin Johnson McMullin Heating & Cooling Strata Networks Strata Networks K & K Sanitation Questar Gas Moon Lake Electric Association Allred & McCllellan P.C. 721.56 20,000.00 1,663.00 1,276.25 1,044.23 2,400.00 700.00 875.00 1,445.03 652.10 2,692.88 17,097.00 1,580.84 3,059.95 51,509.44 $6,756.75 10,638.16 5,297.50 TOTAL $142,986.88 MAYORS REPORT Mayor Ryan reported that at a County meeting in Duchesne today he learned there is a company interested in coming to the Basin and constructing a plant to refine the crude oil we have here. Mayor Ryan suggested that each Councilmember consider taking specific areas of city operations to oversee and reports can be made at Council meetings. Mayor Ryan stated this could be discussed at a future meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS David Labrum stated that we need to address the animal services director job description. Lane Yack reported he has some concerns with the city vehicles and asked for a definitive plan. Dave Woolstenhulme stated that Joey Olsen has accepted the position of Golf Greens Superintendent and will be here approximately March 1st. Dave stated that Joey will need help in getting started. Robert Yack didn’t have anything to report. Page Five MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING February 9, 2009 L & L CORNER RECONSTRUCTION Councilmember David Labrum reported on the DOT project to reconstruct the turn on Highway 40 by the old L & L corner. Utah DOT personnel will attend the next Council meeting to report on this project. It is currently scheduled for the 2012 construction season but this could change due to budget. EXECUTIVE SESSION A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstehulme to go into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter and at the end of the discussion, return back into regular session. Motion seconded by Councilman David Labrum. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. _________________________________ Vaun D. Ryan, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Carolyn Wilcken, Recorder