REVISED 2-07-10_Inst_Guide_EDA_590.020610

EDA 590 Instructors Guidelines
Revised 2/6/10
The following information is provided to assist you in designing coursework that
supplements and enhances the EDA 590 syllabus and which aligns consistently with the
ELLC standards and the NYSTCE assessments that your students must successfully pass
for the SBL and SDL certification.
The Challenge
Our challenge is to prepare our students for success as leaders of the future and
insuring that their aspirations are achievable. We must teach our future leaders the
knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will enable them to successfully lead in an
increasingly complex educational environment where every child has the academic,
social, and emotional capacity to master the life and work related challenges of the
twenty-first century. However, before they get the opportunity to lead, we must insure
that our future leaders successfully complete the required NYSTCE, the first and perhaps
the most important step in achieving certification as a building or district leader.
Our goal is to insure that every student in our program is well prepared to meet
success on the NYSTCE assessments. Another important factor in achieving this goal is
the relationship between our students success in passing these exams and the continued
NCATE accreditation of the St. Rose downstate leadership programs facilitated by CITE.
A college must maintain an 80% passing rate to maintain good standing under the
rigorous NCATE certification process. Failure to maintain this standard can result in loss
of accreditation.
We strongly believe that strong instruction provided by highly qualified
instructors, using a strong curriculum and materials that provide our students with the
necessary theories, methods, and tools to lead successful schools is the best guarantee of
our students’ success on the NYSCTE. By further aligning our work with the ELLC
standards and the NYSCTE frameworks, success on the assessments will be a foregone
conclusion and we will be providing the educational community with highly qualified,
committed leaders that can truly impact student success.
What You Need to Know About the NYSTCE Frameworks:
Overall, the NYSTCE assessments measure student’s theoretical and practical knowledge
and dispositions on the ELLC and ISLLC leadership standards. You can review the test
prep materials at Generally,
the themes pertinent to success on the assessments focus on data informed decisionmaking, visionary leadership, student-centered decision-making, collaboration among all
stakeholders, and the tenets of authentic “learning communities” and organizational
behavior and learning. Put another way, the assessments measure the students knowledge
and abilities to be successful future leaders and to avoid top-down, hierarchal leadership.
Our challenge, and therefore the emphasis of our instruction, is to provide our students
with the knowledge, skills and dispositions about how successful leadership should work;
not the way it has worked in the past. In a fast-paced, high-stakes testing environment,
creating an environment where all stakeholders participate in and support the shared
vision, everyone shares in the responsibility of making every child successful. Therefore,
the leaders of the 21st century need different skills and dispositions.
Many of our students have not experienced many truly collaborative and effective
leadership environments. In our experience, if students answer test questions based upon
their current reality, they may very well fail the test. The test focuses on what leaders
should know and be able to do to move schools successfully into the 21st century.
Below are several applicable facts about the NYSTCE assessments that all instructors
should know:
The NYSTCE’s are based on the concepts, skills, and dispositions outlined in the
ELLC standards on which all our coursework should be based. All readings and
class work should align with the concepts, skills, and dispositions outlined in the
ELLC standards, particularly as identified in the course specific guidelines below.
The minimum passing score on each section of the test is 220. We believe that
students have the capacity to successfully challenge the SBL assessment after the
first four (4) classes (EDA 505, 590, 510, and 503). Beginning with Cohort 28,
coursework may be realigned and we feel that students should be able to
successfully challenge the exam after the first three (3) classes (EDA 505, 590,
and 503). EDA 510 will be their fourth class.
Broadly stated, the NYSTCE’s are based upon the tenets of leading authentic
Learning Communities where collaboration, transparency, and high expectations
for student achievement are the norm. This paradigm shift causes the assessment
to emphasize leadership as it should be, and by implication, condemns top-down
leadership that is predominant in our present national school culture.
Students taking the assessments who embrace the top-down, authoritarian
leadership and who respond according to their beliefs on the test will fail the
The SBL and SDL frameworks are virtually identical but responses shift from the
building perspective to the district perspective. For example, on the SDL exam
there is more about school boards, fiscal accountability, broader view of
stakeholders, etc.
Student success on the assessments is predicated on application of conceptual
content knowledge rather than factual recall.
The NYSTCE assessments are divided into two sections and several sub sections.
There are both multiple choice and extended response questions of varying values
on the assessment. Even the multiple-choice questions may require reading
lengthy passages and data charts.
The assessments are now given at testing cites throughout the State and the exam
is completely on a computer. Students who are not familiar with technology will
find the time limits on each assessment challenging.
Students can sit for both sections of the test on the same day or they may take one
section in each of two test administrations dates. CITE data indicates that
students who take both sections of the test on the same date do less well on the
afternoon part of the test. We strongly recommend taking Part One on one day
and Part Two on another day.
If students pass one out of two sections of the assessment, they only need to retake the section they failed.
Student competence in written expression of content knowledge is particularly
important to their success. Parts 1 and 2 of the assessments require 2 Short (150300 word) and 2 long (300-600 word) extended responses. The long responses
are weighted double the short and represent 1/3 of their total score on each part of
the assessment. Please immediately refer any student demonstrating weakness
in this skill specific to “on demand” or other course work to Ilene or Lydia to
participate in our free writing tutorial.
Given this fact, instructors should attempt to model assignments where
practicable in this format.
At the beginning of each course, please review the SBL and SDL Preparation
Guide frameworks, particularly those sections that specifically apply and which
are emphasized in the class you are teaching. The frameworks, based upon the
ELLC standards, apply to every course in our catalog. Please familiarize yourself
with the frameworks and how your course content directly connects within the
frameworks. Explicitly reference those concepts within your course instruction,
As prescribed by the NYSED, students are recommended to NYSED and
considered SBL program completers when they have completed the program as
prescribed by the College. However, the students do not receive SBL certification
until they pass Parts 1 and 2 of the NYSTCE assessment.
o In contrast, as prescribed by NYSED, SDL students are not considered
program completers until such time as they pass Parts 1 and 2 of the SDL
There are test prep meetings that are provided by CITE free of charge that precede
each administration of the assessment. Tutorial assistance is available to students
who are unsuccessful in their first attempt to pass the assessment.
Please familiarize yourself and remind students of the assessment Study Guide
materials available on line at
Course Specific Guidance for EDA 590 Instructors
Overarching Guiding Ideas:
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to view all normal and
“critical” educational issues and challenges through the lens of servant
leadership that focuses on high standards of achievement for ALL students
 Critical Issues must not deter leaders from their core mission and
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to accept and demonstrate
the leadership challenges exemplified by creating a “no blame, no shame,
no excuses” educational school culture
 A students situation in life (poverty, race, ELL, Special Ed., etc),
impacts strategy, not a leaders expectations for their students
success. This may be the most critical issue leaders face in the 21st
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to internalize and
demonstrate that leaders lead people, not schools and, that you are not a
leader unless you have followers.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to develop the emotional
intelligence required to treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect,
particularly in the face of critical issues and the uncertainty and ambiguity
they engender.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to develop and demonstrate
the capacity to understand and decode their schools culture and norms.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to inform and demonstrate
their leadership with informed Action Research methodologies as well as
applicable theories, methods and tools for leading authentic, collaborative
learning communities and begin to apply them to “critical issues”.
 Best practices, research, and data inform all the decisions of
effective leaders.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to form their personal,
research-informed vision of what their school could achieve if all
obstacles could be overcome, and use it as the organization leans needed
to align and reframe all “critical issues”.
 Effective leaders know that “their vision” is the starting point to
creating a “shared vision”.
 Effective leaders align every aspect of their day with the shared
vision and mission.
 Effective leaders Design, Teach, Supervise, and Assess any
necessary change in alignment with the Shared Vision.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to develop and demonstrate
the capacity to understand, initiate, and manage change effectively within
an ethical, transparent and collaborative educational environment.
 Change theory and the behaviors associated with leading learning
communities should be the lens by which every critical issue is
examined in EDA 590.
o We believe EDA 590 students should continue to adopt and demonstrate
the belief that the impossible is always possible when you develop the
capacity within yourself and within those you lead to achieve that which
others have yet to imagine.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of EDA 590, students will be able to:
o Identify, develop and refine an individual vision for leadership and
leadership style which embraces the tenets of effective leadership and
which incorporates successfully strategies for collaborative change,
particularly changes necessitated by new or continuing “critical issues”
facing all leaders and their organizations.
o Demonstrate the capacity to understand their current system and the
critical issues facing it deeply.
o To initiate and sustain dialogue on all “critical issues” that honors all
stakeholders with dignity and respect while excavating the essential
cultural and practical issues associated with change.
o Demonstrate the capacity to understand and use Action Research
methodology for data mining and apply them successfully to promote
successful change initiatives.
o Demonstrate the use of data to influence and inform collaborative
o Demonstrate the capacity to design authentic, sustainable change
initiatives that address “critical issues” and resolve these issues in a
manner consistent with sustaining high performing learning communities.
o To demonstrate and apply high leverage change initiatives successfully to
“critical issues” discussed in class that promotes meaningful stakeholder
involvement, collaboration, common understandings, and shared vision.
o To design and align assessments that reflect both the overarching shared
vision of the building/district as well as the shared vision associated with
the specific change initiatives investigated.
Specific Curriculum and Material Guidance
o Refer to the EDA 590 syllabus for specific guidance re: texts, suggested
projects, materials, and required NCATE projects. See below.
 The NCATE assignment is required of all students and is graded
with a College of St. Rose devised rubric.
 All instructors, in addition to submitting grades on line, must also
complete a rubric-based assessment for each student. You can log
in at:
o Two (2) texts are provided
 Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in A Culture of Change. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Jossey-Bass (Ed.). (2007). The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational
Administration (2nd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons,
o The Cunningham and Cordiero text used in EDA 505 will be referenced
throughout several courses in the program. For EDA 590, chapters 2, 3,
and 4 will be assigned.
o The Mills, Action Research text is referenced as a guide for instructors and
will be provided for their use. Students may purchase this text as a
supplement at their own discretion.
o The Dufour Professional Learning Communities text is the main text
used in EDA 505 and provides the context for discussing and designing
solutions for “critical issues” discussed in EDA 590. It is used
predominantly for review and reference.
o EDA 590 coursework and materials focuses predominantly on Part
One, SubArea 2 (Test Code 100) of the NYSTCE SBL Leadership
 Subarea 2 (0005-0008): Managing Change, Making Decisions,
and Ensuring Accountability
 Points of Emphasis for Subareas 1 and 2, and specifically
EDA 590 (in bold).
o Data-driven decision-making (analyze and
address gaps between disaggregated groups;
equity, adequacy and equality; NCLB.
o Involving all stakeholders in all facets of change
o Assessing Current Culture (behavior and
o Creating a Vision and Guiding Ideas to guide
change which addresses the gap between current
reality and the desired vision.
o Theories and organizational behavior and leadership
 Student –centered decision-making
 Servant Leadership
 Distributed Leadership
 Collaborative Decision-making
 Engaging and empowering stakeholders
 Creating Shared Vision
o Ethical leadership behaviors
o Emotional Intelligence of the leader
o Relationships, Relationships, Relationships
o Consult, Collaborate, Communicate, Assess
o Communicating, Initiating and Sustaining
Change Processes
o Managing Change Processes (Evidence of
Subarea 1 (0001-0004): Developing, Communication, and
Sustaining an Educational Vision.
 Obviously, this subarea sets context for Subarea 2 and its’
application should be evident within all assignments and
discussions pertaining to critical issues and change.
o The NYSCTE Preparation Guide and Assessment Frameworks can be
accessed at:
This gives you information about the design of the assessments and
sample test questions (multiple choice and extended responses) upon
which you can model class activities or assignments
o Remember the overarching Guiding Ideas, be creative and have fun.
The following pages represent the actual EDA
590 Syllabus framework.
You will note that aspects of the document are
in blue or red print.
Text in blue print is NOT to be changed. This
text remains constant throughout all instructors
in the college.
Text in red print may be changed by the
instructor. Instructors are encouraged to be
creative and to design lessons and assignments
that align with the content and tasks reflected
in the NYS Leadership Assessments.
To copy and customize the syllabus, select the
entire document, copy it, and paste it into a
new work document. After you have saved
the new document, retain the blue text
temporarily, modify the red text if you wish.
When finished, click on “Select All” in the
Edit menu, then change the font back to black.
Educational Leadership and Administration Program
Center for Integrated Teacher Education
The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY
EDA 590, Critical Issues in Educational Administration
E-mail address
Course Description
A discussion of current problems and issues in educational leadership and administration
that may include school restructuring, professional development, school climate student
achievement, meeting the needs of students who live in poverty, English Language
Learners, school safety, change theory, improving instruction, accommodating students
with special needs and others of interest to students and instructor. Students work on the
development of a personal vision of learning and strategies to achieve support for that
vision that they directly link to national and state educational leadership standards.
Critical Issues in Educational Administration is a course for experienced an educator,
which emphasizes clinical knowledge, action research and supervised practice. Issues in
education are explored with a focus on understanding those that are “critical” with regard
to advancing the mission of schools. Among other topics the course will directly address
School Violence Prevention as prescribed by State certification requirements. Through
discussion, reflection, reading and writing, students will expand their range of knowledge
and deepen their perception of educational issues that have a real impact on student
learning. Critical analysis, decision making, problem solving and school improvement
planning will be emphasized as imperatives for success as an educational leader.
Students will gain a greater understanding of group dynamics and strengthen their
personal communication skills.
Students will be required to conduct research and identify a course of action that
addresses a “critical issue” in education today that requires attention. Issues such as
student achievement, school safety, improvement of instruction, accommodating students
with disabilities, diversity, understanding and influencing school culture and climate, to
name only a few, may be addressed and analyzed. The approach to Critical Issues in
Educational Administration is intended to prepare students for the kinds of “real life”
situations and problems they will encounter as educational leaders at both the building
and district level. The approach, therefore, incorporates key professional standards and
competencies with action research and a theoretical frame of reference to assist in
problem identification/analysis and decision making.
The standards established by the National Policy Board for Educational Administrators
titled Standards for Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership, along with the New
York State Essential Knowledge and Skills for Effective School Leadership serve as a
foundation for this course and complement the College of Saint Rose School of
Education standards and conceptual framework.
Fullan, Michael, Leading in a Culture of Change. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001
Jossey-Bass. The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership (2nd Edition).
Jossey-Bass, Inc., 2007
Supplemental Texts
Cunningham, William and Cordiero, Paula. (2009). Educational Leadership: A
Bridge to Improved Practice (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. (Used in EDA
DuFour, R., DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (2008). Revisiting Professional Learning
Communities at Work: New Insights for Improving Schools. Bloomington, IN:
Solution Tree. (used in EDA 505)
Mills, Geoffrey. (2007). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher (3rd
ed.) . Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Instructors may add any additional supplemental material that they wish to
suggest for their students. Students are not required to purchase any materials
other than the required texts.
Supplementary Resources
Your EDA 505 developed Professional Development Portfolio
>“Safety without Suspensions” (handout) Educational Leadership/September 2008
Note: Instructor may substitute another resource of their choosing at no cost to the
students; expand discussion to include crisis/lockdown planning procedures
(directly referenced on SBL assessment)
>Select content by the instructor and the following Power Points available from Study
Guide, Part III at
Decision Making Strategies
The Change Process
Enhancing the Teaching and Learning Process
The Process of Communication
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These power points are based on the Roland Leon Green text Practicing the Art of
Leadership (2009)
>NYSTCE School Leadership Assessments Study Guide SLA
Learner Outcomes
Students will:
o Identify, develop and refine an individual vision for leadership and
leadership style which embraces the tenets of effective leadership and
which incorporates successfully strategies for collaborative change,
particularly changes necessitated by new or continuing “critical issues”
facing all leaders and their organizations.
o Demonstrate the capacity to understand their current system and the
critical issues facing it deeply.
o To initiate and sustain dialogue on all “critical issues” that honors all
stakeholders with dignity and respect while excavating the essential
cultural and practical issues associated with change.
o Demonstrate the capacity to understand and use tools for data mining and
apply them successfully to promote successful change initiatives.
o Demonstrate the use of data and Action Research methodology to
influence and inform collaborative decision-making.
o Demonstrate the capacity to design authentic, sustainable change
initiatives that address “critical issues” and resolve these issues in a
manner consistent with sustaining high performing learning communities.
o To demonstrate and apply high leverage change initiatives successfully to
“critical issues” discussed in class that promotes meaningful stakeholder
involvement, collaboration, common understandings, and shared vision.
o To design and align assessments that reflect both the overarching shared
vision of the building/district as well as the shared vision associated with
the specific change initiatives investigated.
o Identify, analyze and comprehend major issues in education including
School Violence Prevention;
Course Requirements
Students who miss one class for reasons other than hospitalization, immediate family
bereavement or religious observance (as prescribed by law) will be required to complete
a course related assignment (provided by the course instructor or program) approximating
8 hours of work due prior to course completion; receive a final half grade deduction (ex.
A= A-, A- =B+) that is connected to the Participation component of the established final
grade calculation for each course; and is required to submit all of the assignments due at
the missed class no later than one week after the end of the course. Students who miss a
class must contact CITE.
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Late assignments will have points deducted. Papers may not be sent via e-mail to the instructors
without prior permission.
20 pts
Reflective papers
(Due weekly before classes 2,3,4,5)
10 pts
Select Text Readings Presentations (Classes 2-4)
20 pts
Critical Issues Concept Paper and Presentation
(Due at 2nd class)
20 pts
Practitioner Interview
(Due at 4th class)
25 pts
Final Project, Critical Issue Action Plan
(Due at 5th class)
5 pts
Professional Qualities (including, but not limited to prompt attendance,
participation in discussions, courtesy to fellow students, leadership in groups)
100 pts
Grade Ranges:
100-95 = A; 94-90 = A-; 89-85 = B+, 84-80 = B
Course Schedule
The school improvement planning process; defining a “Critical
Issue”; violence prevention discussion
Review of the ISSLC. ELCC, NYS,standards
Class Discussion: Identify and Explore Critical Issues Facing 21st Century
Explore Critical Issue: Understanding Culture
Explore Critical Issue: Understanding Data
Explore Critical Issue: Understanding Change ~ Shift Happens ~ Review
DuFour PLC’s Chapter 4
Review learning communities and systems thinking theories, methods, and
In-Class/Assigned Reading and Discussions:
Jossey-Bass: ISLLC Standards (pp.249-268); Senge (pp. 3-15); Gardner
(pp.17-26); Barth (pp.159-168); Fullan (pp. 169-181); Preceding
readings referenced in Reflection One are due Thursday before class
A Continuation of learning communities, systems thinking and change; theories,
methods, and tools
Explore Critical Issue: Understanding Poverty ~ Ruby Payne
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Explore Critical Issue: Relationship Building
Explore Critical Issue: English Language Learners
NYSTCE constructed response writing
Introduction to Final project and Action Research methodology used therein
Concept Paper Presentations Due
Readings to be completed for this class and referenced in Reflection Two:
Jossey-Bass Sergiovani (pp. 75-92), Schlechty (pp. 221-237), Levine (289-298)
Fullan. Ch 1-2
Cunningham & Cordeiro (Chapter 2)
A. Review Final Project Criteria
B. Explore Critical Issue: Leadership v. Management
Readings to be completed for this class and referenced in Reflection Three:
Kelley and Peterson (pp. 351-402), Leithwood (pp.183-196), Evans (pp. 135156), Bolman and Deal (pp.115-134),
Fullan. Ch 3-4
Cunningham & Cordeiro (Chapter 3)
A. Review previous class
B. Discussion and Dialogue: Fullan ~ Leading in a Culture of Change
C. The Leadership Paradox
Readings to be completed for this class and referenced in Reflection Four:
Levine (pp.289-298), Barth (pp.211-218), Kouzes and Posner (pp.63-72),
Fullan. Ch 4-5
Cunningham & Cordeiro (Chapter 4)
Interview due
12/12 Final Project Jigsaw Presentations; On demand Writing NYSTCE
long response (300-600 words)-score, pair and share; collect for tutorial
recommendations as needed.
Readings to be completed for this class and referenced in Reflection Four:
Jossey-Bass, Murphy (pp.51-62), Fullan. Ch 6-7
B. Continue/Review Class 4 discussions
C. Final Project Presentations
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1. Weekly Reflections (4 in total): (20 pts.)
a. A written reflection will be e-mailed to me (MS word Only) at the
conclusion of each set of classes.
b. Each reflection will include a 1-2 page narrative (not a list) about your
most “significant learning’s” or “aha’s” as well as how you will use your
new learning’s and/or how they will influence your behavior as a leader.
c. Your reflection should also address each assigned reading .Anything else
you wish to share is also welcome.
d. Reflections should also identify and comment upon the ISLLC standards
described in the reflective text.
e. Reflections are due NO LATER than the Thursday following each set of
f. Reflections are to be emailed to me as an attachment written in MS Word
and only MS WORD.
Rubric for Evaluation of Reflections
Content (5 pts)
Demonstrates thoughtful insight
Some insight shown
Limited or no insight offered
regarding topic. Integrates assigned readings.
2. Panel Discussion – Concept Paper ~ Perspectives Related to Critical Issues
(Due No Later than Class 2 (20pts)
The purpose of this Concept Paper is for each student to articulate, in
verbal and written form, beliefs related to the significance of a current,
solvable issue in your work environment that, if resolved, would significantly
improve student learning. Prepare independently a concise, 1-2 page wellorganized statement of your perspective(s) on the topic. You will have 3-5
minutes to present your perspective along with others.
This paper will be developed and submitted to the instructor for purposes
of discussion and approval as a focus for your final project. The paper will
describe the issue of focus, including a minimum of two literature citations.
Also, it should include why you have selected to address this specific issue,
what are the guiding ideas that you would employ, innovations in
infrastructures, theories, methods, and tools.
- 14 -
Rubric for Evaluation of Panel Discussion
Written Copy ( 15)
Perspective is clearly
articulated supported by several points
Paper has an organizational
format with an introduction,
supporting points, and conclusion
Perspective is expressed, but
provides minimal support
No supporting points
Organization is apparent but
Poorly organized
Oral Presentation (5)
Engaging or creative presentation delivered within time allotment
3. Practitioner Interview Paper (20 points)
The purpose of this assignment is to gain a practitioner’s insight specific to current
issues in their environment that are viewed as solvable and will if solved lead to
improved student learning. Interview a person holding a position similar to the
one to which you aspire. Find out the following:
 What are the skills necessary to effectively perform the duties and functions of
the position?
 What are the most challenging issues that require attention?
 What has changed the most since that person has filled the position?
 If the person could change one aspect of the position, what would s/he want
Add your perspectives to the content of the interview, as well as additional questions
that are of importance to you.
Rubric for Evaluation of Practitioner Interview Paper
Content (20 pts)
Required and additional questions; Assigned questions only
All assigned questions not asked
Thorough representation of
Some aspects of interview
Several aspects of interview
Interview content;
content unclear
content unclear
Clearly written, well organized,
Organizational structure was present,
Communication is challenged
no errors in mechanics
with some errors in mechanics
by lack of organization
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4. Select Text Readings Presentations ( 10 pts)
Presentations will have four areas upon which to focus:
1. Present Important concepts / Terms
2. Reflections on practical applications of important concepts
The presentation by each student will be limited to ten (10) minutes It should be
noted that everyone would have read the chapter so it is up to the speaker to add
new insight and depth to the chapter. The goal therefore, is not to cover the entire
chapter but rather to bring deeper understanding to your colleagues understanding
of the chapter.
Rubric for Evaluation of Chapter Presentation
Content clearly articulated
Some content unclear
Several applications provided
to support view
One or two applications
Most content unclear
No application
Engaging or creative presentation delivered within time allotment
Final Project: Critical Issues Action Plan, 25 points
(NCATE Rated
The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize course content and to demonstrate related
competencies in a practical application. Develop an action plan to address a critical issue
in your unit (department, school, or district) that if resolved will increase student
learning. This cannot be a documentary of action already taken. It must be a plan of
action to be taken.
Include the components:
Part 1
 Introduction: Describe the importance of the critical issue specific to its impediment
to student learning based on current research and how the process to solve this
problem will promote community involvement in the realization of the vision and in
related school improvement efforts. (1.5)
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 Statement of Purpose: Describe why you have decided to address this specific issue
and how its resolution aligns with the school’s vision and prioritization of its
 Focus Questions: Define 2-4 questions that if answered will solve the issue or provide
valuable insight to resolution of the issue
 Literature Review: Access a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles that
provide insight and expertise specific to this issue. Organize these sources into a
literature matrix that identifies 4-6 significant themes that emerge from the literature.
Briefly summarize the article to each theme identified and how that relates to your
Focus Questions.
Part 2
 Data Gathering: Develop a community data gathering strategy (surveys, public
domain access, interviews, observations) that will provide you with at least two
different methodologies to assess and understand the diverse school and community
conditions and dynamics that need to be considered in development of your
prospective action plan (4.2). The content of the assessment should include 6-8
questions based on best practices identified in your Literature Review.
Part 3
 Mobilize Community Resources: Develop a tentative plan that accesses community,
school and social service agencies resources to solve the problem (4.3). The plan
must include at least 5 specific individuals, their roles and why each was selected and
how they might contribute to the resolution of the problem (6.1).Highlight a few of
the potential barriers that you may encounter in solving the problem and the strategies
you will use to make them less of a hindrance.
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Rubric Used to Assess Student Performance on this Project
1.5 Promote
in the Vision
4.2 Respond
to Community
Interests and
4.3 Mobilize
the Larger
(3 Points)
Candidate demonstrates
the ability to involve
community members in
the realization of the
vision and to
communicate effectively
the plan for involving all
stakeholders in the
implementation of the
Candidate is able to
demonstrate active
involvement in the
community, and is able
to use appropriate
assessment strategies to
understand diverse
school and community
conditions and dynamics
and is able to capitalize
on the diversity of the
school community to
improve school
Candidate is able to
demonstrate an
understanding of and
ability to use school and
community resources to
support student
achievement and is able
to demonstrate an
understanding of the
ways to use public
resources and funds
Candidate is able to act
as an informed
consumer of education
theory and concepts
appropriate to a school
context and is able is
able to apply appropriate
research methods and
analyze complex
impediments to learning
and describe the
diversity of a school
community identifying
action plan interventions
that might improve
educational and social
opportunities for
(2 Points)
Candidate demonstrates
the ability to involve
community members in
the realization of the
vision, but is unable to
effectively with all
stakeholders about
implementation of the
Candidate is able to
demonstrate active
involvement in the
community, and is able
to use appropriate
assessment strategies to
understand diverse
school and community
conditions and
dynamics, but is unable
to capitalize on the
diversity of the school
community to improve
school programs
Candidate is able to
demonstrate an
understanding of and
ability to use
community resources to
support student
achievement, but is
unable to demonstrate
an understanding of
ways to use public
resources and funds to
encourage communities
to provide new
Candidate is able to act
as an informed
consumer of education
theory and concepts
appropriate to a school
context, and is able to
apply appropriate
research methods to
analyze complex
impediments to
learning, and describe
the diversity of a school
community, but is
unable to identify action
plan interventions that
might improve
educational and social
opportunities for
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(1 Point)
Candidate is
minimally able to
demonstrate the
ability to involve
members in the
realization of the
(0 Points)
Candidate does
not demonstrate
the ability to
members in the
realization of
the vision
Candidate is
minimally able to
involvement in
the community
Candidate is
unable to
involvement in
the community
Candidate is
minimally able to
demonstrate an
understanding of
and ability to use
school and
resources to
support student
Candidate is
unable to
of and ability to
use school and
resources to
support student
Candidate is
minimally able to
act as an
consumer of
theory and
appropriate to a
school context
Candidate is
unable to act as
an informed
consumer of
theory and
appropriate to a
school context
(averages of
earned points)
(2.6 – 3.0) 25pts
(2.0 – 2.5) 22 pts
(1.0 – 1.9) 19pts
(0.9 or below)
16 pts max
Note: Students rated as Unsatisfactory overall must redo the assignment and that rating entered in the
data base.
Americans with Disabilities Act
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on
your ability to carry out assigned course work, it is urged that you contact CITE/College
of St. Rose as soon as possible so that they can review your concerns and determine what
accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of
disabilities are confidential.
A purpose of College of St. Rose courses, in addition to teaching specific subject matter, is to
improve each student's communication skills. Accordingly, each student's writing and
comments, within assignments, class exercises, comprehensive projects, oral presentations,
etc. shall reflect the highest level of professional excellence. To meet this requirement, the
student should treat all of their written work as if it were presented in the public forum on
behalf of his/her school administrator. There are many times when the sharing of information
about our schools and district are informative and educational. This adds to learning by
integrating "real-life" experiences from course colleagues into the topics under discussion.
There may be times, however, when you should leave out specific identifying information
that would disclose your employer, work colleagues, students or sensitive work occurrences
in current or former schools and districts. It is imperative that we treat any specific examples
that are given by our colleagues and classmates with the utmost appropriate care and concern for
privacy. Lastly, classmates are not to share any information that is protected by confidentiality
laws or where sharing the data is or may be otherwise prohibited.
The New York State Essential Knowledge and Skills for Effective School Leadership
Leaders know and understand what it means and what it takes to be a leader.
Leadership is the act of identifying important goals and then motivating and
enabling others
to devote themselves and all necessary resources to achievement. It includes
summoning one's self and others to learn and adapt to the new situation
represented by the goal.
2. Leaders have a vision for schools that they constantly share and promote.
Leaders have a vision of the ideal, can articulate this vision to any audience,
and work diligently to make it a reality. Leaders also know how to build
upon and sustain a vision that preceded them.
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3. Leaders communicate clearly and effectively.
Leaders possess effective writing and presentation skills. They express
themselves clearly, and are confident and capable of responding to the hard
questions in a public forum. They are also direct and precise questioners,
always seeking understanding.
4. Leaders collaborate and cooperate with others.
Leaders communicate high expectations and provide accurate information to
foster understanding and to maintain trust and confidence. Leaders reach
out to others for support and assistance, build partnerships, secure
resources, and share credit for success and accomplishments. School leaders
manage change through effective relationships with school boards.
5. Leaders persevere and take the "long view.”
Leaders build institutions that endure. They "stay the course," maintain
focus, anticipate and work to overcome resistance. They create capacity
within the organization to achieve and sustain its vision.
6. Leaders support, develop and nurture staff.
Leaders set a standard for ethical behavior. They seek diverse perspectives
and alternative points-of view. They encourage initiative, innovation,
collaboration, and a strong work ethic. Leaders expect and provide
opportunities for staff to engage in continuous personal and professional
growth. They recognize individual talents and assign responsibility and
authority for specific tasks. Leaders celebrate accomplishments. They
identify recruit, mentor, and promote potential leaders.
7. Leaders hold themselves and others responsible and accountable.
Leaders embrace and adhere to comprehensive planning that improves the
organization. They use data to determine the present state of the
organization, identify root cause problems, propose solutions, and validate
accomplishments. Leaders respect responsibility and accountability and
manage resources effectively and efficiently. They require staff to establish
and meet clear indicators of success. Leaders in education also know and
understand good pedagogy and effective classroom practices and support
sustained professional development. They recognize the importance of
learning standards and significance of assessments.
8. Leaders never stop learning and honing their skills
Leaders are introspective and reflective. Leaders ask questions and seek
answers. Leaders in education are familiar with current research and best
practice, not only in education, but also in other related fields. They maintain
a personal plan for self-improvement and continuous learning, and balance
their professional and personal lives, making time for other interests.
9. Leaders have the courage to take informed risks.
Leaders embrace informed, planned change and recognize that everyone
may not support change. Leaders work to win support and are willing to
take action in support of their vision even in the face of opposition.
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ELCC Standards
ELCC I. Candidates who complete the program are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students by facilitating the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of
learning supported by the school community .
1.1 Develop A Vision
1.2 Articulate a Vision
1.3 Implement A Vision
1.4 Steward a Vision
1.5 Promote Community Involvement
ELCC II. Candidates who complete the program are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an
effective instructional program, applying best practice to student
learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans
for staff
2.1 Promote Positive School Culture
2.2 Provide Effective Instructional Program
2.3 Apply Best Practice to Student Learning
2.4 Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans
and Skills
2 and 8
Conceptual Framework
Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8
ELCC III. Candidates who complete the program are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students by managing the organization, operations, and
resources in a way that promotes a
safe, efficient, and effective learning environment
3.1 Manage the Organization
3.2 Manage Operations
3.3 Manage Resources
ELCC IV. Candidates who complete the program: are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students
by collaborating with families and other community members,
responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources
4.1 Collaborate with Families and other Community Members
4.2 Respond to Community Interests and Needs
4.3 Mobilize Community Resources
and Skills
6, 7, and 8
and Skills
1 and 7
Conceptual Framework
Standards: 5, 6, and 7
and Skills
3 and 4
ELCC V. Candidates who complete the program are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical
5.1 Acts with Integrity
5.2 Acts Fairly
5.3 Acts Ethically
Conceptual Framework
Standards: 5
and Skills
6, 7, and 8
ELCC VI. Candidates who complete the program are educational
leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of
all students by understanding, responding to and influencing the
larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context
6.1 Understand the Larger Context
6.2 Respond to the Larger Context
6.3 Influence the Larger Context
Conceptual Framework
Standards: 5
and Skills
1, 5 and 9
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