GULFSTREAM G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL PLACARDING PROCEDURES MANUAL Revision 5a November 30, 2009 GAC Doc. No. G100-1 C 2009 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation DISCLAIMER FOR MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING PROCEDURES MANUAL (GAC DOC. NO. G100-1) The technical information presented herein has been determined to be correct at time of publication. However, should a direct conflict exist between this and other official publications, e.g., Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL), Airplane Flight Manuals (AFM), Maintenance Manuals, those publications take precedence. ©2009 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this publication. No part may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any part or form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, microfilm, microfiche, mechanical or otherwise, without prior written permission of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ATA 21 AIR CONDITIONING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ATA 22 Bleed Switching Valves..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 Ram Air Check Valve........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-1 Cabin Air Out-Flow Valves ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-2 Air Conditioning System ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-2 Automatic Temperature Control System ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-2 Manual Temperature Control System ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-2 Ground Cooling System .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-3 Pilot’s Conditioned Air...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-3 Cabin Differential Pressure Indicator ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-3 Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-3 Cabin Altimeter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-4 Cabin Altitude Warning..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-4 Ditching Valve .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-4 Water Separator Temperature Control System .................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-5 Automatic Cabin Pressure Control System ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-5 Manual Pressurization System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-6 Landing Field Elevation Selector (A knob) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-6 Barometric Adjustment Selector (B knob) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-6 Cabin Rate Selector (R knob) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-7 CABIN / FUEL / RAT TEMP Indicator ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21-7 Ground Bypass Valve ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21-7 HP Bleed Air Duct Blow Out Discs .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21-7 Cabin Overhead Airflow Vents (Wemacs / Gasper) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21-8 AUTO FLIGHT ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22-1 1. 2. 3. Autopilot System ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22-1 Yaw Damper System ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22-1 Autopilot Disconnect ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22-1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) ATA 23 COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ATA 24 ELECTRICAL POWER ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ATA 25 DC Voltmeters ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-1 DC Ammeters .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-1 Inverters............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24-1 AC Voltmeters ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-1 Battery Temperature Indicator .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-1 Nose Compartment Blower ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-2 External Power System ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-2 Baggage Compartment Heat .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24-2 60 Hertz AC Electrical System .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24-2 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ATA 26 Communications Systems (VHF, UHF) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-1 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-2 Passenger Address (PA) System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-2 Boom Microphones ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-3 Recorded Passenger Briefing System ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-4 Selective Call System (SELCAL) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-4 Cockpit Speakers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-5 Headsets ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-5 High Frequency (HF) Communication System .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23-5 Hand Held Microphones ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-6 Flight Phone Systems ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-6 Automatic Cabin Briefing System ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23-6 Passenger Seat(s) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25-1 Passenger Convenience Item(s) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25-1 Emergency Medical Equipment......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25-2 Flotation Devices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25-2 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25-2 “Fasten Seat Belt While Seated” Sign or Placard .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25-2 Cargo Restraint System(s) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25-3 Life Rafts ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25-3 FIRE PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26-1 1. 2. 3. 4. Portable Fire Extinguishers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26-1 Lavatory Smoke Detection System .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26-1 Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26-1 Fire Bottle Thermal Discharge Indicator (Disc) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 26-1 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) ATA 27 FLIGHT CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ATA 28 FUEL ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ATA 29 Windshield Wipers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30-1 Pitot-Static Heater System ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30-1 Windshield Heat ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30-1 Pneumatic De-icing Boot System ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-1 Surface De-icing System Control ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-2 Defog System .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-2 Engine Inlet Anti-Icing Valve (TAI Valve) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-2 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31-1 1. 2. 3. 4. ATA 32 Hydraulic Tank Pressurization .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29-1 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ATA 31 Interconnect Valves ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-1 Transfer Valves ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28-1 Jettison Valves................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-1 Fuel Low Level Light ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28-1 Pressure Fueling System .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-1 Fuel Management Indicator ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28-2 HYDRAULIC POWER ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29-1 1. ATA 30 Slat and Flap Position Indicator ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27-1 Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Indicator ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27-1 Aileron Trim Indicator ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27-1 Rudder Trim Indicator ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27-1 Automatic Slat Extension System ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27-1 Clocks ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31-1 Flight Data Recorder (FDR) System ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31-1 Cockpit Voice Recorder .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31-2 Flight Hour Recorder......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31-2 LANDING GEAR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32-1 1. Antiskid System................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32-1 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) ATA 33 LIGHTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Cockpit / Flight Deck / Flight Compartment and Instrument Lighting .............................................................................................................................................. 33-1 Cabin Interior Illumination System ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-1 Passenger Notice System (Fasten Seat Belts, No Smoking) .............................................................................................................................................................. 33-1 Baggage Compartment Light System ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33-1 Anti-Collision Light System (Top and / or Bottom Strobes) ............................................................................................................................................................. 33-2 Wing Tip Strobes .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33-2 Taxi Light System ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33-2 Landing Light System........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33-2 Wing Inspection Lights ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-2 Position Lights System ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-2 Emergency Exit Lighting System ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-3 Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System Lights .................................................................................................................................................... 33-3 Strobes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-3 Pulselite Landing Light System ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-3 Logo Lights ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33-3 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) ATA 34 NAVIGATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. ATA 35 Mach / Airspeed Indicator ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-1 Mach / Airspeed Overspeed Warning System ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-1 RAT / CABIN / FUEL TEMP Indicator ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-1 Turn and Bank Indicator.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-2 Vertical Navigation System ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-2 Flight Director System....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-2 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 34-2 Marker Beacon Receiver ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-2 Weather Radar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-2 Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) System ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-3 Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-3 AOA Indicator ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-3 Navigation Equipment (VOR / ILS, Loran, RNAV, Omega / VLF, INS, GPS, Doppler, FMS) ....................................................................................................... 34-3 Radio Altimeter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-3 Multi-Function Display (MFD) Symbol Generator ........................................................................................................................................................................... 34-4 ATC Transponders and Automatic Altitude Reporting Systems ....................................................................................................................................................... 34-4 Altitude Alerting System ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-5 Remote Tuning Unit (RTU) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-5 Airborne Flight Information System .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-5 Maintenance Diagnostic System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34-5 Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-6 Air Data Computers (ADC) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-8 Non-Stabilized Magnetic Compass ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-9 Traffic Collision and Avoidance System I (TCAS I) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34-10 Traffic Collision and Avoidance System II (TCAS II) .................................................................................................................................................................... 34-10 Moving Map Display....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-12 Windshear Detection and Guidance System .................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-12 Flight Management System (FMS) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-12 Navigation Management System ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-13 Stormscope ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-13 Windshear Warning and Flight Guidance System ........................................................................................................................................................................... 34-13 Windshear Detection and Avoidance System .................................................................................................................................................................................. 34-14 Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS – B) System............................................................................................................................................... 34-14 Standby Altitude Indicator............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34-15 OXYGEN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35-1 1. Oxygen System and Supply (Passenger) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 35-1 2. Oxygen Blow Out Disc...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35-1 3. Protective Breathing Equipment ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35-1 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) ATA 49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49-1 1. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49-1 2. APU Generator .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49-1 ATA 52 DOORS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52-1 1. ATA 77 ENGINE INDICATING ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ATA 78 N1 Indicator Digital Display ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77-1 N2 Indicator Digital Display ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77-1 ITT Indicator Digital Display ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 77-1 Automatic Power Reserve (APR) (SPX only) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 77-1 Engine Synchronizer (ENG SYNC) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77-1 Liquid Crystal Displays ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77-1 ENGINE EXHAUST .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 78-1 1. ATA 79 Door Warning Light System .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52-1 Thrust Reversing System ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78-1 ENGINE OIL .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79-1 1. Low Oil Pressure Warning Light ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79-1 vi General Information Gulfstream has developed this manual to assist operators in development of their Maintenance, Operational and Placarding Procedures (MOP) for the Gulfstream G100 aircraft as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular 91-67 dated July 28, 1991. This manual is intended for use in conjunction with the Gulfstream G100 Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL), Revision 5a, dated November 30, 2009. Operators must apply to local FAA office for approval of a specific MEL and MOP for their aircraft. Part 91 operators should be aware that the published MMEL is intended for FAR 121, 125, 129 and 135 operations as specified in the preamble. FAR 91 operators must obtain a FAR 91 Preamble from the local FAA office. This manual’s revision number will reflect the last issued FAA approved MMEL revision number. Updates to this manual prior to the next FAA approved MMEL revision will be identified by a point and number following the assigned FAA revision number, e.g., first update will be reflected as Revision 4.a. The Aircraft Discrepancy Log Sheet where all inoperative items will be noted is referred to as ADLS throughout this document. Those items marked with three asterisks (***) are optional items. Those items which are not production installed items will require the operator to develop specific maintenance, operational and placarding procedures for their installation. The following is accomplished by this revision of the G100 Maintenance, Operational, and Placarding Manual. Users should review and become familiar with the manual. 1. 2. 3. Incorporated latest revision of the MMEL. Corrected technical errors throughout the manual. Corrected typographical errors throughout the manual. Note: If errors are noted in this manual, submit a fax providing details and suggested corrections for the error to Gulfstream Technical Publications at (912) 965-3520. Note: If assistance is needed regarding the MMEL, MEL or MOP implementation or usage, contact the local FAA office. vii GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 1. 2. 21-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING Bleed Switching Valves Ram Air Check Valve C 2 1 (M) One may be inoperative provided the airplane is not operated above FL 250. Prior to flight, close the None required. inoperative Bleed Switching Valve (BSV) by ensuring the circuit breaker for the inoperative BSV is in and placing the CABIN AIR selector to the engine with the operating BSV. Then visually check that the inoperative BSV butterfly valve is closed by observing that the indicator shows closed. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the aircraft may not be operated above 25,000 feet MSL. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 2 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Affected valves are closed, b) The airplane is operated unpressurized and c) Ram air is selected. Prior to flight, close the None required. inoperative Bleed Switching Valves (BSV) by ensuring the circuit breakers for the inoperative BSV are in, and placing the CABIN AIR selector to the RAM AIR position. Then visually check that the inoperative BSV butterfly valves are closed by observing that the indicators show closed. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized and that the “Oxygen requirements as outlined in FAR 91.211 MUST BE OBSERVED”. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative in the open position provided aircraft is operated unpressurized. None required. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 21-1 None required. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 3. Cabin Air Out-Flow Valves C 2 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Affected valves are secured in the open position, and b) The airplane is operated unpressurized below 10,000 feet MSL. The outflow valve may be None required. secured open by removing the floor panel above the outflow valves. Manually open the outflow valve and secure it open with .032 safety wire or larger. Replace floor panel. 4. Air Conditioning System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Aircraft is operated unpressurized, and b) Aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL. None required. None required. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 5. Automatic Temperature Control System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the manual temperature control system operates normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 6. Manual Temperature Control System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the automatic temperature control system operates normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 21-2 Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized and that the “Oxygen requirements as outlined in FAR 91.211 MUST BE OBSERVED”. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21-3 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 21. AIR CONDITIONING 7. Ground Cooling System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 8. Pilot’s Conditioned Air C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 9. Cabin Differential Pressure Indicator C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin altitude indicator is operative, b) Cabin altitude warning system is operative, c) Cabin rate of climb indicator is operative and d) A chart is provided to the crew for converting cabin altitude to differential pressure. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative provided aircraft is operated unpressurized at or below 10,000 feet MSL. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative provided all other components of the pressure control system are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 10. Cabin Rate of Climb Indicator 21-3 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-4 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 11. Cabin Altimeter C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: None required. a) Cabin differential pressure indicator is operative, b) Cabin altitude warning system is operative and c) A chart is provided to the crew to convert cabin differential pressure to cabin altitude. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Aircraft is operated unpressurized and b) Aircraft is operated at or below 10,000 feet MSL. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 12. Cabin Altitude Warning System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the aircraft is operated unpressurized at or below 10,000 feet MSL. None required. Ensure RAM AIR is selected on Cabin Air Selector. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 13. Ditching Valve C 1 0 May be inoperative provided extended overwater flights are not conducted. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 21-4 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-5 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ’D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 14. Water Separator Temperature Control System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the airplane is None required. operated unpressurized. Ensure RAM AIR is selected on Cabin Air Selector. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 15. Automatic Cabin Pressure Control System C 1 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin air out-flow valves are secured in the open position and b) The airplane is operated unpressurized at or below 10,000 feet. The outflow valve may be Ensure RAM AIR is selected secured open by removing the on Cabin Air Selector. floor panel above the outflow valves. Manually open the outflow valve and secure it open with .032 safety wire or larger. Replace the floor panel. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized and that the “Oxygen requirements as outlined in FAR 91.211 MUST BE OBSERVED”. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative providing the manual pressurization system is operative. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 21-5 None required. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-6 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 16. Manual Pressurization System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided automatic cabin pressure control system is operative. C 1 0 17. Landing Field Elevation Selector (A knob) C 1 18. Barometric Adjustment Selector (B knob) C 1 None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. May be inoperative provided the airplane is None required. operated unpressurized at or below 10,000 feet MSL. Ensure RAM AIR is selected on Cabin Air Selector. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be operated pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 0 May be inoperative provided: a) All other components of pressurization control system are operative and b) Cabin is unpressurized prior to landing. None required. None required. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be landed pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the CABIN PRESSURE selector and will be noted on the ADLS. 0 May be inoperative provided: a) All other components of pressurization control system are operative and b) Cabin is unpressurized prior to landing. None required. None required. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be landed pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the CABIN PRESSURE and will be noted on the ADLS. 21-6 None required. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-7 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 19. Cabin Rate Selector (R knob) C 0 May be inoperative provided: a) All other components of pressurization control system are operative and b) Cabin is unpressurized prior to landing. None required. None required. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft may not be landed pressurized. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the CABIN PRESSURE selector and will be noted on the ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. To ensure the GROUND BYPASS valve is closed, select RAM AIR on the air selector switch and operate the right engine to approximately 50% N1. There should be no airflow in the cabin. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the ECS panel and will be noted on the ADLS. 20. CABIN / FUEL / RAT TEMP Indicator Cabin Temp Mode 21. Ground Bypass Valve C 1 0 C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative in the closed position. 21-7 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 21. 21-8 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS AIR CONDITIONING 22. HP Bleed Air Duct Blow Out Discs C 2 0 23. Cabin Overhead Airflow Vents (Wemacs / Gasper) D - - (M) The HP bleed air duct blow out disk may be checked to ensure there is no leak by operating the respective engine and ensuring no airflow is exiting from the port. This check must be accomplished prior to each flight until the blow out disk is replaced. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 21-8 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 22. AUTO FLIGHT 1. Autopilot System 22-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 1) One Autopilot System B Installed 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) En route operations, including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10, and approach procedures do not require its use and b) AFM limitations are observed. Ensure the autopilot circuit breaker is in and the autopilot annunciation on PFD is flashing red. Pilots must not engage autopilot and must observe AFM limitations. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the autopilot is to remain disengaged. An inoperative placard will be placed on the autopilot panel and will be noted on ADLS. 2) Two or more Autopilot Systems Installed C - 1 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided remaining system(s) operate normally. Ensure the inoperative autopilot circuit breaker is in, and the annunciation for inoperative autopilot is activated. Pilot must not engage inoperative autopilot and must observe AFM limitations. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the inoperative autopilot is to remain disengaged. An inoperative placard will be placed on the autopilot panel and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Yaw Damper System C 1 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) En route operations, including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10, do not require its use and b) AFM limitations are observed. Ensure the autopilot circuit breaker is in and the white YD DISENG annunciator is illuminated on the PFDs. Pilots must not engage yaw damper and must observe AFM limitations. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the yaw damper system is to remain disengaged. An inoperative placard will be placed on the autopilot panel and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Autopilot Disconnect C - - One may be inoperative provided the autopilot is not utilized at less than initial approach altitude. None required None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the autopilot panel and will be noted on ADLS. 22-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Communication Systems (VHF, UHF) 1) 23-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. D - - a) Frequency Transfer C Light - b) Frequency Transfer Switch C MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative provided it is not powered by the emergency ac bus, emergency dc bus, battery bus, battery direct bus or the dc transfer bus and not required for emergency procedures. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. - 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. c) Frequency Selector C Knob - 2 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. d) Frequency Indication - 2 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. VHF Comm C 23-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. 2. 3. 23-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATIONS Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) (With Flight Data Recorder (FDR) installed) A 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight Data Recorder (FDR) operates normally and b) Repairs are made within three flight days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) (Without Flight Data Recorder (FDR) installed) A 1 0 May be inoperative provided repairs are made within three flight days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. B 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate, normal and emergency procedures and / or operating restrictions are established and used and b) Flight Attendant Alerting System (audio and visual) operates normally. None required. Pilots must ensure that passengers are adequately briefed verbally regarding normal and emergency procedures, and operating restrictions. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) PA not required by FAR and b) Alternate, normal and emergency procedures and / or operating restrictions are established and used. None required. Pilots must ensure that passengers are adequately briefed verbally regarding normal and emergency procedures, and operating restrictions. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. Passenger Address (PA) System 1) Passenger Configuration NOTE: Any station function (s) that operate normally may be used. 23-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. 3. MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 6. 7. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATIONS Passenger Address (PA) System (continued) 2) 4. 23-3 NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: Cargo Configuration D 1 0 May be inoperative provided procedures do None required. not require its use. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. Boom Microphones (COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER WITH FLIGHT DATA RECORDER INSTALLED) 1) Cockpit Voice A Recorder equipped to record Boom Microphones per FAR 135.151 (d) or 121.139 (g). - 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight Data Recorder (FDR) operates normally and b) Repairs are made within three flight days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. *** 2) Cockpit Voice D Recorder not equipped to record Boom Microphones. - 0 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. (Continued on Next Page) 23-3 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. 4. 23-4 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATIONS Boom Microphones (Continued) (COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER WITHOUT FLIGHT DATA RECORDER INSTALLED) 1) Cockpit Voice A Recorder equipped to record Boom Microphones per FAR 135.151 (d) or 121.139 (g). - 0 May be inoperative provided repairs are made within three flight days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. ***2) Cockpit Voice D Recorder not equipped to record Boom Microphones. - 0 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. (O) None required. Pilots must ensure that passengers are adequately briefed. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 5. Recorded Passenger *** Briefing System C 1 0 6. Selective Call System *** (SELCAL) C 1 0 23-4 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. 23-5 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATIONS 7. Cockpit Speakers C 2 0 May be inoperative provided headsets are installed and operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 8. Headsets C 2 1 One pilot’s headset may be inoperative provided operations do require its use and both pilot cockpit speakers operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 9. High Frequency (HF) Communication System D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 1 (O) May be inoperative while conducting operations that require two LRCS provided: a) SATCOM (High or Low Gain) Data Link system operates normally, and b) SATCOM Data Link communication operates normally over the intended route of the flight. None required. Flight crew must ensure that SATCOM Data Link system is operating normally. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 23-5 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 23. 23-6 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATIONS 10. Hand Held Microphones C - 0 11. Flight Phone *** Systems D - 0 12. Automatic Cabin *** Briefing System D May be inoperative provided: a) Both cockpit crewmembers use a boom microphone and b) Both control wheel push-to-talk switches operate normally. (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. 23-6 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Pilots must ensure that passengers are adequately briefed verbally regarding normal and emergency procedures, and operating restrictions. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 24. 24-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ELECTRICAL POWER 1. DC Voltmeters DELETED REVISION 2 2. DC Ammeters DELETED REVISION 2 3. Inverters B 2 1 One may be inoperative provided airplane is operated in day Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. Inverters (AHRS Equipped) B 2 1 One may be inoperative provided: a) Aircraft is equipped with the Collins AHRS system and b) All other ac electrical system components are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 4. AC Voltmeters B 2 1 One may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 5. Battery Temperature Indicator C 1 0 One may be inoperative provided NI-CAD batteries are not installed. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to the battery temperature indicator and will be noted on ADLS. 24-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 24-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. 24. ELECTRICAL POWER 6. Nose Compartment Blower C - 0 7. External Power System C 1 0 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS May be inoperative provided AFM procedures are observed. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 8. Baggage Compartment Heat C 1 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: Pull and tag Baggage Baggage Compartment Heat Switch is Compartment Heat circuit in the OFF position for the duration of breakers. the flight. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 9. 60 Hertz AC Electrical System C 1 0 (M) None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. Pull and tag 60 Hz CNTL circuit breaker. 24-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 25-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS 1. Passenger Seat(s) C - - May be inoperative provided: a) Seat does not block an emergency exit, b) Seat does not restrict any passenger from access to the main aircraft aisle and c) Affected seat(s) is blocked and placarded "DO NOT OCCUPY". None required. None required. A placard stating “DO NOT OCCUPY” will be placed on each affected seat and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. A placard stating “SEAT MUST REMAIN SECURED IN UPRIGHT POSITION” will be placed on each affected seat and will be noted on ADLS. NOTE 1: A seat with an inoperative seatbelt is considered to be inoperative. NOTE 2: Affected seat(s) may include the seat(s) behind and / or adjacent outboard seats. 1) Recline Mechanism C - - May be inoperative and seat occupied provided seat is secured in the upright position. 25-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 25-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS 2. Passenger Convenience Item(s) - 0 Passenger convenience items, as expressed in this MMEL, are those related to passenger convenience, comfort or entertainment such as, but not limited to galley equipment, ash trays, stereo equipment, overhead reading lamps. Items addressed elsewhere in this document shall not be included. (M) or (O) procedures may be required and included in the air carriers appropriate document. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to the inoperative item and will be noted on ADLS. NOTE: EXTERIOR LAVATORY DOOR ASHTRAYS ARE NOT CONSIDERED CONVENIENCE ITEMS. 3. Emergency Medical Equipment D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing provided required distribution is maintained. None required. None required. If installed, an inoperative placard will be placed on first aid kit cover and will be noted on ADLS. 4. Flotation Devices D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 25-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 25-3 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS 5. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) C 1 0 As required by FAR. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative for published scheduled flights in scheduled air carrier service. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 6. “Fasten Seat Belt While Seated” Sign or Placard C - - One or more signs or placards may be illegible or missing provided a legible sign or placard is visible from each occupied passenger seat. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 7. Cargo Restraint System(s) C - - (O) May be inoperative or missing provided acceptable cargo loading limits from an approved source, i.e., an Approved Cargo Loading Manual, Cargo Handling Manual or Weight and Balance Documents are observed. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in Remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - - May be inoperative or missing provided procedures are established and used to ensure the associated compartment remains empty, or is verified to contain only empty Cargo Handling Equipment, Ballast and / or Fly Away Kits. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in Remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 25-3 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 25-4 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS 25. EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS 8. Life Rafts D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing. 25-4 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 26. 26-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS FIRE PROTECTION 1. Portable Fire Extinguishers D 2. Lavatory Smoke Detection System DELETED REVISION 2. 3. Lavatory Fire Extinguisher System DELETED REVISION 2. 4. Fire Bottle Thermal Discharge Indicator (Disc) C - 2 - 0 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative or missing provided: a) The inoperative fire extinguisher is tagged inoperative, removed from the installed location and placed out of sight so it can not be mistaken for a functional unit and b) Required distribution is maintained. (M) May be inoperative provided the pressure gage on the bottle(s) is checked for correct pressure prior to each departure. 26-1 None required. None required. If installed, an inoperative placard will be placed on pressure charge gage of affected extinguisher and will be noted on ADLS. Prior to each flight the pressure gage on each engine fire bottle must be checked to verify the bottle is full. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 27. 27-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS FLIGHT CONTROLS 1. Slat and Flap Position Indicator DELETED REVISION 2. 2. Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Indicator C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight crew verifies by visual inspection that stabilizer setting agrees with trim markings on vertical fin before each flight and b) Rudder and aileron trim indicators are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on control pedestal and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Aileron Trim Indicator C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight crew verifies by visual inspection that ailerons are in neutral position before each flight and b) Horizontal stabilizer and rudder trim indicators are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on control pedestal and will be noted on ADLS. 4. Rudder Trim Indicator C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Flight crew verifies by visual inspection that rudder trim is neutral before each flight and b) Horizontal stabilizer and aileron trim indicators are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on control pedestal and will be noted on ADLS. 5. Automatic Slat Extension System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) The airplane is not operated into known or forecast icing conditions. b) The airplane is operated in day VMC and c) AFM limitations are complied with. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on control pedestal and will be noted on ADLS. 27-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 28. 28-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS FUEL 1. Interconnect Valves C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided fuel jettison system is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Transfer Valves C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided: a) Fuel is limited to 4000 lbs. maximum and b) Interconnect valves operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Jettison Valves C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided interconnect valves operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. C 2 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Airplane is not operated above 18,000 lbs takeoff weight and b) Interconnect valves operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on overhead panel and will be noted on ADLS. Fuel Low Level Light C 1 0 May be inoperative provided fuel quantity displays operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. 5. Pressure Fueling System C 1 0 None required. Flight crew to use gravity refueling procedures. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 4. 28-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 28. 6. 28-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ’D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS FUEL Fuel Management Indicator 1) Wing Tank Fuel Quantity Display C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided: a) All other functions of fuel management indicator are operative, b) Fuel transfer valves are operative and c) A minimum fuel quantity of 4000 lbs. is required for takeoff. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. 2) Fuselage Tank Fuel Display C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) All other functions of fuel management indicator are operative and b) Fuel transfer valves are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. 3) Fuel Consumed Display C 1 0 May be inoperative provided all other functions of fuel management indicator are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. 4) Fuel Remaining Display C 1 0 May be inoperative provided all other functions of fuel management indicator are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. (Continued on Next Page) 28-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 28. 6. 28-3 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ’D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS FUEL Fuel Management Indicator (Continued) 5) Fuel Flow Display C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided: a) Fuel quantity indicators are operative, b) Remaining engine indicators for the associated engine are operative. c) Fuel flow on flight management system is operative. 28-3 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on center instrument panel and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 29. 1. 29-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS HYDRAULIC POWER Hydraulic Tank Pressurization C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) All other hydraulic components are operative, b) Aircraft is not operated above FL 350 and c) Landing gear is not extended or operated above 8,000 ft altitude. 29-1 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. PAGE NUMBER: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 30. MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS 30-1 NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1. Windshield Wipers C 2 - May be inoperative provided the airplane is None required. not operated in precipitation within 5 NM of the airport of takeoff or intended landing. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to WINDSHIELD WIPERS switches and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Pitot-Static Heater System B 2 1 (O) One may be inoperative, except where en route operations, including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10, require its use provided: a) The airplane is not operated into known or forecast icing conditions, b) The airplane is operated in day VMC and c) AFM limitations for the automatic slat extension system inoperative are complied with. None required. Verify operation of remaining system by monitoring current on amp gauge while selecting pitot-static heat system off, then on. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to HEAT PROBES switch and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Windshield Heat C 2 0 May be inoperative provided: a) De-fog system is operative and b) The airplane is not operated into known or forecast icing conditions. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to HEAT WINDSHIELD switches and will be noted on ADLS. 4. Pneumatic De-icing Boot System C 2 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) The airplane is not operated into known or forecast icing conditions, b) System is secured to ensure that boots remain deflated by suction. With either or both engines None required. operating, verify that air is exiting from the de-ice boot ejector and the SURFACE DEICE ALT and NORM circuit breakers are pulled and disabled. Place a placard in the cockpit that states the aircraft must not be flown into known or forecasted icing conditions, and that the wing de-ice system must not be used. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent DEICE WING & TAIL switches and will be noted on ADLS. 30-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 30. 5. 30-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION Surface De-icing System Control a) Normal System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the alternate system is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent DEICE WING & TAIL switches and will be noted on ADLS. b) Alternate System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the normal system is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent DEICE WING & TAIL switches and will be noted on ADLS. 6. Defog System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided both windshield heat systems are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on control pedestal and will be noted on ADLS. 7. Engine Inlet Anti-Icing Valve (TAI Valve) SPX only C 2 0 May be inoperative in the open position None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C 2 0 May be inoperative in the closed position provided aircraft is not operated in known or forecast conditions. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 30-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 31. 1. 31-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS Clocks 2. Flight Data *** Recorder (FDR) System (Continued on Next Page) C - 0 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative clock and will be noted on ADLS. C - 1 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. A - 0 May be inoperative provided: None required. a) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) operates normally, b) Airplane is not dispatched from a designated airport as listed in the operator’s MEL unless: 1. The FDR failure occurs after pushback but prior to takeoff, or 2. The FDR repair was attempted but was not successful. c) In those cases where repair is attempted but not successful, the aircraft may be dispatched on a flight or series of flights until the next designated airport where repair must be accomplished prior to dispatch, and d) Repairs must be made within three flight days. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 31-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 31. 31-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS 2. Flight Data *** Recorder (FDR) System (Continued) 3. FDR Recording Parameters required by FAR A - - May be inoperative provided: a) Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) operates normally, and b) Repairs are made within 20 calendar days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. FDR Recording Parameters not required by FAR A - - May be inoperative provided repairs are made prior to the completion of the next heavy maintenance visit. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Pilots must ensure that the actual flight time is adequately recorded after each flight until the flight hour recorder is repaired. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to clock and will be noted on ADLS. Cockpit Voice Recorder 4. Flight Hour Recorder *** Moved to ATA Chapter 23. C 1 0 (O) 31-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 32. 1. 32-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS LANDING GEAR Antiskid System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided AFM is complied with. 32-1 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to ANTI SKID switch and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 33. 33-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS LIGHTS 1. Cockpit / Flight Deck / C Flight Compartment and Instrument Lighting System - - Individual lights may be inoperative None required. provided remaining lights are: a) Sufficient to clearly illuminate all required instruments, controls and other devices for which it is provided, b) Positioned so that direct rays are shielded from flight crewmembers eyes and c) Lighting configuration and intensity is acceptable to the flight crew. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative light control and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Cabin Interior Illumination System C - - May be inoperative provided: a) Cabin emergency lighting is operative and b) Lighting configuration at dispatch is acceptable to the flight crew. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative light control and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Passenger Notice System (Fasten Seat Belts, No Smoking) C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided appropriate verbal briefings are given to passengers. None required. Pilots must provide appropriate verbal briefings to the passengers. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 4. Baggage Compartment Light System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 33-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 33. 33-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS LIGHTS 5. Anti-Collision Light System (Top and / or Bottom Strobes) B 1 0 May be inoperative provided the airplane is None required. operated day only. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – ANTICOL switch and will be noted on ADLS. 6. Wing Tip Strobes C 2 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – POSITION switch and will be noted on ADLS. 7. Taxi Light System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – TAXI switch and will be noted on ADLS. 8. Landing Light System C 2 1 One may be inoperative for night operations provided taxi lights operate normally. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – LANDING switch and will be noted on ADLS. 2 0 May be inoperative for day operations. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – LANDING switch and will be noted on ADLS. C 2 0 May be inoperative provided a portable lamp / light of adequate capacity for wing and / or control surface inspection is available for night operations in icing conditions. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – WING switch and will be noted on ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the airplane is None required. operated day only. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – POSITION switch and will be noted on ADLS. C 9. Wing Inspection Lights 10. Position Lights System 33-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 33. 33-3 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS LIGHTS 11. Emergency Exit Lighting System C 1 0 May be inoperative for all cargo operations only. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EMERGENCY LTS switch and will be noted on ADLS. 12. Floor Proximity *** Emergency Escape Path Marking System Lights C - - Individual lights may be inoperative None required. provided it is verified that the FAA approved minimum acceptable lighting levels specified in one of the following documents are complied with: a) FAA Engineering approval letter. b) FAA approved report of the Type Design holder. c) Limitations and Conditions section of the applicable Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or d) An FAA approved report incorporated in the master drawing list for the applicable STC. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EMERGENCY LTS switch and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – LANDING switch and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to EXTERIOR LIGHTS – TAIL OFF WING switch and will be noted on ADLS. 13. Strobes Moved to No. 6. 14. Pulselite Landing *** Light System D - 0 15. Logo Lights *** D - 0 May be inoperative provided both Landing Lights operate normally. 33-3 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. NAVIGATION 1. Mach / Airspeed Indicator 34-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS Mach Indicator C 2 0 May be inoperative provided: a) The airplane is not operated above FL 250, b) Overspeed warning is operative and c) AFM limitations are observed. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be adjacent to Mach indicator and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Mach / Airspeed Overspeed Warning System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) Both mach meters are operative, and b) The following airspeed limitations are observed and placarded in plain view of each pilot station; 1) Vmo – 350 KIAS below FL 250. 2) Mmo -.81 MACH FL 250 and above. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. Placard will include airspeed limitations as noted in Remarks. 3. RAT / CABIN / FUEL TEMP Indicator C 1 0 May be inoperative provided SAT and TAS None required. information is available. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. RAT Mode 34-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 4. 34-2 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION Turn and Bank Indicator a) Slip Indicator b) Turn Indicator DELETED REVISION 2 B 2 1 One may be inoperative. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative Slip Indicator and will be noted on ADLS. DELETED REVISION 2. 5. Vertical Navigation System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative Vertical Navigation Indicator and will be noted on ADLS. 6. Flight Director System C 2 0 May be inoperative provided landing weather minimums do not require its use. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 7. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to EHSI and will be noted on ADLS. 8. Marker Beacon Receiver C 1 0 May be inoperative provided approach procedures do not require its use. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 9. Weather Radar C 1 - As required by FAR. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to MFD and will be noted on ADLS. 34-2 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-3 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 10. Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) System C - - 11. Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) C - 12. AOA Indicator C None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to ADF control unit and will be noted on ADLS. 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to RMI and will be noted on ADLS. 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to AOA indicator and will be noted on ADLS 13. Navigation Equipment C (VOR / ILS, Loran, RNAV, Omega / VLF, INS, GPS, Doppler, FMS) - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 14. Radio Altimeter 1 0 May be inoperative provided en route or approach procedures do not require its use. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. NOTE: Inoperative Radio Altimeter may affect the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and Traffic Collision and Avoidance System (TCAS). 34-3 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-4 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 15. Multi-Function Display (MFD) Symbol Generator a) 1125 C 1 0 b) 1125 SPX C 2 1 B - D - 16. ATC Transponders and Automatic Altitude Reporting Systems None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to MFD and will be noted on ADLS. One may be inoperative provided both Primary Flight Displays (PFD) are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to MFD and will be noted on ADLS. 0 May be inoperative provided: a) En route operations do not require its use, and b) Prior to flight, approval is obtained from ATC facilities having jurisdiction over the planned route of flight. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 1 Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 34-4 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-5 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 17. Altitude Alerting System A - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Autopilot with altitude hold is operative, b) En route operations including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10 operations do not require its use. c) Repairs are made within three flight days. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in Remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 May be inoperative provided it is not required by FAR. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 18. Remote Tuning Unit (RTU) C 2 1 One may be inoperative provided at least one FMS is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative RTU and will be noted on ADLS. 19. Airborne Flight *** Information System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 20. Maintenance Diagnostic *** System C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 34-5 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-6 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 21. Ground Proximity *** Warning System (GPWS) 1) Modes 1-4 A - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) It is not required by FAR, and b) Alternate procedures are established and used. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. A - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established used and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) It is not required by FAR, and, b) Alternate procedures are established and used. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. (Continued on Next Page) 34-6 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-7 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 21. Ground Proximity *** Warning System (GPWS) (Continued) 2) 3) ***4) Test Mode Glideslope Deviation (Mode 5) Advisory Callouts A 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) The GPWS is considered inoperative and b) Repairs are made within two flight days. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C 1 0 May be inoperative provided: a) It is not required by FAR, and, b) GPWS is considered inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. B 2 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C 2 0 May be inoperative provided it is not required by FAR. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided alternate procedures are established and used. None required. Pilots must use alternate procedures for advisory callouts An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 34-7 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-8 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 21. Ground Proximity *** Warning System (Continued) 5) ***6) Windshear Mode C - 0 TAWS C - 0 C 2 1 C 2 1 22. Air Data Computers (ADC) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used and b) Takeoffs and landings are not conducted in known or forecast windshear conditions. None required. Pilots must use alternative procedures for windshear mode advisories. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. (O) Except where en route operations, including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10 operations, require its use, one may be inoperative provided flight instruments on right side are pneumatic. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. (O) One may be inoperative except where en route operations, including RVSM, RNP-5 and RNP-10 operations, require its use, provided all air data instrumentation functions normally. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 34-8 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-9 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 23. Non-Stabilized Magnetic Compass B 1 0 May be inoperative provided any combination of three gyro or INS (IRU) stabilized compass systems are operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative compass and will be noted on ADLS. B 1 0 May be inoperative provided: None required. a) Any combination of two stabilized gyro or INS stabilized compass systems are operative, and b) Aircraft is operated with dual independent navigation capability and under positive radar control by ATC on the en route portion of the flight. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative compass and will be noted on ADLS. B 1 0 May be inoperative for flights that are None required. entirely within areas of magnetic unreliability provided at least two stabilized directional gyro systems are installed, operative and used in conjunction with approved free gyro navigation techniques. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative compass and will be noted on ADLS. 34-9 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. NAVIGATION 24. Traffic Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I) 34-10 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS B - 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured and b) En route or approach procedures do not require its use. Pull and tag the TCAS circuit breaker. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: a) It is not required by FAR, b) System is deactivated and secured and c) En route or approach procedures do not require its use. Pull and tag the TCAS circuit breaker. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. B - 0 (M) May be inoperative provided: a) System is deactivated and secured, and b) En route or approach procedures do not require its use. Pull and tag the TCAS circuit breaker. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (M) (O) May be inoperative provided: Pull and tag the TCAS circuit a) Not required by FAR, breaker. b) System is deactivated and secured, and c) Enroute or Approach procedures do not require its use. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. ***1) Combined Traffic C Alert (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA) Dual Display Systems - 0 (O) One may be inoperative on the nonflying pilot side provided: a) TA and RA visual display is operative on the flying pilot side, and b) TA and RA audio function is operative on the flying pilot side. Pilots must ensure that the TA and RA elements, as well as audio functions, are operative on the flying pilot side. Place a placard in the cockpit on the non-flying pilot side stating that TCAS II TA and RA functions are inoperative, and that TA and RA functions on the flying pilot side must be used and will be noted on ADLS. 25. Traffic Collision and Avoidance System II (TCAS II) (Continued on Next Page) 34-10 None required. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS 34. NAVIGATION 25. Traffic Collision and Avoidance System II (TCAS II) (Continued) 2) Resolution Advisory (RA) System(s) 3) Traffic Display System(s) PAGE NUMBER: 34-11 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED 5. 3. NUMBER REQ’D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS C 2 1 (O) One may be inoperative on the nonflying pilot side. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. Place a placard in the cockpit on the non-flying pilot side stating that the TCAS II RA display is inoperative and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) All Traffic Alert (TA) display elements and audio functions are operative, b) TA only mode is selected by the crew and c) En route or approach procedures do not require its use. None required. Pilots must select TA mode only and ensure all TA display elements and audio functions are operative. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) RA visual display and audio functions are operative and b) En route or approach procedures do not require its use. None required. Pilots must ensure that the RA visual and audio functions are operative. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the TCAS II TA function is inoperative and will be noted on ADLS. 34-11 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. NAVIGATION 26. *** Moving Map Display 5. 3. 27. *** Windshear Detection and Guidance Systems NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. D - 34-12 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS - None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. DELETED REVISION 3 (Now items 30 and 31) 28. Flight Management *** System (FMS) Navigation Databases C - - (O) May be out of currency provided: a) Current aeronautical charts are used to verify navigation fixes prior to dispatch, b) Procedures are established and used to verify status suitability of navigation facilities used to define route of flight and c) Approach navigation radios are manually tuned and identified. 34-12 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. 34-13 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NAVIGATION 29. Navigation Management *** System Navigation Databases C - - D - - Windshear Warning and C and Flight Guidance System - 0 C - 0 30. Stormscope (O) May be out of currency provided: a) Current aeronautical charts are used to verify navigation fixes prior to dispatch, b) Procedures are established and used to verify status and suitability of navigation facilities used to define route of flight and c) Approach navigation radios are manually tuned and identified. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. *** 31. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Windshear detection and avoidance system operates normally. (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Takeoffs and landings are not conducted in known or forecast windshear conditions. 34-13 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. NAVIGATION 32. Windshear Detection and Avoidance System 33. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS – B) System MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 6. 7. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Link and Display Processor Unit (LDPU) C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Windshear warning and guidance system operates normally. C - 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Alternate procedures are established and used, and b) Takeoffs and landings are not conducted in known or forecast windshear conditions. D - 0 May be inoperative provided it is not required by FAR. D - None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. NOTE: Cockpit Display Traffic Information (CDTI) display of data from other aircraft systems may be used. 2) Cockpit Display and Traffic Information (CDTI) (Continued on Next Page) D - PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS NOTE: If ADS – B is installed in lieu of or as a replacement for FAR-required equipment, the repair category in the operator’s MEL will be the same as that of the FAR-required equipment. 1) 34-14 NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: 0 NOTE: ADS – B data transmissions may continue. 34-14 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 34. NAVIGATION 33. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS – B) System (Continued) 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. 3) CDTI Control Panel D - 0 4) Data Link Transmitter(s) D - 0 5) Data Link Receiver(s) D - 0 - 0 34. Standby Attitude Indicator C 34-15 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS May be inoperative provided: a) Flight ID can be set and b) Screen display is acceptable to the flight crew. May be inoperative provided: a) Operations are conducted in Day VMC only, and b) Operations are not conducted into known or forecast VFR-onTop conditions. 34-15 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 35. 35-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS OXYGEN 1. Oxygen System and Supply (Passenger) C - - As required by FAR. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the passenger oxygen panel and will be noted on ADLS. 2. Oxygen Blow Out Disc C 1 0 (O) May be missing provided adequate oxygen is available for number of people on board including crew. None required. Ensure that the oxygen shutoff valve is open and the pressure gage on the passenger oxygen panel indicates adequate oxygen is available for the number of people on board the aircraft, including the crew. A placard will be placed on the passenger oxygen panel stating that oxygen levels must be verified prior to each flight and will be noted on ADLS. D - - Any in excess of those required by FAR may be inoperative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed on the equipment and will be noted on ADLS. 3. Protective Breathing *** Equipment 35-1 PAGE NUMBER: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS 49. 49-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER 1. Auxiliary Power *** Unit (APU) B 1 0 May be inoperative provided APU is secured and other procedures do not require its use. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 1) Speed System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the APU is not used. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 2) Temperature System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the APU is not used. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 3) Fire Protection System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided the APU is not used. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. B 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided: a) Both engine-driven generators are operative and b) Other procedures do not require its use. None required. Ensure that APU generator switch is OFF and remains OFF for the entire flight. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 2. APU Generator *** 49-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 52. 1. 52-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS DOORS Door Warning Light System C 1 0 May be inoperative provided a crewmember verifies by visual inspection before each departure that the door(s) is closed and locked. 52-1 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS 77. PAGE NUMBER: 77-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ENGINE INDICATING 1. N1 Indicator Digital Display C 2 0 May be inoperative provided associated analog display is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative display and will be noted on ADLS. 2. N2 Indicator Digital Display C 2 0 May be inoperative provided associated analog display is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative display and will be noted on ADLS. 3. ITT Indicator Digital Display C 2 0 May be inoperative provided associated analog display is operative. None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative display and will be noted on ADLS. 4. Automatic Power Reserve (APR) (SPX only) C 1 0 (O) May be inoperative provided AFM is complied with. None required. Flight crew will comply with proviso in remarks column. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. 5. Engine Synchronizer (ENG SYNC) C 1 0 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed in a prominent position to be seen by flight crew and will be noted on ADLS. A 2 1 None required. None required. An inoperative placard will be placed adjacent to inoperative display and will be noted on ADLS. 6. Liquid Crystal *** Displays One may be inoperative provided: a) Reversionary mode is operative and b) Repairs are made within one flight day. 77-1 GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 78. 1. 78-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & 5. 3. SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ENGINE EXHAUST Thrust Reversing System C 2 0 (M) May be inoperative provided inoperative thrust reverser system(s) is secured in the forward thrust position. 78-1 Thrust reverser may be secured None required. in the forward thrust position by pulling and disabling the respective circuit breaker and securing the lock mechanism in the forward thrust position as described in the Maintenance Manual. Place a placard in the cockpit stating that the respective thrust reverser is inoperative and will be noted on ADLS. GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE CORPORATION AIRCRAFT: GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE MODEL G100 MAINTENANCE / OPERATIONAL / PLACARDING / PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. 2. 79. 1. 5. 3. NUMBER REQ'D FOR DISPATCH 4. MMEL REMARKS OR EXCEPTIONS ENGINE OIL Low Oil Pressure Warning Light 79-1 MMEL REV. NO.: 5a MOP REV. NO.: 5a MMEL DATE: 11/30/2009 MOP DATE: 11/30/2009 6. 7. NUMBER INSTALLED SYSTEM & SEQUENCE NUMBERS PAGE NUMBER: DELETED REVISION 2. 79-1 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES PLACARDING PROCEDURES