minutes - Kilby Parish Council

Present: Mr G Tunnicliffe(Chairman), Mr W Cass, Mr I Jones, Mrs C Sciville
In Attendance: Cllr D Jennings, Cllr J Weatherstone, J Winslow (Clerk), 9 Parishioners
Apologies for absence: Mr A Kilsby, WPC Barbara Morris (Blaby Local Police Unit)
Chairman’s Opening Remarks: The Chairman opened the meeting by reading out the
minutes of the last meeting. Items were discussed as Matters Arising.
Minutes of meeting held 11th Sept 07 accepted and signed as a true record of meeting.
Matters Arising
566. WPC Morris had sent her apologies as she was involved in the missing person case
at Foxton Locks. She had previously reported on the follow up actions taken regarding
the crime and disorder items discussed at the last meeting.
One youth had been interviewed and had admitted his involvement in all the crime and
disorder incidents reported with the exception of the broken window at 37 Main Street.
He had advised of the involvement of two other youths from the Village in each of these
incidents. One youth had now left the Village and the third youth had been interviewed
but denied any involvement in any incident. Police to decide what actions to be taken.
The general view was that such incidents had reduced but there were still occasional
reports of nuisance behaviour. The Police would be returning to Kilby again with their
Neighbourhood Police van to allow the reporting and discussion of any incidents.
567. The Clerk reported he was looking into the costs of a permanent sign advising of the
closure of the Park at night time. General discussion followed on activities available for
youngsters and although a lot can be done much of the problems encountered were due to
just one or two difficult children.
568. The Clerk reported a delay in the funding application for equipment improvements
at the Park. The Council was asked to consider whether it wished to undertake any
immediate repairs to the existing equipment.
It was decided to wait until the outcome of the funding bid was known in the New Year
before discussing if general repairs would be undertaken separately.
569. The design for the seat to be placed at Wistow Green was selected as a “Stanford”
model from Glasdon at cost of £637.09 + delivery + VAT. Decision to be taken on actual
location of seat and base preparation.
570. The roadside fencing at 1 Main Street was raised and the Clerk informed that the
Enforcement Officer from Blaby was meeting with the owners and would report back.
571. Cllr Jennings was able to report on his discussion with the County Council on plans
for sale of Broadway Farm. Revised plans had been submitted to Blaby Planning and the
County was keen to market the property.
General discussion followed on planning issues involving Kilby with the view that there
should be more local involvement and consultation on what ideas are being considered
for Kilby. Mr Jones to discuss again with LCC.
Parishioners Time
A question was raised that the repaired seat at the Park had been placed too near the
roundabout. It was agreed that this could be moved as new play equipment was installed.
The state of the trees around the Park was mentioned and Mr Cass & Mr Tunnicliffe were
able to report they had recently undertaken extensive branch clearance.
The Chapel reported that recently a considerable amount of rubbish had been left behind
their shed. On one was able to throw any light on how this could have happened.
Neighbourhood Watch was again raised as there had only been limited interest. Resident
to look into requirements of starting scheme for just central Main Street at this stage.
Chq No135
Blaby DC
Blaby DC
Kilby URC
Hacker Young
Code Conduct advert
November meeting
Note Chq No 139 Mr A Kilby, £265 subsequently drawn as reimbursement of fireworks
572. The Clerk reported that the previous years audit had been successfully concluded.
573. Bank mandate form provided for Mr Cass to become cheque signatory.
Plans for business unit developments at Kilby Lodge viewed. No objections raised.
Leicestershire Rural Partnership had conducted a review of the Kilby website and marked
the site as “inadequate”. Clerk to discuss with Mrs Carter and LRP what required.
Other correspondence circulated for general information.
Any Other Business:
575. The Clerk was able to advise that a training date for the Community Speed Watch
scheme had been set for 3rd Jan, 7.00pm Kilby URC. All Councillors are registered as
volunteers and circular to be sent round Village for more volunteers to participate. Speed
guns will be available from 7th Jan for traffic monitoring.
576. The damage caused to No 4 Main St by a speeding car was noted and it was reported
that the replacement bollards would be made much stronger. Sympathies were extended
to Mr & Mrs Arrowsmith.
577. The Council wished to extend their grateful thanks to Mr Kilby for providing again
an excellent firework night at the Dog & Gun on the 5th November.
Dates of Next Meetings - 2008
Meetings for next year set as second Tuesday of month:
January 8th
March 11th
Meeting closed 9.10pm
May 13th
July 8th
Sept 9th
Nov 11th