Spanish I Lesson Plans August 25 – Oct. 7, 2010 Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Maroon/White Day Introduce myself Discuss classroom procedures (broadcast power point) Show HS grading scale (different from MS) Emergency exit (fire/tornado) Lock down information Students will need a note book; spiral or three-ring binder with paper Project the short video clips of why it is important to learn a second language. Background knowledge Activity: ABC chart. Distribute a chart to each student and have them fill in words in each block that they know in Spanish. Thursday/Friday, August 26/27, 2010 Seating chart, distribute books, thumb through books Featured country: España Geoculture: pages 1-3: Discuss Show Geoculture video Distribute Vocabulary Sheets Monday/Tuesday, August 30/31 Activities: Page 6: Introduce Vocabulario en acción 1 Point out ¿Como te llamas? and ¿Como se llama usted? Ask students if they notice anything. Explain "you" familiar and "you" formal: who someone is. (page 6) (project from notes) Students will copy this information in their Spanish folder. Tú is familiar, used with family members, people you know well and your peers. Usted is formal, used with people you would address with a title, (Mr., Mrs., Professor, Pastor, Dr, etc.), people you don't know well, or someone older than you. It depicts respect toward the person with whom you are addressing. Discuss "me llamo" and "soy" (yellow box) Discuss asking who someone is and saying who someone is. Model these questions/responses (blue box): ¿Quién es….? ¿Cómo se llama?; es…. or se llama…. (5 min) Oral Practice: Ask students their names and have them ask a neighbor. Text book activities page 7 of textbook: 15 minutes Ex. 1: Listening comprehension Ex. 2. Reading comprehension Ex. 3: Reading comprehension Nota Cultural page 7 Page 8: Blue box: explain the familiar and formal way of asking someone how he/she is. Present “Más vocabulario” in yellow box to the right of the page (emphasize that students say buenos días, buenas noches and buenas tardes (gender) Model the pronunciation of the expressions in Expresate!, using gestures to convey bien (thumbs up), regular (shrug shoulders), mal (thumbs down) and mas o menos (waggle hand in "so-so" motion. Walk up to a student, shake his or her hand and offer a greeting in Spanish. Ask how the student is doing. Model the four possible answers, and have the student repeat his or her answer choice. Repeat with several students. Vary greetings, using expressions from the Más vocabulario box. Page 9: Do exercises 5 & 6 Have students pair up for exercise 7 & 8, page 9 Present short dialogues to class. Comparing and contrasting: left hand margin page 8 (read to students) Wednesday/Thursday, Sept. 1 & 2 Introduce vocabulary p. 10: pronounce words and expressions, having students repeat. Follow instructions in Core Instruction box on page 10. ( 1 & 2) Emphasizing the difference between "Éste es" and "Ésta es" Go over Más vocabulario. Ask who various people are: ¿Quién es la muchacha/el muchacho? ¿Es un estudiante or un(a) profesor(a)? See if students notice that some words have two forms. They'll learn about those forms in later chapters. Round Robin exercise 9, p. 10. Page 11: To ask where someone is from /to say where you and others are from Model the expressons from Expresate, p. 11. Ask students where they are from. If they are unsure, rephrase the question: ¿Eres de California….de Mexico? etc. until they offer their own response. Page 11: Do exercise 10, listening comprehension Exercise 11: do with a partner (oral communication) Exercise 12 together as a class, teacher prompts. ☺ Multiple Intelligences (bottom of page 11) Explain the importance of accent marks and symbols such as the ˜ in Spanish There are several ways to insert the Spanish symbols. One way is to go to Insert at the top of the page and go to symbols. Font is normal text. Then select the symbol required and insert. Another way, if you are in a word document, is to use a code for a special character. Homework: Pages 1, 2 & 3 Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática. Vocabulary 1 Quiz on Friday/Tuesday, Sept. 3/7 Know expressions and vocabulary from pages 6, 8, 10 & 11 Friday/Tuesday, Sept. 3/7, 2010 Monday, Sept. 6: Labor Day, no classes Bell work page 10 (broadcast) Homework pages 1, 2 & 3 Vocab 1Quiz Page 12: Read Cultural Note to students. Introduce: Gramática en acción 1/Chapter 1, p12 Objectives: Using subjects and verbs in sentences, using subject pronouns Core Instruction: 1. Read points 1 & 2 of Gramática with students. 2. Discuss pronouns with students. Have them list some of the English pronouns they know. Ask them to list any Spanish pronouns they have seen. Compare. 3. Go over point 4 of Gramatica. Round Robin: Do activities 13, 14, & 15 pages 12 & 13. Wednesday/Thursday, Sept. 8/9 Page 14: Subject pronouns Core Instruction: 1. Go over point 1. Model the use of pronouns by pointing out and naming a student/students aloud. For example, point to a girl and say ELLA se llama… 2. Discuss point 2. Have students suggest people with whom it would be appropriate to use “usted” (the principal, other teachers, older people they are meeting for the first time, someone they might address formally as Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc. Pastor, etc.) 3. Go over points 3 and 4 with students. Ask various groups of students to stand and have volunteers tell whether they would use the masculine or feminine form ot the plural pronouns with each group. Project the chart of the singular and plural pronouns and emphasize the importance of memorizing the chart in the order/pattern presented. Round Robin exercises: 16, 17 (L/C) & 18 pp 14 & 15 Homework: Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática pp 4, 5 & 6 Grammar 1 quiz Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept. 14/15 Friday/Monday, Sept. 10/13, 2010 Globe Trekker video: Spain Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept. 14/15, 2010 Bell work pg 18 Homework pages 4, 5 & 6 Review for Grammar quiz: Gramavision 1 Grammar 1 Quiz pp 3 ,4, 5, & 6 As students finish their quiz, have them read the Cultura information on pages 16 & 17 Show video Cultura: Saludos informales and Saludos formales Page 17, right margin: Discuss Comparisons and Heritage Speakers (My book) Vocabulario 2: Present vocabulary pp 18 & 19 Core Instruction: 1. Model the pronunciation of the numbers, students repeat. 2. Call out a number in Spanish and have volunteers tell you the number in English. 3. Then write a number on the board and ask volunteers to say it in Spanish. Numbers handout. Can students see a pattern? Page 18: Round Robin: Exercises 20 & 21 Page 19: Blue box: Asking and giving phone numbers. Pronounce the phrases so students can hear and repeat the expressions. 4. Model ¿Cuál es tu teléfono? And the response. Then call out several phone numbers and have students write them down. Have individual students go to the board. Ask a student his/her phone number and as he/she responds, the student at the board will write it. Responding student will verify if the board student is doing it right. Page 19: Exercise 22: Listening comprehension. You may write the numbers in digits. I will read the script to them. Cultures: Read to students, p. 19, right margin Thursday/Friday, Sept. 16/17, 2010 Continuation of Vocabulario 2 en acción: Telling time Core Instruction: 1. Model the time phrases, having students repeat 2. Explain when to use “es” versus “son”, and how to give the times from the halfhour until the next hour using “menos”. Project time telling information for students to copy into their notes. Page 20: Round Robin: Exercises 25 & 26 Introduce expressions in ¡Expresate! Page 21 3. Model the pronunciation of the months, having students repeat. Point out that “primero” is used to say the first day of the month (ordinal number), the rest of the days use the simple cardinal number format. Project information regarding date telling. 4. Model the pronunciation of the days of the week and the seasons Page 21: Round Robin: Exercise 27 Have each student write down their birth date, read it to the class and have someone say when it is. Monday/Tuesday, Sept. 20/21, 2010 Bell work page 20 (number review) Ask students to write down the day and date. Select someone to write it on the board. Ask a student what time it is. Ask another student at what time he/she has a particular class. Ask a student when his/her birthday is. Introduce the Spanish Alphabet, page 22 Pass out the handout of the alphabet (Point out the backside of this handout) Pronounce each letter, “spelling” the phonetic pronunciation. Students will write this on their handouts. Upon completion, repeat the alphabet several times. Have each row of students go to the board and write their name. They will say how to spell it to the class. Alphabet song. Have students write a word on a piece of paper. Each student will chose a classmate to go to the board. The student at the desk will spell the word while the person at the board writes it. Repeat the vowels several times. They can be confusing to students. Page 23: Exprésate Model the pronunciation of the words and phrases then ask various students ¿Cómo se escribe ‘dog’ en español? ¿Cuál es tu correo electrónico? Dictation exercise 29, page 23. Homework: Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramatica, pp 7, 8 & 9. Due next block. Wednesday/Thursday, Sept. 22/23, 2010 Homework pp 7, 8 & 9 Alphabet song. Handouts: Alphabet dot-to-dot Time Bingo Subject pronoun game Vocabulario 2 quiz on Friday/Monday, Sept. 24/27 KNOW: Numbers, time phrases, months, seasons, days of the week. (vocab and expressions, pp. 18-23) Friday/Monday, Sept. 24/27 2010 Vocabulary 2 quiz Page 24 Discuss conjugation of verbs; how we do it in English Present tense of the verb ser Core instruction, page 24 1. Tell students where I am from using Yo soy de… Then ask a student, Y tú, ¿eres de …? Continue with other students and groups of students to demonstrate the use of all forms of ser. 2. Go over points one and two with students again. 3. Write five or six sentences on the board using ser, leaving a blank in place of the verbs. Have students complete each sentence with the appropriate form of ser. 4. Ask volunteers to fill in the verb forms on the board so students can check their answers. Project the conjugation of the verb “ser” and the format used and will ALWAYS be used. Pages 24 & 25: Do exercises 32 & 33 Exercise 34: assign each row a particular subject and they have to complete the sentence using a correct form of ser and something from the purple box to make a logical sentence. Making a verb negative: put “no” in front of the verb. Ask students things like “are you from Cuba? to get a “no” response: No, no soy de Cuba. Punctuation marks and written accents Core Instruction (page 26) 1. Go over point 1 of Gramática with students. Discuss what advantages there might be to having punctuation at the beginning of the sentence as well as at the end. 2. Go over point 2. Have students make a list of words they already know that have accent marks. 3. Go over point 3. Page 26 & 27: do exercises 36 & 37 Homework: Cuaderno de vocabulario y gramática pp10, 11 & 12, due next block Grammar 2 Quiz on Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept. 28/29 Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept. 28/29, 2010 Homework pp 10, 11 & 12 Video Review Grammar 2 Quiz Speaking Assessment: Distribute rubric. Work in class. Thursday/Friday, Sept. 30/Oct. 1 (Friday shortened blocks: homecoming) Present speaking project/assessment. Chapter Review pp 32 & 33 CHAPTER 1 TEST on Monday/Tuesday, Oct. 4/5 Monday/Tuesday, Oct. 4/5, 2010 Chapter 1 Test Chapter 2 Vocabulary Read & translate “Novela en video” pp 28 & 29. May work quietly with a partner. Discuss telenovela Watch 1st episode of the telenovela. Wednesday/Thursday, Oct. 6/7, 2010 Introduce Chapter 2 Friday, Oct. 8: No classes. In-service