Allerton Grange School Assessment and Marking Policy L2L To be reviewed: April 2016 1 1. Principles At Allerton grange we have a set of principles which underpin Teaching and Learning in order to continue to improve standards for students at all levels. There is an important focus on Assessment and Marking as, when done well, this ensures that students continue to make good progress. All students, whatever their ability, should receive high quality assessments, marking and feedback throughout all curriculum areas, so they can achieve their maximum potential in all their subjects. Our Principles are: All students should be assessed on a regular basis Assessments should be done in a number of different ways as appropriate to the learning at that time All assessments should be used to inform teaching Students should be given feedback following an assessment Students should be given time to respond to the feedback and make improvements to their work 2. Assessment The majority of assessments for students in school should be formative. This means that teachers should use the assessments to inform their teaching and to support students to make further progress. Whole school assessment will take place at calendared times for Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. Years 11-13 have mock exams in the school year. Year 10 have an end of year exam. All these exams are used to inform progress. Teachers will analyse the exams, and the results of this will be used in conversation with students to improve learning. Teachers will use Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs) to monitor progress and plan for teaching. Assessments should be moderated in curriculum areas to ensure that they are robust and that they are fit for purpose. 2 The additional assessments in this department are: Half Term Year 7 Year 8 Thinking Skills (Bullfighting OPV) Introduction to Crime and Media (Reflective piece about crime) Rights and responsibilities (Create a drama piece to demonstrate rights and responsibilities) Historical Punishments (Justice in the middle ages) Religious Investigation (5 world religions group presentations) Business and the Sea (Ethical business written assessment) Jan - Feb Heroes in faith (Analyse video about the different faiths) Communication Through Time Modern (Gaming Written Assessment) Anti-Slavery Website (Research, plan and create an anti-slavery website using Serif software) Feb - April Community Project (Creating their own model communities in groups and leaflets) Future Technology: Who Wants to Live Forever (Source analysis and written assessment) The Impact of Sport (The Salute written assessment) Apr- May Citizenship Nov- Dec Sep-Oct CLIPS Religious Beliefs about Equality (Explore the teachings of inspirational people about equality and caring for those in need) Decades (Self-smart Project) Jun- Jul SRE (Mindmap on forced marriage) Hinduism (Hindu presentations) JUNK (Group presentations) Introduction to Crime and Media (Reflective piece about crime) Thinking skills (Bullfighting map) Sep-Oct Learning Thinking skills (Bullfighting OPV) Thinking skills (Making links story) Historical Punishments (Middle ages written assessment) Learning Styles (Presenting Ruth's story) Learning styles (Creative piece on time at AGS) Punishments Newsletter (Middle ages Punishment newsletter) 3 Managing Information (Researching: accuracy, relevance and validity) Jan - Feb Nov- Dec Managing Information (E-Safety external test) What is Leeds like? (Moortown Corner Location Advisor - use of PPT and Excel spreadsheets) Databases (Research, create and amend a basic database on sea animals) What was Leeds like? (News article about historical events in Leeds) Business and the Sea (Ethical business written assessment) Introduction to modern day hero (Creative piece to show their own heroes) Tran-Atlantic Slave Trade (Investigate sources of information for an assessment piece) ICT activity - creating comics (Creating a comic) Anti-Slavery Website (Research, plan and create an anti-slavery website using Serif software) Mapping crime (Writing a story about Tesco crime) Feb - April Roman Technology (Roman inventions written assessment) Music of The 1960s (Design A Campaign) Communication Through Time (ICT Assessment- Research, Plan and Create Serif Movie Plus Presentation on one area of technology) The Impact of Sport (The Salute written assessment) Future Technology: Healthy Eating (Healthy Eating leaflet) Apr- May Anil's Story (Letter) Introduction to Excel (Run The Country Spreadsheet Write a budget report) Decades (Self-smart Project) Religious Beliefs about Equality (Design a charity) Jun- Jul Fair Trade Enterprise (Design, promote and sell a product to raise money for The Fair Trade Foundation) Geography of India (Monsoon OPV creative task: Analyse the clips and written task -Letter or diary) SRE (Empathy task where they write from the opposite gender's perspective) History of India (Family History Project multimedia powerpoint) JUNK (Analyse the film and summarise the information) 4 Hinduism (Hindu presentations) Historical Punishments (Middle ages written assessment) Thinking skills (Bullfighting map) Sep-Oct Punishments Newsletter (Middle ages Punishment newsletter) Managing Information (Researching: accuracy, relevance and validity) Modern day stereotypes in the media part 2 (Plan a presentation about a stereotyped group) What is Leeds like? (Moortown Corner Location Advisor - use of PPT and Excel spreadsheets) Dangerous Jobs (Research, create and amend a basic database on sea animals) Jan - Feb What was Leeds like? (News article about historical events in Leeds) Feb - April Information Nov- Dec Religious Investigation (5 world religions group presentations) Tran-Atlantic Slave Trade (Investigate sources of information for an assessment piece) Thatcher (Written Assessment) Roman Technology (Roman inventions written assessment) Communication Through Time Modern (Gaming Written Assessment) Scandalous Events (Scandalous events timeline) Jun- Jul Apr- May Future Technology: Heathly Eating (Healthy Eating leaflet) Trade and Fair Trade (Research products and producers -plot on map) Decades (Self-smart Project) History of India (Indian Mutiny written assessment SRE (Mindmap on forced marriage) Sep-Oct People Thinking skills (Six hats discussion) Learning Styles (Presenting Ruth's story) P2- Historical Punishments (Justice in the middle ages) Rights and responsibilities (Create a drama piece to demonstrate rights and responsibilities) 5 Jan - Feb Nov- Dec Feb - April Community Project (Creating their own model communities in groups and leaflets) Dangerous Jobs (Research, create and amend a basic database on sea animals) Natural disasters - flooding (Group work - obtain funding) History of Slavery (To create a Horrible History performance on a type of slavery) Roman Technology (Present as a Group a Roman Invention selling benefits) Music of The 1960s (Design A Campaign) Dragon's Den (Present a Dragon's Den style Pitch for a new invention) Scandalous Events (Scandalous events timeline) Jan - Feb Nov- Dec Sep-Oct Feb - April Apr- May Situations Jun- Jul Apr- May Banana Split (Play game, feedback and write a report) Religious Beliefs about Equality (Design a charity) Fair Trade Enterprise (Design, promote and sell a product to raise money for The Fair Trade Foundation) N/A Geography of India (Relief of India – group work) JUNK (Group presentations) Learning styles (Creative piece on time at AGS) Modern day stereotypes in the media part 2 (Plan a presentation about a stereotyped group) Community Project (Creating their own model communities in groups and leaflets) Databases (Research, create and amend a basic database on sea animals) Natural disasters - flooding (Group work - obtain funding) History of Slavery (To create a Horrible History performance on a type of slavery) Roman Technology (Present as a Group a Roman Invention selling benefits) Dragon's Den (Present a Dragon's Den style Pitch for a new invention) Scandalous Events (Sky's The Limit Interpretation of Headlines) Trade and Fair Trade (Research products and producers -plot on map) Religious Beliefs about Equality (Explore the teachings of inspirational people about equality and caring for those in need) 6 Decades (Self-smart Project) Jun- Jul Fair Trade Enterprise (Design, promote and sell a product to raise money for The Fair Trade Foundation) Geography of India (Relief of India – group work) JUNK (Group presentations) 3. Marking For good progress to take place, teachers should: Plan for regular*1 marking of work Use diagnostic strategies for marking Provide students with constructive feedback to help the improve Plan time in lessons to allow students to respond to marking Work should be marked in line with each departmental policy. However there are certain aspects that should be found in all student’s books and folders: A progress log in the front page of the book which is updated regularly by the teacher SA and PA done in lessons using the “Green for growth” pens Two stars and a wish used for marking literacy Feed Forward Literacy – Students review target before assessment Progress Pacts – Students response to teacher feedback Year 7 books to be marked at least every 2 weeks Year 8 books to be marked at least every 3 weeks a) Work Scrutinies As a minimum, student work in each year group, in each subject, should be sampled as directed by the SEF calendar. A selection of books should be selected by curriculum leaders and reviewed, making sure that the class teacher has feedback on what is done well and what could be improved. The standards of marking should also be reviewed collectively at curriculum meetings. Standards should be assessed in the following areas: Progress Logs evident Evidence of levels, grades and targets Misconceptions identified Subject specific targets for next steps for learning Students’ response to teacher comments Evidence for self assessment or peer marking Marking of Literacy and Numeracy as per policy Presentation Appropriate quantity of work Appropriate level of challenge Variety of tasks 7 Departmental marking policy in practice Regular homework Copies of all feedback should be produced and copied to Deputy Headteacher in charge of Teaching and Learning for filing and recording purposes. Work scrutiny feedback will be used for appraisal purposes. b) Curriculum Leaders role in monitoring learning and teaching The CL for each Subject should regularly check that staff are following school procedures through discussion and inspection of key documents such as the teacher’s planner. This should include monitoring: Register taken each lesson. Evidence of lesson planning following agreed schemes and in sufficient depth to enable an appropriate pace. Evidence that work is being set/marked with formative comments - record of marks for home learning, classwork, assessments and tests. Knowledge and use of SEND information (including ensuring access arrangements are in place and effective). Knowledge and use of prior attainment and target setting data. “Regular” depends on the contact time with the classes and will be determined by the curriculum leaders for each subject. For example a subject that has one lesson a week will have different expectations to a subject that has 3 lessons a week. *1 8