UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION COMMITTEE STRUCTURE OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD SCHOOL ACADEMIC COMMITTEE - HERTFORDSHIRE BUSINESS SCHOOL A meeting of the School Academic Committee of the School of the Hertfordshire Business School will be held on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 13:00 hours, in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building. Apologies should be conveyed to the Clerk, Mrs M Pardey. Telephone: 1056 email: (Members wishing to comment on any item in Part II of the agenda (which consists of items requiring formal note and/or approval) are asked to inform the Chairman through the Clerk at least 48 hours before the meeting. If no such indications are received, Part II will be taken as noted and approved.) A G E N D A – PART I 1 APOLOGIES To receive apologies for non-attendance at the meeting. 2 MEMBERSHIP To note the membership of the Committee and the terms of office of those members serving in non ex officio categories. - Paper 2 (To follow) 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To note any declarations of interest by members, Officers in Attendance or others present in any of the matters to be considered during the meeting. 4 MINUTES – 15 OCTOBER 2014 To confirm and sign the minutes. 5 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5.1 To note the actions arising from the meeting on 15 October 2014. 5.2 Any other matters arising not taken elsewhere on the Agenda. 6 STUDENT RECRUITMENT - Paper 4 (Confidential) - Paper 5.1 (Confidential) To receive a report from Ms C Gee, Senior Lecturer, Business School UK/EU Recruitment Manager, concerning recruitment for the Academic Year 2014-2015 to programmes offered by the School. - Paper 6 (Confidential) (To follow) SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 1/10 7 ACADEMIC QUALITY AND STANDARDS 7.1 Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance) – Minutes 239.1 and 272.2 refer To receive the report of Dr D A Ball, Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance), together with an oral report from her concerning any matters relating to academic quality and standards which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 7.1 (Confidential) 7.2 Academic Standards and Audit Committee (ASAC) – Minutes 239.2 and 272.3 refer To receive reports of the business discharged by ASAC at its meetings on 7 October 2014 and 18 November 2014. - Paper 7.2 7.3 Key information Sets (KISs) – Minutes 239.3and 272.4 refer To note that information concerning the School’s Key Information Sets is available at the following location: BEB80257C1200457B4A/$FILE/KIS%20Report%20for%20BUS.docx 8 STUDENT EXPERIENCE AND LEARNING AND TEACHING 8.1 Associate Dean of School (Learning and Teaching) – Minutes 237.1and 273.1 refer To receive the report of Ms K Robins, Associate Dean of School (Learning and Teaching), together with an oral report from her concerning any matters relating to the student experience and learning and teaching which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 8.1 (Confidential) 8.2 National Student Survey (NSS) – Minutes 237.1.3 and 273.2 refer To note information concerning the 2014 National Student Survey had been included in Confidential Agenda Paper 8.1. 8.3 Student Educational Experience Committee (SEEC) – Minutes 207.3 and 273.3 refer To receive reports of the business discharged by SEEC at its meeting on 11 November 2014. - Paper 8.3 8.4 Revised Turnitin Guidance – Minutes 270.1.1 and 285.3 refer To note the School statement concerning the use of Turnitin from Ms Robins, which was noted at the SEEC meeting on 11 November 2014. - Paper 8.4 8.5 Student matters – Minute 273.5 refers To note any student matters. 9 ACADEMIC PORTFOLIO 9.1 Academic Development Committee – 8 October 2014 and 19 November 2014 To note the programme and partner proposals submitted by the Dean of School for consideration by the Academic Development Committee and that Committee’s decisions in relation to these proposals. - Paper 9.1 (Confidential) SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 2/10 9.2 Programme Specifications– Minutes 238.2 and 274.3 refer In compliance with AQPR 8.3.6, UPR AS17, to approve proposed amendments to Programme Specifications. - Paper 9.2 10 EXTERNAL EXAMINERS – Minutes 240 and 275 refer 10.1 To note amendments to External Examiners appointed within the School and the programmes for which they have been appointed since the last meeting on 15 October 2014. - Paper 10 (Confidential) 10.2 To receive oral assurances from Dr Ball Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance), that there are no issues of concern raised by the School’s External Examiners. 11 PROGRAMME COMMITTEES Matters referred by Programme Committees To note that there are no substantive items that the Programme Committees wish to draw to the attention of the School Academic Committee. 12 COLLABORATIVE PROVISION – Minutes 242 and 277 refer 12.1 Collaborative Partners To note the School’s collaborative partners and the dates on which those partners require reapproval. - Paper 12.1 (Confidential) 12.2 Link Tutors and Schedule of Link Tutor Activity 2014-2015 – Minutes 242.1 and 277.1 refer To note the schedule of Link Tutors and Link Tutor activity. 12.3 - Paper 12.2 (Confidential) Annual Activity Agreements – Minutes 242.2 and 277.2 refer To note Annual Activity Agreements, as follows: Partner: Vancouver Island University Dimensions International College BMC - Singapore CCT - Ireland CTS - Trinidad North Herts College (UK) North Hertfordshire College SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 Programme: MSc International Business BA (Hons) Business Administration BA Business Administration (Supported Distance Learning) BA Business Administration (Supported Distance Learning) BA Business Administration (Supported Distance Learning) BA Business Administration (Supported Distance Learning) MSc Further Education Leadership Link Tutor: Hajrë Hyseni Dr Reda LEBCIR Leonor Silva de Mattos Leonor Silva de Mattos Leonor Silva de Mattos Leonor Silva de Mattos Herminia Alonso 3/10 Hertford Regional College IST - Athens Oaklands College Oaklands College University Campus St Albans West Herts College INTI Nilai INTI IICKL INTI – IICS (Subang Campus) Inti Sabah Inti -Penang FD Business FD Business and Accounting FD Business with Human Resources FD Business with Information Systems FD Business with Marketing BA Business Administration BA Tourism Management BA Joint Honours MSc Management FD Business FD Business and Accounting FD Business with Human Resources FD Business with Information Systems FD Business with Marketing FD Business FD Business with Information Systems FD Business with Marketing BA Business Management and Innovation BA Honours/Graduate Diploma Leadership and Professional Development FD Business FD Business and Accounting FD Business with Human Resources FD Business with Information Systems FD Business with Marketing FD Business and Law BA (Hons) Accountancy BA (Hons) Business BA (Hons) Business and Management BA (Hons) Financial Planning BA (Hons) International Business Administration MA Management Studies Herminia Alonso Various BA (Hons) Accounting (BATUH) BA (Hons) Finance (BFIUH) BA (Hons) Business Administration (BBDUH) BA (Hons) Marketing (BMAUH) BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance (BACFIN) BA Hons Accounting, BA Hons Accounting and Finance, BA Hons Business Administration, BA Hons Event Management and Marketing. MA Management (MBA) Bachelor of Business Administration (offered since August 2013 - 1 year) Jon Easter Alex Lee Edward Kerr Herminia Alonso Herminia Alonso Herminia Alonso Herminia Alonso Veronica Earle Keith Seed Mary Simpson - Paper 12.3 (Confidential) SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 4/10 12.4 Link Tutors’ reports – Minutes 242.3 and 277.3 refer 12.4.1 To note reports from the following Link Tutors: 2013/14 Partner: INTI IInternational College KL INTI SABAH INTI SUBANG INTI College Sabah INTI Penang INTI Nilai North Hertfordshire College (NHC) - Hitchin IST - Athens Dimensions International College, Singapore Vancouver Island University (VIU), Canada Vancouver Island University (VIU), Canada Link Tutor: Jon Easter Mary Simpson Mary Simpson Keith Seed Mary Simpson Herminia Alonso Leonor Silva de Mattos Date of Visit: 8 July 2014 29 April 2014 5 May 2014 25 - 26 June 2014 24 - 25 April 2014 9 – 12 June 2014 20 May 2014 Edward Kerr Dr Reda LEBCIR 28 April 2014 30 July 2014 Alan Delliston January 2014 Alan Delliston June 2014 - Paper 12.4.1 (Confidential) 12.4.2 To note reports from the following Link Tutors: 2014/15 Partner: Inti College INTI Penang INTI Nilai 12.5 Link Tutor: Keith Seed Mary Simpson Veronica Earle Date of Visit: 18 - 19 November 2014 28 - 29 October 2014 23 - 31 October 2014 - Paper 12.4.2 (Confidential) Collaborative provision – other matters to report – Minutes 242.4 and 277.5 refer To note that there are no substantive items that the Link Tutors wish to draw to the attention of the School Academic Committee. 13 VALIDATIONS, PERIODIC REVIEWS AND REVALIDATIONS - Minutes 243 and 278 refer 13.1 To note the schedule of validations, periodic reviews and revalidations. 13.2 To receive oral assurances from Dr D Ball, Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance), that none of the School’s validated or re-validated programmes have failed to commence within six (6) months of the date of approval. 13.3 Validation, periodic review and revalidation reports - Minutes 243.3and 278.4 refer - Paper 13.1 (Confidential) To note there are no validation, periodic review and revalidation reports available at the time of the meeting. 14 EXTERNAL ACADEMIC QUALITY – Minutes 254 and 278 refer To receive an oral report from Mr J W Forrester, Chairman, concerning the AMBA (Association of MBAs) accreditation visit which had taken place on 24 - 25 November 2014. SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 5/10 15 RESEARCH DEGREES – Minutes 244 and 280 refer Associate Dean’s Report To receive the report of Dr S M Shelley, Senior School Research Tutor, concerning research degrees matters together with an oral report from Dr Shelley concerning any matters relating to research degrees which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 15 (Confidential) 16 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP – Minutes 245 and 281 refer Associate Dean’s Report To receive the report of Professor K R Randle, Associate Dean of School (Research), concerning research and scholarship together with an oral report from Professor Randle concerning any matters relating to the research and scholarship which should be brought to the particular attention of the Committee or should be discussed at the meeting. - Paper 16 (Confidential) (To follow) 17 AGENDA - PART II To note and approve the remaining items in Part II of the Agenda (Items A to M, refer.) 18 UNIVERSITY POLICY AND REGULATION – COMPLIANCE - Minutes 256 and 296 refer To consider any matters concerning compliance with University policy and regulation which have not already been considered during the meeting. 19 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 19.1 To note that the schedule of meetings is as follows: Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:00 hours, de Havilland Lounge, de Havilland 19.2 To note that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 4 March 2015 will be cancelled. 20 SCHEDULE OF DEADLINES – 2014-2015 To note that the schedule of deadlines is as follows: Date of meeting 6 May 2015 21 Date for notification of items 15 April 2015 Date for receipt of papers 22 April 2015 RISK To note any further risks inherent in the matters dealt with by the Committee during the meeting but not discussed when the item was taken. SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 6/10 22 EMERGENCY BUSINESS (Admissible only with the consent of the Chairman given prior to the meeting.) 23 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:00 hours, in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building. Items for the Agenda should be notified to the Clerk by 15 April 2015. Supporting papers should be provided to the Clerk by 22 April 2015. (e-mail: Telephone: 1056). SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 7/10 A G E N D A - PART II A PROGRAMME COMMITTEES – Minutes 247 and 283 refer A.1 Programme Committee – minutes - Minutes 247.1 and 283.2 refer To note the minutes of meetings of the following Programme Committees: Programme Committee Accounting, Finance and Economics Undergraduate Programme Committee Marketing & Enterprise Undergraduate Committee Date of meeting 12.11.2014 Date of next meeting TBC 26.11.2014 TBC - Paper A.1 (Confidential) B MATTERS REFERRED FROM ASAC - Minute 284 refers To note the following matters referred by ASAC which were circulated to members on 2 December 2014. No requests have been received from members that these items should be discussed in Part 1 of the agenda. The papers will be placed in the Committee’s record of business, referenced with the number of the relevant agenda item: B.1 ACADEMIC QUALITY Programmes, Courses and Collaborative Agreements To note the reports confirmed by the Chairman of the Student Educational Experience Committee and ratified by the Vice-Chancellor since the last meeting. - Paper B.1 B.2 ‘How to…set up agreements with collaborative partners’ To note the publication of revised guidance, approved by the Academic Development Committee, concerning ‘How to set up agreements with Collaborative Partners, and approve new Collaborative Partners and Programmes’, which also includes guidance on the various types of agreement. The guidance has been restructured by the type of collaborative arrangement and is available for inspection online at: - Paper B.2 B.3 School Annual Report on Academic Standards and Student Experience To note that the template for the 2013-2014 annual School report has been circulated to all Deans and Associate Deans of School and that it is available for inspection online at: - Paper B.3 B.4 ACCREDITATION OF UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE PROGRAMMES BY PROFESSIONAL, STATUTORY AND REGULATORY BODIES To note revised information concerning the programmes to be delivered during the academic year 2014-2015 by the Schools of the University of Hertfordshire or its partner organisations which have been accredited, re-accredited or are in process of accreditation by professional, statutory and regulatory bodies. - Paper B.4 C MATTERS REFERRED FROM SEEC- Minute 285 refers To note that there are no matters referred by SEEC. D BOARDS OF EXAMINERS – Minutes 173.7 and 286 refer SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 8/10 To note there are no amendments to the titles of the Short Course/Module and Programme Boards of Examiners established within the School by the Vice-Chancellor and their Chairmen appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. E RESEARCH DEGREES To note that there are no other matters to report. F RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP To note that there are no other matters to report. G HONORARY TITLES – Minutes 250 and 289 refers G.1 To note that the Dean of School is authorised to confer the following honorary titles: Visiting Research Associate; Visiting Research Fellow; Senior Visiting Research Fellow; Honorary Senior Lecturer (Clinical); Honorary Lecturer (Clinical); Visiting Fellow; Visiting Clinical Fellow; Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow; Visiting Industrial Fellow. G.2 To note the honorary titles conferred by the Dean of School, the names of the individuals concerned and the dates of the term of conferment (commencement and conclusion) set out in the attached list which also shows other senior academic titles (Reader, Reader Emeritus, Professor, Professor Emeritus) conferred on other members of the School by the Academic Board or the Board of Governors. - Paper G.2 (Confidential) H WORKING GROUPS ESTABLISHED BY THE SCHOOL ACADEMIC COMMITTEE – Minutes 251 and 290 refer To note: Title Academic Quality Working Group Timetabling Implementation Group AMER and SMER Group Collaborative Provision Working Group Convenor Dr D A Ball Mr J W Forrester Dr D A Ball Mr J W Forrester The letter I is not used as it may be confused with ‘1’ J PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY GROUPS (OR EQUIVALENT) – Minutes 252 and 291 refer To note: Title BAIB Programme Advisory Group Business School Advisory Board K Convenor Mr M J Rosier Mr J W Forrester COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD To note the minutes of meetings of the following committees and boards of the Academic Board, issued since the last meeting: SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 9/10 Name Of Committee /Board L Date Of Meeting Ethics Committee 7 May 2014 Research Committee 16 October 2014 URL CSIHP.htm ee.htm EXTERNAL ACADEMIC QUALITY To note that there are no other matters to report. M MATTERS REPORTED FOR INFORMATION There are no matters reported for information. SAC-HBS, Agenda, 14.01.15 10/10