SBI 3U1 University Biology Exam Review Questions


Grade 11 University Biology January Exam Breakdown of marks

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K/U = Knowledge and Understanding

T = Thinking

Category Legend

APP = Application

COM = Communication

Exam Question

Section Type


Multiple Choice


Fill in the Blanks




Short Answer










Exam Mark Table


APP COM Total Marks















Time (min.)







Most of the Thinking marks are found on your culminating lad exam.

SBI 3U1 University Biology Exam Review Questions

These questions are a combination of past tests, quizzes, assignments, and reviews and do not necessarily cover all the material in the course or that which is on the final exam. As always, study from your notes, handouts, and textbook and then use these questions as a self-evaluation.

Knowledge and Understanding

Multiple Choice

(without the choices)

1. Name and describe the Kingdoms.

2. The characteristic that best helps define an organism as a member of a particular species is which of the following?

3. Which of the following statements concerning viruses and human health is false?

4. A bacterial colony that is observed to survive and reproduce only when no oxygen is around would be classified as which of the following?

5. Which of the following is a characteristic of a member of the kingdom Protista?

6. Fungi are vital to other organisms and the proper functioning of ecosystems through their role as which of the following?

7. Which of the following human diseases is caused by a fungus?

8. Which of the following is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom?

9. Fungi are vital to other organisms and to the proper functioning of ecosystems through their role as which of the following?

10. Which type of Archaea love salty environments?

11. The age of the earth is estimated to be approximately:

12. Which of the following scientists was associated with forming the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?

13. The term genetic drift is defined as:

14. The three chambered heart appears in which of the following groups?

15. Following mitosis it is observed that of the two newly formed daughter cells, one has an extra chromosome, and the other has a deficiency of one chromosome. This problem probably occurred during:

16. What is the sequence of the following events that occur in meiosis?

17. The longest part of the cell cycle in a normal cell is:

18. T he term ‘phenotype’ may be described as:

19. The DNA backbone consists of:

20. The end products of human oogenesis include:

21. A gene exists in two different forms (A and a). With respect to the allele present, which type of allele can a homozygous recessive individual produce?

22. Two parents were known to be right-handed. Assuming that right-handed (R) is dominant to left-handed (r), what would be the genotypes of the parents if their son is left-handed?

23. To determine if an organism with a dominant phenotype is heterozygous, the organism should be mated to an individual that is:

24. In the cross of Tt x Tt, the proportion of the offspring that will have the same genotype as the parents is:

25. A woman with blood type A has a chil d with blood type O. What is the woman’s genotype?

26. DNA is composed of repeating subunits called

27. A nucleotide is composed of

28. The DNA double helix structure was first described by

29. DNA which is formed when fragments from two or more different organisms are spliced together is called:

30. A small ring of genetic material is called a:

31. cytosine is always paired up with:

32. Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between pH and enzyme activity?

33. Which of the following is true of arteries?

34. Which of the following is a function of the liver?

35. Which of the following is a function of saliva?

36. Which of the following enzymes chemically breaks down Carbohydrates:

37. Which of the following are components of the human respiratory system?

38. Which of the following is true with respect to the mammalian heart?

39. Which of the following is considered bad cholesterol?

40. When patients have their gallbladders removed, they should initially be placed on a diet that is low in the which of the following?

41. Which of the following correctly outlines the pathway that is followed by a red blood cell that first enters the heart at the vena cava?

42. Which of the following outlines the path of air during inspiration?

43. Leukocytes are knowns as ________ and perform this function:

44. The first heart beat sound is heard when

45. Which of the following are functions of the villi found in the small intestine?

46. The series of involuntary muscles contractions by which food moves through the digestive tract is called

47. The duodenum is part of the

48. The release of food from the stomach to the small intestine is controlled by

49. The largest artery in the human body is the

50. What is the most distinguishing feature of the plant kingdom?

51. The part of the plant that is above ground is called the:

52. What is four components are required for photosynthesis to take place?

53. The region of cell division occurring at the tip of the root or stem is called the:

54. The main difference between primary and secondary growth is:

55. Photosynthetic cells of the leaves obtain water from:

56. A row of cells lined up end to end with perforations in the end walls that conduct water efficiently are called:

57. If a plant’s leaves lost their waxy cuticle through the action of an air pollutant, the major danger to the plant is:

58. Primary succession usually start with what types of organisms?

59. In a cross section of a dicot stem, the center primarily consists of:

60. Photosynthesis occurs in the:

61. The stomata are responsible for:

True or False

62. The science of classifying organisms is called taxidermy.

63. Eubacteria and Archaebacteria are the most primitive organisms in the six-kingdom system.

64. Some tests performed at your doctor's office come back indicating that you have "strep throat." This means that the bacteria infecting you occur in clumps.

65. Fungi were once classified as members of the plant kingdom.

66. In a lichen, the symbiotic partner to a fungus is the root of a plant.

67. One of the differences between plants and fungi is that plants have chitin in their cell walls and fungi have cellulose.

68. All cnidarians are radially symmetrical.

69. Members of the phylum echinodermata are bilaterally symmetrical.

70. By species, chordates make up the majority of known animal species.

71. Gram positive bacteria stain violet/purple with crystal violet.

72. Most digestive enzymes are not found in the stomach.

73. In order for gas exchange to take place in the alveoli of the lungs, the gases must be dissolved.

74. The most important site for the absorption of nutrients is the large intestine.

75. Bicarbonate neutralizes the hydrochloric acid released from the stomach into the small intestine..

76. The pleural membrane is a thin membrane covering the outer surface of the lung.

77. The larynx is the space at he back of the throat where the oral cavity, esophagus, trachea, and nasal cavity all meet.

78. Bronchitis occurs when the lungs begin to fill up with fluids and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or chemical irritants.

79. Hummingbirds and monarch butterflies both have wings. This is considered to be an example of analogous structures.

80. There are a great variety of breeds of dogs. This is considered to be an example of natural selection.

81. The wings of a bat, the arm of a man, and the flipper of a whale all have a similar number of bones and a similar structure. This is considered to be an example of parallel adaptation.

82. The allopatric speciation model requires that groups of individuals in separate populations develop behavioural traits that allow them to interbreed.

83. Islands are very important places in which speciation occurs because the populations they contain are spatially isolated from other populations.

84. A species is a group of individuals that are reproductively compatible with each other, but not with individuals from other groups.

85. Australian marsupials show similar body plans to placental mammals. These are examples of homologous structures.

86. Darwin’s finches have a similar body plan, but increasingly different traits. These are examples of adaptive radiation.

87. In the early stages of pregnancy the human embryo has a tail. This is an example of a vestigial structure.

88. A single species may change over time to become another species. This is an example of microevolution.


Fill in the Blanks

1. The ________________________ is the valve at the top of the stomach while the ___________________________ is the valve at the bottom of the stomach.

2. Emphysema is a disease of the ________________ system. It causes healthy tissue to be replaced with

_________________ tissue in the affected organ. ( Do not write “unhealthy”)

3. Each alveoli is surround by a _________________ network to allow for increased gas exchange.

4. In a DNA strand, cytosine is always paired with _________________.

5. Cells produced by the _________________________ tissue differentiate into all other plant tissues.

6. _________________________ is the movement of dissolved inorganic and organic materials through a plant by xylem and phloem.

7. The waterproof outer layer of a leaf is called the _______________.

8. Annual plants only live for one year; this means that they would only exhibit _______________ growth

9. Insulin is made in the ____________ and controls how cells uptake glucose.

10. The contraction of the heart muscle is called ___________________ and their relaxation is called


11. The paramecium is covered by thousands of hair-like structures called ________________ used in locomotion.

12. The most primitive kingdoms are ____________________ and ____________________.

13. During times of unfavourable environmental conditions, some cells can form dormant.cells known as


14. ___________________ was the name of the naturalist who co-presented the theory of how Evolution occurred

with Darwin in 1858.

15. __________________ is the scientific study of fossils.

16. Cells that have a haploid chromosome number are known as _______________.

17. A special chart, referred to as a ___________________ _____________ , helps us to organize the results of a

18. cross between the sex cells of two individuals.

19. The loss of water vapour in plants is called ________________________.

20. James Watson and Francis Crick developed a three-dimensional model of ______.

21. The opening of the trachea is the ___________________.

22. The dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity is known as the


23. Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of _______________.

24. The _______________ are specialized teeth used for crushing.

25. The DNA of prokaryotes is not contained within a __________________.

26. The contraction of the heart muscle is called ___________________.

27. A multicellular organism that reproduces by spores and hyphae belongs to the kingdom __________________.

28. The ______________ is valve which separates the right atrium and the right ventricle.

29. During cytokinesis in plant cells, the _________ _________ forms between the two new daughter cells.

30. When humans decide which animals are to be mated together, this is an example of ______________ selection.

DIAGRAMS (These are examples of diagrams from past tests, quizzes, exams, and notes)



Event Name



Stage Name

Thinking and Application

(these are short answer questions from past quizzes, tests, assignments and exams)

1. Match the following human diseases with the pathogen that causes it. The same answer can be used more than once. (6 marks)

Human Disease

____ ring worm

____ tooth decay

____ cold sore

____ yeast infection

____ malaria

Pathogen a) bacteria b) virus c) fungus d) protist e) prion

____ mad cow disease

2. Explain the ecologically important role of the plant-like protists.

3. Give three examples of fungi as beneficial and harmful to humans.


What are the two basic body symmetries that are an important characteristic that separates certain animal phyla from others?

5. Using Lamarck’s theory of acquired characteristics, explain why giraffes have long necks.

6. A small population of pygmy mammoth measuring only 2 m in height once lived on a small island off the coast of

California (I am not making this fact up). Biologists believe this is an example of a population that descended from a few large mammoth that reached the island more than 50 000 years ago when sea levels were low and it was close to the mainland. a. Explain how the small founding population, remote location, and natural selection on this island might have each contributed to the formation of this unusual species. b. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace were inspired to understand evolution by natural selection by studying species on isolated ocean islands. Why are islands more like to have unique species than the mainland?

7. Define the following terms. Be sure to give a good example of each: bottle-neck effect, analogous and homologous structures, sexual dimorphism, sexual section, vestigial structure, punctuated equilibrium, prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms,



An organism colonizes a newly formed volcanic island. Name the type of evolutionary genetic drift that is occurring and explain why it can lead to new species.

9. List and explain the Inferences that Darwin’s THEORY OF EVOLUTION is based upon

10. A farmer sprays an insecticide on a field to combat a beetle that is destroying his crops. The first year he uses the spray it works quite well. However, after five years of spraying on a yearly basis, the insecticide does not seem to be effective any longer and the beetles are still present. Explain how this illustrates natural selection.

11. Male moose (called bulls) have large antlers made of bone which they grow each spring. Females (called cows) do not grow any antlers at all but prefer mating with male with larger antlers. a) This is an example of what type of

12. selection? b) Explain how and why this happens.

The ABO blood groups show codominance in the A and B alleles which are both completely dominant over O. In another blood group, the Rh + factor shows complete dominance over Rh . A man who is AB married a woman who is B + (homozygous for B blood type, heterozygous for the Rh + factor). Use a Punnett square and show the complete phenotypes and genotypes that are possible for their children in this dihybrid cross.

13. Investigate the pedigree shown below which shows the blood types of a family. a) Fill in the genotypes for each individual using the standard genotypes symbols (I A , I B , i) b) Identify the adopted individual in the family by drawing a large circle around him or her and then give an explanation why you made the selection.





14. A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produce a tabby pattern (black and tan fur together). a. What type of pattern inheritance is occurring here? (circle one: dominant/recessive, incomplete dominance, codominance, sex-linked, dihybrid cross) b. What would be the genotype and phenotype ratios when a female tan cat is crossed with a male tabby cat? Show all your work

15. Explain what breathing is and compare it to cellular respiration.

16. What the difference between ulcers and heartburn (explain what they are and how to treat them)?

17. Make a chart comparing the functions and physical descriptions between the following organs: a. liver and pancreas d. heart and lungs b. small and large intestines c. esophagus and trachea e. gall bladder and appendix

18. Name the three parts of the small intestine and briefly describe what happens in each part of this organ.

19. Describe the physical processes that cause air to come into and out of the lungs and describe the pressure changes that occur during inhalation and exhalation.

20. Why d on’t the chemicals in your stomach digestive itself? ( 2 reasons )

21. What are the functions of saliva?

22. Name the four components of digestion.

Application (Making connections)


(use the list of words/statements to make the best match, some may be twice)

___89. Protect the growing end of roots.

___90. A region of plant cell division



___91. An attractive force between like molecules

___92. Responsible for producing the “lubb” sound of a heart beat

___93. Stems that run under the surface of soil

___94. Grow upwards into the air

___95. Deliver deoxygenated blood to the lungs

___96. Thin, waxy leaf coating

___97. A type of a stem that contains little or no woody tissue

___98. Increases the growth of the plants

___99. Prevents the backflow of blood in veins

3. Analogous


5. Cuticle

6. Meristems

7. Vestigial



10. Valves

11. Alveoli

___100. Are divided into leaflets

___101. The site where most digestion occurs within the human body

___102. A feature that serves no useful purpose in a living organism.

___103. Air sacs surrounded by capillaries

12. Uracil

13. The island effect

14. Malthus


___104. Carry deoxygenated blood

___105. Air sacs surrounded by capillaries

___106. Grow from leaf nodes along the stem

___107. A two-part key used to identify living things

16. Abscisic Acid

17. Adhesion

___108. Regulates which dissolved substance can enter the vascular tissue

18. Aerial Roots

19. Cap

20. Cohesion of the roots.

___109. Releases insulin

___110. Supports development of seeds in early stages of growth

___111. Increases the surface area for water absorption

___112. An attractive force between unlike molecules

___113. Enucleated cell within the human body

___114. Contains bacteria which produce vitamin K

___115. Flowering plants

___116. Re-absorption of water

___117. Production of bile to break down fats

___118. Strengthened by cartilage rings

___119. Muscle that separates the left and right half of the heart

___120. RNA base that pairs up with Adenine

___121. Fine hairs that sweep debris out of the respiratory tract

___122. Blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood

___123. Prevents food from entering the trachea

___124. Thought up the theory of Acquired Characteristics

___125. There are limited resources so must struggle to survive.

___126. The first individuals to a new ecosystem

___127. Structures with the same function but different origins

21. Compound leaves

22. Cotyledon

23. Endodermis

24. Pneumatophores

25. Root Hairs

26. Alveoli

27. Lamarck

28. Epiglottis

29. Large intestine

30. Liver

31. Pancreas

32. Pulmonary Arteries

33. Pulmonary Veins

34. Septum

35. Small intestine

36. gall bladder

37. Cilia

38. Duodenum

39. Dichotomous

40. Trachea

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