Student’s Scheme of Work 2010 / 2011 Course Overview: Module / Unit Title: A2 Human Biology This course is taught by Sue Brown in 5 hours per week. Each section represents one week of three lessons. Prepared by: Sue Brown Lesson Duration: Three sessions – one 2 hour and 2 x 1.5 hours. Start Date: 9th September 2010 End Date: D:\533582169.doc 28th May 2010 Learning Outcomes: Learners need to be coached in exam technique and Practical skills as well as acquiring knowledge and understanding of the different topics. Assessment Details: HBIO4 will be examined on Monday 24th January 2011. (1.30pm) HBIO5 will be examined on Wednesday 22nd June 2011. (1.30pm) HBIO6 is the Coursework – this will be carried out in Spring Term. Any AS unit re-sits are possible in January and/or June. Date 13/9/10 20/9/10 27/9/10 What topic(s) and learning objectives will be covered? INDUCTION Introduction to A2 specification. ILPs for each individual. Chances charts to set targets. Male and female reproductive systems. Menstrual and Ovarian cycles. Gonadotrophins (FSH & LH). Hormones oestrogen & progesterone. (Missed lesson due to trip to Teesside Uni for Discovery Day) Recap ovarian and menstrual cycles. Gametogenesis: oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Fertilisation (capacitation, acrosome, cortical reactions). D:\533582169.doc What will learners do? How will learning be checked? ECM What resources are needed? Complete ILPs to evaluate need for unit re-sits. Confirm career choice, university course and required grades from this subject. Discuss need for ALS for those with U or E at AS level. Labels; structure and function. Make matching cards and/or posters to clarify main points. Summarise cycles as a flow chart. Discussion on fertility. Notes. 1:1 advice and guidance. Aspirational targets set. 5 Subject ILPs for A2. A2 specification. Chances charts. Q & A to individuals and check labels/notes taken. Discussion. Posters to summarise the complex association of the hormones. 1, 2 & 3 Reproduction handout. Power point on reproductive systems and on cycles on Bb. Poster paper & pens. Mini-Whiteboards. Relate gametogenesis to prior knowledge of mitosis and meiosis. Q & A on Reproductive systems. Test on Mitosis vs Meiosis. Produce summary of oogenesis vs spermatogenesis. Notes. Discussion. Poster to compare them. Independent Learning/ Homework Further research on Career and Uni course choice where applicable. Revise Mitosis vs meiosis. Revise work to date for test. Hmk Qs on page 8. Power point on Revise work to Gametogenesis date for test. and Fertilisation. HSW Questions Development of foetus. Mini-Whiteboards. Textbooks. Poster paper etc. 04/10/10 Placenta – structure & function. Contraception methods. 1:1 reviews. Exam entries. Test Notes. Self reflection of progress to date. 1:1 reviews. Research & report on Birth Control methods including statistics. 11/10/10 Labour & Lactation. IVF Notes from PP and discussion. Research and report on IVF. Complete leaflets on contraception methods. Role play re: ethics of contraception. 18/10/10 Growth – Puberty. Ageing. Cancer 25/10/10 01/11/10 HALF TERM Alzheimer’s disease. Cystic fibrosis Sickle cell anaemia Duchenes MD ABO & Rhesis Sex determination Genetic counselling Chi-squared 08/11/10 15/11/10 Gene mutation D:\533582169.doc Summary posters to confirm understanding of importance of placenta. Discussion re effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs on baby. Produce leaflets on Contraception. Q & A Produce leaflets on Contraception. Q&A 1, 2 & 3 Discussion of ageing and disease. Power point presentations on Puberty & Ageing Discussion about the increase in the aged population and social implications. Notes. Discuss & answer data analysis Qs. Produce posters to summarise main changes at Puberty. Q&A 1, 4, 5 Mini mock. Research & report effects of these diseases. Discussion of findings. Notes. Notes from lecture. Calculations of chi-squared. Data analysis of diseases in groups Graphs to compare continuous Mini mock. Assessment of reports. Compile a list of main terms used in genetics with definitions. Practice variety of genetics questions. Calculations of chisquared. Q & A re variation 5 1, 2, 3 4 1 3 Power point. Animation of placenta formation. Leaflets task. C form for exam entry and re-sit forms. Mini-Whiteboards. Power point on labour & lactation. Planet e stream video of Robert Winston’s Miracle of Life. Mini-Whiteboards. Power points on puberty & ageing Mini-Whiteboards. Textbooks Data tables & graphs. Hmk Qs on pages 16 & 17. Mock Access to LRC & computers. Power point re: ABO system. Genetics booklet. Calculators. Mini-whiteboards. Textbooks. Variation booklet. Complete reports on diseases. HSW Questions HSW Questions and revise for minimock after half term. Notes on Prader Meiosis & variation Continuous and discontinuous. Genes & environment. Pader wili syndrome Protein synthesis Gene regulation Genes & cancer Enzymes in cells and discontinuous variation. Complete booklet. Use plasticine to show how chromosomes assort independently. types. Answers in booklet. Plasticnine models – explain. Mini-whiteboards. Textbooks. Plasticine. Willi syndrome. Notes Summary posters. Exam questions to summarise. Q&A 5, 3 6 mark exam questions. Poster summary and description. Poster paper Pens Power point Animation on Bb. Exam Qs on Protein synthesis. 29/11/10 PCR Recombinant DNA Gene probes & libraries Selective breeding Ethical issues Class discussion of ethical issues Q & A. of gene technology. Discussion. Notes from animations. Summary posters Summary posters of PCR. Animations of PCR. Textbooks Blackboard. LRC Poster paper etc. Exam Qs on gene technology. 06/12/10 Human genome project Uses of sequenced DNA Research & report on Genome project & uses of gene libraries. Q & A. Exam Qs. Textbooks LRC Computers. HSW Qs 13/12/10 Neurones Action potentials Impulses Synapses Drugs & the brain Notes from lecture. Complete gaps in booklet. Summarise action potentials in poster form & discuss. Notes from PP and animations. Explain action potential & action at synapse to each other. 1, 2, 3, 5 Past exam paper questions on Nervous system and eye. 20/12/10 Extra session. Human eye Retina Visual perception Power point and animations. Complete booklet gaps. Make notes on effect of main drugs on brain. Exam Qs. Q&A Explain visual acuity and retinal convergence. 5 Nervous system booklets. Poster paper etc. Power points. Animation: Drug party. Eye model. Eye booklet. Eye power point. Animations. Mini-whiteboards 22/11/10 D:\533582169.doc 3, 5 Revise for exam. Complete past exam papers. 20/12/10 27/12/10 04/1/11 10/1011 17/1/11 24/1/11 31/1/11 CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS Sympathetic & parasympathetic systems Flight or fight Hormones Muscles – antagonistic action Sliding filaments Hypothermia Negative feedback Thermoregulation Blood glucose regulation Diabetes Exam – Monday 24th January Preparation for Coursework. Assessed Coursework D:\533582169.doc Notes from lecture. Summarise main hormones and their effects. Compare sympathetic and parasympathetic effects on body. Watch power point. Make notes. Complete muscles booklet. Make a model to show sliding filament theory using straws. Notes from lecture. Summary on posters. Discussion of diabetes. Q & A. Sit exam on Monday. Revision of Respiration and Microorganisms and enzymes etc. Revise standard and acceptable conventions of tables and graphs. Q & A. Brainstorms. Session 1 – Practical Session 2 – Statistical analysis Session 3 Written test Q & A. Past exam paper questions Straws Muscle Booklet Past exam paper questions Glucostix. Poster paper Pens. Past exam paper questions Revise the coursework topic. Task sheets Experimental equipment ordered Test Sheets Calculators Rulers Black pens/pencils Textbooks 07/2/11 Intro to new module & Info on Synoptic exam/essays. 3.5.1. Human impacts on evolution Alleles & Variation Selection 14/2/11 21/2/11 28/2/11 07/3/11 Speciation & Evolution Human activities & selection. HALF TERM Ecosystems Population Growth Competition Winners & Losers Urban wildlife Genetically modified organisms: Crops & regulations. Update 1:1 ILPs. Watch Natural Selection PP as introduction to topic. Fill in Booklet and make additional notes from class discussion throughout. Peppered moth game to demo natural selection. Read p160 HSW & do Qs 1-6. Discussion Complete Booklet questions. End of term Quiz. Exam style Qs on p168-9. ESSAY: Enzymes – structure, function, characteristics and uses Research & Report activities: 1. Red v Grey Squirrels 2. Japanese knotweed 3. Domestic cats 4. Pigeons 5. Foxes 6. Rats Create power points of information. Definition of terms – make revision cards. ESSAY: Micro-organisms and disease HSW – p163 Antibiotic prescriptions & Q 1- 4. HSW Birth weight & qs. 3 3, 4, 5 Present Power points to the group & answer Qs. Module specification. Selection & Speciation Booklet. Natural selection PP Bb for moth game. Textbooks Textbooks Mini-whiteboards Investigate examples of natural selection in action, eg peppered moth, warfarin resistance in rats, copper tolerance in grasses – as a Computers in LRC. Textbooks Matching cards Revise for weekly essay. Bioethics Education project website at uk/content/ ml Revise for weekly essay. Exam style questions pp183- report or a PP. Exam Qs ‘Red Qs’ on pages 175 and 178. Test each other on definitions – use of matching cards. HSW Qs on pages 175, 176, 177. HSW pp180-182 & Qs for all these. Research GM crops & join ethical Ethical debate on GM. D:\533582169.doc 3 3, 5 Exam results 10th March. debate. Textbooks LRC & computers 1:1 reviews and ILPs following exam results. “what do I need to get my target grade?” VISIT to local ecological site at Saltholme on Thursday afternoon. 14/3/11 21/3/11 28/3/11 Changing our environment can affect our health. Allergens. Allergic response produces illness. Subject ILPs Organise VISIT & Mini bus etc. Risk assessment. Evaluation of visit to Saltholme. ESSAY How the body fights infectious diseases Q & A re: allergens – causes and effects. Choose an allergy each and produce a leaflet about it. Notes on hypersensitivity and anaphylactic shock. Skin tests, antihistamines and adrenaline (epipen). Q & A. Air pollution & respiratory illness. Water pollution & illness. Cryptosporidium & water pollution. ESSAY: The importance of a balanced diet Notes on Asthma. Brainstorm atmospheric pollution. Bathing water quality & blue flag beaches. Notes. HSW Traffic pollution p 198. Human activities can damage ecosystems and create new ones. Succession. ESSAY: The Cardio-vascular system Compare primary and secondary succession. Define pioneer and HSW pages 208 and 209. D:\533582169.doc 185. 2, 3, Textbooks Mini-whiteboards. Revise for weekly essay. 1, 2 Textbooks Revise for weekly essay. Exam style questions on pages 203 – 205. HSW Qs on peanut allergy page 187 and oilseed rape, page 188. HSW allergy advice for schools page 195. Use Environment Agency website http://www.environ mentagency. and MMU site on air pollution monitoring at ality/Older/Monitori ng.html HSW qs page 201. HSW & qs on page 203. Matching pairs on 32 Textbooks Mini-whiteboards Quadrats. Revise for weekly essay. Wasteland and brown field sites. 04/4/11 11/4/11 18/4/11 25/4/11 02/5/11 climax community. Define wasteland and brown field sites. Second Ecology trip to Saltholme Biodiversity & the ESSAY: Coronary Heart Disease urban environment. Notes on random sampling, Biotic and Abiotic systematic sampling with factors. examples. Notes on Quadrats – Sampling techniques. frame and point. Transects – line Dealing with data. and belt. Outside to collect some data of local ecosystems. Data collection & analysis. Statistical tests. EASTER EASTER Bank Holiday Monday ESSAY: The functions of nucleic Bank Holiday Friday acids Waste disposal Notes on waste hierarchy. should be Explain principle of Polluter pays. environmentally Explain landfill tax. sustainable. Notes on Methane. Discussion of “who pays” Leaflets to encourage recycling. Bank Holiday Monday ESSAY: The Causes and Climate change: Consequences of Variation Carbon footprint. Explain Carbon Footprint. Calculate carbon footprint. Our climate is Describe factors concerned in changing carbon footprint. Compare primary and secondary carbon footprint. Explain carbon offsetting. Evidence that UK is getting D:\533582169.doc definitions. Organise VISIT & Mini bus etc. Risk assessment. HSW page 211. 1, 3, 5 Quadrats & tape measures. Textbooks Risk assessment of activity. Revise for weekly essay. Hand out Past Papers for HBIO5 topics to do over Easter hols. Past exam paper questions. 1 2, 3 Textbooks Mini-whiteboards. Revise for weekly essay. Exam style questions pages 228 & 229. Collection of data of flora and fauna. Data analysis. HSW page 225. HSW page 227. Leaflets. HSW p231 Red Qs p 232 HSW p 231 & 234. Discuss ideas re: Causes of global warming (debate style). Computers. 1, 2, 3, 4 Textbooks Calculate own carbon footprint and compare it with that people from other countries eg dedsectiongenerica =9015627&contentI d=7029058 Revise for weekly essay. Past exam paper questions. 2 09/5/11 Photosynthesis warmer. Explain the effect on distribution of plants & animals in the UK. ESSAY: The many roles of Calcium in the Human Body. Notes from power points Main stages summarised on a poster. Textbooks Q&A Past exam Qs on photosynthesis. Summarise on poster and explain to partner. 3 Investigate data on Kew Gardens 16/5/11 Food chains and energy transfer. Biofuels. ATP & respiration. HBIO1 RESIT Monday 16th am 23/5/11 Human Ecosystem HBIO2 RESIT Thursday 26th May PM. 30/5/11 HALF TERM 06/6/11 Revision Mock Exam D:\533582169.doc ESSAY: The many roles of ATP in the Human Body Definitions. Calculations of energy transfer. Aerobic respiration using Power point. Compare photosynthesis to respiration re CO2 levels. ESSAY: Human Reproduction Microorganisms on and in the body. Microorganisms on the skin – spots. Gut bacteria & Probiotics. ESSAY: Evidence in favour of Evolution ESSAY: Keeping the internal environment constant Posters. Exam Qs. Discussion. 1:1 help. Exam technique Experiments to show effect of light on photosynthesis rate. Revise for weekly essay. Past exam paper questions. 3 website wild/phenology/ Q&A HSW page 240. Matching cards. Calculations. Poster summary of respiration & explain to partner. 4 Textbooks Mini-whiteboards Calculators. Respiration power point. Revise for weekly essay. Exam style questions pages 244 and 245. Q&A HSW Qs. Page 247 – red Qs. Page 251 Red Qs. Page 253 – red Qs. 1, 2 Textbooks Mini-whiteboards Revise for weekly essay. Exam style questions pages 254 & 255. Mock exam (specimen) Exam style questions pages 256 to 258. 5 Mock exam Textbooks Revise & PAST PAERS Past exam paper questions. 4 13/6/11 Revision. 20/6/11 Exam Wednesday 22nd June 1.30pm ESSAY: Human influences on Biodiversity. Posters. Exam Qs. Discussion. 1:1 help. Exam technique Monday – Revision. Wednesday morning – revision. Past Exam Paper from 2010 in class. 27/6/11 3/6/11 Every Child Matters: D:\533582169.doc Describe how Every Child Matters is integrated into the lesson under the themes: 1. Being Healthy; 2. Staying Safe; 3. Enjoying & Achieving; 4. Making a Positive Contribution; 5. Achieving Economic Wellbeing. 5 Past Exam Paper from 2010 Textbooks Revise