HIGHLIGHTS OF Ph.D STUDENT and POSTDOC PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS: PhD Students: Effron, Daniel Publications: Effron, D., & Miller, D.T. (in press). Reducing exposure to trust‐related risks in order to avoid self‐blame. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Effron, D., & Monin, B. (in press). Letting people off the hook: When do good deeds excuse transgressions? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Miller, D.T., & Effron, D. A. (in press). Psychological license: When it is needed and how it functions. In M. P. Zanna and J. Olson (Eds.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 43). San Diego, CA: Academic Press/Elsevier. Merritt, A. M., Effron, D. A., & Monin, B. (2010). Moral self‐licensing: When being good frees us to be bad. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4, 344‐357. Flusberg, Steve Award: Centennial TA Award Publication: Flusberg, S. & Boroditsky, L. (in press). Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Master, Allison: Award: American Psychological Foundation Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship, 2010‐2011 Postdocs: Pauker, Kristin: Awards: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA Division 9) Dissertation Award (2010) K99/R00, NIH‐NICHD Pathway to Independence Award (2010‐1015) NIH‐NICHD: Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral NRSA (2010‐2013; declined for K99/R00) Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (2010; declined for K99/R00) Publications: Pauker, K., Ambady, N. & Apfelbaum, E. P. (in press). Race salience and essentialist thinking in racial stereotype development. Child Development. Apfelbaum, E. P., Pauker, K., Sommers, S. R., & Ambady, N. (in press). In blind pursuit of racial equality? Psychological Science. Adams, R.B., Jr., Pauker, K., & Weisbuch, M. (2010). Looking the other way: The role of gaze direction in the cross‐race memory effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,46, 478‐481. Freeman, J., Pauker, K., Apfelbaum, E., & Ambady, N. (2010). Continuous dynamics in the real‐time perception of race. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 179‐185. Rattan, Aneeta: Publications: Rattan, A & Dweck, C.S. (2010). Who confronts prejudice? The role of implicit theories in the motivation to confront prejudice. Psychological Science, 21, 952‐959. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/DyeHard/stanford‐psychologistspeople‐confront‐prejudice‐person‐ change/story?id=11316151 Rattan, A. & Eberhardt, J.L. (2010). The role of social meaning in inattentional blindness: When the gorillas in our midst do not go unseen. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 1085‐1088. http://www.millermccune. com/culture/study‐confirms‐linking‐of‐blacks‐with‐apes‐18970 Thompson, Renee: Publications: Thompson, R. J., Berenbaum, H., & Bredemeier, K. (in press). Cross‐sectional and longitudinal relations between affective instability and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. Thompson, R. J., Parker, K. J., Hallmayer, J. F., Waugh, C. E., & Gotlib, I. H. (in press). Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs2254298) interacts with familial risk for psychopathology to predict symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescent girls. Psychoneuroendocrinology. Waugh, C. E., Thompson, R. J., & Gotlib, I. H. (in press). Flexible emotional responsiveness in trait resilience. Emotion. Benjet, C., Thompson, R. J., & Gotlib, I. H. (2010). 5‐HTTLPR moderates the effect of relational peer victimization on depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 173‐179. Mata, J., Thompson, R. J., & Gotlib, I. H. (2010). BDNF‐Genotype Moderates the Relation Between Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms. Health Psychology, 29, 130‐133. Thompson, R. J., Mata, J., Jaeggi, S., Buschkuehl, M., Jonides, J., & Gotlib, I. H. (2010). Maladaptive responses to stress, adaptive coping, and depressive symptoms: Variations across age and depressive state. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 459‐466. Uncapher, Melina: Publications: Uncapher MR, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD. A Roadmap to Brain Mapping: Toward a Functional Map of Human Parietal Cortex. Neuron (2010) vol. 67 (1) pp. 5‐8 PDF Weiner, Kevin: Publications: Weiner KS & Grill‐Spector K. (2010). Sparsely‐Distributed Organization of Face and Limb Activations in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex. NeuroImage, 52(4):1559‐73 Weiner KS, Sayres R, Vinberg J, & Grill‐Spector K. (2010). fMRI‐Adaptation and Category Selectivity in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex: Regional Differences Across Time Scales. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(6):3349‐65. Winawer, Jon: Publications: Wandell BA and Winawer J. (2010) Imaging retinotopic maps in the human brain. Vision Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.004 Winawer J, Horiguchi H, Sayres R, Amano K, Wandell BA. (2010) Mapping hV4 and ventral occipital cortex: The venous eclipse. Journal of Vision. 10(5). http://www.journalofvision.org/content/10/5/1