FIHE MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT REGULATIONS FONTYS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS COURSES OF STUDY International Business Economics International Marketing International Business and Management Studies Version, February 2010 1. FONTYS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND THE MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT ............................ 1 1.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT AIMS .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3. MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT COMPLETION & EVALUATION ................................................................................... 2 1.4. MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT COMPANY CRITERIA .................................................................................................. 2 2. MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT PARTICIPANT REQUIREMENTS................................................................................... 3 2.1. STUDENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. COMPANY ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3. UNIVERSITY ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. ADDITIONAL MAJOR WORK PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 5 3.1. WORK PLACEMENT DURATION ............................................................................................................................. 5 3.2. WORK PLACEMENT CONTRACT ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.3. WORK PLACEMENT CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................. 5 3.4. WORK PLACEMENT REPORT ................................................................................................................................. 5 3.5. WORK PLACEMENT EVALUATION & ACCREDITATION .......................................................................................... 6 3.6. WORK PLACEMENT SECOND CHANCE .................................................................................................................. 6 4. WORK PLACEMENT DEADLINES ............................................................................................................................ 6 5. RELEVANT WORK PLACEMENT CONTACTS .......................................................................................................... 6 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Version February 2010 II 1. 1.1. Fontys International University of Economics and the Major Work Placement Introduction The 'Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economie' or 'FIHE' (Fontys University of Applied Sciences) has opted for a multidimensional didactic concept: theory, practice, training and integrating didactic learning lines, which encourage a psychological interchange in learning and as such offer access for each of the learning styles of the students and teaching styles of the lecturers. Psychological learning insights suggest that a mix of learning forms and teaching styles will bring about an optimum learning result. As a consequence, the FIHE has not opted for a single project-based or single problem-based didactic concept. The interaction and harmonisation between the five learning lines is therefore crucial. Coherence and harmonisation are guaranteed by employing course-dependent, characteristic professional situations and of course, also the internal professional coherence, within the competency matrix. The FIHE learning environment is therefore structured on the basis of the following didactic model, which includes five synergetic learning lines: The practical learning line The theoretical learning line The skills learning line The integration learning line The study career management learning line The practical learning line is harmonised fully with the other learning lines included in the didactic FIHE model. Alongside a large number of brief company contacts included in the various learning arrangements, (such as conducting interviews at companies during the Propaedeutic Phase, practical assignments, creating ‘mini companies’, company excursions etc.), the recommended FIHE programme involves two explicit and intensive practical components: A Work Placement during the Main Phase, i.e. the ‘Major Work Placement’ A Work Placement during the Graduation Phase, i.e. the “Graduation Project”. The Work Placement included in the Main Phase of each of the three FIHE courses of study is viewed by the FIHE as a central learning foundation for both acquiring valuable practical experience and for building on that experience. In primary terms, therefore, the FIHE maintains a list of criteria to ensure, in close consultation with the companies or organisations in question, that the required experiences, reflections and relevant applied academic orientation are acquired. 1.2. Major Work Placement Aims During the Major Work Placement, it is intended that each student achieves the following aims: * To obtain both work and learning experience in his/her chosen future professional field and to reflect on such experience on the basis of the achievement indicators associated with the chosen competencies included in the ‘Opleiding Competentie Matrix’ or ‘OCM’ (Course Competency Matrix). To outline and plan the approach to a business-related problem*, incorporating relevant OCM Level 2 theory. To focus on three specific OCM Level 2 competencies (relevant to and achievable in the situation!) and to reflect on these, primarily from the point of view of later professional orientation. IBMS students must write their Work Placement Report in English This must be a business-related problem (a clearly defined issue) from the professional world, that the student must approach methodically and responsibly, to provide a possible solution on the basis of and utilising theoretical views obtained from relevant reference literature. Version February 2010 1 1.3. Major Work Placement Completion & Evaluation Upon completion of the Major Work Placement, the Main Phase Evaluation will take place. If, according to the judgement of the FIHE Assessment Centre, students satisfy the requirements of the OCM Level 2 performance indicators, these students will be awarded registration in the Study Advancement System, whereby they will have successfully completed the Main Phase of the relevant course. During the Main Phase of the course, via individual Testing Plans, each student will work on his/her selected competency accents from the OCM, in order to achieve the required Level 2 standard. In this Main Phase Evaluation, the Work Placement Report will be added to the student’s portfolio and a recommended grade will be determined. 1.4. Major Work Placement Company Criteria A student will only be able to successfully complete the Major Work Placement, if the relevant Work Placement Company offers its cooperation as from the commencement of the Work Placement. For this reason, the FIHE requires that the Work Placement Company satisfies certain conditions, as follows: As the Work Placement Company must ensure that sufficient supervision is given to the student, the Work Placement Company is obliged to nominate one of its employees as an official Company Supervisor to the student. There must be sufficient communication between the student, the Company Supervisor and the University Supervisor. The student must be offered a beneficial learning environment, compliant with OCM Level 2 standards. The Work Placement Company must provide appropriate support to the student in focusing on the three relevant competencies. The Work Placement Company must assist the student in determining the concise business-related problem to be tackled during the Work Placement and the relevant approach to be taken. During the Work Placement, the Company Supervisor must regularly organise interim evaluation discussions with the student. Version February 2010 2 2. Major Work Placement Participant Requirements In order to ensure that each Work Placement is successfully completed, the FIHE has determined a number of conditions that all Major Work Placement participants must satisfy. 2.1. Students Each student is required to satisfy the following conditions: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) As a minimum requirement, prior to commencing a Work Placement, each student must have completed the Propaedeutic Phase of the course and have been awarded the associated Diploma. Each student must participate in the information meetings organised by the FIHE Work Placement/Graduation Coordinator. It is the responsibility of each student to secure a place at a Work Placement Company, utilising the written information that will be provided and taking the abovementioned criteria into account. The activities of the selected Work Placement Company must be applicable to each student’s competency development. Each student should discuss with the Study Career Manager, the competency accents on which he/she wishes to focus during the Work Placement, before completing his/her individual Main Phase Testing Plan (OCM). Of course, it is possible that these accents may change slightly during the course of the Work Placement. If so, relevant explanation must be provided in the Work Placement Report. Each student must submit an Approval Form to the Work Placement Coordinator via the Work Placement website. Each student is obliged to execute his/her Work Placement independently, to an appropriate standard, i.e. OCM Level 2. Each student must submit Appendix 4: Work Placement Project Description to the University Supervisor as soon as possible, at the latest before the deadline (Appendix 1: Important Dates Work Placement). The University Supervisor will provide the student with a definite GO/NO-GO by signing Appendix 4: Work Placement Project Description. The Work Placement Project Description needs to be signed by the University Supervisor. IBMS students have to perform their Major Work Placement in a different country than the Graduation Project. Each student must submit a Work Placement Report to the University Supervisor during the final week of the Work Placement. The Work Placement Report must include details of the project result, the project process (that have been laid down in Appendix 4: Work Placement Project Description) and a copy of Appendix 7: Student Evaluation by Company Supervisor. In addition, during this final week, each student must send a digital version of the definitive Work Placement Report to the University Support Staff. The topic of the report may not have been used during prior or upcoming reports (e.g. HLA, MLA, Graduation Report). IBMS students have to write their Work Placement Report in English Each student must stay abreast of the Work Placement Deadlines and should monitor any eventual changes and/or announcements regarding Major Work Placements via the FIHE intranet. At the completion of the Work Placement, each student must complete the Appendix 8: Work Placement Evaluation by Student. This form must be submitted to the Quality Management. 2.2. Company Each Work Placement Company is required to satisfy the following conditions: Version February 2010 3 The Work Placement Company will provide the student with the opportunity to tackle a businessrelated problem, applying the relevant theory and will ensure that the student has adequate time during working hours to work on his/her associated Work Placement Report. The Work Placement Company will provide the student with the opportunity to focus on his/her three selected competency accents, The Work Placement Company will nominate one of its employees as a dedicated Company Supervisor to the student, who will ensure that the student is given adequate supervision. The Company Supervisor will usually arrange weekly progress discussions with the student, during which the Company Supervisor will provide the student with the necessary feedback. Upon completion of the Work Placement, the Company Supervisor will complete Appendix 7: Student Evaluation by Company Supervisor. The Company Supervisor will also further discuss the content of this form with the student and the University Supervisor. 2.3. University The supervision provided by the University must satisfy the following conditions: The Work Placement Coordinator will provide the student with the necessary support in determining the business-related problem to be tackled by means of the Approval Form. The Study Career Manager will provide the student with assistance in selecting the relevant competency accents. The Work Placement Coordinator will assign a University Supervisor to the student if the student has filed an Approval Form. The assignment will take place within two weeks after the start of the semester. Within four weeks of commencement of the Work Placement, there should have been contact by telephone, mail or personally between University Supervisor, Company Supervisor and the student to thoroughly discuss the criteria, expectations and opportunities presented by the Work Placement with regard to the approach to the problem and the competency accents. The University Supervisor will provide the student with a definitive ‘GO’ (or ‘NO GO’) by signing Appendix 4: Work Placement Project Description and will send copies of this document to the student, the Company Supervisor and the Work Placement Coordinator. In cases of ‘NO GO’, the University Supervisor will also advise all relevant parties and the Work Placement will be discontinued. In exceptional cases, the Work Placement Coordinator has the authority to replace the University Supervisor with a colleague. The University Supervisor will be available to the student and the Company Supervisor for additional support, albeit remotely, through the provision of process supervision via telephone and/or e-mail. During the Work Placement, the University Supervisor will also provide feedback to the student with regard to the Work Placement Project. If the Work Placement location is within a radius of 150 km of Venlo, the University Supervisor will visit the Work Placement location, i.e. the Company Supervisor and the student, on one occasion. Should the Work Placement location not fall within this radius, the University Supervisor will not visit the Work Placement location, but will provide support via telephone and e-mail and if possible, via video-conferencing and/or via a personal meeting in Venlo if required. The University Supervisor will contact the Company Supervisor by telephone at least once at the beginning and at least once at the end of the Work Placement. Should any problems occur, it would be the student’s responsibility to initiate such contact. At the end of the Work Placement, the University Supervisor will assess the Work Placement Company, utilising the Appendix 11: Company Evaluation by University Supervisor. Version February 2010 4 3. Additional Major Work Placement Requirements 3.1. Work Placement Duration The usual timeframe for the Work Placement would be the period from either September to January or from February to June. The duration consist of a minimum of 3,5 months. It includes the following elements: Working at the Work Placement Company’s premises and working on the Work Placement Project. Writing the Work Placement Report, in accordance with both the Company and University standards and maintaining the associated portfolio. 3.2. Work Placement Contract A contract is required to formalise the Work Placement. There are two possibilities for arranging this contract. The FIHE Work Placement Company Contract (see intranet), entered into between the Work Placement Company, the Work Placement Coordinator (not University Supervisor) and the student, should be signed in triplicate and submitted to the University Support Staff no later than two weeks after the Work Placement has commenced. Once signed by the FIHE, two copies of the contract will be sent back to the student. The student must then provide the Work Placement Company with one copy of the duly signed contract. If the Work Placement Company prefers to use its own Company Contract (bilateral contract), this contract should be signed in duplicate and a copy must be submitted to the University Support Staff no later than two weeks after the Work Placement has commenced. Such a Company Contract must also satisfy at least all of the same requirements included in a standard FIHE Work Placement Company Contract. These bilateral contracts can NOT be signed by FIHE-employees. 3.3. Work Placement Confidentiality Confidentiality should be maintained concerning all information including reports and other documents. The regulations in connection with confidentiality are detailed in Appendix 3: Rules on Confidentiality of Work Placement Projects. 3.4. Work Placement Report The Work Placement Report must satisfy all of the requirements detailed in the most recent guidelines for report writing skills (written by Mrs. Pütz and Mr. Cuypers). These guidelines can be downloaded via the FIHE intranet. The Work Placement Report must be submitted – as a paper version - during the last week of the Work Placement to the University Supervisor and must also be submitted electronically to the University Support Staff. The maximum number of pages is 20, from the introduction (page 1) up to recommendation / critical appraisal (page 20). More information can be found in the Guidelines for Report Writing from FIHE. The Work Placement Report must be suitably assembled and bound for presentation and must include the following three parts: A thorough Plan of Approach to the problem in the form of a Work Placement Report (maximum 20 A4 pages), i.e. in the following format: Problem Description, Problem Analysis, Possible Solutions, Chosen Solution Description, Reflection of Company Supervisor, Literature List. The report must also include a Work Placement Student Statement of Authenticity (for an example, see Appendix 6: Statement of Authenticity). A Learning Process Report on the basis of the selected competencies (maximum 5 A4 pages), reflecting on: What have I executed and learned during this Work Placement in terms of my chosen competencies? How can I display that I have mastered these competencies to a Level 2 standard? Version February 2010 5 An Evaluation by Company Supervisor (Appendix 7: Student Evaluation by Company Supervisor) completed by the Company Supervisor 3.5. Work Placement Evaluation & Accreditation During the last week of the Work Placement, the student must submit his/her Work Placement Report to the University Supervisor. The University Supervisor will reach his/her recommendation in the form of one grade for the entire Work Placement on the basis of the following factors: research/functioning (includes the evaluation of the Company Supervisor). report The student receives a “pass” for the Work Placement when the average of both grades is equal or higher to a 5,5 and the grade for research/functioning is higher or equal to a 5,5 and the grade for the report is equal or higher to a 4,0 In any other case, the Work Placement will not be awarded a “pass”. 3.6. Work Placement Second Chance A. If the grade for research/functioning is lower than 5,5, the student has to do a new Work Placement project. If the grade for the report is lower than 4,0, the student will have the opportunity to re-write the report. The final grade for the report can only reach 5,5. The student will not receive a grade until the retake has been successful. B. If a student does not hand in two versions of his Work Placement Report (a digital version and a hardcopy) on or before the deadline, the final mark will be 1,0. In this case, the University Supervisor can give the student a new deadline, with a maximum of four weeks after the original deadline, to hand in a Work Placement Report. The grade for the report can reach a maximum of 5,5. The University Supervisor will give notice of this to his opleidingsmanager. 4. Work Placement Deadlines For students, the Work Placement Deadlines can be found in Appendix 1: Important Dates Work Placement. 5. Relevant Work Placement Contacts International Business Economics: The Work Placement Coordinator for International Business Economics Dipl. Kfm. Frank Gerhäuser Room: W3 2.24 Version February 2010 6 Tel.: E-mail: +31 877 878 853 International Business & Management Studies: The Work Placement Coordinator for International Business & Management Studies Martine Simonis LL. M. Room: W3 2.24 Tel.: +31 877 872 887 E-mail: International Marketing: The Work Placement Coordinator for International Marketing drs. Rob Maat Room: W3 2.24 Tel.: +31 877 877 648 E-mail: University Support Staff: International Business Economics and International Business & Management Studies: Mrs. Karin Rheiter Room: W1 0.21 Tel.: +31 877 882 101 E-mail: International Marketing: Mrs. Dorien Smeets Room: W1 0.21 Tel.: +31 877 873 564 E-mail: Examination Board Students may contact the Examination Board by e-mail E-mail: Student Service Desk For requests for certificates of enrolment, preferably by e-mail E-mail: Appendices APPENDIX 1: IMPORTANT DATES WORK PLACEMENT.......................................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX 2: INSURANCES, STUDY FINANCING, DISCRETIONARY EARNINGS & FOREIGN .................................................. 10 Version February 2010 7 WORK PLACEMENTS.......................................................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX 3: RULES ON CONFIDENTIALITY FOR WORK PLACEMENT PROJECTS ............................................................... 11 APPENDIX 4: WORK PLACEMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 12 APPENDIX 5: BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM.............................................................................................15 APPENDIX 6: STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ................................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX 7: STUDENT EVALUATION BY COMPANY SUPERVISOR……………………………………………...19 APPENDIX 8: WORK PLACEMENT EVALUATION BY STUDENT ........................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX 9: EVALUATION CRITERIA WORK PLACEMENT UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR ....................................................... 22 APPENDIX 10: GRADING FORM BY UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR ............................................................................................. 23 APPENDIX 11: COMPANY EVALUATION BY UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR) ................................................................................ 24 Version February 2010 8 Appendix 1: Important Dates Work Placement Period: February 2010 – July 2010 1. Latest date for filing the approval form 22.02.2010 (no approval form = no supervisor) 2. Earliest/latest date to start Work Placement 01.02.2010 – 15.03.2010 3. Latest date for submitting Work Placement Company contract To be submitted to the University Support Staff within two weeks of commencement of the Work Placement. 4. Latest date for submitting Work Placement To be submitted to the University Supervisor as soon as Project Description (Appendix 4: Work Placement possible, not later than 29.03 2010. Project Description) 5. Latest date for submitting the Work Placement Evaluation by student (Appendix 8: Work Placement Evaluation by Student) Latest date for submitting the Work Placement Report To be submitted to the Quality Management ( on 28.06.2010 7. Publication temporary Marks 16.07.2010 8. Latest date for submitting Work Placement Report if executing second chance assignments 24.08.2010 9. Publication marks re-examination two weeks after the deadline 6. Version February 2010 9 To be submitted to the University Supervisor on 29.06.2010. It must include the End Report, the Process Report and the Work Placement Assessment Form – Company Supervisor. In addition, the student must submit a digital version before or on the deadline to the University Support Staff. Email address: Appendix 2: Insurances, Study Financing, Discretionary Earnings & Foreign Work Placements The FIHE offers its students insurance policies that cover all important risks. The minimum coverage includes: • Health insurance • Casualty insurance • Repatriation from abroad The student’s risks are covered worldwide Further information is available via the Fontys International Office in Venlo, including for example, information regarding the termination of existing insurance contracts that do not cover all risks. Students can secure such insurance via the Fontys International Office in Venlo, (i.e. the Insurance Passport for Students, or IPS). Students who choose not to secure such insurance must sign an indemnification clause for Fontys. General questions regarding insurances may be referred to: Mrs. Margot Findhammer and/or Mrs. Paula Loth Telephone: +31 877 874 055 E-mail: Student Finance Act and additional earnings regulations (Dutch rules) General rule: • If a student receives additional earnings, including a graduation payment, this may have consequences for the amount of student financing. • Additional earnings up to € 10,461.66 per calendar year • No influence on student financing. If the additional earnings in a calendar year are less than 10,461.66, this need not be notified to the Student financing organisation. • Additional earnings above € 10,461.66 per calendar year Influence on your student grant. If you know when your income will exceed €10,461.66, from that month, for the rest of the calendar year (i.e. up to and including December), you should halt your student financing. In this way, you will avoid having to pay back any financing, and a penalty being imposed. In the next calendar year, from January onwards, you can submit a new request. Note! In this case, you must also hand in your student public transport card. At the latest on the fifth working day of the month in which you halt your student financing. For more information, consult the brochure “Student financing: Additional earnings” published by IBG. This can be found in the study landscape. For further information see the website of the IBG: The regulations regarding discretionary earnings during a Work Placement are associated with individual student insurance conditions. Please inquire for further details. Questions regarding Work Placements in foreign countries and funding (e.g. Leonardo) should be addressed to Mrs. Margot Findhammer and/or Mrs. Paula Loth at the Fontys International Office. Both Mrs. Findhammer and Mrs. Loth are the official contacts for all questions that do not concern the professional aspects of a Work Placement. Version February 2010 10 Appendix 3: Rules on Confidentiality for Work Placement Projects All students must submit paper versions of their Work Placement Reports to the relevant University Supervisor. These reports must also be submitted to the University Support Staff by e-mail or on CD-ROMs. When submitting an electronic version by e-mail, a declaration must be included, which clearly states that the electronic version is identical to the paper version. This declaration can be a signed note (paper). According to the regulations of the supervisory body of the Dutch Ministry of Education, the following confidentiality regulations apply to the handling of Work Placement Reports: University Supervisors must be able to understand, comprehend and assess Work Placement Reports under normal circumstances. University Supervisors must personally hand Work Placement Reports to the Chairperson of the Examination Board immediately after the conclusion of final assessments. University Supervisors must adhere to confidentiality regulations, but it is considered unnecessary and inappropriate that they should sign Company Confidentiality Declarations. Students may be required to sign Company Confidentiality Declarations, as may be usual for company employees. Students and/or the University may only publish Work Placement Reports with the express permission of the relevant company. These confidentiality aspects and potential consequences must be discussed and addressed in a practical manner by the Company Supervisor and the University Supervisor during the arrangement of the Work Placement. If a Company Supervisor is of the opinion that the abovementioned confidentiality regulations will not provide sufficient security, the FIHE student in question will not be able to proceed with the Work Placement. If the Work Placement Report contains details that in the opinion of the company in question are highly confidential, special agreements will have to be entered into with the University Supervisor and, if required, with the Work Placement Coordinator. Deviation from the abovementioned regulations is only possible in special cases and only by mutual agreement between the relevant company and the FIHE. The Chairperson of the Examination Board should be contacted if a case arises for which no provision has been made by the abovementioned confidentiality regulations and he/she will decide how to proceed. Version February 2010 11 Appendix 4: Work Placement Project Description Student Name : Company Name : Company Name : Student Number Supervisor Department : Course Code : IBE / IBMS / IM 1) Company problem description: 2) Student assignment: 3) Research objectives (main objectives and sub objectives): 4) Competences; only codenumber required Comp: Comp: Comp: The above mentioned description, assignment, objectives and competences have been discussed and approved by student, company supervisor and university supervisor. Name University Supervisor : Date : Signature : University Supervisor Version February 2010 12 Appendix 5: Bescheinigung Pflichtpraktikum Erläuterung zur BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM Sehr geehrte Studentinnen und Studenten, nachfolgend finden Sie das Formular „BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM“ entsprechend Ihres Studienganges. Bei Bedarf füllen Sie dieses Formular bitte aus und schicken bzw. mailen es an den für Ihren Studiengang verantwortlichen Diplom-/Praktikumskoordinator. für IBE für IBMS für IM Bitte bedenken Sie, dass Ihr Praktikum bzw. Ihr Diplom frühestens ab 01.02.2010 und höchstens bis 31.07.2010 als ein Pflichtpraktikum bzw. Diplom angesehen werden kann. Ihr zuständiger Diplom-/Praktikumskoordinator prüft Ihre Angaben, unterschreibt Ihr Formular bei Zustimmung, scannt es und mailt es Ihnen zurück. Auf Wunsch können Sie es natürlich auch gerne persönlich abholen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Das Diplom-/Praktikumsbüro Version February 2010 13 BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM Name: … Adresse: … Wohnort: … Hulsterweg 2-6 Postbus 141 NL-5900 AC VENLO Telefoon 0031(0)8778-78853 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Datum: Das Praktikum bzw. Diplom-Praktikum des genannten Studenten ist im Zeitraum vom ……… bis max. 31.07.10 ein verpflichtender Teil des Studiums. Name: … Studentennr.: … Geburtsdatum: … Geburtsort: … ………………………………… (F. Gerhäuser) Work Placement-Coordinator IBE Telefon 0031(0)8778-78853 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Version February 2010 14 BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM Name: Adresse: … Wohnort: … Hulsterweg 2-6 Postbus 141 NL-5900 AC VENLO Telefoon 0031(0)8778-72887 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Datum: Das Praktikum bzw. Diplom-Praktikum des genannten Studenten ist im Zeitraum vom ……… bis max. 31.07.10 ein verpflichtender Teil des Studiums. Name: … Studentennr.: … Geburtsdatum: … Geburtsort: … ………………………………… (M.Simonis) Work Placement-Coordinator IBMS Telefon 0031(0)8778-72887 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Version February 2010 15 BESCHEINIGUNG PFLICHTPRAKTIKUM Name: … Adresse: … Wohnort: … Hulsterweg 2-6 Postbus 141 NL-5900 AC VENLO Telefoon 0031(0)8778-77648 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Datum: Das Praktikum bzw. Diplom-Praktikum des genannten Studenten ist im Zeitraum vom ……… bis max. 31.07.10 ein verpflichtender Teil des Studiums. Name: … Studentennr.: … Geburtsdatum: … Geburtsort: … ………………………………… (R. Maat) Work Placement-Coordinator IM Telefon 0031(0)8778-77648 Telefax 0031(0)8778-74855 E-mail: Version February 2010 16 Appendix 6: Statement of Authenticity EXAMPLE: Declaration I hereby truthfully and solemnly declare: That I wrote my Work Placement Report entirely myself and without the help of any third party. AND That I indicated all literal quotations as well as the use of other authors’ ideas (indirect quotations) within the respective sections of my Work Placement Report. I am aware of the fact that a violation of this code may result in negative consequences for me, (e.g. a reduction of study credits and, in the case of repeated violation, a reduction of complete study units). If fraud can be proven, I will be liable for any costs associated with the investigation and any costs associated with the sourcing of original documents. Location & date: _______________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Version February 2010 17 Appendix 7: Student Evaluation by Company Supervisor In order to achieve a reliable evaluation of the Work Placement, the FIHE requests that you give a comprehensive assessment of the performance of the abovementioned student, with regard to the Work Placement project activities. The university supervisor will take your assessment into account in determining the student’s grade, which will remain the responsibility of the University Supervisor. We have arranged a final consultation with you, during which we will review the assessment of the content of the project from both the Company’s and the University’s points of view. We kindly request your cooperation and support for the grading process by filling out this form. Thank you in advance! A. If there was a vacancy within your organisation, in the specialist field of the graduate student, would you offer this position to him/her? Yes, because…. No, because….. B. In addition to the actual graduation assignment, did the student carry out further activities? C. Your opinion on the professional attitude of the student in respect of the criteria referred to below (project) Criteria very good good satisfactory Team spirit Goal orientation Commitment/effort Autonomy / initiative Reliability / punctuality Usefulness of the proposed solutions Organisational capacity Critical self reflection Openness to other opinions Version February 2010 18 sufficient insufficient Not applicable D. Your opinion on the professional attitude of the student in respect of the activities referred to below (daily work) Activities E. very good good satisfactory sufficient insufficient Not applicable Any recommendations relating to points for improvement and/or future employment Stamp / Date: Version February 2010 Signature of company supervisor: 19 Signature of graduate: Appendix 8: Work Placement Evaluation by Student The FIHE continually monitors the quality of its study programmes. By completing this form, you will be making a useful contribution to this quality control. Student Name : Course Code : Company : 1. 2. = YES = NO IM University Supervisor : Date : How would you evaluate the support provided by the Company during your Work Placement? Please circle the relevant category below and give a short explanation of your answer: GOOD SATISFACTORY SUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT How would you evaluate the quality of the supervision provided by the University Supervisor during your Work Placement, i.e. with regard to personal contact and response times? Please circle the relevant category below and give a short explanation of your answer: VERY GOOD 4. IBMS : During the execution of your Work Placement, did you identify any required aspects of particular areas of your course that were not dealt with thoroughly? If your answer to this question is YES, please specify the deficiencies you identified and the areas of your course to which these relate. VERY GOOD 3. IBE Student Number GOOD SATISFACTORY SUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT How would you evaluate the professional- and/or topic-related support provided by the University Supervisor during your Work Placement? Please circle the relevant category below Version February 2010 20 and give a short explanation of your answer. VERY GOOD 5. GOOD SATISFACTORY SUFFICIENT INSUFFICIENT Do you have further remarks with regard to your Work Placement? Please submit this form to the Quality Management, Please note that evaluating your University Supervisor’s performance in a critical manner will not adversely affect your assessment. This evaluation is intended solely for the purpose of inclusion in the University Supervisor’s personnel file. Version February 2010 21 Appendix 9: Evaluation Criteria Work Placement University Supervisor Student Name: Possible report criteria: Abstract/summary Evaluation of: Work Placement Report or Annotations/remarks: Graduation Thesis Evaluation: B31 Preface B4 Table of contents/structure B5 1 Introduction B6 2 Company description D 3 Assignment/project description D 4 Preliminary research/relevant theory/glossary D (5) Main research/analysis/practise D (6) Results/conclusion/argumentation B7/D (7) Recommendations/critical appraisal/limitations List of literature/in-text source referencing (Harvard or footnotes) Form/Layout (In accordance with FIHE guidelines) B8/D Evaluation legend +++ Excellent ++ Very good + Satisfactory/good B9 O Pass/fair A1, A2, B1, B2 A3 - Bare pass Quality of appendices/additional information B10 -- Fail Orthography/punctuation/error rate C Style/ professional language/number of repititions Possible project criteria: C Illustrations/figures/tables (own effort/sources) Annotations/remarks: Complexity/Scientific level Feasibility for company/transfer Economic benefit Identifiability of student’s contribution Analysis of problems/suitable methodology 1 Codes A,B,C,D refer to Appendix 1 of “Guideline report writing skills” Version February 2010 22 Evaluation: Appendix 10: Grading form by University Supervisor Student name : Course of studies : Name of the company/institution : Name of the company supervisor : Name of the university supervisor : IBE / IBMS / IM Work Placement is evaluated according to the following aspects, with the specified weighting factors and lower limits: Weighting factor Lower limit * Functioning / Performance 1 5.5 * Project /Research 4 5.5 * Reporting 5 4.0 Final grade attained : Grade(rounded to half grades) (rounded off to decimal grades) passed failed Comments: The university supervisor visited the company (if within a radius of 150 km) on or had a telephone conversation with the company supervisor on .... / .... 2010 Date : Signature university supervisor : REMARK: the competences shall be assessed in the context of the project Version February 2010 23 .... / .... /2010 Appendix 11: Company Evaluation by University Supervisor) Company Name : Department : Company Supervisor : Student Name : Course Code : Date : IBE IBMS VERY GOOD GOOD IM SATISFACTORY SUFFICIEN T INSUFFICIENT The level of attention given by the Company to the student was: The quality of the support given by the Company to the student was: The qualitative level of the Work Placement was: The student’s capacity to work independently was: Comments: Did the Company also offer to participate in another Main Phase Work Placement / Graduation Work Placement next year? Date : University Supervisor : Version February 2010 24