Web Design Final Exam - CSIS-401

CSIS-401: Web Design
Final Exam
Name: _______________________
Multiple Choices: Put you answer in the space provided on the right column.
1. Following HTML and CSS standards helps make your web pages
a. display faster
b. less accessible
c. forward compatible
d. only a and c are true, b is not true
e. a, b, and c are all true
Answer ____
2. Which is an example of purely presentational HTML markup
a. <p> paragraph content </p>
b. <b> bold text </b>
c. <div id=“pagetitle”>My Website</div>
d. <img class= “playerphoto” src= “Jordan.jpg” title=”Michael Jordan” />
Answer ____
3. Which example is the most semantic
e. <p> paragraph content </p>
f. <b> bold text </b>
g. <div id=“pagetitle”>My Website</div>
h. <img class= “playerphoto” src= “Jordan.jpg” title=”Michael Jordan” />
Answer ____
4. CSS
a. is a markup language
b. stands for Core Style Sheet
c. defines the presentational layer of a web page
d. none of the above are true
Answer ____
5. What is NOT part of the client tier?
a. HTML code
b. cookies
c. session variables
d. JavaScript
e. DOM
Answer ____
6. JavaScript
a. is a language used to define the structural layer of a web page
b. is used in the database tier
c. is typically used to communicate with the web server
d. is used to manipulate the browser
Answer ____
7. If you want to insert content/data from an external source into a web page,
which language will NOT help?
a. CSS
b. SQL
c. JavaScript
d. PHP
Answer ____
8. Which of the following is most likely to happen if your page uses
HTML instead of XHTML?
a. The page will NOT load in most web browsers
b. The page may not be compatible with come XML-based systems.
c. Both a and b are correct
Answer ____
9. Which of the following is a full-featured programming language?
a. CSS
b. PHP
d. SQL
e. All of the above are full-featured programming languages
Answer ____
10. In this CSS code, what is being set? body { color: #990000; }
a. Text Color of only paragraphs
b. Background Color of the entire web page
c. Text Color of the entire web page
d. Background Color of the body element
Answer ____
11. Which of the following must be true in order to use PHP code in a web page?
a. The web server must have PHP processor
b. The code must be inside the <head> tag
c. The code must be inside a <script> tag
d. All of the above
Answer ____
12. What PHP variable is used to access URL variables?
a. $_FORM
b. $_FILES
c. $_GET
d. $_POST
Answer ____
13. What PHP function is used to start a user session?
a. session_start()
b. session_init()
c. session()
Answer ____
14. What has higher priority?
a. Styles define in a linked style sheet
b. Embedded styles
c. Inline styles
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15. Which of the following is NOT a built-in associative array used by PHP?
a. $_URL
b. $_FILES
c. $_GET
d. $_POST
Answer ____
15.5. What do ninja’s and princesses have in common? Think about it…really thing about it….
16. Consider the following regular expression and select the most correct answer:
Answer ____
The pattern must start with a capital letter
The pattern must contain exactly two characters
The pattern must contain at least one letter
The pattern must contain at least one numeric digit
17. Consider the following regular expression and select the most correct answer:
Answer ____
The pattern must end with .com
The pattern can only contain one dot
The pattern can NOT have any capital letters
All of the above are true
18. You can make a web page more accessible by
a. putting it on the a web server
b. using standard HTML and CSS
c. providing alternative style sheet for printers and screen readers
d. using a big font
e. a, b, and c are all correct; d is not really true
f. a, b, c, and d are all correct
Answer ____
19. Select the most correct statement
a. Radio buttons are used when multiple options can be selected
b. Check boxes are used when multiple options can be selected
c. Radio buttons can be used to submit a form.
d. Check boxes can be used to submit a user text entry
Answer ____
20. Using a single linked style sheet for an entire web site is
Answer ____
a. bad because the style sheet can be big and take a long time to download
b. bad because the style sheet gets downloaded repeatedly every time a page is requested
c. good because you can control the site’s appearance in one central place
d. good because it hides all your styles and people can’t steal your website code
21. What is the current standard for the structural layer of web pages?
a. XHTML 1.0
b. CSS 2.0
c. PHP 4
d. all of the above
Answer ____
22. Which of the following does NOT reside on the server side?
a. Apache software
b. Session variables
c. PHP files
d. Web browser software
Answer ____
22. When is a cookie saved on a user’s web browser?
a. Only when a user submits a form.
b. Whenever a user requests a web page.
c. If a web page is loaded that includes JavaScript code that sets the cookie
d. If PHP is used to send back an http response header that sets the cookie
e. a, b, c, and d are all true.
f. Only c and d are true.
Answer ____
23. Cookies and session variables can be used to.
a. Prevent browser actions from happening more than once
b. Logout users after a period time
c. Keep track of user activity
d. All of the above
Answer ____
24. Which of the following is not a scripting language used by web servers to
connect to databases and dynamically generate web pages.
a. PHP
b. XML
c. ASP
d. ColdFusion
Answer ____
25. Consider the following PHP code: $var = “3” . “5”;
$var will most likely be:
a. Integer 8
b. Integer 15
c. String “35”
d. Integer (ascii value of character 3 times ascii value of character 5)
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26. Which HTML tag is the most semantic
a. <i>
b. <b>
c. <p>
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27. Which CSS attribute is used to center text?
a. font-align
b. text-align
c. align
d. center
Answer ____
28. Which CSS attribute is used to change the font size?
a. font-size
b. text-size
c. size
d. font-family
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29. Which CSS attribute is used to make text italic?
a. text-decoration
b. text-style
c. italic
d. font-style
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30. In a 3-tier web architecture, which tier is responsible for rendering a web page?
a. server
b. client
c. database
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31. By default, the <p> tag is
a. inline
b. block
c. float left
d. centered
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32. Which of the following is a mark-up language?
a. CSS
b. PHP
d. SQL
e. all of the above are markup languages
Answer ____
33. Which of the following is a query language?
a. CSS
b. PHP
c. JavaScript
e. SQL
f. XML
Answer ____
34. Why was ColdFusion so important?
a. It was the first server-side scripting language to support database connectivity
b. It was the first web server software
c. It was the first open source web development language
d. It was the first client-side scripting language that could manipulate the browser
Answer ____
35. Why is PHP so widely used
a. It is supported commercially by Microsoft and Oracle
b. It is free, open source, and constantly expanded and updated
c. It is built into the Firefox web browser
d. It is endorsed by Princess Cinderella
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36. In a standards-compliant web page, what is the outer-most structural tag?
a. <head>
b. <body>
c. <html>
d. <script>
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37. What language is commonly used to manipulate the behavioral layer of a web page?
a. JavaScript
b. SQL
c. XML
d. CSS
Answer ____
For questions 38-41, consider the following code:
$fname = $_POST[“firstname”];
run_query("SELECT lastname WHERE First='$fname");
38. What is $_POST?
a. An associative array
b. A PHP variable
c. A data structure containing all the form variables
d. All of the above
Answer ____
39. Which of the following is a PHP variable?
a. run_query
b. firstname
c. fname
d. First
Answer ____
40. Which of the following is a PHP function name?
a. run_query
b. firstname
c. fname
d. First
Answer ____
41. What is "SELECT lastname WHERE First='$fname"?
a. a string passed into a function
b. a string representing an SQL query
c. a regular expression
d. a and b are both true, c is not
e. a, b, and c are all true
Answer ____
Answer ____
A web browser will automatically send the cookies set by a server back
to the server for all http requests to the server. Why?
Otherwise, the server could never see if it set a cookie on the browser
Otherwise, the server would have to send a separate request when it needed to check a cookie value
The browser initiates all contact with the server, the server can not send a request to the browser
All of the above are true
43. Which of the following is not a PHP function used to interface with MySQL?
a. mysql_post
b. mysql_select_db
c. mysql_connect
d. mysql_query
e. mysql_dance_with_princess
Answer ____
43.5. What is Dr. Breimer’s favorite Disney Princess and why? It’s OK, you can say, I won’t be offended.
For questions 44-49, consider the following PHP code:
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor=“black">
$results = run_query("SELECT * FROM princesses");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo '<tr>';
for ($x = 0; $x < 7; $x++)
echo '<td bgcolor="white">', $row[$x], '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
44. Will this PHP code generate a standards-compliant web page?
a. No, because it doesn’t print proper HTML and DOCTYPE headers
b. No, because you can NOT mix HTML and PHP code together
c. Yes, because it generates HTML code
d. Yes, because the output is nested in a table.
45. What does this PHP code do exactly?
a. It tries to fit a glass slipper on all the princesses at the table
b. It prints the first 7 rows of the princesses table
c. It prints the first 8 rows of the princesses table
d. It prints the first 7 columns of all the rows of the princesses table
e. It prints the first 8 columns of all the rows of the princesses table
46. In the code above, what does $results store?
a. It stores the output of the run_query function
b. It stores the SQL query
c. It stores one row of data
d. It stores one column of data
e. It stores a delicious cheese sandwich
47. What does the while loop do?
a. For each loop, it generates a table row
b. It loops until the mysql_fetch_array function returns null (fals)
c. It loops for each row that is fetched
d. It does all of the things: a, b, and c
48. What does the for loop do?
a. For each loop, it generates table data (a column)
b. It sets the background color of the table
c. It loops for each row that is fetched
d. It does all of the things: a, b, and c
49. What might prevent the code above from printing all the data in the princesses table?
a. The while loop may not fetch all the rows
b. If there are 9 or more fields, the for loop will only print the first 8 fields
c. The SQL query does not select all the fields
d. The actual data is never printed; only the table structure is printed
True or False: Circle the correct answer (True of False) in the right column
HTML has tags and functions to connect to database servers.
True or False (circle one)
JavaScript is typically used to access a web page’s DOM.
True or False (circle one)
In PHP, $myvar and $myVar are the same variable
True or False (circle one)
Relative URLs always start with http://
True or False (circle one)
In a 3-tier web architecture the web server and the
database server can be installed on the same computer.
True or False (circle one)
SQL stands for Structured Query Language
True or False (circle one)
Microsoft and Netscape were the two parties in the browser wars?
True or False (circle one)
The Internic is the name of the organization that makes
recommendations about the standards for HTML and CSS
True or False (circle one)
640 X 480 is still the most popular screen resolution
True or False (circle one)
PHP is used to define the structure of web pages
True or False (circle one)
CSS is used to define the presentational layer of a web page
True or False (circle one)
Apache is a scripting language similar to PHP
True or False (circle one)
ASP is Microsoft’s commercial web server software
True or False (circle one)
URL stands for Uniform Resource Language
True or False (circle one)
The a in the <a> tag stands for anchor
True or False (circle one)
The <script> is used to insert PHP code into a web page
True or False (circle one)
The <head> tag includes the web page title
True or False (circle one)
The <link> tag can be used to define a hypertext link
True or False (circle one)
ASP and JSP are different server-side scripting languages
True or False (circle one)
PHP stands for Princess-based Hypertext Preprocessor
True or False (circle one)
MySQL is an open source database server
True or False (circle one)
Oracle is a commercial alternative to MySQL
True or False (circle one)
Storing data in a database (instead of files) help increase
data dependence and increase data redundancy
True or False (circle one)
Short Answer: Place very brief and specific answer in the spaces provided
73. What database server did we use in this course?
74. What HTML tag/element is used to insert an image?
75. What HTML tag/element is used to insert drop-down menu into a form?
For questions 76-79, consider the following URL:
76. What is the top level domain?
77. This URL points to what type of file?
78. How many folders are in the file path?
79. What is the name of the URL variable (the variable name, not its value)?
For questions 80-82, consider the following CSS code:
em { color: red; }
strong { color: blue; }
h1 {color: green; }
strong em {color: yellow; }
h1 em strong {color: purple; }
80. What color will the text be? <em><strong>text<strong></em>
81. What color will the text be? <strong><em>text</em></strong>
82. What color will the text be? <h1><em>text</em></h1>
For question 83-85, consider the following CSS code:
#myblockdiv {
margin: 15px 20px 30px 45px;
padding: 5px 10px 15px 20px;
width: 700px;
83. What is the top margin?
84. What is the left padding?
85. How much total width will myblockdiv actually take up?
86. Describe what is wrong with this CSS code: <b> { color: black; }
For questions 87-89, consider the following HTML form:
<form method="post" action="addcomment.php">
<input name="subject" type="text" size="40" class="mytextbox"> <br />
<input name="username" class="mytextbox" type="text" size="40"> <br />
Comment: <br />
<textarea name="comment" cols="60" rows="8"></textarea> <br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
87. How many form variables are defined in the form above?
88. How many form elements are defined in the form above?
89. Assuming this form was loaded in a web browser, what exactly happens when the user clicks the submit
button, i.e., submits this form?
90. Write the PHP code to print the form variables in the form above.
91. Write the CSS code to add a pink background color to a class selector called “princess”
92. Write the HTML code to make the word Siena an absolute hyperlink to www.siena.edu
93. While it might be more difficult to design a website with a database back-end, it might be a lot easier to
maintain a database-driven website. Why? Explain at least two reasons why database-driven websites are
easier to maintain.
(1) ________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ________________________________________________________________________________
94. Describe three of the four main advantages of standardization in the web design world.
(1) ________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ________________________________________________________________________________
(3) ________________________________________________________________________________
95. What did Frosty the Snowman first say when he came to life? ____________________________________
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