A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 1: Introduction to Economics Time: 2.5 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Scarcity forces people to make choices. Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Line ideas here! Revised 2011 Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS Topics/Content Unit Questions Because productive resources are limited, people (and societies) must choose which goods and services they will produce. 1(A) explain why scarcity and choice are basic economic problems faced by every society Scarcity Factors of Production Choice and Opportunity Cost Production Possibilities Frontier Circular Flow Model Why can’t we have all the things we want? How do we cope with this problem? Text, Ch. 1, Sec. 1-3 Text, Ch. 2, Sec. 4 Focus: High School Economics - Lesson 1: Choice, Opportunity Cost and Decisions (Virtual Economics) Does a society’s culture affect its economic decisions? Text, Ch. 2, Sec. 1-3 Focus: High School Economics -Lesson 2: Who Decides? (Virtual Economics) Online resources to evaluate various charities: Charity Navigator Library Spot 1(C) describe the economic factors of production 1(D) interpret a production-possibilities curve and explain the concepts of opportunity costs and scarcity. 8(A) interpret the roles of resource owners and firms in a circular-flow model of the economy and provide real-world examples to illustrate elements of the model Resources vocabulary: scarcity; factors of production; opportunity cost; production possibilities frontier; circular flow model; households, business, land; labor, capital; entrepreneurship; tradeoffs 8(B) explain how government actions affect the circular-flow model 8(C) explain how the circular-flow model is affected by the rest of the world. 21(B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supplyand-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues Different societies are organized in different ways. Different economic systems organize the production and distribution of goods and services in different ways, based on societal values. 1(B) describe how societies answer the basic economic questions 5(B) compare the free enterprise system, socialism, and communism using the basic characteristics of economic systems 5(C) examine current examples of free enterprise, socialist, and communist economic systems 5(D) understand that the terms free enterprise, free market, and capitalism are synonymous terms to describe the Alief ISD 2011 Economic Questions Economic Values Economic Goals Economic Systems vocabulary: tradition, command, and market economies; economic stability; economic growth; economic equity; charitable giving U.S. economic system 6(D) analyze the costs and benefits of U. S. economic policies related to the economic goals of economic growth, stability, full employment, freedom, security, equity (equal opportunity versus equal outcome), and efficiency. 11(A) analyze how productivity relates to growth 11(B) analyze how technology relates to growth 11(C) analyze how trade relates to growth. 19(D) evaluate the costs and benefits of charitable giving Even free societies need some regulation to preserve order and prevent chaos. American producers and consumers are free to make economic decisions within an orderly system regulated by government. 6(A) explain the basic characteristics of the U.S. free enterprise system, including private property, incentives, economic freedom, competition, and the limited role of government 6(B) explain the benefits of the U.S. free enterprise system, including individual freedom of consumers and producers, variety of goods, responsive prices, investment opportunities, and the creation of wealth 7(A) analyze the cost and benefits of the purchase, use, or disposal of personal and business property 7(B) identify and evaluate examples of restrictions that the government places on the use of business and individual property 14(A) identify economic concepts in the U.S. Constitution, including property rights and taxation 14(B) describe the role of government in the U.S. free enterprise system and the changes in that role over time 14(C) evaluate government rules and regulations in the U.S. free enterprise system. Alief ISD 2011 The American Free Enterprise System vocabulary: free enterprise; profit; voluntary exchange; private property; competition Which is most important to the success of the American economy, freedom or order? Text, Ch. 3, Sec. 1-3 Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship – Lesson 17: Economics and Government Intervention (Virtual Economics) A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 2: Demand, Supply, and Price Time: 3 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations People try to use their resources to the best advantage. Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Line ideas here! Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings Generally, consumers are willing to buy more of an item at a low price than a high price. TEKS Topics/Content 2(A) understand the effect of changes in price on the quantity demanded and quantity supplied Law of Demand Graphing Demand Change in Quantity Demanded Demand Elasticity/Inelasticity 2(C) interpret a supply-and-demand graph using supply-and-demand schedules 21(B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supplyand-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues Unit Questions How much does price matter to consumers? Resources vocabulary: demand; quantity demanded; law of demand; demand curve: elasticity of demand; inelasticity of demand; inverse relationship People try to use their resources to the best advantage. Generally, producers are willing to sell more of an item at a high price than a low price. 2(A) understand the effect of changes in price on the quantity demanded and quantity supplied 2(C) interpret a supply-and-demand graph using supply-and-demand schedules 21(B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supplyand-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues Systems naturally seek balance. Alief ISD 2011 Revised 2011 In any free market, prices are set by the interaction of 2(A) understand the effect of changes in price on the quantity demanded and Law of Supply Graphing Supply Supply Elasticity/Inelasticity Change in supply Change in quantity supplied How much does price matter to producers? vocabulary: supply; quantity supplied; law of supply; supply curve: elasticity of supply; inelasticity of supply; direct relationship Markets Graphing Equilibrium How are the prices of goods and services Text, Ch. 4, Sec. 1-2 Mathematics & Economics: Connections for Life - 9-12 – Lesson 1: The Nature of Demand (Virtual Economics) Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy: Teacher Resource Manual – Lesson 10: The Nature of Consumer Demand (Virtual Economics) Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship –Lesson 9: How Much Are Consumers Willing to Pay? (Virtual Economics) Focus: High School Economics – Lesson 7: Price Changes Matter (Virtual Economics) Text, Ch. 5, Sec. 1-2 Mathematics & Economics: Connections for Life - 9-12 – Lesson 2: The Nature of Supply (Virtual Economics) Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship –Lesson 10: How Much Should I Produce? (Supply) (Virtual Economics) Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy: Teacher Resource Manual – Lesson 13: What Causes Entrepreneurs to Change the Quantity of goods and Services Offered for Sale? (Virtual Economics) Text, Ch. 6, Sec. 1-2 producers and consumers. quantity supplied Surplus and Shortage 2(C) interpret a supply-and-demand graph using supply-and-demand schedules vocabulary: equilibrium price; surplus; shortage; price ceilings; price floors; determined? 21(B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supplyand-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues Systems adapt to change. Changes in demand or supply will cause prices to change. 2(B) identify the non-price determinants that create changes in supply and demand, which result in a new equilibrium price 21(B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supplyand-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues Alief ISD 2011 Change in Demand Change in Supply Changes in Equilibrium Determinants of demand/supply vocabulary: Change in demand; Change in Supply; Changes in Equilibrium; Determinants of demand; Determinants of supply Why do prices change? Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics – Teacher’s Guide – Unit 2, Lesson 10: Equilibrium Prices and Equilibrium Quantities (Virtual Economics) Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics – Teacher’s Guide – Unit 2, Lesson 14: Price Ceilings and Floors (Virtual Economics) Focus: High School Economics – Lesson 6: Price Controls – Too High or Too Low (Virtual Economics) Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy: Teacher Resource Manual – Lesson 14: Entrepreneurs and Equilibrium (Virtual Economics) United States History: Eyes on the Economy – Lesson 3: The Hula Hoop Market of 1958 (Virtual Economics) Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship – Lesson 11: What’s the Right Price? (Virtual Economics) Text, Ch. 4, Sec. 3 Text, Ch. 5, Sec. 3 Text, Ch. 6, Sec. 2 Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy: Teacher Resource Manual – Lesson 11: What Causes Changes in Consumer Demand (Virtual Economics) A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 3: Business Organizations, the Stock Markets and Competition Time: 2.5 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations People choose forms of organization that help them meet their needs. Line ideas here! Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Revised 2011 Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS Entrepreneurs choose the form of business organization most likely to bring the greatest profit at the lowest risk. Topics/Content 16(A) explain the characteristics of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations; 16(B) analyze the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations 16(C) analyze the economic rights and responsibilities of businesses, including those involved in starting a small business Risks and Rewards of Starting a Business Forms of Business Organization Types of Bankruptcy Unit Questions Why do some businesses succeed and others fail? Resources vocabulary: sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation; stock; franchise; limited liability; unlimited life 17(B) explain how the amount of savings in an economy is the basis of capital formation Text, Ch. 3, sec. 1, pp. 53 Text, Ch. 8, Sec. 1-3 Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship – Lesson 13: What Type of Business Should I Start? (Virtual Economics) Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship – Lesson 12: Profits and Entrepreneurship (Virtual Economics) Focus: Institutions and Markets – Lesson 3: Business Organizations (Virtual Economics) 17(C) analyze the role of interest and risk in allocating savings to its most productive use The most successful competitors tend to be the most attractive or have the fewest competitors. The extent to which a product successfully competes with others is influenced by its uniqueness and the number of competitors. 9(A) describe characteristics and give examples of pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly 9(B) identify and evaluate ordinances and regulations that apply to the establishment and operation of various types of businesses People expect a return in exchange for something of value. Alief ISD 2011 Stock and bond markets provide capital to businesses and allow investors to earn a return on their money. Role of Competition Forms and Types of Competition Business Combinations Role of Government in Regulating Business Why do some products succeed and others fail? vocabulary: competition; pure competition; monopolistic competition; oligopoly; monopoly; trust 17(A) explain the functions of financial institutions and how they affect households and businesses Financial Markets Stock Market Bonds 17(D) examine the types of accounts available to consumers from financial institutions and the risks, monetary costs, and benefits of maintaining these accounts Being a Prudent Investor in the Stock Market vocabulary: investment, equity, dividends Who benefits from investment? Text, Ch. 7, Sec. 1-4 Focus: High School Economics – Lesson 14: When There Isn’t Pure Competition (Virtual Economics) Master Curriculum Guide: Economics and Entrepreneurship – Lesson 15: Competitive Markets (Virtual Economics) Text, Ch. 11, Sec. 1-3 Learning, Earning and Investing: High School – Lesson 17: How Financial Institutions Help Business Grow (Virtual Economics) 18(A) assess ways to be a wise investor in the stock market and in other personal investment options 18(B) explain how to begin a savings program 18(C) examine investment options available in a personal retirement plan Alief ISD 2011 A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Measuring the Aggregate Economy: Business Cycle, Inflation and Unit 4: Unemployment Time: 2 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Data collected over time can show patterns. Line ideas here! Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS The business cycle reflects changes in the overall level of economic activity. Topics/Content 10(A) interpret economic data, including unemployment rate, gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita as a measure of national wealth, and rate of inflation GDP: Real vs. Nominal Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply Business Cycle Economic Indicators 10(B) analyze business cycles using key economic indicators vocabulary: expansion, peak, contraction, trough, recession, depression Unit Questions Are their predictable patterns in the economy? Resources Changes in one area often create changes in other areas. Fluctuations in the stability of the national economy can enhance or threaten the achievement of stable prices and full employment. 10(A) interpret economic data, including unemployment rate, gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita as a measure of national wealth, and rate of inflation 10(B) analyze business cycles using key economic indicators Alief ISD 2011 Revised 2011 Inflation Full Employment Unemployment vocabulary: types of unemployment: cyclical, frictional, seasonal, structural; consumer price index, cost push, demand pull Is it important for us to be able to recognize and predict patterns in the economy? Text, Ch. 12, Sec. 1-3 Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics – Unit 6, Lesson 38: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply (Virtual Economics) Focus: High School Economics – Lesson 18: Economic Ups and Downs (Virtual Economics) Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy – Lesson 33: Changing Economic Conditions Affect Entrepreneurs (Virtual Economics) Text, Ch. 13, Sec. 1-2 Economics in Action: 14 Greatest Hits for Teaching High School Economics – Lesson 11: Money and Inflation (Virtual Economics) A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 5: Banking, The Fed and Monetary Policy Time: 3 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Institutions evolve to help individuals and groups accomplish their goals. Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Line ideas here! Revised 2011 Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS Banks provide opportunities to help consumers to manage their money, borrow, save, and invest. 12 (C) examine the positive and negative aspects of barter, currency, credit cards, and debit cards Topics/Content 18(D) demonstrate how to maintain a checking account, including balancing a checkbook or reconciling a bank statement 18(E) identify the types of loans available to consumers 18(F) explain the responsibilities and obligations of borrowing money Understanding interest, avoiding and eliminating credit card debt The types of bank accounts available to consumers and the benefits of maintaining a bank account Balancing a check book The types of loans available to consumers and becoming a low-risk borrower Unit Questions Are the services that banks offer to consumers worth the cost? Resources 18(G) develop strategies to become a low-risk borrower by improving one's personal credit score Financial Fitness for Life (National Council on Economic Education) Virtual Economics CD (National Council on Economic Education) Building Wealth (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) The National Endowment for Financial Education High School Financial Planning Program Hands On Banking (Wells Fargo Bank) Calculating Simple Interest Lesson (Econedlink) The Credit Card Mystery Lesson (Econedlink) 19(A) examine ways to avoid and eliminate credit card debt 19(B) evaluate the costs and benefits of declaring personal bankruptcy When regulation is needed, it is best carried out by an impartial referee. As an institution relatively free from government control, The Fed is a central bank designed to control the nation’s banks and monetary system. 12(A) describe the functions of money 12(B) describe the characteristics of money, including commodity money, fiat money, and representative money 13(A) explain the structure of the Federal Reserve System Spending increases or decreases based on the amount of money people have. In exerting control over the nation’s money supply, the Fed attempts to stabilize the economy by influencing its rate of growth. 13(B) analyze the three basic tools used to implement U.S. monetary policy, including reserve requirements, the discount rate and the federal funds rate target, and open market operations 13(C) explain how the actions of the Federal Reserve System affect the nation's money supply Alief ISD 2011 Structure and Function of the Federal Reserve System Types and Functions of Money What is money and who controls it? Text, Ch. 16, Sec. 1-2 vocabulary: banker’s bank, lender of last resort Money Creation Process Tools of Monetary Policy Reserve Requirement Discount Rate Open Market Operations Strengths and Weaknesses Monetary Policy vocabulary: To what extent can controlling the money supply have an impact on the business cycle? Text, Ch. 16, Sec. 3-4 Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics – Unit 6, Lesson 38: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply (Virtual Economics) Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics – Unit 6, Lesson 34: Money and money multiplier, excess reserves, interest rate, tight money, easy money Alief ISD 2011 Monetary Policy (Virtual Economics) Focus: High School Economics - Lesson 19: Money, Interest, and Monetary Policy (Virtual Economics) A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Economic Stabilization: Government Taxation, Spending and Fiscal Unit 6: Policy Time: 2 Weeks Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Everyone’s interest is served when people share the cost of meeting common needs. Line ideas here! Developed 2007 Revised 2011 Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS Taxes help finance the operation of government as well as government programs and public services. 15(A) identify types of taxes at the local, state, and national levels and the economic importance of each 15(B) analyze the categories of revenues and expenditures in the U.S. federal budget Spending increases or decreases based on the amount of money people have. Social Studies Pacing Guide Government spending and taxation can work to stabilize the economy by influencing the amount of money consumers have to spend. 15(C) analyze the impact of fiscal policy decisions on the economy Topics/Content The Role of Taxation Theories of Taxation Types of Taxes Government Programs and Public Services Unit Questions Resources Are taxes really necessary? Text, Ch. 14, Sec. 1-3 Preparing a 1040EZ Tax Form (Econedlink) To what extent do government decisions about taxation and government spending influence the state of the economy? Text, Ch. 15, Sec. 1-2 Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics Teacher's Guide – Lesson 35: Fiscal Policy: A Two Act Play (Virtual Economics) Is fiscal policy an effective tool for stabilizing the economy? Text, Ch. 15, Sec. 3 Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics Teacher's Guide – Lesson 35: Fiscal Policy: A Two Act Play (Virtual Economics) vocabulary: tax, revenue, income tax, property tax, proportional tax, progressive tax, regressive tax, entitlement programs, mandatory spending, discretionary spending Fiscal Policy as a Stabilization Tool Expansionary Fiscal Policy Contractionary Fiscal Policy Limitations of Fiscal Policy vocabulary: Keynesian Model, Classical Model, Supply Side Model, federal budget Decisions often have unintended consequences. Fiscal policy has long term consequences that can be positive or negative. 15(C) analyze the impact of fiscal policy decisions on the economy Budget Deficits and the National Debt vocabulary: balanced budget, budget surplus, budget deficit, national debt, crowding out effect Alief ISD 2011 A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 7: International Trade Time: 1 Week Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Specialization leads to greater efficiency. Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Line ideas here! Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS Specialization and trade benefit nations by allowing them to use their resources more efficiently. 3(A) explain the concepts of absolute and comparative advantages 3(B) apply the concept of comparative advantage to explain why and how countries trade Topics/Content The Benefits of Trade Unit Questions Who benefits from trade? vocabulary: absolute advantage; comparative advantage; specialization; efficiency; import; export Resources 3(C) analyze the impact of U.S. imports and exports on the United States and its trading partners 11(C) analyze how trade relates to growth What benefits the group as a whole may not benefit some individuals. Despite the economic benefits of free trade, there are still those who seek to restrict trade. 4(A) compare the effects of free trade and trade barriers on economic activities 4(B) evaluate the benefits and costs of participation in international free-trade agreements Systems naturally seek balance. Alief ISD 2011 Revised 2011 The forces of supply and demand influence international markets in much the same way as they do domestic markets. 4(C) analyze the effects of changes in exchange rates on imports and exports 13(D) analyze the decline in value of the U.S. dollar, including the abandonment of the gold standard Barriers to Trade Does everyone benefit from free trade? Text, Ch. 17, Sec. 2 Focus: International Economics – Lesson 8: Trade Barriers; Lesson 9: Ripples: Trade Barriers and Unintended Consequences; Lesson 10: What Happens When Imports Are Banned? (Virtual Economics) Do the forces of supply and demand work the same way in international markets as they do at home? Text, Ch. 17, Sec. 3 vocabulary: protectionism; tariffs; free trade; duties; quotas; trade agreements Balance of Trade vocabulary: exchange rates; balance of trade; balance of payments; trading partner Text, Ch. 17, Sec. 1 Focus: International Economics – Lesson 2: Why People and Nations Trade (Virtual Economics) Capstone: Exemplary Lessons for High School Economics Teacher's Guide – Lesson 41: Why People Trade: Comparative Advantage (Virtual Economics) Focus: International Economics – Lesson 3: Trade and Specialization (Virtual Economics) A L I E F Independent School District Grade 12 Economics Unit 8: Housing and Insurance Time: 1 Week Hook ideas here! Universal Generalizations Good information promotes good decision making. Social Studies Pacing Guide Developed 2007 Line ideas here! Sinker ideas here! Unit Understandings TEKS While buying a home is often complicated and expensive, the benefits typically outweigh the costs. Topics/Content 20 (A) evaluate the costs and benefits of renting a home; 20 (B) evaluate the costs and benefits of buying a home 20 (C) assess the financial aspects of making the transition from renting to home ownership Rights and responsibilities of renting or buying a home Managing money to make the transition from renting a home to home ownership Unit Questions At what point does owning a home become more advantageous than renting? Resources vocabulary: mortgage; credit rating; real estate, lease People seek to reduce personal risk. Revised 2011 Different types of insurance have been developed to manage different kinds of risk. 19(C) evaluate the costs and benefits of buying insurance Understanding insurance vocabulary: risk; liability; term life; whole life; How can people know when they need insurance and what kind they need? Prentice Hall Personal Finance Kit Financial Fitness for Life (National Council on Economic Education) Virtual Economics CD (National Council on Economic Education) Money Matters (First Command Educational Foundation) Loan Amortization /Mortgage Lesson (Econedlink) Financial Fitness for Life (National Council on Economic Education) Virtual Economics CD (National Council on Economic Education) Building Wealth (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) The National Endowment for Financial Education High School Financial Planning Program Hands On Banking (Wells Fargo Bank) Social Studies Skills for Economics: (21) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to: (A) analyze economic information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; (B) create economic models, including production-possibilities curves, circular-flow charts, and supply-and-demand graphs, to analyze economic concepts or issues; (C) explain a point of view on an economic issue; (D) analyze and evaluate the validity of economic information from primary and secondary sources for bias, propaganda, point of view, and frame of reference; (E) evaluate economic data using charts, tables, graphs, and maps; and (F) use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret economic information. (22) Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to: Alief ISD 2011 (A) use economic-related terminology correctly; (B) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation; (C) transfer information from one medium to another, including written to visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate; (D) create written, oral, and visual presentations of economic information; and (E) attribute ideas and information to source materials and authors. Alief ISD 2011