Alumni Newsletter Spring 2009

Salisbury University
Athletic Training
Alumni Newsletter-Spring 2009
Dear Alumni:
Wow a year has passed and boy has things changed!!!! Obviously, the financial quagmire we are all
experiencing have all of us looking at our 401K and our pay checks and credit cards….. Oh brother it
gives me a headache!!!! Hopefully, the Newsletter will bring a smile to your face. As usual we have had
a very busy year in many aspects. Our athletic training program has welcome new staff members, Kelly
and Donna are feverishly working on our reaccreditation profile, which we will need your assistance
(more on that later), our athletic teams have had another tremendous year, our athletic training
students are receiving awards and honors and the campus is going through vigorous physical plachanges
which are impressive. I will touch on all of these later.
As I reflect on the year it really makes my head spin. Despite the economic down turn, the university
seems to be moving in a very positive direction. A new parking garage with some 800 parking spaces
will open in the summer it is located behind Hardees on Bateman St. The university has purchased
Allenwood Shopping Center and a new dorm with the first floor being reserved for a retail mall with 4 to
5 floors of apartment style living above that. In August or September the new Business School will begin
construction right out in front of Maggs where the old campus police office and parking lot is currently.
We have also assumed ownership of the Dresser Wayne property and demolish and clean up of that
area will start this year also. If anyone has 5 or 6 million they would like to donate to the development
of a new Physical Activity Center plan, please contact me I will put you in contact with the right people.
Also, there is a project under foot for improvements to Seagull Stadium, again if anyone has a couple mil
lying around that would be a good start. There is a committee and they are actively working on raising
the funds for the project. As you can see there is an ambitious campaign of growth going on. I know
you are asking yourself what about a new athletics building????? Well, it is being discussed, but like the
business building and the new TETC building and the Business School, a major donor is needed to start
the ball rolling.
As for our Athletic Training program, we are progressing toward our reaccreditation under the very
capable guidance of Donna and Kelly. As many of you who have served as Approved Clinical Instructors
know, we have had to tighten down our regulation of all our affiliations. Believe me when I say business
as usual and as we have enjoyed over the years of growth and success will be changing. CAATE
regulations are becoming increasing more demanding in the way we have to manage the clinical
education of the Athletic Training Student. Whether we agree or not, the demand for tighter
supervision of the students, at all levels, will be rigorous and will change some of the things we have
done here for years. For instance student travel will be altered, to what extent is under discussion, but
it will require tighter supervision, more paper work and possibly some teams traveling without someone
from the athletic training department. Obviously, this is not the way we like to do business; however,
accreditation is a must. Providing athletic training services should be the sole responsibility of the
athletics department. The athletic training education of our students cannot be misconstrued as
providing those services. As we move closer to the day when CAATE visits our program, we must work
toward the clear delineation between service and education, with CAATE sole interest being the
education process. Stay tuned, we will need your cooperation, input and expertise.
As the campus of Salisbury University changes, so too are the programs offered. Our campus has been
designated as a growth institution within the State of Maryland Higher Education. As I am sure many of
you have been following, the initiative is to have the university student population in the neighborhood
of 10,000 within the next 5-7 years. Expansion of facilities and staff is under tow and it is pretty exciting
to be a part of this institution. My hope is that all of you as alumni recognize that though you are gone
the legacies you help create still need your support. That support can come in many ways. Without
question monetary support is vital to the growth of the Smith Endowment and to the educational
endeavors of our students. It also speaks volumes to administrators that we are able to build the
scholarship to a level that is in the upper half of scholarship awards. Your continued support is needed
and is certainly welcome. However, the other resources you can lend are also critically important to the
program. Your willingness to be an Approved Clinical Instructor, serving as officers in state and national
organizations, accepting our students as Graduate Assistants or Interns and any number of other
professionally related activities go a long way in helping the program remain prominent in the state,
district and nationally. Our program will continue to strive to produce quality Athletic Trainers, folks
that you will be proud to call alumni, colleague and hopefully friend. You still have a role in the
evolvement of Salisbury University Athletic Training by staying engaged. Pick up the telephone, or text
message, e-mail or go see a fellow graduate and rekindle old friendships and let’s collectively try to
make the future even better. We need all of you to be a vital part of the future of Salisbury University
Athletic Training.
I know I have heard from several people who have an interest in trying to put together a reunion in
Philadelphia next year at the NATA meeting. It is a year away and we must start now. SO all of you who
said you would like to help, let’s get going. E-mail me or call and maybe we can set up a time to meet in
a neutral site or have a conference call to discuss what we would like to do. Please contact me by June
10, 2009 so we can determine if we can get a preliminary meeting in San Antonio and plan subsequent
planning sessions thereafter. Hope to hear from a couple…..dozen people in the near future.
As far as the Lamboni family goes all are crazy and all are doing well. Katy is finishing her sophomore
year as an Elementary Education major and she is off to Italy at the end of the month with the SU field
hockey team for 10 days, very exciting for her. Stacey is a senior and will be attending SU next year and
will try to play lacrosse in college. She is off to the SU paint crew for the summer. Kari is a freshman at
Parkside High School and is following in her mother’s footsteps playing field hockey and tennis and of
course ruling the world (at least in her eyes). Grace is following the girls all over the place as their
number 1 fan. She is still teaching and loving it at Pinehurst. As for me, I am just holding on for the ride
and hope I can remember if there is one of the girls who have a game or whether one of SU’s teams are
playing and hope Grace or Mo or Ken or Donna or Kelly point me in the right direction. I have the best
of both worlds at home with Grace and here at work with all the great folks we have here on staff. I am
blessed to have such a great family and home and at SU and I am very excited for the future of the
Salisbury University Athletic Training program.
Hope to see many of you at Virginia Beach or in San Antonio or in Baltimore at the Maryland Athletic
Trainer Symposium in June. My wish the very best to you and you families for continued success, good
health and professional satisfaction.
Wishing all of you the best life has to offer.
Dear Alumni,
Deepest apologies for our inconsistencies in our newsletter writing! A lot has happened in the past few
years here at SU but also in our profession as a whole! Exciting times are upon us in many different
areas. As I’m sure Pat will elaborate (see Soap Box section), our licensure bill has finally passed.
Congratulations to all! Even though I’m still considered a “baby” too many of our more “senior” MATA
members, I will always remember the unrelenting efforts that went into making this a reality. This
process started many moons ago, well before many of us young guns considered athletic training as a
profession, but we are eternally grateful. Personally, I feel like my degree finally matters! We finally
have a seat at the table…maybe we should start a food fight! All kidding aside, the work really starts
now. We need to fight a few more battles before we win the war. Writing the “rules and regulations”
will be a daunting process, but well worth it.
Closer to home, this has been a roller coaster year at SU. This fall was especially chaotic…not sure why,
but I definitely have a few more gray hairs! Our sports are increasingly becoming more competitive and
their non-traditional seasons more intense which naturally leads to more injuries. Winter break couldn’t
have come fast enough. And most of you know what the spring brings for me…lacrosse season! Enough
said! We’ve had quite the year with injuries and illnesses…mostly bruised egos due to our first CAC lose
in program history. The team has responded well, overcoming adversity, winning the CAC
championship, and recently winning the timeless grudge match, the “War on the Shore”…sorry Thad!
No early vacation for me!
In closing, I would like to thank Greg Penczek and Brian Bradshaw for volunteering to organize an alumni
social at the NATA meeting in San Antonio. This gets me off the hot seat! Thanks! I would also
encourage all alumni to join Face book, the social network, on the web. Greg has started an alumni
group and is using this site to update everyone about the social and other pertinent Seagull alumni
information. You can find the group at: To reiterate what
Pat mentioned, we’re also taking ideas and suggestions for what we can do next year in Philadelphia.
I’ve spoken with a few alums who feel we should have a big event similar to the party we had in
Baltimore considering the Philly meeting will be well attended due to the east coast location. I am
willing to take this on, but will need considerable help. Any party planners out there?? If Pat, Ken, and I
are left to do this on our own, I guarantee it will be nothing more than Philly cheese steaks, and jumbo,
soft pretzels, served at a South St. watering hole…throw in the Rocky theme song for background music
and we really have a party!
I hope everyone has a great summer! As always, please visit if you find yourself in the ‘Bury.
~Maureen Thompson
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Hello Alumni!
The summer is fast approaching and formal ceremonies are near for our graduating seniors. I want to
introduce to you our graduating seniors and share with you a synopsis of the 2008-2009 scholastic
activities. Of the 98 students identified as athletic training majors; 10 who are senior students that are
set to graduate this year; eight seniors completed their internship in the spring 2009 semester and two
will complete their internships and graduate in December of 2009. The majority of the students have
commitments at institutions as graduate assistants or is planning employed as certified athletic trainers.
Please join me in congratulating the 2008-2009 graduates and the newest professional members in
the Athletic Training Profession!
Jimmy Bedwell completed his senior practicum at AquaCare here in Salisbury. His is currently
employed at AquaCare as an Exercise Technician and is studying for the certification examination in
August. Jimmy is also pursuing physical therapy school.
Jessica Bissinger, ATC completed her senior practicum at Princeton University and is actively pursuing a
post-graduate internship for a year and then seeking a Graduate Assistantship position at a Division I
Intercollegiate athletics program.
Ryan Chase, ATC stayed in Salisbury to complete his senior practicum at NRH Regional Rehab. After
graduation, he will be attending Physical Therapy School at UMES. He will also remain with NRH
Regional Rehab as a Clinical Assistant.
Kate del Solar spent her semester at the Naval Academy and is planning to attend graduate school at
Towson University for Health Science. She will also serve as a graduate assistantship for Johns Hopkins
University’s ICA program. She will be taking her BOC examination in June.
StaceyKate Haines has secured a senior practicum for the fall semester at Stephen Decatur High School
in Berlin MD. After her graduation in December, her plan is to schedule to take the BOC exam in
November and seek employment as an athletic trainer in the High School Setting.
Christina Jenifer decided to go back home where she completed a practicum experience at the
University of Maryland. She is preparing to take the BOC examination in June and is interviewing for
positions in the clinical setting.
Ashley Littleton, ATC has completed a practicum at The Gilman School. She will attend graduate school
at the University of North Carolina where she will major in athletic training and be employed as an
athletic training graduate assistant with the University’s Intercollegiate Athletics.
Josh Michael along with Jessica Bissinger, completed a practicum at Princeton University. His future
plans include graduate school at Rider University majoring in Organizational Leadership. He will also
serve as a Graduate Assistant for Rider University’s Intercollegiate Athletics. He will be taking the BOC
examination in June.
Craig Pfeifer is set to join the athletic training staff with the Washington Capitals for his senior
practicum experience. He will be applying to Graduate Schools for an advanced degree in athletic
training and hopes to secure a Graduate Assistantship…hopefully with a competitive ice hockey
Freddy Purnell, ATC has completed his senior practicum at Virginia Tech University. He has decided to
stay at VATech to attend graduate school and major in Health Promotions. He also accepted a graduate
assistantship to work with the University’s Intercollegiate Athletics. Additionally, Freddy will join the
Baltimore Ravens staff for a second summer training camp.
Standing (L-R): Jimmy Bedwell, Josh Michael, Ryan Chase, Craig Pfeifer, Freddy Purnell, Jessica
Bissinger. Seated (L-R): Christina Jenifer, Kate delSolar, StaceyKate Haines, Ashley Littleton
Awards and Recognitions The Athletic Training Program recognized the achievements of their students.
The students receiving awards & recognition included the following:
Katharine Gray, ATC received the Graduate Student Scholarship, National Athletic Training
Association, 2009
Kate del Solar was awarded the Salisbury University’s Campus Life Award, 2009 and an initiate
of Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.
Jesse Kolodziejski also received the Salisbury University’s Campus Life Award, 2009 and the
Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. He was also a Chi Alpha
Sigma Initiate for 2009. This honorary recognizes student-athletes that letter in a sport and
maintain over a 3.4gpa.
Erin Will was the Maryland Representative of the Students Senate for District 3 and attended,
along with Stacy Paper, the 2009 Student Leadership Conference, Washington DC
Rachel Ploor was honored with the Hunter Smith Athletic Training Student Scholarship for 2009
Joshua Michael received honors as the Outstanding Senior Athletic Training Student Award for
Ashley Littleton was the recipient of the inaugural Hunter Smith Senior Award for 2009. This
award is recognizes a senior student that demonstrates academic achievement and dedicated
interest in the athletic training profession.
Research and Presentations. Athletic Training students were represented at various professional
conferences. Research and Presentations for the 2006-2007 academic year included the following:
Zach Ruble, ATC will present a poster at the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainer’s Association Annual
Symposium, Virginia Beach, VA, 2009. Zach also presentation his work entitled “College football
player with brachial plexopathy following direct blow to Erb’s point: a case report.” at Salisbury
University’s Research Day, 2009.
Craig Pfeifer will give an oral presentation, at the Mid-Athletic Athletic Trainers’ Association
Symposium in Virginia Beach, VA, 2009. Craig also presented this research at Salisbury
University’s Research Day, 2009. “Behcet’s disease in a collegiate football player.” He also had a
poster presentation at Salisbury University’s Research Day, 2009 entitled:“Problem-based
learning and one undergraduate athletic training program.”
Joshua Michael gave an oral presentation at Salisbury University Research Day, 2009 on “A
subjective view of the effects of goggles on women’s lacrosse” This same work will also be
presented as a poster at the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Annual Meeting and Clinical
Symposium, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2009.
Ashley Littleton has been invited to give a poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers
Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium in San Antonio, TX, June 2009. The study,“Comparison
of Concussion Assessment Tools: Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) and Immediate
Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (IMPACT TM )” will be a first for a Salisbury
University undergraduate student. Ashley also completed a poster presentation at Salisbury
University Research Day, 2009 on her work;“Unique contributions of the standardized
assessment of concussion (SAC) and immediate post concussion assessment and cognitive test
Faculty and Staff. The faculty and staff will be losing some valuable staff members this academic year.
John Rainis, a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the past two years, graduated in December and is now
the Athletic Trainer for Sussex Tech. Zach Ruble, also a graduate assistant will be graduating this May,
2009. Please join me in extending to John and Zach best wishes.
I look forward to seeing those of you who are attending this year’s MAATA. Also, the entire faculty and
staff will be attending the NATA Convention in San Antonio, TX. We hope that you can all gather with us
for an Alumni Social!
Have a healthy and joyous summer!
Donna Ritenour EdD, ATC
Program Director & Associate Professor
Pat’s Tid-Bits
Thank You:
To all that have donated to the Hunter Smith or to the Foundation and/or to the Varsity Club to support
and strengthen our program, thank you! The list and most of this is from memory and in no particular
order and if I have left you off it is strictly due to me not receiving notice: Sean Dash, Thad Moore, Craig
Yingling, Hunter Smith, Bob Bartoshesky, Pat & Grace Lamboni, Jeff Boyer, Dr. Don & Lynn Cathcart, Tom
Morgan, Jason Pannella, Scott Stansbury, Dana Parisi, Bud & Bev Elzey, Scott Hopson , Adam Day,
Christine (Cassidy)& Bruce Lesh, Meredith Alig, Coach Richard Yobst, Mary Tovornik, Ashley (VanDoren)
Hanson, Wade Manis, Heidi (Sakewicz) Bower , Megan Ellzy and Sue (Sponsler) Klinedinst.
New Additions!
Kathy and Kevin Domboski ’02 welcome Alyssa Jordan their second child to their family in April 2009.
Wayne Wedderman ’95 and his wife Janine introduced Tabytha Reese in September 2008, life will
change forever it is their first. Liza (Snader) Sylvia ’05 and husband Mike added Michal James (MJ) to
their family in April 2009 and Madeline Marie in March 2008. In July Jenn (Stiller) Ostrowski ’03 and her
husband John are expecting their first. Congratulations to all and keep up the good work on and off the
L-R: Liza Sylvia ’05 with daughter Maddie; MJ Sylvia; Alyssa and
Scott Domboski. Bottom: Tabytha Reese Wedderman
New Jobs and a “Blast from the Past”
Jenn Still Ostrowski ’03 has been very busy not only is she having a baby, she also assumed the position
of Clinical Coordinator/Assistant Professor at Lasell College in Massachusetts in September 2008. Matt
Wallace ’02 accepted a full-time staff athletic trainer position at Missouri Baptist University located in
western St. Louis. His primary sports will be men's soccer, wrestling, and baseball. Mischa E.
Jemionek’03 just finished her first year as the assistant athletic trainer with Women's Basketball at
Temple University. Drue Stapleton GA 04 will be leaving West Virginia Wesleyan and assuming a
Doctorial GA at West Virginia University this fall (2009). Kenneth Ritchey ’06 came back to accept an
assistant position here at SU, he is primary on Men’s Soccer and Baseball. He also is teaching and is the
director of medical services for the club and intramural sports program. He also recently married his
college sweetheart who is also a graduate of Salisbury University. Ken is wearing a lot of hats and is
doing a great job!! Jenn Gleisner ’05 accepted an assistant athletic trainer position at Towson University
in fall of 2008. Will Lawhorn ’05 accepted an assistant athletic trainer position with the Baltimore
Orioles in the Gulf Coast League. Heather Martin GA ‘08 is the new full time athletic trainer at Bennett
High School, Cindy Manslanka GA ’07 is the new athletic trainer at Parkside and Courtney Jones Wisk
’07 assumed full time responsibilities at Wicomico High School. Nick Williams ’06 accepted a position as
assistant athletic trainer at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. We have 4 new GAs: Katharine
Gray from Quinnipiac College, Josh Franklin from Bryant College, Kevin Brown from Frostburg
University and John Smaniotto from Rowan University. All have a year under their belt and are doing
just fine. We say good bye to Zack Ruble who has served his two year sentence and is looking for a
position, so if any of you have a job, let me know. Zach has done a really fine job. He has introduced us
to Graston techniques and helped us with muscle energy exercises. Zach is a good man with a great
sense of humor and a willingness to be great at being an Athletic Trainer. So if any of you out there are
looking for a staff member, particularly close to Salisbury because his wife has another year in nursing
school, that would be great. Thank you Zach for your commitment to Salisbury University and we wish
you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
And the Blast from the Past; Chris Dancesia (94, 95 or somewhere in between) is “currently living in
Belize w/ my beautiful wife. I've spent years perfecting the Chef Business, though I'll never be an expert,
I'll keep trying.”
Recently Hitched!
Megan Rittler ’03 married Cols Colas on 4/25/09; she also completed her PhD from Virginia Tech in
April. Meredith Alig ’04 married James Shuler on 6/14/08. Kenneth Ritchey ’06 and college sweetie
Ashley Gleisner ’06 were married in November 2008. Congratulations and continued good luck!!
L-R: SU alums gather with Kenneth Ritchey ’06 at his wedding (L-R: Kenneth Ritchey,
Maureen Smith, Will Lawhorn, Alexis Martin, Steve Cioffi, Richard Stewart, and
Jennifer Gleisner); Meredith Alig ‘04 and James Schuler were married on the beach in
New Staff and Graduate Assistants
Zach Ruble
My name is Zach Ruble and I am finishing my second year at SU as a graduate assistant. I am originally
from Indiana, but came to the Eastern Shore for this position. I have been working with the SU Track
and Field team this spring.
Katharine Gray
My name is Katharine Gray and I am from Red Bank, New Jersey. I graduated from Quinnipiac University
in 2008 with a B.S in Athletic Training/Sports Medicine. I am currently working towards my Masters
Degree in Education. This past year I worked with the women’s basketball and volleyball team, as well
as, out of season rehab.
John Smaniotto
My name is John Smaniotto and I am currently finishing up my first year as a Graduate Assistant at
Salisbury University, working towards my MS degree in Applied Health Physiology. I am from Vineland,
NJ and a 2008 graduate of Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ. This past year I have worked with the
Women’s Soccer and Softball teams here at Salisbury.
Joshua Franklin
At age 23 I am a graduate of Bryan College in Dayton, TN. I finished undergrad with a B.S. in Athletic
Training and am now in my first year as a graduate assistant at Salisbury University. I am a current
resident of Fruitland, MD and other than going off to college have lived here since high school.
However, unlike most Maryland residents I am not a Ravens or Orioles fan even though I do take
pleasure in both football and baseball. I very much enjoy my work at Salisbury and hope that I will be
able to continue to learn throughout my time here. Salisbury has been a very stretching experience and
I trust that it will continue to benefit me as a professional.
Kevin Brown
My name is Kevin Brown. I am from Milford, DE. I graduate in 2004 from Frostburg State University
with a BS in Athletic Training. I spent 4 years working in the clinical setting as a PT assistant. I am
pursuing a master’s degree in Applied Health Physiology at Salisbury University. I am currently working
with Men’s lacrosse, and worked with swimming in the winter. My interests include ice hockey, soccer,
and bodyboarding.
Seagull Sports Update
The Seagulls had an another fabulous year sending men & women’s soccer, volleyball, field hockey and
football teams to NCAA tournament play. The spring season is coming to a very quick conclusion and at
this time we are hosting Softball (May7-10) and Baseball (May13-17) regionals with the winners going to
their respective World Series. Women’s Lacrosse should be home all the way to the finals and Men’s
Lacrosse will host the first round but unusual for them will be on the road all the way through the finals.
Track & Field has already had several athletes and relay teams qualify for the NCAAs. So once again we
are busy through the month of May.
Men’s Basketball: The seagulls had a rocky season this year but were able to finish with a .500
conference record. The team was lead by captains Brandon Abney, Devin Jones, and Greg Palmer.
Palmer was recognized for his performance on the court as he was selected to the 2008-09 All-Capital
Athletic Conference second team. This is the second straight year the Salisbury, Md., native has been
named to the all-conference team. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recently
announced Palmer as an annual All-American Strength and Conditioning Athlete of the Year. This is the
first time an SU athlete has been honored with this award.
Women’s Basketball: After a rough start to the season, including several losses against nationally
ranked opponents, the women’s basketball team came back from winter break a new and rejuvenated
squad. With season sweeps of Stevenson, Hood, St. Mary’s, and Gallaudet, Salisbury compiled the best
CAC record the team has had in the past six years of 9-7. After making the playoffs, the Seagulls were
ousted by Wesley in the first round. With a young squad, the team looks to improve upon this year’s
success next season.
Track and Field: The SU track and field team had another successful season. Under first year head coach
Kevin Lucas, the Seagulls won CAC and Outdoor Mason-Dixon Championships on the Men’s side. The
women finished strong with a 2nd place finish at CAC and 4th at Outdoor Mason-Dixon. The Seagulls are
qualified for nationals in many events including: Brandon Fugett in Shot Put and Discus, Cory Beebe in
400 hurdles and 110 hurdles. The men’s 4x 100 relay team of Justin Acker, Quenten Briscoe, Wayne
Turner and Delannie Spriggs has also qualified. Spriggs will also compete in the 100m dash at nationals.
Bobby Price will represent the Seagulls in the high jump.
Baseball: This season the baseball team continued their winning ways by taking over the number one
spot in the country. Their winning streak continued to an unheard of 44 games. As of right now there
record stands at 36-6 and are currently ranked number three in the country. The team has one game
left before hosting the NCAA South Region tournament at the Arthur Perdue stadium in Salisbury, MD.
This season included many highlights including a win over the former number one team in the country
SUNY Cortland to begin the season. Also, head coach Doug Fleetwood earned his 300th win at Salisbury
by defeating Mary Washington 7-3.
Softball: Salisbury University Softball comes up with yet another terrific season after compiling a 34-4
record, and did so by finishing out with an impressive 30-game win streak. The lady seagulls won their
thirteenth straight CAC championship under head coach Margie Knight and will continue their chase
towards an NCAA Div. III Championship as the No. 2 seed in the Atlantic Region Tournament which is
being hosted by Salisbury University beginning May 7th. They are being led by the talents of their seniors
such as the CAC player of the year, Meaghan O’Gara, ace pitcher Stacy Davis who won first team all CAC
honors, and fellow CAC first team second basemen and team leader in homeruns (11) and the national
leader in hit by pitches per game(16), Stacey Malarkey. The CAC first team also included Junior first
basemen Ali Ritter, Junior catcher Lauren Brennemen, Junior short stop and former All-American Kelly
Waskewicz, and Sophomore pitcher Kelsey Mills.
Men’s Lacrosse: Despite the roller coaster regular season, the Seagulls are on their way to defending the
D3 National Championship. With 3 losses in the regular season, the Gulls were still able to secure the
AQ to the NCAA tournament with a big win over Stevenson University for the CAC Championship. The
team has faced a lot of adversity this season, but is succeeding under the leadership of its senior
captains Kylor Berkman (midfield), Kevin Maynard (defense), and Tim O’Branski (midfield). Freshman
Matt Cannone, and juniors Mike Winter, and Jake Delillo have led the scoring for the Gulls. The defense
is anchored by Maynard, juniors Jeff Breeding, and Connor Burgasser, sophomore Colin Tokosch, and
goalie Johnny Rodriguez.
Women’s Lacrosse: The lady Gulls are on their way to post season play. The 2009 season brought the
7th straight CAC championship and only one loss for the Gulls (Colby College). The offense is lead by
juniors Kim Cudmore and Beth Rhodey and senior Robyn Bishop. The core defensive unit is backed by
seniors Sonja Stuart (goalie), Sarah McKinley, and Sarah Maggio, and junior Jessica Glazer. Look for the
lady Gulls in the NCAA tournament. SU is hosting the regional tournament and hopefully will be
competing in the Final Four at Roanoke College in Salem, VA.
Volleyball: The Seagulls ended the most successful season in program history during the second round
of the NCAA tournament. The loss snapped the Sea Gulls' 36-match win streak, which ranks ninth alltime in NCAA history and was the longest current streak in the nation. Salisbury concludes the best
season in school history with an outstanding 36-2 record. The team was lead by seniors Stacey Krebs,
Jaime Marzocchi, Sabrina Larmer, and Stephanie Withers. Krebs was also named CAC player of the year.
Cross Country: The cross country team won their 4th consecutive CAC crown and was invited to the
NCAA Mideast Regional Championship. The men’s team was paced by senior Zack Dickerson and
sophomore Kristen Stromberg, and seniors Jenn Bulger and Amy DeMichele lead the women’s team.
Head coach Jim Jones was named men’s CAC coach of the year.
Women’s Soccer: The women’s soccer team battled this season with many OT wins. They beat CAC
conference foe York College during the regular season only to lose to them in PKs during the CAC
tournament semi-finals. Senior defender Kelli Salter was the only Sea Gull named to the CAC first team.
SU had three players collect second team honors in senior midfielder Katie Marshall, senior goalie Gena
Goodson and junior defender Hillary Grove. The group led Salisbury (8-4-5) to nine shutouts this season
and held the opposition to just 12 goals in 17 games.
Men’s Soccer: The SU men's soccer team successfully defended its Capital Athletic Conference
championship as the third-seed Sea Gulls shutout fourth-seed Wesley College 3-0 in the title game
before 500 fans at the SU Soccer Complex. The gulls advanced to the NCAA Tournament, but lost to
Dickinson College in the first round. The gulls were led offensively by Kyle Sterling, Ben DeLisle, Alex
Hargrove and Mike Napolitano and defensively by Ryan Chacon, Justin McGrath and goalie Greg
Field Hockey: The Salisbury University field hockey team captured its 14th consecutive Capital Athletic
Conference championship with a 2-0 victory over St. Mary's (Md.) College. The team advanced to play
SUNY Cortland in the second round of the NCAA Tournament, but lost 4-3 in overtime. Offensively, the
team was lead by Kandice Hancock, Beverly Belladino, and Lauren Correll. Hancock was also honored by
the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as an All-American Strength and Conditioning
Athlete of the Year. Freshman Tara McGovern was named DII Rookie of the Year. Also honored this
year was head coach Dawn Chamberlin, as she was inducted into the National Field Hockey Coaches
Association (NFHCA) Hall of Fame.
Football: The football team went 9-2 and defeated Moravian in the ECAC game. They had a couple of
tough losses which prevented from being in the NCAA tournament, but all in all had a very good season.
Ronnie Curley had an excellent senior year and recently left to play in Germany in their version of
professional football. The season was high-lighted with a 58-52 triple overtime win against and at St.
Johns Fisher. It may have been one of the most exciting games I have seen in my career. It really was
the catalyst for the success they had the rest of the year. As usual we had our share of injuries 2 of
which our students were able to gain both regional and national attention by doing case studies. The
prospect for 2010 is bright and word has it we will have upwards to 160 players in camp this fall!!!
Swimming: Salisbury's men's and women's swim team both finished fourth overall in the final team
standings of the three-day CAC conference championships. The team was led by Mike Ferrari, Jamie
Overholt, Katy Turner, and Raienne South. The team had some connections to Olympic swimmer
Michael Phelps, as his cousin Andrew Peterson swims for the Sea Gulls. Peterson's mother is the sister
of Michael's mom (Debbie Phelps).
Pat’s Soap Box
As many of you know we have accomplish a remarkable feet in the state of Maryland for Athletic
Trainers. After more than 20 years of working through the state legislature we have finally punched out
an Athletic Training bill, which is sitting on the governor’s desk awaiting his signature, which we have
been told is a formality. The date is Tuesday, May 19th at 10:00am-12:00pm at the State House. If you
are not busy it would be nice to have a large contingent there. The bill is not perfect and needs a
diligent group of dedicated professionals to complete the process of writing the language for the bill.
This is by far the more difficult tasks. I ask that some of you nominate yourselves to be a part of this
arduous process, in other words we need some of you to step up and be active!!! Thad Moore ‘96 as
president of the MATA should be applauded, congratulated and well hell given a medal for all of his hard
work on this accomplishment. He had some very fine leaders with Lauren Shipley from the Naval
Academy, Jay Scifers and Gary Horsmen who served in the capacity of legislative chair. These folks gave
a good framework from which to work; however, it was Thad that got it done!!!! He should be
congratulated by all. My fear is that Athletic Trainers around the state will not see this bill as a boost to
the profession rather an obstacle to their existence. I hope this is not the case and that their short
sightedness will not inhibit what this bill means to us as Athletic Trainers finally having a voice in the
health care system in the state of Maryland. Yes it will mean you will have to form a more secure
relationship with a supervising physician. Yes it will mean you will have to be very specific with
physician’s orders and ascertaining clear written directives in incidences where you are working with a
physician you may not know. In the long run, you will be able to function and you will be able to work in
a variety of settings and, hopefully, be paid better for the services you provide. So send Thad an e-mail
or call him, thank him for all his hard work…..believe me deserves it. Also realize, Thad did this while
running all the other MATA state business, including covering MPSSAA events when no one else would
volunteer, ran the Washington College Athletic Training Room, got married and has been through some
tough family issues with his grandmother passing and some other issues which he handled with dignity
and demeanor I am not sure any of us could uphold. Thank you Thad, I am proud to be your colleague,
your peer and your friend. Now in May as Thad completes his term as president of the MATA we have
Salisbury alum as president, Tom TJ Morgan ‘96. TJ will call upon us to help him raise the level of
awareness of the MATA. Be an ACTIVE member if nothing else to support fellow alum.
As we pass into the summer and we all look forward to some down time I hope we also reflect on how
fortunate many of us are to have jobs, have family and friends who care about us. Please do not forget
the Salisbury University friends and family who was a part of your foundation as a professional, and in
many cases as the person you are today. Our goal here at Salisbury is to make each generation of
Athletic Trainers as good or better then the last. Yes, the challenges are many and the changes we have
implemented appear to some to be a bit less stringent in some areas. Do not let looks deceive you!!!
The people graduating are meeting some very demanding criteria, much different than many of you
when you were here. All things are relative to the time period in which you learn. What was good
education once may not be necessarily the best. I can assure you all of us on staff a keenly aware of the
generational change and struggle, plan, wrestle with, collaborate, etc…etc…to maintain the integrity of
the Salisbury Athletic Training philosophy. As I mentioned previously, we need your support. We need
your expertise. We need your talents. And yes we need your resources to continue to move forward
and continue to be a program you can be proud of. So if you can send a check for the Hunter Smith, or
become a member of the varsity club and ire mark the funds to Athletic Training or donate to the
Salisbury University Foundation on our behalf, regardless of the amount please do so. If you can take
one of our students as an intern or as a Graduate Assistant please give them your best effort. Also,
become engaged in the profession. Stay as a member of the NATA it is our organization. Attend the
MATA, MAATA and the NATA meetings if you can. Support the MATA symposium and next January the
Salisbury University Sports Medicine Symposium tentative dates are January15 &16, 2010.
As we near the NATA meeting in Philadelphia, I hope we can plan a nice gathering. As we formulate this
planning committee I hope we can put together some ideas as to what kind of celebration that all can
enjoy. The 40th anniversary of the program will be 2012. Though the meeting will be in Philly one year
shy I do not think anyone will care. We are proud of our heritage and look to Philly as a time to
reestablish relationships, see old friends, meet new colleagues, share stories and generally have some
fun. Marty McGinty is out, his 5 minutes in the sun had us all sun burned!!!!! But I do appreciate his
passion!!! That’s it for now; hope to see many of you throughout the summer and at various meetings
and symposiums, my very best to you and your families. Go Gulls!!!