Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Evaluation of insecticidal properties of Momordicacharantia in reducing oviposition and seed damaged by Callosobruchus maculates (Fab.) walp. 1 J.M. ADENSINA, 1L.A. AFOLABI AND 2T.I. OFUYA Agricultural Technology Department, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, P.M.B. 1019, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria 2 Crop, Soil and Pest Management Department, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. Email: 1 ABSTRACT Studies were carried out in the laboratory of Agricultural Technology Department of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria to determine the efficacy of leaf powder of Momordica charantiaagainst the storage pests Callosobruchusmaculatuson stored cowpea. The experiment was laid out in completely Randomised Design (CRD) and replicated three times. Leaf powder of M. charantia was added as admixtures to 20 g of grains at the following rates: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g and 2,0g to assess contact toxicity, damage assessment, progeny production. The results obtained shows that the plant material was toxic to the insect. The leaf powder of M. charantia applied at 2.0g greatly (P<0.05) caused reduction in the number of eggs laid, percentage eggs hatched and significantly inhibited adult emergence and seed damaged by the beetlescompared to other concentrations. The result revealed that M. charantia powder can be used in guarding against storage pest infestation in storing cowpea seed. Keywords: Admixtures, concentrations, efficacy, inhibit, leaf powder, reduction. Agricultural produce cannot all be consumed at once; there is need for proper storage. One major problem encountered by farmers during storage of farm produce is insect pest infestation. This often leads to losses in both quality and quantity of the produce (Ogunleye, 2000).Synthetic insecticides are still being employed for the control of storage insect pests. However, the short coming associated with the use of conventional elucidates the need for alternative pest management strategies that would protect the farmers and their produce, in addition to being affordable and available when needed. In Nigeria, nature has bestowed on us an array of insecticidal or medicinal plants across the various ecological zones, which could play a fundamental role in pest management strategies. Various natural plant products have been used with a good degree of success as protectants against a number of stored products’ insect pests (Ewete and Alamu, 1999).This work therefore aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Momordicacharantiain controlling of the storage pest C. maculatus. M.charantiais a tree belonging to the family Curcubiaceae and it’s a native of tropical Africa with leaves digitately alternate. The medicinal uses of M.charantiahave long been known (Etukudo 2003) but the insecticidal properties are yet to the exploited. Collection of seeds Clean unifested cowpea drum variety used for the study were obtained from the Teaching and Commercial Farm of the Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo. Thegrains were put in a deep freezer for 72 hours to rid them of insidious infestation(if any) and were later air-dried in the air drying in the laboratory to prevent moldiness (Lajideet. al.,1998). Disinfected cowpea seeds were then weighed using digital weighing balance model TS 400D (precision standard) into 20g in triplicate for each concentration and then stored in cool dry place (Iloba and Ekrakene, 2006). Collection and preparation of plant materials Leaves of M. charantiawere obtained from the polytechnic community and air dried under a room temperature for about 15days.Thereafter, the dried leaves were grounded into powder using hammer mill (Epidi 2009). Toxicity Effects of M. charantiaon C. maculatus The plant powders were tested at 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, 2.0g per 20g of uninfested cowpea seeds in separate glass petri-dish (9.0cm) plates. There was also a control treatment involving no addition of plant powder on the seeds. Each petri-dish was tumbled several times to ensure homogenous mixing of powder with grains (Adesina, 2010). Ten unsexed insects of C. maculatus were introduced into each petri-dish. Adult mortality was monitored and counted 48 hours after infestation.Percentage adult mortality was calculated by using the method by Omotosho and Oso (2 004): MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was carried out in the Department of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State Nigeria (latitude 50 12’ N and longitude 50 36’ E), in the year 2011. Percentage mortality Culturing of insects The adult C. maculatus used for the experiment was obtained from cowpea that was bought from Oja – Oba market, Owo, Ondo State. The cowpea were put in a kilner jar covered with Muslin which prevent the insects from escaping and also allow for aeration. The jar was kept at room temperature for the insects to breed and multiply and the emerged insects were used for the experiment. = No. of dead insect ---------------------- x Total No. of Insect 100 -----1 Insects were considered dead on failure to respond to three probings using a blunt dissecting probe (, 1997). The numbers of eggs laid by the female beetles on the seeds were counted 14 days after infestation; this was used to calculate the percentage egg hatching (Abdullah et. al., 2011). 1 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 100 -----Total eggs in each petri-dish 1 At the end of the experiment i.e. 35days after,the number of adult emergence were recorded, damaged seeds and undamaged seeds were counted and used to determine the percentage punctured grains(LawOgbomo and Enobakhare, 2007). Total eggshatched Percentage egg hatching = Percentage punctured grains = ---------------------- x No. of punctured grain per treatment ---------------------- total no of grain per treatment x 100 -----1 Experimental Design and Data Analysis The experimental design adopted for the experiment was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and each treatment was replicated three (3) times. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Microsoft Excel 2003. Whilst egg counts, damaged and undamaged seeds were subjected to square root transformation, percentages were arcsine transformed before analysis and treatment means were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at p< 0.05. Figure 1: Effect of leaf powder of M. charantiaon adult mortality, oviposition and percentage egg hatching of adult emergence and percentage seeds damage by C. maculatus Discussion This present work revealed that the plant powder this not significantly killed adult beetles and this result supportsEpidi, et al (2008) findings that leaf powders of Vitexgrandifoliaand Dracaena arborea did not significantly suppress the survival of C. maculatus.The reduction in the rate of oviposition by C. maculatusis consistent with Adesina, 2010 who reported that storing cowpea seeds by admixture with plant powders would fill the intergranular air space and so prevent free movement of adults for mating and oviposition, so also the low percentage egg hatching observed in the study can be deduced that the plant powder contains ovicidal properties that greatly inhibit percentage egg hatching and subsequently suppress F1 progeny emergence and reduce seed damage.This finding confirms earlier report of Maurya, 2009 that M. charantiafruit wall act as an effective biolarvicide against mosquitoes. This effectiveness is due to the fact that C. maculatuslay their eggs on the seed coat thus bringing the eggs and larvae in close contact with the plant powder (Adedire and Lajide, 2001).This shows that the plant possesses insecticidal properties. The result is in tandem with Adesina, 2010 that the lowerer the rate of adult emergence, the lowerer the percentage seed punctured by the seed beetles. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of leaf powder of M. charantiaon adult mortality, oviposition and percentage egg hatching of adult emergence and percentage seeds damage by C. maculatuswas presented in figure 1. Result obtained from the study shows that survival of adultC. maculatus48hr post treatment was highest in cowpea treated with 0.5 and 2.0g concentrations(30.99%) respectively. Survival rate of the adult beetles among the different concentrationsevaluateddid not differ significantly within the treatment means. The mean number of eggs laid by C. maculatusrevealed that the leaf powder applied at 2.0g greatly caused reduction in the number of eggs laid by the weevils (2.07) and this was significantly different (P< 0.05) compared with 0.5g (6.40) and control treatments (12.40). While percentage egg hatching was lowest in grains admixed treated with 2.0g concentration of the leaf powder (21.27) and highest in the control (30.90). The control was significantly (p>0.05) higher than all levels of M. charantiatreatment concentrations. Adult emergence was highest in control (27.93) and at 2.0g dosage, adult weevil did not emerge and this reflected on the percentage seed damage on the treated grains, seed damage was least at 2.0g (6.15%), followed by 1.5g (7.04%) and highest seed punctured was recorded in control. The finding shows that leaf powder of M. charantia has a great potential for use as admixture with cowpea grains in storage at small holding farmers’ level to reduce insect pest infestation damage. Furthermore, there is need to determine the chemical constituents of the plant so as to evaluate the mammalian toxicity of the plant. Table 1. Percentage means mortality of C.maculatus 48hours after treatment of infested grains with different concentration of M. Charantia g powder/20g of grain C. maculatus mortality 0.0g 0.g 0.5g 30.99 1.0g 28.78 1.5g 30.78 2.0g 30.99 LSD (0.05%) NS NB value were arc sine transformed 2 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Table 2. Mean number of eggs laid by C.maculatus14 days after treatment of infested grains with different concentration of M. Charantia. g powder/20g of grain mean no of egg laid 0.0g 12.40 0.5g 6.40 1.0g 3.48 1.5g 3.32 2.0g 2.07 LSD (0.05%) 2.41 NB value were square root transformed Table 3. Percentage mean egg hatching of C. maculatustreated with different concentration of M. charantia. g powder/20g of grain % mean egg hatching 0.0g 30.9 0.5g 27.53 1.0g 26.15 1.5g 24.97 2.0g 21.27 LSD (0.05%) 2.41 NB value were arc sine transformed Table 4. Means adult emergence of C. maculatusin grains treated with different concentration of M. charantia. g powder/20g of grain mean no of emerging adults 0.0g 27.93 0.5g 24.83 1.0g 21.43 1.5g 17.35 2.0g 0.00 LSD (0.05%) 5.99 NB value were square root transformed Table 5. Percentage means of punctured seed treated with different concentration of M. charantia. g powder/20g of grain % punctured seeds 0.0g 31.55 0.5g 15.65 1.0g 16.38 1.5g 7.04 2.0g 6.15 LSD (0.05%) 19.02 NB value were arc sine transformed REFERENCE Abdullahi, N., Mojeed, Q and Oyeyi, T .I. 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Maurya P, Sharma, p, Mohan,L, Batabyal, L and Srivastava, C.N (2009) Evalvation of larvicidel nature of fleshy fruit well of momordica charantia linn. (Family: Cucurbitaceae) in the management of mosquitoes. Parasitol Res. 105 (6): 1653 – 9. Omotoso, O. T. and A. A. Oso (2004) Insecticidal and Insect Productivity Reduction Capacities of Aloe vera and Bryophyllumpinnatumon Triboliumcasteneum(Herbst). African J. of Applied Zoology and Environ. Biology, vol. 7:95-100. 4 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Standardize various parameters for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) RIZWAN RASHID AND S. S. BAL Department of Vegetable Crops. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India ABSTRACT The study was conducted to standardize various parameters for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation factors for tomato explants viz. cotyledon were optimized using β-glucuronidase (GUS) as a reporter. The Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 contained npt II (plant selectable marker gene providing resistance to kanamycin) under the control of nopaline marker gene providing promoter (pNOS) and the Cry 1 Ac coding region containing a plant intron linked to the cauliflower mosaic 35 S (CaMV 35 S) promoter, was used for co-cultivation with explants from genotype Punjab Upma. The various parameters for transformation were optimized including bacterial concentration, co-cultivation period, acetosyringone concentration and pre- selection of explants on different concentration of kanamycin antibiotic. Results for bacterial concentration and co-cultivation were obtained based on the percentage of GUS expression and explants mortality percentage, while for acetosyringone concentration result were based on GUS expression percentage. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV 3101 at concentration (OD 600 =1.0) diluted culture (1:20) for 20 minutes, followed by cocultivation and 2 days co-cultivation period showed the maximum Gus expression and minimum explants mortality in explants of tomato. For acetosyringone concentration 25 (µM) showing higher transformation percentage. The transgenic plants were selected on the medium containing 30 mg/l kanamycin. The protocol developed showed very high efficiency of transformation for tomato genotype Punjab Upma. Keywords: Agrobacterium-mediated, transformation parameters, tomato and β- glucuronidase. Plant transformation has become an essential tool for plant molecular biologists and creating transgenic plants is a major focus in many plant breeding programs. Targets include enhancement in productivity by increasing resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses as well as fundamental studies such as identification and characterization of key regulatory genes. Plant transformation methods in use employ Agrobacterium, microprojectile bombardment, microinjection and electroporation of protoplasts (Otoni et al) However, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation has advantages over other transformation methods. The transgenic plants obtained from Agrobacterium-mediated method are generally fertile and the foreign genes are often transmitted to progeny in a Mendelian manner (Rhodora and Thomas, 1996). Agrobacterium has the ability to transfer particular DNA segment (T-DNA) into the nucleus of the plant cells which stably integrate into the genome of the host cell were it transcribe and express itself (Wei et al). Agrobacterium mediated transformation is simple, cheap and transfers low copy number of transgenes (Hansen et al). Agrobacterium causes crown gall diseases at the stem root junction. In response of a wound, the plants exude sugars and phenolics for healing. These sugars and phenolics attract the bacterium through the process of chemotaxis. These phenolic compounds also induce transcription of virulence genes. These virulent genes are located on a specific plasmid known as tumour inducing (Ti) plasmid, which also contains the transferred DNA (T-DNA).This T-DNA region is inserted into the host genome. Development of transgenic tomato for insect-pest resistance using Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation has been successfully achieved (Mandokar et al; Kumar and Kumar 2004).Similarly for diseases resistance, improved quality and delayed ripening .Reporter genes have been used as convenient markers to visualize gene expression and protein localization in vivo in a wide spectrum of prokaryotes and eukaryotes (Jefferson 1987). Commonly used reporters include genes encoding chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT), green fluorescent protein (GFP) luciferase (LUC), and glucuronidase (GUS). In this study, the Agrobacterium mediated transformation system for tomato explants was optimized by using GUS as a reporter. The effects of parameters such as bacterial concentration, co-cultivation period and acetosyringone concentration on transformation efficiency were studied. These parameters are known to influence the transformation efficiency and the optimized conditions are host species dependent. MATERIALS AND METHODS The investigation was carried out at “Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation” Laboratory in the School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhaina during 2006-2009. In this study, seeds of two tomato genotype Punjab Upma were used. Seeds were surface sterilized in 2% sodium hypochlorite for 20 minutes in laminar air flow and rinsed 3 times with sterile distilled water. Seeds were then germinated on MS medium supplemented with 100 mg/l myo-inositol and 30 g/l sucrose. All cultures were maintained at 25 ± 2 0 C under 16 h light (2500 lux) and 8 h dark periods. Cotyledons were excised from 15-20 day old in vitro germinated seedlings of tomato. Explants were tested for their sensitivity to hygromycin in order to determine the lethal dose of hygromycin for the selection of transformants. Explants were subjected to the regeneration medium with25 mg/l, 50 mg/l, 75 mg/l and 100 mg/l of hygromycin. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV 3101carrying plasmid Ppzp200 was 5 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 used in the genetic transformation study. The GUS 35S poly A under the control of cauliflower mosaic 35 S (CaMV 35 S) promoter. The Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 contained npt II (plant selectable marker gene providing resistance to kanamycin) under the control of nopaline marker gene providing promoter (pNOS) and the Cry 1 Ac coding region containing a plant intron linked to the cauliflower mosaic 35 S (CaMV 35 S) promoter All the components were dissolved in Milli Q water with constant stirring and final volume was made to one litre by adding more Milli Q water. PH of the medium was adjusted to 7.0 with 1N NaOH solution. For liquid medium, measured volume of 100 ml was dispensed in jam jars and autoclaved. However, agar was added for solidification of the medium and boiled on hot plate and dispensed in jam jars (100ml each) and autoclaved. When the temperature of the medium became lukewarm, Rifampicin, Spectinomycin and Gentamycin was added at working concentrations of 250µl (20mg/ml), 50µl (100mg/ml) and 40µl (100mg/ml) in 100ml of the medium, which was then used for bacterial inoculations aseptically by adding a colony of Agrobacterium containing plasmid with gene constructs. Agrobacterium strain GV 3101 was maintained at 280C on the solid YEB medium supplemented with selective antibiotics such as rifampcin, gentamycin and spectinomycin.YEB (Yeast Extract Beef) compositions with bacterial inoculations (Cry1Ac and GUS constructs separately) was left for 36 hours in incubator shaker at 28°C with constant shaking at 120 rpm. The cotyledons from days 20 old seedlings and leaves from 25-30 days old seedlings were injured with the sterilized blade under aseptic conditions Explants were placed in sterilize distil water to avoid desiccation. Bacterial broths at different dilutions (undiluted, 1:15 and 1:20) in liquid MS medium were taken in petri dish. Explants were dipped in diluted broth for (10, 20 and 30 minutes).After that the explants were kept on sterilized filter paper in order to get rid off excessive bacteria. The tissues will be sub-cultured on medium containing concentration of 500 mg/l cefotaxime to kill the adhering bacteria. Tissues will be grown on the selection medium containing kanamycin at different concentrations 20 mg/l for 2 cycles of 2 weeks each and the resistant tissues will be regenerated into plants. In order to improve the efficiency of transformation different concentrations of acetosyringone 0, 25, 35, 45 and 55 μM of acetosyringone were added in the co-cultivation medium. These cocultivated explants were then transferred on the selection medium. Efficiency of transformation was recorded after four weeks GUS assay of explants was carried out by putting them in X-gluc solution at 370C in the dark to know the frequency of GUS expression. The observations were recorded transformation efficiency, Gus expression and minimum explants mortality of explants cotyledon explants. Several transformation parameters were studied to obtain high frequency transformation in tomato. Antibiotic sensitivity test It was observed that when no kanamycin was added in the medium explants remained green . The experiment was studied the resistance threshold limit transformed tissues to the antibiotics like kanamycin. In case of Agrobacterium mediated transformation cotyledon explants of genotype Punjab Upma were excised from in vitro grown seedlings and placed on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l kin + 0.5 mg/l BAP + kanamycin (20, 30 and 40 mg/l) doses of the selective agent and percent of explants survive was 48.57, 31.25 and 13.23 at 20, 30 and 40 mg/l respectively as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Evaluation of kanamycin at different concentration as a selective agent for genetic transformation of tomato RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2 Effect of bacterial incolum density on per cent mortality and GUS expression in explants of tomato genotype Punjab Upma Concentration of kanamycin used (mg/l) 0 20 30 40 No. of explants cultured on kanamycin 67 70 64 68 No. of explants showing % survival of explants 67 34 20 9 100.00±0.80 48.57±0.56 31.25±0.77 13.23±0.77 Clearly from data in the table was too mild 20 kanamycin to effect any selection, whereas 40 mg/l kanamycin causes proportion of necrosis of explants. Therefore 30 mg/l kanamycin dose results in 31.25% were found to be optimum for selection of transformed explants. Control was without antibiotics. Gupta (2000) studied the selective medium by adding different concentration of Kanamycin (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/l). It was observed that fresh weight of explant decreased on increasing the concentration of kanamycin from 50 mg/l. Maximum increase in fresh Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA 4404 strain containing a reporter/marker β glucuonidase in both bacteria and plant was used for co-cultivation experiment to transfer GUS and NPT-II gene on tomato cells. After co-cultivation transformed cells/explants were able to grow on selective regeneration medium (50 mg/l Kanamycin + 500 mg/l cefotaxime). Effect of bacterial inoculum density on per cent transformation Agrobacterium tumafaciens strain GV3101 was grown for 20-24 hours in YEB medium containing antibiotics like rifampcin, gentamycin and spectinomycin at 28 0 C on shaker. The undiluted Agrobacterium strain GV3101 containing Cry1Ac (OD600=1) resulted in overgrowth of the bacteria and severe necrosis of explants shown in Table 2. Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation Genetic transformation of crops using Agrobacterium mediated involves simple, cost effective and efficient procedure stable transformation. In present study, genetic transformation in tomato using Agrobacterium strain and Bacterial inoculum density Undiluted culture 6 Explants mortality (%) 100±0.80 GUS expression (%) nil Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 1:15 1:20 55.29±0.59 23.15±0.67 these concentrations after the coinfection with Agrobacterium suspension for 20 minutes. After cocultivation explants were transferred to the selection medium containing 500 mg/l cefaxime. Results showing the efficiency of transformation after using different concentrations of acetosyringone in the co-cultivation medium are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 Comparison of the efficiency of transformation by using different concentrations of acetosyringone in the medium. 39.25±0.50 45.23±0.93 The diluted cultured (1:15) and (1:20) for 20 minutes checked the over growth and necrosis of explants upto 55.69 and 23.15%.The diluted cultured (1:20) for 20 minutes and 2 days co-cultivation period resulted less mortality of explants which was around 23.15%.The dilution with MS medium takes longer time for bacterial growth. The per cent GUS expression varied significantly among the treatments. The maximum GUS expression was recorded in the dilution in the 1:20 when treated with 20 minutes and the GUS expression was 45.23%. Concentration of acetosyringone (µM) Effect of duration of Agrobacterium treatment on per cent transformation. 0 25 35 45 55 Duration period of play an important role in genetic transformation in tomato. Cotyledon explants were treated with Agrobacterium (OD600 =1.0) diluted culture (1:20) for different duration as presented in Table 3. Table 3 Effect of duration of Agrobacterium treatment on per cent mortality and GUS expression in explants of tomato genotype Punjab Upma. Duration in minutes 10 20 30 Explants mortality (%) 4.21±0.39 21.56±0.37 8.23±1.14 Efficiency of transformation (%) GUS expression (%) 15±0.21 25±0.40 20±0.62 19±0.60 17±0.57 30±0.44 42±0.52 35±0.82 24±0.68 22±0.65 Acetosyringone has already been reported effective to improve the efficiency of transformation in many crops like carrot (Guivarch et al), apple (James et al; Wier et al) and rice (Rashid et al) including tomato (Joao & Brown, 1993). A concentration of 50- 200 μM acetosyringone in the cocultivation medium has been reported in the earlier studies to improve the efficiency of transformation in tomato Wu et al. They reported 50 μM acetosyringone to be effective for the optimum efficiency of transformation in tomato. Our results are contrary to the earlier studies conducted by Moghaieb et al and Raj et al. They reported 100 μM and 200 μM respectively of acetosyringone for optimum efficiency of transformation in tomato. This difference in the efficiency of transformation at different concentrations of acetosyringone may be due to the difference in the genotype and bacterial strain. GUS expression in Agrobacterium GV3101 treated and kanamycin resistant were incubated in X-gluc solution for 34 hours at 370C in the dark to know the frequency of GUS expression. Randomly selected 23 cotyledon explants were put in X-gluc solution and 15 out of them were exhibited blue colour, showing 47.82%. Also, Shahriari et al reported the transformation rate was 17% for Kal-early to 35% for Kal-G cultivars confirmed by Gus assay and PCR analysis. The GUS expressing showed the development of blue colour in the tissues whereas the non-trasnformed colour was normal in colour clearly shows the appearance of the blue colour in the transformed tissues. The positive explants were destained with glacial acetic acid and ethanol in the ratio of (1:3) which gives the clear view of GUS expression. GUS expression (%) 39.58±0.50 46.25±0.54 29.69±0.76 The explants mortality was recorded to be 68.21%, 75.29% and 25.36% when treated for 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The GUS expression was found maximum when explants were treated for 20 minutes 46.25%. The growth of non-transformed cells was controlled by addition of kanamycin into the medium. All the parameters which were standardized in preceding experiments were used for transformation of gene into the cotyledonary explants of tomato genotype Punjab Upma. The explants co-cultivated for 2 days were washed with cefatoxime 500 mg/l for 20 minutes in order to kill the adherent bacterial growth and the explants were transferred to selection medium containing MS + BAP (0.5 mg/l) + kinetin (0.5 mg/l) + kanamycin (30 mg/l ) + cefatoxime (500 mg/l).These cultures were incubated at 25 0 C. The non-transformed explants were completely turns into dead cells (Roy et al) showed that pre- cultured leaf discs of tomato in bacterial suspension for 3 minutes and reported the maximum efficiency of transformation. Similarly, (Wu et al) reported 10 minutes inoculation duration in tomato. Determination of optimum concentration of acetosyringone: Addition of acetosyringone in the co-cultivation medium improves the efficiency of transformation. After optimizing the co-cultivation period and co-cultivation time different concentrations of acetosyringone (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 μM) were also tested in the co-cultivation medium. 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An experimental assessment of the factors influencing 8 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Extension Services: Constraints faced by NGO and Farmers 1 GHADEI,K , 2PUSPENDRA KUMAR AND 3DINESH KUMAR SINGH 1 Asst Professor, 2&3 Research scholars, Department of extension education, I. Ag. Sciences, BHU,Varanasi-221005 Email: ABSTRACT In this era of Private Extension many CBOs, NGOs and private bodies are devoted in extension services as a complimentary to the public extension system. Ramakrishna Mission which was created by Swami Vivekananda has also been emerged as a big NGO in world wide. Some Ashrams being influenced by the ideology of Ramakrishna Mission are also carrying out Extension Services. This paper is based on the appraisal study of Ramakrishna Ashram. Kalahandi. The aim of the paper is to study the constraints of NGO and of the farmers in providing and getting extension services in Kalahandi, the backward district of India. Key words: Group, constraints, Non-Government Organisation, agriculture sector. The motto that Ramakrishna movement follows is that Swami Vivekananda put before them, "Atmano mokshartham jagaddhitaya cha" – means doing well to the world with a spirit of worship and thus paving paths for one's own salvation. The activities of Ramakrishna Mission are quite established and recognized for which the Govt. of India conferred Gandhi Peace Award in the year 1998 to Ramakrishna Mission because of its yeoman service to mankind Shree Ramakrishna Ashrama, M. Ramapur, Kalahandi is set up by Swami Vairagyananda one of the dedicated Monks of Ramakrishna Mission discipline with its sole objectives of rendering services to the society, irrespective of caste, creed and religion in Kalahandi District of Orissa, being the most backward district in India which suffered from frequent droughts, illiteracy, malnutrition, large scale migration and low socio economic condition. The Ramakrishna Ashram is a single NGO in Orissa, which is actively engaged in agriculture sector. In spite of the activities, it has some constraints for doing the extension service. The constraints of the NGO has been discussed in five heads namely infrastructure & financial constraints, personal constraints, GO-NGO relations, management constraints & social constraints Infrastructure & financial constraints Table 1 Infrastructure & financial constraints Statements Mean Rank Score Absence of marketing network for farm 1.46 I produce Lack of mobility 1.06 III Lack of research & demonstration facility in 0.73 IV terms of building & farm. Financial constraints 1.40 II MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted using “Ex-post facto research design”. The district Kalahandi of Orissa state was selected purposively for the present study because of the following reasons. Kalahandi is the most backward and the poorest district of Orissa and very often suffered from drought and starvation. A number of 12 villages were selected randomly from 23 villages where the Ashram is offering maximum services to the people for experimental group. Same number of villages was selected randomly for control group. A list of all the 110 farmers from the above selected 12 villages who have received training from the NGO was procured for experimental group. Same number of respondents of control group was selected and thus the total respondents were 220 for the purpose of the study. Suitable interview schedule was prepared and pre-tested prior to active data collection. In addition to structured interview the study also attempted to generalize the findings from observations, office reports and interviews from office bearer and field staff of the organization under study. While analysing the table it was found that in infrastructure & financial constraints, the NGO staff have prioritised the problem of marketing of farm produce as the first problem before the NGO. In this case we can see the mean score 1.46 & rank I. Next to marketing financial problem also found in rank II. Lack of mobility &lack of research & demonstration farms are placed in rank III and IV respectively. Personnel Constraints Table 2 Personnel Constraints Statements Mean Rank Score Lack of experienced expert 1.3 I In sufficient knowledge about local condition 1.27 II Insensitive to tribal culture & their feeling 0.40 VIII Lack of knowledge in preparation & supervision of 0.53 VII projects Lack of management skill 0.60 VI Lack of discipline 1.00 III Limited scope for updating knowledge 0.73 V Lack of compatibility between extension staff & 0.87 IV farmers The data was collected from 30 NGO staff of the Ramakrishna Ashram. The study was made assigning 3,2,1,0 respectively to the problems they perceived in the scale of very much, much, not so much, not at all. The problem or constraints were ranked on the basis of mean score. While examining the table 5.51 it was found that the personnel problems, the lack of experienced expert & insufficient knowledge about the local condition were 9 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 ranked as I & II respectively. The problems listed in the table are not so important as perceived by the NGO staff them selves. NGO staff. Regarding record keeping & management board for the Ashram is not so much important for the Ashram & that is why both the items placed in rank II & III respectively. GO-NGO Coordination Social Problems Table 3 GO-NGO Coordination constraints Table 5 Statements Mean Score Rank Poor perception about NGO 0.93 II Unfavourable attitude of Govt. 1.27 I officials Lack of coordination among local 1.27 I NGOs Statements While examining the table it was revealed that the NGO staffs have expressed their concern for unfavourable attitude of Govt. officials & lack of coordination among the local NGO for which rank I was assigned to those problems.. Poor perception about NGO came in 2nd rank. Table 4 Management constraints Lack of visionary management body. Poor record keeping Non visit of farmers to NGO Mean Score Rank Wide consumption of local liquors 0.80 II Local political influence 0.87 I It is evident from the table that the score in both cases are close to each other or slightly variation in case of item no .2. The local political influence puts more problem for extension work for which it secured rank I and II given to item no. I, regarding wide consumption of liquors hinders in the extension work. Management constraints Statements Social constraints Table 6 Mean Rank Score 0.60 III 0.73 II 10.07 I Summary Table of Constraints Constraints Mean Score Infrastructure & finance Personnel GO-NGO coordination Management Social Rank 1.16 0.84 1.16 0.80 0.84 I II I III II Looking at the above table it is very clear that non-visit of the farmers to Ashram is a problem, which was faced by the 1.4 1.2 Mean Score 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Infrastructure & finance Personnel GO-NGO coordination Management Social Constraints of NGO Fig. 1 Looking at the summery table of constraints it is evident that the constraints related to infrastructure with finance and GO-NGO relationship ranked one (I) combinedly. The personal & social problems were put in rank II putting less importance on management constraints. It was also found from the discussion with NGO staff, that they do not have any management problem associated with the Ashram. Based on the research founding & experience gained in the field the following suggestions are made; The planned training programme as implemented through Ramakrishna Ashram may be extended to all those farmers who have not yet been reached. The training should accompany the development of other socio-personnel factors like education, material possession, social participation & communication behaviour. Suggestions 10 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Need based programmes with people’s participation should be encouraged. As evident from study the tribal women has been a part of the extension service. So their training & development should equally be emphasized. The services of reputed and disciplined NGOs like Ramakrishna Ashram may be extended to other regions for the benefit of poor farmers. Wider bottleneck of region like lack or proper infrastructure, irrigation, market facility should be gradually removed so that the farmers may be benefited. The farmers should get proper input at right time on seasonal basis as pointed out by the farmers. There should be proper forum & supervision by NGO to increase the elective use of extension service. REFERENCE Chakravorty, S., Mandal, B., Das, C., Satish. S. 1993. Ramakrishna Mission: Research extension training in Farming System context. Non governmental organization and the state in Asia, unpublished Ph.D. thesis Submitted to Department of Extension Education, I.Ag, Sciences, BHU, Vara Jasu, A. K 2000. Extension approaches strength & weakness of private expansion services, National Seminar on Private Extension management Organised by MANAGE, Hyderabad-pp3. Ghosh P. Pandey, K.N. 2001. Role of NGOs in transfer of Technology: an Appaisal of Dibyayan KVK, Ranchi, An 11 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Evaluation of different transfer of technology of KVKs by using the developed instrument 1 A.S.SHEIKH, 2D.S.BHATI AND 3WASEEM SHEIKH Asso. Professor and Head of the Department, 2Assistant Professor, KVK Sriganganagar and 3SRF, SDAU,SK Nagar Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Sardarkrushinagar-385 506 Email: 1 ABSTRACT The present study was conducted on three KVKs which were working under different host institutions in Rajasthan viz., KVK Udaipur under NGO, KVK, Jodhpur under ICAR and KVK, Banswara under SAU. These KVKs were selected purposively. Total 45 contact farmers were selected by randomly (15 from each KVK). The effectiveness of KVKs in regard to transfer of technology was measured by developed scientific instrument. This instrument consisted of five major activities viz., Agronomical, Horticultural, Animal Husbandry and allied field, Agricultural Engineering and Home Science. There were three major techniques in KVKs viz., training, demonstration and advisory services for transferring knowledge and skill to the farmers. The important summarized findings of training on transfer of technology of five major activities. On agronomical aspects maximum training was organized on “Methods of using insecticides and pesticides” (KVK Udaipur), “Seed treatment” (KVK Jodhpur and Banswara). Similarly on Horticultural aspects maximum training was organized on “Nursery raising and transplanting” (KVK Udaipur and Jodhpur), “Vegetable cultivation” (KVK, Banswara). On Animal Husbandry and allied field maximum training was organized on “Increasing milk production” (KVK Udaipur and Jodhpur), “Cross breeding” (KVK, Banswara).All KVKs organized training on “Smokeless Chula” in Agricultural Engineering and in Home Science maximum training was organized on “Tailoring” ( KVK Udaipur) and “Cleanness of Home” (KVK, Jodhpur and Banswara) . Overall results regarding transfer of technology bring to the fore that trainings were conducted frequently on ‘Agronomy’ followed by ‘Home Science,’ ‘Horticulture,’ ‘Animal Husbandry and allied field’ and ‘Agricultural Engineering’ in descending order. Key words: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, transfer of technology The KVK is being meticulously developed as a practical centre for rural training. The major purpose of evaluation is to assist in programmed decision. Formal evaluation is worth doing only, if they have a chance of affecting such decision. An additional consideration is the significance of the need. A major extension effort involving large numbers of farmers and substantial resources will be (with other things being equal) more significant than smaller programmed centered around a new farmer. Significance can also be gauged by looking at the issues with which the evaluation is concerned and assessing the likely impact of the evaluation on the resolution of these issues. Thus, looking to huge budgetary expenditure and the deployment of large numbers of agriculture extension staff in the KVKs, it is essential that the impact and extension approach must be critically evaluated time to time and discrepancies be removed .Productivity and accountability of extension can be greatly advanced through evaluation of it programmed. The effectiveness of programmes of KVKs should be evaluated by standardized scale. In view of these facts, the present study was conducted with the objective of evaluation of different transfer of technology of KVKs of Rajasthan by using the developed instrument. Thus, it is needless to highlight the importance of KVK in quick and regular transfer of technology among the farmers. METARIALS AND METHOD The present study was conducted on three KVKs, which were working under different host institution in Rajasthan viz., KVK, Udaipur under NGOs, KVK, Jodhpur under ICAR institutes (CAZRI) and KVK, Banswara under Rajasthan Agricultural University. These KVKs were established during the year 1983-1984. These KVKs selected purposively because they together yield as nearly as possible the same yield or proportion as the totality with respect to those characteristics, which are already a matter of statistical knowledge. Thus, for the study purpose Western and Southern region of Rajasthan were under taken. Keeping in view the high concentration of extension work performed by selected KVKs in this zone. Checklist of all the activities which could be carried under the programmes was prepared with the help of literature and discussion held with the experts. A final scale was developed for measuring the effectiveness of KVK on scientific line for this purpose. Fifteen contact farmers from each KVK were selected randomly. Thus, a sample of 45 contact farmers was drawn for the study purpose. An interview schedule was constructed for study purpose keeping in view the objective of the study. The scale was pre tested before administrating into actual respondents. Personal interview method was adopted by the investigator to record the responses. Data so collected were tabulated and analyzed in light of the objective .The mean score of each item was calculated by multiplying the responses to the weight given to each items/statement and 12 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 then by dividing it with the total number of respondents. Interferences were drawn after subjecting the data in statistical analysis. Demonstration and Advisory services for transferring knowledge and skill to the farmers. The important findings of trainings on five major heads have been given in Table 1. Organizing training is the main objective of the KVK. A KVK can be said effective if it is organising trainings frequently on different aspects of related to agriculture. Table 1 expresses the frequency of trainings organized by different KVKs as per views of the respondents. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Instrument consisted of five major activities viz., Agronomical, Horticultural, Animal husbandry and allied fields, Agricultural Engineering and Home Science. There were three major techniques in KVKs viz., Training, Table 1: Frequency of training organized by KVKs as perceived by farmers Sr. No. 1. [I] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. [II] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Activity / Item Month Six month 3. 4. KVK, Udaipur Training once in a Year Never M.S. 2. 5. AGRONOMY : (a) Soil Soil testing 10 Soil reclamation (b) Soil conservation Land conservation 11 4 Land leveling 5 10 Graded bunding Development of shelter belts Bench terracing 2 13 Soil survey & mapping (c) Seed Seed treatment 4 11 Use of seed culture 2 13 Storage of imp. Seed 2 10 3 (d) Fertilizer Method of fertilizer 7 8 application Preparation of FYM & 6 9 compost Green manuring 3 12 Soil fertility 3 12 management ( e) Crop production Dryland farming 12 Improved practices for 3 12 irrigated area3 Improved practices of 3 12 un-irrigated area ( f) Plant protection Control of rats 12 Handling of plant 6 9 protection equipment Control of whitegrub 3 12 Methods of using 10 5 insecticide & pesticide Control of katra 12 ( g) Water Water conservation 2 8 3 Irrigation & drainage 10 5 Average (I) 3 8 2 HORTICULTURE : (a) Fruit, vegetable and flower production Fruit production 10 5 technology of beer Vegetable cultivation 15 Pruning & training 13 2 Plant prorogation by cutting, budding, grafting etc. Fruit production technology of pomegranate Nursery raising & transplanting Planning & layout of garden Fruit production technology of Rank Number of farmers under each response category KVK, Jodhpur KVK, Banswara Training once in a Training once in a Month Six Year Never M.S. Rank Month Six Year Never M.S. month month 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Rank 6. 7. 8. 20. 5 15 0.67 0.00 21.0 23.5 - 1 4 10 2 4 9 0.80 0.67 10.5 13.0 - - - 15 15 0.00 0.00 20.5 20.5 15 1.73 1.33 0.00 14.0 19.0 23.5 - 9 - 3 4 - 3 11 15 1.40 0.27 0.00 4.0 19.0 23.0 - - - 15 15 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.5 20.5 20.5 15 0.00 23.5 - - 9 6 0.60 14.5 - - - 15 0.00 20.5 15 1.13 0.00 20.0 23.5 - - - 15 15 0.00 0.00 23.0 23.0 - 2 13 15 - 0.00 1.13 20.5 15.0 - 2.27 2.13 1.93 6.0 7.0 13.0 - 14 10 10 - 1 5 5 1.87 1.33 1.33 1.0 1.5 1.5 - 15 15 13 2 - 2.00 2.00 1.87 9.5 9.5 13.5 - 2.47 3.0 - 4 11 - 1.27 7.0 5 10 - - 2.33 4.5 - 2.40 4.5 - - 6 9 0.40 17.5 3 12 - - 2.20 6.0 - 2.20 10.0 - - - 15 0.00 23.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.5 - 2.20 10.0 - 3 5 7 0.73 12.0 - 15 - - 2.00 9.5 3 1.60 17.3 - - 13 2 0.87 9.0 - 15 - - 2.00 9.5 - 2.20 10.0 - - 3 12 0.20 20.0 8 7 - - 2.53 2.0 - 2.20 10.0 - - 15 - 1.00 8.0 - 15 - - 2.00 9.5 3 1.60 17..3 - 3 6 6 0.80 10.5 - 13 2 - 1.87 13.5 - 2.40 4.5 - 11 4 - 1.73 2.0 10 3 - 2 2.40 3.0 - 2.20 10.0 - 2 3 10 0.47 16.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.5 - 2.67 1.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 3.0 10 5 - - 2.67 1.0 3 1.60 17.3 - - - 15 0.00 23.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.5 2 3 1.67 2.67 1.70 15.0 1.5 0 3 9 6 5 6 9 7 0.60 0.40 0.70 14. 5 17. 5 5 2 15 10 7 1 6 2.00 2.33 1.33 9.5 4.5 - 1.67 10.0 12 - 3 - 2.60 3.0 - - 15 - 1.00 10.0 - 2.20 1.87 3.5 6.5 - 10 - 5 15 - 1.67 1.00 6.5 12.0 15 - 10 5 - 3.00 1.67 1.5 5.0 - - 15 - 1.00 13.5 - 12 3 - 1.80 5.0 - 10 5 - 1.67 5.0 - - 13 2 0.87 15.0 11 4 - - 2.73 2.0 - - 10 5 0.67 13.0 10 5 - - 2.67 1.5 14 1 - - 2.93 1.0 10 5 - - 2.67 3.0 10 5 - - 2.67 1.5 - - 15 - 1.00 12.0 - - 8 7 0.53 14.0 - 13 2 - 1.87 6.5 4 - 11 - 1.53 8.0 - - 5 10 0.33 15.0 13 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Sr. No. 1. Activity / Item 2. Month Six month 3. 4. KVK, Udaipur Training once in a Year Never M.S. 5. 6. 7. 19. 20. Aolna Kitchen gardening 3 12 2.20 Fruit production technology of 12 3 1.80 lemon Seed production 15 0.00 technology Flower cultivation 3 12 1.20 (b) Preservation and processing of fruit and vegetable Fruit & vegetable 15 0.00 preservation Food preservation 15 1.00 (c) Forestry Farm forestry 13 2 1.87 Plantation of new 15 0.00 tree Plantation of fodder 13 2 1.87 tree 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Energy plantation 10 3 2 1.53 Bee keeping 15 0.00 Average (II) 1 7 4 3 1.40 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND ALLIED FIELD : (a) Breeding Artificial 15 0.00 insemination Cross breeding 12 3 1.80 Castration of scrub 15 1.00 animals (b) Feeding Preparation of feed 10 5 2.67 mixture Fodder crop & varieties 15 2.00 recommended for Kharif & rabi Preparation of nutrition receipt for 15 2.00 balance nut. Urea feeding to 15 2.00 animals Silage making 15 0.00 (c) Animal production Effective poultry 15 1.0 production Sheep & goat 15 2.0 rearing Preparation of economic shelter 15 2.0 belts for animals How to purchase & 15 2.0 select better animals Shearing & grading 10 5 1.33 of wool Rabbit rearing 15 0.00 Piggery 15 0.00 development Seri-culture 15 0.00 Fisheries 15 0.00 Mushroom 15 0.00 cultivation (d) Animal health First aid of animals 15 2.00 Animal vaccination 15 2.00 21. Animal hygiene 22. (e) Milk production Increasing milk production 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1. 18. 19. [III] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Rank 8. Number of farmers under each response category KVK, Jodhpur KVK, Banswara Training once in a Training once in a Month Six Year Never M.S. Rank Month Six Year Never M.S. month month 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Rank 20. 3.5 10 - 2 3 2.13 4.0 15 - - - 3.00 1.5 9.0 - - - 15 0.00 17.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 5.0 17.5 - - - 15 0.00 17.5 - - 10 5 1.00 10.0 12.0 - - - 15 0.00 17.5 - 5 10 - 1.33 7.0 17.5 - - 15 - 1.00 12.0 - - - 15 0.00 17.5 13.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 6.5 - - - 15 0.00 17.5 6.5 - - 15 - 1.00 12.0 - - 15 - 1.00 10.0 17.5 - - 15 - 1.00 12.0 - - 15 - 1.00 10.0 6.5 - - 15 - 1.00 12.0 - - 15 - 1.00 10.0 8. 11.0 17.5 9. 3 10. 2 11. 15 7 12. 15 3 13. 1.00 0.00 1.42 14. 12.0 17.5 15. 2 16. 2 17. 6 18. 15 15 5 19. 0.00 0.00 1.15 20. 17.5 17.5 21.0 - - 2 13 0.13 18.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 13.0 - 12 3 - 1.80 4.5 15 - - - 3.00 1.0 5.7 - 7 4 4 1.20 13.0 - - 10 5 0.67 13.0 3.0 15 - - - 3.00 3.0 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 8.0 - - 15 - 1.00 14.5 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 8.0 15 - - - 3.00 3.0 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 8.0 - 10 - 5 1.33 11.0 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 21.0 - 5 10 - 1.33 11.0 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 5.7 - - - 15 0.00 21.5 - - 9 6 0.60 15.0 8.0 - 12 3 - 1.80 4.5 - - 10 5 0.67 13.0 8.0 - 5 10 - 1.33 11.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 8.0 - 5 5 5 1.00 14.5 - - 12 3 0.80 11.0 14.0 - 5 - 10 0.67 17.0 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 21.0 - - - 15 0.00 21.5 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 21.0 - - - 15 0.00 21.5 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 21.0 21.0 - - - 15 15 0.00 0.00 21.5 21.5 - - - 15 15 0.00 0.00 20.0 20.0 21.0 - - - 15 0.00 21.5 - - - 15 0.00 20.0 8.0 8.0 - 10 10 5 5 - 1.67 1.67 7.5 7.5 - 15 15 - - 2.00 2.00 6.0 6.0 - 15 - - 2.00 8.0 - 10 5 - 1.67 7.5 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 15 - - - 3.00 1.5 15 - - - 3.00 3.0 - 15 - - 2.00 6.0 14 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Sr. No. 1. 23. 24. [IV] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. [V] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Activity / Item 2. Month Six month 3. 4. KVK, Udaipur Training once in a Year Never M.S. 5. Preparation of 15 byproducts of milk Hygienic milking 15 production 2 7 2 Average (III) AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING : (a) Farm Implements Repairing and maintaining of pump set, oil 10 engine, electric motor, tractor etc. Pump & irrigation 10 equipments General repairs of 15 sprayer & dusters Operation of land 9 leveling equipments Farm power & 8 mechanization Sprinkler, irrigation 15 engineering Processing equipments of agriculture production Farm carpentry (b) Home Equipment Preparation & working of smoke 15 less Chula Working with solar heater Working with 12 Gobar gas plant (c) Cottage industries of Agriculture Animal Husbandry Forest 0 1 6 Average IV HOME SCIENCE : (a) Vocational Training Knitting & 15 embroidery Tailoring 15 Working with charkha Bag making from jute Flower making from paper (v) Home Science Project Care to be taken at the time of 12 3 pregnancy Balance diet 12 3 First aid 6 Child & family 12 3 welfare Better cooking with 10 5 local product Cleanness of home 15 Community health 8 7 & cleanness Vegetable processing by 10 5 dehydration Home decoration 5 10 Vegetable - Rank 6. 7. 8. - 1.00 5.7 1.5 - 3.00 5 1.37 5 0.67 5 Number of farmers under each response category KVK, Jodhpur KVK, Banswara Training once in a Training once in a Month Six Year Never M.S. Rank Month Six Year Never M.S. month month 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. - - 12 3 0.80 16.0 7.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 2 4 4 6 1.14 5.5 - - - 15 0.00 0.67 5.5 - - - 15 - 1.00 2.5 - - - 6 0.67 7.0 - - 7 0.53 8.0 - - 1.00 2.5 15 0.00 15 - - Rank 20. - 15 0.00 20.0 13.0 - 10 - 5 0.67 1 6 2 7 1.01 8.5 - - 9 6 0.60 7.0 0.00 8.5 - 12 - 3 1.60 4.0 15 0.00 8.5 - - 10 5 0.67 6.0 - 15 0.00 8.5 - - 12 3 0.80 5.0 - - 15 0.00 8.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 2.5 - - - 15 0.00 8.5 - - - 15 0.00 11.0 11.5 - - - 15 0.00 8.5 - 10 5 - 1.67 2.5 0.00 11.5 - - - 15 0.00 8.5 - - - 15 0.00 11.0 - 2.0 1.0 - - 15 - 1.00 1.0 10 5 - - 2.33 1.0 15 0.00 11.5 - - - 15 0.00 8.5 - - - 15 0.00 11.0 3 0.80 4.0 - - - 15 0.00 8.5 - - - 15 0.00 11.0 15 15 15 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 11.5 11.5 11.5 0 0 1 15 15 15 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 8.5 8.5 8.5 1 3 3 15 15 15 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 11.0 11.0 11.0 - 1.00 10.0 - 10 - 5 1.33 8.0 - 10 5 - 1.67 9.0 - 3.00 1.5 - - 10 5 0.67 11.5 - 15 - - 2.00 7.5 15 0.00 13.5 - - - 15 0.00 14.0 - - - 15 0.00 12.5 15 0.00 13.5 - - - 15 0.00 14.0 - - - 15 0.00 12.5 15 0.00 13.5 - - 10 5 0.67 11.5 - - - 15 0.00 12.5 - 2.80 4.0 12 - 3 - 2.60 3.5 15 - - - 3.00 3.5 9 2.80 0.40 4.0 11.0 12 - 3 3 12 - 2.60 1.20 3.5 9.0 15 - - - 15 3.00 0.00 3.5 12.5 - 2.80 4.0 - 10 5 - 1.67 6.5 15 - - - 3.00 3.5 - 2.67 6.0 15 - - - 3.00 1.5 15 - - - 3.00 3.5 - 3.00 1.5 15 - - - 3.00 1.5 15 - - - 3.00 3.5 - 2.53 7.0 - 1 14 - 1.07 10.0 15 - - - 3.00 3.5 - 1.67 8.0 2 12 1 - 2.07 5.0 - 15 - - 2.00 7.5 15 1.33 0.00 9.0 13.5 - 10 - 5 - 15 1.67 0.00 6.5 14.0 - - - 15 15 0.00 0.00 12.5 12.5 15 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Sr. No. 1. Activity / Item 2. processing by canning Average V Month Six month 3. 4. 6 2 KVK, Udaipur Training once in a Year Never M.S. 5. 6. 7. 2 5 1.60 Rank 8. Number of farmers under each response category KVK, Jodhpur KVK, Banswara Training once in a Training once in a Month Six Year Never M.S. Rank Month Six Year Never M.S. month month 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 4 3 4 4 1.44 6 3 0 6 Rank 20. 1.58 However, training was not conducted at all those activities whose mean score were zero and as such these were ranked at the bottom place. [v] Home science activities A careful study of the table bring to the fore that ‘Tailoring’ (3.00) as well as ‘cleanness of home’ (3.00) were ranked top place. It signifies that trainings were conducted more frequently on these two activities as compared to the remaining other activities. ‘Care to be taken at the time of pregnancy’ (2.80), ‘Balance diet’ (2.80), ‘Child and family welfare’ (2.80) were combined ranked at second place followed by ‘Better cooking with local products’ (2.67), ‘Community health and cleanness’ (2.53) and ‘Vegetable processing by dehydration’ and so on. However, trainings were not conducted at all on ‘Working with charkha,’ ‘Bag making from jute,’ ‘Flower making from paper’ and ‘Vegetable processing by canning’ activities as per the opinion of all the respondents and as such these were ranked at the bottom. KVK, Jodhpur : [i] Agronomical activities A close look to the mean score in table explains that the trainings were conducted more frequently in ‘Seed treatment’(1.87) which was ranked first followed by ‘Handling of plant protection equipment’(1.73), ‘Method of using insecticides and pesticides’ (1.67)and so on. However, the trainings were not conducted at all on ‘Graded bunding’, ‘Bench terracing’, ‘Soil survey and mapping,’ ‘Green manuring’ and ‘Control of katra’ activities and as such these were ranked at the last place. [ii] Horticultural activities The training were conducted more frequently in ‘Nursery raising and transplanting’(2.93) which was given top priority followed by ‘Fruit production technology of ber’ (2.60), ‘Kitchen gardening’(2.12) and so on. However, the training were not conducted at all on ‘Fruit production technology of lemon’, ‘Seed production technology’, ‘Flower cultivation’ and ‘Bee keeping’ activities and these were ranked at the last place. [iii] Animal husbandry and allied field activities The training was conducted more frequently in ‘Preparation of feed mixture’ (3.00), ‘Preparation of nutrition recipes for balance nutrition’ (3.00) as well as increasing ‘Milk production’ (3.00). Since these three activities were having highest same mean scores so these were ranked combined at the top place. ‘Cross breeding’ (1.80) as well as ‘Sheep and goat rearing’ (1.80) were ranked combined at the second place. ‘First aid of animals’ (1.67), ‘Animal vaccination’ (1.67) ‘Animal hygiene’ (1.67) and ‘Hygiene milking production’ were ranked combined at the third place. KVK, Udaipur : [i] Agronomical activities Looking to the mean score in Table 1 revealed that in KVK, Udaipur amongst “Agronomical activities” – the training were conducted frequently in ‘Methods of using insecticide and pesticide’ (2.67) as well as ‘Irrigation and drainage’ (2.67) and both the activities were ranked combined at the top followed by ‘Method of fertilizer application’ (2.47), ‘Preparation of FYM and Compost’ (2.40) and so on. However, the training was not conducted at all on ‘Graded bunding,’ ‘Development of shelterbelts’ and ‘Soil survey and mapping’ activities as per the opinion of all the respondents and as such these were ranked at the bottom. [ii] Horticultural activities Training were conducted more frequently in ‘Nursery raising and transplanting’ (2.67) as well as ‘Planning and layout of garden’ (2.67) and as such these were combined ranked first place. ‘Vegetable cultivation’ (2.20) as well as ‘Kitchen gardening’ (2.20) were considered equally important and were ranked second. ‘Pruning and Training’ (1.87), ‘Fruit production technology of Aonla’ (1.87), ‘Farm forestry’ (1.87) and ‘Plantation of fodder tree’ (1.87). These four activities were ranked combined at the third place followed by ‘Fruit production technology of lemon’ (1.80); ‘Fruit, vegetable and flower production’ (1.67) and so on. However, training were not held on ‘Seed production technology,’ ‘Fruit and vegetable preservation,’ ‘Plantation of new tree,’ ‘Beekeeping’ activities as per the opinion of the respondents and as such these were ranked at the bottom. [iii] Animal husbandry and allied field activities ‘Increasing milk production’ (3.0) and ‘Hygienic milking production’ (3.0) were ranked at the top places followed by ‘Preparation of feed mixture’, ‘Fodder crop and varieties recommended for rabi & kharif’ and ‘Sheep and goat rearing.’ However, the trainings were not conducted on ‘Artificial insemination’,’ Rabbit rearing,’ ‘Piggery development,’ ‘Sericulture,’ ‘Fisheries’ and ‘Mushroom cultivation’ and as such these were ranked at the bottom. [iv] Agricultural engineering activities Training were conducted more frequently in ‘Preparation and working of smokeless Chula’ (2.0) and it was ranked first. ‘General repairs of sprayers and dusters’ (1.00) were considered equally important and combined ranked second. The third ranked was awarded to working with Gobar gas plant. 16 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 However, the trainings were not conducted at all on those activities which having zero mean scores and ranked at the bottom. [iv] Agricultural engineering activities Trainings were conducted only on ‘Preparation and working of smokeless Chula’ (1.00). It was interesting to note that the trainings were not held on remaining activities. [v] Home science activities The trainings were conducted more frequently in ‘Better cooking with local products’ (3.00) as well as ‘Cleanness of home’ (3.00). Since both the activities were ranked combined at the top. ‘Care to be taken at the time of pregnancy’((2.60) and ‘Balance diet’(2.60) were considered as equally important and as such these were ranked at second place followed by ‘Vegetable processing by dehydration’ (2.07), ‘Child and family welfare’ (1.67) and so on. However, trainings were not conducted at all on ‘Working with charkha,’ ‘Bag making from jute’ and ‘Vegetable processing by canning.’ Thus, these were ranked at the bottom. KVK, Banswara : [i] Agronomical activities Mean scores in Table 1 revealed that in KVK, Banaswara trainings were conducted frequently in ‘Methods of using insecticides and pesticides’ (2.67) hence, it was ranked first followed by ‘Improved practices of irrigated area’ (2.53), ‘Handling of plant protection equipment’ (2.40) and so on. However, trainings were not conducted at all on ‘Soil testing,’ ‘Soil reclamation,’ ‘Land conservation,’ ‘Land leveling,’ ‘Development of shelter belts,’ ‘Bench terracing,’ ‘Green manuring,’ ‘Control of whitegrub’ and ‘Control of katra’ activities and as such these were ranked at the bottom. [ii] Horticultural activities Trainings were conducted frequently in ‘Vegetable cultivation’ (3.00) as well as ‘kitchen gardening’ (3.00).Since both the activities were ranked combined at the top. ‘Nursery raising and transplanting’ (2.67) was ranked at the second place. ‘Pruning and training’ (1.67), ‘Propagation by cutting, budding and grafting’ etc. (1.67), ‘Fruit production technology of lemon’ (1.67) were having same mean score and as such these were ranked combined at the third place. However, trainings were not conducted at all on ‘Fruit and vegetable preservation’, ‘Food preservation’, ‘Energy plantation’ and ‘Bee keeping’ activities as per the opinion of respondent and as such these were ranked at the bottom. [iii] Animal husbandry and allied field activities All the respondents reported that trainings were conducted monthly on ‘Cross breeding’ (3.00) of animals. This activity was ranked first, ‘Preparation of feed mixture’ (2.00), ‘Fodder crop and varieties recommended for rabi and kharif’ (2.00), ‘Urea feeding to animals’ (2.00), ‘Silage making’ (2.00), ‘First aid of animals’ (2.00), ‘Animal vaccination’ (2.00), ‘Animal hygiene’ (2.00), ‘Increasing milk production’ (2.00) were having equal mean score and as such these were ranked combined at the second place. Further, it may also be noted that many activities were having zero mean score which have the indicative of the fact that trainings were never conducted on these aspects. [iv] Agricultural engineering activities ‘Preparation and working on smokeless Chula’ was having the highest mean score (2.33). It means trainings were conducted frequently on this aspect. ‘Farm power and machinery’ (1.67) as well as ‘Processing equipment of agricultural production’ (1.67) were ranked combined at second place followed by ‘Pump and irrigation equipments’ (0.80), ‘General repairs of sprayers and dusters’ (0.67) and ‘Repairing and maintenance of pumpset and oil engine’ (0.60). About remaining aspects the respondents viewed that the trainings were never conducted. [v] Home science activities The trainings were conducted frequently on ‘Care to be taken at the time of pregnancy’ (3.00), ‘Balance diet’ (3.00), ‘Child and family welfare’ (3.00), ‘Better cooking with local products’ (3.00), ‘Cleanness of home’ (3.00) and ‘Community health and cleanness’ (3.00). Since all these activities were ranked combined at the top place. ‘Tailoring’ (2.00) as well as ‘Vegetable processing by dehydration’ (2.00) were considered equal in getting training by the respondents and as such these were ranked combined at second place, whereas, ‘Knitting and embroidery’ (1.67) was ranked at third place. However, trainings were never conducted on ‘Working with charkha,’ ‘Bag making from jute,’ ‘Flower making from paper; ‘First-aid,’ ‘Home decoration’ and ‘Vegetable processing by canning’ as per the opinion of all the respondents and as such these were ranked at last place. 17 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 OVERALL SUBJECTWISE FREQUENCY OF TRAININGS ORGANISED BY KVK AS PERCEIVED BY FARMERS Table 2 : Analysis of overall subject wise frequency of trainings organized by KVKs as perceived by farmers Activity / Item 2. Agronomy Horticulture Animal Husbandry and allied fields Agriculture Engineering Home science Number of farmers under each response category KVK, Jodhpur Training once in a KVK, Udaipur Training once in a 15 days Month Six month Year Never 3. 8 5 4. 3 1 5. 8 7 6. 2 4 4 2 7 0 0 7 6 KVK, Banswara Training once in a M.S. Rank 15 days Month Six month Year Never M.S. Rank 15 days Month Six month Year Never M.S. Rank 7. 3 3 8. 1.70 1.40 9. I III 10. 0 5 11. 0 3 12. 3 2 13. 5 7 14. 7 3 15. 0.70 1.42 16. IV II 17. 2 2 18. 2 2 19. 7 2 20. 1 6 21. 6 5 22. 1.33 1.15 23. II III 2 5 1.37 IV 6 2 4 4 6 1.14 III 1 1 6 2 7 1.01 IV 1 6 8 0.52 V 0 0 0 1 15 0.07 V 0 1 3 3 9 0.67 V 2 2 5 1.60 II 4 4 3 4 4 1.44 I 3 6 3 0 6 1.58 I and ‘Agronomical’ activities (0.70) and ‘Agricultural engineering activities was placed at the bottom. It may be deduced from above analysis that the trainings were conducted frequently in ‘Home science’ activities while, the trainings were conducted less frequently in ‘Agricultural engineering’ activities. KVK, Banswara : A close look to the pooled mean score in Table 2. It was revealed that amongst five major subjects the trainings were conducted more frequently in ‘Home Science’ activities (1.58) which was given top priority followed by ‘Agronomy’ (1.33), ‘Horticulture’ (1.51), ‘Animal husbandry and allied fields’ (1.01) and ‘Agricultural engineering’ activities (0.67). From the above findings, it may be concluded that the trainings were conducted more frequently on ‘Home science’ activities while, the trainings were conducted less frequently in ‘Agricultural Engineering’ activities. Data in Table 2 reflects the overall subject-wise frequency of training organized by KVKs as perceived by farmers. KVK, Udaipur : Looking to the pooled mean score, it was revealed that the ‘Agronomy’ (1.70) was given top priority amongst five subjects. The next in the order was ‘Home science’ (1.60) followed by ‘Horticulture’ (1.40), ‘Animal husbandry and allied fields’ (1.37) and ‘Agricultural engineering’ (0.52). The interference can be drawn that the farmers got trainings more frequently on agronomical activities as compared to rest of the four major activities. KVK, Jodhpur : An examination of data in Table 2 explains that training about the ‘Home science’ (1.44) was given top priority and was ranked first. The second place was given to ‘Horticulture’ activities (1.42). The third and fourth ranks were given in ‘Animal husbandry and allied fields’ (1.14) REFERENCES Dash, A.K. and Mishra, M. 2004. “Krishi Vigyan Kendras, The Light House for Rural People” Orissa Review. : pp. 5256. Vijapur in Gujarat State. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand. Mishra, A.S. and Bhatt, P.N. 1988. Evaluation of officer training in soil and water conservation. Indian J.Ext.Edu. 24 (3&4) : 71-74. Dwivedi, S.N. 1985. Possibilities of increased income through training of farm women, farm youth and school dropout at KVKs held at Conoor, Tamil Nadu, Oct.6-8, ICAR, New Delhi. : pp. 12-13. Patel, A.R. 1991. Evaluation of an institutional training programme conducted by KVK Deesa in Banaskantha District of Gujarat State. M.S. (Agri.) Thesis, Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar Joshi, G.G. 1979. An evaluation of the institutional training programme conducted by the farmers training centre, 18 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Studies on Intrauterine Development Index of Surti Buffalo 1 O. P. PATHODIYA, 2B.S. KHADDA AND 3S. P. TAILOR 1 Head, Department of Animal Production, 2SMS (Animal Science) and 3Assoc. Prof. Animal Production Department of Animal Production, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUA&T, Udaipur (Rajasthan.) ABSTRACT Data pertaining to 1091 lactation records of Surti buffaloes sired by 43 bulls were used for the present study. The effect of period of calving and sire were found significant on intrauterine development index (IUDI) while season of calving and parity was non-significant. The heritability estimates for IUDI was 0.157±0.06. The genetic and phenotypic association of IUDI with production traits were positive and low to moderate the phenotypic correlation among IUDI and MY/LL was positive and non-significant while genetic correlation of there traits was high and positive. The environmental correlations of IUDI with production and efficiency traits were low and negative. Key words: - Surti Buffaloes, Intrauterine development index, Production and efficiency traits, Prenatal growth, Gestation period, Birth weight. Intrauterine development index (IUDI) is one of economic traits of dairy animals which measure the prenatal growth rate during the gestation period and it is defined as the ratio of birth weight of calf and the gestation period of its dam. Gestation length, birth weight and IUDI are the trait, which are expressed immediately after the birth of offspring and can be used as an aid for selection of animals as related to their economic performance. So far, most of the research work has been conducted either on production and reproduction traits of buffalo but less emphasis was given on the intrauterine development index therefore, attempt was made to study the effect of various genetic and non genetic factors and also to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters of intrauterine development index with overall production and efficiency traits. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The least square mean for IUDI in Surti buffalo was observed 80.14±1.01 gm/day. The values were lower than that reported by Sarma and Rao (1988) in Murrah buffaloes. The effect of period of calving and sires was found to be significant on IUDI. However, the effect of season of calving and parity were found non-significant. Sarma and Rao (1988) also reported significant effect of sires on IUDI in Murrah buffalo. The IUDI was higher during V and VI period; hence fifth and six periods would be classified as ideal for production performance (table 1). Table 1 Least squares means and standard errors for Intrauterine Development Index Effects METERIALS AND METHOD A total 1091 lactation records of Surti buffaloes Sired by 43 bulls, maintained at Net-Work project on buffaloes, Livestock Research Station, Vallabhnagar were used for present study. Intrauterine development index (IUDI) = Birth weight (gms)/gestation period (days) was calculated as per Sarma and Rao 1988. The LSMLMW Pc-2 version package designed by Harvey (1990) was used for estimating the effects of genetic and non-genetic factors. Eighteen years were grouped into 6 periods. Further each year was subdivided into three seasons. The production and efficiency traits considered for the present study were lactation milk yield (LMY), 305 day's lactation milk yield (305 LMY), lactation length (LL), peak yield (PY), milk yield per day lactation length (MY/LL) and milk yield per day calving interval (MY/CI). The animals were kept under optimum feeding and managemental conditions. Heritability and genetic correlation's were estimated by paternal half sib (PHS) correlation method, while the standard error were computed after by Swiger et al (1964) and Robertson (1959) respectively. The phenotypic correlations were calculated by using standard statistical procedure (Snedecor and Cochran 1968). The residual variances and covariance were used for estimating environmental correlations. Overall Period I (1977-79) II (1980-82) III (1983-85) IV (1986-88) V (1989-91) VI (1992-94) Season Summer (March- June) Rainy (July-Oct.) Winter (Nov. - Feb.) Parity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 19 No. of observation 1091 IUDI (gm/day) 80.14±1.01 69 177 220 264 263 98 77.40±2.60abc 74.51±1.81a 76.20±1.38ab 81.01±1.35b 84.84±1.77e 86.86±2.61e 158 80.08±1.45a 599 334 81.24±1.05a 79.09±1.15a 372 254 166 105 76 118 79.21±1.40a 78.77±1.33a 81.12±1.40a 81.77±1.62a 80.75±1.87a 79.20±1.89a Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Means with different superscripts differs significantly at 5% level of significance The results obtained indicated that changes in climate condition, human factors and management factors from period to period might cause such variation. The heritability estimates for IUDI was found to be 0.157±0.066 in Surti buffalo. Contrary, Sarma and Rao (1988) estimated high heritability (0.5±0.004) for IUDI in Murrah buffaloes. The results indicating that the additive genetic variability for IUDI was low and this could be due to the fact that the sire used were either almost equal in their genetic potential or small in number and there was considerable amount of environmental differences which could not be accounted in the analysis. The phenotypic correlation of MY/CI with IUDI was positive and significant, while it was positive and nonsignificant between IUDI and MY/LL. Genetic correlation between IUDI and MY/LL was high and positive (table 2). The results indicated that selection for higher IUDI, which is measured at time of calving, would improve overall Milk Yield per day of lactation length. Table 2 Genetic and phenotypic correlations of production and efficiency traits with intrauterine development index Parameters LMY 305 LMY LL PY MY/LL MY/CI Genetic 0.668±0.308 0.543±0.266 0.567±0.335 0.375±0.535 0.490±0.370 0.268±0.278 Phenotypic 0.018±0.030 0.061±0.030 -0.004±0.030 0.073±0.030+ 0.044±0.030 0.063±0.030+ The phenotypic association of IUDI with LMY, 305 LMY and PY were positive and low while negative and low phenotypic associate was observed with LL. Sarma and Rao (1988) also observed positive correlation of IUDI with LMY. The genetic correlation of IUDI with production traits were also positive and moderate to high indicating that selection for higher IUDI would increase milk yield per day of overall lactation length and calving interval. The environmental correlations of IUDI with overall production and efficiency traits were found low and negative except with peak yield (0.050). The present study indicates that IUDI can be used as for preliminary selection criteria to select animals at an early stage or just after the birth of offspring. Study also shows that selection for higher IUDI would improve overall milk production of Surti buffaloes. REFERENCE Harvey WR. 1990. User's Guide for LSMLMW PC-2 Version Mixed Model Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Computer Program. Ohio Univ. Columbus, U.S.A. Buffaloes. A Note Paper Presented in II World Buffalo Congress Held at New Delhi between 12-16 Dec.1988, 3: 38-39. Snedecor C W and Cocharn Methods. The IOWA Robertson A. 1959. The Sampling Variance of the Genetic Correlation W C. 1968. Statistical State University Amesa, IOWA , U.S.A. Coefficient. Biometrics, 15: 460-485. Swiger L A, Harvey W R, Everson D O and Gregery K E. 1964. The Variance of Interclass Correlation Involving Groups with One Observation. Biometrics, 20: 818-826. Sarma S S and Rao A V N. 1988. Intrauterine Development Index and Related Traits in Murrah 20 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Role Performance of Tribal Farmwomen in Domestic and Agricultural activities in Gujarat State NIKULSINH M. CHAUHAN Programme Coordinator, KVK, RRRS, NAU, Vyara, Gujarat, India. Email: ABSTRACT Farmwomen are the backbone of Indian agriculture. Growing food has been an interminable saga of her life. Like other rural women, tribal farmwomen also play an important role in agriculture. Farmwomen play vital role within home as housewives in managing the domestic affairs and they work as co-partners in the farming profession. No field operation is beyond the reach of women. They are at their best in sowing, transplanting, weeding, manuring, harvesting, winnowing, threshing, storing, marketing and rearing livestock etc Government of India GOI (2008),. Besides this they are the manager to the household activities. They take important decisions in the home and outside the home Antoniades and Papayiannis. (2000). Scientific achievements and modernization are yet to make an impact on them. Keeping this fact in view the present investigation on role of tribal farmwomen in agriculture in Navsari district was undertaken with following objectives. (i) To study the socio-economic characteristics of the tribal farmwomen. (ii) To study the participation of the tribal farmwomen in agriculture, animal husbandry and household activities and the relationship between selected independent variables with crop and animal husbandry practices. (iii) To study the tribal farmwomen's involvement in decision making in farm management, animal husbandry and home management. Based on the study it was seen that Farmwomen’s participation in pre-sowing and sowing operations revealed that the highest respondents engaged with sowing followed by stubble collection, clode crushing , manuring and seedbed preparation. Incase of interculturing operations the participation of the farmwomen were observed the highest in weeding followed by gap filling, application of fertilizer, bird scaring, irrigation, bunding and hoeing with hand. Same was reported by Chauhan and Chauhan, (2009), Vijay Avinashilingam et al. (2010) and Chayal and Dhaka, (2010).In harvesting and post harvesting operations, the highest participation was obtained in nipping / picking and threshing followed by harvesting, winnowing, storage, making threshing yard, bagging, packing and marketing of agriculture products. A similar trend was also reported by Fremont (2001).In animal husbandry practices the frequency of participation of farmwomen was seen the highest in cutting and bringing a fodder followed by compost making, watering, feeding, milking to animals, cleaning of cattle shed and so on, Chauhan (2009) also reported the same. Farmwomen took a selfdecision for decoration of house (79.17 %) and selection and preparation of food (70.83 %) in case of home management. Farm management was dominated by husband decision and majority of the farm management decision was taken by their husbands, animal husbandry management was completely dominated by women's self decision. The results are also in the line of Khanduri and Rawat (2004). The relationship between independent variables like age, education, herd size, land holding, family size and number of children of the respondents and their participation in crop husbandry was observed positively significant. Whereas the negative relationship was observed incase of occupation, type of family and age at marriage. Praveena et al (2005) have reported the same results. The relation between independent variables of the respondents and their participation in animal husbandry was found negative for all of the independent variables except type of family only. Key words: Farm women, participation, tribal, farming. Even cultural anthropological literature suggests that agriculture is invention of women. Farming in India is mainly a family occupation. Most of the family members are acutely engaged in farming. At present when the farm technology is changing at faster speed a farmer has to adopt this in order to become a competitive and efficient farmer. The change in farming has increased manifold. The farming capabilities for taking timely and judicious decisions by the farm families have a direct bearing on the agricultural development in country. It is well known fact that decision is the heart of management. Much of success of farm families depends upon how well the family members develop skills in decision making. In India as per 2001 census out of the total 496 million of rural female population 23.9 % are workers and about 87 % female workers are found in agriculture. There has been little realization about the contribution of women in the economic activities of a country. This was a position in most of counties till recently and India is no exception. Farmwomen play vital role within home as housewives in managing the domestic affairs and they work as co-partners in the farming profession. No operation in field is beyond them. They are best in sowing, transplanting, weeding, manuring, harvesting, winnowing, threshing, storing, marketing and rearing livestock etc. Besides they are the manager to the household activities. They take important decision in home and outside the home. Scientific achievements and modernization are yet to make an impact on them. Agriculture is a predominant sector, which provides employment in rural areas. The female population constitutes nearly half of the total population. It is a well recognised fact that more than 60 % of agricultural operations have been traditionally handled by women. In 21 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 hilly areas where men migrate to agricultural operations including crop planning and marketing of produce. In other area men are reluctant to share control with women. The contribution of women to the farm sector has largely been ignored and inadequately understood in the Indian context. Though women play different roles in their home activities as wives, as mothers and as homemakers, they also play a pivotal role in agriculture and livestock management. They still continued to share number of farm operations with men from early ages of invention of agriculture to the present day of modern agriculture. Looking the significant role of tribal women in agriculture and allied activities, the study on rural woman's role in farm management was undertaken keeping in view of the increasing importance of involvement of rural women in agricultural production programmes. Studies in this field so far have exhibited a little concern on rural woman's role in Gujarat state. Hence this study was conducted with an objective of ascertaining the role expectations and role performance of rural women in farm management. Table.1 The role of tribal farmwomen in pre-sowing and sowing operation n = 120 Pre-sowing and sowing operation Sowing / transplanting Stubble collection Clode crushing Manuring Seedbed preparation / nursery Rank I II III IV V 1.1.3 Participation of the tribal farmwomen in interculturing operation Frequency of participation by farmwomen in various interculturing operations was measured with the help of 4 point rating scale. Most frequently, frequently, least frequent and no participation with scale value of 4, 3, 2 and 1, respectively. The same was reported by Chayal and Dhaka, (2010). Table.2 Distribution of tribal farmwomen according to their participation in interculturing operation N = 120 Interculturing operation Weeding Gap filling Application of fertilizer Bird scaring Irrigation Bunding Hoeing with hand METARIALS AND METHODS The present investigation was carried out in the Navsari district of the Gujarat state, which is one of the tribal districts of the state. In selecting the district the main consideration was the agriculture as the main occupation of people living in such villages. From the Navsari district, the six villages namely Adada, Aat, Chhapra, Hansapor, Matwad and Mogar were randomly selected for the study. From total selected 6 tribal dominated villages, 120 respondents were selected. Further, from the same list of tribal farm families, the tribal women who were decision makers and within the age group of 20-55 years were screened out. Finally by using random sampling technique, 20 respondents from each village were selected, thus a random sample of 120 respondents was selected for the study. The structured interview schedule keeping in view the objectives of the study was prepared in English. An interview schedule was used for the final data collection. Data were collected by arranging personal interview from the total selected 120 tribal farmwomen. As the study was concerned to find out the role performance of farmwomen in agriculture, ex-post-facto research design was used for this study. The statistical tools such as frequency, percent and correlation coefficient were used to interpret the data. 1.1 home, Mean value 2.63 2.51 2.40 2.02 1.32 Mean value 3.16 2.22 2.14 1.69 1.24 1.09 1.07 Rank I II III IV V VI VII The data presented in Table 2 revealed that the highest participation of the tribal farmwomen was observed in weeding, followed by gap filling, application of fertilizer, bird scaring, irrigation, bunding and hoeing with hand, respectively. Participation of tribal farmwomen in harvesting and post-harvesting operation Data collected from the respondents regarding frequency of participation in harvesting and post harvesting operations were given in Table 3. Table:3 Participation of tribal farmwomen according to their participation in harvesting and post-harvesting operations n = 120 Harvesting and post-harvesting operations Nipping / picking and threshing Harvesting Winnowing Storage Making threshing yard Bagging / packing Marketing of agricultural produce participation of tribal farmwomen in crop and livestock management practices 1.1.2 Participation of tribal farmwomen in agriculture Participation of tribal farmwomen in pre-sowing and sowing operation The perusal of the data in Table 1 revealed that the highest participation of tribal farmwomen was observed in sowing / transplanting followed by stubble collection, clode crushing, manuring and seedbed preparation / nursery. Mean value 3.22 2.93 2.34 2.12 1.93 1.54 1.29 Rank I II III IV V VI VII Perusal of the data presented in Table 3 indicated that the highest participation of the tribal farmwomen was observed in nipping / picking and threshing followed by harvesting, winnowing, storage, making threshing yard, bagging / packing and marketing of agricultural produce, respectively. The roles of tribal farmwomen in all the operations were observed up to the importance level. Mrinali, et al. (2004) reported the same scenario. 22 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 1.2.2 PARTICIPATION OF THE TRIBAL FARMWOMEN IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PRACTICES TO UNDERSTAND REAL PICTURE ABOUT TRIBAL FAMILY, DATA WERE COLLECTED AND RESULTS ARE PRESENTED IN TABLE 13 AND THEY ARE EXPLAINED IN FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS. The highest mean score of participation of tribal farmwomen was obtained incase of cutting and bringing a fodder. The next animal husbandry related operation performed by tribal farmwomen was compost making followed by watering and feeding to animals, milking, cleaning of cattle shed, selling of milk and its product, bathing of animals, preparation of milk products, grazing of animals, taking animal for bull and veterinary services. It can be concluded that the role of tribal farmwomen in most of the animal husbandry related operations were seen important. The possible reason for higher participation of women in animal husbandry would be that the most of the tribal farmwomen were possessing more than 2 animals. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the two sides of the same coin. The economy of the farming communities is basal on agriculture as well as on animal husbandry. Thus, to increase family income tribal farmwomen might have taken keen interest in most of the animal husbandry related operations. Other reason to have higher participation of tribal farmwomen in most of the animal keeping activities might be that animal husbandry related work has been giving predominantly to the female members of the family in rural areas by the male members from beginning. Table 4: Participation of the tribal farmwomen according to their participation in animal husbandry practices n = 120 Mean Animal husbandry operations Rank value Cutting and bringing a fodder 3.62 I Compost making 3.61 II Watering and feeding to animals 3.40 III Milking 3.22 IV Clearing cattle shed 3.01 V Selling of milk and its products 2.23 VI Bathing animals 2.04 VII Preparation of milk products 1.64 VIII Grazing 1.63 IX Taking animal for bull service 1.57 X Taking animal for veterinary 1.48 XI service 1.3 INVOLVEMENTS OF THE TRIBAL FARMWOMEN IN THE PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING OF FARM MANAGEMENT, HOME MANAGEMENT AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY To determine the decision making pattern, the decision makers were categorized into four groups “Decision by herself”, “Decision by her husband” “Joint decision by herself and any other member of her family including husband” “Decision not needed to take’. The similar result was also reported by Vijay Avinashilingam et al. (2010). Table 5: Tribal farmwomen involvement in the process of decision making for home management n = 120 Number Per cent Number Per cent Along with family (Joint decision) Per Number cent Construction new house 00 00 30 25.00 85 Decoration of house Children's education Children's occupation Children's marriage House repair Purchasing of household articles Selling and purchasing of ornaments Selection and preparation of food Borrowing money for home management Repayment of loan Manner of saving 95 02 02 03 05 08 06 85 79.17 1.67 1.67 2.50 4.17 6.67 5.00 70.83 05 70 55 10 95 62 23 05 4.17 58.33 45.83 8.33 79.17 51.67 19.17 4.17 20 40 48 98 20 50 91 30 07 5.83 93 77.50 20 04 02 3.33 1.67 80 66.67 12 10.00 24 20.00 75 62.50 43 35.83 --repairing, borrowing money for house management, repayment of loan, manner of saving and purchase of household articles. Joint decision made by tribal farmwomen and any members of their family were children's marriage, selling and purchasing of ornaments, construction of new house and manner of saving, Table-5. Only self Husband Home management 1.3.1 IN INVOLVEMENT OF TRIBAL FARMWOMEN THE PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING ABOUT HOME MANAGEMENT It can be concluded that the tribal farmwomen were independently taking a decision for decoration of house and selection and preparation of food, while husband dominated decisions were matters of house 23 Not related Number Per cent 70.83 05 4.17 16.67 33.33 40.00 81.67 16.67 41.67 75.83 25.00 00 08 15 09 ----- -6.67 12.50 7.50 ----- 16.67 -- -- Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 1.3.2 THE TRIBAL FARMWOMEN'S INVOLVEMENT IN PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING ABOUT THE FARM MANAGEMENT Data collected from the respondents regarding their involvement in the process of decisionmaking about farm management are given in Table 15. It is evident from the data that in majority of the decisions regarding farm management were husband dominated such as when to irrigate the fields (87.50 per cent) Quantity and type of fertilizers to be used in the farm (85.10 per cent), introduction of new crop variety (82.50 per cent), buying farm machinery / equipment (80.00 per cent), using plant protection measures (76.67 per cent), borrowing money for farm operation (70.00 per cent),installing oil engine, electric motor and pumps (66.67 per cent), selection of seed (65.00 per cent) deciding area to be sown under each crop (62.50 per cent) and son on, respectively. The joint decision made by tribal farmwomen and other members of family were hiring farm laborers (66.67 per cent), buying and selling of land (71.67 per cent) and selling of surplus farm produce (58.33 per cent), respectively. It can be concluded that the most of the farm decisions were made by husband of tribal farmwomen followed few decisions made jointly by the tribal farmwomen after discussion with any of their family members. It can be further concluded that tribal farmwomen had a recessive role in decisionmaking process regarding farm management. Table 6: Tribal farmwomen involvement in the process of decision making for farm management n = 120 Only self Farm management Deciding area to be sown under different crops Introduction of a new crop variety Selection of seed When to irrigate fields quantity and type of fertilizers used on the farm Using plant protection measures Hiring farm labours Buying farm machinery / equipment Installing oil engine and electric motor Buying and selling of land Borrowing money for farm operations Selling of surplus farm produce Husband Alongwith family (Joint decision) Not related Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent Number 05 4.17 75 62.50 40 33.33 -- 04 03 01 3.33 2.50 0.83 99 78 105 82.50 65.00 87.50 17 39 06 14.17 32.50 5.00 --08 6.67 -- -- 102 85.00 12 10.00 06 5.00 01 -02 ---03 0.83 92 25 96 80 34 84 47 76.67 20.83 80.00 66.67 28.33 70.00 39.17 05 80 22 40 86 36 70 4.17 66.67 18.33 33.33 71.67 30.00 58.33 22 15 ------ 18.33 12.50 ------ 1.67 ---2.50 Perusal of the data presented in table 15 concluded that the decision regarding animal husbandry was dominated by tribal farmwomen themselves as well as by joint decision with family members. The husband remained recessive in decision making about animal husbandry. Majority of the farmwomen were taking self-decision regarding fodder and marketing of milk and milk products. The joint decisions taken were selection of animal breed, sale and purchasing of animal as well keeping size of herd, some of the decisions were not needed to take by them because some of them had no animal or some of them were not selling milk and its products. Per cent 1.3.3 Farmwomen's involvement in the process of decision making for animal husbandry The results indicate that the selection of fodder and feed was dominantly decided by farmwomen (81.67 per cent) followed by sale of milk and its product (52.50 per cent). The decisions regarding sale and purchase of animal (65.00 per cent), selection of animal breed (60.00 per cent) and keeping size of herd (40.00 per cent) were taken jointly by family members, Table-6. The same was reported by Chauhan, (2008). Table 7: Tribal farmwomen involvement in the process of decision making for animals husbandry n = 120 Animal husbandry Selection of animal breed Selection of fodder and feed Sale and purchase of animals Sale and milk and its products Keeping size of herd Only self Number 07 98 13 63 42 Husband Per cent 5.83 81.67 10.83 52.50 35.00 Number 29 04 15 08 15 24 Per cent 24.17 3.33 12.50 6.67 12.50 Along with family (Joint decision) Number Per cent 72 60.00 06 5.00 78 65.00 18 15.00 48 40.00 Not related Number 12 12 14 31 15 Per cent 10.00 10.00 11.67 25.83 12.50 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 1.3.4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELECTED INDEPENDENT VARIABLES AND CROP AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Major findings The major findings are summarized below. Socio-economic characteristics of the tribal farmwomen Slightly less than half the tribal farmwomen (48.33 per cent) were from middle age group, Half of the tribal farmwomen were found with primary level of education, followed by 39.16 per cent with no any formal education and only 10 per cent were educated up to high school and higher secondary level,a very large majority of the tribal farmwomen had (89.17 per cent) had household + farming along with animal husbandry as their main occupation,majority (70.83 per cent) of the tribal farmwomen had small to medium size of herd. Major segments (34.17 per cent) of the tribal farmwomen had marginal size of land holding, followed by small (28.33 per cent) and medium (22.50 per cent) size of land holding. Majority (54.17 per cent) of the tribal farmwomen had 3 to 5 number of children followed by 25.83 per cent had 2 children and only 14.17 per cent of farmwomen had more than 5 children. Slightly more than half (52.50 per cent)of the tribal farmwomen had medium size of family, followed by small (33.33 per cent) and only 14.17 per cent had large size of family. Majority (63.33 per cent) of the tribal farmwomen had nuclear type of family. More than half (56.67 per cent) of the farm-women were married at the age of 18 year followed by 43.33 per cent married after the age of 18 year. Participation of tribal farmwomen in agriculture: The highest participation of tribal farmwomen was seen in sowing/transplanting followed by stubble collection, clod crushing, manuring and seedbed preparation/nursery management. The highest participation of the tribal farmwomen was observed in weeding followed by gap filling, application of fertilizer, bird scaring, irrigation, bunding and hoeing with hand, respectively.The highest participation of the respondents were in nipping/picking and threshing followed by harvesting, winnowing, storage, making threshing yard, bagging/packing and marketing of agricultural produce, respectively. The highest mean score of participation of tribal farmwomen was obtained in case of cutting and bringing a fodder. Other participation of tribal farmwomen was seen in compost making followed by watering and feeding to animal, milking, cleaning of cattle shed, selling of milk and its products, bathing of animals, preparation of milk products, grazing of animals, taking animal for bull and veterinary services. Involvement of the tribal farmwomen in decisionmaking The tribal farmwomen were taking self decision incase of decoration taking of house (79.17 per cent) and selection and preparation of food (70.83 per cent). The husband dominated decision making events were house repair (79.17 per cent) followed by borrowing money for home management, repayment of loan, manner of saving, repayment of loan, manner of saving, children's education, children's occupation and construction, children's occupation and construction of new house, respectively. Joint decision was dominated in case of children's marriage (81.67 per cent) followed by selling and purchasing of ornaments, construction of new house and manner of saving, respectively.The majority of the decisions TABLE 8: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE OF THE RESPONDENTS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN CROP HUSBANDRY N = 120 Correlation coefficient Independent variables ('r' value) Personal variables Age 0.8430 ** Education 0.7409 ** Economical variables Occupation - 0.5553 * Herd size 0.7854 ** Land holding 0.7774 ** Social variables Family size 0.8074 ** Type of family - 0.6284 ** Number of children 0.4918 * Age of marriage - 0.8709 * * Significant at 5 %, ** highly at significant at 1 %. Out of nine independent variables only three variable viz occupation, Type of family and age at marriage were found negative where as Six variables like- age, education, herd size, land holding, family size and number of children were observed positively and significantly with their participation in crop husbandry practices. Everact, H. (1994) reported the same results. 1.3.5 Independent variables of the respondents and their participation in animal husbandry TABLE9: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE OF THE RESPONDENTS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY N = 120 Correlation coefficient Independent variables ('r' value) Personal variables Age - 0.8888* Education - 0.8411* Economical variables Occupation - 0.3014* Herd size - 0.9464* Land holding - 0.8881* Social variables Family size - 0.9322* Type of family + 0.8646* Number of children - 0.8036* Age of marriage - 0.8709* * Significant at 5 % Data presented in Table 18 indicated that out of nine independent variables only type of the family found significant with their participation in animal husbandry. Remaining all of the independent variables had negative and significant relationship with their participation in animal husbandry. Bisht et al (2000) reported the results on this line. 25 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 regarding farm management were not performed by tribal farmwomen , thus they were husband dominated decisions such as, when to irrigate the fields (87.50 per cent), quantity and type of fertilizers to be used in the farm (85.00 per cent) introduction of new crop variety, buying farm machinery/equipment, using plant protection measures, borrowing money for farm operation, installing oil engine, electric motor and pumps, selection of seed, deciding area to be sown under each crop etc. The joint decision was made only incase of hiring farm laborers (66.67 per cent), buying and selling of land and selling of surplus farm produce. It can be concluded that the tribal farmwomen did not play dominant role in making important decisions of farm management.The decisions about selection of fodder and feed was dominated by tribal farmwomen(81.67 per cent) followed by sale of milk and its products. The jointly taken decisions were sale and purchase of animals (65.00 per cent) followed by selection of animal breed and keeping size of herd. It can be concluded that the important decisions regarding animal husbandry were dominated by tribal farmwomen them selves. The husbands remain recessive in decision-making regarding animal husbandry. Correlation study of crop husbandry The positive significant relationship was seen between the role of tribal farmwomen in crop husbandry and their age, education, herd size, land holding, family size and number of children. Whereas, the negative relationship was observed among occupation, type of family, age at marriage and their role in crop husbandry. The relationship between all independent variables and the role of tribal farmwomen was observed negative except type of family. Implication of the study Some important implications emerging from the findings of the study are presented below. (1) It was seen that many agricultural, animal husbandry related and house hold activities were performed by the tribal women, but when questions comes to take decisions regarding all these matter, their roles were seen skimpy. As tribal farmwomen are the key units of the family of the tribals’ community and they have skill in talking good decisions regarding all economic activities of the family, their participation in decision talking process needs to be encouraged by those people who are involved in the development of tribals. (2) Special measures need to be taken to increase the enrolments of girls in schools and to impart non-formal education for the dropouts, so that they would be able to keep accounts and made wage distribution to labours. (3) There is need to strengthen informal tribal education programme as means to the develop farm and home by providing modern agricultural technologies. The tribal farmwomen should be given training for another productive work outside the home especially for marginal and small size of holding. The family planning programme should be made more popular in this area. (4) The opportunities for productive employment should be enhanced by establishing agro-based industries, which might be organized in form of co-operatives. The tribal farmwomen should be allowed to take active part in decision-making process. These decisions will be more rational and practical oriented. Eye opening points for policy makers Recommendations:1. The roles performed by the rural women in home, crop and livestock administration and the factors affecting to them are of paramount importance to the planners, decision makers, researchers, educationist, governments, NGOs, farming communities and extension workers occupied in the process of rural development. 2. Prime importance in decision making regarding home, crop and live stock management should be given to tribal farm women for betterment of rural tribes in general and farming occupation as a whole. 3. More milk co-operatives should be started in Tribal areas and the management should be handed over to tribal farm women for superior development of dairy industries and farming occupation as a in one piece. 4. The government should establish a community internet centre (CICs) at village level to satisfy the knowledge hunger of tribes and decorate them to fight in open global market. 5. 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SHARMA 1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sangaria, Hanumangarh (Raj) – 335063 2 Department of Animal Breeding, Collage of Animal Sciences, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 004 (INDIA) Key words: Cattle, dairy, trait, parameter, lactation. The ability to produce and reproduce for many years is a desirable trait in dairy cattle since it takes 3-4 years of production for a cow to repay her cost of rearing; a long productive life is financially beneficial and also allows the genetically superior animals to leave more offspring. In fact, the economy of dairy industry mainly rely upon the performance parameters of dairy animals, therefore, it becomes more relevant to tackle out the means for ameliorating the performance efficiencies by developing certain guidelines for selection. Indeed, the knowledge of genetic variability with respect to each trait and co variability existing among traits of different lactations are a beacon light for planning appropriate selection and breeding strategies for the genetic improvement of dairy animals. Therefore the present investigation was planned with a view to study genetic and phenotypic correlations of mature lactational traits with that of earlier lactations Hariana cattle. assumed to be normally and independently distributed with mean zero and variance σe2. The least – squares and maximum likelihood computer program of Harvey (1987) was used to standardize the data for significant effects on lactational traits. Genetic correlations among different traits were calculated from sire components of variances and covariances. The standard error of genetic correlation was estimated by using the formula given by Robertson (1959). Phenotypic correlations among various traits were calculated from variance – covariance analysis. The standard error of phenotypic correlation was computed using the formula given by Snedecor and Cochran (1968). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Correlations between first and fourth lactation traits. The results presented in Table 1 revealed that first lactation MY, LL and PY had high positive genetic correlation with fourth lactation MY, LL and PY except the relationship of first lactation length with fourth lactation MY and PY. First lactation DP, CI and SP had high negative genetic correlation with fourth lactation MY, LL and DP barring fourth lactation length associationship with first SP and CI. First lactation MY and LL had positive correlations with all the fourth lactation performance traits except with fourth dry period. First DP, SP and CI had high positive genetic correlations with fourth DP, SP and CI except the genetic correlation of first dry period with fourth CI and SP. First lactation MY and PY had positive phenotypic correlations with all the performance traits of fourth lactation except with fourth dry period. First LL had low positive phenotypic correlations with all the fourth lactation performance traits except with fourth lactation length. First lactation SP and CI had low to moderate positive phenotypic correlations with all the fourth lactation performance traits except with fourth lactation PY. Likewise, first DP, SP and CI had low to moderate associationship with fourth DP, SP and CI. Fourth PY had negative correlations with first DP, CI and SP. MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to achieve the objective, the data pertinent to lifetime traits on 762 Hariana cows calving during period 1966 to 2000, progeny of 23 sires maintained at Government Livestock Farm, Hisar were considered. The duration of 35 years was divided into 7 periods of five years each. The four seasons were delineated as summer (April-June), rainy (July-September), autumn (October-November) and winter (December-March) on the basis of geo-climatic conditions prevailing in the region. The traits recorded were: lactation milk yield (MY), lactation length (LL), peak yield (PY), dry period (DP), calving interval (CI) and service period (SP). Sires with at least five progenies were considered for this study. Records of cows with some specific or non – specific diseases, reproductive disorder and physical injury were excluded from the present investigation. The least-squares solutions were obtained using the model given below: Yijkl = µ + Si + Pj + SEk + b (Aijkl -A) + eijkl Where: Yijkl = is the lth record of individual of ith sire in jth period and kth season; µ = is the overall population mean; Si = is the fixed effect of ith sire; Pj = is the fixed effect of jth period of calving (first period = 1966 – 70, second period = 1971 – 75, third period = 1976 – 80, fourth period = 1981 – 85, fifth period = 1986 – 90, sixth period = 1991 – 95 and seventh period = 1996 - 2000); SEk = is the fixed effect of kth season of calving; b is linear regression coefficients of age at first calving (AFC) on the trait (s); Aijkl = is the age at first calving; Ā = is the mean for age at first calving; and e ijkl = is the random error associated with each observation and Correlations between second and fourth lactation traits. Second lactation MY and PY had high positive genetic correlation with fourth lactation MY and PY, while these traits had negative association with fourth lactation DP, SP and CI (Table 2). Second LL had low to moderate genetic correlation with fourth lactation MY, LL and PY whereas fourth DP, SP and CI had negative genetic correlation with second LL. Moreover, second DP, SP and CI had high positive genetic correlation with fourth DP, SP and CI 28 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 barring low positive genetic relationship of second DP with fourth CI. Second lactation MY, LL and PY had significant positive phenotypic correlations with fourth MY, LL and PY while all other second lactation traits had positive phenotypic correlations with all the performance traits of fourth lactation except that of association of fourth DP with MY, LL and PY of second lactation. Second calving interval had low to moderate positive phenotypic associationship with all the fourth lactation performance traits. However, second DP, SP and CI had moderate significant positive phenotypic correlations with fourth CI and SP. Fourth DP had negative correlations with second MY, LL and PY while fourth PY had negative correlations with second DP and SP. Correlations between third and fourth lactation traits. As in earlier discussion, the genetic correlations among MY and PY between preceding lactation and succeeding lactation were obtained as high and positive (Table 3). Table 1.Genetic and phenotypic correlation of performance traits between first lactation and fourth lactation Traits 0.85±0.10 MY4 0.78±0.30 0.698±0.14 DP4 -0.56±0.33 0.02±0.32 0.01±0.33 P 0.46±0.04** 0.26±0.31 0.36±0.05** 0.85±0.40 0.36±0.05** 0.05±0.31 -0.03±0.05 -0.02±0.46 0.21±0.05* 0.37±0.36 0.22±0.05* 0.30±0.39 P 0.19±0.05 0.81±0.04 0.23±0.05* 0.56±0.35 0.10±0.05 0.96±0.05 0.02±0.05 0.69±0.30 0.15±0.05 -0.19±0.30 0.15±0.05 -0.17±0.31 P 0.43±0.04** -0.64±0.21 0.24±0.05* -0.61±0.41 0.43±0.04** -0.58±0.20 0.03±0.05 0.57±0.32 0.14±0.05 0.19±0.32 0.16±0.05 0.15±0.34 P -0.06±0.05 -0.71±0.31 0.02±0.05 -0.06±0.60 -0.13±0.05 -0.88±0.28 0.21±0.05* 0.77±0.41 0.20±0.05* 0.73±0.32 0.19±0.05 0.50±0.39 P 0.07±0.05 -0.70±0.23 0.18±0.05 -0.25±0.48 -0.05±0.05 -0.74±0.22 0.20±0.05 0.80±0.32 0.28±0.05** 0.63±0.27 0.27±0.05** 0.47±0.33 P 0.05±0.05 0.18±0.05 -0.08±0.05 0.20±0.05* 0.30±0.05** 0.28±0.05** MY1 G LL1 G PY1 G DP1 G CP1 G SP1 G * P<0.05 LL4 PY4 CI4 SP4 ** P<0.01 Table 2.Genetic and phenotypic correlation of performance traits between second and fourth lactation Traits MY4 MY2 G LL2 G PY2 G DP2 G CP2 G SP2 G LL4 PY4 DP4 CI4 SP4 0.83±0.10 0.58±0.34 0.75±0.12 0.90±0.28 -0.30±0.29 -0.31±0.30 P 0.52±0.04** 0.23±0.27 0.34±0.05** 0.34±0.41 0.49±0.04** 0.11±0.26 -0.06±0.05 -0.64±0.35 0.14±0.05 -0.23±0.32 0.17±0.05 -0.21±0.34 P 0.29±0.05** 0.92±0.07 0.27±0.05** 0.20±0.39 0.20±0.05 0.91±0.05 -0.06±0.05 -0.79±0.29 0.09±0.05 -0.40±0.27 0.12±0.05 -0.38±0.29 P 0.50±0.04** -0.49±0.31 0.21±0.05* -0.26±0.54 0.59±0.04** -0.51±0.30 -0.07±0.05 0.41±0.43 0.06±0.05 0.12±0.41 0.09±0.05 0.06±0.43 P -0.04±0.05 -0.57±0.36 0.06±0.05 0.77±0.44 -0.14±0.05 -0.31±0.32 0.22±0.05* 0.43±0.46 0.22±0.05* 0.60±0.33 0.23±0.05** 0.68±0.32 P 0.19±0.05 -0.65±0.33 0.24±0.05* 0.53±0.55 0.04±0.05 -0.84±0.32 0.13±0.05 0.50±0.49 0.26±0.05** 0.53±0.39 0.28±0.05** 0.53±0.41 P 0.12±0.05 0.22±0.05* -0.01±0.05 0.15±0.05 0.27±0.05** 0.28±0.05** * P<0.05 ** P<0.01 Table3. Genetic and phenotypic correlation of performance traits between third and fourth lactation Traits MY4 0.93±0.06 LL4 0.92±0.36 PY4 0.82±0.09 -0.94±0.28 CI4 -0.42±0.27 P 0.59±0.04** -0.04±0.33 0.34±0.05** 0.33±0.46 0.54±0.04** -0.26±0.30 -0.36±0.29 -0.10±0.05 -0.29±0.46 0.12±0.05 -0.04±0.40 0.13±0.05 0.04±0.41 P 0.36±0.05** 0.97±0.04 0.41±0.04** 0.32±0.37 0.16±0.05 0.97±0.02 -0.04±0.05 -0.78±0.28 0.22±0.05* -0.40±0.27 0.23±0.05* -0.34±0.28 P 0.58±0.04** -0.78±0.17 0.20±0.05* -0.16±0.43 0.67±0.04** -0.75±0.16 0.12±0.05 0.94±0.23 -0.01±0.04 0.59±0.25 0.02±0.04 0.53±0.28 P -0.10±0.04 -0.81±0.17 0.02±0.04 -0.07±0.48 -0.17±0.04 -0.91±0.15 0.20±0.04* 0.90±0.28 0.20±0.05* 0.57±0.27 0.16±0.04 0.57±0.28 P 0.18±0.04 -0.65±0.22 0.31±0.05** 0.04±0.49 -0.01±0.04 -0.83±0.17 0.14±0.04 0.90±0.28 0.34±0.05** 0.71±0.23 0.31±0.04** 0.71±0.25 P 0.16±0.04 0.28±0.05** -0.02±0.04 0.15±0.04 0.32±0.05** 0.30±0.04** MY3 G LL3 G PY3 G DP3 G CP3 G SP3 G * P<0.05 ** P<0.01 29 DP4 SP4 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Moreover, third MY, LL and PY had negative genetic correlations with fourth lactation DP, SP and CI barring low and positive association of third LL with fourth SP. Also, third DP, CI and SP had high and negative genetic correlations with fourth lactation MY and PY, while these traits had high positive genetic correlations with fourth DP, CI and SP. Moreover, third DP, SP and CI had positive phenotypic correlations with all the traits except that of fourth lactation PY and that of third DP with fourth MY and PY which were low and negative. As earlier, third DP, SP and CI had low to moderate phenotypic correlations with fourth DP, CI and SP. The genetic and phenotypic correlation between lactation traits indicated that PY has high genetic and significant 1 phenotypic correlations with MY of each lactation and negative genetic and phenotypic correlations with DP of each lactation. This suggested that selection on the basis of PY1 will also bring out genetic improvement in MY of each lactation. This will not only reduce the generation interval by early selection but also reduce the unproductive life of the animal by reducing DP. REFERENCES Harvey, W.R. 1987. Least-squares Maximum Likelihood Computer Program. PC version – 1 Steel R.G.D. and Torrie J. H. 1981. Principle and Procedures of Statistics, 2nd edn Robertson, A. 1959. Biometrics. 15: 469-485. 30 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 Transfer of Technology through Community Radio MS. ARPITA SHARMA Reseach Scholar Dept. of Agricultural Communication, College of Agriculture, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar – 263145 (Uttarakhand) Email: ABSTRACT Majority of Indian population is dependent on Agriculture as a main occupation. Agriculture was the key development that led to the rise of human civilization, with the husbandry of domesticated animals and plants (i.e. crops) creating food surpluses that enabled the development of more densely populated and stratified societies. Agriculture has played a key role in the development of human civilization. There is no doubt that modern farm technologies evolved by systematic research, has tremendously helped the farmers to increase farm product, yet it is also true that big, educated and cosmopolite farmers were able to get the maximum benefits of new technology. In India majority of the farmers are small and marginal. They are poor, illiterate and have no or little access to the source of information. In order to upliftment of the poor farmers technology dissemination is necessary. New ICT technologies, such as e-agriculture, whereby agricultural information can be presented in multimedia formats to improve knowledge sharing in local cultural context, should be promoted” Farmers commission recommended “the Government to review its policy towards Community Radio, since a combination of the Internet and cell phone and community radio will help to take timely information to farmers even in the remotest parts of the country and judiciously harness ‘ air waves or frequencies which are public property.’ It suggests that the extension and provision of community radio licenses should be streamlined and operationalised so as to reach the target community in the shortest period. Various previous researches have confirmed that community radio is a scientific information communication tool for dissemination of the technology among the large segment of the rural people. Key Words: Technology Dissemination, rural people, Community Radio Indian economy, second largest growing economy of the world after China largely depends on the growth of Agriculture. Agriculture has always been considered as principal engine of Indian economy. It is estimated that 50 per cent of Indian population is directly engaged in agriculture and 15 per cent is indirectly associated with this sector and serve as major source of livelihood for about 70 per cent of Indian population residing in villages. This sector contributes 18.5 per cent to its GDP. The history of civilization has witnessed changes in agriculture sector. The purpose, methods, technology, and demand all have gradually changed over the period. Agriculture has always been a highly knowledge-intensive sector requiring continuous information flow. Farmers' quest for authentic, credible and usable information both from established systems and traditional practices is ever increasing in this fluctuating global environment, to operate efficiently and compete economically. The rapid changes happening around with WTO/globalization, uncontrolled urbanization, uncertainty in climate change, discerning consumer segment and continued farm crisis emphasize the importance of timely, appropriate and need based information and knowledge to meet myriad developmental challenges. In recent times advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are revolutionizing agriculture extension by offering various technological options such as television, internet, mobile, telephony etc. Experience with rural radio has shown the potential for agricultural extension to benefit from both the reach and the relevance that local broadcasting can achieve through participatory communication approaches. The local community needs which are often neglected by the mainstream media could be adequately addressed by community radio. Community radio can be used to disseminate better technology for example the campaign in Malaysia, in collaboration with FAO’s Inter Country Programme on Integrated Pest Management in Rice, radio was used to discourage the use of a particular chemical, Zinc Phosphide, in preference to a safer alternative. Transfer of Technology Transfer in common parlance means change of place or physical movement or mechanical transport. Does the phrase “Transfer of Technology” means merely taking a new idea or procedure or product from extension or research institution to farmers’ filed. People are not passive recipient to apply a technology just by because it was brought or told. Thus transfer of information does not lead to acceptance. People have their value, belief, opinion and attitude and established way of doing thing. New technology has to compete and work within the context and environment of people. Extent of acceptance is influenced by a variety of personal as well as social, environmental and resource factors. Acceptance demand new learning and adjustment. Thus TOT is not push button shifting of technology. People are rational. They adopt new technology if they are convinced about its utility. The technology must be compatible with social and cultural systems. In view of the discussions about technologies and their acceptance in social system. It can be concluded that TOT refers top the entire 31 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 process of technology development, processing, disseminating and integration through research, extension and farming systems (in case of Agriculture) keeping in view the resources, organizational limitations and capabilities of the three systems to solve the problem of society. This means that TOT is not a linear process with distinct parts and roles of research, extension and farming system. It is a collaborative effort between the three parterres. Each of the three functions of technology development, processing and dissemination has to be done in consultation with each other. Community Radio “Community radio is not only an empowerment tool, but importantly, a platform for people to represent themselves. Community radio allows people to shape their opinions.” Community radio emphasises that it is not commercial and does not share what it would call the perspective and paternalistic attitude of public-service broadcasting. The key difference is that community radio aspires to treat its listeners as subjects and participants. Community radio works in the cultural context of the community it serves; it deals with the local issues in the local language(s); it is relevant to local problems and concerns and its aim is to help the community to develop socially, economically and culturally. The essence of Community Radio is participation of the community in managing the station, deciding on programming and producing content. Conventional Agricultural research and technology transfer efforts were more concerned with increasing production. The researches were conducted on large farms with the help of heavy doses of external inputs. Technique of genetics and plant breeding were employed to enhance the productivity. These high yielding stains required heavy doses of chemicals for soil and plant nutrition as well protection. Assured irrigation was critical for their success. As a result the new high yielding varieties of rice and wheat increased production manifolds. They stimulated development of irrigation and other infrastructure for providing much needed supply of inputs for new cultivation. Thus, the benefits of these technologies were more evident among larger farmers and more developed regions. Resource poor subsistence farmers and risk-prone (flood affected, dry land etc.) areas were least affected. According to TAC/CGIAR 1988 “ Sustainable Agriculture is the successful management of resources for Agriculture to satisfy changing human needs while maintaining or enhancing the quality of the environment and conserving natural resources.” Thus, sustainability of Agriculture calls for conservation enhancement of ecology, economy and social change along with increase in production. Community Radio is one of the powerful medium to disseminate the information related to any technology. It is participatory in nature. It gives the information to all segments of the people small as well as marginal farmers. Through this participation Community Radio stations are embedded and rooted in a community and provide programmes that have strong local relevancy for its audience, the community. The stations provide information about the direct surroundings and discuss subjects that are not covered on national stations, as they have no commercial values or nationwide relevance. Community radio is built around the core idea that communication works when it is grounded in the meaningful experience of the local community and it harvests the creativity of the groups to serve. The main feature of community media is the active participation of the community in the process of content production in all categories- news, entertainment, information, cultural arts and communication with an emphasis on local issues and concerns. The community also actively participates in the management of the media and takes decision in the scheduling and content of the programmes. It is essentially a non-profit enterprise owned by the community. “Community radio has empowered different categories and marginalized communities. Through the initial stages of setting up the radio station, we were successful in breaking the barriers of caste that still exist in these regions.”-( Community Radio Differ from Radio Radio Community Radio Community owned and State owned and controlled control Local priorities and issues National priorities Local idiom and dialects National/Regional language Large geographic area Small focused area Decentralised (functional Centralised autonomy) One – way Two – way communication (proximity encourages communication participation) Assumes homogeneity Preserves cultural identify of audience Development through Community Radio “Development work at times can be like sleepwalking in fog,” Ms. Denise Gray-Felder, president of the Communication for Social Change Consortium, told Africa Renewal. Knowledge and information are essential for people to successfully respond to the opportunities and challenges of social, economic and technological changes. But to be useful, knowledge and information must be effectively communicated to people. Their transmitters may reach only a few miles, but community radio stations are enabling isolated communities across Africa to voice their own concerns. On air, ordinary citizens discuss issues that are central to them, such as gender relations and combatting HIV/AIDS. They share farming tips and income generation ideas and explore ways to improve education. Positive change is also happening at a personal level. Radio projects bring opportunities for community members to learn new skills, thus improving prospects for employment at commercial stations. In southern Mali, local technicians, facilitators and producers, as well as board members, took a training course run by a rural radio centre in Burkina Faso. Participants learned to operate equipment, produce programmes and manage a station. International organizations such as the Agence de la Francophonie and 32 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol.2, No. 2: Oct. 2011 the Panos Institute have also conducted community media workshops.( Madamombe 2005). Community Radio is a powerful communication tool. India’s post-independence experiments with ICT use in agricultural development started with radio. A network of All India Radio (AIR) stations were established across the country that broadcast agricultural programmes in regional languages. AIR (now Prasar Bharathi) has been playing a significant role since many years - bringing new technological information on agriculture and other allied subjects to the farmers. With the recent liberalization of the broadcasting licensing policy, Community Radio has received a new impetus in India. This form of participatory communication has proved to be very successful as a tool for social and economic development at grass root level. The local community needs which are often neglected by the mainstream media could be adequately addressed by community radio. Even farmer to farmer extension can be easily made possible through adequate capacity building as the HAM radio experience underway in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh shows. Mali has one of the strongest community radio networks in Africa. After the fall of the last one-party regime in 1991 and the end to an outright state monopoly of the means of communications, the information media blossomed. Today, Mali has more than 110 private radio stations; 86 of them are community radios, mostly rurally based. Community radio is an alternative media is the counter balance to profit-motive corporate media. What community media emphasizes is to facilitating empowerment of people with their active participation in the process not as passive consumers/listeners. Because it has specific objectives to promote people’s agenda first—local knowledge, cultures, human rights and social justice, environmental issues and community problems as well as the issues related to development. Without people’s involvement with the process i.e. in planning, managing, designing, marketing and ownership pattern, efforts will all be vain, the practices of governance and democracy will only be rhetoric, not will be in practice. Community radio for social development can promote participatory relationship with the social sector and business. Sector that result for promoting public participation and governance. Conclusion: “Knowledge” and more broadly “Information” enables farmers to bring about improvement to their enviornment and Agricultural activites as well as creates new income and employemtn opportunities. However, the new information highway has some patholes in it. Relevant information may exist but it may be inaccessible. Community radio is powerful tool in TOT through persuasive message. Community Radio is truly a people's Radio that perceives listeners not only as receivers and consumers, but also as active participants and creative producers of content. Community Radio covers all developmental and rights based issues and updates listeners on the latest developments in environmental, policy related and other issues. Community Radio has the responsibility to help sustain the diversity of the local cultures and languages and thus should be supported through legislative, administrative, and financial measures. Community Radio offers an opportunity for development, but not a panacea. For the potential benefits of Community Radio to be realized in developing countries, many prerequisites need to be put in place: prompt deregulation, effective competition among service providers, free movement and adoption of technologies, targeted and competitive subsidies to reduce the access gap, and institutional arrangements to increase the use of Community Radio in the provision of public goods. Given the diverse potential benefits of Community Radio, especially in the provision of public goods, subsidies traditionally used for poverty alleviation could be adapted to create incentives for the use of Community Radio. REFERENCE Asirvatham, T. & Vellani, S. 2001. Community Radio in India, The Journal of Development Communication. Sharma A. 2009. Effectiveness of media mix in imparting nutritional education among rural women in district Udham Singh Nagar of Uttarakhand. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis. G.B.P.U.A.&T, Pantnagar. Fraser, C. & Estrada, R. S. 2001. “Community Radio handbook”; UNESCO, Paris. Sharma A. 2010. Community Radio for Rural Development. 2010-11 Budget Yojana (A Development Monthly). March-2010. Vol.54.pp.60-63. Iyer A. (2009). Community Radio - the voice gets stronger. Sharma A. 2009. “Effectiveness of Media Mix in imparting Nutritional Education among Rural women in District Udham Singh Nagar of Uttarakhand”. Unpublished thesis. G.B.P.U.A&T Pantnagar. Madamombe I. 2005. Community radio: a voice for the poor. Better local communications can boost development, democracy. Africa Renewal, Vol.19 #2 (April 2005), page 4. Sharma, A. and Ansari M.A. 2010. Community Radio as an Information tool for Rural Advancement. Indian Farmers’ Digest. Aug 2010. Vol.43, No.8. pp.39. Singh R. 2000. Radio as a tool for development of rural population. Journal of Adult Education. Vol. 66, No. 3. pp.83-91. Singh R. 2009. Community radio: A tool for participatory Agricultural Development. Indian Journal of Adult Education. Vol. 70, No. 4.pp.83-91. Ullah, M.S. & Chowdhury, A.A. 2005. Community Radio Movement in Bangladesh: In Search of Lobbying Strategies, The Journal of Development Communication. 33 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Socio-Economic Characteristics of Wheat Growers in Bidar District of North Karnataka KAMALA KANT, NAZAM KHAN AND N.R. GANGADHARAPPA Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore E-mail: ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Humnabad taluk of Bidar district of north Karnataka, revealed that 33 per cent of the respondents participated in meeting regularly followed by training programs (10%), whereas 29 per cent of the farmers participated in meeting and field days occasionally followed by demonstration (26%) and field visits (25%). In case of mass media participation, radio was the most common media, which was possessed by 68 per cent of the respondents. While 8.82 per cent of the respondents were listening agricultural programmes regularly. Only 29 per cent and 5 per cent of the respondents were the members and office bearers of Service Co-operative and their extent of participation was found to be 20 per cent regularly. Ten per cent of the respondents were the members of Marketing Primary Cooperative Society and 11 per cent office bearers whereas, extent of participation regularly only 1 per cent. Key words: Respondents, Participation and Demonstration \ Wheat is grown in India over an area of about 27.99 million ha. with a production of 75.81 million tones. The normal National productivity is about 2708 kg/ha. The major Wheat producing States are Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. These States contribute about 99.5% of total Wheat production in the country. Remaining States, namely, Jharkhand, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi and other North Eastern States contribute only about 0.5 % of the total Wheat production in the country. Among food grains, Wheat stands next to Rice, both in area and production. The share of Wheat in total food grain production is around 35.5% and share in area is about 21.8% of the total area under food grains (Subbaiah Choudary & Ahamed Ali, 2005). In Karnataka, wheat is grown in an area of 2, 41991 ha with the production of 2, 06296 tones with an average productivity 1.76 t/ha. It is much lower as compared to national average (2.7 t/ha) as well as some other state like Uttar Pradesh (2.65 t/ha), Punjab (4.23 t/ha), Haryana (3.87 t/ha) and Rajasthan. This big gap in yield level indicates clearly that there is a direct need for the knowledge and adoption of improved agricultural technology to increase the yield level of wheat (2.74 t/ha) (Karnataka at a glance, 20052006). In Bidar district, it is grown as an important cereal crop spread over 7373 ha with an annual production of 4546 tones and average productivity of about 1.62 t/ha (Karnataka at a glance, 2005-2006). Farmers are generally not aware of market information like supply, demand, prices prevailing in the market, market charges, etc., which are crucial for decision making at right time. Now with the development of information technology, wheat producers can get the market information quickly relating to various markets within the state or outside the state. At present, there is no organized market extension system to improve the awareness of farmers in order to orient them towards market driven production, and educate them about the benefits of adoption of recommended cultivation practices. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted in Bidar district of North Karnataka State during 2007. This district was selected purposively, because more area is under wheat cultivation. In Bidar district, the area under wheat cultivation was highest in Humnabad taluk (Karnataka at a glance, 20052006). Hence, this taluk was selected purposively. A preliminary survey was conducted in some villages of Humnabad taluk under Bidar district to gather primary knowledge about wheat cultivation practices. After preliminary visit, ten villages, namely Hankuni, Welkhenddi, Itga, Phatmapur, Musturi, Udbal, Kudambal, Chituguppa, Hudgi and Changlera were selected based on the area and number of farmers growing wheat. From these, ten wheat growers from each village were selected randomly, thus the total sample size for the study became 100 respondents. The data were collected by personal interview method and analyzed using Mean, Standard Deviation, correlation and x2 square statistical tools. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Personal characteristics of wheat growers Age The results furnished in table 1 indicated that, 53 per cent of the respondents were middle aged. Usually farmers of middle age are enthusiastic and are having moderate experience in farming and have more work efficiency than older and younger ones. Further, middle aged farmers possess more physical vigour and shoulder more family responsibility than younger ones. The results are in line with the finding of Gupta (1999). 34 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 1: Personal characteristics of wheat growers Characteristics Category Age Young [upto 35 years] Middle [36-50 years] Old [51 and above] Education Illiterate Primary and Middle (school) (1st to 7th standard) High school (8th to 10th standard College ( PUC & above) Marginal farmers (upto 2.5 acre) Small farmers (2.5 to 5 acres) Medium farmers (5 to 10 acres) Big farmers (above 10 acres) Low [20,979] Medium [20,979-1,67,360] High [1,67,360] Nuclear Joint Land holding status Annual income Family type (n = 100) Respondents Number Per cent 13 53 34 27 24 13.00 53.00 34.00 27.00 24.00 25 25.00 24 2 24.00 2.00 26 26.00 45 45.00 27 27.00 21 65 14 53 47 21.00 65.00 14.00 53.00 47.00 enable to generating more income. Also wheat is one of the cereal crops in the study area. Education It was observed that, 49 per cent of the respondents had education above primary school. In general 73 per cent of the respondents had education at different levels whereas, only 27 per cent of the respondents were illiterates. The possible reason might be the realization of importance of formal education in one’s development by parents of respondents, which might have motivated them to send their children for schooling. The above findings got support from the studies conducted by Hanumanaikar (1995). Family type It was found that, 53 per cent of the respondents were from nuclear family type. Because of the urbanization people prefer to live in nuclear families for the sake of better harmony and higher satisfaction by limited number of members under one roof could be the possible reason to find nuclear families. This finding is in line with the findings of Channel (1995). Participation in extension activities by wheat growers Land holding status The data in table 2 indicated that, 33 per cent of the respondents participated in meeting regularly followed by training programs (10%), whereas 29 per cent of the farmers participated in meeting and field days occasionally followed by demonstration (26%) and field visits (25%). The result indicated that participation in extension activities was very low and this might be due to lack of motivation and interest of the respondents to participate in extension activities. This results is in line with the results of Gupta (1999) who found that majority of respondents had not participated in extension activities. Majority (45%) of the respondents possessed medium holdings followed by large land holding (27%). The possible reasons that could be attributed for having medium land holding by majority of the respondents might be that, the agriculture is the main occupation of the family. Annual income Majority (65%) of the respondents income was between Rs. 20,979-1,67,360/- per annum followed by 21 per cent of the respondents whose earning was 20,979/- annually. The possible reason that could be attributed for their better socioeconomic conditions may be due to majority of the respondents having medium to large land holding which 35 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table2: Participation of the wheat growers in various extension activities Regular Extension activities (n = 100) Extent of Respondents Occasionally Never Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Field days Demonstrations 4 3 4.00 3.00 29 26 29.00 26.00 67 71 67.00 71.00 Training programmes 10 10.00 21 21.00 69 69.00 Field visits 8 8.00 25 25.00 67 67.00 Meeting 33 33.00 29 29.00 38 38.00 Multiple responses were possible. Television the most popular mass media was possessed by 61 per cent of the respondents. The possible reason may be that, in present days television has become more of a necessity thing rather than a luxury. At the same time radio and television are considered as essential sources of information. One of the important print media is newspaper, which was subscribed by 30 per cent of the respondents. The reason expressed by the respondents for non subscription to newspaper is lack of time and whenever they feel the necessity of it they were going to neighbours house, panchayat and nearby tea stall to read. Mass media participation of wheat growers The result in the table 3 revealed that, radio was the most common media, which was possessed by 68 per cent of the respondents. This might be due to the reason that a common man can easily afford to possess radio. When the radio listening behaviour was analyzed, 42.64 per cent of the respondents were listening to news regularly. Only 8.82 per cent of the respondents were listening agricultural programmes regularly. The possible reason might be that in general the agricultural programmes broadcasted were perceived to be not need based and location specific. Thus they are perceived to lack practicability and adoptability. Table 3: Mass media participation of wheat growers Media and Programmes (n = 100) Possession / Subscription Freq. Radio Agricultural programmes News General programmes Television Agricultural programmes News General programmes 68 News paper 30 Per cent 68 61 Freq. Regular Per cent Frequency of utilisation Occasional Freq. Per cent Freq. Never Per cent 6 29 22 8.82 42.64 32.35 32 34 40 47.05 50 58.82 30 5 6 44.11 7.35 8.82 5 34 30 8.19 55.73 49.18 30 26 23 49.18 42.62 37.70 26 1 8 42.62 1.63 13.11 23 76.66 7 23.33 -- -- 61 30 Political news participation was found to be 20 per cent regularly. Ten per cent of the respondents were the members of Marketing Primary Co-operative Society and 11 per cent office bearers whereas, extent of participation regularly only 1 per cent. Social participation of wheat growers The data in table 4 revealed that only 29 per cent and 5 per cent of the respondents were the members and office bearers of Service Co-operative and their extent of Table4: Social participation of wheat growers Name of organization Service co-operative society MPCS Gram panchayat TAPCMS PLDB APMC Office bearer 5 11 7 3 7 2 5.00 11.00 7.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 (n=100) Member Freq. 29 10 9 4 10 4 Percent 29.00 10.00 9.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 Multiple responses were possible. Finding revealed that participation in extension activities was very low and this might be due to lack of motivation and interest of the respondents to participate in extension activities. One of the important print media is newspaper, which was subscribed by 30 per cent of the respondents. The Freq. 20 1 6 1 7 7 Regular Percent 20.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 7.00 7.00 Extent of participation Occasional Freq. Percent 23 23.00 10 10.00 20 20.00 3 3.00 6 6.00 22 22.00 Freq. 57 89 74 96 87 71 Never Percent 57.00 89.00 74.00 96.00 87.00 71.00 reason expressed by the respondents for non subscription to newspaper is lack of time and whenever they feel the necessity of it they were going to neighbours house, panchayat and nearby tea stall to read. 36 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 REFERENCES Anonymous 2005. Karnataka at a glance 2005-2006. Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. Kashmir state. M.Sc. (Ag) Thesis (Unpub.), University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Channal, G.P. 1995. A study on knowledge and adoption behaviour of shareholders and non-shareholders of cooperative sugar factories in Belgaum district. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis (Unpub.), University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Hanumanaikar, R.H. 1995. A study on knowledge, adoption and marketing behaviour of sunflower growers in Dharwad district. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis (Unpub.), University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Subbaiah Choudary, P.V. and Ahamed Ali, S.M. 2005. Status Paper on Wheat, CIFA, Hyderabad, pp. 1-10. Gupta, V. 1999. A study on the knowledge and adoption behaviour of rice growers in Jammu district of Jammu and 37 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Study on micronutrients in aonla (Emblica officinalis G.) orchards in semi arid zone of Rajasthan 1 M. K. JAT, S.K. CHOUDHARY1 AND 2H.S.PUROHIT P.G. (Agril.) Student. Div.of Soil Sci. & Agril.Chemistry,College of Agriculture, SKRAU ,Bikaner – 335002 2 Assoc.Professor, Div. of Soil Sci. & Agril.Chemistry Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur-313001 Email: 1 ABSTRACT Twenty representative Aonla orchards of Chomu Tehsil (district Jaipur) of Rajasthan were selected and depth wise composite soil samples were collected from 0 to 30, 30 to 45 and 45 to 60 cm. The textural classes of the soils varied from sandy loam to loamy sand. The calcium carbonate content in soils showed increasing trend with depth and it increased significantly with increased in sand, available calcium, pH and magnesium. The soils of study areas were non-saline in nature and EC values decreased with the increase of soil depth. The organic carbon content in soils has been found to be low. Amongst micronutrients, available Fe, Zn and B contents in soils of most of the orchards have been found deficient while, Cu and Mn were found deficient to medium. Analysis of aonla leaf samples showed that the concentrations of Fe and Cu were found sufficient in majority of samples but the concentrations of Zn. Mn and B in leaves falls under low range. Key words: micronutrients, Aonla The importance of fruits in providing nutrition particularly vitamins and minerals in human diet is well known. The per capita availability of fruits in the country is only 46 gram per day which is one of the lowest in world as compared to the requirement of 92 gram as prescribed by Indian Council of Medical Research. The soil, which provides nutrients to the plants, is considered key source for fruit production. Soils of the study areas were poor in fertility status as they are coarse textured having high pH, soluble salts, high content of CaCO3. The mounting pressure on the nutrient soil resources would cause their deficiency. Therefore, exploration of micronutrient status of soil and plant is needed to obtain desired production of Aonla. It is clear from the data presented in (Table1) indicated that the sand content in soils of Aonla orchards of Chomu tehsil ranged between 72.60 to 83.00 per cent with mean values 77.28 per cent. The silt content in these soils varied between 8.80 to 13.60 per cent with mean value 11.10. Clay content in Aonla orchards of Chomu tehsil soils ranged between 6.2 to 14.30 per cent. The mechanical composition revealed that the textural classes of soils of the study areas were found to vary from sandy loam to loamy sand. Soils of the tract were mostly sandy in nature. The sand content decreased regularly with soil depth in all the orchards, while, both silt and clay contents increased with depth In general, soils of the study area were sandy in nature, which generally manifests in poor structural development, relatively low moisture and nutrient retention capacity, high infiltration rates and susceptibility to wind erosion. These results have conformity with the findings of Kolarkar et al. (1989). MATERIAL AND METHODS Sixty representative composite surface and sub surface soil samples (0-30, 30-45 and 45-60 cm) from twenty orchards of Chomu tehsil were collected. The pH and electrical conductivity of the soil samples were measures in 1: 2 soil water suspension described by Richards (1954). The content of organic carbon in the soil samples was determined using the procedures described by Piper (1950) and calcium carbonated was estimated by rapid titration method described by Hutchinson and McLennan,(1914). Texture of the soil samples was estimated by Bouyoucos (1962). Available Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn contents in soil samples were estimated on AAS described by Lindsay and Norvell(1978) and available boron content in soil samples were determined with help of Colorimetric method given by Berger and Truog (1939). And plant analysis was digestion for method uses wet digestion of plant sample with H2SO4 and H2O2 using the procedures Di-acid digestion and estimated Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn contents in plant samples were estimated on AAS described by (Johnson and Ulrich 1959), and Boron content in plant samples were determined with help of Estimation with AAS by dry ashing technique (Hatcher and Wilcox 1950) Table 1: Mechanical composition of soils (per cent) Sand Silt Clay Minimum 72.60 8.80 6.20 Maximum 83.00 13.60 14.30 Average 77.28 11.10 11.13 Further data presented table -2 reseals that CaCO3 content in soils of orchards of Chomu tehsil showed increasing trend with depth. Increase in the CaCO3 content with depth indicates that the calcium leached down from surface soils to sub surface soils and accumulated in the form of calcium carbonate as secondary carbonate. Similar results were also observed for arid and semi arid regions by Mediratta et al. (1985). Organic carbon content showed a regular decreasing trend with soil depth. As per rating given the soils having < 0.5 per cent have been categorized in low organic carbon. The extremely low organic carbon content of these soils could be counted to occasional addition of organic materials, lack of natural vegetation and poor moisture retention capacity of soils coupled with high temperature resulting enhanced oxidation of organic matter content. These results are in close agreement with the findings of Kanthaliya and Bhatt (1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ANALYSIS OF SOILS 38 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 The pH of soils at different orchards showed an irregular trend with depth. The results of investigation are in close proximity with the findings of Bhatnagar (2001). Further it is clear from the table-3 that average nutrients contents i.e. Iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron were recorded maximum at 0 to30 cm. soil depth and gradually decreased with increasing soil depth up to 45 to 60 cm in all orchards of Chomu tehsil. All the surface soil sample were found deficient to marginal in available iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron. The systemic decreasing trend with all the available nutrients in soil with increasing that might be due to high pH, CaCO3 light texture soil and very low in organic carbon content. The CaCO3 present get converted to bicarbonate ions and this condition known as “lime induced chlorosis” (Singh et al. 1988 ) Similar results were reported by Padmaja et al. (2000) Table 2: Physico-chemical characteristics of soils of orchards of Chomu Tehsil 2.00 7.00 4.01 0.19 0.44 0.34 7.60 8.61 8.02 0.12 0.91 3.50 8.00 4.80 0.16 0.42 0.32 7.68 8.50 8.02 0.13 0.96 45 – 60 cm 3.80 9.00 5.43 0.15 0.41 0.29 7.71 8.65 8.04 0.14 0.95 0.51 0.51 0.50 0-30 cm CaCO3 (per cent) Organic carbon (%) pH2 (1:2 soil water suspension) EC2 (dS m-1) Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Aver Minimum Maximum Average 30-45 cm ANALYSIS OF PLANTS It is clear from the data presented in table-4 reveals that the iron content of aonla leaf varied from 80.72 to149.85 mg kg 1 It is summarized from the data that all samples were sufficient in iron content. This might be due to its regular foliar applications by the growers on standing plants. Similar results were reported by Kumar (2007). While zinc content of aonla leaf was observed minimum to maximum value of 5.40-10.70 mg kg-1 all the samples studied were found low in zinc content. The fairly low zinc content in the aonla leaf samples might be attributed to the zincphosphorus interaction in soils. Kumar (2007). The copper content of aonla leaves varied from 5.27 to 11.24 mg kg-1 while Manganese content of aonla leaf varied from 3.21 to 10.78 24 mg kg-1. And Boron content of leaf varied from 19.00 to 32.00 mg kg-1 mostly samples studied were found sufficient in boron content. This result of present study is in accordance to Sharma and Bhandari (1995). might be due to moderate availability of copper in studied orchard soils. Gathala et al. (2004) Data pertaining to the electrical conductivity of soils revealed that the electrical conductivity decreased with the increasing of soil depth. All soil samples of orchards of Chomu tehsil having electrical conductivity values less than 1dS m-1. The low value of electrical conductivity indicates that the accumulation of the salts in these soils was less. Similar type of findings was also observed by Ahlawat et al. (1985). Table 3: Nutrients contents in orchards soils of Chomu Tehsil 0-30 cm Iron (mg kg-1) Zinc (mg kg-1) Copper (mg kg-1) Manganese (mg kg-1) Boron (mg kg-1) Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average 3.25 6.03 4.58 0.26 1.18 0.73 0.15 0.56 0.38 1.61 6.43 4.40 0.36 0.69 0.54 30-45 cm 2.97 5.97 4.36 0.23 1.14 0.70 0.12 0.51 0.35 1.52 6.34 4.30 0.33 0.65 0.50 45 – 60 cm 2.92 5.81 4.27 0.21 1.12 0.67 0.10 0.50 0.33 1.51 6.28 4.26 0.32 0.63 0.48 Table 4. Nutritional Status of aonla leaves of Chomu tehsil of Jaipur district Minimum 80.72 Iron (mg kg-1) Zinc (mg kg-1) Maximum 149.85 Average 112.21 5.40 10.70 8.13 5.27 11.24 8.74 Manganese (mg kg ) 3.21 10.78 7.49 Boron (mg kg-1) 19.00 32.00 25.90 -1 Copper (mg kg ) -1 REFERENCES Ahlawat, V.P.; Dahiya, S.S. and Yamdagni, R. (1985) Nutritional survey of mango orchards in Haryana. Ha ryana J. Hort. Sci., 14: 146-150. Gathala, M.K., Yadav, B.L. and Singh, S.D. (2004). Mineral nutrient status of pomegranate orchards in Jaipur district of Rajasthan. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 52: 206-208. Berger, K.C. and Truog. (1939) Boron determination in soils and plants using quienalizarin reaction. Ind. Eng. Chem. II 540-545. Hutchinson, H.B. and McLennan, K.J. (1914) Agric. Sci.; 6: 323 – 327 Hatcher, J.T. and Wilcox, L.V. (1950). Colorimetric determination of boron using carmine. Anal. Chem. 22: 567 – 569. Bhatnagar, P. (2000) Nutritional survey of orchards in Bikaner district. Unpublished Ph.D. (Ag.) Thesis, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. Johnson, C.M. and Ulrich, A. (1959). Analytical method for use in Plant Analysis. Calofornia Agr. Esp. Sta. Bull., 766. Bouyoucaus, H.J. (1962) A hydrometer method for the determination of textural classes of soils.Tech. Bul.132, Michigan State Co. Agr. Exp. Stn.1– 38. 39 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Kanthaliya, P.C. and Bhatt, P.L. (1991) Relation between organic carbon and available nutrients in some soils of subhumid zone. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci., 4:781-782. Padmaja, G., Pratap, M. and Rameshwar, A. (2000). Nutrient status of mango orchards in Ranga Reddy district of Andhra Pradesh. J. of Research ANG RAU, 63-65. Kumar, R. (2007). Response of soil nutrient status on leaf nutrient content and Fruit yield of Aonla. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner Piper, C.S. (1950) Soil and Plant analysis. The University of Adelaide, Australia. Richards, L.A. (1954) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. U.S.D.A., Handbook No. 60, Washington, D.C. Lindsay, W.L. and Norvell, W.A. (1978) Development of DTPA soil test for zinc, manganese and copper. Soil Sci.Soc.Am. 2 J., 4: 421-428. Sharma, J.C. and Bhandari, A.R. 1995. Mineral nutrient status of Apple orchards in Himachal Pradesh. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 43 : 236-241 Mediratta, J.C. Bansal, K.N. and Gupta, G.P. (1985) Characterization of some affected soils of Haesi command area of M.P. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci.: 214-217. 40 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Economics of organic tomato production ABHIJITH KUMAR, V. P., L. GIRIJA DEVI AND V. L. GEETHAKUMARI Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum syn. Solanum lycopersicum ) is considered as an important commercial and dietary vegetable crop. As it is a short duration crop and gives high yield, it is important from economic point of view. Tomato fruit is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, organic acids, essential amino acids and dietary fibres. Tomatoes are an excellent source of ascorbic acid, a nutrient known for its antioxidant action. It is a rich source of vitamin A also. The fibre in tomato lowers the cholesterol and also helps in removing carcinogenic compounds from the colon. Because of all these, it is a need to produce this crop devoid of any chemicals and it is in this context, the concept of organic farming especially for vegetable gaining importance. It is in this context, a study on organic tomato cultivation for assessing the yield and quality aspects of organic tomato with its economics of production was undertaken. variety tried was “Vellayani Vijai”, a new variety released from the College of Agriculture, Vellayani. The following common treatments were also included. ► 3 % Neem seed oil-garlic emulsion spray from transplanting onwards at frequent intervals. ► Pseudomonas spraying at frequent intervals @ 10 g litre -1 ► Trichoderma incorporation in the soil at the time of transplanting ► Mulching at the initial stage uniformly ► Uniform irrigation as and when required. MATERIALS AND METHODS A field experiment was conducted in the Instructional Farm of College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum, Kerala during 2009-2010 to study the organic nutrition of tomato with four levels of nutrients as N1-Full recommended dose as organic ( 200 kg N as FYM and enriched vermicompost at 1:1 ratio), N2- 75 % of recommended dose only and as organic (150 kg N as FYM and enriched vermicompost at 1:1 ratio), N3- 50 % recommended dose only and as organic (100 kg N as FYM and enriched vermicompost at 1:1 ratio) and N4- Package of Practices Recommendations of Kerala Agricultural University ( FYM -25 t ha-1 and NPK @ 75:40:25 kg ha-1). Spacing was also included as a treatment (S1- 60 cm x 60 cm, S2-60 cm x 45 cm and S3-60 cm x 30 cm). The experiment was conducted in a factorial randomised block design (RBD) with three replications. The tomato RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the study revealed that the effect of nutrient levels and spacing were significant with respect to fruit yield, shelf life of fruits and quality parameters (Tables 1 & 2). The economic analysis of the data also revealed the significance of nutrient levels and spacing (Table 3). Table1. Effect of nutrient levels and spacing on fruit yield and shelf life Treatments Nutrients (N) N1 N2 N3 N4 S.E. C.D. Spacing (S) S1 S2 S3 S.E. C.D. Interaction N1S1 N1S2 N1S3 N2S1 N2S2 N2S3 N3S1 N3S2 N3S3 N4S1 N4S2 N4S3 S.E. C.D. Fruit yield (g plant-1) Fruit yield (t ha-1) Storage days in open air Storage days in 30 micron plastic cover Storage days in paper cover 387.13 285.75 214.89 557.47 3.048 8.939 17.18 12.92 9.61 27.75 0.145 0.424 6.65 8.05 6.04 4.35 0.076 0.223 9.82 9.48 9.29 9.45 0.049 0.144 13.77 12.39 12.54 13.94 0.085 0.249 425.54 368.42 289.97 2.639 7.741 15.71 16.48 18.40 0.125 0.368 5.26 5.73 7.82 0.067 0.193 7.12 10.25 11.16 0.043 0.125 11.75 14.01 13.72 0.073 0.215 438.94 398.64 323.81 337.97 295.90 223.38 262.04 223.28 159.34 663.19 555.88 453.35 5.279 15.482 16.75 16.95 17.85 12.56 12.84 13.35 8.91 9.84 10.07 24.64 26.29 32.32 0.251 0.735 4.62 6.17 9.17 7.66 7.60 8.88 4.51 5.03 8.57 4.25 4.12 4.68 0.131 0.386 6.49 10.61 12.36 9.06 9.22 10.16 5.65 10.78 11.44 7.28 10.41 10.67 0.085 0.250 11.82 14.20 15.30 11.20 14.51 11.47 10.52 13.49 13.61 13.48 13.84 14.51 0.147 0.431 41 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 The highest fruit yield was in N4 (Control-POP recommendation) followed by N1( Full organic substitution) and N2 ( 75 % of recommended dose) and the lowest in N3 ( 50 % of recommended dose). The fruits were also found the heaviest and plump in N4 followed by N1 and N2 and the lightest and smallest in N3. NPK application plus FYM recorded higher fruit yield and fruit weight plant-1 of tomato crop as reported by Krishna and Krishnappa (2002). The application of recommended rates of N, P and K (100, 75 and 55 kg ha-1respectively) with FYM and vermicompost (250 and 12.5 quintals ha-1respectively) was superior in terms of average fruit weight in tomato cv. Naveen (Shukla et al., 2006). Higher fruit weight in case of superior organic treatment could be due to the presence of azospirillum and phosphobacteria enriched vermicompost. Rodge and Yadlod (2009) observed that the heaviest tomato fruits were obtained in case of integrated application of 50 % recommended fertilizer dose plus 50 % FYM. Raut et al. (2003) reported higher fruit yields in tomato with integrated supply of NPK plus FYM. He also reported that the higher number of fruits plant-1was recorded with azospirillum plus phosphate solubilising bacteria. Moreover, FYM applied for organic treatments was subjected to trichoderma mass multiplication as common treatment. Pseudomonas putida and Trichoderma atroviride were shown to improve greenhouse tomato yields in organic medium (Valerie et al., 2007). These could be the reasons for the higher yields in case of superior organic treatments. Kumaran et al. (1998) found out that the number of fruits plant-1was the best with organic plus inorganic fertilizer, azospirillum and phosphobacteria. The widest spaced (S1) plants gave the highest fruit yield (425.54 g plant-1) followed by the wider spaced (S2), (289.97 g plant-1) and the closely spaced plants (S3), the lowest. Close spacing has been shown to have a detrimental effect on fruit set apparently because of an inadequate supply of photosynthates due to shading (Timm, 1973). Low light intensities, short photoperiods and high night temperature are important limiting factors to fruit set (Wittwer and Honma, 1979). Papadopoulos and Ormrod (1990) reported that the total marketable yield plant-1declined linearly with successive increase in plant density. At closer spacing of tomato, the crop should be adequately fertilized to get higher yields as reported by Mehta et al. (2000). The interaction effects were also significant with the highest fruit yield in N4S1 followed by N4S2 and the lowest in N3S3 which was significantly inferior to all other combinations. Similarly the widest spaced plants (S1) produced the heaviest and plump fruits (22.72 g) followed by the wider spaced (S2) and the lightest and smallest fruits by the closely spaced (S3) plants (20.51 g). Detrimental effect on fruit set apparently because of an inadequate supply of photosynthates due to shading is reported by Timm (1973). The wider spacing of plants helped in setting heavier fruits and lighter fruits by closer planting. Saglam et al. (1995) reported that wider spacing for tomato gave heavier fruits plant-1than closer spacing. Closer spacing or high density planting led to increased shading and hence there occurred light reduction in the canopy. The interaction effects were significant with N4S1 producing the heaviest and plump fruits (28.10 g) followed by N4S2 and N4S3 and N3S3 producing the lightest and smallest fruits (17.91 g). Table 2. Effect of nutrient levels and spacing on fruit quality Treatments Nutrients (N) N1 N2 N3 N4 S.E. C.D. Spacing (S) S1 S2 S3 S.E. C.D. Interaction N1S1 N1S2 N1S3 N2S1 N2S2 N2S3 N3S1 N3S2 N3S3 N4S1 N4S2 N4S3 S.E. C.D. Vitamine C (mg 100-1 g fruit) TSS content of mature green fruits (0B) TSS content of red ripe fruits (0B) Lycopene (mg 100-1 g fruit) Average fruit weight (g) Average fruit girth (cm) 26.18 23.89 20.91 19.47 0.361 1.058 5.03 4.61 4.19 4.89 0.021 0.062 5.26 4.87 4.49 5.00 0.030 0.088 7.33 6.63 4.64 7.25 0.131 0.384 21.49 20.19 18.69 25.88 0.085 0.251 11.56 11.49 11.08 12.92 0.026 0.077 22.08 22.74 23.02 0.312 NS 4.69 4.67 4.67 0.018 NS 4.95 4.89 4.87 0.026 NS 6.68 6.51 6.20 0.113 NS 22.72 21.47 20.51 0.074 0.217 12.2 11.76 11.33 0.023 0.067 25.60 26.12 26.82 23.64 23.31 24.73 19.88 21.99 20.85 19.19 19.53 19.68 0.625 NS 5.13 5.03 4.93 4.53 4.63 4.67 4.13 4.20 4.23 4.97 4.83 4.87 0.036 0.108 5.30 5.27 5.20 4.90 4.87 4.83 4.53 4.47 4.47 5.07 4.97 4.97 0.052 NS 8.69 7.25 6.04 6.48 7.06 6.37 5.20 4.70 4.03 6.36 7.05 8.34 0.227 0.666 22.39 21.24 20.85 20.82 20.22 19.54 19.55 18.61 17.91 28.1 25.82 23.74 0.148 0.435 12.09 11.52 11.08 11.82 11.57 11.09 11.39 11.27 10.58 13.48 12.68 12.58 0.045 0.133 42 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 The shelf life of tomato was the longest in N2 (8.05 days) under open storage condition followed by N1 (6.65 days) and N3 (6.04 days) and the shortest in N4 (4.35 days). The organic treatments had FYM and rockphosphate enriched vermicompost with azospirillum and phosphobacter in 1:1 proportion. Sreedevi et al. (2005) reported that among the organically and chemically cultivated tomato crops, vermicompost applied tomato crop had longer shelf life when stored at room temperature in kharif season. The shelf life was the longest in closely spaced plants (S3) (7.82 days) followed by the wider spaced (S2) and the widest spaced (S1), the shortest (5.26 days). The interaction effects were significant with the longest shelf life in N1S3 and N2S3 (9.17 and 8.88 days respectively) which were on par followed by N3S3 (8.57 days) and the shortest in N4S2 (4.12 days). In 30 micron plastic cover it was in N1, the storage period the longest (9.82 days) followed by N2 and N4 and the shortest in N3 (9.29 days). When the fruits were kept in 30 micron plastic cover, full organic substitution was used to mass multiply trichoderma with FYM in the organic treatment. Enriched vermicompost took half the proportion of organic treatment. Sable et al. (2007) reported that the presence of neem cake and vermicompost enhanced for nitrogen supply to the tomato plants recorded higher shelf life for the fruits. The shelf life was the longest in closely spaced (S3) plants (11.16 days) followed by the wider spaced (S2) and the widest (S1), the shortest (7.12 days). The interaction effects were significant and the longest in N 1S3 (12.36 days) followed by N3S3 (11.44 days) and the shortest in N3S1 (5.65 days). In paper cover, the longest storage life was in N4 (13.94 days) followed by N1 which were on par and the shortest in N2 (12.39 days) and was on par with N3. These results were in proximity with the reports of Patil et al. (2004) who substantiated that the storage life of fruits was the highest for 50 % recommended fertilizer dose plus 50 % FYM, 50 % recommended fertilizer dose plus 50 % vermicompost and 100 % organic fertilizers (which included 25 % FYM and 25 % vermicompost) and were 6.91, 7.00 and 6.22 days respectively. The widely spaced (S2) plants retained the storage period for long (14.01 days) compared to the widest spaced (S1) and closely spaced (S3) plants (11.75 and 13.72 days respectively). The interaction effects were significant with the longest shelf life in N1S3 (15.30 days) followed by N2S2, N4S3 and N1S2 respectively which were on par with each other and the shortest in N3S1 (10.52 days). The results of the organoleptic tests revealed the superiority of full organic nutrient source (N1) in taste and colour, while the superiority of integrated nutrient management (N4) in size of fruits. The quality parameters such as vitamin C, total soluble solids (TSS) and lycopene content were significantly influenced by nutrient levels and were the highest in N1. Prabhakaran (2008) proved that application of organic nitrogen sources to the soil and for tomato improved the quality parameters of tomato. Higher lycopene content for organically grown tomatoes were also reported by Kumaran et al. (1998). Increased lycopene content in fruits could also be due to enhanced potassium uptake in case of organic treatments recorded in this experiment. The colour development in fruits depends on the lycopene synthesis. Organic treatment with vermicompost and azospirillum enhanced the lycopene content of fruits according to Kannan et al. (2006). The influence of potassium levels upon the lycopene content of tomato was reported by Serio et al. (2007) and Zdravkovic et al. (2007). It was found that application of organic nitrogen sources increased vitamin C content of tomato over no manure control (Prabhakaran and Pitchai, 2002). Raut et al. reported high vitamin C content in fruits when FYM plus azospirillum were applied together. Sable et al. (2007) observed more vitamin C content in treatments where 50 % nitrogen through neem cake and 50 % nitrogen through vermicompost as well as 25 % nitrogen through neem cake and 75 % nitrogen through vermicompost were given together. Full organic nitrogen treatment (N1) recorded maximum TSS content for both the green mature ones and fully red ripe fruits followed by the control (POP recommendation). The presence of rockphosphate enriched vermicompost in presence of azospirillum and P solubiliser in the organic treatments could have raised the TSS content of fruits as reported by Patil and Madalageri (2003). Kannan et al. (2006) reported that application of vermicompost in combination with 2 kg azospirillum for tomato resulted in the highest total solids (5.4 %). Rodriguez et al. (2007) found out that addition of 50 % vermicompost to the growth medium increased the soluble solids in tomato fruits. Pieper and Barrett (2009 found that the total and soluble solids were significantly higher and consistency was greater in organic tomatoes. The control (POP recommendation) recorded higher TSS content in fruits compared with the inferior organic treatments. According to Rodge and Yadlod (2009), the TSS content of fruits was significantly more in case of integrated application of 50 % recommended fertilizer dose plus 50 % FYM. Full organic nitrogen substitution (N1) as well as N4 (control) recorded the highest lycopene content of fruits and the lowest in N3. Potassium nutrition and uptake have significant role in lycopene synthesis. Serio et al. (2007) reported that with increased potassium level, the lycopene content also increased linearly. Zdravkovic et al. (2007) also reported that the content of lycopene increased in plants treated with increased content of potassium. Potassium uptake were the highest for the organic treatments compared with N4 (control). But still, N4 had a positive impact on lycopene synthesis in-spite of its low potassium uptake. Kumaran et al. (1998) reported that quality parameters such as lycopene were comparatively higher in organically grown tomato plants. Enriched vermicompost in presence of azospirillum would have raised the lycopene synthesis. It was reported that vermicompost application to tomato crop cultivated in kharif registered significantly higher lycopene content compared to other organically grown tomato (Sreedevi et al., 2005). Kannan et al. (2006) reported that application of 75 % vermicompost in combination with 2 kg azospirillum for tomato resulted in high lycopene content (3.7 mg 100 g-1). Lycopene content of conventionally cultivated tomato was found to be significantly lower. The interaction effects were significant with the highest content of TSS and lycopene in N1S1 (95.13 and 8.69 respectively) and TSS content, the lowest in N3S1 (4.13) and lycopene, the lowest in N3S3 (4.03). 43 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Thus, it could be concluded that when all the quality parameters of tomato were looked upon, the superior organic treatment with neem cake- trichoderma mass multiplied FYM and rockphosphate enriched vermicompost (in presence of azospirillum and phosphate solubiliser) recorded maximum improvement in fruit quality compared to the control (POP recommendation). Benefit: Cost ratio (B: C ratio) The B: C ratio at normal market price and premium prices were worked out. At the normal market price, the B: C ratio was the highest in N4 (1.76) followed by N1 and N2 and the lowest in N3 (0.61). The closely spaced (S3) plants recorded the highest B: C ratio (1.17) followed by the wider spaced (S2) with a B: C ratio of 1.04 and the widest spaced (S1), the lowest (0.99). The interaction effects were significant with the highest B: C ratio in N4S3 (2.05) followed by N4S2, N4S1 and N1S3 and the lowest in N3S1 (0.56). The treatments N3S3 and N3S2 were also recorded B: C ratios less than one. Table 3. Effect of nutrient levels and spacing on the economics of tomato and tomato-amaranthus sequence Treatments Nutrients (N) N1 N2 N3 N4 S.E. C.D. Spacing (S) S1 S2 S3 S.E. C.D. Interaction N1S1 N1S2 N1S3 N2S1 N2S2 N2S3 N3S1 N3S2 N3S3 N4S1 N4S2 N4S3 S.E. C.D. B:C ratio of tomato at normal price B:C ratio of tomato at premium price B:C ratio of amaranthus at normal price Combined B:C ratio at normal market price Combined B:C ratio at premium price 1.09 0.82 0.61 1.76 0.009 0.027 1.31 0.98 0.73 1.76 0.010 0.031 1.67 1.08 0.99 1.94 0.007 0.020 1.20 0.87 0.68 1.80 0.007 0.022 1.38 1.00 0.78 1.79 0.008 0.025 0.99 1.04 1.17 0.008 0.023 1.12 1.17 1.30 0.009 0.027 1.40 1.42 1.43 0.004 NS 1.08 1.12 1.22 0.006 0.019 1.17 1.22 1.32 0.007 0.021 1.06 1.07 1.13 0.80 0.81 0.85 0.56 0.62 0.64 1.56 1.67 2.05 0.016 0.047 1.27 1.29 1.36 0.96 0.98 1.02 0.68 0.75 0.77 1.56 1.67 2.05 0.018 0.053 1.65 1.68 1.68 1.06 1.08 1.10 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.90 1.95 1.96 0.011 NS 1.18 1.19 1.24 0.85 0.87 0.90 0.65 0.70 0.71 1.63 1.72 2.03 0.013 0.037 1.35 1.36 1.42 0.97 0.99 1.03 0.74 0.80 0.81 1.63 1.72 2.03 0.015 0.043 Assuming a 20 % hike for the organic produce in the market (considered as the premium price), B: C ratio was determined at the premium price. The effects of nutrient levels and spacing were significant with the highest B: C ratio in N4 (1.76) followed by N1 and N2 and the lowest in N3 (0.73). The closely spaced plants (S3) recorded the highest B: C ratio (1.30) followed by the wider spaced (S 2) with a B: C ratio of 1.17 and the widest spaced (S1), the lowest (1.10). The interaction effects were significant with the highest B: C ratio in N4S3 (2.05) followed by N4S2, N4S1, N1S3 and the lowest in N3S1 (0.68). The treatments N3S3 and N3S2 were also recorded B: C ratios less than one. Thus, it could be concluded that POP recommendation (N 4) along with a closer planting at 60 cm x 30 cm (S3) spacing could economize the farmers’ budget in tomato cultivation. This combination could record a high B: C ratio of 2.05 even at an off season cultivation. The economic returns from this crop would be again improved if it is raised at the proper time preferably in October. Organic cultivation could be envisaged upon with full organic nitrogen substitution via FYM and enriched vermicompost in 1:1 proportion combined with a closer spacing of 60 cm x 30 cm for better farm economics, provided that a premium price is assured for the produce. This combination also recorded a better B: C ratio of 1.36 and is farmer satisfactory. REFERENCES Dumas, Y., Dadoma, M., Lucca, G. di. and Grolier, P. 2002. Review of the influence of major environmental and agronomic factors on the lycopene content of tomato fruit. Acta Horticulturae, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, Vol. 579, pp 595-601 Krishna, H. C. and Krishnappa, K.S. 2002. Growth and yield of tomato cv. Avinash-2 in relation to inorganic fertilizers and organic manures. South Indian Horticulture, South Indian Horticultural Association, Coimbatore, India, Vol: 50: 4/6, pp. 335-341. 44 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Kumaran, S. S., Natarajan, S. and Thamburaj, S. 1998. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of tomato. South Indian Horticulture, Vol: 46: 3/6, pp. 203-205 Raymundo, L. C., Clinton, O. C. and Simpson, K. L. 1976. Light- dependent carotenoid synthesis in the tomato fruit. J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol: 24 (1), pp 59-64 Rodriguez- Dimas, N., Cano- Rios, P., Favela- Chavez, E., Figueroa- Viramontes, U., Paul- Alvarez, V. de, Palomo-Gil., Marquez- Hermandez, C. and MorenoResendez, A. 2007. Vermicompost as organic alternative in tomato greenhouse production. Revista Chapingo. Serie Horticultura., Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Chapingo, Mexico, Vol: 13(2), pp 185-192. Kannan, P., Saravanan, A and Balaji, T. 2006. Organic farming on tomato yield and quality. Crop Research, Agricultural Research Information Centre, Hissar, India, Vol: 32 (2), pp.196-200 Mehta, C. P., Srivastava, V. K., Singh, J. and Mangat, R. 2000. Response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) varieties to N and P fertilization and spacing. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol: 34(3), pp 85-95 Shukla, Y. R., Thakur, A. K. and Joshi, A. 2006. effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and horticultural traits in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). Annuals of Biology, Agri-Bio- Publishers, Hissar, India, Vol: 22 (2), pp 137-141. Patil, M. B., Mohammed, R.G. and Ghadge, P. M. 2004. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of tomato. Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, Vol; 29(2), pp.124-127. Saglam, N., Yazgan, A. (Ed.), Cuartero, J. and Gomez Guilmon, M. L. 1995. The effects of planting density and the number of trusses per plant on earliness, yield and quaity of tomato grown under unheated high plastic tunnel. ActaHorticulturae. Vol:41(2), pp.258-267. Patil, P.L. and Madalageri, M.B. 2003. 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Zdravkovic, J., Markovic, Z., Zdrackovic, M., Damjanovic, M. and Pavlovic, N. 2007. Relation of mineral nutrition and content of lycopene and beta-carotene in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) fruits. Acta Horticulturae, International Society for Horticultura; Sciences (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, Vol: 72 (9), pp 177-181. Raut et al., Naidu, A. K., Jain, P. K. and Rajwade, V. B. 2003. Influence of organic and chemical sources of nutrients on the yield, fruit quality and storage of tomato in Madhya Pradesh, India. JNKVV Research Journal, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur, India, Vol: 37(1), pp 30-33. 45 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Crop Productivity and Training Needs of Beneficiary Farmers in Watershed Development Programme 1 SHAILENDRA SINGH, 2 V.K. KHADDAR, 3R.P. AHIRWAR, AND 3LEELAVATI Research Associate, 2Professor, 3Assistant Professor, Departmental of Soil Science and Agriculture Chmeistry, College of Agriculture, Indore, Madhya pradesh-452001 Email: 1 ABSTRACT The study was carried out in NWDPRA Solsinda watershed in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh during 2006-07 to assess the crop productivity and to identify the training needs of beneficiary farmers. Two hundred and ten participant farmers were interviewed for the purpose. It was found that there was a significant increase in both Soybean and ragi yield levels of participant farmers. Majority of the respondents expressed the need to train them on in situ moisture conservation, selection of specific crops and varieties, pests and disease control etc. Lack of knowledge regarding the watershed activities was the major constraint faced by the beneficiaries of watershed development programme. Key Words: Watershed, Productivity, Training Needs, Soybean, Ragi Watershed development refers to an integrated scientific management of land, soil, water, vegetation, animals and human population within a natural geographic unit. About 51% of India’s geographical area (329 million ha) is categorized as degraded, most of which occurs in rainfed agro-eco systems. About 70% of the population is dependent on agriculture, and two thirds of the cropped area is dependent on rainfall without any protective irrigation (Wani et al. 2001). Currently the average productivity of rainfed areas in the SAT is around 800-1 000 kg ha-1. Several studies have identified the main constraints for increased productivity in the tropics as low rainwater use efficiency for crop production (35-45%), inherent low soil fertility, inappropriate soil, water and nutrient management practices, low adoption of stress-tolerant cultivars of crops, insufficient pest management options and poverty (inability to invest for necessary inputs). Due to variations in seasonal rains during the crop growing period, crops may face drought and sometimes waterlogging due to torrential downpours causing runoff. In order to conserve rainwater, minimize land degradation, improve ground water recharge, increase crop intensity and crop productivity a watershed management approach is adopted (Kerr et al. 2000; Samra 1997; Wani et al. 2002).The overall goal of watershed project is to develop the natural resource base, sustain its productivity and to improve the standard of living of millions of rural poor and endeavour for restoration of ecological balance. For the sustainable development of the watershed programme, the people living in the watershed who are responsible for the situation, who are affected by the situation and who would be benefited by the programme, become very important to participate in the programme. The ultimate aim of the watershed programme is to increase the crop production of the beneficiary / participant farmers. The level of crop yields attained by the participant farmers is a good indicator of the effectiveness of the programme. Against this background, the present study was carried out with the following specific objectives: 1. To assess the impact of watershed development programme on crop productivity of the beneficiaries 2. To identify the training needs of the participant farmers in watershed development programme. 3. To elicit the constraints of beneficiaries in the participation of watershed development programme. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted in village Rignodia NWDPRA Solsinda watershed area in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh during 2006-07. Solsinda watershed was implemented in Rignodia village by District Watershed Development Department since 2001-02, with a total outlay of Rs. 420 lakhs covering an area of 7000 ha in 31 villages. Ten villages where watershed development programme was implemented were randomly selected for study. From each of the ten villages selected, a list of beneficiary farmers having land under the watershed area was prepared. A total of 210 beneficiary farmers [70 marginal, 70 small, 70 big famers] were selected by using proportionate random sampling technique for the study. Ex-post-facto research design was employed in the study. The benchmark data was obtained by using the secondary data available at the District Watershed Development Office. Crop productivity: Two major crops viz, soybean and ragi were selected, as all the respondents were growing these two major crops. The data on per acre yield of the crops during the pre project period were collected from the benchmark survey reports of District Watershed Development Programme (DWDP) and also checked during interview process with the farmers. The per acre yield after implementation of DWDP were collected with the help of schedule developed during the personal interview with the farmers. The yield obtained with respect to these crops by the respondents in the previous season was considered in terms of quintals per acre. Training needs: Training needs was operationalized as the expressed level of training indicated by the respondents for adoption of different activities of watershed project. It was measured on a three point continuum i.e., ‘very much needed’, ‘needed’ and ‘not needed’. Open type questions were asked to the beneficiaries to enlist the constraints faced by them in the participation of Watershed Development Programme. The data collected were analysed using 46 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 frequency, percentage, mean and paired‘t’ test. respectively, after the implementation of WDP. The‘t’ values of 26.90, 23.14 and 35.46 showed that there was significant increase in soybean yield after the implementation of WDP. Similar findings were reported by Anony. (1994). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I. Impact of Watershed Development Programme (WDP) on crop productivity 2 Productivity in ragi crop: The data on the mean yield of ragi crop among marginal, small and big farmers before and after the implementation of the WDP is furnished in Table II. The data in Table II indicates the average yield of ragi obtained by marginal, small and big farmers which were 4.55, 5.25 and 5.32 q/acre respectively before the implementation of WDP. The average yields of ragi obtained by marginal, small and big farmers were 5.96, 6.45 and 7.29 q/acre respectively after the implementation of WDP. 1. Productivity in soybean crop: The data presented in Table I shows that, the average soybean yield obtained by marginal, small and big farmers was 4.27, 4.42 and 4.61 q/acre before the implementation of WDP. The mean soybean yield obtained by marginal, small and big farmers rose to 5.77, 6.00 and 6.32 q/acre after the implementation of WDP. The results in Table I indicates that the average additional yield of soybean increased by 1.50, 1.58 and 1.71 q/acre in the case of marginal, small and big farmers Table 1: Soybean yield levels among farmers before and after the implementation of watershed development Soybean yield level (q / acre) (n=210) Farmers Before watershed programme After watershed programme Mean category difference Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Marginal Farmers 3.00 4.75 4.27 3.5 6.50 5.77 1.50 n=70 Small Farmers 4.00 5.00 4.42 5.00 7.00 6.00 1.58 n=70 Big Farmers 4.50 6.00 4.61 6.00 7.50 6.32 1.71 n=70 ** – Significant at 1 per cent level of probability ‘t’ value 26.90** 23.14** 35.46** Table 2: Ragi yield levels among farmers before and after the implementation of watershed development programme Ragi yield level (q / acre) (n=210) Farmers Before watershed programme After watershed programme Mean ‘t’ value category Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean difference Marginal Farmers 4.00 6.00 4.55 5.00 7.50 5.96 1.35 26.61** n=70 Small Farmers 4.25 6.50 5.25 5.75 8.00 6.45 1.20 25.26** n=70 Big Farmers 5.00 7.00 5.32 6.25 8.50 7.29 1.97 36.28** n=70 ** – Significant at 1 per cent level of probability The data presented in Table II also showed that, the average additional yields of Ragi increased by1.35, 1.20 and 1.97 q/acre in the case of marginal small and big farmers respectively, due to the implementation of WDP. The‘t’ values 26.61, 25.26 and 36.28 showed that there was significant increase in yield level after the implementation of watershed development programme. expressed need for training in watershed aspects like bunding, water harvesting, besides seed treatment, sericulture management, fisheries and dairy management. The importance of training to watershed beneficiary farmers is progressively realized all over the world. Since watershed is a holistic approach, wherein it covers not only agriculture but also allied activities. In other words, the watershed programme is for the overall development of farming community. Once the participant farmers are equipped with skills it would enable them to make optimal use of resources and thereby leading to a better livelihood. Thus, training is one of the commonly used devices that has an impact on knowledge and skills of farmers. It can successfully bring about certain changes in the outlook and perception of beneficiary farmers about the watershed activities. Majority of the farmers felt that training was very much needed in soil and water conservation measures specifically on in-situ moisture conservation practices, followed by selection of II. Training needs of participant farmers The data on training needs of respondents is presented in Table III. The results indicated that a majority of farmers expressed training on in situ moisture conservation (77.14%) was very much needed, followed by selection of crops and varieties (74.28%) and pest and disease control (70.47%). On the other hand, two-thirds of farmers expressed that they do not need training on chemical weed control (69.52%) and poultry management (62.85%). It could also be seen from the table that a slightly higher percentage of respondents 47 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 crops and varieties and control of pests and diseases, water harvesting structures, dairy management and fisheries development. The contents of training have to be drawn based on discussion with the extension specialists (who are engaged in WDP) and progressive farmers. This finding is in agreement with the findings of Padmaiah (1995). Table 3: Training needs of beneficiary farmers in watershed development programme (n=210) Particulars Training Very much needed Needed Frequency Per cent Frequency Per cent In situ moisture conservation 162 77.14 38 18.09 Bunding 80 38.00 76 36.19 Not needed Frequency Per cent 10 4.76 54 25.71 Water harvesting Selection of crops and varieties Seed treatment Fertilizer management Chemical weed control Pest and disease control Bio-fertilizer use 136 156 70 50 24 148 50 64.76 74.28 33.33 23.80 11.42 70.47 23.80 70 44 78 58 40 50 52 33.33 20.95 37.14 27.61 19.04 23.80 24.78 24 10 62 50 146 12 108 11.42 4.76 29.52 23.80 69.52 5.71 51.42 Dryland horticulture 70 33.33 56 26.66 84 40.00 Sericulture management Pasture development Dairy management Poultry management Fisheries development 30 54 90 30 84 14.28 25.71 42.82 14.28 40.00 70 60 106 48 72 33.33 25.70 50.47 22.85 34.28 108 96 14 132 54 51.42 45.70 6.66 62.85 25.71 The results of the experiments revealed that average soybean yield obtained by marginal, small and big farmers was 4.27, 4.42 and 4.61 q/acre before the implementation of WDP. The mean soybean yield obtained by marginal, small and big farmers rose to 5.77, 6.00 and 6.32 q/acre after the implementation of WDP. The results in Table I indicates that the average additional yield of soybean increased by 1.50, 1.58 and 1.71 q/acre in the case of marginal, small and big farmers respectively, after the implementation of WDP. The‘t’ values of 26.90, 23.14 and 35.46 showed that there was significant increase in soybean yield after the implementation of WDP. The average yields of ragi obtained by marginal, small and big farmers were 5.96, 6.45 and 7.29 q/acre respectively after the implementation of WDP. The results indicated that a majority of farmers expressed training on in situ moisture conservation (77.14%) was very much needed, followed by selection of crops and varieties (74.28%) and pest and disease control (70.47%). On the other hand, two-thirds of farmers expressed that they do not need training on chemical weed control (69.52%) and poultry management (62.85%).Three fourths of watershed farmers expressed that lack of knowledge on watershed activities (81.90%) as the main constraint, followed by lack of interest to participate (76.10%), unfavorable attitude towards extension personnel (73.33%), programme not concerned to local needs (71.42%), groupism and political interference (69.52%). III. Constraints faced by the beneficiaries in the participation of Watershed Development Programme The results also revealed that more than three fourths of watershed farmers expressed that lack of knowledge on watershed activities (81.90%) as the main constraint, followed by lack of interest to participate (76.10%), unfavorable attitude towards extension personnel (73.33%), programme not concerned to local needs (71.42%), groupism and political interference (69.52%). The other reasons quoted by the respondents were lack of time to participate in watershed activities (64.76%), lack of motivation from the village leaders (60.95%) and from that of the implementing agency (59.94%), lack of resources (45.70%) and poor quality of work (34.28%). Similar problem was reported by Narayanaswamy (2005). Watershed technology has resulted in increased yields of both ragi and paddy among all the three categories of farmers. The increase in the yields of ragi and paddy varied from 30-38 per cent. As a result of the increased yield, farmers obtained higher income. This demonstrates the positive contribution of watershed technology on the livelihood of farmers. It is essential to inculcate need based and field orientated technology in the training programme to the farmers and also to help the beneficiary farmers to get financial assistance through Government and other agencies, which in turn helps the beneficiaries to achieve stability in watershed areas. 48 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 REFERENCES Anonymous, 1994, Managing Watersheds, Extension Digest 2: 1-2. Wani, S.P., Sreedevi, T.K., Pathak, P., Singh P. and Singh, H.P. (2001). Integrated watershed management through a consortium approach for sustaining productivity of rainfed areas: Adarsha watershed, Kothapally, India, Andhra Pradesh: A Case study. Paper presented at the Brainstorming Workshop on Policy and Institutional Options for Sustainable Management of Watersheds, 1-2 November 2001, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. Kerr, J., Pangare, G., Pangare, V.L. and George, P.J. (2000). An evaluation of dryland watershed development in India. EPTD Discussion Paper 68. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA. Narayanswamy, B., 2005, Performance of Self-Help Groups in Karnataka. Ph.D Thesis, Univ. Agril. Sci., Bangalore. Wani, S.P., Rego, T.J. and Pathak, P. (eds). (2002). Improving management of natural resources for sustainable rainfed agriculture. Proceedings of the training workshop on On-farm Participatory Research Methodology, 26-31 July 2001, Khon Kaen, Bangkok, Thailand. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. 68 pp. Padmaiah, M., 1995, Watershed Development Programme in Mehaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. Ph.D. Thesis Univ. Agril. Sci., Dharwad. Samra, J.S. (1997). Status of research on watershed management. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehradun, India. 49 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 An efficient high throughput plant regeration protocol for production of transgenic plants tolerant to salt in Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) 1 Babu A.G., 2Geetha Shankar, 3Manjunatha V., and 4Shankar A.G. Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India. 2 Department of Agronomy, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India. 3Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India. 1&4 Present address: 1Presently Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural sciences, College of Agriculture Dharwad-580005, Karnataka, India. 2Asst. professor, Department of Agronomy, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India. 3Currently working as Agriculture Officer, O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bagepally (Tq), Chikkaballapur (Dist) -561207, Karnataka, India.. 4Professor, Department of Crop Physiology, UAS, GKVK, GKVK, Bangalore-560065, Karnataka, India. E mail: ABSTRACT Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) is the primary food source for millions of people in tropical dry land regions of the world. Development of efficient and genotype-independent tissue regeneration system is an essential prerequisite for successful production of transgenic plants. In this direction we established efficient reproducible protocols for in vitro plant regeneration and genetic transformation in finger millet using PDH45 as a candidate gene to develop transgenic Finger millet for salinity tolerance by Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer method (in vitro method) by using actively dividing embryogenic calli which obtained from Finger millet seeds. Here the seed calli was co cultivated with Agrobacterium Plasmid carrying binary vector pCAMBIA construct containing PDH45 candidate gene, nptII gene as bacterial selection marker, hptII gene as plant selectable marker, and GUS reporter gene driven by CaMV 35S promoter. The co cultivated callus was regenerated in half strength MS media with 0.5 mg.L-1BA, 3.0 mg.L-1 2, 4-D, and hygromycin antibiotic supplemented with acetosyringone (100 100 g.mL-1), a potent inducer of virulence genes. Successful transformation at callus stage was initially confirmed by GUS histochemical assay. And by PCR amplification genomic DNA of putative transformed calli showed positive for hptII primers. And the results by RTPCR showed that the level of transcripts overexpression in transformed calli was relatively higher than nontransformed control calli. Putative regenerated transgenic were confirmed by PCR amplifying the genomic DNA of putative transformed plants. Key words: Agrobacterium, callus, Finger millet, PDH45, regeneration. Among eight minor millets, finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.), also known as African millet, has outstanding attributes as a subsistence food crop. It is grown globally in more than 4 million ha. and is the primary food source for millions of people in tropical dryland regions. Finger millet constitutes about 81% of the minor millets produced in India. Finger millets also have nutritional qualities superior than that of rice and is on a par with that of wheat [1]. The first experiments to culture plant cells under in vitro conditions were conducted more than one hundred years ago [2]. It took decades until their detection, isolation and subsequently the observation made by Skoog and Miller (1957) on the auxin/cytokinin ratio controlling root and/or shoot formation from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pith tissue cultures in vitro, being a milestone for the development of plant tissue and cell culture. However, more than twenty years after that breakthrough and promising results with dicots, success with monocots, especially with the cereals was rare [3]. Plant regeneration has been reported to occur routinely in almost all cultivated cereal species [4–6]. In finger millet, callus formation and plantlet regeneration was first reported by [7], from mesocotyl explants. Genetic transformation is now widely used as a method of choice for transferring exotic genes into commercial crop cultivars for enhancing various agronomic attributes. So far, limited attempts have been made in finger millet to standardize protocols for genetic transformation [8]. Salinity is currently the major factor which reduces crop yields. World-wide about 33% of the irrigated land is affected by salinity and more land is not being irrigated because of salinity [9-10]. Hence it’s becoming most important abiotic stress factor in recent days and the total global area of salt affected soils including saline and sodic soils is 831 million hectares [11]. There is a reduction in plant height upto 40-52% in finger millet varieties when subjected to salinity stress (150mM NaCl). Also there is considerable decrease in the contents of total sugar, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars in both varieties under salt stress [12]. Zhu, (2002) stated that at molecular level there are two main adaptive mechanisms for saline tolerance viz, (i) homeostasis that includes ion homeostasis (ii) stress damage control by repair or detoxification[13]. In recent days there is evidence that Helicases also can be involved in abiotic stress tolerance. Because salinity stress affects the cellular gene-expression machinery it is evident that molecules involved in nucleic acid processing, including helicases, are likely to be affected as well [14]. These DNA Helicases unwind duplex DNA and hence involved in replication, repair, recombination, and transcription regulation machinery of the cell. Where as RNA helicases unfold the secondary structures in RNA [15]. And these are involved in transcription, ribosome biogenesis, and translation initiation, RNA editing, and development [16]. Neeti Sanan-Mishra et al.,[14] found that overexpression of PDH45 (Pea DNA helicase 45) in 50 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Tobacco imparts salinity tolerance without affecting the yield. Hence in this direction in finger millet we established efficient reproducible protocols for in vitro plant regeneration and genetic transformation using PDH45 as a candidate gene to develop transgenic Finger millet for salinity tolerance by Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer method (in vitro method) by using actively dividing embryogenic calli obtained from Finger millet seeds. Seeds were inoculated in callus induction media, incubated in dark with 26±1°C temperature condition for 3-4 weeks in growth chamber. Later the induced callus was transferred in to the callus growth media containing 2mg.L-1 2, 4-D for callus growth for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks of incubation the compact, green, nodulated sectors of callus were separated from non embryogenic watery callus and then subcultured on MS medium with lower level of 2, 4-D (0.2 mg.L-1). The embryogenic callus was subcultured every 3–4 weeks on fresh medium for maintaining the same in embryogenic state. The embryogenic callus developed after 5–6 passages was used for plant gene transformation. MATERIALS AND METHODS The binary vector pCAMBIA:PDH45 gene construct was obtained from Dr. Narendra Tuteja, ICGEB, New Delhi, India. This binary vector pCAMBIA:PDH45 harbors PDH45 driven by CaMV 35S promoter. The binary vector pCAMBIA 1301 has nptII gene as bacterial selection marker and hptII gene as plant selectable marker. And it was initially confirmed by restriction analysis. Binary vector pCAMBIA1301 was transformed into E. coli (DH5α) competent cells (Competent cells were prepared by KCM method). The plasmid was isolated from these grown E .coli cultures (Alkali lysis method), then the plasmid was mobilized into Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain LBA4404) by electroporation. Electroporation procedure Frozen cells were thawed on ice and 40µl aliquot was transferred to a precooled 0.2cm electroporation cuvette (Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd.). One µl of plasmid DNA (210ng) was mixed with the cell suspension on ice and an electric pulse applied immediately using a gene pulserTm with pulse controller unit (Bio-Rad). The cells were immediately transferred to 1 ml YMB or TY and shaken at 290C for 3hrs. Aliquots of 10µl or 100µl were plated on LB media containing antibiotics and incubated for 3d at 290C. Mobilization of E. coli plasmid in to Agrobacterium was confirmed by PCR analysis using PDH45 gene specific primers. PDH45 gene specific primers which were designed using DNA STAR programme based on PDH45 m-RNA sequence. Primer sequence for PDH45: Infection and co- cultivation (in vitro method): The starter culture of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA-4404 plasmid carrying binary vector pCAMBIA:PDH45 construct was grown in AB minimal media supplemented with Kanamycin (50 μg.mL-1). Then calli explants were soaked in bacterial suspension for 3-4 minutes for infection. After infection calli were blotted on the sterile tissue paper and then transferred to co culture medium for 2 days. Co culture medium was prepared by using MS media with 3.0mg.L-1 2, 4-D and 0.5mg.L-1 BA, supplemented with acetosyringone. During co cultivation Agrobacterium was found to grow on and around the callus explants. After co cultivation period, calli were washed with cefotaxime (200µ to remove excess bacteria and blotted on sterile tissue paper before transferring them to selection media. (This selection media prepared using MS media supplemented with 1.0 mgL-1 BA, 30 μg.mL-1 hygromycin and 40μg.mL-1 of cefotaxime). Cefotaxime was used to kill the excess Agrobacterium after infection, and hygromycin was used to select the transformants. After 2 days the Agrobacterium colonies adhered onto the calli was washed with cefotoxime (50μ and kept in dark on regeneration media containing 50μ cefotoxime and 30μ hygromycin for three weeks. Later these regenerated calli was incubated under light. The calli surviving on selection media were transferred into the regeneration media contained half strength MS basal with 0.5 mg.L-1 BA, 3.0mg.L-1 2, 4-D, 30 μg.mL-1 hygromycin and 40μg.mL-1 of cefotaxime for production of root and shoots. The uninfected (non-cocultivated) control calli was grown in Finger millet regeneration media to maintain a positive control and to Finger millet selection media to maintain a negative control. PDH45 forward Primer: 5’TCCTGGGCGAGTCTGTGA3’ PDH45 reverse primer: 5’CTCCCATAATTGCATCTCTTTCTT3’ After successful mobilization into Agrobacterium, This PDH45 gene was transformed into Finger millet (GPU-28 variety) by using (in vitro) Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer method. For this we used actively dividing embryogenic Finger millet seed callus as explant for transformation. Confirmation of putative transformants by Molecular analysis: Initially putative transformed Calli were confirmed by Gus-Histochemical analysis. Proliferated callus was obtained from the putative transformed calli were immersed in GUS staining solution and incubated overnight at 370C. After removing the pigments by 70-100% ethanol, GUS expression cells were detected microscopically by a distinct blue coloration due to enzymatic cleavage of 5-bromo-4chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide. The DNA was extracted (CTAB method) from putative transformed calli and the transformation was reconfirmed by PCR analysis using nptII antibiotic primers. Callus induction: Seeds of Eleusine coracana were used as source material for callus initiation. Seeds were surface sterilised in 70% (v:v) ethanol for 3 min followed by 0.1% (w:v) HgCl2 solution for 5 min, rinsed several times in sterile distilled water and cultured aseptically. Callus induction media containing basal MS medium containing 3% sucrose with growth hormones 0.5 mg.L-1 BA, 3.0 mg.L-1 2,4-D was used. The medium was solidified with 0.8% agar (Bacteriological Grade), pH adjusted to 5.8 and then autoclaved at 1.2–1.3 pressure and 121°C temperature for 15 min. 51 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 To compare the level of transcript expressed between transformed and non-transformed calli lines, Equal amount of total RNA was used from transformed and control calli to perform a reverse transcription PCR. The cDNA was made using oligodT primers. PDH45 and actin transcripts were amplified by using equal quantity of cDNA. The RT-PCR products were analysed on 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis Genomic DNA from regenerated plant leaves was isolated from putative transformants and untransformed Finger millet (negative control). And the event of successful transformation in Finger millet was examined by testing for the presence of the hptII and PDH45 coding gene sequence in the by PCR analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION pCAMBIA:PDH45 construct (Fig.1) was obtained in the form of plasmid and it was initially confirmed by restriction analysis. The plasmid obtained was first transformed into competent E. coli (DH5α) cells and multiplied and confirmed. Then the binary vector plasmid was mobilized into Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 by electroporation. Fig. 1: Binary vector pCAMBIA:PDH45 gene construct The percent survival of transformed calli grown on regeneration media containing hygromycin plant selection media was recorded for each batch of co cultivation. And we found that the transformation efficiency is around one percent (Table 1). Since the Finger millet is monocot there is less wound response and absence of associated activation of virulence genes makes regeration efficiency is comparatively less than dicot plants. Table 1: Percent survival of agro co-cultivated calli on regeneration media containing hptII (Seven batches was cocultivated with Agrobacterium) Number of calli co Number of calli survived in Percent Batch no. cultivated with hygromycin selection media survival Agrobacterium strain 1 106 01 0.94 2 89 02 2.24 3 84 01 1.19 4 101 02 1.98 5 126 02 1.58 6 136 01 0.73 7 149 01 0.67 The PDH-45 gene was transformed into Finger millet seed calli by Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer method (i.e. in vitro method). Transformed callus was grown in selection media and allowed for regeration. Here the nontransformed embryonic calli unable to regenerate in nptII antibiotic media and was killed. Whereas nptII gene containing calli was regerated since it gives resistance to antibiotic (Fig. 2A). And this transformation initially confirmed by GusHistochemical analysis. The transformed calli showed distinct blue coloration due to enzymatic cleavage of 5bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide substrate (Fig.2B). 52 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Fig. 2A: Selection and regeneration of putative transformed calli in selection media. Arrow mark indicates the survived calli in selection media. Fig. 2B: Confirmation of the putative transformants at callus stage by Gus assay using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-Dglucuronide as substrate. 1=Control (non-transformed) callus, 2 =Putative transformed callus. millet callus line did not give any amplification for hptII primers (Fig.3, lane 1); suggesting that the untransformed control plants did not carry any hptII gene encoding for hygromycin resistance. And the putative transformants showed the amplification of 500bp hptII fragment (Fig.3, lane 3). Molecular analysis of the putative PDH45 transformants: The genomic DNA was extracted from both untransformed control callus and putative PDH45 transformant callus by C-TAB method. Using the genomic DNA as template the PCR was performed for hptII (selectable marker). The DNA of untransformed Finger Fig 3: Confirmation of putative transformed callus over-expressing PDH45 by PCR hptII primers Lane M: Gene Ruler 1kb ladder Lane 1: Genomic DNA of untransformed control callus Lane 2: Plasmid DNA of pCABIA1301-PDH45 construct Lane 3: Genomic DNA of putative transformed calli over expressing PDH45 gene Semi-quantative RT-PCR was used to analyze the expression of transgenic callus at the RNA level. The RTPCR result indicated that expression of PDH45 transcripts was more in putative transformed line when compared to control (Fig.4). But even in non-transformed calli there was negligible PDH45 transcript amplification was observed this analysis of callus genomic DNA using is because PDH45 is a functional gene so it endogenously expresses even in control plants also. This suggest the over expression of PDH45 gene in transformed line. 53 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Fig 4: Amplification of PDH45 from cDNA of putative transformed Finger millet callus M: Gene Ruler 1kb ladder Lane 1: Plasmid DNA of pCABIA1301-PDH45 construct Lane 2: Amplification of PDH45 from cDNA of non-transformed control calli Lane 3: Amplification of PDH45 from cDNA of PDH 45 transformed Finger millet calli Lane 4 and 5: Actin amplification of Lane2 and 3 The genomic DNA was obtained from regenerated plant leaves putative PDH45 transformed plants and nontransformed control Finger millet plant by C-TAB method. And the PCR result which shown that non-transformed Finger millet line did not give any amplification for hptII primers (Fig 5, lane 1); Suggesting that the control plants did not carry any hptII gene encoding for hygromycin resistance. The genomic DNA of the independent putative PDH45 transformed plant showed the amplification for hptII fragment primers (Fig 5, lane 2) Figure 5: Confirmation of successful in vitro transformed Finger millet transgenic lines overexpressing PDH 45 gene by PCR analysis of genomic DNA using hptII primers Lane M: Gene Ruler 1kb ladder Lane 1: Genomic DNA of control Lane 2: Genomic DNA of putative transgenic plant over expressing PDH45 gene Lane 3: Plasmid DNA of pCAMBIA1301-PDH45 construct From these results clearly indicates that, the PDH45 gene has been successfully introduced into Finger millet by Agrobacterium mediated gene transformation method. 54 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 REFERENCES B.N. Sastri (Ed.) 1989. 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ABSTRACT A field study was conducted during the winter season (Rabi) of 2008-09 on transitional luni basin plain zone of Rajasthan, to evaluate the effect of sowing method and weed management on productivity and economics of cumin. The results showed that crop sowing in row apart 20 cm produced significantly higher seed yield (8.11 qt ha-1), biomass yield (21.64 qt ha-1), harvest index (37.43 %), total return (Rs.101389/- ha-1), net return (Rs.81786/- ha-1) and cost: benefit ratio (5.17). The pre emergence application of both pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 and hand weeding at 30 DAS produced significantly higher productivity and maximum return as compared to alone hand weeding at 30 DAS as well as pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1. However, pre emergence application of pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 also increase productivity and economics significantly as compared to alone hand weeding at 30 DAS. Key words : Productivity, economics, cumin, net return. Cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.) is an important seed spices crop of Rajasthan. Due to higher return from the crop, area under this crop is increasing rapidly in Rajasthan. It is sown in dry soil by broadcasting method, followed by two light irrigations to facilitate seedling emergence. Besides, the initial growth of the crop is pretty slow. These two factors result in heavy weed infestation in the crop. Weed competes with the crop plants for the essentials of growth, interfere with the utilization of land and water resources, and thus adversely affect crop production. Weeds deplete 30-40 % of applied nutrients from the soil and compete with the crop plants for soil moisture and sunlight too (Mani, 1977). Keeping a crop weed-free throughout the crop season is a laborious and cost intensive affair. In order to gate desirable degree of weed management, the operation has to be repeated but manual operation at several times become difficult. More over, hand-weeding is laborious, cumbersome and time consuming besides being costly and economically not feasible in today’s intensive agriculture. Integration of manual and chemical weed management is reported to be more effective and economical then mechanical weed control. The arable land is a precious and scarce resource so, among the options to increase production, the crop intensity and efficient utilization of available resources seem more feasible over increasing area under cultivation. In suitable plant density, plants completely use environmental conditions (water, air, light and soil) and inter or intra- specific competition is minimum. The present investigation was therefore carried out to increase the production of cumin through integrated weed management and row spacing of crop. in main plot and three weed management methods (Hand weeding at 30 DAS, pendimithelin @ 1kg ha-1 PE and pendimithelin @ 1kg ha-1 PE+Hand weeding at 30 DAS) in sub plot were laid out in split plot design with three replication, located at two farmers fields and instructional farm of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Each location have one replication. The cumin crop variety RZ-19 was sown in rows spaced at 20 and 30 cm apart through ‘Kera’ methods and broadcasting as per treatment on 20 October to 8 November, 2008. Herbicide was apply as pre-emergence and hand weeding was done as per treatments. Seed yield, biomass yield, cost of cultivation and net return of crop per ha. were taken. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of sowing method Result of the study recorded that crop sowing in rows apart 20 and 30 cm had significant impact on yield and economics of cumin as compared broadcasting method of sowing (Table-1). Cumin crop sowing in row apart 20 cm produced significantly higher seed yield (8.11 qt ha-1), biomass yield (21.64 qt ha-1), harvest index (37.43 %), total return (Rs.101389/- ha-1), net return (Rs.81786/- ha-1) and cost: benefit ratio (5.17) and increased by 12.50, 11.23, 11.08, 0.90, 12.48 and 15.62 percent as compare to sowing in row apart 30 cm and 19.83, 31.74, 17.19, 2.72, 19.83 and 31.24 percent as compare to broadcasting, respectively. In suitable plant density, plants completely use environmental conditions and inter or intra specific competition is minimum. Under optimum plant density, plants show efficient use of available water, light and nutrient while under high plant density, there is competition among plants. The results obtained are in close conformity with the findings of Sadeghi et al (2009) in black cumin. Effect of weed management The chemical weed control measures significantly increase the yields and economical attributes over mechanical weed control (Table-1). The pre emergence application of both pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 and hand weeding at 30 DAS produced significantly higher productivity and maximum return as compared to alone hand weeding at 30 DAS as MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted at different location of the district at progressive farmers field who was growing cumin crop and instructional farm of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Keshwana, Jalore during Rabi 2008-09 having silty loam soil with pH 8.2, EC 0.17 dS m-1,organic carbon 0.25 %, available phosphorus 8.6 kg P ha-1 and available potassium 279.7 kg Kha-1.The treatments comprised of three sowing methods (broad casting, 30 cm row spacing and 20 cm row spacing ) 56 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 well as pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1. The pre emergence application of pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 and hand weeding at 30 DAS produced significantly higher seed yield by 10.03 and 8.83 per cent, biomass yield by 13.60 and 0.82 per cent, harvest index by 7.63 and 6.46 percent, total return by 2.51 and 2.55 percent, net return by 10.03 and 8.83 per cent and cost: benefit ratio by 14.31 and 9.14 per cent as compare to hand weeding at 30 DAS and pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1, respectively. However, pre emergence application of pendimethalin at 1.0 kg ha-1 also increase productivity and net return significantly as compared to alone hand weeding at 30 DAS. The increase in productivity of cumin was due to deduction in weed population at early stage because pendimethalin absorbed by germinating weeds inhibits cell division in the meristematic tissues resulting in death of most of the weeds within a few days of their emergence, disruption of microtubule and inhibits synthesis of seedlings followed by chlorosis and inhibition of elongation of leaves therefore most of weeds died within a few days of their emergence. These herbicide gave almost season long control of weeds obviously due to their persistence in soil for a sufficient long time. The results are in conformity with those reported by Ram et al. (2005) and Singh et al (2005) in blond psyllium. Table 1: Yield, biomass production, harvest index and economics of cumin crop Treatments Seed yield (qt/ha) Sowing methods Broad casting 6.02 30 cm row spacing 7.21 20 cm row spacing 8.11 SEm 0.205 CD at 5% 0.80 CV 8.63 Weed management methods Hand weeding at 30 DAS 6.47 Pendimithelin @ 1kg ha-1 PE 7.12 Pendimithelin @ 1kg ha-1 PE+ Hand 7.75 weeding at 30 DAS SEm 0.201 CD at 5% 0.62 CV 8.49 *Selling price of Cumin-12500/-per quintal Bio mass (qt/ha) Harvest Index (%) Total Return (Rs./ha) Net Return (Rs./ha) B:C Ratio 16.63 19.48 21.64 0.506 1.99 7.89 36.12 37.10 37.43 0.518 2.03 4.21 75222 90139 101389 2557.517 10042.06 8.63 53901 70739 81786 2557.517 10042.06 11.15 3.53 4.64 5.17 0.128 0.50 8.61 17.92 19.29 20.54 35.97 36.87 37.81 80889 89000 96861 60881 69592 75953 4.06 4.62 4.65 0.474 1.46 7.38 0.385 1.19 3.13 2515.640 7751.46 8.49 2515.640 7751.46 10.97 0.123 0.38 8.31 REFERENCES Mani, V.S.1977. Weed sereach in India, status, problems and strategies. (In) Proceedings of weed science Conference, held at Hyderabad1:27 Sadeghi, S., Rahnavard, A., and Ashrafi, Z.Y.2009. Study importance of soeing date and plant density effect on black cumin (Cuminum carvi) yield. Botany Research International 2 (2):94-98. Ram,B., Choudhary, G.R., Jat, A.S. and Jat, M.L. 2005. Effect of integrated weed management and intercropping systems on growth and yield of Pearl millet (Pennisitum glaucum). Indian Journal of Agronomy 50 (3): 210-213. Singh,I., Rathore, M.S., Chandawat,M.S., Yadav, R.S. and Makhan Lal 2005. Herbicidal weed control in blond psyllium (Plantago ovata) grown on aridisols under irrigated conditions. Indian Journal of Agronomy 50 (3): 247-248 57 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Factors responsible for post harvest losses of paddy in Rewa district in Madhya Pradesh 1 S.C.MEENA, 2S.N.SHRIVASTAVA AND 3H.K.NIRANJAN 1&3 M.Sc. Student, College of Agriculture, Rewa (M.P.) 2 professor & Head Department of Agricultural Economics & FM, JNKVV Jabalpur, Collage of agriculture, Rewa (M.P.) 486001 Email: ABSTRACT Rice is the staple food and main source of income for million people of the country. The crop is being grown in diverse ecosystem ranging the productivity from 1 to 7 ton/ha. At present post harvest losses are becoming a major threat for its cultivation and storage which may be caused due to biotic and a biotic stresses. If the post harvest losses are reduced the world supply can be increased by 30-40% without cultivating additional land or increasing any additional expenditure on seed, fertilizer, irrigation and plant protection measure to grow the crop. Keeping these facts in view, the presentation is therefore undertaken to study the post harvest losses of paddy in Madhya Pradesh in 2009. among the major factors responsible for causing losses in manual and bullock operated farms , maximum losses reported in harvesting (7.68kg/q) followed by threshing and winnowing (3.66kg/q), transportation (1.47kg/q), storage (1.10kg/q) and other activities (2.51kg/q). In machine operated farm (22.60kg/q) losses found under different categories. The magnitude of harvest and post harvest losses in small, medium and large size of farm were (16.33kg/q), (21.5kg/q) respectively. Susana G. castro (2006) also reported these findings. Key words: Post harvest losses, eco-system, traditional, Madhaya Pradesh. Traditionally, rice has been the staple food and main source of income for millions of people and it will continue to be a main stay of life for future generations. In many countries, essential development efforts are concentrated on rice to domestic need for food. In the developing countries rice is an important item of exportation. Post harvest losses present one of the main problems not only in rice but also in all grain production. Losses in food crops occurring during harvesting, Threshing, Drying, Storage, Transportation, Etc. have been estimated to be between 30 to 40 % of all food crops in developing countries. If post harvest losses are reduced the world supply can be increased by 30-40% without cultivating additional hectares of land or increasing any additional expenditure on seed, Fertilizer, Irrigation and plant protection measure to grow the crop (Agricultural Resources Center, Egypt 2004). The specific of objectives of the study are: i) To assess the extent and nature of post harvest losses of paddy at different stages of handling in different size of farm. ii) To examine the factors responsible for post harvest losses of paddy. iii) To identify the constraints of proper handling of paddy. iv) To suggest the ways and policy implication of minimization of post harvest losses of paddy. The study was mainly based on primary data. The requisite primary data were collected from the selected paddy growers through well structured and pre- tested schedule by personal interview method. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted in selecting paddy growers. In the first stage, Rewa district was purposively selected because the proportion of higher the area and production of paddy in the district was 126527ha & 2994252tones. In the second stage, out of nine blocks in the Rewa district, Hanumana block was purposively selected. From selected block, eight villages a list of paddy growers selected at random in the third stage. lastly, from each sample village a list of paddy growers was prepared in ascending order of their size of holding and were grouped into small (up to 2 ha.), medium (2-5 ha.) and large (above 5 ha) categories from cash selected village. In all, the sample consisted of 80 paddy growers across eight villages in he selected block of Rewa district In M.P. Analytical tools: Classification and tabulation of data were done in light of stated objectives. Suitable statistical tools such as weighted average and percentage were used. The data were processed using tabular analysis. Multiple linear regression models. y = a+b1 x1 + b2 x2 + b3 x3 + b4 x4 + b5 x5 + b6 x6 + b7 x7 Where, y = post harvest losses a = constant b1 to b7 = regression coefficient x1 = area under paddy x2 = yield of paddy x3 = time of storage x4 = marketed surplus x5 = type of storage x6 = methods of storage x7 = literacy The different losses will be calculated using the following relations: MATERIALS AND METHODS The study area: - the study is confined to one of the major paddy producing district of M.P. i.e. Rewa. Rewa district has nine blocks viz, Raipur Karchuliyan, Mauganj, Hanumana, Naigarhi, Teonthar, Jawa, Sirmour and Gangeo. Out of which Hanumana block was purposively selected as it has maximum area and production of paddy and also due to ongoing rice research activities of college of Agriculture, Rewa (M.P.). 58 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 (i) Transportation losses Total harvest and post harvest losses of paddy (kg/q) in manual & bullock operated farm as compared to machine operated farms. Table 1 shows that in manual & bullock operated farms there was found 16.43 kg/q total losses in different harvest and post harvest activities amongst all these activities the highest losses was observed in harvesting (7.68 kg/q.) followed by threshing and winnowing (3.66 kg/q.), transportation (1.47 kg/q), storage (1.10 kg/q) and other activities (2.51 kg/q). As the size of holding increase the harvest and post harvest losses in small, medium and large size of farms were 13.81kg/q, 17.93kg/q and 22.61kg/q respectively. Similarly in machine operated farm was found 22.60 kg/q total losses in different activities. Amongst all these activities the higher losses were observed in harvesting, threshing & winnowing ( 15.67kg/q) followed by transportation (1.94kg/q), storage (1.52 kg/q) and other activities (3.47 kg/q). Hence, the total harvest & post harvest losses and size of farms both are positively related to each other. The magnitude of harvest & post harvest losses 25.49 kg/q respectively. Anonymous (2001) and Alam et al. (2003) also confirmed these findings. It is clear that there were more harvest & post harvest losses on machine operated farms (22.60 kg/q) as compared to manual & bullock operated farms (16.43 kg/q). Transportation losses (%) (ii) Threshing losses Threshing Losses (%) (iii) Winnowing losses Winnowing Losses (%) (iv) Storage losses Storage losses (%) Where, W = quantum of threshed produce WN = quantum of threshing losses WH = threshed produce WW= grain in bhusa (Straw) WS = weight at the time of storage WR= weight at the time of use SL = loss in weight = (WS-SR) WT = quantum of grain fallen while transportation RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table1.Total harvest and post harvest losses of paddy (kg/q) in manual & bullock operated farm as compared to machine operated farms. Size of farms Weighted average Small Medium Large Particulars Bullock Machine Bullock Machine Bullock Machine Bullock Machine operated operated operated operated operated operated operated operated farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms 5.93 8.52 10.97 7.68 Harvesting (45.01) 11.53 (47.51) 14.88 (48.51) 17.69 (46.76) 15.67 Threshing & 2.88 (70.61) 4.03 (69.06) 5.14 (69.39) 3.66 (69.32) winnowing (7.86) (22.49) (22.71) (22.30) 1.04 1.10 1.12 1.52 1.27 1.64 1.10 1.52 Storage (7.86) (6.71) (6.23) (7.05) (5.62) (6.43) (6.72) (8.58) 1.35 1.33 1.51 1.90 1.72 2.15 1.47 1.94 Transportation (10.25) (8.11) (8.44) (8.81) (7.59) (8.41) (8.94) Other activities (Drying, cleaning, 1.98 2.38 2.75 3.25 3.52 4.02 2.51 3.47 weighing, (15.03) (14.57) (15.34) (15.08) (15.57) (15.77) (15.27) (15.36) handling) Total losses 13.18 16.33 17.93 21.55 22.61 35.49 16.43 22.60 (quantity) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) the harvest & post harvest losses positively. Among the stated factors field of paddy and time of storage affected the harvest and post harvest losses positively and highly significant. An increase of 0.389q in harvest and post harvest losses was observed with an increase of one quintal increase in yield of paddy. This loss was examined maximum amongst all the losses. Similarly an amount of 0.092 q loss was noted with one quintal of paddy under the grain is too important. The area of paddy was also found positively significant affecting due harvest & post harvest losses. Hence, there is a necessity to promote post harvest Factors affecting harvest & post harvest losses: The linear regression equation explained 89.81 percent share in harvest and post harvest losses due to inclusion of due seven independent factors. The F- ratio (90.698%) indicates good fit of one linear regression line. To examine the factors which affected the harvest & post harvest losses of paddy, a multiple liner regression model was used and following equation was fitted: The result of the regression analysis clearly indicates that the area under paddy crop, Yield of paddy, time of storage, Type of storage, methods of storage and literacy influenced 59 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 technologies among the farmers so that they can avail the advantage of the time utilities in the marketing of paddy. The type of storage from kaccha to pakka, methods of storage from bulk to bags and number of years of schooling also positively related with harvest and post harvest losses. Marketed surplus negatively related with harvest & post harvest losses. Hence, the extra attention should be given by policy makers towards these parameters. ( Table2). Table2. Factors affecting harvest & post harvest losses: Harvest & post Area Yield Time of harvest losses under storage paddy y a x1 x2 x3 15.53 0.283* 0.389* 0.0929 F-Ration 90.698 R2 89.81 Note: *significant at 5 per cent level Marketed surplus Types of storage Method of storage Literacy x4 -0.1309* x5 0.0413* x6 0.0162* x7 0.0835 Table3. Constraints of proper handling of paddy during harvest and post harvest activities: Particulars Size of farms Small Medium large Shortage of labour at the time of harvesting 22 18 9 (55) (72) (60) Lack of skilled labour at the time of harvesting 26 12 10 (66.67) &winnowing (65) (48) Unfavorable weather with at the time of harvesting 30 12 9 (75) (48) (60) Unavailable of matching at the time of harvesting 11 7 (46.67) (44) Detoriation in quality of grains when combiner in used 14 10 (66.67) (56) Lack of technical knowledge 32 11 6 (80) (44) (40) Shortage of power supply 21 35 (87.5) 10 (66.67) (84) Unavailability of machine at the time of threshing and 12 4 15 (37.5) winnowing (48) (26.67) Lack of road facilities 18 14 8 (53.33) (45) (56) Lack of storage facilities 32 12 4 (26.67) (80) (48) Lack of suitable site floor for drying 22 15 6 (55) (60) (40) Lack of capital 22 18 6 (55) (72) (40) Total(n=80) 49 (61.25) 48 (60) 51 (63.75) 18 (22.5) 24 (30) 49 (61.25) 66 (82.5) 31 (38.75) 40 (50) 48 (60) 41 (51.25) 46 (57.5) crops residues (51.25%), lack of all weather roads (50%), detoriation in quality of grains when combine is used (30%) and unavailable of machine at the time of harvesting (22.50%) in proper handling of paddy during post harvest activities. Hence, for reducing post harvest losses proper implementation post harvest technology at the farmer’s level is necessary to take advantage of marketing technology, so that they can reduce their post harvest losses. There is also need of skill oriental training demonstration for these harvest and post harvest technologies at farmer’s farm. So that they can get advantage to maximize their production by reducing their losses. This ultimately added may be best method of extension of technologies. Now, there is necessity to increase extension post harvest technology in the area. As these not only minimized losses but increase yield of the farmers added additional value in their product (Table3.). Constraints of proper handling of paddy during harvest and post harvest activities: There is enough scope for reducing harvest and post harvest losses of paddy grain in the study area. an attempt was also undertaken to find out the various constraints, which came across in proper handling of paddy grains during post harvest activities and are presented in the table the majority of paddy growers reported shortage of power supply in peak operation period (82.5%), followed by unfavorable weather condition at the time of harvesting (63.75%), shortage of labours at the time of harvesting (61.25%), lack of tech. knowledge (61.25%), lack of skilled labour at the time of harvesting & winnowing (60.0%), unavailability of machines at the time of threshing & winnowing (38.75%) and lack of storage facility (60%) The cultivators also reported the constraints as lack of capital (57.5%) lack of suitable site/ floor for drying 60 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 4. The maximum harvest & post harvest losses (broken grains) occurred when farmers used machine. Thus, It is recommended that specialized paddy machine be evolved and popularized among the paddy produces at present the common machine are used by the paddy producers after some adjustment, which are also 5. Storage facilities should be proper and sufficient to avoid losses due to rodents etc. scientific methods of storage should be used to prevent such losses. Suggestions: 1. Paddy crops should be harvested at proper stage to minimize harvesting losses. During harvesting there grain moisture content should be 8-10% (wb). 2. Proper planning and management of short medium and long duration varieties many result in minimum harvesting losses. 3. Highly shattering /logging resistant paddy variety should be involved by the research scientists. REFERENCE Andales, S.C. et al (2000). Priorities and constraints of post-harvest in the Philippines. Technical reference guide on grain post-harvest losses. BPRE. Monoz Nueva Ecija. Philippines, third edition. P.11. Singh, G. and Ali, N. (1988). Post-harvest and AgroProcessing Technology. Two decades of Agricultural Engineering Research of CIAE (1978-1988) 93-97. Susana G. Castro (2006). Post-harvest technology in Philippines. Abstract on line Alam, A.; Singh, G (2003). Present status of post harvest technology and R and D achievements, status and future needs of farm mechanization and agro- processing in India, Central Institutes of Agriculture Engineering, Bhopal.; 104-107.> Anonymous (2001). Post-harvest and agro-processing research development and technology, Central Institute of Agriculture Engineering, Bhopal; 171. 61 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Knowledge of improved castor production technology among tribal and non -tribal farmers of Sirohi district of Rajasthan 1 DILEEP KUMAR, 2 JEEWA RAM, 2D S BHATI AND 3K L DANGI Assistant Professor KVK, (SKRAU) Sriganganagar, 1SMS Agriculture Extension, 3 Department of Extension Education, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur 313001 Rajasthan –India E mail: 2 ABSTRACT Castor is an important oilseed cash crop. India is the largest castor growing country in the world. Castor oil obtained from castor seed is non-edible, but is of great industrial importance Castor producer in India. In Rajasthan, Sirohi district have first rank in terms of area and production of castor. Therefore, a study was undertaken to assess the level of knowledge of castor production technology among tribal and non-tribal farmers of Sirohi district. The present study was conducted in Abu Road (tribal) and Reoder (non-tribal) panchayat samities. Two villages selected from each panchayat samiti and 75 tribal and 75 non-tribal respondents were selected through proportionate random sampling procedure. That way the total size of sample is 150. The study was revealed that 78 tribal and non-tribal respondents were of medium level of knowledge. Non-tribal respondents had been two times higher level of knowledge as compared to tribal respondents. It was inferred that out of total ten major aspects of castor production technology, both the groups of respondents had maximum knowledge about the practices of irrigation management whereas the lowest knowledge was about the plant protection measures. The calculated “Z” values of all the major aspects of castor production technologies were found to be statistically significant, which showed that there existed difference in the knowledge level of respondents Key words: Cash crop, oilseeds, knowledge level, tribal. Castor is an important oilseed cash crop. It is grown in tropical, sub tropical and temperate climate. India, with 1076.7 thousand hectares area is the largest castor growing country in the World with 866.6 thousand tonnes of production, the highest in the world. The average yield of castor in India is only 805 kg/ha as against the world average of 1056 kg/ha. India accounts for 35 per cent and 37 per cent of the global area and production respectively. Castor oil obtained from castor seed is non-edible, but is of great industrial importance. It is used as raw material in manufacture of a number of speciality soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, paints and lubricants etc. The total castor production in Rajasthan state is 103782 tonnes. The state has third highest producer in India after Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. The total area and average yield was estimated 109717 hectares and 946 kg/ha, respectively (Anonymous, 200506). In Rajasthan, major castor producing districts were Sirohi, Jalore, Barmer, Pali and Jodhpur. Sirohi district was first rank in terms of area and production of castor in Rajasthan. This crop was grown by limited farmers because of its lack of knowledge of cultivation technology. If we know the existing knowledge then we can plan future strategy for its popularity and sustainability. With these view, the present investigation was taken to upgrad the knowledge status of castor cultivation of tribal and non triable farmer of Sirohi district of Rajasthan. The specific objective were under 1. To analyze the level of knowledge of improved castor production technology among tribal and non-tribal farmers 2. To find out knowledge gap of improved castor production technology among tribal and non-tribal farmers MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted in purposively selected Sirohi district of Rajasthan, on the basis of highest area under castor crop. Two Panchayat Samities were selected, one tribal (Abu Road) and one non-tribal (Reoder) for the purpose of investigation. Two villages each from selected panchayat samities i.e.four villages were chosen. Seventy five tribal and non-tribal respondents were selected through proportionate random sampling procedure. That way, the overall size of sample constituted of total 150 respondents. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION 1. Level of knowledge to improved castor production technology among tribal and non-tribal farmers The perusal of data presented in Table-1 visualises that more than half of the total respondents 78 (52.00 per cent) were medium knowledge category, followed by 54 (36.00 per cent) respondents who possessed low knowledge regarding CPT. Further, it was observed that only 18 (12.00 per cent) of the total respondents could be placed in the category of high knowledge about CPT. Observation of data makes it clear that more than half 42 (56.00 per cent) of the tribal respondents possessed low level of knowledge followed by 27 (36.00 per cent) with medium level of knowledge and only 6 (8.00 per cent) respondents possessed high knowledge regarding CPT. Whereas, majority of non tribal respondents 51 (68.00 per cent) were found to have medium level of knowledge, followed by equal number 12 (16.00 per cent) in the high and low level of knowledge regarding CPT. 62 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table-1: Distribution of respondents according to their level of knowledge about CPT. N=150 Level of knowledge Low (Below 46.04) Medium ( between 46.04) High (Above (72.75) Total * ** Tribal 42 (77.78)* (56.00)** 27 (34.62) (36.00) 6 (33.33) (8.00) 75 (50.00) Non-tribal 12 (22.22) (16.00) 51 (65.38) (68.00 12 (66.67) (16.00) 75 (50.00) Total 54 (36.00) 78 (52.00) 18 (12.00) 150 Percentage of rows Percentage of columns Data presented in the table-1, concluded that majority of the respondents of both categories fell under medium level of knowledge about CPT. At the same times, noted that nontribal number, 12 (66.67 per cent) is higher than 6 (33.33 per cent) of tribal having higher extent of knowledge in CPT. The finding was also conformed to Nakela (1989), who found that farmers in the non-tribal area had more knowledge, as compared to the farmers in the tribal areas about all the improved practices of kharif pulse technology. Rajput (1997) also observed that majority of respondent fell in the medium level in poppy cultivation. The present finding was also in line with reported of Meena (1998). Table-2: Overall knowledge of respondents regarding major aspects of CPT. N=150 Major aspects Tribal Rank VII VI IX V IV Non tribal MPS Rank 63.08 VII 73.71 V 56.89 VIII 66.96 VI 88.33 II MPS Hybrids 55.17 Soil and field preparation 61.33 Seed treatment 34.67 Sowing time 65.78 Seed rate and 66.00 recommended spacing Manure and fertilizer 76.27 II 86.53 application Weed management 36.67 VIII 48.33 Irrigation management 83.11 I 94.67 Plant protection measures 30.46 X 43.92 Harvesting and storage 68.44 III 86.22 Total 49.87 61.41 * Significant at 1 per cent level of significance. * Significant at 5 percent level of significance ‘Z’ value tabulated = 2.566 at 0.01 level of probability “Z” value tabulated = 1.96 at 0.05 level of probability A perusal of data in Table 2 indicates that out of ten major aspects of CPT, both the groups of respondents had maximum knowledge about the practices of “irrigation management” which acquired overall MPS 88.89 ranked first followed by “manure and fertilizer application”, “harvesting and storage” and “seed rate and recommended spacing” practices, which were ranked second, third and fourth with their respective total MPS 81.40, 77.33 and 77.16.respectively The knowledge level of all the respondents, one of the most important aspects i.e. plant protection measures was placed at very bottom with overall MPS of 37.19. Table 2 also expressed that there had been significant difference between tribals and non-tribals with regard to their level of knowledge about all the major aspects of CPT, except one, i.e. “sowing time”. Meaning, non-tribals of the 63 “Z” value Total MPS 59.12 67.52 45.78 66.37 77.16 Rank VII V VIII VI IV 4.834** 4.154** 3.315** 0.641 NS 4.829** III 81.40 II 3.942** IX I X IV 42.50 88.89 37.19 77.33 55.64 IX I X III 2.517* 3.774** 5.276** 5.131** 7.236 study area possessed higher knowledge about CPT than those of tribals. 2. Knowledge gap of improved castor production technology among tribal and non-tribal farmers Table 3 show that out of ten major areas identified under the study of CPT only one area i.e., “plant production measures” was found in first rank as far its knowledge gap was concerned among both the types of respondents. It was also observed that the practices of “weed management” got second rank with knowledge gap per cent, 57.55 among total 150 respondents. It was followed by third as the knowledge gap of “seed treatment”. Similae findings was conformity with Nakela (1989) where he identified significant gap in knowledge of tribal and non-tribal farmers regarding recommended practices of Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 pulse production technology. Shri Ram (1999) also supports the findings of present contexts where he observed highest knowledge gap in relation to plant protection measures among tribals and non- tribals, to wheat crop. Table -3: Knowledge gap among Tribal and non tribal respondents about improved CPT. N=150 Practices Tribal Non tribal MPS GAP % MPS GAP % Hybrids 55.17 44.83 63.08 36.92 Soil and field preparation Seed treatment Sowing time Seed Rate and Recommended spacing Manure and fertilizer application Weed management Irrigation Management Plant protection measures Harvesting and storage Total Total MPS 59.12 GAP % 40.88 61.33 34.67 65.78 66.00 38.67 65.33 34.22 34.00 73.71 56.89 66.96 88.33 26.29 43.11 33.04 11.67 67.52 45.78 66.37 77.16 32.48 54.22 33.63 22.84 76.27 36.67 83.11 30.46 68.44 57.79 23.73 63.33 16.89 69.54 31.56 42.21 86.53 48.33 94.67 43.92 86.22 70.86 13.47 51.67 5.33 56.08 13.78 29.14 81.30 42.45 88.89 37.19 77.33 64.33 18.70 57.55 11.11 62.81 22.67 35.67 It was revealed that majority of tribals i.e. 42 (56.00 per cent) belonged to low level of knowledge, while non-tribals were of medium level of knowledge with the tune of 51 (68.00 per cent). Higher level of knowledge of non-tribal respondents had been two times more as compared to tribal respondents regarding improved castor production. It was inferred that out of total ten major aspects of castor production technology, both the groups of respondents had maximum knowledge about the practices of irrigation management, which acquired overall MPS 88.89, whereas the lowest knowledge was about the plant protection measures with its MPS 37.19. The calculated “Z” values of all the major aspects of castor production technologies i.e. hybrids, soil and field preparation, seed treatment, sowing time, seed rate and recommended spacing, manure and fertilizer, weed management, irrigation management, plant protection measures, harvesting and storage practices were found to be statistically significant, which showed that there existed difference in the knowledge level of respondents regarding castor production technology. The non-tribal’s had more knowledge about improved practices of castor production technology than those of tribal’s. Recommendations based on the findings that both the categories of farmers need to be educated still more about plant protection measures, seed treatments, weed management and hybrids. REFERENCES Rajput, V.S. (1997). “Factors affecting adoption of opium production technology in Nimbahera Panchayat Samiti of Chittorgarh district”. M. Sc. (Ag.) Thesis (unpub.), Raj. Agril. Univ., Bikaner, Campus -Udaipur. Annonymous (2005-06). State level summary of principals crops in Rajasthan. Vital Agriculture Statistics Directorate of Agriculture , Rajasthan pp 78. Meena, L.R. (1998). “Role of tribal and non-tribal farm women and their training need to improved animal husbandry in Udaipur district of Rajasthan”. M. Sc. (Ag.) Thesis (Unpub.), RAU, Bikaner, Campus-Udaipur. Shri Ram (1999). “Impact of the Mahi Bajaj Sagar Irrigation Project, Banswara on adoption of improved technology of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation in tribal area of Rajasthan”, Ph.D.Thesis, RAU, Bikaner, Campus Udaipur. Nakela, N.S. (1989). “Kharif pulse technology accessibility to farmers in tribal and non tribal area of Udaipur district (Rajasthan)”. M.Sc.(Ag.) Thesis (Unpub.), RAU, Bikaner,Campus-Udaipur. 64 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Integrated Nutrient Management on Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.) 1 GAJENDRA SINGH, 2G.L.SHARMA AND 3SHANKAR LAL GOLADA M.Sc.Research Scholar, 2Assistant Professor and 3Ph.D.Research Scholar Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUA&T Udaipur-313001 1 ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2010 at Instructional farm iof Agronomy, Rajasthan college of Agriculture Udaipur to study the Integrated nutrient management on quality protein maize( Zea mays L.) cv HQPM1.sixteen treatment combinations, comprising four levels of Enriched FYM with fertilizers viz. Conventional (FYM @ 10 t ha-1 + 100% RDF),Enriched FYM + 50% RDF, Enriched FYM + 100% RDF and Enriched FYM + 150% RDF and four Biofertilizers levels.viz.Control, Azotobactor, PSB and Azotobactor + PSB were laid out factorial concept in randomized block design with three replications. The application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 150% RDF recorded significantly increased the grain yield (4449.52 kg ha -1) ,stover yield (8026.52 kg ha-1),harvest index (35.64 % ) and protein content in grain (11.84 %) over rest of the treatments. Similar trend also observed in N and P content and uptake in grain and stover and availabile N and P in soil. Seed inoculation with Azotobacter + PSB culture maximized grain yield (4368.35 kg ha-1),stover yield of (873.6 kg ha-1), harvest index(35.26%)and protein content in grain(12.16%),over another treatments.Similar trend also observed in N and P content and uptake in grain and stover and availabile N and P in soil. Key words: Quality protein Maize, FYM Enriched Fertilizers, Biofertilizers, Nutrient content and uptake. Maize, the queen of cereals occupies a pride place among cereal crops in India. It has emerged as third most important food crop after rice and wheat as it represents 24 per cent of total cereal production. It is a staple food for vast rural population of our country particularly in the southern parts of Rajasthan. The maize varieties have low protein content with unbalanced composition of essential amino acids .The low protein and unbalanced amino acid content in maize cause protein deficiency diseases like kwashiorkor and malnutrition. To overcome this problem quality protein maize was developed. The QPM is hybridized variety of maize specially bred by Opaque-2 modifier gene, which improves lysine and tryptophan, reduces leucine and isoleusine content and produces quality protein with balanced composition of amino acids. Higher yield of QPM can be obtained through the use of plant nutrients The integrated plant nutrient supply envisages conjunctive use of inorganic and organic sources of plant nutrients and use of bio-fertilizers for crop productivity besides sustaining soil health. FYM is traditional source of organic manure. Out of total utilizable nutrient content of FYM only one third N and two third P is available in the current season crop and rest is to the succeeding crop in the recent years, microbial fertilizers like Azotobacter and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) have shown tremendous potential as these are eco-friendly and low cost agriculture inputs. There is a great need for research on biological nitrogen fixation and phosphorus solubilization for energy conservation. Most soils of Rajasthan state are low in organic matter content and poor in nutrient supply. Hence, inoculation with suitable strains of biofertilizers in such soil may help in boosting up production because of increasing microbial population and consequently increased fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by Azotobacter and solubilization of unavailable phosphorus by phosphorus solubilizing bacteria. Since the production technology is not available for Quality Protein maize in the state, therefore, an attempt has been made to increase the production potential of quality protein maize with FYM enriched with fertilizers levels and Biofertilizers. MATREIAL ANS METHOD A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2010 at Instructional Farm of Agronomy, Rajasthan college of Agriculture Udaipur. The experimental soil was clay loam, slightly alkaline in reaction (pH 7.8), medium in available nitrogen (260.40 kg per ha) and available phosphorus (18.26 kg per ha). The treatments consists of four levels of FYM enriched with Fertilizers, viz. Conventional (FYM @ 10 t ha-1 + 100% RDF),Enriched FYM + 50% RDF, Enriched FYM + 100% RDF and Enriched FYM + 150% RDF and four Biofertilizers levels.viz.Control, Azotobactor, PSB and Azotobactor + PSB were laid out factorial concept in randomized block design with three replications. FYM @ 10 t ha-1 was applied three weeks before sowing. Recommended doses of N and P were applied - full dose of phosphorus and half dose of nitrogen at sowing by drilling in crop rows and the remaining dose of nitrogen were side-dressed in two split doses at 30 DAS and 45 DAS. The seeds were inoculated with Azotobacter and PSB inoculants as per the treatments. The seeds were thoroughly mixed with biofertilizer slurry in such a way that all the seeds were uniformly coated with cultures and then allowed to dry in the shade before the sowing of crop. The Hybrid Quality protein maize-1 (HQPM-1) was sown on 9 July and harvested in 19 octomber 2010, using seed rate 20 kg ha-1 at inter row of 75cm and plant to plant spacing of 20 cm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Enriched FYM with Fertilizers The productivity of the crop in terms of grain and stover yield tended to increase with application of FYM integrated with chemical fertilizers (Table-1). Application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 150% RDF recorded significantly the 65 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 highest grain yield (4449.52 kg ha-1) which represented increases of 363.75, 383.25 and 570 kg ha -1 over application of FYM 10 t ha-1 enriched with 100 % RDF, conventional practice and FYM 10 t ha-1 enriched with 50% RDF, respectively. The highest stover yield (8026.52 kg ha -1) was recorded when the crop was supplied with FYM @ 10 t ha -1 enriched with 150% RDF, which represented significant increase of 705 kg ha-1 over FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 50% RDF but was found at par with conventional practice and FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 100% RDF. Similar trend also observed in harvest index. Application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 150% RDF recorded significantly highest protein content in grain. Protein content in maize grain improved with application of FYM enriched with N and P up to 150% RDF ha- due to greater availability of Table 1: Effect of Enriched FYM with fertilizers phosphorous content in grains Treatment Yield (kg ha-1) nitrogen and phosphorus on account of increasing fertilization, which in turn increased N content of grain and partly due to accelerating effect of this nutrient on protein synthesis and improved N and P content in grain and stover over control, FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 50% and 100% RDF.The results are in close conformity with those of Shivay et al. (2002) and Kar et al., (2006) Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by grain, stover and the total uptake by the crop were significantly the highest (Table-2) with application of FYM enriched with 150% RDF. Application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1enriched with 150% RDF significantly increased available nitrogen and phosphorus in soil over control and FYM @ 10 t ha 1 enriched with 50% RDF. However, it remained at par with FYM @ 10 t ha-1enriched with 100% RDF. and Biofertilizers on Yield ,Harvest index, Protein, Nitrogen and Harvest index Protein content (%) in grain (%) Grain Stover Conventional 4066.27 7536.02 35.06 Enriched FYM + 50% RDF 3879.52 7321.52 Enriched FYM + 100% RDF 4085.77 Enriched FYM + 150% RDF CD at 5% Nitrogen Phosphorous Grain Stover Grain Stover 11.2 1.797 0.713 0.4183 0.1602 34.62 10.84 1.735 0.706 0.4040 0.1597 7594.02 34.99 11.33 1.813 0.770 0.4164 0.1691 4449.52 8026.52 35.64 11.84 1.894 0.851 0.4708 0.1933 286.37 497.47 0.12 0.37 0.059 0.014 0.0096 0.0064 Control 3872.52 7139.00 35.16 10.56 1.690 0.741 0.4110 0.1655 Azotobactor 4196.80 7732.30 35.16 11.81 1.890 0.766 0.4252 0.1686 PSB 4043.44 7594.19 34.73 10.70 1.712 0.760 0.4327 0.1696 Azotobactor + PSB 4368.35 8012.60 35.26 12.16 1.946 0.774 0.4427 0.1786 CD at 5% 289.37 497.47 0.12 0.37 0.059 0.014 0.0096 0.0064 Enriched FYM ( % RDF) Biofertilizers has also been reported by a number of workers . Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) not only solubilize organic and inorganic phosphorus in soil but also make available added phosphorus and thereby increasing P availability and improve the crop growth and yield. Dadarwal et al., ( 2009) and Dilshad et al., (2010). Concentration of nutrients (N and P) in grain and stover were significantly influenced by seed inoculation with biofertilizers (Table 1). Azotobacter and PSB alone or in combination increased N and P content in grain and stover which could be attributed to greater availability of nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter and phosphorus through better solubilizing of phosphorus. The uptake of N and P increased with combined inoculation of seeds with Azotobacter +PSB (Table 2). Nutrient uptake is product key of yield and nutrient content, considerable increase in either nutrient content or in yield may increase the uptake. The results are in confirmation with findings of Effect of Biofertilizers The productivity of the crop in terms of grain and stover yield tended to increase seed inoculation with biofertilizers (Table-1).Seed inoculation with Azotobacter + PSB culture maximized grain yield (4368.35 kg ha-1) which represented significant increase of 495.85 and 324.91 kg ha -1 over control and PSB alone, respectively, while it was at par with Azotobacter alone. Similar trend also recorded in The highest stover yield ( 8012 kg ha-1) was recorded when seeds were inoculated with Azotobacter + PSB, which represented significant increase of 873.6 kg ha-1 over control and found at par with Azotobacter and PSB alone.Biofertilizers, the microbial inoculants which bring about fixation of atmospheric nitrogen either in free living N2 fixer in the rizosphere (Azotobacter) or transform native unavailable phosphorus into plant utilizable form are low cost eco-friendly inputs for farmers. However when N 2 fixers and PSB were used together there was significant additive effect. Such mutually beneficial synergistic effect 66 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Sujata et al., (2008), Balai et al., (2011) and Dadarwal et al., (2009). From the results of one year study, it may be concluded that application of FYM @ 10 t ha-1 enriched with 150% RDF appears to be beneficial for raising quality protein maize as this treatment recorded significantly the highest grain yield (4449.52 kg ha-1), Protein ,N and P content and uptake availability status of Nand P in soil also Among biofertilizer treatments, seed inoculation with combination of Azotobacter +PSB culture appears to be profitable as this treatment gave significantly the highest grain yield (4368.35 kg ha-1), Protein ,N and P content and uptake and availibility status of N and P in soil also However, these findings are based on one year study only, hence need further experimentation for confirmation of results. Table 2: Effect of Enriched FYM with fertilizers and Biofertilizers on Nutrient uptake in grain and available nutrient status in soil Treatment Nitrogen Phosphorus Available Nitrogen Available Phosphorous Grain Stover Grain Stover Conventional 73.3 53.7 17.0 12.1 251.57 20.45 Enriched FYM + 50% RDF 67.53 51.70 15.67 11.68 267.25 23.78 Enriched FYM + 100% RDF 74.22 58.52 17.04 12.85 276.61 25.82 Enriched FYM + 150% RDF 84.50 68.38 20.98 15.55 278.44 28.27 CD at 5% 5.82 3.80 1.21 0.94 10.71 0.98 Control 65.61 52.92 15.94 11.84 262.02 23.07 Azotobactor 79.31 59.36 17.90 13.08 266.88 24.20 PSB 69.38 57.84 17.55 12.94 265.52 24.83 Azotobactor + PSB 85.21 62.22 19.29 14.32 279.44 26.21 CD at 5% 5.82 3.80 1.21 0.94 10.71 0.98 Enriched FYM ( % RDF) Biofertilizers REFERENCES Balai, M.L., Verma, A., Nepalia, V. and Kanthaliye, P.C. 2011. Productivity and quality of maize (Zea mays) as influenced by integrated nutrient management under continuous cropping and fertilization. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81:374-376. Kar, P.P., Barik, K.C., Mahapatra, P.K., Garnayak, L.M., Rath, B.S., Bastia, D.K. and Khanda, C.M. 2006. Effect of planting geometry and nitrogen on yield, economics and nitrogen uptake of sweet corn (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agronomy 51: 43-45. Dadarwal, R.S., Jain, N. K., and Singh, D. 2009. Integrated nutrient management in baby corn (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 79:1023-1025. Shivay, Y.S., Singh, R.P. and Shivakumar, B.G. 2002. Effect of nitrogen on yield attributes, yield and quality of maize (Zea mays) in different cropping systems. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 72: 161-163. Dilshad, M.D., Lone, M.I., Jilani, G., Azim Malik, M., Yousaf, M., Khalid, R., Shamin, F.2010. Integrated nutrient management (IPNM) on maize under rainfed condition .Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 9: 896-901. Sujata, M.G., Lingaraju, B.S., Palled, Y.B., K.V. 2008. Importance of integrated nutrient management practices in maize under rainfed condition. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21: 334-338. 67 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 An Exploration about Attitude of Farm Women towards Indigenous Agriculture practices 1 SEEMA JASUJA, 2I.M.KHAN AND 1D.S.BHATI Assistant Professor, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sriganganagar (S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University) - 335 001 (Rajasthan), India 2 Associate Professor, SKN College of Agriculture Jobner, Jaipur Email: 1 ABSTRACT Farm women are the backbone of Indian culture. Eighty percent of the economically active women are engaged in activities of sowing, transplanting, weeding, manuring, harvesting, threshing and storage etc. In true sense, farm women are the store-house of indigenous knowledge and experience with respect to agriculture, which can form very good base for further development. Women can be extremely useful in identifying local farm resources, an aspect critical for success of agricultural production. They are diligent in showing the ways to develop traditional agricultural practices and strategies appropriate for local situations. There is an urgent need to blend modern scientific knowledge and the indigenous agricultural technologies to draw a line between the popular superstitions from rational indigenous technologies, so the later one deserve to be encouraged through scientific study and research. Higher productivity, cost effectiveness, non- polluting, hazardlessness, easy availability, stability, safety, and sustainability is the basic characteristics of traditional agricultural practices which should be strengthened by scientific explanation and documentation. An effort was made to develop a scale to measure the attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices. For measuring the attitude of farm women towards TAPs, a scale was developed by the investigator in light of the suggestions of the experts. Most of the respondents had favourable attitude towards traditional agricultural practices whereas 6.00 percent of farm women had unfavourable attitude and only 3.33 percent farm women had most favorable attitude towards traditional agricultural practices which indicate that farm women still had still faith in applicability of these generation-old farm practices as these are according to their socio-cultural domain of living, raised by the means of indigenous research. They considered these practices as their part of life, which ultimately reinforces their favourable attitude towards these traditional agricultural practices. Key words: Attitude, traditional agricultural practices. reservoir of indigenous agricultural knowledge.” (Warren, 1993) Traditional agriculture is normally thought to be that collection of practices which were centuries old and used till modern agriculture being displacing it with its scientific basis but traditional agriculture is a universal package of practices, a product of way of thinking, way of living, a culture. Its aim was the satisfaction of the basic needs of the surrounding community, not the luxuriant wants of distant region. Such knowledge or experiences have been passed on from one generation to another by word of mouth, which are commonly known as “Traditional Agricultural Practices.” The terms “Indigenous” is often interchangeably used with “Traditional” or “Local” (Chithraichelvan, 1994) Thus, traditional agricultural knowledge is generated by the local people with their own experiences and experimentation to meet their needs and which is sustainable. This knowledge is tightly interwoven with their beliefs, norms and culture so that it could maintain its identity. Traditional agriculture knowledge has several characteristics like it has minimum risk factor; heavy reliance on genetic and physical diversity; exploits optimum utilization of local resources; environmentally healthy; readily available and easily understandable. Further it is labor intensive, fits into local farming system and adaptable to meet multipurpose community needs, based on cultural values of the community; is attested by evidence from trustworthy sources and had good culinary quality Although the traditional practices or knowledge are the outcomes of daily experiences of local people, they are still in vague and not have any scientifically supported At the onset of the 21st century, the world faces a tremendous diversity of global challenges. On the developmental front one of these challenges is of institutionalization of sustainability. In the context of agricultural development, a new agenda has come up for achieving the objectives of generation and dissemination of economically feasible, socially acceptable and environmentally sound technologies that refers to the locality. Indian agriculture scene is spread over the major area of the country and involves an overwhelming number of population residence as well as employment wise. Indian farmer has their deep roots in knowing what works in their farms, even local agricultural schools can not teach such knowledge because of its vast extent and its wide range of variations (Pereira,1993) Since last two decades, an increasing number of scientists have moved towards analyzing the consequences of modern and scientific development efforts and from eighty’s the appreciation for traditional wisdom, which are prevalent in the society since time memorial, gained currency globally. Developing countries like ours have a reservoir of indigenous knowledge which may certainly prove to be more valuable to all of us in reorganization of our development efforts towards nation’s self sufficiency. Being an agriculture dependant country, in India, our developmental efforts are concentrated around transforming traditional agriculture technology to a way to modern technology but the potentiality of traditional agriculture is increasingly being recognized during last few years. “Developing countries have a valuable but largely untapped 68 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 common proverb in the African society “When a knowledgeable old person dies, a whole library disappears,” (DCR, 1991) so unless we make urgent and quicker efforts to track this valuable knowledge, it will be lost soon, not to be regained at any cost. With these considerations in mind, the present investigation entitled, “Attitude of farm women towards Traditional Agricultural Practices of Bikaner District, Rajasthan” has been undertaken with following objectives: 1) To develop a scale to measure the attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices. 2) To measure the attitude of farm women towards various traditional agricultural practices. weights of the individual items. In this way the frequency distribution of scores based on the responses to all statements was obtained. According to Edward (1957) 25 percent (15) of the subjects with the highest total scores and also 25 percent (15) of the subjects with the lowest total scores were taken assuming that these two groups were provided criterion groups in terms of which to evaluate the individual statement. For evaluating the responses of high and low groups to the individual statement, critical ratio value (t-value) was worked out according to Edward’s (1957) procedure for all the statements. These were arranged in descending order. The t-value for 38 statements, out of 44 statements was found significant (more than 1.75) at 5 percent level of probability so the final scale consisted of 38 statements. There were almost equal numbers of positive and negative statements in the final scale. To test the reliability, repeattest or test-retest technique was used. The value of the correlation co-efficient was found to be 0.962, which was highly significant showing the reliability of the scale (Table -1). framework. If these ages old practices are integrated with scientifically acceptable basis, then it will definitely result in making the practices convincing and credible to the rural people especially to the farming community. So there is an urgent need to safeguard and reaffirm traditional agricultural practices among farm women and encouraging them to adopt scientifically valid and acceptable traditional practices which are need based, better problem solving, locally available, more intelligible and credible to the rural clientele. Therefore, much work has to be done to locate, document and disseminate traditional knowledge so that it can become part of body of sustainable development. As there is MATERIALS AND METHODS The present research was conducted in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. In the present study, efforts have been made to determine the attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices. Attitude as defined by Thurstone (1928) is “The degree of positive or negative effect associated with some psychological object”. In the context of present research, the psychological object is the feeling about traditional agricultural practices followed by farm women, which differ with respect to positive or negative effect. For the measurement of attitude, Likert’s method of summated ratings of attitude measurement was used in this study, because it requires less number of judges to start with and also less time consuming. A five point continuum of attitude measurement, ranging from “Strongly agree”, “Agree” “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strongly disagree” with a scoring of 5,4,3,2 and 1 was assigned respectively. If the item was a positive one, scores were 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 for respective categories. If the item was a negative one, the scoring system was reversed. The score for an individual respondent on the scale was computed by summing the Table- 1 The critical ratio values of the attitudinal statements for measuring the attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices N = 60 Critical Ratio Attitudinal Statements Value (CRV) Traditional agricultural practices help in developing confidence while using it for agricultural 2.86 operations. The traditional agricultural practices are location specific. 2.36 The traditional agricultural practices are compatible with socio-cultural conditions. 2.79 Traditional agricultural practices are not profitable as modern agricultural practices. 2.51 Traditional agricultural practices are easy to handle in all conditions. 2.74 Identification of current problems is impossible by traditional agricultural practices. -1.37* Traditional agricultural practices provide perfect solutions to the local problems. 2.5 Traditional agricultural practices are useless in identifying latest problems. 3.21 It is difficult to get technical guidance by traditional agricultural knowledge. 4.27 For higher adoption, traditional agricultural practices need support from research findings. 2.35 The traditional agricultural practices are relatively less effective in betterment of community. 4.91 The traditional agricultural practices are less believable. -1.53* The traditional agricultural practices are more prevalent in rural areas even these have not any 1.53* scientific logic. The traditional agricultural practices are more effective in promoting community welfare. 8.88 The traditional agricultural practices are most trust-worthy. 2.1 The traditional agricultural practices are more labour intensive. 3.85 The results of traditional agricultural practices are less ensured as these are evolved by trial and error 3.92 method. The traditional agricultural practices require more investment in terms of money. 2.67 69 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Attitudinal Statements The application of traditional agricultural practices requires less labour. The results of traditional agricultural practices are achieved very late. The traditional agricultural system is more efficient than other advanced programmes related to increased agricultural production. Quicker outputs can be obtained by application of traditional agricultural practices. The traditional agricultural practices produce ensured results as these are experientially generated. The adoption of traditional agricultural practices requires lesser efforts in transfer of technology by extension agency. The traditional agricultural practices are utilized with little persuasion than new farm technologies. The traditional agricultural practices are well defined and visible to the farm people. The traditional agricultural practices are more time consuming. The traditional agricultural practices give less return in relation to cost involved. Local resources can be utilized in implementation of traditional agricultural practices. Traditional agricultural practices are less risk bearing than improved practices. The traditional agricultural system can upgrade the level of agricultural production. More external resources are required for application of traditional agricultural practices. The traditional agricultural practices involve more energy expenditure. Farm women require less motivation regarding adoption of traditional agricultural practices. Traditional agricultural practices do not include the latest technological changes. The traditional agricultural practices can be applied only at small scale. The traditional agricultural practices give lesser yields as compare to modern practices. The adoption rate of traditional agricultural practices is higher due to its greater prevalence and awareness. The outcomes of traditional agricultural practices are influenced by natural conditions or hazards. The traditional agricultural practices are eco-friendly. The traditional agricultural practices have more applicability in the locality than improved practices. The traditional agricultural practices are directed towards qualitative outputs than quantitative. The traditional agricultural practices require less skill for its application. Inputs required under traditional agricultural system are easily accessible. Statements having CRV less than 1.75 The content of the scale was developed from a large number of authentic sources and expert’s opinion, books, journals etc. Hence it was assumed that the scores obtained by administering the attitude scale of this study will measure what was intended to measure. Further, the t-values were found significant for 38 statements which were finally selected, on the basis of which it was assumed that the scale was valid. The main aim to develop scale to measure the attitude was lies behind the fact the utilization of any practice or technology whether, it is modern or traditional by the end users, strictly depends upon their attitude towards that particular technology. A positive attitude towards traditional or indigenous farm technology can change the whole scenario and farm women can move towards the progressive path of sustainable agriculture. In nutshell, if we want to push up the adoption of scientifically acceptable traditional Critical Ratio Value (CRV) 4.47 2.08 4.12 3.23 2.91 3.28 2.92 1.24* -1.76* 2.71 3.39 2.24 2.76 3.22 2.33 2.29 4.82 2.97 2.08 2.88 2.72 3.74 3.29 1.66* 2.36 2.11 agricultural practices, we have to know the attitude of farm women towards these practices, so that we can channelize their favourable attitude not only to produce some beneficial results at their farms but to also enhance their utilization also. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Out of 44 statements, t-values of 38 statements were found significant (more than 1.75) at 5 percent level of probability. Hence, the final attitude scale consists of 38 attitude statements. After going through the whole procedure of attitude scale construction, a final scale comprising of 38 attitude statements was ready for measurement of attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices. (Table-2) 70 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table -2 Final attitude scale for measuring the attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices Attitudinal statements Traditional agricultural practices help in developing confidence while using it for agricultural operations. The traditional agricultural practices are location specific. The traditional agricultural practices are compatible with socio-cultural conditions. Traditional agricultural practices are not profitable as modern agricultural practices. Traditional agricultural practices are easy to handle in all conditions. Traditional agricultural practices provide perfect solutions to the local problems. Traditional agricultural practices are useless in identifying latest problems. It is difficult to get technical guidance by traditional agricultural knowledge. For higher adoption, traditional agricultural practices need support from research findings. The traditional agricultural practices are relatively less effective in betterment of community. The traditional agricultural practices are more effective in promoting community welfare. The traditional agricultural practices are most trust-worthy. The traditional agricultural practices are more labour intensive The results of traditional agricultural practices are less ensured as these are evolved by trial and error method. The traditional agricultural practices require more investment in terms of money. The application of traditional agricultural practices requires less labour. The results of traditional agricultural practices are achieved very late. The traditional agricultural system is more efficient than other advance programmes related to increased agricultural production. Quicker outputs can be obtained by application of traditional agricultural practices. The traditional agricultural practices produce ensured results as these are experientially generated. The adoption of traditional agricultural practices requires lesser efforts in transfer of technology by extension agency. The traditional agricultural practices are utilized with little persuasion than new farm technology. The traditional agricultural practices give less return in relation to cost involved. Local resources can be utilized in implementation of traditional practices. Traditional agricultural practices are less risk bearing than improved practices. The traditional agricultural system can upgrade the level of agricultural production. More external resources are required for application of traditional agricultural practices. The traditional agricultural practices involve more energy expenditure. Farm women require less motivation regarding adoption of traditional agricultural practices. Traditional agricultural practices do not include the latest technological changes. The traditional agricultural practices can be applied only at small scale. The traditional agricultural practices give lesser yields as compare to modern practices. The adoption rate of traditional agricultural practices is higher due to its greater prevalence and awareness. The outcomes of traditional agricultural practices are influenced by natural conditions or hazards. The traditional agricultural practices are eco-friendly. 71 SA 5 A 4 UD 3 DA 2 SDA 1 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 5 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 1 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 4 2 1 5 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Attitudinal statements SA A The traditional agricultural practices have more applicability in the locality 5 4 than improved practices. The traditional agricultural practices require less skill for its application. 5 4 Inputs required under traditional agricultural system are easily accessible. 5 4 SA= Strongly agree A= Agree UD= Undecided DA=Disagree SDA=Strongly disagree UD 3 DA 2 SDA 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 by the respondents, the standard deviation (S.D.) and mean score were calculated. On the basis of mean score and standard deviation, the attitude of respondents was classified into three levels, namely “Most favourable”, “Favourable” and “Unfavourable” as follows: (i) The respondents who obtained the attitude score more than 148.58 were classified as having “Most favourable” attitude towards traditional agricultural practices. (ii) The respondents who obtained the attitude score from 109.82 and 148.58 were categorized into having “Favourable” attitude towards traditional agricultural practices. (iii) The respondents who obtained the attitude score below 109.82 were classified as having “Unfavourable” attitude towards various traditional agricultural practices. Measurement of attitude of farm women towards traditional agricultural practices: The main aim of construction of attitude scale was to measure the attitude of farm women regarding traditional agricultural practices. Scale was administered to the selected 150 farm women respondents. The total attitude score of each respondent on the attitude scale was obtained by adding the score of all individual items/statements of the attitude scale. The lowest and the highest score that a respondent could obtain on the scale were 38 and 190, respectively. The range of the total attitude score obtained by the respondents in the present study varied from 102 to 187.The mean attitude score for each respondent was calculated by adding the scores of all the 38 attitude statements and dividing the total score by the total number of statements. The overall mean score of the respondents was found to be 3.40. Based on the attitude score obtained Table -3 Distribution of farm women respondents into different levels of attitude towards traditional agricultural practices N = 150 Type of Attitude Frequency Percentage Most Favourable (scores above 148.58) 5 3.33 Favourable (scores from 109.82 to 148.58) 136 90.67 Unfavourable (scores below 109.82) 9 6.00 Total 150 100.00 X = 129.20 σ = 19.38 Fig.-1: Distribution of farm women respondents into different levels of attitude towards traditional agricultural practices 3.33% 6.00% 90.67% Most favourable Favourable Unfavourable favourable attitude, whereas only 3.33 percent had “Most favourable” and 6.00 percent respondents had “Unfavourable” attitude towards traditional agricultural It is evident from the Table-2 that most of the farm women had “Favourable” attitude towards indigenous farm practices as about 90.67 percent farm women respondents had 72 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 practices. Thus, it can be deduced from the data that majority of the farm women had favourable attitude towards TAPs. The farm women had positive attitude regarding the age-old farm practices, might be due to the reason that these practices are deep rooted in their work culture and have become their way of life. The attitude is an important dimension, to chalk out the path of utilization or adoption of a particular indigenous farm technology. We should formulate the programmes which will reinforce the positive attitude of farm women towards these traditional agricultural practices for sustainability in agricultural production because the farm women had played and continue to play a key role in the conservation of basic agricultural practices with other basic life systems such as land, water, flora and fauna. They have protected the wealth of folk agricultural heritage. Therefore, we should take into account the attitude of farm women, to popularize the scientifically acceptable traditional farm practices among farming community. The critical analysis of these attitude statements revealed that majority of the farm women respondents had positive attitude towards traditional agricultural practices which indicate that farm women still had still faith in applicability of these generation-old farm practices as these are according to their socio-cultural domain of living, raised by the means of indigenous research. They considered these practices as their part of life, which ultimately reinforces their favourable attitude towards these traditional agricultural practices. REFERENCES Chithraichelvan R. (1994). Use of ITK in farming system research Proceedings of International workshop on Genetic resources, UPWARD, LOS Banos, Phillipines. DCR Bulletin knowledge: 11 (1991). Why document Likert, R.A. (1932). A technique for the measurement of attitude scales. Arch. Psychology, New York: 140 Pereira , W. (1993). Tending the earth Earth care books, Bombay: 135-134. indigenous Thurstone, L. L. (1928). The Measurement of values. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Edward, A.L. (1957). Techniques of Attitude scale construction. Appleton - Century - Crofts, New York. Warren, D. M. (1993). Indigenous knowledge and development monitor. CIKARD, I(1): 7. 73 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Bioefficacy of Different Populations of Steinernema carpocapsae against Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita A.K. MARU, A.U. SIDDIQUI, A. PARIHAR AND S.K. SHARMA Department of Nematology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur (Raj.) Email: Bioefficacy of different populations of Steinernema carpocapsae was studied against Meloidogyne incognita in laboratory condition as well as in pot condition. The mean percent mortality of M. incognita second stage juveniles were recorded after every 6 hrs intervals upto 72 hrs at different inoculum levels viz., 5, 10, 15 and 20 IJs of EPNs per cavity block in laboratory condition. Maximum (20.62) mean per cent mortality was observed with S. carpocapsae STSLU@ 20 IJs per cavity block after 72 hrs. Bioefficacy of the S. carpocapsae against M. incognita was also studied in pot condition. Maximum (37.79 cm) shoot length, (30.00 g) shoot weight, (31.79 cm) root length, (12.61g) root weight and minimum (22.83) galls per plant, (10.69) eggmasses per plant, (232) eggs and larvae per eggmass and (507.38) larvae per 200 cc soil were recorded with S. carpocapsae STSLU @ 20,000 over all other treatments. Key words: Steinernema carpocapsae, Meloidogyne incognita, Bioefficacy, inoculum. The entomopathogenic nematodes have also been found effective against plant parasitic nematodes. Grewal et al., 1996 have used S. carpocapsae and S. riobravis successfully against plant parasitic nematodes infesting turf grass. EPNs have been found compatible with nematicides in suppressing plant nematodes when used as a component in integrated nematode management (Glazer et al., 1997). Entomopathogenic nematodes are effective for the management of root knot nematodes (Grossman, 1997). S. glaseri suppressed penetration and reduction in egg production of M. incognita in tomato roots (Perez & Lewis, 2004). In view of the above, the present investigations have been selected indigenous populations of EPNs and to evolve a newer and environmentally safer tactics for the management of root knot nematodes. t2 – 10 IJs t3 – 15 IJs t4 – 20 IJs n = 20 II stage IJs of M. Incognita In pot condition Bio efficacy of different populations of S. carpocapsae was studied against M. incognita on tomato under pot condition. The details of the treatments were as follows: Treatments: T1 – S. carpocapsae STSLU T2 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-1 T3 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-2 T4 – associated check T5 – control Inoculums levels (Number of IJs of EPNs/pot): t1 – 5000 IJs MATERIALS AND METHODS t2 – 10000 IJs t3 – 20000 IJs The IJs of different populations of S. carpocapsae were stored in sterile distilled water (SDW) and were examined under stereoscopic microscope, and active juveniles were diluted in known quantity of SDW for making the suspension according to required number of IJs. The IJs were applied at different inoculum levels at the rhizosphere of the tomato plants. Carbofuran 3G @ 2 kg a.i./ha as associated check and control as untreated check were taken. Before the application of EPNs 2.5 larvae of M. incognita per c.c. soil were maintained in pots and these observations were recorded after 45 days, on shoot length, shoot weight, root length, root weight, number of galls per plant, number of eggmass per plant, number of eggs and larvae per eggmass and nematode populations per 200 cc soil were recorded. The experimental results showed that all the treatments significantly increased the plant growth over untreated control. Bioefficacy of different populations of S. carpocapsae against root knot nematode M. incognita were carried out under laboratory as well as pot conditions. In laboratory condition: Sterilized cavity blocks were kept in sequence according to treatments and replications, 2nd stage IJs (20) of M. incognita were placed in each cavity block. The suspension consisting IJs of different populations of EPNs stored in sterile distilled water were first examined under stereoscopic binocular microscope to check the activity of the juveniles and diluted with known quantity of sterile distilled water for making the suspension as per the required number of IJs and inoculated in each cavity block and observations were taken on percent mortality of second stage infective larvae of M. incognita after every 6 hrs. interval up to 72 hrs. The details of the treatments were as follows: Treatments: T1 – S. carpocapsae STSLU T2 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-1 T3 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-2 T4 – control Doses (Number of IJs of EPNs strain/cavity block): t1 – 5 IJs RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experimental results (Table-1) revealed that S. carpocapsae STSLU showed maximum (20.62) mean per cent mortality followed by S. carpocapsae STUDP-2 74 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 1: Bioefficacy of different populations of S. carpocapsae against root knot nematode M. incognita under lab. conditions Treatment combination 48 hrs. 1st nd 2 Pooled T1t1 T1t2 T1t3 T1t4 T2t1 T2t2 T2t3 T2t4 T3t1 T3t2 T3t3 T3t4 cont 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 5.00 (12.92) 3.75 (11.16) 4.38 (12.04) 7.50 (15.89) 7.50 (15.89) 7.50 (15.89) 11.42 (19.74) 10.15 (18.57) 10.78 (19.16) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 7.50 (15.89) 6.25 (14.47) 6.88 (15.18) 10.00 (18.43) 10.00 (18.43) 10.00 (18.43) 2.50 (9.09) 1.25 (6.42) 1.88 (7.76) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 7.61 (16.01) 7.61 (16.01) 7.61 (16.01) 11.25 (19.59) 10.00 (18.43) 10.63 (19.01) 2.50 (9.09) 1.25 (6.42) 1.88 (7.76) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 6.25 (14.47) 5.00 (12.92) 5.63 (13.69) 7.50 (15.89) 8.75 (17.20) 8.13 (16.55) 12.69 (20.86) 11.42 (19.74) 12.05 (20.30) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 7.50 (15.89) 6.25 (14.47) 6.88 (15.18) 8.75 (17.20) 8.75 (17.20) 8.75 (17.20) 11.25 (19.59) 10.00 (18.43) 10.63 (19.01) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 5.00 (12.92) 3.75 (11.16) 4.38 (12.04) 8.88 (17.34) 7.61 (16.01) 8.25 (16.68) 13.75 (21.76) 12.50 (20.70) 13.13 (21.23) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 7.50 (15.89) 6.25 (14.47) 6.88 (15.18) 11.25 (19.59) 11.25 (19.59) 11.25 (19.59) 15.23 (22.96) 13.96 (21.93) 14.59 (22.44) 5.00 (12.92) 3.75 (11.16) 4.38 (12.04) 8.75 (17.20) 7.50 (15.89) 8.13 (16.54) 10.00 (18.43) 8.75 (17.20) 9.38 (17.82) 13.75 (21.76) 12.50 (20.70) 13.13 (21.23) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 6.25 (14.47) 6.25 (14.47) 6.25 (14.47) 10.15 (18.58) 11.42 (19.75) 10.78 (19.16) 16.25 (23.77) 13.75 (21.76) 15.00 (22.77) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 10.00 (18.43) 8.75 (17.20) 9.38 (17.81) 12.50 (20.70) 13.75 (21.76) 13.13 (21.23) 19.03 (25.86) 17.76 (24.92) 18.40 (25.39) 6.25 (14.47) 5.00 (12.92) 5.63 (13.70) 10.00 (18.43) 10.00 (18.43) 10.00 (18.43) 11.25 (19.59) 10.00 (18.43) 10.63 (19.01) 16.25 (23.77) 17.50 (24.72) 16.88 (24.45) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 8.75 (17.20) 7.50 (15.89) 8.13 (16.55) 12.69 (20.86) 11.42 (19.75) 12.05 (20.31) 18.75 (25.65) 16.25 (23.77) 17.50 (24.71) 5.00 (12.92) 3.75 (11.16) 4.38 (12.04) 8.75 (17.20) 7.50 (15.89) 8.13 (16.55) 13.75 (21.76) 13.75 (21.76) 13.75 (21.76) 16.25 (23.77) 17.50 (24.72) 16.88 (24.25) 21.57 (27.66) 20.30 (26.77) 20.93 (27.22) 6.25 (14.47) 6.25 (14.47) 6.25 (14.47) 12.50 (20.70) 11.25 (19.59) 11.88 (20.14) 15.00 (22.78) 13.75 (21.76) 14.38 (22.27) 17.50 (24.72) 18.75 (25.65) 18.13 (25.19) 7.50 (15.89) 5.00 (12.92) 6.25 (14.40) 13.75 (21.76) 12.50 (20.70) 13.13 (21.23) 15.23 (22.96) 15.23 (22.96) 15.23 (22.96) 21.25 (27.45) 18.75 (25.65) 20.00 (26.55) 6.25 (14.47) 5.00 (12.92) 5.63 (13.70) SEm CD 5% CV 0.186 0.533 5.94 0.169 0.482 6.13 0.144 0.405 5.99 0.219 0.625 5.96 0.197 0.564 5.92 0.169 0.474 5.90 0.265 0.758 5.91 0.235 0.673 5.80 0.204 0. 576 5.77 0.320 0.915 5.92 0.304 0.869 6.00 0.253 0.713 5.92 0.390 1.115 5.77 0.372 1.064 5.84 0.308 0.868 5.76 54 hrs. 1st Percent Mortality 2nd Pooled 60 hrs. 1st 2nd Pooled 66 hrs. 1st nd 2 Pooled 72 hrs. 1st 2nd Pooled Data in parenthesis are angular transformed values Treatment combination 24 hrs. 1st 2nd Pooled T1t1 T1t2 T1t3 T1t4 T2t1 T2t2 T2t3 T2t4 T3t1 T3t2 T3t3 T3t4 Cont. 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (6.42) 0.63 (3.21) 2.54 (9.16) 2.54 (9.16) 2.54 (9.16) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 2.50 (9.09) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (4.55) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 1.27 (6.47) 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (3.23) 2.50 (9.10) 2.50 (9.10) 2.50 (9.10) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (6.42) 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (3.21) 1.25 (6.42) 2.50 (9.10) 1.88 (7.76) 3.81 (11.25) 2.54 (9.16) 3.17 (10.20) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 2.50 (9.10) 1.25 (6.42) 1.88 (7.76) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 3.75 (11.16) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 2.54 (9.16) 1.27 (6.47) 1.90 (7.82) 2.50 (9.10) 3.75 (11.16) 3.13 (10.13) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (4.42) 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (3.21) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.10) 2.50 (9.10) 2.50 (9.10) 6.34 (14.58) 5.08 (13.01) 5.71 (13.80) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (6.42) 0.63 (3.21) 2.50 (9.09) 1.25 (6.42) 1.88 (7.75) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.10) 3.13 (10.13) 5.00 (12.92) 6.25 (14.47) 5.63 (13.70) 1.25 (6.42) 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (3.21) 2.50 (9.09) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (4.55) 3.81 (11.25) 2.54 (9.16) 3.17 (10.21) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 5.00 (12.92) 1.00 (5.74) 0.00 (0.00) 0.50 (2.87) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 2.50 (9.09) 5.00 (12.92) 6.25 (14.47) 5.63 (13.70) 8.88 (17.33) 7.61 (16.01) 8.25 (16.67) 1.25 (6.42) 1.25 (6.42) 1.25 (6.42) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 6.25 (14.47) 5.00 (12.92) 5.63 (13.70) 7.50 (15.89) 7.50 (15.89) 7.50 (15.89) 2.50 (9.09) 0.00 (0.00) 1.25 (4.55) 3.75 (11.16) 2.50 (9.09) 3.13 (10.13) 6.34 (14.59) 5.08 (13.02) 5.71 (13.80) 8.75 (17.20) 7.50 (15.89) 8.13 (16.55) 1.25 (6.42) 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (3.21) SEm CD 5% CV 0.033 0.081 9.87 0.096 0.025 11.73 0.028 0.070 10.54 0.053 0.151 7.81 0.047 0.135 8.14 0.040 0.114 7.89 0.092 0.263 6.40 0.082 0.234 7.38 0.071 0.200 6.82 0.140 0.401 6.05 0.123 0.352 6.38 0.107 0.301 6.16 Percent Mortality 30 hrs. 1st 2nd Pooled 36 hrs 1st 2nd Pooled 42 hrs 1st 2nd Pooled Treatments: T1 – S. carpocapsae STSLU T2 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-1 T3 – S. carpocapsae STUDP-2 control Doses (Number of IJs of different S. carpocapsae population/cavity block): t1 – 5 IJs t2 – 10 IJs t3 – 15 IJs t4 – 20 IJs n = 20 II stage IJs of M. incognita 75 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 (20.00) and S. carpocapsae STUDP-1 (18.12) at 20 IJs of EPNs per cavity block after 72 hrs under laboratory condition. In pot condition, S. carpocapsae STSLU showed better response over others different populations with maximum (37.79 cm) shoot length, shoot weight (30.00 g), root length (31.79 cm) and root weight (12.61g), and was also found better in reducing the nematode populations i.e. (22.83) number of galls per plant, (10.69) number of eggmass per plant, (232) number of eggs &larvae per eggmass and (507.38) number of larvae per 200cc soil on tomato as compared to untreated control. (Table-2) Similar studies in this regards were conducted by Vyas et al. (2004) who reported that the infective juvenile of S. riobravae provided a possible control of M. incognita on okra. Molina et al. (2007) also studied the effect of live and dead infective juvenile of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora JPM4, H. baujardi LPP7, S. feltiae SN and S. carpocapsae against eggs and 2nd stage juvenile of M. mayaguensis on tomato plant and found that the plant exhibited lower gall numbers as compared to control. Shapiro and Nyczepir, (2008) investigated the suppressive effects of S. feltiae against M. partityla on pecan and walnut and found up to 80% reduction in the populations of M. partityla. Table 2: Bioefficacy of different populations of S. carpocapsae against root knot nematode M. incognita on tomato Treat. Com. Shoot length (cm) Plant Growth Characters Shoot weight (g) Root length (cm) Root weight (g) No. of galls/plant 05-06 06-07 Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole d d d d d T1t1 23.20 22.54 22.87 24.10 24.84 24.47 25.30 24.14 24.72 T1t2 27.58 26.89 27.24 19.10 18.40 18.75 19.92 21.32 20.62 11.50 11.24 11.37 30.73 29.88 30.30 T1t3 37.24 38.33 37.79 30.57 29.42 30.00 31.25 32.33 31.79 12.76 12.45 12.61 22.70 22.96 22.83 T2t1 18.85 19.50 19.18 13.60 12.53 13.07 13.84 15.10 14.47 T2t2 21.70 24.31 23.01 15.22 14.80 15.01 17.70 18.65 18.18 10.09 10.75 10.42 32.16 32.05 32.11 T2t3 32.72 34.92 33.82 27.50 26.25 26.88 27.81 29.18 28.50 11.65 11.92 11.79 24.40 24.81 24.61 T3t1 21.88 21.32 21.60 15.60 15.23 15.42 16.55 15.21 15.88 9.30 8.95 T3t2 23.78 24.28 24.03 18.70 17.87 18.29 18.59 19.52 19.06 9.89 10.87 10.38 33.05 32.78 32.91 T3t3 28.34 28.68 28.51 23.12 22.10 22.61 23.85 22.94 23.40 11.97 11.35 11.66 26.40 27.16 26.78 9.94 10.64 10.29 31.93 30.96 31.44 9.72 9.12 9.42 9.13 34.28 33.66 33.97 32.60 34.11 33.35 Nematode Population No. of egg No. of eggs & masses/plant larvae/egg mass 0506 0607 16.0 3 14.8 7 10.5 3 18.7 3 15.9 0 11.7 3 17.7 0 17.9 4 13.2 0 16.4 0 14.1 8 10.8 5 19.3 7 16.0 3 12.2 1 18.1 4 18.1 7 13.0 3 Check 46.57 45.74 46.15 36.85 37.05 36.95 32.58 34.17 33.38 14.62 15.92 15.27 14.63 16.88 15.75 5.83 7.17 Cont. 14.35 13.12 13.74 7.52 9.45 SEm ± CD (5 %) C.V. % 0.65 7 0.52 5 0.51 0 0.69 6 0.508 8.49 7.20 8.76 0.391 0.53 9 0.55 8 1.892 2.002 1.432 1.510 1.467 1.103 4.88 5.11 4.59 4.98 4.92 4.58 7.88 8.24 0.28 0.414 7 0.82 1.551 1.606 1.168 5 0.27 7 0.79 6 5.05 5.01 5.09 7.98 4.69 5.29 8.06 0.214 36.50 40.50 38.50 0.73 9 0.74 8 0.546 Nematode Population ( 200 cc soil ) Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole 05-06 06-07 Poole d d d 16.22 14.52 10.69 19.05 15.97 11.97 17.92 18.05 13.12 6.50 245.2 5 244.7 5 232.7 5 269.5 0 252.2 5 235.5 0 259.5 0 258.7 5 238.5 0 122.5 0 312.5 0 249.5 0 242.2 5 231.2 5 261.7 5 254.5 0 236.7 5 260.5 0 252.5 0 240.2 5 139.2 5 296.7 0 247.38 243.50 232.00 265.63 253.38 236.13 260.00 255.63 239.38 130.88 22.4 26.5 24.46 304.60 2 0 0.39 0.38 0.286 8.674 9.040 6.629 3 6 593.5 0 552.2 5 502.5 0 640.5 0 588.5 0 520.5 0 614.5 0 620.5 0 538.2 5 147.5 0 758.2 5 15.32 6 589.7 5 549.5 0 512.2 5 652.2 5 592.7 5 529.7 5 601.7 5 615.2 5 545.5 0 128.2 5 812.5 0 15.09 5 591.63 550.88 507.38 646.38 590.63 525.13 608.13 617.88 541.88 137.88 785.38 11.358 0.603 2.125 2.153 1.541 1.13 1.11 24.95 26.01 44.09 43.43 0.807 18.689 32.020 0 0 7 1 8 3 4.79 5.09 5.24 4.93 4.58 Data are average of four replications Treatments: T1= STSLU T2= STUDP-1 T3= STUDP-2 Check = Associated check (carbofuran 3G @ 2 kg a.i./ha) Control = Untreated 5.05 4.57 7.14 7.46 6.69 5.55 5.42 5.01 Doses: t1= 5000 IJs t2= 10000 IJs t3= 20000 IJs REFERENCES Glazer, I., Salme, L., and Segal, D . 1997. Genetic enhancement of nematode resistance in Entomopathogenic nematodes. Biocontrol Science and Technology 7: 199-512 Perez, E. E. and Lewis, E. E. 2004. Suppression of Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne hapla with entomopathogenic nematodes on greenhouse peanuts and tomatoes. Biological Control. 30: 336-341. Grewal, P.S., Miller, R.W., Martin, W.R. and Georgis, R. 1996. Development of the first biological product for the suppression of plant-parasitic nematode populations. Nematropica. 26: 269. Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Nyczepir, A.P. 2008. Using good nematodes to kill bad nematodes: Applications of entomopathogenic nematodes for control of the pecan root-knot nematode. Pecan Grower. 20:36-39. Grossman, J. 1997. Research notes: New directions in nematode control. The IPM Practitioner. 1-4. Vyas, R.V., Maghodia, A. B., Patel, B. A. and Patel, D. J. 2004. Interaction between root-knot nematodes and Steinernema riobravae on okra (Abelmoschus esculentum). International Journal of Nematology. 14: 186-190. Molina J. P., Dolinski C., Souza R. M. and Lewis E. E. 2007. Effect of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) on Meloidogyne mayaguensis Rammah and Hirschmann (Tylenchida: Meloidoginidae) Infection in Tomato Plants. Journal of Nematology. 39. 338-342 76 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Heterosis for grain yield and its component characters in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) CHANDRA MOHAN SINGH, G. SURESH BABU, G. ROOPA LAVANYA, A. PAUL AND SUHEL MEHANDI Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Allahabad School of Agriculture, SHIATS, Allahabad- 211007, Uttar Pradesh, India. Present Address: Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)848125, Bihar, India. E-mail: ABSTRACT Fifteen crosses were generated by crossing between five lines and three testers in L x T mating design. Crosses were evaluated along with parents and standard check (VANDANA) to studying the heterosis for twelve quantitative characters. Analysis of variance for all quantitative characters studied, revealed significant differences, indicating the presence of adequate genetic variability among the crosses and their parents. The maximum relative heterosis and heterobeltiosis for grain yield per plant recorded for IR74371-54-1-1/ IR67017-124-2-4. The maximum standard heterosis for grain yield was exhibited by IR 81413-B-B-75-4/ IR 81429-B-31 (179.95 per cent). On the basis of sca effect, seven crosses were identified for high grain yield per plant. These crosses may be gives the better segregates from the early segregating generation or can be utilized for heterosis breeding for yield improvement under rainfed condition. Keywords: Rice, heterosis, lines, testers, crosses. Rice is one of the most important food crop of Asia. Rice is the number one cereal in the human died, supplying humanity with 23 per cent of its calorie (Khus, 2003). But much of this importance, crop yield is devastated by drought (Redy, 1995). Drought situation is becoming precarious year after year due to inadequate precipitation and less water efficient irrigation methods in rice farm. Hence, we need to develop the high yielding rice varieties under rain fed condition. Heterosis breeding an important genetic tool, that can facilate yield enhancement between 30% to 400 per cent and helps enrich many other desirable quantitative traits in rice (Srivastava, 2000). The expression of hetorosis varied with crosses, so also with characters (Lokaprakash et al., 1992). To know the magnitude and direction potentiality of crosses is important (Singh et al., 1995). Both positive and negative heterosis is useful in crop improvement. In general positive heterosis is desired for yield and negative heterosis for early maturity and plant height (Nuruzzaman et al., 2002). The objective of this study was to isolate the high heterotic crosses for grain yield and its component characters under rainfed upland condition. Centre, Allahabad School of Agriculture, SHIATS, Allahabad in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. The spacing was maintained 20 x 20 cm row to row and plant to plant, respectively. Five plants were randomly selected to record the observations for all quantitative traits studied except days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity. Days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity were computed on plot basis. The analysis of variance for different characters was done as formula suggested by Panse and Sukhatme (1967). The per cent hetrosis over mid parent, better parent and standard check were calculated formula suggested by Turner (1953), Fonesca & Patterson (1968) and Meredith and Bridge (1972), respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of variance for all quantitative characters studied, revealed significant differences, indicating the presence of adequate genetic variability among the crosses and their parents. Parent Vs crosses showed significant differences for all thirteen characters under study except harvest index (Table 1). Heterosis expressed as per cent increase or decrease in the mean value of F1 hybrid over mid parent (mid parent heterosis), better parent (heterobeltiosis) and standard check variety VANDANA (standard heterosis) are presented in Table No. 2, 3 & 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five lines and three testers were crossed in L x T mating design to obtaining the fifteen crosses during kharif 2009. Fifteen crosses along with parents and cheek (VANDANA) were evaluated during kharif 2010 at Field Experimentation 77 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 1. Analysis of variance for experimental design for various quantitative characters in upland rice Mean Sum of Squares Characters Replicates (df=2) Treatments (df=22) Parents (df=7) Crosses (df=14) DFF 3.88 PH 5.06 TPP 0.97 FLL 0.17 FLW 0.00 PL 0.53 SPP 3.17 DM 8.53 BY 0.62 HI 7.3 TW 1.50 GY 0.02 ** Significant at 0.01 level of significance 59.41** 1543.08** 37.78** 164.99** 0.06** 35.85** 1893.54** 48.41** 800.02** 316.57** 9.26** 208.89** 30.2** 346.40** 1.27** 46.44** 0.06** 9.05** 1000.8** 33.04** 20.51** 328.48** 3.50** 4.24** 45.95** 1617.73** 33.41** 202.53** 0.05** 32.37** 2471.27** 55.41** 895.39** 333.22** 11.62** 210.58** Parents Vs Crosses (df=1) 452.20** 8874.71** 354.39** 469.24** 0.21** 272.19** 54.37** 58.00** 4921.41** 0.10** 16.56** 1617.91** Error (df=44) Total (df=68) 2.5.5 2.31 0.39 0.75 0.00 0.93 4.22 3.88 0.13 1.61 0.36 0.24 20.95 500.87 12.50 53.87 0.02 12.21 616.28 18.42 258.93 103.68 3.27 67.74 Table 2. Heterosis (ha), heterobeltiosis (hb) and Standard heterosis (hc) for days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm), number of effective tillers per plant and flag leaf length (cm) in upland rice Crosses Days to 50%flowering hb ha ha IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 67017-124-24 IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81413-B-B75-4 IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-754 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-754 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 67017-1242-4 IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B75-4 IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31 Minimum Maximum 7.87** hb Plant height (cm) hc hc Number of effective tillers per plant ha hb hc -6.83** 123.08** 93.33** Flag leaf length (cm) hb ha 107.14** -9.87** 63.64** 28.57* 153.33** 133.33** 171.43** 150.00** hc 7.87** 22.87** 25.49** 24.81** -21.57** -9.49** 6.97** 2.53 27.35** 32.78** 32.57** -0.72 63.64** 6.27** 7.72** 5.86** 7.09** 21.52** 21.97** 27.75** 44.01** 13.41** 43.90** 9.17** 6.42** 192.31** 169.23** 17.47** 3.08 16.65** 65.26** -18.27** 56.77** -22.34** 49.27** -10.38** 6.44** 1.44 26.01** 10.19** 9.51** -18.00** 81.82** 81.82** 42.86** -1.99 -6.00** 6.37* -1.38 9.31** -2.34 8.66** 12.11** 23.77** 34.80** 41.05** 19.18** 36.04** 14.73** 8.13** 169.23** 220.00** 133.33** 166.67** 150.00** 185.71** 43.87** 1.93 37.86** -4.34* 43.24** 10.38** 7.58** 2.53 27.35** -28.73** -30.80** -44.99** 4.76 0.00 -21.43 -25.46** -29.40** -20.11** 0.20 -0.78 13.90** 32.40** 20.86** 16.35** 124.00** 86.67** 100.00** 77.78** 72.53** 74.59** 5.01** 3.15* 17.49** 47.43** 47.28** 8.97** 146.15** 113.33** 128.57** 18.02** -1.51 13.65** 9.96** 3.61* 28.70** -29.06** -29.48** -47.19** 27.27* 27.27 0.00 -18.76** -31.67** -22.67** 2.99* 7.33** 6.44** 2.56 -1.38 9.96 0.78 6.69** 1.44 1.56 -2.34 3.66 15.70** 21.52** 26.01** 16.59** 12.11 28.70 -0.14 62.39** 47.43** 38.35** -29.06 62.39 -11.69** 50.39** 35.66** 14.40** -30.80 50.39 -14.99** 11.05** 1.59 10.13** -47.19 16.35 23.08* 185.71** 41.67** 64.29** 4.76 220.00 6.67 166.67** 30.77* 53.33** 0.00 166.67 14.29 185.71** 21.43 64.29** -21.43 185.71 45.98** 19.96** 5.64** 39.12** -25.46 77.78 32.16** 12.71** 0.17 34.84** -31.67 72.53 25.85** 30.07** 13.36** 36.81** -22.67 74.59 ha= Relative heterosis, hb= heterobeltiosis, hc= Standard heterosis , * = Significant at 0.05 level of significance and ** = 0.01 level of significance Table 3. Heterosis (ha), heterobeltiosis (hb) and Standard heterosis (hc) for flag leaf width (cm), panicle length (cm), number of spikelets per panicle and days to matirity in upland rice Crosses Flag leaf width (cm) Panicle length (cm) ha hb ha hb hc hc IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 14.90** 8.15 39.63** 13.23** 6.86* 38.65** IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81413-B-B-754 -8.18* -9.83* 16.41** 14.28** 7.68* 39.72** IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31 1.49 -2.85 37.15** 21.30** 20.05** 55.76** IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 67017-124-2-4 6.12 0.00 28.79** 40.56** 33.85** 54.11** IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 1.47 -0.24 28.48** 20.60** 15.02** 32.00** IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31 11.24** 6.36 50.15** 35.62** 23.38** 56.79** IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 11.29* 11.14* 26.63** 25.19** 18.13** 53.32** 14.86* 14.77** 19.70** 4.22 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 67017-124-24 -3.51 18.35** -7.71 6.80 50.77** 24.07** 22.77** 59.34** 24.96** 17.66** 34.06** 25.60** 24.59** 43.46** IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B75-4 -2.89 -12.19* 9.29 -4.38 -4.99 9.04* IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81429-B-31 21.13** 3.73 46.44** 8.22* 2.36 30.07** IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4 18.99** 14.95** 30.96** 41.68** 41.62** 63.07** IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 10.07* 1.99 26.93** 15.34** 15.19** 32.54** 17.96** 15.69** 10.21** 40.05** 9.29 50.77 -4.38 41.68 -19.70 41.62 4.22 63.07 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31 -4.63 Minimum Maximum -8.18 24.96 16.45** -16.45 17.66 Number of spikelets per panicle ha hb hc 38.46** 21.62** 34.59** -5.46** 22.68** 34.59** 31.21** 8.04** 10.17** -0.56 18.64** 47.97** 37.77** 45.36** 53.78** -8.30** 18.88** 32.56** 10.95** 16.79** 32.27** 40.46** 41.58** 50.58** 73.50** 71.68** 42.73** 22.52** 23.05** 22.00** 68.53** 30.28** 28.52** -40.46 73.50 41.39** 25.43** 23.78** 30.71** 34.71** 32.52** -45.36 71.68 53.49** 36.92** 36.63** -3.49* 44.77** 43.90** 53.78 42.73 Days to maturity ha hb hc 2.53* 1.11 15.51** 1.66 -1.08 16.14** -0.71 -1.68 11.39** 1.56 -0.83 13.29** 3.22* -0.54 16.77** -6.27** 8.10** 4.11* 1.69 0.00 14.24** 3.06* 0.00 17.41** -4.10** 5.31** 7.28** -0.28 -2.77* 11.08** 5.04** 1.08 18.67** -1.28 -3.35* 9.49** 3.26* 0.83 15.19** 3.50** -0.27 17.09** 2.28 0.28 13.61** -6.27 5.04 -8.10 1.11 4.11 18.67 ha= Relative heterosis, hb= heterobeltiosis, hc= Standard heterosis , * = Significant at 0.05 level of significance and ** = 0.01 level of significance 78 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 4. Heterosis (ha), heterobeltiosis (hb) and Standard heterosis (hc) for biological yield per plant (g), harvest index (%), test weight (g) and grain yield per plant (g) in upland rice Crosses Biological yield per plant Harvest index Test weight (g) IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 67017-124-24 IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81413-B-B75-4 IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-754 IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-754 IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 67017-124-24 IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B75-4 IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81429-B-31 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31 Minimum Maximum Grain yield per plant (g) ha hb ha hb hc hc ha hb hc ha hb hc 57.72** 56.91** 17.08** -7.50** -20.81** -10.46** 7.10** 2.29 25.29** 74.52** 64.40** 8.44* 123.75** 98.07** 89.85** -12.36** -22.21** -12.04** 5.87** -0.52 26.14** 20.21** 8.74* -11.35** 112.61** 108.15** 83.38** 79.52** 86.77** 84.77** -35.21** 22.03** -48.55** 9.87** -41.82** -11.52** 0.61 12.72** -1.18 10.16** 14.23** 34.94** 215.43** 135.97** 214.80** 123.98** 107.65** 45.38** 2.32 -1.20 1.69 24.60** 8.12** -5.21** 0.36 -3.55 22.31** 31.53** 18.12** -3.69 123.95** 194.86** 122.78** 178.39** 129.29** 133.85** 21.75** 9.65** 19.90** 8.94** -20.26** -11.11** 2.62 3.71 2.03 1.14 19.30** 30.35** 237.37** 158.41** 235.34** 118.44** 120.32** 84.43** -15.48** -20.71** -24.00** -3.89* -7.21** -18.65** -13.67** -14.36** 10.36** -23.69** -25.00** -36.68** 241.29** 211.39** 217.14** -3.12 -12.08** -28.26** 28.85** 22.22** 57.50** 272.93** 231.56** 179.95** 115.40** 87.08** 89.38** 10.66** -2.64 3.21 -0.73 -1.08 21.17** 217.00** 209.48** 89.45** 9.91** 6.99** 8.31** -22.56** -29.26** -25.00** -2.96 -4.94* 20.54** 46.40** 28.16** 4.49 -24.09** 281.19** -3.86** 70.79** -24.09 281.19 -24.32** 239.45** -4.01** 65.50** -24.32 239.45 -22.92** 224.31** -8.00** 68.55** -24.00 224.31 13.34** -28.24** 10.41** 56.83** -35.21 56.83 -7.78** -36.91** 0.77 27.51** -48.55 27.51 -2.23 -32.99** 7.03** 35.44** -32.99 35.44 10.00** 6.44** 4.45** 2.49 -13.67 28.85 7.28** 3.67 0.06 2.25 -14.36 22.22 30.48** 26.99** 26.88** 18.75** 10.36 57.50 40.12** 289.72** 30.81** 83.03** -23.69 289.72 35.34** 269.92** 17.48** 81.93** -25.00 269.92 -11.08** 140.11** -4.22 19.53** -36.68 179.95 ha= Relative heterosis, hb= heterobeltiosis, hc= Standard heterosis , * = Significant at 0.05 level of significance and ** = 0.01 level of significance Table 5. Comparative study of seven most heterotic crosses for grain yield per plant for mean, heterosis over VANDANA and desirable heterosis for other yield component characters Mean values for grain yield per plant (g) Standard Crosses Desirable heterosis for other yield component characters heterosis for grain yield per plant (%) 35.36 179.95** IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, SPP, BY, TW 30.33 140.11** IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, BY, TW 27.88 120.32** IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, BY, TW 26.23 107.65** IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, BY, TW 33.93 89.45** IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, BY, TW 23.30 84.43** IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 TPP, FLL, FLW, PL, BY, TW 18.36 45.38** IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 67017-124-2-4 TPP, FLW, PL, BY, TW * = Significant at 0.05 level of significance and ** = 0.01 level of significance, TPP= Number of effective tillers per plant, FLL= Flag leaf length, FLW= flag leaf width, PL= Panicle length, SPP= Number of spikelets per panicle, DM= Days to maturity, BY= Biological yield per plant, HI= Harvest index, TW= Test weight, GY= Grain yield per plant The spectrum of variation for days to 50 per cent flowering ranged from –1.38 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31) to 9.96 per cent (IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) for mid parent heterosis, -2.34 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31) to 8.66 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4) for heterobeltoisis and 12.11 (IR 81421-BB-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31) to 28.70 per cent (IR 81063-B-944-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) for standard heterosis. Out of 15 crosses, only one cross viz., IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429B-31 showed negative but non significant heterosis over mid parent. Two crosses viz., IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B31 and IR 81413-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 showed negative non significient hetrobeltiosis. No one cross exhibited negative heterosis over standard variety VANDANA for days to 50 per cent flowering. Several workers viz., Tang et al. (2002), Jayasudha and Sharma (2010) observed the negative hecterosis over mid parent and better parent for days to 50 per cent flowering. They suggested that negative heterosis for days to 50 per cent flowering indicated the possibility of developing early maturing hybrids. Some workers (Lokaprakash et al., 1992, Patil et al., 2003) recorded the negative heterosis over better parent and standard variety for most of the hybrids in rice. Presence of both negative and positive heterosis was earlier reported by several workers viz., Verma et al. (2004), Rahimi et al. (2010), Shankar et al. (2010). For plant height, mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis ranged from -29.06 (IR 81063-B-94-4-U1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 62.39 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4), -30.80 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413B-B-75-4) to 50.39 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017124-2-4) and -47.19 (IR81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B75-4) to 16.35** per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B31), respectively. Two crosses viz., IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 and IR 8413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413 -B-B75-4 showed negative significant heterosis over mid parent. Three crosses viz., IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 1413-B-B-75-4, IR 81063-B-94-4-U-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 and IR 81063-B94-4-U-1/ IR 81429-B-31 showed negative significant heterobeltiosis. Five crosses viz., IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4, IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4, IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4, IR 81063-B-94-U-31/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4 and IR 8413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413 -BB-75-4 expressed negative significant heterosis over standard variety VANDANA. Alam et al. (2004), Nuruzzaman et al. (2004) and Rahimi et al. (2010) reported that negative heterosis is desired for plant height shorter plant height is an important character of hybrids to withstand lodging. Vishwakarma et al. (1999) suggested the 79 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 short structure is desirable to develop the semi dwarf high yielding varieties, which will be lodging resistant and fertilizer responsive. Borah and Baraman (2010) observed the negative heterosis only mid parent and better parent. The spectrum of variation for heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis in number of effective tillers per plant was ranged from 4.76 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B75-4) to 220.00 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017124-2-4), 0.00 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 166.67 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4) and -21.43 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 185.71 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4), respectively. Out of 15 crosses, 14 crosses, 12 crosses and 11 crosses showed positive significant heterosis over mid parent, better parent and standard variety VANDANA, respectively. Significant positive heterosis for number of productive tillers per plant were earlier reported by several workers viz., Panawar et al. (2002), Alam et al. (2004) and Shankar et al. (2010). They reported that hybrids are generally characterized by having large number of panicles indicating their efficiency in partitioning of assimilates to reproductive parts. For flag leaf length, out of 15 crosses, 9 crosses, 6 crosses and 11 crosses showed positive significant mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis, respectively. For flag leaf width, eight crosses exhibited positive and significant heterosis over mid parent. Three crosses showed positively significant heterobeltiosis. Out of 15 crosses, 14 crosses exhibited positive significant heterosis over standard variety for flag leaf width. The spectrum of variation for mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis in panicle length was ranged from -4.38 (IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/IR 81413-B-B-754) to 41.68 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4), 19.70 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 41.62 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4) and 4.22 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 63.07 (IR 7437154-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4) per cent, respectirely. Out of 15 crosses, 13 crosses, 12 crosses and 14 crosses expressed significant mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis in desired direction. In case of number of spikelets per plant, mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis ranged from -40.46 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 73.50 per cent, -45.36 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 71.68 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31) and 53.78 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 42.73 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31), respectively. Out of 15 crosses, only 5 crosses showed positive significant mid parent heterosis. Positive and significant heterobeltiosis was recorded in 4 crosses. Only one hybrid viz., IR 81413B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 expressed significant positive heterosis over standard variety VANDANA. Mid parent heterosis for days to maturity was ranged from 6.27 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31) to 5.04 per cent (IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4). Only two crosses viz., IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31 and IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 showed negative significant heterosis over mid parent. Heterobettiosis for days to maturity was ranged from 81.10 (IR 81421-B-B-254/ IR 81429-B-31) to 1.11 per cent (IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4). Out of 15 crosses, 4 crosses showed significant and negative heterobeltiosis. Standard heterosis ranged from 4.11 (IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31) to 18.67 per cent (IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4). No one cross enhibited significant standard heterosis for days to maturity in desired direction. Negative heterosis for early maturity were earlier reported by several workers viz., Singh (2005) and Kumar et al. (2010). For biological yield per plant, Heterosis over mid parent, better parent and standard variety VANDANA ranged from -24.09 (IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 81429-B-31) to 281.19 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4), -24.32 (IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 81429-B-31) to 239.45 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4) and -24.00 (IR 81413-BB-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 224.31 per cent (IR 7437154-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4), respectively. Out of 15 crosses, eleven crosses showed positive significant heterosis over mid parent, better parent and standard variety. The spectrum of variation for mid parent heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis in harvest index was ranged from -35.21 (IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31) to 56.83 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31), -48.55 (IR 81423-B-B-1113/ IR 81429-B-31) to 27.51 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31) and 41.82 (IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B31) to 35.44 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 81429-B-31), respectively. Out of 15 crosses, eight crosses showed positive significant heterosis over mid parent. Five crosses showed significant positive heterosis over better parent. Only two crosses expressed positive significant heterosis over standard variety VANDANA. For test weight, heterotic effect over mid parent, better parent and standard check VANDANA ranged from -13.67 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 28.85 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31), -14.36 (IR 81413-BB-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 22.22 per cent (IR 81413-BB-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31) and 10.36 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 57.50 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31), respectively. Out of 15 crosses, seven crosses showed positive significant heterosis over mid parent. Three crosses showed positive significant hetrobeltiosis and all crosses expressed positive significant heterosis over standard variety VANDANA. Positive standard heterosis for test weight was earlier reported by Banumathy et al. (2003). A high value of standard heterosis for single plant yield (190 per cent) was erarlier reported by Janardhanam et al. (2001). The spectrum of variation over mid parent, better parent and standard cheek variety VANDANA in grain yield per plant ranged from -23.69 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-754) to 289.72 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4), -25.00 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 269.92 per cent (IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4) and -36.00 (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81413-B-B-75-4) to 179.95 per cent (IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31), respectively. A high range of relative heterosis was earlier reported by Vanjana et al., 2003 (-90.40 to 457.3%), Jayasudha and Sharma, 2010 (0.68 to 174.79%). A high range of heterobeltiosis was earlier reported by Vanjana et al., 2003 (-93.3 to 356.0%), Jayasudha and Sharma, 2010 (2.76 to 164.95). Out of 15 crosses tested, 14 crosses exhibited significant positive heterosis over mid parental values and their respective better parental values, while nine crosses 80 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 showed positive significant hetrosis over standard cheek VANDANA for grain yield per plant. Among all the characters studied, test weight was found to be emerged as the first heterotic trait, because all crosses showed significant positive heterosis over standard variety VANDANA for this character. This was followed by flag leaf width (14 crosses), panicle length (14 crosses), number of tillers per plant (11 crosses), flag leaf length (11 crosses) and grain yield per plant (9 crosses). This revealed that grain yield per plant was one of the most heterotic trait in respect to hetrobeltiosis because out of 15 crosses, 14 crosses showed positive significant heterobeltiosis for grain yield per plant. Seven of the crosses exhibited significant and positive heterosis over standard check VANDANA for grain yield per plant (Table 4). IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 had high mean value for grain yield per plant as well as standard heterosis for number of effective tillers per plant, flag leaf width, panicle length, biological yield per plant and test weight. However most of the heterotic crosses for grain yield per plant were companied by heterosis for 5 to 7 yield contributing characters. This indicated that heterosis for grain yield in upland rice was associated with heterosis due to number of effective tillers per plant, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, panicle length, biological yield per plant, harvest index and test weight. Heterotic crosses had close correspondence with mean value, which suggested that per se performance of crosses could be considered for judging heterosis for grain yield. These crosses may be exploited to obtain early desirable segregants for grain yield by pedigree breeding technique. CONCLUSION On the basis of above executed results, seven heterotic combinations were isolated for grain yield per plant. The cross IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31 showed highest standard heterosis for grain yield per plant followed by IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 81429-B-31, IR 74371-54-1-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4, IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 81429-B-31, IR 81421-B-B-25-4/ IR 67017-124-2-4, IR 81063-B-94-U-3-1/ IR 67017-124-2-4, IR 81413-B-B-75-3/ IR 67017-124-2-4 and IR 81423-B-B-111-3/ IR 81429-B-31. Thus, suggesting that these crosses may be gives the better segregates from the early segregating generation or can be utilized for heterosis breeding for yield improvement under rainfed condition. REFERENCES Alam, M.F., Kumar, M.R., Nuruzzaman, M., Parvez, S., Swaraj, A.M., Alam, I and Ahsan, N. (2004). Genetic basis of heterosis and inbreeding depression in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 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To know the awareness of farmers about production technological dimension of sustainable dryland agriculture the dimension like tillage and seedling practices, plant population adjustment, weed control, crop diversification, soil fertility and fertilization, integrated nutrient management (INM), insect-pest control and water resources and engineering approach were in to consideration. For this purpose three zone, 6 tehsils and 20 villages were selected randomly, And a sample of 200 farmers were selected by using simple random sampling technique with the help of proportional allocation method. After that analyzing the data with statistical tests used. It was found that majority of farmers had moderate level of awareness about production technological dimension of sustainable dryland agriculture. Key words: Dimensions, sustainable, dryland, The concept of sustainable agriculture involves the evolution of new types of agriculture rich in technology and information, with much less intensive energy use and market purchased inputs. Thus, sustainability is the successful management of resources to satisfy the changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of environment and conserving natural resources. Dryland/rainfed farming has a distinct place in Indian agriculture. in such areas crop production becomes relatively difficult as it mainly depends upon intensity and frequency of rainfall. The crop production, therefore, in such areas is called as rainfed farming as there is no facility to provide any irrigation and even protective or life saving irrigation is not possible. Indian agriculture occupying 65per cent of the dryland/rainfed cultivated area, contributing 40 per cent of the food grains and supporting 40 per cent of the population. It is characterized by the resource poor, small and marginal farmers, a poor infrastructure and low investment in technology and inputs. The crops grown and cropping practices followed in these areas, entirely depend upon unpredictable rainfall which is often erratic and results in wide ranging fluctuation in production. Currently, the irrigated areas produce an average of two tonnes of food grains per hectare, while the average productivity in rainfed areas is only 0.7 to 0.8 tonnes per hectare. The fact that 95 per cent of coarse cereals, 91 per cent of pulses, 80 per cent of oil seeds, 65 per cent of cotton and 52 per cent of rice are grown under dryland/rainfed conditions. It is inevitable that the second green revolution has to come form the rainfed areas and accordingly the application of technology, inputs and investment has to be tailored to convert these so called “grey areas in to green”. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted in 3 agro-climatic zones (Zone-IA, Zone IC and Zone IIIA) of Rajasthan state, from which, 6tehsils and 20 villages were selected randomly with proportional allocation method. A sample of 200 dryland farmers form 20 villages of these 6 selected tehsils was drawn by using simple random sampling technique with the help of proportional allocation method. For measuring the awareness level of farmers a schedule was specially constructed by the investigator in light of suggestions of the experts and the responses were record accordingly. The validity and reliability of the schedule was also ensured. Personal interview method of data collection was used for collecting the data from the farmers. The data so collected were classified, tabulated and analysed. Inferences were drawn after subjecting the data to statistical analysis, which led to following findings: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Awareness level of farmers about tillage and seedling practices:The data in Table 1 indicate that majority (74.00 per cent) of the farmers were having medium level of awareness followed by 15.50 per cent and 10.50 per cent of farmers who were having high level and low level of awareness about tillage and seeding practices, Respectively. The data in the table also show that majority of small farmers (75.61per cent), medium farmers (73.75 percent) and large farmers (71.05 per cent) were having medium level of awareness about tillage and seedling practices. 83 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 and large farmers (57.69 per cent) were having medium level of awareness about weed control. Table1: Awareness level of farmers about tillage and seedling practices :N=200 farmer’s category Awareness category Low(<8.50) Medium (8.50-14.86) High(>14.86) Total Total Small 13(15.85) 62(75.61) Medium 4(5.00) 59(73.70) Large 4(10.50) 27(71.00) 7(8.50) 82(100.00) 17(21.25) 80(100.00) 7(18.40) 38(100.00) 4. Awareness level of farmers about crop diversification It is obvious from the data in table 4 that majority (51.00 per cent) of farmers were having medium level of awareness about crop diversification followed by 26.00 per cent and 23.00 per cent of farmers were having high and low level of awareness, respectively. 21(10.50) 148(74.00) 31(31.50) 200(100.00) . X = 11.68, percentage Ó=3.18, Table 4 : awareness level of farmers about crop diversification:- N=200 Figures in parentheses indicate 2. Awareness level of farmers about plant population adjustment It is apparent from table 2 that majority (61.50 per cent) of farmers were having medium level of awareness about plant population adjustment followed by 19.50 per cent and 19.00 percent of farmers who were having low level of awareness farmer’s category Low(<0.86) Medium(0.862.12) high(>2.12) Total Total Small 14(17.07) 51(62.20) Medium 13(16.25) 49(61.25) Large 12(31.55) 23(60.52) 39(19.50) 123(61.50) 17(20.73) 82(100.00) 18(22.50) 80(100.00) 3(7.89) 38(100.00 ) 38(19.00) 200(100.00) Ó=0.63, Low(<0.393) Large 11(28.95) 41(20.50) Medium 56(68.29) 50(62.50) 2(57.69) 128(64.00) ( 0.393-10.95) high(>10.95) Total 11(13.41) 82(100.00) 15(18.75) 80(100.00) 5(13.16) 38(100.00) 31(15.50) 200(100.00) Medium 36(43.90) 49(61.25) 17(44.74) 102(51.00) ( 12.43-19.85) high(>19.85) Total 28(34.15) 82(100.00) 15(18.75) 80(100.00) 9(23.68) 38(100.00) 52(26.00) 200(100.00) Low(<3.69) Medium(3.699.39) high(>9.93) Total Ó=3.71, Figures in parentheses indicate farmer’s category Total Small 21(25.61) 51(62.20) Medium 30(37.50) 26(32.50) Large 24(63.16) 12(31.58) 75(37.50) 89(44.50) 10(12.10) 82(100.00) 24(30.00) 80(100.00) 2(5.26) 38(100.00) 36(18.00) 200(100.00) X = 6.54, Ó=2.85, Figures in parentheses indicate percentage Total Medium 15(18.75) 46(23.00) Awareness category Table 3: Awareness level of farmers about weed control N 200 Small 15(18.29) Large 12(31.58) Table 5: Awareness level of farmers about soil fertility and fertilization :N=200 3. Awareness level of farmers about weed control:The data In table 3 reveal that majority (64.00per cent) of farmers were having medium level of awareness about weed control followed by 20.50 per cent and farmer’s category Medium 16(20.00) 5. Awareness level of farmers about soil fertility and fertilization:The data in table 5 indicate that majority (44.50per cent) of farmers were having medium level of awareness about soil fertility and fertilization followed by Figures in parentheses indicate About plant population adjustment, respectively. The data also indicate that majority of small farmers (62.20per cent), medium farmers (61.25 per cent) and large farmers (60.52 percent) were having medium level of awareness about plant population adjustment. Awareness category Small 18(21.95) Majority of small farmers (43.90 per cent), medium farmers (61.25 per cent) and lage farmers (44.74 per cent) were having medium level of awareness about crop diversification, respectively. . X = 1.49, percentage Total Low(<12.43) . X = 16.14, percentage Table 2: Awareness level of farmers about plant population adjustment N = 200 Awareness category farmer’s category Awareness category 37.50 per cent and 18.00 per cent of farmers were having low and high level of awareness, respectively. The data also indicate that majority of small farmers (62.20 per cent) were having medium level of awareness, where as majority of medium farmers (37.50 per cent) and large farmers (63.16 per cent) were having low level of awareness about fertilization. X=7.44, Ó=3.51, Figures in parentheses indicate percentage 6. Awareness level of farmers about integrated nutrient management (INM) The data presented in table 6 reveal that majority of (43.00 per cent) farmers were having low level of awareness about integrated nutrient management aspect of soil 15.50 per cent who were having low and high level of awareness about weed control respectively. The data presented in the table also indicate that majority of small farmers (68.29 per cent),medium farmers (62.50 per cent) 84 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 6: Awareness level of farmers about integrated nutrient management (INM) N=200 farmer’s category Awareness category Low(<7.19) Medium ( 7.19-16.75) high(>16.75) Total 8. Awareness of farmers about management of water resources and engineering approach Total It is obvious from the data presented in table 8 that majority (46.00 per cent) of farmers were having low level of awareness about management of water resources Small 35(42.68) 28(34.15) Medium 35(43.75) 26(32.50) Large 16(42.11) 17(44.74) 86(43.00) 71(35.50) 19(23.17) 19(23.75) 5(13.16) 43(21.50) Table 8 awareness level of farmers about management of water resources and engineering approach N=200 82(100.00) 80(100.00) 38(100.00 ) 200(100.00) Awareness category . X = 11.97, Ó= 4.78, Figures in parentheses indicate percentage fertility followed by 35.50 per cent and 21.50 per cent of farmers were having medium and high level of awareness, respectively. The data also indicate that majority of small farmers (42.68 per cent), and medium farmers (43.75 per cent) were having low level of awareness, While majority of large farmers (44.74 per cent) were having medium level of awareness about integrated nutrient management. Low(<10.16) Medium(10.1626.02) high(>26.02) Total farmer’s category Small 41(50.00) 35(42.68) Medium 39(48.75) 32(40.00) Large 12(31.58) 15(39.47) 6(7.32) 82(100.00) 9(11.25) 80(100.00) 11(28.95) 38(100.00 ) Total 92(46.00) 82(41.00) 26(13.00) 200(100.00) . X = 18.09, Ó= 7.93, Figures in parentheses indicate percentage and engineering approach followed by 41.00 per cent and 13.00 per cent of farmers were having medium and high 7. Awareness of farmers about insect-pest control level of awareness respectively. The data in table show that It is apparent form the table the table 7 that majority majority of small farmers (50.00per cent) and medium (57.50per cent) of farmers were having medium level of farmers (48.75per cent) were having low level of awareness awareness about insect-pest control followed by 27.50 per whereas, majority of the large farmers (39.47per cent) were cent and 15.00 per cent of farmers were having low and high having medium level of awareness. level of awareness, respectively It was found that majority of the farmers had medium level of awareness about tillage and seedling Practices (74.00% Table 7: awareness level of farmers about insect-pest farmers), plant population adjustment (61.50%), weed control N=200 control (64.00%), crop diversification (51.00%), soil fertility Awareness farmer’s category Total and fertilization (44.50%) and insect pest control (57.50%) category whereas, the farmers had low level of awareness about Small Medium Large integrated nutrient management (INM) (43.00%), Low(<5.87) 24(29.27) 19(23.75) 12(31.58) 55(27.50) Medium(5.87- 46(56.10) 48(60.00) 21(55.26) 115(57.50) management of water resources and engineering 11.33) approach(46.00%). It was also found that majority of small high(>11.33) 12(14.63) 13(16.25) 5(13.14) 30(15.00) farmers were having medium level of awareness about soil fertility and fertilization, whereas majority of the medium Total 82(100.00) 80(100.00) 38(100.00 ) 200(100.00) and large farmer were having medium level of awareness . about this aspect. X = 8.60, Ó= 2.73, Figures in parentheses indicate Majority of large farmers were having medium level of percentage awareness about integrated nutrient management and The data also reveal that majority of small farmers (56.10per management of water resources & engineering approach cent) medium farmers (60.00per cent) and large farmers whereas majority of the small and medium farmers were (55.26per cent) were also having medium level of having low level of awareness about these aspects. awareness. REFERENCES Balavati, V.G. and Sunderaswamy B.(1991). “Dryland farmers knowledge of dry farming practices and its correlates” Maharashtra J. Ext. Edu., 10:19-22. Shah, A. and Shah, D.C. (1993). “Dryland farming under changing source environment, a case study” Artha vijana, 35(3): 241-269. Shrivastava, M.M.P. (1994). “Sustainable development with special reference to environment and agriculture”. Journal of Rural Development. 13 (1) : 48-55 Dubey, M.K., Khare, M.N., Agarwal, S.K. and Kare, U.R.(1995). “Knowledge lavel of farmers regarding various farm practices of wheat and paddy.” Rural india 58:49-50 Singh, H. and Bail, S. (1988). “Dryland technology for increased crop production in Jammu division”. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Bulletin No 88-7 Fernadez, P.G.(1994). “Rndigenous seed practices for sustainable agriculture” indigenous knowledge and development monitor, 2(2) : 9-12. Mundhawa, A.B. and Patel, H.L.(1987). “Rainfed wheat growers knowledge about rainfed wheat in Bhal area of Gujarat state” Maharashtra J. Ext. Edu. 6:11-116. Sing, H.P. and Venkateswarlu, B. (1999) “ Rainfed farming :Turning gray areas green” The Hindu Survey of Indian Agriculture, pp. 25-28 Prasad, C. (1991) “International conference on extension strategy for minimizing risk in rainfed, agriculture”. Ind. J. Ext. Edu 27: 1-2. 85 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Response of levels and time of application of nitrogen on growth yield and quality of summer pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) 1 G.R. JAKHAR, 2S. L. GOLADA AND 2A.C. SADHU Department of Agronomy, 1 M Sc.Student, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand 2 Ph.D, Research Scholar and Associate Professor, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur-313001 Email; Key words: Crop production, nitrogen, pearl millet, urea spray Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. emend. Stuntz] is one of the major cereal crops grown in arid and semi arid regions of the world. Pearl millet is adopted to stress intensive environment, yet it is highly versatile, input responsive and high quality cereal with great potential to become a valuable component of non- traditional season like summer under irrigated and high input management conditions. Among the plant nutrients, nitrogen is the most important and expensive nutrient and it has marked effect on the plant growth in cereal crops. Nitrogen plays an important role in the synthesis of chlorophyll as well as amino acids, which are the building units of the protein. As nitrogen is mobile element, the time and rate of nitrogen application or splitting and foliar spray with different quantity of nitrogen as per requirement of the crop growth stage is most important for efficient utilization of nitrogen as well as for maximization of the crop yield. Foliar application of urea can have benefits over soil treatments in increasing protein content and quality of pearl millet grain when applied at and after anthesis (Gooding and Davies, 1992). A field experiment was conducted during summer season of 2009 at College Agronomy Farm, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand in texture having pH 7.6 and organic C 0.36%. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (factorial) with fifteen-treatment combinations and four replications. Treatments comprised of different nitrogen levels viz., 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha-1 and five nitrogen application methods viz., 50% basal + 50% top dressing at 30 DAS, 50% basal + 25% top dressing at 30 DAS + 25% top dressing at 60 DAS, 50% basal + 25% top dressing at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 45 DAS, 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS and 50% basal + 25% foliar spray at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 60 DAS. Common dose of phosphorus @ 40 kg ha-1 was applied as basal before sowing. The crop was grown under assured irrigated condition. The results revealed that application of 120 kg N ha-1 gave significantly higher plant height, number of productive tillers plant-1, length of ear heads plant-1, number of ear heads, grain yield plant-1, weight of 1000-grains, protein content in grains and net realization as compared to 40 kg N ha-1. The grain and stover yield were also increase with increase in N levels up to 120 kg N ha-1. Patel and Patel (2002) also reported similar results. This might be due to greater uptake of N which helped in proper nourishment of plants, increased photosynthetic area and higher dry matter production (Khan et al., 2000). Table 1. Effect of nitrogen levels and methods of nitrogen application on yield attributes, yield and quality of summer pearl millet. Number of ear heads plant-1 Ear head length (cm) Grain weight plant-1 (g) 2.94 3.08 3.87 3.92 16.08 17.55 3.54 4.20 CD (P=0.05) 5.10 0.26 Methods of nitrogen application (S) S1 153.52 2.87 S2 157.36 S3 S4 S5 CD (P=0.05) Treatments Plant Number of height at productive harvest tillers plant1 (cm) 1000 grainsweight (g) Protein content in grains (%) Net realization (Rs. ha-1) Grain Stover 38.62 41.78 4090 4221 7211 7880 9.12 9.65 9.43 9.47 22649 23522 20.38 43.99 4429 8639 9.77 9.94 24968 0.24 0.87 2.36 191.72 332.31 0.42 0.33 --- 3.77 17.01 38.92 4077 7493 9.23 9.17 22472 2.98 4.01 17.45 40.45 4058 7726 9.26 9.31 22413 164.52 3.30 3.97 17.81 41.91 4381 8082 9.77 9.73 24675 163.42 3.63 4.27 18.93 44.36 4505 8270 10.02 9.80 25624 158.52 6.59 3.15 0.34 3.98 0.31 18.82 1.12 41.68 3.04 4211 247.63 7979 429.20 9.30 0.55 10.04 0.43 23380 ---- Nitrogen levels (N) N1: 40 kg ha-1 155.13 N2: 80 kg ha-1 157.54 N3: 120 kg ha165.76 1 S1: S2: S3: S4: S5: Yield (kg ha-1) 50% Basal + 50% Top dressing at 30 DAS 50% Basal + 25% Top dressing at 30 DAS +25% Top dressing at 60 DAS 50% Basal + 25% Top dressing at 30 DAS +25% Foliar spray at 45 DAS 50% Basal +25% Top dressing at 30 DAS +25% Foliar spray at 60 DAS 50% Basal + 25% Foliar spray at 30 DAS + 25% Foliar spray at 60 DAS 86 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 The nitrogen application method of 50% basal + 25% top dressing at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 45 DAS showed significant increase in plant height at harvest over other methods except treatment of 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS. The treatment of 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS recorded significantly higher number of productive tillers plant-1, length of ear head, number of ear heads, grain yield plant-1, weight of 1000-grains, grain and stover yield as compare to other methods of nitrogen application except that of 50% basal + 25% top dressing at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 45 DAS. The protein content in grains was increased in treatment of 50% basal + 25% foliar spray at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 60 DAS as compared to other methods of nitrogen application except treatments 50% basal + 25% top dressing at 30 DAS + 25% foliar spray at 45 DAS and 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS. Application of foliar N late in the season is the most efficient method of boosting grain protein (Turley, et al., 2001). Maximum net realization of Rs. 25624 ha-1 was also registered under the method of 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS treatment. Thus, based on the results of one year experimentation, it was concluded that for maximizing production and net returns, the summer pearl millet (GHB-558) should be applied 120 kg N ha-1 as 50% basal +25% top dressing at 30 DAS +25% foliar spray at 60 DAS or at 45 DAS under middle Gujarat conditions. REFERENCES Gooding, M.J. and Davies, W.P. (1992). Foliar urea fertilization of cereals: A review. Fertilizer Res. 32 (2): 209-222. Patel, B. J. and Patel, I. S. (2002). Response of summer pearl millet to different dates, method of sowing and nitrogen levels under North Gujarat Agro-climatic conditions. Crop Res. 24 (3): 476-480. Khan, J.A., Tiwari, O.P., Shrivastava, G.K. and Singh, A.P. (2000). Effect of irrigation schedules, levels and split application of nitrogen on yield attribute and yield of latesown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Annals of Agricultural Research 21: 561-563. Turley, B.D., Sylvester Bradley, R. and Dampney, P.M.R. (2001). Foliar applied nitrogen for grain protein and canopy management of wheat. HGCA Res. Review. 47:32. 87 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Adoption of pigeon-pea production technology in Udaipur district of Rajasthan UPMA VASHISHTHA, F.L. SHARMA AND S.S. SISODIA Department of Extension Education, MPUA&T, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India ABSTRACT Present study was conducted in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. 160 pigeon-pea growers were selected from eight villages of two tribal tehsils for the study. Data were collected with the help of interview schedule developed for the study. From the discussion, it could be concluded that 56.25 per cent of the respondents adopted pigeon-pea production technology to medium level whereas, 26.88 and 16.87 per cent of total respondents adopted the technology to low and high level respectively. It was also observed that extent of adoption in tribal farmers was 30.83 to 90.4 per cent, while in case of non-tribal farmers the extent was observed to be 32.50 to 92.50 per cent. The study further indicated that there was significant difference between tribal and non-tribal farmers with regard to adoption of pigeon-pea production practices. Keywords: Adoption, Technology, Production, Analysis Pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan L.) is grown over the world, mostly in tropical and sub-tropical countries for grains, green manuring, fodder and forage as the sole crop, intercrop, mixed crop and in sequential cropping systems. Pigeon-pea is cultivated in more than 25 tropical and subtropical countries. Among the major countries growing pigeon-pea, India ranks first with an area of about 3.61 million hectares with a total production of 2.70 million tonnes with an average productivity of 747 kg/ha. The major pigeon-pea producing states are Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh which together accounts for 87 per cent of the area and 83.8 per cent of the production of the crop. In Rajasthan, pigeon-pea is cultivated in 20,000 hectares area with production about 13,000 metric tonnes. It is cultivated in almost all the districts of Rajasthan but the important pigeon-pea producing districts are Alwar, Sawai Madhopur, Banswara, Dungarpur, Udaipur and Bhilwara. Udaipur is one of the major pigeon-pea growing districts of the state with respect to considerable area 3646 hectares and production 3280 metric tonnes. The climatic conditions of the district is most suitable for cultivation of pigeon-pea but the productivity of this crop is far below than desired level. Thus, there is an urgent need to conduct a systematic study to assess adoption level of farmers about cultivation of pigeon-pea. Keeping the above facts in view the present study entitled “Adoption of pigeon-pea production technology in Udaipur district of Rajasthan” was undertaken. The present study was conducted in Udaipur district of Rajasthan. There are total eight tribal tehsils in Udaipur district of Rajasthan, out of which two tehsils namely Jhadol and Kotra has been selected on the basis of maximum area under pigeon-pea cultivation. Four villages from each identified tehsil were selected on the basis of maximum area under pigeon-pea cultivation. For selection of respondents, 160 pigeon-pea growers (80 tribal and 80 non-tribal farmers) were randomly selected from identified villages for data collection. Data were collected with the help of interview schedule developed for the study purpose through face to face contact method. Thereafter, data were analyzed, tabulated and inferences were drawn according to objective of the study. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To get an overall view of adoption level, the respondents were divided into three groups viz., (i) low adoption (≤ 32), (ii) medium adoption group (33 to 39) and (ii) high adoption group (> 39). The groups were based on the calculated mean and SD of the adoption scores obtained by the respondents. The results of the same are presented in Table 1. Data presented in Table 1 depict that ma ority (56.25%) of the total respondents were in the medium adoption group, whereas, 26.88 per cent respondents were in low adoption group and remaining 16.87 per cent pigeon-pea growers to be observed in the high level of adoption about pigeon-pea production technology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 1. Distribution of respondents on the basis of their level of adoption of improved pigeon-pea production technology Level of adoption Low (≤ 32) Medium (33 to 39) High (> 39) Total F = Frequency, % = per cent Tribal F 30 42 8 80 farmers % 37.50 52.50 10.00 100.0 Non-tribal farmers F % 13 16.25 49 60.00 19 23.75 80 100.0 Further, among the categories of pigeon-pea growers it was observed in high adoption group, 10.00 per cent respondents were found to be from tribal farmers category and 23.75 per n = 160 Total F 43 90 27 160 % 26.38 56.25 16.87 100.0 cent of respondents from non-tribal farmers category. In the medium adoption group, 52.50 per cent respondents from tribal farmers category and 60.00 per cent respondents from 88 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 non-tribal farmers category whereas, in the low adoption group, 37.50 per cent respondents were from tribal farmers group and 16.25 per cent from non-tribal farmers category. From the above results it could be concluded that 83.75 per cent respondents from non-tribal category were to be observed either from medium or from high adoption group whereas 90.00 per cent tribal farmers adopted pigeon-pea technology medium to lower level in the study area. These findings are similar with the findings of Bareth (1991), who reported that majority (69.27%) of gram growers were in medium adoption group and 17.19 per cent respondents in the high adoption group, while only 13.54 per cent were in the group of poor adopters. Individual aspect-wise extent of adoption of pigeon-pea growers was worked out. For this mean per cent score were calculated. The results of the same have been presented in Table 2. Table 2. Extent of adoption of production practices by pigeon-pea growers n=160 Practices Tribal farmers Non-tribal farmers Total MPS Rank MPS Rank MPS Rank Adoption of high yielding varieties 42.08 14 57.50 8 49.79 11 Recommended soil treatment 43.33 12 44.58 13 43.95 13 Recommended time of sowing 90.40 1 92.50 1 91.45 1 Adoption of useful method of sowing 47.08 11 48.75 12 47.91 12 Using recommended seed rate 87.08 2 87.91 2 87.49 2 Recommended seed treatment 52.91 9 53.33 10 53.12 9 Inoculation of seed with Rhizobium culture 56.66 8 55.00 9 55.83 8 Maintaining recommended spacing 80.41 3 82.08 3 81.24 3 Recommended depth of sowing 74.58 4 67.91 5 71.24 4 Applying FYM as per recommended by 49.58 10 50.00 11 49.80 10 scientists Using nitrogenous fertilizers 30.83 17 32.50 17 63.33 17 Applying phosphatic fertilizers 62.08 7 63.75 7 62.91 7 Intercultural operations 63.33 6 65.41 6 64.37 6 Irrigation management 67.08 5 75.42 4 71.25 5 Using recommended chemicals for disease 37.91 15 40.41 15 39.16 15 control Using recommended insecticides for insect 34.58 16 37.08 16 35.83 16 pest control Recommended method and time of 42.90 13 44.16 14 43.53 14 harvesting rs = 0.94** MPS = Mean per cent score * = Significant at 1 per cent level Table 2 depicts that the adoption regarding high yielding 50 per cent. This practice was ranked ninth by tribal and varieties was 42.08 and 57.50 per cent among tribal and tenth by non-tribal respondents. The adoption about non-tribal farmers respectively. It was found that majority of inoculation of seed with Rhizobium culture was obtained to the respondents were sowing BDN-2, ICPL-151, G-100 be 56.66 and 55.00 per cent in tribal and non-tribal category varieties of pigeon-pea in the study area. Likewise, the tribal of respondents, respectively. It was also found that and non-tribal pigeon-pea growers had extent of adoption recommended plant to plant and row to row spacing of 43.33 and 44.58 per cent with respect to soil treatment pigeon-pea was 80.41 and 82.08 per cent in tribal and nonrespectively. Further analysis of table shows that adoption in tribal farmers respectively. This aspect was ranked third by tribal and non-tribal category of respondents about both the categories of respondents. recommended time of sowing was 90.4 and 92.5 per cent Further analysis of table indicates that adoption respectively. The above practice was ranked first by both the regarding depth of sowing was 74.58 and 69.91 MPS by categories of respondents. It means most of the farmers in tribal and non-tribal respondents. It was found that nearly 50 the study area were following the recommended time of per cent farmers were applying FYM as per recommended sowing. by scientists for cultivation of pigeon-pea. Regarding The study of table further reveals that the extent of adoption adoption of nitrogenous fertilizers 30.83 per cent tribal and about useful method of sowing was 47.08 and 48.75 MPS 32.50 per cent non-tribal farmers were recorded. On the among tribal and non-tribal pigeon-pea growers respectively other hand application of phosphatic fertilizers, the extent of and ranked eleventh and twelfth by the tribal and non-tribal adoption was 62.08 and 63.75 per cent among tribal and farmers. Recommended seed rate was possessed 87.08 and non-tribal farmers respectively. It was found that the farmers 87.91 per cent adoption in tribal and non-tribal farmers were using more of phosphatic fertilizers like DAP, than respectively and ranked second by both the category of nitrogenous fertilizers in the study area. Regarding interrespondents. cultural operations, the extent of adoption was 63.33 and It was found that extent of adoption in both the categories of 65.41 per cent in tribal and non-tribal farmers respectively. respondents about recommended seed treatment was above 89 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 The adoption about irrigation management practice was 67.08 per cent in tribal farmers and 75.42 per cent in nontribal farmers and ranked fifth and fourth by tribal and nontribal farmers respectively. The extent of adoption about recommended chemicals for disease control was 37.91 and 40.41 per cent in the tribal and non-tribal farmers respectively. On the other hand, application of recommended insecticides for insect pest control, the extent of adoption was 34.58 and 37.08 per cent among tribal and non-tribal farmers. The extent of adoption of disease and insect pest control was observed poor in the study area. The reason behind less adoption was they had less knowledge about scientific insect-pest and disease control techniques as well as various insecticides and pesticides available in the market. It was further noted that extent of adoption about method and time of harvesting was 42.90 and 44.16 per cent in case of tribal and non-tribal farmers respectively. From the above discussion, it could be concluded that the extent of adoption in tribal farmers was 30.83 to 90.4 per cent, while in case of non-tribal farmers the extent of adoption was 32.5 to 92.5 per cent in all the improved pigeon-pea cultivation practices. Further, it was noted that non-tribal farmers had more extent of adoption than tribal farmers about almost all the pigeon-pea cultivation practices, still there is a gap in the adoption of improved pigeon-pea production technology. To improve the extent of adoption in both the categories of farmers intensive training programmes should be organized timely and location Table 3. specific in the study area. In the recent years there were many NGOs (non-government organizations) and government organization running their programmes for the betterment of the people but the expected results were not visible, yet in the study area. The table further reveals that the calculated rank order correlation (rs) value was 0.94, which was found to be statistically significant at 1 per cent level of significance. Thus, it can be inferred that there was a significant correlation between ranks assigned to extent of adoption of improved pigeon-pea cultivation practices by tribal and nontribal farmers. The present findings are in line with the findings of Singh (1999) who revealed that farmers had very poor adoption of improved practices of pigeon-pea i.e., inoculation of seed with Rhizobium culture, seed treatment, soil treatment, plant protection measures, high yielding varieties and fertilizer application, whereas, they had good adoption regarding time of sowing, seed rate, plant spacing and weed management in pigeon-pea. Comparison of adoption between tribal and non-tribal farmers with respect to improved pigeon-pea production technology: To find out the variation or similarity in the adoption of tribal and non-tribal respondents about improved pigeon-pea technology, ‘Z’ test was applied. The results were presented in Table 3. Comparison of adoption between tribal and non-tribal farmers about improved pigeon-pea cultivation practices Category of respondents Tribal farmers Non-tribal farmers ** Significant at 1 per cent level. Mean 31.2 40.0 ±S.D. 3.6 2.68 Table 3 indicates that calculated ‘Z’ value was greater than its tabulated value at 1 per cent level of significance. Further analysis of table shows that mean score value of non-tribal farmers in most of the practices is more than tribal farmers, which clearly indicates that non-tribal farmers had more adoption level than the tribal farmers about improved pigeon-pea production technology. It might be due to the fact that non-tribal farmers possessed more knowledge than tribal farmers about pigeon-pea production technology. The findings are in tune with the results of Dangi and Poonia (1997), who reported that there was significant difference in the adoption of improved ginger cultivation practices between literate and illiterate farmers. The level of adoption was noted highest in the category of literate farmers. It may be on account of possession of high extent Difference 8.8 ‘Z’ value 17.56** of knowledge by the farmers who are treated as literates in the present investigation. From the above discussion, it could be concluded that 56.25 per cent of the total respondents adopted the pigeon-pea production technology to medium level whereas, 26.88 and 16.87 per cent of total respondents adopted pigeon-pea production technology to low and high level respectively. It was also observed that the extent of adoption in tribal farmers was 30.83 to 90.4 per cent, while in case of nontribal farmers the extent of adoption was observed to be 32.50 to 92.50 per cent in all improved pigeon-pea cultivation practices. The study further indicated that there was significant difference between tribal and non-tribal farmers with regard to adoption of pigeon-pea production practices. REFERENCES Bareth, L.S. 2001. Technological constraints in adoption of improved pulse production technologies in agro-climatic zone II A and B of Rajasthan. Ph.D. thesis submitted to Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan. Singh, H. 1999. A study on knowledge and adoption of improved cultivation practices of pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan L.) by the farmers of Bagidora Tehsil in Banswara district, M.Sc. thesis submitted to Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan. Poonia, P.P. and Dangi, K.L. 1997. Adoption behaviour of ginger growers. Maharashtra Journal of Extension Education 16:116-119. 90 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Influence of net house, mulching and NAA on seed quality of capsicum cv. California wonder 1 A. MANJUNATHA, *2A. G. BABU, 3V. MANJUNATHA, 4S. RAJENDRA PRASAD Department of seed science and technology, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Pin560065. 2 Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Pin 560065. 3Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Pin -560065. 1&4 Present address Department of seed science and technology, University of Agricultural sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Pin 560065. 2Currently Ph.D Scholar, Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India. Pin-580005. 3Currently working as Agriculture Officer, O/o Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bagepally (Tq), Chikkaballapur (Dist), Karnataka, India. Pin-561207. 4Currently professor and Head of Seed Technology Research Unit, National Seed Project, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore. Karnataka, India. Pin-560065. 1 ABSTRACT The field experiment was conducted to study the influence of net house, mulching and NAA on seed yield of Capsicum cv. California Wonder during the rabi/summer at Seed Technology Research Unit, National Seed Project, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore. They differed significantly under net house and recorded highest thousand seed weight (7.49g), germination (75.34%), seedling dry weight (0.32mg) and seedling vigour index (793) with chaffy seeds and seed infection compared to control. With the black polythene mulch the seeds recorded highest germination (71.30%), seedling dry weight (0.26mg), seedling vigour index (768) and least chaffy seeds. Among different concentrations NAA at 60 ppm had given highest thousand seed weight (7.12g), germination (71.92%), seedling dry weight (0.40mg)and seedling vigour index (833) with least (2.23) chaffy seeds. Key words: Capsicum, net house, black polythene mulch, NAA. Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. Grossum Sendt) in one of the most popular and highly remunerative vegetable crop grown throughout the world. It has attained status of high value crop also in India recent years and occupies a pride of place among vegetables in Indian cruisine because of its delicacy and pleasant flavor coupled with rich content of ascorbic acid and other vitamins and minerals. The high market price it fetches is attributed to having demand from the urban consumers. There is a good demand for export too. The seed production in capsicum is bit difficult in open field conditions as it highly susceptible to stress, pest and diseases, scorching and wilt there it is taken up in green house. The green house establishment being a costly affair and difficult establish for small and medium farmers. Hence, to minimize the cost and to produce quality seed an experiment was conducted to study the influence of net house, mulching and NAA on seed quality of capsicum California Wonder. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The seed quality parameter like germination (75.34%), seedling vigour index (793), seedling dry matter (0.32mg) and less seed health (2.26%) were recorded highest in net house as against open field conditions (Table 1). This might be due to higher cellular level metabolic activities rendered by higher enzymatic activity lead more synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins resulted in healthier, bolder and stronger seed due to accumulation of maximum dry matter in seeds. However, root length, shoot length were not influenced by any treatments net house, black polythene mulch and NAA levels (Jeevansab, 2000 and Jiang et al. 1985 in sweet pepper). Under black polythene mulch, germination (71.30%), seedling vigour index (768) and seedling dry matter (0.26mg) found significant with less chaffy seeds where as thousand seed weight and seed health found non significant (Table 1). Similar findings were made by Wann, 1969 and Takatori et al., 1971. Among NAA levels, 60ppm recorded highest germination (71.92 %) seedling vigour index (751) and seedling dry weight (0.33 mg) and all other parameter found non significant (Table 1). Similar findings were made by Vasudevan et al., (2000) in sunflower, Meena and Dhaka (2003) in brinjal, Sanjay kumar et al., (1996) in okra and Yogananda (2002) in capsicum cv. California Wonder. The growth regulator coupled with net house and black polythene mulch brought about certain changes in metabolism during fruit and seed development due to which there would be greater accumulation of food reserves and nutrient factors resulting in higher seed quality. Similar beneficial effect of growth regulator on seed quality parameters have been reported in chilli by Singh and METERIAL AND METHODS The experiment consists of one main treatment (netting and open conditions) and two sub treatments (black polythene mulch and NAA). The experiments were carried out in split plot design having netting was main treatment and black polythene mulch and NAA were sub treatment. Treatment included are netting (netted and open condiction, mulching, black polithin mulch and unmulched condition) and four concentration of NAA namely, Control, 60, 80,and 100 ppm sprayed at 45 and 60 days after transplanting with 16 treatmental combination. The seed produced in the present study tested for germination (%), thousand seed weight (g), chaffy seeds (%),seedling dry weight (mg), seedling vigour index and seed health (% infection). The data was analyzed statistically. 91 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Gulshanlal (1995) with 20 ppm NAA, Balkumar and Balasubramanian (1988) with 25 ppm GA3 and Natesh et al., (2005) and Yoganada (2002) in Capsicum. Higher values of seed quality of seeds obtained with growth regulator may be also due to enlarged embryos, higher rate of metabolic activity and respiration, better utilization and mobilization of metabolites to growing points in germinating seeds and higher activity of enzymes. As these growth regulator sprays through enzymatic and hormonal mechanism stimulated metabolic processes such as sugar mobilization, protein hydrolyses and oxidation. Table 1: Seed quality attributing characters as influenced by net house mulching and NAA. Germination (%) Thousand seed weight (g) N0 N1 Mean Per cent chaffy seeds N0 N1 Mean Seedling dry weight (mg) N0 N1 Mean Seedling vigour index N0 N1 Mean Seed health (% infection) N0 N1 Mean N0 N1 Mean G0 58.67 61.00 59.84 5.18 6.74 5.96 3.90 2.97 3.44 0.28 0.24 0.26 642 609 626 9.00 3.00 6.00 G1 65.67 72.34 69.00 6.21 7.90 7.06 3.04 1.84 2.44 0.24 0.59 0.42 630 760 696 6.00 2.00 4.00 G2 61.67 74.00 67.84 5.86 8.02 6.94 3.54 2.87 3.20 0.15 0.16 0.16 598 760 680 7.67 2.00 4.84 G3 62.00 78.34 69.17 5.74 7.29 6.52 3.47 3.00 3.24 0.20 0.19 0.20 602 754 678 6.34 4.34 5.34 Mean 62.00 70.92 66.46 5.75 7.49 6.62 3.49 2.67 3.08 0.21 0.30 0.25 618 721 670 7.26 2.84 5.05 G0 59.00 68.00 63.50 6.43 7.78 7.10 3.54 2.50 3.02 0.18 0.16 0.17 618 784 702 6.67 2.34 4.51 G1 71.09 78.67 74.84 6.27 8.10 7.18 3.00 1.04 2.02 0.23 0.21 0.22 708 904 806 6.00 2.34 4.17 G2 69.67 78.00 73.84 5.95 6.82 6.38 3.04 1.40 2.22 0.18 0.14 0.16 628 888 758 6.00 1.67 3.84 G3 67.67 78.34 73.00 6.10 7.23 6.67 3.07 1.37 2.22 0.13 0.16 0.15 796 871 809 7.67 2.34 3.01 Mean 66.84 75.75 71.30 6.19 7.48 6.84 3.16 1.58 2.37 0.18 0.34 0.26 675 862 768 6.59 2.18 4.39 G0 58.84 64.50 61.67 5.80 7.26 6.54 3.72 2.74 3.23 0.23 0.20 0.22 631 697 664 7.84 2.67 5.26 G1 68.34 75.50 71.92 6.24 8.00 7.12 3.02 1.44 2.23 0.26 0.40 0.33 670 833 751 6.00 2.17 4.09 G2 65.67 76.00 70.84 5.90 7.26 6.66 3.29 2.14 2.71 0.17 0.15 0.16 613 825 719 6.84 1.84 4.34 G3 64.84 77.34 71.09 5.93 7.26 6.59 2.27 2.19 2.73 0.17 0.18 0.18 674 813 744 7.01 3.34 5.18 Mean 64.42 75.34 68.88 5.97 7.49 6.73 3.32 2.13 2.73 0.20 0.32 0.26 647 793 720 6.93 2.26 4.76 M0 M1 SEm.+ CD at 5% SEm.+ N 1.477 4.430 0.015 M 0.718 2.081 G 1.015 2.943 MxG 1.436 NxM 1.015 NxG NxMxG CD at 5% SEm.+ CD at 5% SEm.+ CD at 5% SEm.+ CD at 5% SEm.+ CD at 5% 0.092 0.010 0.062 0.011 0.008 7.622 46.381 0.100 0.062 0.079 NS 0.027 0.079 0.002 0.005 10.618 30.755 0.365 NS 0.112 0.326 0.038 0.112 0.004 0.008 15.016 43.493 0.516 NS NS 0.159 0.461 0.854 0.159 0.004 0.012 21.236 NS 0.750 NS NS 0.112 0.762 0.038 0.268 0.002 0.194 15.016 113.176 0.516 NS 1.436 NS 0.159 NS 0.854 0.379 0.004 0.028 21.236 160.056 0.300 NS 2.031 NS 0.225 NS 0.077 0.536 0.005 0.039 30.033 NS 1.033 NS N0 - Seed production without net M1- Black Polythene mulching G2 - Application of NAA@ 80ppm N1 - Seed production with net G0 - Control G3 - Application of NAA@ 100ppm M0 -Without mulching G1 - Application of NAA@ 60ppm NS- Non Significant REFERENCES Meena, S.S. and Dhaka, R.S., 2003, Effect of plant growth regulator on growth and yield of brinjal under semi arid condition of Rajasthan. Ann. Agric. Res. New Series, 24 (3): 516-521. Balakumar, T. And Balasubramanian, N.A., 1988, Effects of hormonal treatments on biomass production in tomato. Tropical Agriculture, 65: 373-375. Jeevansab, 2000, Effect of nutrient sources on growth, yield and quality of capsicum (Cv. California Wonder) grown under different environment. M.Sc. (Hort.) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Natesh, N., Vyakarnahal, B.S., Shekar gouda, M. and Deshpande, N.K., (2005), Influence of growth regulator on growth seed yield and quality of chilli Cv. Byadagi kaddi. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18 (1): 36-38. Jiang, J., Wang, Z. and Wang, D., 1985, Studies on fruit growth and the accumulation of nutrients in sweet pepper. Acta Agricultural Universities Pekinesis, 11: 333-337. Sanjay kumar, Poonam singh, R.P., Katiyar, C.P., Vaish and Khan, A.A 1996, Beneficial effect of some plant 92 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 growth regulator on seeds of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) under field conditions. Seed Research, 24 (1): 11-14. annuus L.) Genotypes in Relation to Growth Regulator application. Seed Research, 28 (1): 1-4. Singh and Gulshanlal, 1995, Effect of plant growth regulator on the fruit set, yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars. Advances in Horticulture and Forestry, 4: 133-141. Wann, S.S., 1969, Effect of cover crops and mulching on infiltration rates on sloping land. J. Agric. Assoc. China, 67: 50-57. Yogananda, D.K., 2002 Effect of macro and micro nutrients and growth regulators on plant growth, seed yield and quality of Bell pepper Cv. California Wonder. M.Sc. (Agri) Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. Takatori, F.F., Lipperi, L.F. and Lyons, J.M., 1971, Petroleum mulch studies for low crops in California. Calif. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull, No. 849. Vasudevan, S.N., Virupakshappa, K., Bhaskar, S. and Seetharam, A., 2000, Seed quality of sunflower (Helinahus 93 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 ICT penetration of rural dairy farm entrepreuners in Banaskantha district 1 R.S.GHASURA, 1V.K.MEVADA, 2A.S.SHEIKH, 2B.K.ASWAR, 1G.M.CHAUDHRY 1 M.V.Sc scholar, 2Assoct.Prof, Dept of Vet.Sci & Animal Husbandry Extension. College of Veterinary Science & A.H-S.K.Nagar. Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agriculture University.-Gujarat State(INDIA) E-mail: ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the status of ICT usage among Livestock/Dairy-based entrepreneurs in Banaskantha District (Gujarat) . The objectives of the study: (1) to know the purpose of using ICT among Dairy Husbandry-based entrepreneurs; (2) to know the level of ICT usage among Dairy-based entrepreneurs; (3)to determine the contribution of ICT toward Dairy farms-based entrepreneur's productivity; (4) to identify the obstacles for usage of ICT and (5) to identify the ICT networks and support services among Dairy-based entrepreneurs. A total of 200 respondents were involved in the study representing four fields of dairy-based industry namely Vaccination, animal rearing, animal disease history, and Artificial Insemination, Milk collection, Respondents were chosen based on the list of Dairy basedbased entrepreneurs provided by Village co-operatives, Private dairy farmers, Farmers Organization. A survey using a questionnaire developed for the study was used to collect data. From the study it was found that the most used ICT tools are phone, mobile phone, television and internet, PCs. The most used internet application is surfing websites in which 32.2% said that they have surfed websites. A total of 37.6% of the respondents knew that the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry website existed and 30% of the respondents have visited the website, this makes this website as the most visited website. A total of 39.6% of the respondents agreed that ICT has contributed towards their productivity especially for the purpose of getting the information about ICT, getting the information about agriculture land and searching for advices on animal husbandry practices. Among the obstacles faced by dairy-based entrepreneurs to use ICT are that they do not know the benefits of using ICT, they do not have skills in using ICT and lack of time to use the ICT. ICT penetration law in rural area, obstacle of Broadband connectivity in rural area, The respondents mentioned that they sought assistance from development agencies for website development and private companies to repair their ICT tools. Key words:- Information Communication Technology, Dairy Farm Entrepreneurs, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve rural livelihoods is one of the key areas, which has potential to change the economy of livestock, agriculture, and rural artisans in India .There is increase recognition that information and knowledge are now at the very core of socio-economic development for the rapid evolution and diffusion of ICT is bringing about an increasingly networked, knowledge-based global economy.(ISC,2003) Livestock and rural outreach services can derive the advantage of ICT to provide effective delivery of information related to animal health care and production to the end users. The information access which is increasing at the rate of 50 per cent per annum and improved communication are certain to have significant effects, most of them positive on the livestock outreach services along with other rural services(Jabirali,2011). Over the last three decades, livestock sector has grown at an annual rate of 7 percent, which is more than double the growth of the agricultural sector. Empirical evidences indicate that livestock is an important component of the agriculture system, providing an additional source of income and nutritional cover to a large section of the rural population, particularly the disadvantaged and poor households (Rao et al 2003; Birthal and Ali 2005; Ravikumar and Chander 2006, Singh et al 2007). The distribution of livestock, as a liquid asset to poor families, is more egalitarian as compared to land (Taneja and Birthal 2004; Ali 2007). However, the recent trend in livestock sector growth suggests that in order to meet the emerging demand for livestock based products, both in domestic and global markets, there is a need to reorient the production system by enhancing the efficiency and creating quality consciousness Gujarat is land of entrepreneurs in our country. Gujarat is a leading state in milk production and marketing in India and Proverbially known as “Milk bowl of India”. Gujarat is known for dairy development. Almost all the districts of the state are having projects for milk production and dairy products. This development has been in the cooperative sector. Among Gujarat district Banaskantha comes 1 st rank in milk production with 962660 tones (Bulletin of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Statistics, Gujarat, 2009-2010). The specific objectives for this paper are to:(1) To know the purpose of using ICT among Dairy Husbandry-based entrepreneurs. (2) To know the level of ICT usage among Dairy-based entrepreneurs. (3) To determine the contribution of ICT toward Dairy farms-based entrepreneur's productivity. (4) To identify the obstacles for usage of ICT . (5) To identify the ICT networks and support services among Dairy-based entrepreneurs. MATERIALS AND METHODS A study was conducted during “Krushimahtsov2011”(Agricultural Fair) organized by Gujarat Government (Dept Of Agriculture, Dept of Animal Husbandry) month of April to May in Banaskantha district. Data were collected through personal interview method using ICT based 94 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 questionnaire. A data collected two hundred respondents as a dairy husbandry based entrepreneurs’ in Banaskantha district. The questionnaire includes the parameters of factors associated with (1) access to computer in dairy farm activities.(2) Most used ICT tools are landline phone, mobile phone, television and internet .(3) Know about internet application as website agriculture and animal husbandry.(4) How ICT tools useful in personal and professional life in dairy farm entrepreneurs. The data was analyzed by Microsoft exel. higher secondary school education (20 per cent) ,graduation and post graduation ( 8 per cent).In comparison to Patel (2000) indicated that majority of the beneficiaries (74.19 %) had primary to secondary level of education .As per type of land in Banaskantha District were categorized irrigated, nonirrigated, irrigated plus non irrigated and no land in dairy farmers .The result were found irrigated land(28.5 per cent),non-irrigated land(55 per cent),irrigated plus nonirrigated land(8.5 per cent),no land (8 per cent).The majority of land was non-irrigated (55 per cent).The herd size of dairy farm in five categorized 1-5 animals(45 per cent),6-10 animals(15 per cent),11-15 animals(7.5 per cent), 16-20 animals(14 per cent) and more than 20 animals (18.5 per cent).The majority of herd size were to 1-5 animals in dairy farms. In comparison to indicated Gour (2002) revealed that two fifth (40.76 %) of the dairy farmers had low level herd size followed by 32.50 with high and 26.74 with medium herd size. In mostly dairy farmer entrepreneurs earn money through selling milk from dairy co-operative and private co in Banaskantha District. The majority of dairy farmers ware earned money through milk less than five thousand rupees (41.5 per cent) and six thousand rupees-ten thousand rupees (26.5 per cent).The averagely income all of respondents were earned money per month twenty eight thousand rupees. Shinde et. al. (1998) found that nearly two-third of dairy farmers (65.83%) had low income i.e. up to Rs. 5,000, followed by high income i.e. Rs.10,000 to 15,000 (20 %) and medium income group i.e. Rs.5001 to 10,000 (14.17 %). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Social- economic status of the dairy entrepreneurs:The Social-economic status of the dairy farm entrepreneurs has been presented in the Table 1.The farmers were divided into the three age groups viz. young age group (18- 32 years),Adult/Middle age group(33-54 years),Older age groups(above 55 years).The majority (57.5 per cent ) of the farmers were belonged to middle age group followed by older age group(22.5 per cent).Similar trend was recorded by Gour (2002) reported that majority of the dairy farmers (76.74 %) belonged to middle age group. In comparison to status dairy farming business was popular in middle age group peoples. Based on the education status, the farmer ware categorized into five categories such as primary high school education, secondary high school education, higher secondary education and graduate and post graduate. The finding indicated that about primary education(36.5 per cent),Secondary high school education(32.5 per cent) and Table -1. Socio-economic status of dairy entrepreneurs in Banaskantha District Parameters Age Education Type of Land (Viga) Herd Size Monthly income from selling of Milk (Rs.) Categories Frequency Younger age group (18 - 32) Middle age group (33 - 54) Older age group (above 55) Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Secondary Education Graduation & Above. Irrigated land Non irrigated land Irrigated + Non-irrigated land No land 1 - 5 animals 6 - 10 animals 11 - 15 animals 16 - 20 animals More than 20 animals Less than 5,000 6,000 - 10,000 11,000 – 15,000 16,000 – 20,000 21,000 – 25,000 26,000 – 30,000 More than 30,000 40 115 45 73 71 40 16 57 110 17 16 90 30 15 28 37 83 53 23 11 13 4 15 Percentage (%) 20 57.5 22.5 36.5 32.5 20 8 28.5 55 8.5 8 45 15 7.5 14 18.5 41.5 26.5 10.5 5.5 6.5 2 7.5 Mean S.D. 66.66 41.93 ---- ------ 50 44.32 40 29.06 28.57 28.74 (N=200respondents) increased from about 30 percent of the world total in 2000 to more than 50 percent in 2004 and to almost 70 percent in 2007 (Cieslikowsk, Halewood, Kimura, & Zhen-Wei Qiang, ICT tools use in dairy farm entrepreneurs. The largest increases in the use of ICT has been in mobile telephony where subscriptions in developing countries 95 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 2009). This high use of ICT is likely to stimulate economic development in developing countries, including the agricultural sector and livestock sector where a high proportion of the Gujarat state population derives their livelihoods. In Banaskantha district’s villages are first to making website in Gujarat state ,(e-gram” VSAT” model2011).The Gujarat State Wide Area Network (GSWAN), the largest IP based e-Governance infrastructure network in Asia Pacific connects 25 districts and 225 talukas through 12,000 nodes in Gujarat. GSWAN is capable of voice, video and data transfer. The study show that internet based surfing website such as (agriculture commodity exchange ,GSWN, movie song download, stock market, etc.) in 32.5% dairy farmers use website in village Panchyat or city based cyber café. The second majority of dairy farmers 37.7% ware know about agriculture commodity site because the understand demand and supply of agricultural products in our country and some dairy farmers they have good knowledge about stock market and interested in treading as well as investment in stock market that reason they would visited in website. The younger age group of dairy farmers (18-32) they were most visited website (Google,Yahoo,Ojas,Orkut,).because they are good knowledge in internet and easy access computer. The middle age group dairy farmers were highest majority in this survey (57.5%) .They were good interested in agri -commodity exchange and dairy co-operative websites.ICT adopted in their business are large scale, more profitable, dairy and tillage farms as was also found to be case in 2004(Leveque,2007). Table-2 .ICT tools use in dairy farm entrepreneurs. ICT application and penetration level. Internet application (Surfing Website) Know agriculture and A&H website. Most visited website. Percentage(%). 32.5 37.6 30 Frequency 65 75 60 Mean S.D 66.66667 7.637626 (N=200 respondents) individual. In the Irish country dairy farmers to the adoption level of ICT dairy enterprises were also more likely to use the computer for farm account. Tillage and sheep farmers were more likely to use the computer for VAT records, and tillage farmers were also more likely than other farmer types to use the internet with 20% of tillage farmer doing so (D.Murphy,2008).The( 25.5%) respondents they were negative feedback in ICT tools used in dairy farms because they were not basic education level, poor economical conditional and they follow traditional method way. Most of that type dairy farmers were old age group members. The second highest majority of respondent (35 %) they had no basic idea about ICT application. There was neutral response. Neither positive use of ICT application nor negative use of ICT application. Feedback from Dairy Entrepreneurs in ICT tools. The cost and availability of telecommunications determine the extent to which new ICT facilities are used, and these access costs are often higher in poorer countries (Wolf, 2001). Gollakota (2008) adds another important point in that information alone is not sufficient but structural and financial solutions are required as well. The feedback from dairy entrepreneurs in ICT tools(Mobile, Personal Computer, Television Internet, Radio).Mostly educated and middle as well as young age group the positive feedback (39.6 %) in ICT tools because ICT is useful in easy veterinary services available in door-step level as a mobile phone. The large dairy farm they used computerized herd register also too main tend animal breeding program Table-3 . Feedback from Dairy Entrepreneurs in ICT tools. Feedback from Dairy Entrepreneurs in ICT tools ICT tools are useful ICT tools are not useful ICT tools they have no idea. Frequency 79 51 70 Percentage (%) 39.6 25.5 35 (N=200 respondents) ignorance about benefit of using ICT, lack of skill and time to use of ICT. The law penetration of ICT tools and non availability of broadband connectivity, ICT Infrastructure in rural areas The few farmers who used ICT to access markets were mainly those who selling milk in private and co-operative dairy sector there ware got good income in dairy farms and another is education and interest of ICT tools to easy adopted. The results also show that people who used ICT to access market information sold a lot more and received relatively better prices, which has a positive impact on their business. Conclusion Agricultural extension services in most of the developing countries including India, are usually designed around crop husbandry, while public sector initiatives towards animal husbandry are often dominated by animal breeding and health services (Morton and Matthewman 1996). However, the changes in Indian livestock production have necessitated the provisions of delivering seamless information on various aspects of animal husbandry including processing and market linkage for animal based products. The major obstacle farmers have no idea about how to useful and 96 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Graph-2 . Feedback from Dairy Entrepreneurs in ICT tools. extension and e-governance, Internet Cafes and even with retail shops, the use of smart cards that store the farmers and animal owners information can be introduced. These smart cards may be the same as issued for e-governance or separate for agriculture and/or livestock. The smart cards may even include a photograph or a digital signature of the animal (e.g. muzzle print) since animal identification is a major issue in India. From the smart cards and use of PDAs(Personal Digital Assistants), extension agents and service providers, such as for artificial insemination or veterinary care, can collect data and forward them electronically either through off-line means or on-line to data collection systems which then store them in specific databases and enable access through the Internet or Wide Area networks. Users such as market intermediaries, program managers, policy makers and researchers can therefore access real-time data online at their desktops for decision making. Recommendations Tele-density in rural areas continues to be low, increase in tele-density as an important component of infrastructure development should be taken up. ICTs cannot succeed on a stand-alone basis and need to be supplemented by other programmes. e.g. Academic and research data in agriculture marketing needs to be digitalized and it is also necessary to make available the digitalized literature in local languages. Support is also needed to facilitate Cross-flow of information. To be make in local language base programmes and software. The challenges to extension practitioners are firstly better understand the farmer ICT interface and the impediments to ICT adoption, and secondly to design extension programmers that build appropriate ICT skills, and deliver content that appropriate to farmers needs and their state of knowledge . In India, the use of personal computers by individual smallholders may not be possible in the near future. However, with lowering of costs and introduction of multi-purpose information kiosks at community and village level such as for health, education, agricultural REFERENCES Adhiguru P, Birthal P S and Ganesh Kumar B .( 2009) Strengthening Pluralistic Agricultural Information Delivery Systems in India. Agricultural Economics Research Review 22 (1):71-79. Alvarez J and Nuthall P. 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Journal of communication page no:41-48 98 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Bio-efficacy of Some Commercially Available Neem Formulations on Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) on Cabbage 1 RAM KISHORE MEENA, 2JEEVA RAM AND 3O.P. LAL Division of Entomology Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012 2 SMS Plant Protection, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sriganganagar and 1 SMS Plant Protection, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (SK RAU), Dholpur (Rajasthan), India Email: 3 ABSTRACT Two field experiments were conducted during the rabi seasons of 1998-99 and 1999-2000 at the Experimental Farm of Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi to study the effect of commercially available neem formulations, neemazal, neemgold and nimbecidine having 50000, 1500 and 300 ppm azadirachtin, respectively, against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostalla on cabhage. The bioefficacy in a descending order was: neemazal > nimbacidine > neemgold. During 1998-99, the maximum population reduction over control was found after 7 days of application viz., 74.52, 70.17 and 55.68 per cent due to neemazal, nimbecidine and neemgold, respectively. A similar trend was found in 1999-2000. Thus, neemgold, respectively. A similar trend was found in 1999-2000. Thus, neemazal was most effective against the diamondback moth, P.xylostella. Key words: Neem, insecticide, instar. Neem has been reported to have insecticidal properties like repellency, feeding and oviposition deterrence, fecundity reducing, insect growth inhibitor, low mammalian toxicity and very less persistence in the environment (Pradhan, 1962; Saxena, 1989; Schmutterer, 1990 and Lal 1996). Neem formulations are less effective as compared to synthetic insecticides but it is moderately effective for the control of diamondback moth. The present investigations conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different commercially available neem formulations against diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella on cabbage. The neem formulations used in the present investigation are neemazal (50,000 ppm), nimbecidine (300 ppm) and neemgold (1500 ppm). the experiment comprised the following: Neemazal (50,000 ppm), Nimbecidine (300 ppm) and Neemgold (1500 ppm) @ 1, 5 and 3 ml/litre of water and untreated control. The cabbage var. Golden Acre was selected for the field trial. The plants were selected in each plot at random and tagged. The population counts recorded on one day before spraying was considered as pre-treatments counts for first spraying and the pest-treatment counts were recorded after one, seven and fourteen days of each spray. Fourteenth day population counts formed the pre-treatment counts for the second spray. From these data the mean larval population per ten plants was estimated and after transformation, it was subjected to statistical analysis. The yield data at the time of harvesting was also recorded and analysed. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experiments were carried out at Division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi during rabi seasons of 1998-99 and 1999-2000. The trail was laid out in 12.5 m2 plots as a randomized block design with four treatments replicated three times. Two sprays were given at 15 days interval commencing from the appearance of insect pests. The four treatments selected for Neemazal reduced the larval population of P.xylostella by 36.95 and 34.97 per cent after one day of first spraying during 1998-99 and 1999-2000 respectively. After seven days of first spraying the efficacy of neemazal went up to 74.52 and 67.78 per cent during 1998-99 and 1999-2000, respectively (Table 1 and 2). Table 1. Effect of neem formulations on larval population of P.xylostella on cabbage (mean larval population per ten plant) during rabi season, 1998-99. Treatment Pretreatment population 1st spraying 1 DAS Neemazal 22.3 14.1 Nimbecidine 26.3 19.6 Neemgold 27.0 21.6 Control 23.0 24.3 S.Em.± C.D. at 5% PROC 36.95 (36.81) 28.99 (32.11) 22.84 (27.78) 0.00 (0.00) 3.50 11.03 7 DAYS 56.3 8.3 152.1 25.5 PROC 74.52 (59.72) 70.17 (57.14) 58.68 (50.05) 0.00 (0.00) 1.67 5.26 IInd spraying 14 DAS 14.2 18.6 24.6 30.8 PROC 48.94 (44.27) 46.63 (31.30) 30.44 (32.72) 0.00 (0.00) 5.62 17.71 1 DAS 7.8 8.6 17.6 34.5 PROC 54.69 (47.72) 54.45 (47.52) 35.81 (36.33) 0.00 (0.00) 5.24 16.52 7 DAYS 5.2 7.1 14.5 42.5 PROC 74.00 (59.37) 71.86 (51.29) 56.08 (38.51) 0.00 (0.00) 3.70 11.66 14 DAS 15.3 21.1 31.0 61.3 PROC 47.46 (60.19) 39.94 (38.17) 37.03 (38.08) 0.00 (0.00) 7.70 24.26 D AS : D a y s a f t e r s p r a yi n g ; P R O C : P e r c e n t r e d u c t i o n o v e r c o n t r o l ; V a l u e s i n p a r e n t h e s e s a r e a r c s i n e t r a n s f o r m e d v a l u e s . 99 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Table 2. Effect of neem formulations on larval population of P.xylostella on cabbage (mean larval population per ten plant) during rabi season, 1999-2000. Treatment Pretreatment population 1st spraying 1 DAS Neemazal 24.3 16.5 Nimbecidine 28.5 22.5 Neemgold 29.1 25.6 Control 25.3 26.5 S.Em.± C.D. at 5% PROC 34.97 (36.15) 24.24 (29.26) 16.27 (23.74) 0.00 (0.00) 2.18 6.86 7 DAYS 8.3 10.1 14.6 27.5 PROC 67.78 (55.49) 65.55 (54.26) 52.50 (44.48) 0.00 (0.00) IInd spraying 14 DAS 13.8 20.5 25.6 35.1 1.86 5.87 PROC 58.83 (50.09) 48.52 (44.14) 36.46 (37.08) 0.00 (0.00) 1.40 4.41 1 DAS 6.4 10.5 15.8 36.6 PROC 56.01 (48.54) 50.66 (43.69) 40.04 (29.17) 0.00 (0.00) 2.26 7.12 7 DAYS 5.5 8.3 13.6 43.8 PROC 67.91 (55.55) 66.62 (54.80) 64.56 (54.17) 0.00 (0.00) 3.66 11.54 14 DAS 10.3 23.3 31.5 63.6 PROC 57.48 (49.40) 36.36 (37.08) 31.07 (33.00) 0.00 (0.00) 2.91 9.17 DAS: Days after spraying; PROC: Per cent reduction over control; Values in parentheses are arc sine transformed values. Effectiveness of nimbecidine against P.xylostella after one day of spraying was 28.99 and 24.24 per cent during 199899 and 1999-2000, respectively. Neemgold was least effective treatment against P.xylostella and reduced the larval population by 22.84 and 16.27 per cent during 199899 and 1999-2000, respectively. Kadam (1976) reported that neem oil (0.25 per cent) treatment on P.xylostella resulted in 30.14 and 77.25 per cent mortality after 24 and 72 hrs, respectively. Fagoonee (1986) reported that neem seed kernel extract to be as effective as deltamethrin against P.xylostella and Hellula undalis. Kirsch (1987) found that neem kernel aqueous extract and enriched formulation extract more effective for the control of P.xylostella than the microbial pesticides. Kirsch and Schmutterer (1988) also reported the same findings. Sumanlatha (990) recorded 72.25 per cent reduction of P.xylostella due to neemguard at 0.1 per cent after 10 days of application. Chandramohan and Nanjan (990) reported that neem oil (0.4 per cent) reduced P.xylostella on cabbage (1.06 larvae/plant). Karelina et al., (1992) found that neemazal caused 86-100 per cent mortality of early instar larvae of Pieris rapae. Klemn and Schmutterer (1993) studied that larvae of P.xylostella was significantly reduced by application of neem seed extract in cabbage field. Raju et al. (1994) found that neem oil extract at 2 ml/1 gave 45 per cent mortality of second instar larvae of P.xylostella after 12 hrs of treatment. Manger et al. (1996) found that neemazal T.S. (1.5-3.0 litres/ha) had effect on P.xylostella. Moorthy (1998) found that three application of neem seed kernel extract were adequate to reduce population of P.xylostella on cabbage. RE F ER E NC E S Chandramohan, N. and Nanjan, K. 1990. Effect of neem oil against diamondback moth in cabbage. Neem Newsletter, 7(4): 35-36. Manger, W., Koeckhoven, J. and Keeberg, H. 1996. Control of insects in Brussels sproots with neemazal T/S. In : C.P.W. Zebitz (ed.) Practice oriented results on use and production of neem ingradients and pheromones. Proceeding 5th workshop wetzlar, Germany, 22-25 January, 1996. Fagonee, I. 1986. Use of neem in vegetable crop production in Mauritius. Proceedings of 3rd International neem conference, Nairobi, Kenya. pp. 419.429. Moorthy, P.N.K., Kumar, N.K.K., Selvaraj, C. and Daniel, J.S. 1998. Neem seed kernel extract applications for diamondback moth management: transfer of technology for mechanized farming. Pest Mgt. Horti. Ecos. 4(2): 128-130. K ad a m. 1976.Entomological experiments on neem oil. Department of Entomology, MPKV, Rahuri, pp. 57-59. Karelina, T.N., Khiberg, G., Skaya, N.A.P. and Kovaleu, B.G . 1992. Effectiveness of preparations based on azadirachtin against some pests of the order Lepidopters. Agrokhimiya 6: 104-111. Pradhan, S., Jotwani, M.G. and Rai, B.K. 1962. The neem seed deterrent to locusts. Indian Fmg. 12: 7-11 Raju, S.V.S., Choudhary, M.K. and Singh, H.N. 1994. Bioefficacy of some commonly used insecticides against Plutella xylostella (L). Indian J. Ent. 56(3): 246-250. Kirsch, K. 1987. Studies of the efficacy of neem extracts in controlling major insect pests in tobacco and cabbage. In: Schmutterer, R. and Ascher, K.R.S. )eds.). Natural pesticides from neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) and other tropical plants. Proceedings of the 3rd International Neem Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 10-15 July, 1986, pp. 495-515. Saxena, R.C. 1989. Insecticides from neem. In: H. Schmutterer (ed.). The neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss., and other meliaceous plants: source of unique natural products for integrated pest management, medicine, industry and other purposes. VCH Weinheim. Krisch, K. and Schmutterer, H. 1988. Low efficacy of a Bacillus thuringiensis in controlling diamondback moth in Phillippines. J. Appl. Ent. 105(3): 249-255. Schmutterer, H. 1990. Properties and potential of natural pesticides from the neem tree. Azadirachta indica. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 35: 271-297. Klemm,, U. and Schmuttere, H. 1993. Effects of neem preparations on Plutella xylostella L. and its natural enemies of the genus Trichogramma. Zeitschrift-fur-pflanzen-Krankheiten-und-Pflanzenschuts. 100(2): 113-128. Sumalatha, V. 1990. Effect of diflubenzuron on the developmental stages of cabbage borer (Hellula undalis Fab.) and chemical control of pest complex of cabbage. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Lal, O.P. 1996. Integrated pest management for sustained crop production. In : N.K. Roy(ed.) Agro-Chemicals and sustainable agriculture, APC Publications Pvt. Ltd. Pp. 29-44. 100 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Bt. Cotton in Rajasthan: problem and prospects 1 C.J KAPOOR 2JEEVA RAM VERMA AND 2D S BHATI 1 Senior Cotton Breeder, Agricultural Research Station, 2 Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology Krishi Vigyan Kendra, (S.K Rajasthan Agricultural University) Sri Ganganagar, 335 001, (Rajasthan ) India. Email: kapoor ABSTRACTS Bt cotton is a transgenic plant that produces an insect controlling protein cry1A(C), the gene for which has been derived from the naturally occurring bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis sub sp. kurstaki (B.t.k). The cotton hybrids containing Bt gene produces its own toxin for bollworms and thus significantly reduces the insecticide use and providing a major benefit to cotton growers and the environment. More than hundred Bt Cotton hybrids have been recommended by GEAC for cultivation in North India. However, on the basis of performance in research trials conducted in Rajasthan, out of these seven Bt hybrids namely RCH-134 Bt, RCH-314Bt,MRCH-6025Bt,MRCH6301Bt,NCEH-6 Bt and JK-1947 Bt, MRCH-7017 Bt has been recommended by zonal advisory Research committee S.K.RAU Agricultural Research Station Sriganganagar on adhoc basis , As a consequence of rapid adoption of Bt Cotton and improved crop production and protection technologies, the area under Bt Cotton in the state has increased up to 80% which increased the productivity of Cotton in the state .However due to high incidence of leaf curl virus disease in Bt Cotton hybrids the crop had a setback also. However the Bt Cotton reduces the need of Chemical sprays, Labour, environment, pollution and resulted in high yields. Key words: Cotton, transgenic, bollworm, hybrid. Cry 1 Ac (events Mon 531-Bollgard-1) gene, Bollgard –II which carry two gene (Cry 1Ac +Cry 2 Ab Mon 15985 events). Cry 1 Ac (events -1) developed by IIT Kharagpur. Six hybrids have fusion gene of China (Cry 1 Ab + Cry 1 Ac event GFM). In addition, the following genes have also been approved for transgenic research but so far have not been commercialized. Cry 1 Ac of Cal gene ,vip 3 A of Syngenta, Cry 1 Ac and Cry 1 F of Dow Agro Sciences, Cry 1 Ac of NRCPB and UAS Dharwad, and Cry 1 c and CPTi of Mahyco and Nath Seeds. The information on the environment safety (pollen escape out crossing, aggressiveness, weediness, effect on non target organism, presence of toxic protein in the soil and its effect on soil micro flora, etc.); food safety (allergenicity, toxicological studies, presence of toxic protein in cotton seed oil, and feeding studies on cow, buffaloes, poultry and fishes risk management ) (development of resistant in boll worm against Bt toxin) and other safeguard such as absence of terminator technology has to be provided before the release of any Bt cotton hybrid. Bt cotton has reduce environment pollution due to significant reduction in pesticides use .Indian farmers growing Bt cotton used less insecticides and gained significant yield increased (Gandhi and Nanboodri 2006 and Quaim, 2003).The average increase in yield on farmers fields for Bt cotton over non-Bt cotton was about 45 per cent in 2002 and 63 per cent in 2003.Coincidental with the steep increase adoption of Bt cotton between 2002-2006,the average yield of cotton in India increased from 308 kg per hectare in 2001-02 to 503 kg per hectare in 2006-07 with the most of the increased in yield of up 50 per cent or more attributed to Bt cotton. Area and Production of cotton in India, 2002-2009. India, the largest democracy in the world, is highly dependent on agriculture. The performance of the agriculture sector continues to influence the growth of the Introduction of Bt cotton in India The sequence of events that led to development and release of the Bt cotton hybrid in India is given below. After getting permission from DBT in 1996, Mahyco imported the first Bt cotton variety (US Cocker _--312) from Monsanto ,USA and back cross with “elite” Indian varieties to produce locally adapted cotton varieties with Cry 1 Ac gene (MON 513) .Four to five back crosses ere required to recover the parental lines. A number of risk assessment studies under green house and field were conducted from 1996-98 by Mahyco on these Bt cotton converted line In 1998-99 , multi location trial were conducted at 40 location in 9 State to assess the Agronomic performance of these Bt cotton hybrids and bio safety aspect. Field trial were repeated again in 1999-2000 at 10 location in 6 States Genetic engineering approval committee gave approval to July 2000. For conducting field trials on Bt cotton in about 85 ha and also to under take seed production on 150 ha. Consequently large scale field trial were conducted in 2001 in 10 ha area .In addition field trial were also conducted under AICCIP of ICAR. In 2002 GEAC approved 3 Bt cotton hybrid namely MECH 12, MECH 162 and MECH 184 for commercially cultivation in South zone Another Bt cotton hybrid RCH 2 , developed by Rasi seeds was approved by GEAC in 2004 for Central zone In 2005 GEAC gave approval to 14 new Bt hybrid: 8 for central and South India and 6 for North India. In 2006, another 22 B t cotton hybrid, 8 for North zone and 14 for central and south zone were approved by GEAC. In 2007 GEAC approved another 73 Bt cotton hybrid. Until today 1037 cotton hybrid have been identified by GEAC for commercially cultivation in India. Hybrids have 101 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 economy – it is a major factor in driving India’s national economy. The latest National Samples Survey conducted in 2003, reported that 60.4% of rural of rural households were engaged in farming indicating that there were 89.4 million farmer household in India (National Samples Survey, India, 2003).India has a larger area of cotton than any country in the world. Based on the latest estimate (Table-1), the Directorate of Cotton Development, Ministry of Agriculture reports that 6.3 m million hectares in 2008 with an average cotton holding of decrease in cotton area globally in 2009 versus 2008.Comparing the distribution of cotton hectares by States in India in 2008 (Table 1), Maharashtra, the largest cotton –growing States, had 2.15 million farmers growing cotton, which occupied approximately 34% of India’s total cotton area; this was mostly cultivated on dry land .Gujarat had 1.30 million farmers ,followed by 0.96 million in Andhra Pradesh ,0.45 million in Madhya Pradesh,0.30 million in Rajasthan,0.26 in Haryana,0.20 million in each in Punjab, Karnataka, and Tamilnadu and the balance in other states of India. Whereas, India’s cotton area represent 25 % of the global area of cotton, in the past it produced only 12% of world production because Indian cotton yield were some of the lowest in the world, the advent of Bt cotton over the last 8 year has coincided with almost a doubling of yield from 308 kg per hectare in 2001 to 568 kg/ha in 2009, with 50 % or more of the increase attributed directly to yield increase from Bt cotton. Table: 1.Area and production of cotton in India, 2008-09. States Punjab Haryana Rajasthan Gujarat Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu Orissa Others Total Area of Cotton (million ha) 0.527 0.456 0.302 2.354 3.142 0.625 1.399 0.408 0.109 0.058 0.026 9.406 Production (Million Bale) 1.75 1.40 0.75 9.00 6.20 1.80 5.33 0.90 0.50 0.15 1.250 29.03 Average Yield(Kg/ha) 564 522 422 650 3357 489 648 375 780 510 524 No. of cotton farmers(million) 0.199 0.265 0.308 1.307 2.152 0.452 0.964 0.261 0.209 0.076 0.086 6.279 Source : Ministry of Agriculture,2007 and cotton Advisory Board,2009. Adoption of Bt cotton hybrids in India, 2002-2009. were 54,000 farmers which grew approximately 50,000 hectare of officially approved Bt cotton hybrids for the first time in 2002 which doubled to approximately 100,000 hectare in 2003 (Figure 1). Bt cotton, which confers resistance to important insect pests of cotton, was first adopted in Indias hybrids in 2002.There Table: 2 Adoption of Bt cotton Area in India 2002-2010. Years Total cotton Bt cotton area area in million ha % of total cotton varieties occupied by Bt cotton In M ha In M acres 2002 8.73 0.03 0.07 0.30 2003 7.67 0.09 0.21 1.20 2004 7.63 0.55 1.37 7.30 2005 8.92 1.27 3.13 14.20 2006 9.16 3.80 9.40 41.50 2007 9.40 6.20 15.32 66.00 2008 9.27 7.60 18.78 82.00 2009 9.64 8.40 20.76 87.00 2010 10.94 10.08 24.91 90.00 Source: Manjunath,2007;James,2009* Industry source,2010. (1 hectare= 2.471 acres.). The Bt cotton area increased again four fold in2004 to reach half a million hectares. In 2005, the areas planted to Bt cotton in India continued to climp reaching 1.3 million No. of Farmers million Bt in 0.02 0.08 0.35 1.00 2.30 3.80 5.00 5.60 6.00 hectare, an increase, an increase 160 % over 2004. In 2006, the adoption record increase which continued with almost a tripling of the area of Bt cotton to 3.8 million hectare. 102 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 This tripling in area was the highest percentage year on year growth for any country planting biotech crop in the world in 2006.Nilliotably in 2006, India Bt cotton area (3.8 from 3.8 to 6.2 million hectares) exceeded for the first time in China’s 3.5 million hectare. In 2007, the Indian cotton sector continued to grow with a record increase of 63 % IN Bt cotton areas from 3.8 to 6.2 million hectare, to become the largest hectarage of Bt cotton in any country in the world. In 2008,the Bt cotton area increased yet again to a record 7.6 million hectare from 6.2 million hectare in 2007.Maintaining double digit growth, the Bt cotton area increased to 8.4 million ha in 2009,over 7.6 million ha in the previous year. Despite a very high level of adoption in 2008, 2009 was the fifth consecutive year for India to have the largest year on year percentage growth of all biotech cotton growing countries in the world; a 160% increased in 2005, followed by a 192 % increased in 2006, a 63 % increased in 2007, 23 % increased in 2008 and a 11 % increased in 2009 (Fig.2). Table.3 Adoption of Bt cotton in by major state, from 2002 to 2009 (thousand hectare) State 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Maharastra 25 30 200 607 1840 Andhara Pradesh 8 10 75 280 830 Gujarat 10 36 122 150 470 Madhya Pradesh 2 13 80 146 310 Northen Zone* 60 215 Karnataka 3 4 18 30 85 Tamil Nadu 2 7 5 27 45 Others 5 Total 50 100 500 1300 3800 * Punjab, Haryana &Rajasthan. Source: Complied by ISAAA, 2009. 103 2007 2800 1090 908 500 682 145 70 5 6200 2008 3130 1320 1360 620 840 240 90 5 7605 2009 3396 1049 1682 621 1243 273 109 8 8381 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 insecticides is significantly lower on Bt cotton as compared to conventional varieties. Problems associated with Bt cotton: The introduction of Bt cotton is also associated with a number of new problems. Some of these are Multiplicity of approved Bt cotton genotypes: A large number of Bt cotton hybrids (1037) have been approved by GEAC for cultivation in the State of Rajasthan , which are creating great difficulty in successful cultivation of these by the farmers due to difference in agro morphological traits. Moreover, only five six Bt cotton hybrids are popular among the farmers and occupies the major acreage. The agronomical requirement of different Bt cotton hybrids have not studies thoroughly which hinder the realization of maximum yield potential of these hybrids by the farmers. Most of Bt hybrids released are susceptible to sucking pests particularly jassids, and white fly which required more number of sprayer to manage these. As the number of insecticides sprays has been reduced significantly, there are secondary pests out break of the minor insects like spodoptera and mealybug. Mealybug, a notorious is not easy to control due to its feeding habit and physiology during 2007, due to high incidence of meaybug, the number of sprays applied has again increased substantially. How ever the development of Bollgard –II has solved the problems of Spodoptera attack. Most of the approved Bt cotton hybrid e to cotton are susceptible to cotton leaf curl disease which adversely affect the seed cotton yield. The appearance of Para wilt, a physiology disorder, is more frequent on the Bt cotton hybrids than non Bt well adaptive varieties /hybrids of cotton. Status of Bt cotton and its Impact in Rajasthan In 2005, when the GEAC gave permission to cultivate five hybrids in Rajasthan, the area under approved Bt cotton was hardly 0.48 per cent, while the un approved (illegal) Bt cotton hybrids occupied about 70 per cent of the total area under cotton. Similarly in 2006, area under Bt cotton hybrids was about 1.08 per cent. The illegal Bt cotton covered more than 68 % area, In 2007, area under Bt cotton hybrids was about 10.52 per cent, out of which approved Bt cotton hybrids occupied about 40 per cent, the remaining 60 per cent area was covered by illegal Bt hybrids. As a consequence of rapid adoption of Bt cotton and improved crop production and protection technologies, the area under cotton in the state increased from 3.86 lac ha in 2002 to 4.54 lac ha in 2005-,4.54 lac ha in 2006 and 3.68 lac ha in 2007. Similarly the productivity of cotton enhanced from just 410 kg / ha in 2002 to 397/ ha in 2005 and 389 kg / ha in 2006 and in 2008-09, 572 kg /ha. This year high incidence of cotton leaf curl disease and mealybug, the crop had a major set back in the State. Moreover, the performance of most of the illegal Bt cotton hybrids was very poor this year. As a result, the total production of cotton in the State may reduce to 7.50 lac bales again the last year production of 9 lac bales. The main farm level economics impacts of the Bt cotton are the results of chances in input uses and pest damage. The Bt cotton reduces the need for chemical sprays, labour and environment pollution and resulted in higher yield. These cost saving and output gains provided high net return at the farm level. It also helps in maintaining the population of friendly insect – pests. A further important consideration is the potential reduction in pesticides poisoning and benefits to the environment. There are numerous cases of human poisoning due to pesticides as well as environment pollution, as pesticides often find their way in to water courses (Ismael et al 2002). Use of 104 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 Sudden sequence during boll formation has also been observed in some of the Bt cotton hybrids which required through study of the physiology of these hybrids. High seed cost of Bt cotton hybrids resulted in significant increase in the cost of cultivation .Moreover, highly vulnerable and extreme climatic condition of North, i.e. high temperature, rains, and hot winds during sowing and seedling stage in May and June result in the poor/ neglible plant sand in some of the fields which require re sowing, hence further increase the cost of cultivation. The area under spurious /un descript hybrids of Bt cotton and even F2 seed of Bt cotton hybrids is quite high (more than 50%), which create favorable environment for the development of insect –pest and diseases. There is need to discourage the farmers not to grow unapproved hybrid of Bt cotton to harvest the maximum benefits from this technology. Bt cotton growers of the state are using low seed rate because of high cost of Bt cotton and farmers are not planting the refugia and balanced fertilizers due to lack of technical know how. Prospect of Bt cotton The release of Bt cotton hybrids is one of the most important factors for the revival of cotton cultivation in Rajasthan and makes it is a profitable business. Moreover the number of chemical spray has been drastically reduced which saves the environment from pollution. With the advancement of science and technology, the existing problems of Bt cotton may also be taken care off. For example, Bollgard II cotton hybrids are tolerant to Spodoptera .Transgenic crops are one of the most revolutionary development in agriculture production (Hardee et al 2000). In order to preserve Bt cotton well in to the 21st century, producers, seed companies, scientist and regulation need to foster strong collaboration to ensure the effectiveness and longevity of the technology. The institution and private companies are striving hard to develop new genes for insertion in to cotton plant DNA to provide other possibilities for improving agronomic traits and pest control characteristics. Gene for new insecticides toxins with different targets site will be important for managing a wider spectrum of insects and for slowing the pace of resistance. Once the Bt gene developed by the public domain is released, it will be introduced in the pure line varieties of cotton, thus, the farmers will not be required to purchase the seed of Bt hybrids every years. With the development and release of new transgenic events such as cry 1 Ac and cry 2, Ab (MON 15985 ) and cry 1 Ab+ cry 1 Ac (GFM) for the management of bollworm , the probability of development of resistant by the bollworm complex is negligible. REFERENCES Barwale BR (2002) GM cotton approved in India. The Hindustan Times 28 march 2002 Ismael Yousouf, Bennnett Richard and Morse Stephen (2002) Benefits from Bt cotton Use by Smallholder Farmers in South Africa .Ag Bio Forum 5:1-5 Gandhi V and Namboori NV (2006). The adoption and economics of Bt cotton in India: Preliminary results from a study. IIMA Working paper No. 2006-09.04 pp1-27 James, C.2009. Global Status of Commercialized Biotech /GM crop, 2009. ISAAA Brief No.40 ISAAA: Ithaca, NY, Manjunath,T.M.(2007).Q & A on Bt cotton in India: Answers to more than 70 question on all aspect .All India Crop Bio technology Association, New Delhi,78 pp Hardee DD, van Duyn JW, Layton MB and Bagwell RD (2000) Bt cotton management the Tobacco BollwormBollworm Complex. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, ARS 154,40pp. Qaim, Matin (2003).Bt cotton in India: Field trials results and economics projection .World Development 31(12):211-527. ISAAA, (2009). The Dawn of a New Era: Bio tech Crop in India. Excerpted from the Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM crops, 2008.ISAAA Brief No. 39 ISAAA South Asia office, New Delhi, India, 34 pp 105 Journal of Progressive Agriculture, Vol ,2 No.2: October 2011 DECLARATION Form IV (See Rule 8) Statement about ownership and other particular of Journal of Progressive Agriculture Place of publication : Ajmer, Rajasthan, India Periodicity of publication : Half Yearly Printer’s Name : Shree Offset, Printing Press, Ajmer. Nationality : Indian Address : M/S Shree Offset, Printing Press, Kesar Ganj, Ajmer (Raj.) Publisher’s name : Address : Sh. Ram Singh Bhati President of Samaj Kalyan Avam Samannvit Vikas Sanstha, Ajmer (Rajasthan) 316/A, Christian Ganj, Ajmer (Raj.) India Editor’s name : Sh. Ram Singh Bhati President of Samaj Kalyan Avam Samannvit Vikas Sanstha, Ajmer (Rajasthan) Nationality : Indian Address : 316/A, Christian Ganj, Ajmer (Raj.) India Name and address of individual who own the newspapers/journal partners and shareholders holding more than 1% of the total capital Samaj Kalyan Avam Samannvit Vikas Sanstha, Ajmer (Rajasthan) India . I, Ram Singh Bhati, publisher, printer and owner of this journal hereby declare that particular given are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/Dated: 21st Oct. 2011 (Ram Singh Bhati) 106