Marketing in a Global Economy

MKTA 446
Marketing in a Global Economy
Elizabeth Fletcher
Evangel University
Degree Completion Program
Cohort 25
October 10, 17, 31 & Nov. 7 & 14
Associate Professor Elizabeth Fletcher
Office Phone: 865-2815 ext. 8112
Business Department Chair (Suite AB107)
"Marketing requires separate work, and a distinct set of activities. But, it is a central dimension of the entire business. It is the
whole business seen from the point of its final result, that is, from the customer's point of view. Concern and responsibility for
marketing must permeate all areas of the enterprise."
Peter Drucker, Management
Course Description
This course provides the student an opportunity to understand the decision-oriented realm of marketing in
modern profit and not-for-profit organizations. Through a broad introduction to marketing concepts, the
student will gain an understanding of the roles and operations of the free enterprise, competitive market
system in the American and world economies. Through exposure to the "language" common to
marketing managers, the student's development of relationships with business entities, governments, and
associations will be enhanced.
Course Objectives
The student is provided the opportunity to understand the fundamentals of marketing for applications in
modern organizations. By the end of the course the student will be a more intelligent consumer and
citizen. The student should develop an appreciation of marketing application strategies. The student will
develop insight into creative marketing plans and the impact of environmental influences, pricing,
product, distribution, and promotion decisions, and ethical practices. The course outline includes specific
performance objectives.
Course Outline
Session I--Upon completion of the first class meeting and independent study assignments, the student will
be competent to:
*Define marketing and describe the four marketing management philosophies
*Explain how firms implement the marketing concept
*Identify variables that make up the marketing mix
*Describe reasons for the study of marketing
*Trace the external environments influencing marketing decisions
*Discuss the social factors that affect marketing
*Explain the importance of current demographic trends, multiculturalism and growing
ethnic markets
*Analyze the role of ethics and ethical decisions in marketing
*Discuss the impact of multi-national firms on the world economy
*Recognize the various ways of entering the global marketplace
*List the basic elements involved in developing a global marketing mix
Session 2--Upon completion of the second class meeting and independent assignments, the student will be
competent to:
*Analyze the components of the consumer decision-making process
*Link the consumer's post-purchase evaluation process to targeting strategy
*Identify the cultural, social, individual, and psychological factors that affect consumer
buying decisions
*Describe the role of the Internet in business marketing
*Discuss the importance of relationship marketing and strategic alliances in business
*Examine the major differences between business and consumer markets
*Characterize the seven types of business goods and services
*Explain the importance of market segmentation
*Describe the bases used to segment consumer and business markets
*Illustrate how and why firms implement positioning and product differentiation
*Create a questionnaire for market research purposes
*Conduct a marketing research project
Session 3—Upon completion of the third class meeting and independent assignments, the student will be
competent to:
*Classify consumer products
*Discuss the importance of services to the global economy
*Describe the marketing uses of branding, packaging, labeling, and warranties
*Explain the steps in new product development
*Discuss the importance of the diffusion process
*Trace products through their life cycles
*Define the types of channel intermediaries and describe their functions
*Discuss the issues that influence channel strategy
*Explain channel leadership, conflict, and partnering
*Discuss the concept of balancing logistics, service, and cost in a domestic and in a
global setting
Session 4—Upon completion of the fourth class meeting and independent assignments, the student will be
competent to:
*Explain the dimensions by which retailers can be classified
*Define franchising and non-store retailing techniques
*Discuss the challenges of expanding retailing operations into global markets
*Apply the elements of the promotional mix
*Analyze promotional situations utilizing the AIDA formula
*Contrast relationship selling and traditional selling
Session 5—Upon completion of the fifth class meeting and independent assignments, the student will be
competent to:
*Trace the effect advertising has on market share, consumers, brand loyalty, and
perception of product attributes
*Design an advertising campaign
*Evaluate media alternative and selection techniques
*Conduct a public relations audit
*List and explain pricing objectives
*Explain the role of demand in price determination
*Identify the legal and ethical constraints on pricing decisions
*Demonstrate how the product lifecycle, competition, distribution and promotion
strategies, the impact of the Internet, and perceptions of quality can affect price
*Explain how discounts, geographic pricing, and other special pricing tactics can be used
Required Text
Lamb, Charles W., Joseph Hair, Carl McDaniel. (2006) Essentials of Marketing.
5th edition South-Western Publishing.
1000+ Periodicals and Association Links available: http:\\
Grades will be determined according to the following point distribution.
encouraged to record and track their progress each class session.
Students are
Points Possible Points Earned
Persuasive Marketing Letter
Core Values Analysis
Observation Research
10 points
10 points
20 points
_____Session 1
_____Session 1
_____Session 1
Company Marketing Management Philosophy
10 points
______Session 1
Marketing Concept Examples
Ethics Case
Perceptual Map
10 points
10 points
10 points
_____Session 2
_____Session 2
_____Session 2
Segmentation Speech Analysis
20 points
______Session 2
Research Methodology Critique
Entrepreneurship Project
Brand & Package Analysis
10 points
20 points
20 points
_____Session 3
_____Session 3
_____Session 3
Website Report
Global Transportation Analysis
10 points
10 points
_____Session 4
_____Session 4
Retail “Atmosphere”
Marketing Messages
10 points
10 points
______Session 4
______Session 4
Advertising Appeals Critique
Internet Currency Evaluation
10 points
5 points
_____Session 5
_____Session 5
Marketing Plan:
Written Manuscript
Oral Presentation
Video Case Analysis (3 @ 10 points each)
Class participation
Section Quizzes (2 @ 75 points each)
50 points
50 points
50 points
30 points
30 points
150 points
_____Sessions 2 & 3
_____Session 4
_____Session 5
Grades are based on the following scale:
90-93%=A- 94-96%=A 97-100%= A+
70-73%=C- 74-76%=C 77-79%=C+
80-83%=B- 84-86%=B 87-89%=B+
60-63%=D- 64-66%=D 67-69%=D+
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty and trust are expected since they are core spiritual values inherent in basic
teaching of truth as defined in the Bible. Cheating will result in a grade of “F” for the course.
Thank you for behaving in a professional manner and displaying a Christ-like attitude during all
class sessions.
The assignments in this class are designed to enable you to apply marketing concepts to
your current work position and continue your personal professional development. During the
next five weeks you will study the concept of exchange focusing on customer wants and needs.
You will apply theory and create a comprehensive marketing plan. Multiple choice quizzes,
hands-on exercises, and Internet tutorials will assist your learning the skills necessary for
assigned projects.
All assignments should be presented in a professional manner formatted according to the
printed guidelines for each task. Please call or email me with any questions you have while
completing course requirements.
Session 1
To be completed prior to and submitted at the beginning of the first night of class.
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: An Overview of Marketing
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: Ethics, Social Responsibilities, & the marketing Environment
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: Developing a Global Vision
A friend of yours agrees with the adage, "People don't know what they want--they only
want what they know." Write your friend a letter expressing the extent to which you
think marketers shape consumer wants. Bring this letter to class. 10 pts.
Every country has a set of core values and beliefs. These values may vary somewhat
from region to region of the nation. Identify five core values for a specific area, country,
or culture of the world. Clip or copy magazine or newspaper advertisements that reflect
these values. Attach the advertisement to a sheet of paper on which you describe why it
illustrates the named core value. 10 points
Observation Research 20 points possible
Marketers are constantly observing consumers in a variety of ways to determine
consumer buying behavior and how they can influence it. For 30 minutes, do some
observing of your own; tune your own powers of observation to who buys what. Go to a
department store, shopping mall, or shopping center and take a notebook. (If the
company for which you work has a retail establishment, it would benefit later
assignments for you to perform this observation at that retail location.)
Watch people. Who goes into the expensive fashion oriented stores? Who stops
to look in the pet store window? Who eats lunch at the food court? (Restaurant?) Who
attends the movie matinee? Who browses in the home furnishings shop? Note such
characteristics as apparent age group, ethnic or racial group, sex, and social class.
Do certain shoppers appear to be purchasing things or just window-shopping? Are they
shopping alone or with friends or family? Do they seem to be discussing purchases
together? Do the behaviors you observe differ according to the characteristics you have
Construct an Excel spreadsheet with categories and at least 20 details you
observe. You will have the opportunity to compare notes with your classmates. Simply
by sharpening your powers of observation, you can profile the consumers, you want to
reach as a marketer.
What is the marketing management philosophy of the company for which you are
employed (production, sales, market, societal)? What evidence supports your
conclusion? Evaluate your company’s mission statement based on the four different
orientations. 10 points possible
Complete the Review Quiz for each of the first three chapters online at This is a good way for you to review text for tests. You are
not required to email or print these review quizzes. (No points attached.)
Session 2 To be completed prior to and submitted at the beginning of the second night of class.
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: Consumer Decision Making
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: Business Marketing
Lamb, Hair, McDaniel: Segmenting & Targeting Markets
Utilizing Internet resources, locate three examples of organizations implementing the
marketing concept. Describe in one paragraph (for each article), evidence indicating
marketing concept philosophy as compared to production, or sales orientation. Bring the
examples and your description to class for small group discussion. 10 points possible
Type a 1/2-page case describing an ethical dilemma in the marketing of products or
services from your work situation. Follow this with a 1/2-page description of three
recommendations to solve the situation. 10 points possible
Create a perceptual map for the different products the company for which you work,
offers. This assignment must be produced on a computer illustrating your graphic
competency. 10 points possible
You have been asked to address the Springfield Chamber of Commerce on the subject of
demographic segmentation. Choose a specific category (example: Marketing to
Generation X, Y, Baby Boomers, etc.) and prepare a detailed outline, 6 PPT slides, and a
bibliography/reference list of sources, for a speech. Print and bring to class session two.
(PPT should be printed in “handout” format 6 slides per one page.) 20 points possible
Complete online text website quizzes in study of chapters 4-6.
Begin working on your Marketing Plan. Visit for ideas. Perform an
Internet “search” for sample plans to use as a guide. The questions/suggestions at the
end of this syllabus are “aids” to your innovation and analysis process.
Session 3
To be completed prior to and submitted at the beginning of the third class session.
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Decision Support Systems & Marketing Research
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Product and Services Concepts
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Developing & Managing Products
Critique the following methodologies and suggest more appropriate alternatives:
a. A supermarket was interested in determining its image. It dropped a short
questionnaire into the grocery bag of each customer before putting in the groceries.
b. To assess the extent of its trade area, a shopping mall stationed interviewers in the
parking for every Monday and Friday evening. Interviewers walked up to persons
after they had parked their cars and asked them for their zip codes.
c. To assess the popularity of a new movie, a major studio invited people to call a 900
number and vote yes, they would see it again, or no, they would not. Each caller was
billed a two-dollar charge.
Type your suggestions in paragraph form. Explain why you would make changes.
10 points possible
Entrepreneurship Project
Develop an educational outreach project/idea that will teach others about how
entrepreneurs succeed. Describe the audience, location, time element, and details of
the learning/teaching material. Refer to text chapter 9 and be as creative/innovative as
possible. Identify a need and fill it! 20 points possible
Brand & Packaging Analysis
Tour a grocery store or discount store. (Specify the store on your written assignment.)
Identify 10 brand names that you decide are "good" brand names because they meet the criteria
found in your text. (Ignore quality or reputation of the product.) Identify 5 brand names that
you decide are not "good" brand names because they do not meet the text criteria. Beside each
brand name you include in your written report, list the criterion met or not met.
During your tour of the store, identify one specific package that is an example of each
of the following (you will have identified 7 different specific packages when you complete this
a. Empty container has a secondary use
b. Primary function is to protect the item inside the container
c. Package promotes the product (does more than just identify contents)
d. Facilitates storage/handling-improved packaging
e. Multiple-packaging
f. Facilitates recycling or reduces environmental damage
g. Innovative packaging
Describe in your written analysis, why this package matches the criteria listed. Also identify
three of these packages that you think need improvement. Be specific regarding the
improvements needed. 20 points possible
Complete the on-line Review Quiz for chapters 7, 8, & 9 & continue working on your
Marketing Plan.
Session 4
To be completed prior to and submitted at the beginning of the fourth class session.
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Marketing Channels & Logistics Decisions
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Retailing
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Marketing Communications & Personal Selling
Visit a company’s homepage to see how and where they sell their products. a. Are there
different channels for their consumer products and their business products? b. How is
the site set up to sell in marketing channels directly to the customer. Report your
findings in a one-page double-spaced report. 10 points possible
Use Info Trac or another Internet Resource to locate articles. Read the articles and write
a summary of the implications of Internet commerce on U.S. transportation and
logistics industries. How are transportation and logistics issues handled around the
world? Create a grid comparing at least two countries according to standard procedures,
particular challenges faced, and creative solutions to problems they have encountered 10
points possible
How could your employer/company create an atmosphere on its Web site? Visit the
pages of some of your favorite retailers to see if they have been able to recreate the store
atmosphere on the Internet. Report your findings in a one-page double-spaced report.
10 points possible
Select a multinational company. Does it (for example, Kellogg’s) have a customized or
standardized marketing message on its various global Web sites? What do you think the
message is in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the United States? How does this
company (for example, Kellogg’s) approach different traditions? Bring an outline to
class and be prepared to discuss your findings. 10 points possible
Complete your Marketing Plan. Email the completed WORD document by 4:00 p.m. on
the day of class session 4. 50 points possible
Review chapters 10, 11, and 12 by taking the review quizzes on the text website.
Session 5
To be completed prior to and submitted at the beginning of the fifth class session.
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Internet Marketing
Lamb, Hair, McDonald: Pricing Concepts
Critique advertising appeals made by the company for which you work. Report your
findings in a one-page summary. Bring samples to class for sharing in small groups.
10 points possible
If the Internet is accessible by people all over the world, how do marketers deal with
consumers using different kinds of currency? Visit an international Web site in order to
write a 1/2-page evaluation. 5 points
Prepare 8 or more PPT slides and bring additional visuals/samples for use in your oral
presentation persuading peers that your marketing plan is a profitable, feasible proposal.
Print copies of your outline for each class member.
Complete the online Review Quiz at the end of chapters 13, 14 & 15.
Marketing Plan Guide for Innovation
Step I
After completing all parts of this assignment, you will have developed a marketing plan for a new product or service
for your employer. You may use this "guided" opportunity to enhance your professional career. Complete the
worksheets as described on page 42 of ;your text. Access these via the web address stated on page 42.
Describe your chosen company. How long has it been in business, or when will it start
business? Who are the key players? Is the company small or large? Does it offer a good
or service? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this company? What is the
orientation and organizational culture?
Define the business mission statement for your chosen company (or evaluate and modify
an existing mission statement).
Set marketing objectives for your chosen company. Make sure the objectives match the
criteria for good objectives.
Scan the marketing environment. Identify opportunities and threats to your chosen
company in areas such as technology, the economy, the political and legal environment,
and competition. Is your competition foreign, domestic, or both? Also identify
opportunities and threats based on possible market targets, including social factors,
demographic factors, and multicultural issues.
Does your chosen business have a differential or competitive advantage? If there is not
one, there is no point in marketing the product. Can you create a sustainable advantage
with skills, resources, or elements of the marketing mix?
Assume your company is or will be marketing globally. How should your company enter
the global marketplace? How will international issues affect your firm?
Identify any ethical issues that could impact your chosen firm. What steps should be
taken to handle these issues?
Is there a key factor or assumption that you are using when performing your SWOT
analysis? What would happen if this key factor or assumption did not exist?
Step II
Describe your company's current target market segment(s). Create an idea for a new
product or service within the context of your chosen company. Describe the segment (or
segments) you are going to target with the product and develop a positioning strategy for
the product. Use demographics, psychographics, geographics, economic factors, size,
growth rates, trends, SIC codes, and any other appropriate descriptors.
Describe the decision-making process that customers go through when purchasing your
company's product or service. What are the critical factors that influence this purchase
behavior process? Will the process be the same or different for your new product/service
Step III
Draw a diagram of your company's current product offerings. In this display of product
line and mix, consider factors of price, image, and complementary products. Indicate the
placement of your new product idea, by placing it on the diagram in a distinctive fashion.
Does your chosen company have a brand name and brand mark? If not, design both for
your new product. If so, evaluate the ability of the brand name and mark to communicate
effectively to the chosen target market for your new product.
Evaluate your firm's product packaging and labeling strategies in relationship to your
new product idea.
Evaluate the warranties or guarantees offered by your firm, including product return
In a drawing, place your company's products in the appropriate stage of their product life
cycle. What are the implications for your new product?
What categories of adopters are likely to buy your company's products? If your product
diffusing slowly or quickly throughout the marketplace? Why? What impact will
adoption play on your new product development?
With whom should your chosen company practice relationship marketing?
What type of physical distribution facilities will be necessary to distribute the product?
Where should they be located? How should the product be distributed? Justify your
selection of transportation mode(s).
Step IV
Evaluate your firm's promotion objectives. Remember that promotions cannot be directly
tied with sales because there are too many other factors (competition, environment, price,
distribution, product, customer service, company reputation, and so on) that affect sales.
State specific objectives that can be tied directly to the result of promotional activities-for example, number of people redeeming a coupon, share of audience during a
commercial, percent attitude change before and after a telemarketing campaign, or
number of people calling a toll-free information hotline.
Describe the promotional message for your new product idea. Does this message inform,
remind, persuade, or educate the target market?
Investigate different media placement rates (such as for a local newspaper, national
newspaper, university newspaper, local TV and radio station, magazines, billboards,
transit advertising, or the Internet). You can either call local media or consult Standard
Rate and Data Services (SRDS). Which media should your firm use to market your new
product? When should media be used?
Evaluate company materials or create printed materials for your chosen product (such as
data sheets, brochures, stationery, rate cards, etc.). Does the literature sufficiently answer
questions? Effectively promote product features and customer service? Differentiate
your product from competitors?
What trade shows could you attend in order to promote your new product? Search the
Eventline database for trade shows appropriate to your firm.
What are the costs of using other sales promotion tools? How should your firm hire,
motivate, and compensate its sales force?
How will marketing over the Internet modify your target market segment(s)?
Is demand elastic or inelastic for your product or service? Why?
List and describe the specific pricing tactics that you plan to utilize?
You may organize your marketing plan using the subheadings from the following
evaluation grid or follow the worksheet outline from the website listed on page 42 of your
Executive Summary
Company Description
Industry Analysis
Target Market
Marketing Plan and Sales Strategies
Operations Information
Management & Organization
Long-term Development
Supporting Documents
Format the report in clear, concise, and logical arrangement of information. Creativity of
written and oral presentation design and graphics will be graded. Correct grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and acceptable business style for all documents is important.