Sectionalism and the Impending Crisis Study Guide
You should know the definition and historical significance of the terms listed.
Slavery and its issues
Nature of American slavery
Task system and Gang system
Abolitionism and abolitionists: William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Missouri Compromise of 1820 and its key elements
Texas and its independence movement, The Alamo, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett
James K. Polk and Manifest Destiny, annexation of Texas
The Mexican War 1846 – 1848, Wilmot Proviso, Mexican Cession
California Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850, popular sovereignty
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, popular sovereignty, Lecompton Constitution, “Bleeding Kansas”, John Brown
The Ostend Manifesto of 1854
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Significance of the novel
Preston Brooks and his beating of Charles Sumner in the U.S. Senate chambers
Supreme Court case: Scott v. Sanford
Political parties: Democrat, Whig, Republican, Free Soil, Know Nothings
Lincoln-Douglas debates, Freeport Doctrine
Harpers Ferry Raid in 1859, John Brown and his trial and execution
Election of 1860 and the secession of South Carolina
There will be a surprise vocabulary Quiz (see vocabulary listed above) on the 16 th.
The Test will be conducted on: January 18th
Reading Assignments: Documentary History (the blue book) Chapter 12: The Fateful Decade pages 152 – 155
Students must complete a “Read and Respond” report on the Fateful Decade reading.
Reading Assignments in Brinkley:
Chapter 11: (yes, read Chapter 11 first) Cotton, Slavery, and the Old South pages 298 – 316
Chapter 10: America’s Economic Revolution pages 261 – 283 (It is not necessary to read the rest of the chapter)
Chapter 13: The Impending Crisis pages 343 - 368
Previous relevant IB essays:
1. Assess the importance of slavery as a cause of the American Civil War (War Between the States).
2. Were the causes of the War primarily political, social, or economic?
3. What were the political issues underlying the American Civil War, (War Between the States)?
4. How important were the abolitionists in the coming of the American Civil War (War Between the States)?
Parentheses and italics were added.
Palmer 2011-2012