Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe
to pout; to have a bad attitude
to cover with metal, usually
gold or silver
sled; vehicle used to travel over
strict; rigid; unyielding
champing at their bits
impatient to get moving
gear strapped on an animal to
control it
small but very strong ponies
from Scotland
mythical beings; usually
portrayed as very short with
long beards who worked in
mines digging for precious
Spanish Translation
ponerse una cara muy fea;
tener una actitud mala
dorar; cubrir algo con metal;
usualmente oro o plata
trineo; metodo de transporte
usado para viajar sobre la nieve
ansioso; nervioso; listos para
irse inmediatmente
vajilla; algo usado para
controlar los animales
caballito de Scotland; muy
fuertes pero pequeños
ananos; seres imaginarios que
tienen barbas largas y que son
muy bajos; trabajan en las
minas es cabando por preciosos
I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 3
A. Read the following descriptions. Write the correct word in the space provided
from the list of words for Chapter 3.
1) A type of horse but much smaller in size _________________________
2) A device used to travel over snow _________________________
3) Covered in a brightly shining metal like gold _________________________
4) Pouting, upset, not talking _________________________
5) Strict, not smiling, without joy_________________________
6) A device used to help people control animals _______________________
7) Dig deep in mines, small people but very strong ________________________
8) Energetic, ready to go _________________________
B. Read the following short passages and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary
word(s) that make the most sense based on the context of the story.
1) The small red ____________ stood holding the reindeer who were
_____________ at the bits, eager to continue their journey.
2) Although Edmund was _________________ because he couldn’t find Lucy, he
was amazed by the tall, elegant woman riding in her _____________________
and somewhat frightened by her ___________________expression.
3) The reindeer, dressed in scarlet ______________________were almost the size of
a ____________________ pony, and their horns were so long and beautiful they
looked like they were _______________________ with gold when the sunlight hit
them. No wonder Edmund was amazed and speechless at his first sight of the
White Witch!
C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking.
1) Although we don’t know where Lucy went when she entered Narnia the second
time, we can predict, based on what we know about her character that she….
2) When Edmund says, “Just like a girl…sulking somewhere, and won’t accept an
apology,” this statement shows that Edmund…. (Explain)
B. True or False – Read the statement, then decide if it is true or false. If it is true,
write ‘true’ in the blank space; if false, rewrite the statement to make it true.
1) When Lucy returned from Narnia, very little time had passed at the Professor’s.
2) Peter doesn’t believe Lucy and calls her a liar. _____________
3) When Lucy returns to the wardrobe to show the others the way to Narnia, it’s not
magical at all, so no one believes Lucy’s story. _______________
4) Lucy refused to change her story because she knew she was right. _____________
5) Edmund is the only one who sympathizes with Lucy. _____________________
6) Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe when they play hide and seek and
suddenly finds himself in Narnia. ______________
7) When Edmund calls out an apology to Lucy, she refuses to answer him because
she is sulking. ___________________
8) The White Witch calls herself the Queen of Narnia. _______________________
9) The White Witch arrives in a red sledge pulled by reindeer. __________________
10) The White Witch was pleased to see Edmund and spoke to him kindly. _________
II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 3
Write: A letter to Lucy and tell her about a time when everyone thought that you were telling
a lie. Give her some advice about how to deal with it.
Discuss: Be prepared to discuss a time when you made fun of someone and thought they were
telling a lie, only to find out that they really were telling the truth. Explain how you felt.
Create: Draw a picture of the dwarf as he is described on page 32.
Write a song, a poem, or create your own work of art showing how the White
Witch must have looked to Edmund when he first saw her.
Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 4 – Turkish Delight
Turkish Delight
type of very sweet candy
able to wait without becoming
annoyed or upset
Spanish Translation
Placer Turco; dulces
paciente; capaz de esperar sin
ponerse enjoado; tener
lands owned by a ruler
something used to cover something
sound like that made by a snake
whipped or creamy
type of very fine fabric
controlled by magic
servants; people who wait on others in
a royal court
to go after and bring back
expression referring to eating food
very quickly
respond abruptly; rude or sharp reply
dominiones; tierra gobernada
por alguien
rebozo; algo usado para
hssss; sonido que hace una
espuma; espumada como
crema batida
seda; una tela muy fina
encantado; controlodo por
criados; personas que sirven a
la gente
comer algo muy rápido
shovel down
responder en una manera
muy vulgar
I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 4
A. Read the following descriptions, and write the correct word in the space provided
from the list of words for Chapter 4.
1) A type of very expensive fabric used to make fine quality clothes
2) Bearing trials calmly or without complaining _________________
3) An expression to describe someone who is gobbling his/her food ______________
4) Under the control of a magic spell _________________________
5) A type of gummy candy dusted with sugar _____________________
6) People who wait on others _________________
7) An antonym for patient _________________
8) To go get and bring something _________________
9) Type of cloak or warm blanket _________________
10) Territory belonging to a ruler _________________
B. Read the following short passages. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) that make
the most sense based on the context of the story.
1) When Edmund met the White Witch, it was obvious she didn’t possess much
__________________ because she quickly became angry with him.
2) Edmund discovered he was speaking with the Queen of Narnia when she told him
he had entered her _________________.
3) A queen is waited upon by her _________________ who __________________
her everything she desires.
C. Comprehension: Critical Thinking.
1) From the way the White Queen treats Edmund, we can see that she…. (Explain)
2) “A door. A door from the world of men! … This may wreck all. But he is only one,
and he is easily dealt with.” What does the Queen mean by this statement?
D. Short Answer – Read the following questions. Answer them based on what you
have read in the story.
1) The White Queen asks Edmund if he is a what?
2) Why do you think the Queen changes her mind and is suddenly nice to Edmund?
3) What happens when the Queen takes a very small bottle and lets a drop fall from
the bottle onto the snow?
4) What did Edmund tell the White Witch about Lucy?
5) Why do you think the she treated Edmund to the Turkish Delight?
6) What does the she ask Edmund to do?
7) What does she promise Edmund if he does what she asks?
8) How is Edmund to find his way to the White Queen’s castle when he returns?
9) What does the White Queen tell Edmund to say to his brother and sisters about his
meeting with her? Why?
10) How does Lucy describe the White Witch to Edmund?
11) What is revealed about Lucy’s character when she says, “the others will have to
believe in Narnia now that both of us have been there.”?
12) Does Edmund look forward to telling the others about his trip to Narnia? Why or
why not?
II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 4
Write: A note to Edmund, explaining to him the dangers of eating Turkish Delight.
Discuss: Be prepared to discuss a time when someone offered you something you wanted
very much in exchange for your help in doing something that you were afraid might not be
Create: a poster advertising Turkish Delight. Be sure to include a statement about the dangers
of eating it!