Biology 102 Exam II Study Guide Homeostasis – Feb 18-22, Chapter 32 – Key concepts to review Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. Negative feedback loops. Different organisms exert more or less homeostatic control of different systems (i.e. osmoregulation in fatworms, arthropods, and vertebrates). Review how kidneys work, and differences between organisms such as salt water and fresh water fishes. Immune System – Feb 23-15, Chapter 33 – Key concepts to review 3 methods of immune defense: Barriers, General response, Targeted response Barriers are effective due to architecture The general response involved 4 mechanisms, cellular response, temperature response, proteins, and inflammation Review types and functions of white blood cells: Macrophages, Neutrophils, Natural killer cells, T-cell lineage, B-cell lineage T-cells and B-cells target antigens using different mechanisms Hormones – Feb 28-Mar 2, Chapter 35 – Key concepts to review Hormones are signaling molecules Hormones signal to target cells via receptors, activate second messengers Advantages over nervous system based signaling Most major endocrine glands (what are they) are controlled by the hypothalamus Hormones form negative feedback loops Disruption to hormone function results in disease – review diabetes and goiters Development – Mar 4, Chapter 36 – Key concepts to review Sexual vs. asexual reproduction Fertilization combines paternal and maternal chromosomes External vs. Internal fertilization – which types of organisms use each type, why Stages of embryonic development: Cleavage, Gastrulation, Neurolation/organogenesis, growth Cladistics – Mar 7, Chapter 18 Organisms are classified in a hierarchical system wherein similar organisms are groups together at each level Shared characteristics between organisms suggests close evolutionary relationships There are many imperfect ways to define a species, no definition fits all of life