File - Biology with Butler

IB Biology Course Syllabus
High Point Central High School
Instructor: Jessica Butler Room: 213
Phone: 336-819-2825 ext. 2213
Welcome to your second year of IB Biology. You are expected to master 12 topics in preparation for the IB Biology Exam. Topic
1—Cell Biology, Topic 2—Molecular Biology, Topic 3—Genetics, Topic 4—Ecology, Topic 5—Evolution and Biodiversity, Topic
6—Human Physiology, Topic 7—Nucleic Acids (HL), Topic 8—Metabolism (HL), Topic 9—Plant Biology (HL), Topic 10—
Genetics and Evolution (HL), Animal Physiology (HL), and Option C—Ecology and Conservation. Due to the level of depth
covered in each topic, you are expected to recall and retain the information from the previous year. You will have 5 Unit tests
throughout the year, and multiple quizzes within each unit. You will take a Final exam in addition to the IB exam.
 To have a pleasant and successful experience in Biology
 To develop good critical thinking skills and safe laboratory techniques
 To be able to find, analyze, and examine the validity of scientific research
 I expect you to be considerate of others (peers, instructors, and equipment) and to interact in a positive manner
 I expect all work that is turned in to be your own.
 I expect you to follow my directions and to obey the lab safety rules at all times
 I expect all work to be turned in ON TIME. The maximum grade you can receive for late work is a 70%
 I expect you to be attentive, productive, and participate in the classroom.
 I expect you to be present and on time to every class.
 I expect for there to be no eating or drinking in the classroom. Water is permitted on non-lab days.
Materials: You will need the following materials each day you come to class: ISN notebook, writing utensils, calculator, and small
box of colored pencils. You may also be required to print off assignments that will be linked to my website.
Grading Scale:
A - 90 - 100
B - 80 - 89
C - 70 - 79
D - 60 - 69
F - 0 - 59
In my room you must behave in a manner in which reflects the Bison Creed.
The Bison Creed
1. I will respect myself and others.
4. I will honor myself, my family, and my school.
2. I will do my personal best.
5. I will be prepared for college or the career of
3. I will make good decisions.
my choice.
Verbal reprimand/warning
5. Conference with support contacts, common
Parent/Guardian Contact
teachers, and parents/guardian
After school detention with teacher
6. Administrative intervention
Counselor/Support Specialist Contact
 Arrival: Being tardy to class will not be accepted. On time is defined as in your seat, materials out, and working on the bell
ringer at the bell. Your first and second tardy will result in a warning. Repeated tardies will result in a phone call home.
 During Class: Give respect to whoever is talking, student or teacher. Please be aware that throwing trash away, sharpening a
pencil, or asking to go to the restroom will distract the entire class. You may do these things before class starts, between activities,
or at the end of the class, not during instructional time. I dismiss you, not the bell. You must be in your seat in order to leave
when the bell rings to end class.
 Bell Ringer/Warm-up: When the bell rings you will have a few minutes to work on the Bell Ringer/Warm up. You must write
out both the questions and the answers in complete sentences on the warm-up sheet provided. These will make great study guides
for upcoming quizzes and exams! If homework was assigned the night before, have it out and ready to earn credit.
 Make-up Work: If you are absent the day an assignment is given and the assignment is due the next day, you will turn in the
completed assignment the day following your return. If you are absent the day an assignment is graded, the due date is the day
you return. You must complete and turn in the assignment by the due date to receive full credit.
 Absent for a Test/Quiz: You are typically given at least one week’s notice for an upcoming test/quiz. Therefore, if you are
absent the day of the test/quiz, you will test during class the day you return.
Tutoring: I am available after school on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:50 to 4:30 p.m., or by appointment. HPC
requires mandatory remediation tutoring for any student that has a below 70% course average. Mandated tutoring will take place
each Monday. You will be required to attend tutoring until your grade is above a 70%.
IB Requirements:
 Curriculum: The 11 topics mentioned above must be covered with the addition of one option. Option C—Ecology and
Conservation has been chosen for this course. You discussed nine of these topics in Year 1, and we will be finishing Topics
6, 9, 11, and Option C during Year 2. Please hold on to any materials from the previous year as you are still accountable for
that information.
 Lab Hours: A total of 40 documented lab hours are required for the SL level. A total of 60 documented lab hours are
required for the HL level. All lab requirements must be completed by March of the second year of the course.
 Internal Assessment: A detailed lab report will be counted as 20% of your final IB Biology course grade. The IA requires a
student designed and operated lab that should consist of 10 of the documented lab hours mentioned above. Practice IAs will
be administered throughout the year. The formal IA will be administered the end of first semester of Year 2. The IA is
graded based on the following criteria: personal engagement (8%), Exploration (25%), analysis (25%), Evaluation (25%),
Communication (17%). A rubric will be provided when IAs (practice and formal) are assigned.
 Group IV Project: A collaboration amongst all IB experimental sciences in which groups will be expected to design,
operate, and present an interdisciplinary experiment. The Group IV Project will consist of 10 of the documented lab hours
mentioned above. The Group IV Project will be administered at the end of Year 1.
 Papers 1, 2, and 3 Exams:
Exam Type
Weighting Details
SL Paper 1
¾ hour
30 multiple choice questions on core content
SL Paper 2
1 1/4 hours
Data based question, short answer questions and one of two extended
response on core content
SL Paper 3
1 hour
Section A: Questions related to experimental skills
Section B: short answer and extended response questions from one option.
HL Paper 1
1 hour
20 %
40 multiple choice questions on core and HL content
HL Paper 2
2 ¼ hours
Data based question, short answer questions and two of three extended
response on core and HL content
HL Paper 3
1 ¼ hours
Section A: Questions related to experimental skills
Section B: short answer and extended response questions from one option.
Important Dates: These dates are tentative and are subject to be changed; if they are moved they will still occur in the same quarter
that they are assigned.
A day /B day
 Internal Assessment #1
 Topic 11.3 Quiz
 Topic 6.1 Quiz
 Human Anatomy IA**
1/12 (by midnight)**
 Topic 6.1 and 6.2 TEST
 Topic 11.2 Quiz
 Topic 6.3 and 11.1 Quiz
 Topic 9.1-9.2 Quiz
 Topic 6.3, 11.1, and 6.4 TEST
 Topic 9 Test
 Internal Assessment #2
 Option C Quiz
 Topic 6.5 Quiz
 Option C Test
 Topic 6.6 and 11.1 Quiz
 IB SL/HL Paper 1 &2 Exam
May 4th
 Topic 6.5, 6.6, and 11.1 TEST
 IB SL/HL Paper 3 exam
May 5th
HPC Vision Statement:
The community, parents, faculty, and students work as a family to provide motivation, communication, and opportunities to enhance
success. Each member of the family interacts with each other with respect, integrity, and compassion. The faculty and staff recognize
that all students can learn, but not all students learn in the same way and at the same rate, HPC provides opportunities for different
learning styles in a structured and supportive environment. The students accept responsibility of becoming successful learners and
citizens. Those leaving HPC are provided the skills necessary to function effectively and competitively in a global society.
I have read this information concerning grading and make-up work, and I will keep these rules in my folder to refer to when necessary.
Student ________________________________________________________________