Harbour Lake Baptist Church “Through The Bible In One Year” Study Guide (Answers) for “The Book of 2Samuel” 1. Read the entire book of 2Samuel by next Wednesday. (approx. 4 Chapters a day) 2. Answer the following Questions about the 3 major parts of 2Samuel as you read: a. The Triumphs of David (Chapters 1 through 10): 1) How did David hear about the death of Saul and Jonathon? (2Samuel 1:2-10) An Amalekite came to tell him! 2) Why did David kill the man who gave him the bad news? (2Samuel 1:14-16) The Amalekite admitted to killing King Saul! 3) What was “ironic” about this man’s “nation of origin” that contributed to his death? (2Samuel 1:13; 1Samuel 15; 1Samuel 30) This man was an “Amalekite”. God had told Saul to destroy them all “and” the Amalekites had recently attacked and kidnapped David and his mighty men’s families! 4) What is the name given to the “song” that David wrote for Saul and Jonathon’s funeral? (2Samuel 1:17) The Lament of the Bow! 5) Based on David’s history with Saul, what amazes you about this lament? (2Samuel 1:23-24) Although Saul continually tried to kill him, David still spoke kindly about Saul at his death! 6) What did David do before deciding to leave Ziklag and go back into Israel? (2Samuel 2:1) He asked God what to do! 7) What lesson can we learn from David’s behavior when it comes to making decisions? (Proverbs 3:5-6) Make sure we pray about major decisions in our lives and wait for the Lord to answer! 8) Who made David king over them when he arrived in Hebron? (2Samuel 2:4) The men of Judah made David king over the house of Judah! 9) What was one of the first acts of kindness David did after becoming king? Why? (2Samuel 2:4b-7; 1Samuel 31:11-13) Extended an offer to be king and protector of Jabesh Gilead since they risked their lives to remove Saul and Jonathon’s bodies from the walls of Beth Shan and buried them! 10) Why do you think the men of Jabesh Gilead rejected this kind offer from David? (2Samuel 2:9; 1Samuel 11) The men of Jabesh Gilead remained loyal to Saul because he had rescued them earlier from the cruelty of the Ammonites! 11) Who was the man who encouraged Israel to make “Ish-Bosheth” son of Saul king over them? (2Samuel 2:8) Abner son of Ner, the previous commander of Saul’s army! 12) Give some reasons why you think Abner rejected David as being the ultimate king? (1Samuel 26:13-16; 2Samuel 3:6-7) Because David had humiliated him in the past and he knew he could manipulate IshBosheth! 13) How did Abner get on Joab’s “bad side”? Did Abner want to do this? (2Samuel 2:18-23) Abner killed Joab’s younger brother Asahel. He didn’t want to and kept warning Asahel! 14) About how long was there a civil war between the house of David and the house of Saul? (2Samuel 3:1; see 2Samuel 2:11 and 2Samuel 5:5) Approximately 7 years! 15) What caused Abner to decide to initiate a peace treaty between Israel & David? (2Sam 3:6-10) Because Ish-Bosheth accused him of sleeping with one of Saul’s concubines! 16) What did Joab do when he learned that David made a peace treaty with Abner? (2Sam 3:24-27) He expressed his disagreement with David and then murdered Abner! 17) Why do you think it was “politically” wise for David to act the way he did over Abner’s death? (2Samuel 3:31-37) It demonstrated to the people of Israel that David had no part in Abner’s murder! 18) Why didn’t David just have Joab “executed” because of this sin? (2Samuel 3:39) David did not have enough power and political clout to deal with Joab, yet! 19) Who killed Ish-Bosheth and why? (2Samuel 4:1-7) Baanah and Recab, the sons of Rimmon. They killed Ish-Bosheth because now that Abner died, they were afraid of losing the war to David and being either killed or subjugated! 20) Why did David have the “sons of Rimmon” killed and hung by the pool in Hebron? (2Sam 4:9-12) Because David disapproved of murder as the way for him to become the king over Israel! 21) How long did David reign over a “united kingdom” of Israel and Judah? (2Samuel 5:5) Thirty-Three years! 22) What city did David capture and make his capital of the United Kingdom? (2Samuel 5:6-10) Jerusalem! 23) Who had been living in Jerusalem until David conquered them and why were they there? (2Samuel 5:6; Judges 1:21) The Jebusites lived there because the Benjamites couldn’t dislodge them when they came into the promised land! 24) Why was David able to defeat the massive armies of the Philistines when Saul could not? (2Samuel 5:17-25) Because David sought the Lord’s help and the Lord defeated the Philistines before him! 25) What was one of the first things David wanted to do after defeating the Philistines? (2Sam 6:1) Bring the Ark of the Lord from Abinadab’s house to Jerusalem! 26) Why do you think that God struck Uzzah as he was transporting the ark to Jerusalem? (2Samuel 6:6-7; see Numbers 4:15, 19-20 & 2Samuel 6:3) Uzzah violated God’s laws for handling the Ark. It was to be carried by “priests” using the poles placed in the rings attached to the Ark, not transported on a cart pulled by oxen! Also, the Ark was never to be touched! 27) How do we know that David learned his lesson on how to properly transport the Ark? (2Samuel 6:13) They “carried” the Ark from Obed-Edom’s house to Jerusalem! 28) Why was Michal upset and David and what did God do to her because of it? (2Sam 6:16-23) She thought David was foolish to dance and celebrate in front of all the kingdom of Israel (i.e. look “undignified”!). God made Michal barren for her irreverence! 29) What did David decide he wanted to do, but was not allowed to by God? (2Samuel 7:1-13) David wanted to build a temple for God, but he told David “no”; but that his offspring would! 30) 2Samuel 7:12-16 is known as the Davidic Covenant. Find and list the 3 major components of this covenant that finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ as the “Messiah”: First Component (vv. 12-13; see Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5; Matt 1:6-17): The Messiah would be a descendant of David’s! Second Component (v. 13; Psalm 89:3-4, 27, 35-37; Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32-33): The Messiah would be a king, from David’s line, who rules forever! Third Component (vv. 14-15; Psalm 22; Isaiah 53:4-12; Matt 27:26; Luke 24:44-49): The Messiah would die at the hands of men; but will be resurrected to reign forever! 31) Why did David pray that God would keep His promises to him? (2Samuel 7:26a) So that God would make His name great amongst all nations! 32) Why was David victorious over all his enemies (i.e. Philistines, Moabites, Edomites, etc.)? (2Samuel 8:14b) The Lord gave David victory wherever he went! 33) Why do you think the Lord continued to bless David with victory after victory? (2Sam 8:15) Because of God’s grace and mercy; but also, because David did what was just and right for all the people of Israel! 34) How did the last surviving son of Jonathon (Mephibosheth) become a cripple? (2Samuel 9:3; 2Samuel 4:4) After Saul and Jonathon’s death, Mephibosheth’s nurse picked him up and was running to try to save his life when she fell and accidentally injured him! 35) Why do you think that David was so kind and gracious to Mephibosheth? (2Samuel 9:7-12) (see 1Samuel 20:12-17) David honored the covenant between himself and Mephibosheth’s father, Jonathon! 36) When David sent a “sympathy” party to the Ammonites, what did they do to them? (2Sam 10:1-4) They shaved off the men’s beards and cut their garments at the buttocks! 37) What did David do to the Ammonites after they did this to his men? (2Samuel 10:1719) David defeated the mercenary armies of the Ammonites and made them subject to him! B. THE TRANSGRESSION OF DAVID (CHAPTER 11): 1) Where was David when he “saw” Bathsheba and where “should” he have been? (2Sam 11:1-3) He was in Jerusalem on the roof of his palace, when he should have been at war! 2) David “fell from grace” at a time when he should have been “fighting the enemies of God”. How do you think this concept applies to you as a Christian today? (see Ephesians 5:15-16; Colossians 3:5-10; 2Tim 2:4; 1Pet 5:8-9) We are to “continually” wage war against the sin that wants to destroy our lives. The momen we begin to relax and enjoy our past “conquests”, we make ourselves susceptible to our enemy, the devil to attack us! 3) What actions of Uriah show that he was a loyal and honorable man? (2Samuel 11:813) Uriah would not allow himself pleasures of the flesh while the rest of Israel’s soldiers were at war! 4) What made David’s sin against Uriah even more “wicked”? (2Sam 11:14-16; see 2Sam 23:39) Uriah had been one of David’s “mighty men” who had been loyal to him since David had been running from Saul! C. THE TROUBLES OF DAVID (CHAPTERS 12-24): 1) Who was sent to tell David that God was displeased with his sin against Uriah? (2Sam 12:1-9) Nathan, the prophet! 2) According to David’s own words, what was his life like while he was covering up his sin against Uriah? (see Psalm 33:3-4) David was sickly and miserable. His physical strength was drained from him! 3) What did God say David’s punishment was going to be for his sin against Uriah? (2Sam 12:10-11) There would be continual trials and tribulations in David’s own household, forever! 4) What did David “immediately” do when Nathan exposed his sin before him? (2Samuel 12:13) David admitted that he had sinned against God! (No excuses!) 5) What did Nathan say about David’s sin after David confessed before the Lord? (2Sam 12:13b) That God had “taken away” his sin; however, the child of Bathsheba would still die! 6) Based on what happened in the life of David, why should we never “sin against God” simply because we know that He will forgive us “anyway” after we confess our sins? (2Sam 12:13c) Although God may forgive us of our sin, the “consequences” of our sins must still be dealt with! 7) Based on what David says in 2Samuel 12:23 and Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, what do you think happens to babies and very young children when they die? Why? (see 1John 2:2 for your answer) Since Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world, babies and young children are included under this “atonement”. Therefore, they automatically go to heaven if they die before the “age of accountability” (i.e. the age at which they understand their choice of receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior “or” rejecting Him!). 8) What was Amnon’s feelings for Tamar, his half-sister, “after” he had raped her? (2Sam 13:15) He hated her with an intense hatred! 9) Amnon’s “flip-flop” in feelings, after sleeping with a girl he “lusted” after, should be a warning to all girls being pressured to sleep with their boyfriends! Why is this so? A man’s feelings of “lust love” can turn to disgust after sleeping with a woman! 10) What did David do to Amnon after he heard of Amnon’s sin? (2Samuel 13:21) Nothing...other than get angry at him! 11) What did Tamar’s brother, Absalom, do to Amnon because of his sin? (2Samuel 13:28-29) Had his men kill Amnon! 12) What did David do to Absalom for taking out revenge on his half-brother? (2Sam 13:38-14:24) Nothing...other than refuse to let him come into his presence! 13) Based on what you have learned about David’s reactions to his children’s behaviors, what kind of “disciplinarian” was David as a father? Why do you say this? David was terrible as a “disciplinarian”! 14) What does the Bible say about father’s who resist “disciplining” their children? (Proverbs 10:17, 18:5, 19:18, 22:6, 22:15, 23:13-14) Father’s who do not discipline their children contribute to their EARLY DEATHS! 15) What did Absalom do in order to finally get David to “see” him? (2Sam 14:28-33a) He burned Joab’s fields to force Joab to ask David to see him! 16) What did David do when he finally did allow Absalom to come to him? (2Samuel 14:33b) He kissed him...and did nothing about his sins! 17) David’s failure to discipline Absalom eventually gave him (absolam) courage to do what to his father? (2Samuel 15:1-12) Rebel against his father and try to take his throne! 18) What did David do when he heard about Absalom’s rebellion? (2Sam 15:14-23) David fled Jerusalem and went into the wilderness! 19) Who was Ahithophel and why did he join in the conspiracy against David? (2Sam 15:31) (see 2Samuel 11:3 and 2Samuel 23:34) Bathsheba was the daughter of Eliam. Eliam was the son of Ahithophel. This makes Bathsheba Ahithophel’s granddaughter. He joined the conspiracy to get revenge against David! 20) What did Ziba accuse Mephibosheth of doing? (2Samuel 16:1-3) Rebelling against King David. 21) Was Ziba’s accusation of Mephibosheth correct? Why or Why not? (see 2 Samuel 19:24-30) No! Mephibosheth was tricked and slandered by Ziba! 22) Why did David allow Shimei to curse him? (2Samuel 16:5-12) Because maybe the Lord told Shimei to curse him. Regardless, David trusted in God’s mercy! 23) What advice to Ahithophel give Absalom concerning attacking David? (2Sam 17:24) Attack David now why he is weary and weak! 24) What advice to Hushai, David’s loyal friend and spy, give to Absalom? (2Sam 17:713) Hushai advised Absalom not to attack now...but wait until he has amassed a big army to attack his father, David. 25) Why did Absalom choose to listen to Hushai advice instead of Ahithophel’s? (2Sam 17:14) Because the Lord wanted Absalom to be destroyed! 26) What happened to Ahithophel? Why do you think he died this way? (2Sam 17:23) He hung himself...because he knew that Absalom was doomed for not following his advice! 27) What was David’s command to his generals before they went to fight against Absalom’s army? (2Samuel 18:5) Be gentle with the young man, Absalom! 28) How did Absalom get caught in a tree and who killed him? (2Samuel 18:9-15) Absalom’s hair got tangled in a tree and Joab (and his armor-bearers) killed him! 29) Why was Joab angry at David? What advice did he give David? (2Samuel 19:5-8) Because David was grieving for Absalom instead of thanking and rewarding his troops! Joab advised him to stop grieving and address his loyal followers! 30) Who advised David to take revenge on Shimei for cursing him earlier? (2Sam 19:21) Abishai, the older brother of Joab! 31) Why did Joab murder Amasa? (2Samuel 20:9-10; see 2Samuel 19:13) David had replaced Joab with Amasa as commander of the army! 32) What happened to Sheba after he entered the city of Abel Beth Maacah? (2Sam 20:20-22) The people in the city cut his head off and threw it to Joab! 33) Who were the Gibeonites and why did David have to seek justice for them? (2Sam 21:1-14) (see Joshua 9; 2Samuel 21:1) Israel swore to protect the Gibeonites under Joshua. Saul broke this oath and tried to destroy them. 34) What was the “restitution” the Gibeonites sought from David? (2Samuel 21:6) Seven descendants of Saul were handed over to them to be killed! 35) Who saved David’s life when a Philistine named “IshbiBenob” almost killed him? (2Sam 21:17) Abishai, son of Zeruiah (brother of Joab). 36) Who were the four “giant” Philistines who were descendants of Rapha in Gath? (2Sam 21:22) Some theologians say they were the brothers of Goliath! 37) What do you find “odd” about David’s song of praise to the Lord? (2Samuel 22:2125) David claimed to have been without sin! 38) Who do you think David was referring to in this song? Himself? Or Someone else? I think this song is a prophesy about the Messiah, Jesus Christ! 39) Why did David decide on the “3 day plague” as his punishment for counting the fighting men? (2Samuel 24:10-14) Because he trusted more in the mercy of God, than he did in the mercy of men! 40) What did David refuse to allow Araunah to “give” David everything he needed to make a sacrifice to the Lord? (2Samuel 24:22-24) David said: “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing!”