b - 臺灣大學物理治療學系

國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
Multiple Choice:
Directions: Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked
(a), (b), (c), and (d), but ONLY ONE best fits the answer. Please decide which one is the closest
correct answer. Then, write down the corresponding letter of the answer you have chosen on your
answer sheet.
1. When a person stands quietly on the ground with knee straight and then raise his heels
gradually, the motion occurs at the ankle joint is _____ and the motion is a(n) _____ of
motion .
a. ankle dorsiflexion, open kinematic chain
b. ankle dorsiflexion, closed kinematic chain
c. ankle plantarflexion, open kinematic chain
d. ankle plantarflexion, closed kinematic chain
2. In Question #1, which of the following arthrokinematic movements would be
associated with this motion?
a. the mortise moves anteriorly on the talus
b. the mortise moves posteriorly on the talus
c. the talus moves anteriorly on the mortise
d. the talus moves posteriorly on the mortise
3. Same motion in Question #2, which of the following muscles is responsible for the
motion from standing with the heel on the ground to the heel-rise position?
a. tibialis anterior
b. tibialis posterior
c. gastrocnemius
d. peroneus longus
4. Following Question #1, then the individual lowers his body down and stands with knee
straight and the heel on the ground again, the motion occurs at the ankle joint is _____
and the prime mover works _____.
a. ankle dorsiflexion, concentrically
b. ankle dorsiflexion, eccentrically
c. ankle plantarflexion, concentrically
d. ankle plantarflexion, eccentrically
5. In Question #4, which of the following arthrokinematic movements would be
associated with this motion?
a. the mortise moves anteriorly on the talus
b. the mortise moves posteriorly on the talus
c. the talus moves anteriorly on the mortise
d. the talus moves posteriorly on the mortise
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
6. Same motion in Question #4, which of the following muscles is responsible for the
motion from the heel-rise position to standing with the heel on the ground?
a. tibialis anterior
b. tibialis posterior
c. gastrocnemius
d. peroneus longus
7. Following Question #6, which of the following muscles is the AGONIST of the muscle
in Question #6 when it acts for the motion in Question #2?
a. peroneus tertius
b. soleus
c. tibialis posterior
d. tensor hallucis longus
8. By comparing the end position of the motion in Question #1 (heel rise) and that in
Question #4 (quiet stance), which one has the better ankle stability? And why?
a. The ankle joint is more stable in the heel-rise position because the larger anterior edge
of the dome of the talus enters the mortise.
b. The ankle joint is more stable in the heel-rise position because the larger posterior
edge of the dome of the talus enters the mortise.
c. The ankle joint is more stable in the quiet stance position because the larger anterior
edge of the dome of the talus enters the mortise
d. The ankle joint is more stable in the quiet stance position because the larger posterior
edge of the dome of the talus enters the mortise
9. The semitendinosus muscle is a two-joint muscle. Which of the following movements
results in active insufficiency?
a. knee flexion as the hip flexed
b. knee extension as the hip flexed
c. knee flexion as the hip extended
d. knee extension as the hip extended
10. Same muscle in Question #9, which of the following activities results in passive
a. jumping with knee straight (僵屍跳)
b. deep squatting (全蹲)
c. running backward
d. straight leg rising in the supine-lying position (仰躺直腿抬高)
11. The presence of _____ is one of the characteristics to distinguish walking from running
and the total duration of this phase is approximately _____ of the gait cycle.
a. propulsive phase, 27%
b. swing phase, 38%
c. double stance phase, 22%
d. midstance phase, 31%
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
12. Transverse rotation of the pelvis during the double stance period is to lengthen the
distance from pelvis to the floor because the center of body mass is at its _____ level
during this period.
a. highest
b. middle
c. lowest
d. neutral
13. The cadence is a temporal parameter of gait, which is defined as _____, and the
walking speed of approximately _____ cadences would be regarded as comfortable
a. the number of steps per minute, 80-110
b. the number of steps per minute, 120-150
c. the number of strides per minute, 80-110
d. the number of strides per minute, 120-150
14. According to the definition from the Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center, the period
from heel strike to foot flat is defined as _____.
a. acceleration
b. deceleration
c. loading response
d. terminal stance
15. In Question #14, which of the following arthrokinematic movements of the ankle joint
would occur at this period?
a. the mortise moves anteriorly on the talus
b. the mortise moves posteriorly on the talus
c. the talus moves anteriorly on the mortise
d. the talus moves posteriorly on the mortise
16. In Question #14, the action of ankle dorsiflexor at this period is mainly to _____.
a. counterbalance the contraction of the plantarflexor by co-contraction
b. lower down the foot at a controlled speed by eccentric contraction
c. slap the foot against the ground by concentric contraction
d. provide sufficient clearance between the foot and the ground
17. The action of ankle dorsiflexor during the swing phase, however, is mainly to _____.
a. counterbalance the contraction of the plantarflexor by co-contraction
b. lower down the foot at a controlled speed by eccentric contraction
c. slap the foot against the ground by concentric contraction
d. provide sufficient clearance between the foot and the ground
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
18. In Question #17, which of the following arthrokinematic movements of the ankle joint
would occur at this period?
a. the mortise moves anteriorly on the talus
b. the mortise moves posteriorly on the talus
c. the talus moves anteriorly on the mortise
d. the talus moves posteriorly on the mortise
19. The subtalar joint _____ to establish a rigid lever and pulleys for extrinsic muscles at
the propulsive period of a gait cycle.
a. supinates
b. pronates
c. dorsiflexes
d. plantarflexes
20. In Question #19, which of the following phenomena would not assist the motion at this
a. metatarsal break
c. screw home mechanism
b. windlass mechanism of plantar fascia
d. contraction of plantar flexor
21. A person walks 2.1 kilometers within 30 minutes and the total steps are 3300. Which
of the following parameters about his gait is NOT TRUE?
a. average cadence = 110 steps/min
b. average velocity = 70 m/min
c. average step length = 0.64 m
d. average stride time = 1.09 s
22. When an individual stands erect, the line of gravity passes through all of the following
bony landmarks EXCEPT the _____.
a. acromion process of the scapula
b. bodies of the thoracic vertebrae
c. greater trochanter
d. sacral promontory
23. When an individual stands erect, the line of gravity passes anterior to the center of the
following joints EXCEPT _____.
a. ankle
b. knee
c. hip
d. facet joint of the lumbar spine
24. The center of mass is an imaginary point where the entire mass of the body is
concentrated. The center of mass of a standing individual is located around _____.
a. lower thoracic spine
b. upper lumbar spine
c. upper part of the sacrum
d. tip of the coccyx
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
25. When a healthy adult stands naturally, the angle between the frontal plane and the long
axis of the femoral neck is approximately _____.
a. 0°
b. 15°~20°
c. 40°~50°
d. 90°~100°
26. In Question #25, this angle is defined as _____ and it is approximately _____ in the
a. angle of inclination, 90°
b. angle of inclination, 40°
c. angle of anteversion, 90°
d. angle of anteversion, 40°
27. For a static semi-squatting stance (站樁), which of the following muscles is necessary
to activate in terms of prevention of anterior displacement of the tibia?
a. tibialis posterior
b. peroneus longus
c. tibialis anterior
d. calf muscles
28. In question #27, this muscle to activate in response to this motion are more likely to
work by _____ contraction.
a. isometric
b. concentric
c. eccentric
d. isokinetic
29. In question #27, with the knee angle increased, the patellar compression force _____
and the contact area of posterior cartilage of the patella _____, resulting in more
stresses on the cartilage of the patella. Therefore, it is better not to have the knee joint
in front of the tip of toes.
a. increases, increases
b. increases, decreases
c. decreases, increases
d. decreases, decreases
30. A forward head posture indicates _____ of the lower cervical spine and _____ of the
upper cervical spine.
a. flexion , extension
b. extension, flexion
c. sidebending to one side, rotation to the opposite side
d. sidebending to one side, rotation to the same side
31. In lumbar region, the orientation of the facets of the facet joint is typically _____.
a. in the frontal plane with some oblique angulation toward the transverse plane
b. in the sagittal plane with some curvature in the frontal plane
c. exactly in the frontal plane
d. 20-45 anteriorly from the transverse plane
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
32. Which of the following motions could be used to examine dysfunction of the
altanto-occipital joint?
a. active flexion/extension in cervical neutral position
b. active rotation in cervical neutral position
c. active flexion/extension in cervical maximum rotated position
d. active rotation in cervical maximum flexed position
33. According to Nachemson's study, which of the following postures would produce the
greatest intradiscal pressure?
a. relaxed sitting
b. forward bending with the arms relaxed
c. erect sitting
d. military standing posture
34. Which of the following analogues about the ‘structure:function’ is NOT TRUE?
a. intravertebral disc:to take weight bearing
b. facet joint:to create spinal motion
c. ligamentum flavum:to maintain spinal stability
d. multifidus:to be a stabilizer for lumbar spine
35. The closed-packed position of the facet joint of the thoracic spine is _____.
a. full flexion
b. full extension
c. full sidebending
d. full rotation
36. The coupled motion pattern of the facet joint of the cervical spine is _____ if the
surrounding muscles are completely removed.
a. sidebending associated synchronously with rotation to the same side
b. sidebending associated synchronously with rotation to the opposite side
c. flexion associated synchronously with rotation to the same side
d. extension associated synchronously with rotation to the same side
37. In Question #36, this coupled motion pattern indicates that the facet glides anteriorly
always associated with gliding _____.
a. posteriorly
c. inferiorly
b. laterally
d. superiorly
38. The sternocleidomastoid flexes the lower cervical spine but need assistance of _____
the cervical lordosis from ______.
a. increasing, upper trapezius
b. increasing, longus capitus
c. flattening, upper trapezius
d. flattening, longus capitus
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
39. A sway back posture is defined as the erect posture when the hip is hyper-extended and
the pelvis is posteriorly rotated. Which of the following ligaments may be the passive
checking factor for the hip joint if an erect posture is maintained for a patient with sway
back posture?
a. iliofemoral ligament
b. pubofemoral ligament
c. ischiofemoral ligament
d. ligamentum teres
40. Which of the following joints does NOT have a fibrocartilage disc inside the joint?
a. temporomandibular joint
b. anterior altantoaxial joint
c. sternoclavicular joint
d. pubis symphysis
41. Which of the following joints is NOT crossed over by any muscles?
a. sacroiliac joint
b. subtalar joint
c. midcarpal joint
d. humeroradial joint
42. Which of the following bones is NOT attached by any muscles?
a. pisiform
b. patella
c. sacrum
d. talus
43. Which of the following ligaments does NOT stabilize the joint from within (從關節內
a. iliofemoral
c. anterior cruciate ligament
b. teres femoris
d. posterior cruciate ligament
44. Which of the following muscles is NOT the component of the pes anserinus?
a. sartorius
b. gracilis
c. semimenbranosus
d. semitendinosus
45. The screw home mechanism of the knee joint describes the phenomenon that
continuous _____ of the femur accompanies the completion of knee extension during
close kinematic chain motions.
a. inward
c. upward
b. outward
d. downward
46. During downhill running, the tibia displaces anteriorly because of the increased action
of the gravity. Which of the following muscles should activate to response for this
a. tibialis anterior
b. tibialis posterior
c. popliteus
d. soleus
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
47. Which of the following statements about the menisci at the knee joint is NOT TRUE?
a. The meniscus carries >90% loads across the knee joint.
b. The shape of medial meniscus is C-shaped while that of the lateral meniscus is
c. The meniscus deepens the tibial plateau to increase the stability of the knee joint.
d. Both menisci move posteriorly during knee flexion.
48. Concerning with the Q angle, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. The Q angle describes the angle formed by the mechanical axis of the femur and the
line representing the patella.
b. Increase in the Q angle will pull the patella laterally.
c. The Q angle is greater in women than men.
d. The Q angle is the abbreviation (簡稱) of the quadriceps angle.
49. An open-chain knee flexion motion is associated with the tibia gliding _____ and the
patella gliding _____ on the femur.
a. anterior, superior
b. anterior, inferior
c. posterior, superior
d. posterior, inferior
50. The rectus femoris arises from _____ and inserts on the patella tendon.
of muscle contraction is at an angle of _____ from the vertical line.
Its line of pull
a. anterior inferior iliac spine, 15 laterally
b. anterior inferior iliac spine, 55 laterally
c. anterior superior iliac spine, 15 laterally
d. anterior superior iliac spine, 55 laterally
51. In Question #50, which of the following muscles plays a neutralizer role when this
muscle acts as knee extensor?
a. vastus lateralis
b. vastus medialis obliquus
c. popliteus
d. semitendinosus
52. In Question #50, which of the following muscles is the antagonist of this muscle?
a. vastus lateralis
b. vastus medialis obliquus
c. popliteus
d. semitendinosus
53. The Trendelenburg gait is characterized by the pelvis dropping to the unsupported leg.
Which of the following muscles may be most likely to be weak or paralyzed (麻痺)?
a. gluteus medius of the stance leg
c. adductor longus of the stance leg
b. gluteus medius of the unsupported leg
d. adductor longus of the unsupported leg
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
54. A patient lies in a prone position (on his stomach). If you bend his lower leg to full knee
flexion and you finds out that the buttocks moves backwards compensatively (臀部翹
起). Which of the following muscles may be tight (hint: thinking of passive
a. gluteus maximus
b. iliopsoas
c. rectus femoris
d. biceps femoris
55. A bridging exercise is to lift the buttocks (臀部) towards the ceiling when an
individuals lies on her back with both knees flexed. Which of the following muscles
may activate for this exercise?
a. gluteus maximus
b. iliopsoas
c. rectus femoris
d. biceps femoris
56. In Question #55, which of the following muscles may present active insufficiency?
a. gluteus maximus
b. iliopsoas
c. rectus femoris
d. biceps femoris
57. In Question #55, the motion occurs in the _____ plane around a _____ axis.
a. sagittal, vertical
b. sagittal, frontal
c. vertical, sagittal
d. frontal, sagittal
58. Motions at the midtarsal joint is affected by the position of the subtalar joint. When
subtalar joint is supinated, the midtarsal joint is _____ and the whole foot becomes
a. locked, mobile
c. unlocked, mobile
b. locked,, rigid
d. unlocked,, rigid
59. The term pronation of the subtalar joint in a closed kinematic chain indicates a
combination of eversion of the calcaneus, _____ of the talus, and _____ of the tibia.
a. abduction and dorsiflexion; external rotation
b. adduction and plantarflexion; external rotation
c. abduction and dorsiflexion; internal rotation
d. adduction and plantarflexion; internal rotation
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
60. Which of the following statements pertaining to the triplanar motion is NOT TRUE?
a. The term triplanar motion refers to movement occurring simultaneously in the three
cardinal planes.
b. A triplanar motion indicates a 3-degree-of-freedom motion.
c. Both talocrural and talonavicular joints provide triplanar motion.
d. A closed kinematic chain ponation of the subtalar joint is an example of a triplanar
motion, which is a combination of calcaneal eversion, talar plantarflexion and
adduction, and tibial internal rotation.
61. The ligament connecting the low aspect of the fibula and the talus is _____.
a. anterior talofibular ligament
b. calcaneofibular ligament
c. spring ligament
d. deltoid ligament
62. If the thumb is amputated (截斷), which of the following hand functions is not
a. cylindrical grip
c. hook grip
b. lateral pinch
d. three-jaw-chuck prehension
63. By comparing the first carpometacarpal joint with the sternoclavicular joint, which of
the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. Both joints are saddle joint.
b. Both joints are 2-degree-of-freedom joint
c. Both joints are synovial joint.
d. Both joints are diarthrosis joint.
64. Shoulder abduction is completed by the following movements EXCEPT _____.
a. superior glide of the medial end of the clavicle
b. posterior rotation of the clavicle
c. inferior glide of the humeral head
d. upward rotation of the scapula
65. Which of the following motions may result in dislocation (脫臼) of the humeral head?
(Hint: thinking of closed packed position)
a. tennis backhand drive (反手拍)
b. tennis overhead serving (發球)
c. volleyball pass (傳球)
d. volleyball set (托球)
66. Protraction of the shoulder girdle (the scapula) is defined as _____.
a. a lateral movement of the scapula away from the vertebral column
b. a medial movement of the scapula toward the vertebral column
c. an upward movement of the scapula
d. a downward movement of the scapula
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試
67. Pectoris minor participates in several movements of the scapula, including _____,
_____, and tipping of the scapula.
a. upward rotation, elevation
c. downward rotation, elevation
b. upward rotation, depression
d. downward rotation, depression
68. In Question #67, which of the following muscles is its antagonists when it acts to tip
the scapula?
a. levator scapula
b. serratus anterior
c. trapezius, lower fibers
d. teres minor
69. Concerning with the rotator cuff muscle, which of the following statements is NOT
a. The subscapularis is the only muscle that is attached to the lesser tuberocity of the
b. The rotator cuff muscles are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres
c. The attachment of the supraspinatus tendon is superior to that of the infraspinatus
d. Contraction of the rotator cuff muscles provides inferior glide of the humeral head
during arm elevation, which is important to prevent impingement sign.
70. Which of the following movements does NOT move around a vertical or nearly vertical
axis when an individual stands erect with the anatomic position?
a. pronation of the forearm
b. external rotation of the humerus
c. pronation of the foot
d. external rotation of the tibia
國立台灣大學物理治療學系九十六學年度/ 肌動學期末考試