Latin II Unit Plan I

Class: Latin II
Unit Number: I
Chapters Covered
Vocabulary Units
Time Frame: September 7th – October 11th
Number of Lessons: 21 lessons
Ecce Romani: review & Chapters 21-23
- Review from the previous year
- Ecce Romani Chapters 21-23
- Present and imperfect tense of regular verbs
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension nouns
Chapter 21
- Formation of the perfect tense
- Principal parts of verbs
Chapter 22
- Review of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension.
- Uses of the genitive and dative cases.
Chapter 23
- Future tenses of regular verbs
- Future tenses of irregular verbs.
- Roman household (Ch. 21)
- Roman tombs and burials (Ch. 22)
- Roman aqueducts (Ch. 23)
- Recognizing, recalling, and forming Latin sentences based upon proper grammatical and vocabulary usage.
- Recognizing, forming, and translating Latin tenses accurately.
- Distinguishing and comparing the relationship between Latin and English. (language/ grammar structure, vocabulary)
- Reorganizing information via another language using different modes of communication (kinesthetically/ visually/via writing, etc.)
- Revising Latin sentences based upon proper use of grammar and syntax.
- Comparing and organizing data based upon similarities (noun declensions/ verb conjugations)
- Creating and applying memorization skills (Latin vocabulary and grammar paradigms)
- Applying Latin roots to English vocabulary.
- Researching and applying details of Roman life and Roman history to its historical and cultural impact on modern Western civilization.
- Recognizing and applying mythological concepts and terminology (heroes/ Trojan War)
- Synthesizing essential qualities of heroes (hero stories/ Trojan War) and their impact on Western culture.
- Recognizing stories have a literal, metaphorical, and mythological meaning and impact.
1. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension noun quiz
2. Present and imperfect tense quiz
Chapter 21 story quiz
Chapter 21 vocabulary quiz
Chapter 21 grammar and culture quiz
Chapter 22 story quiz
Chapter 22 vocabulary quiz
Chapter 22 grammar and culture quiz
Chapter 23 story quiz
Chapter 23 vocabulary quiz
Aulus and Septimus project
Aqueduct project
Trojan War narrative
Creating a Latin tombstone/epitaph
* Tuesday, October 11th
*subject to change.
Rough Schedule
Dies Primus (I)
Dies Secundus (II)
Dies tertius (III)
Dies quartus (IV)
Dies quintus (V)
Dies sextus (VI)
Dies septimus
Dies octavus (VIII)
Introduction to the class
Introduction to course and materials
Review of noun declensions
Introduction of Chapter 21
1. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension noun quiz
Continuation of Chapter 21
How to translate a Latin passage
Verb review
Chapter 21 story
Verb review
2. Present and imperfect tense quiz
Chapter 21 story
Chapter 21 vocabulary
Chapter 21 grammar
Chapter 21 vocabulary
3. Chapter 21 story quiz
Chapter 21 grammar
Chapter 21 Roman households
4. Chapter 21 vocabulary quiz
Chapter 21 Roman households
Dies nonus (IX)
Dies decimus (X)
Dies undecimus
Dies duodecimus
Dies tertius
decimus (XIII)
Dies quartus
decimus (XIV)
Dies quintus
decimus (XV)
Dies sextus
decimus (XVI)
Dies septimus
decimus (XVII)
Dies devicesimus
Dies vicesimus
primus (XXI)
Aulus and Septimus project
Review of Chapter 21
Chapter 22 introduction
5. Chapter 21 grammar and culture quiz
Chapter 22 story
Chapter 22 story
Chapter 22 vocabulary
Chapter 22 vocabulary
Chapter 22 grammar
6. Chapter 22 story quiz
Chapter 22 grammar
Chapter 22 Roman burial
7. Chapter 22 vocabulary quiz
Chapter 22 grammar
Chapter 22 Roman burial
Chapter 22 Roman epitaphs
Chapter 22 review
Chapter 23 introduction
8. Chapter 22 grammar and culture quiz
Chapter 23 story
Chapter 23 story
Chapter 23 vocabulary
9. Chapter 23 story quiz
Chapter 23 vocabulary
Chapter 23 grammar
Chapter 23 grammar
Chapter 23 Roman aqueducts
Vocabulary review
10. Chapter 23 vocabulary quiz
Chapter 23 grammar
Chapter 23 Roman aqueducts
Review Chapter 21-23