AP® Spanish Language Syllabus

AP® Spanish Language Syllabus
Course Overview
Students will continue to develop a command of the Spanish language in a Spanish only
environment (________________________________) focusing on the integration of
Student signature
skills through written and aural language. They will increase their verbal and written
proficiency as well in formal and informal venues. They will review vigorously the
grammatical structures to enhance their accuracy. Since Spanish is a living language, I
attempt to bring anything into the mix from the mundane to the outrageous to allow them
an array of learning contexts. We may be reading serious news one day and have a poetry
challenge the next. Although the texts used are outstanding, to keep it alive there are
many authentic sources used and are outlined at the end. These include but are not limited
to audio, video and varied written sources. We have computer lab with listening and
speaking capabilities to differentiate the student’s experience. A successful student
arriving in 5AP is an eclectic blend of many different strengths and an unlimited potential
for growth. I embrace the challenge of helping each one grow in their own way and
having them aid in the process with their strengths.
It is my view that the AP language classes are the richest classes anywhere. We do not
stop at solely language acquisition. We really embody at least 9 other classes in content
including humanities, history, phonetics, literature, music, drama, economics, business
and science to name a few. So with that variety comes the responsibility to make sure that
the students, using the target language as a starting point, have the ability to no only
integrate multiple skills in their speaking and writing but also integrate a multitude of
Month 1
Fables and Proverbs- Reading, writing their own fable, integrating proverbs into our
writing and story telling
Tesoro Literario pages 1-52
Una Vez Más Chapter 1
Thematic vocabulary units
Song of the week
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 2
Tesoro Literario pages 52-86
Literature from Anderson-Imbert, Matute, Denevi and Infante- Not limited to reading and
comprehension. The students act out the drama. They write their own scary tale.
In class reading of “Escalofrios”- Students take turns reading a chapter a day to help the
become comfortable speaking and to accustom the students to different voices and
Una Vez Más Chapters 2 and 3
Thematic vocabulary units
Song of the week
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Mini-book writing
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 3
Una Vez Más Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7
Tesoro Literario Joya 6
Poetry from Nicolás Guillén
Thematic vocabulary units
Song of the week
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Triángulo 1 and 2- reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 4
Una Vez Más Chapters 8,9 and 10
Thematic vocabulary units
Song of the week
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Triángulo 3 and 4 -reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Poetry from Espronceda
Poetry Contest
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 5
Una Vez Más Chapters 11,12 and 13
Tesoro Literario 238-243
Thematic vocabulary units
Triángulo 5- reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Past AP exams and field test
Web Quest “el Ocio”
Poetry from Neruda
Marilyn Monroe readings and a song
Literature from Unamuno
Where’s Waldo-prepositions
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 6
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Triángulo 6- reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Journal writing
Past AP exams and field test
AP Spanish (text)
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 7
Song of the week
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Triángulo 7,8,9 and 10- reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Journal writing
Past AP exams and field test
AP Spanish (text)
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 8
Song of the week
Integration Essays (Current topics with central theme, readings from periodicals,
newspapers and other authentic text and listening from TV, songs or other recording)
Journal writing
Past AP exams and field test
AP Spanish (text)
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
Month 9
Song of the week
Journal writing
Past AP exams and field test
Situaciones – impromptu speaking practice on a variety of topics in a variety of registers.
They can be alone or in pairs depending on the task.
AP Spanish (text)
Triángulo: A Proposito
by Barbara Gatski and John McMullan
This book contains extensive vocabulary used in a thematic way with a selection of
reading and authentic listening selections. Some work from this book is done at home and
serves as a diving board for our in class topics and activities. This simulates the AP exam
to help the students become familiar with the tasks that will be required of them.
Una Vez Más
repaso detallado de las estructuras gramaticales del idioma español (Spiral-bound)
by James H. Couch (Author), Rebecca D. McCann (Author), Carmel Rodriguez-Walter
(Author), Angel Rubio-Maroto (Author)
This is a comprehensive grammar book that students work on at home. They bring
questions and problems to class to help individualize their experience and cover universal
grammatical misunderstandings. They are assessed on their progress. All tenses and
moods were covered in their 4 honors class and they are again covered in the 5AP class.
Tesoro Literario
by Margaret Adey and Louis Albini (Glencoe Spanish) by McGraw-Hill
This contains vast literature of different genres.
AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination
by Jose M. Diaz, Margarita Leicher-Prieto, and Gilda Nissenberg
This book is used at home and in class as a direct preparation to model types of activities
found in the AP Exam. Questions are always addressed in class.
Audio/video resources include but are not limited to:
Telesituaciones video
Quack Media videos
Radio Galega-FM(Santiago de
Televisión en directo - Galicia TV
Onda Cero Sevilla
Caracol Cadena Basica (Bogotá)
La 92 - Top 40 (Buenos Aires)
In class activities to strengthen skills:
A calentarnos (Warm up questions of many topics)
Preguntas de Profe (Circumlocution activity)
Situaciones (guided dialogues)
Ídolo Pofelándico (Like American Idol….kids sing a song in Spanish like karaoke)
Diarios (written bi-weekly at home before bed after listening to 15 minutes of music in
Spanish )
Song of the week= Hear song on Monday
Receive lyrics on Tuesday
Watch Music Video on Wednesday
Hear/Sing Thursday and Friday
Chain Activity ( Used to fossilize correct structures….like telephone)
¿Qué harías? Activity
Games like Charades, Monopoly, Scruples, Sabelotodo, Pasapalabra, Pirámide (to lower
affective filter)
Additional reading resources include but are not limited to:
Selecciones (Reader’s Digest)
Healthy Kids
People en español
Siempre Mujer
Hola Magazine
12 meses
Whatever my husband brings me from work.
Websites of newspapers I use include but are not limited to: