Thursday, January 22nd

Thursday, January 22nd:
No journal
Short exam review
Word splash: Word Splash.doc
Homework: Exams on Monday Essay topic posted 12:00 noon on Friday.
Bring Stranger books and notebooks to the exam
Tuesday, January 20th: SNOW DAY!
Bring your finished journal for Thursday.
Thursday, January 15th:
Journal #:14: Discuss your final thoughts about the novel.
Video shown in class: Please take notes (If absent, get notes from me or a classmate)
People search.doc. Complete the people search w/ partners around the
room (If absent, complete on your own) Read the preface
Preface to The
Stranger.htm. Highlight the 4 statements you think are the most important.
Discussion of The Stranger
Homework: Take one of your journals and expand upon it. Please type this final entry1.5-2 typed pages. Bring your entire journal on Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 13th:
No journal
Quiz on The Stranger
Group work: See handout. If you were absent, complete 3 of the 5 topics on the
Group work part 2.doc
Checked Journal #2- homework
Discussion of reading
Handed back metaphor options with a highlighted top choice: On the back of your sheet,
write me an explanation as to how you are going to make that metaphor fit with your
growth as a student.
Homework: Finish the novel- journal #3
Friday, January 9th:
No journal
Homework check: Stranger journal entry #1
Class discussion on part I of the novel
College visitors! 2008 grads came to talk and answer questions
Homework: Next journal and reading assignment for the novel
Wednesday, January 7th:
Journal #13: Get the following handout. Follow the instructions for journal 13.
Warm-up Questions.doc
Collected homework- pilgrim assignment
Collected Canterbury Tales books- passed out The Stranger
Powerpoint for The Stranger: Took notes and discussed.
Handout: Reading Schedule and assignments for the book
Intro to The Stranger.ppt
Discussion of metaphors for portfolios: See make-up folder for two handouts.
Turn in to me 1/2 sheet of paper that lists your top 5 choices for a metaphor for your
Homework: See reading schedule handout above
Monday, January 5th:
Ms. Burkhart was absent today
Journal #12: Any New Year's Resolutions?
Finish reading "The Miller's Tale" in your text. Finish the handout from below and turn it
in to the sub.
Pilgrim Assignment:
Homework: Finish the pilgrim assignment. Bring your Canterbury Tales book.
A New Pilgrim.doc
Thursday, December 18th:
No journal
Quiz on "Pardoner" and "Wife of Bath" Tales
Handed back: Pilgrim Match and A-S Background quizzes- went over these answers
Began reading "The Miller's Tale"- also read the "words between the host and the miller"if you were absent, read about 1/2 of the tale- we will finish in class when we return..
Homework: None- enjoy your break!
Miller's Tale Questions.doc
Tuesday, December 16th:
Journal # 12: What are you doing to prepare for the college admissions process?
Homework check: Charts of the pilgrims from the prologue
Quiz: pilgrims
Notes: Classes of the pilgrims, Medieval Literary Terms
Handout: "Wife of Bath's Tale" - see make-up folder. Complete the crossword puzzle
for extra credit.
Read "Wife of Bath's Tale" aloud
Homework: Read "The Pardoner's Tale"- be ready for a quiz on pardoner and wife of
Extra Credit Epic Movie Assignment: Due Friday by 2:00 (I'll be gone Friday by 11:00email it to me after that!)
Friday, December 12th:
No journal
Handout and powerpoint presentation on the Middle Ages. Please see me or a
classmate for the notes. Check the make-up folder for a copy of the notesheet.
Collected comma worksheet from Wednesday's class
Watched a short video introducing The Canterbury Tales- see me or a classmate for
Some Hamlet papers were handed back for rewrites- if you choose to rewrite, the new
paper is due the next block. BRING THE ORIGINAL BACK! If you decide not to rewrite,
please give me the original back so I can give it a number grade.
CT books handed out. If you weren't here, see me next block for you. YOU ARE STILL
EXPECTED TO DO THE READING HOMEWORK. You can look up an etext version
Homework: Read The Prologue to the Tales. Make and keep a chart listing all pilgrims
and descriptions of each. Use quotes from the text. Due Tuesday.
Wednesday, December 10th:
Ms. Burkhart was absent today
Test on Beowulf and its relation to A-S society. Everyone will take this test b/c you were
told last week to be prepared for it on Monday, so being absent on Monday is not an
excuse for not taking the test! (Plus you could have checked the website for what we did
on Monday. No excuses!)
Reading Assignment: MIddle Ages section of the textbook, pages 114-129. Take notes
as you read.
Handout: Comma Practice...
Homework: Finish any of the above that you were not able to finish. You do not have to
comma practice #1.doc. Complete for Friday's class.
bring your textbook, unless you took notes on sticky notes that are in the book.
Otherwise, just bring the notes you took on the reading section.
*Extra credit option:
epic movie assignment.doc
Monday, December 8th:
No journal
Quiz on A-S Society based on your reading- open notes.
Homework check: Beowulf guided note sheet
In-class discussion: Open for questions on Beowulf. Discussed Christianity's role,
symbolism, A-S society shown in the epic poem, etc...
1A- attended two magnet presentations
2A- partner work- discuss study questions from the poem
Homework: Test on Beowulf and its relation to A-S society on Wednesday. Bring your
Thursday, December 4th:
In-class writing on your independent novel. ALL BLOCK!
Indicate to Ms. Burkhart how you want your Hamlet paper graded- see me for details
REMINDERS: Finish Anglo-Saxon reading and Beowulf reading by Monday. See the
"Important Documents" page of this website for a new handout w/ notes that are needed
for Monday's quiz (labeled as "Overview Notes"). Bring your textbook on Monday.
Tuesday, December 2nd:
No journal
Handed out portfolio expectations
Senior Portfolio Project.doc. Showed examples of
past portfolios in class.
Passed back Hamlet quizzes, Dramatic Terms mini-quiz, "Language of Revenge"
Beowulf handout:
Beowulf Study Guide Honors.doc
Beowulf-guided REading
Class time Options: read your novel, read the Anglo-Saxon section of your textbook and
take notes (a note sheet is available on the "Important Documents Page", or begin
reading Beowulf.
Upcoming due dates: Thursday- your novel should be finished! Bring in your novel- you
will be spending the block writing about it. If you think you will finish early, bring your
literature book so you can work on Monday's work. For Monday- You need to have
finished the Anglo-Saxon section of the book AND the excerpts of Beowulf. The fill-in-
the-blank handout should be completed, and the second study guide is there to give you
questions to think about for the quiz. QUIZ MONDAY!
I tried to design the test so that if you have honestly read the book, you should be able
to do well on the assessment.
Wednesday, November 26th:
No journal
Peer review of papers- no need to make up
Turn in Hamlet books- if you didn't have it, bring it after break
Read textbook pages 6-17. Gave out online textbook usernames and passwords- see
me to get yours if you weren't here. *If you didn't finish reading, you do not have to finish
over break. You will have time to read it when we return.
Bring your literature book until further notice.
Homework: Independent novel due on Thursday, December 4th.
Monday, November 24th:
No journal
Quiz on dramatic terms
COMMA RULES: wrote down a comprehensive list- see me or a classmate
Watched Hamlet, Simpsons style!
Homework check: 1A- secondary source article, extra credit for a draft 2A- rough draft of
Worked on Hamlet papers
Homework: Final paper due. Bring all rough drafts. PLEASE review all the given rules.
There is a sample Works Cited page on the "Important Documents" page of this website.
Bring literature book on Wednesday.
See the "Important Documents" page for other helpful hints.
Thursday, November 20th:
Met in the library for research
Homework: Both classes: dramatic terms quiz moved to Monday- sorry! Both classes:
Literary analysis reminders.doc
Rubric for Lit. Analysis.doc
Bring your 12th grade literature textbook
1A: Bring in copies of your articles- complete a rough draft for extra points
2A: All students must complete a typed rough draft and bring in the articles you used for
Tuesday, November 18th:
No journal
Grammar books: Copy down 8 major comma rules from pages 333-348 (See a
classmate for notes if you were absent)
Complete practice exercises p. 341 B and p. 346 7 to go over in class. Complete page
349 Ex. C to turn in for a grade. 1A- The sub told me you were supposed to finish this
for homework to turn in on Thursday- I'm not sure how w/ no book, but do what the sub
told you to do! Thanks- 2A- You turned this in during class. 2A field trip students: Get a
copy of the comma notes from a classmate. You do not need to complete any of the
exercises. You are responsible for the rules!
Handout: 2A only :
Quotes from time periods.doc. Students in 2A completed what
they could of this handout and turned it in. Field trip students: No need to complete. 1A
students: No need to complete.
Homework: Quiz on dramatic terms. Meet in the library on Thursday.
Friday, November 14th:
No journal
Reminders: Field Trip. Come to the lobby at 9:00 on Tuesday dressed for the play (no
jeans, no t-shirts, no old tennis shoes).
Continue the paideia. If you were not here today, you may write a short, typed paper
explaining to me what you would have brought up in today's discussion.
REVIEW GAME!!! $10,000 Dramatic Terms Pyramid- for extra credit
Pop Quiz- dramatic terms. See me for a make-up time.
Handout: Hamlet literary analysis paper.
Homework: For Tuesday- decide on a topic for your paper For Thursday: Quiz on all
Hamlet Lit Analysis paper.doc
dramatic terms. Final Paper due 11/24.
Wednesday, November 12th:
No journal
Gave out independent reading books for checkout IF I had copies- finalize your book
choice w/ me!
Checked paideia questions for a grade-
We will continue our discussion for 45 minutes on Friday. Please do not do anymore
research prior to Friday.
Homework: Learn the definitions of the remainder of the terms on the Dramatic Terms
sheet. Another copy here-
Dramatic Terms blank.doc
Friday, November 7th:
No journal
Collected homework (handout from last block)
Students wrote down their independent reading choices- if you were absent, please
email me your choice.
Almost finished reading Hamlet- be sure to read the last few pages before the paideia
Discussed Act V- answered questions, filled out quote sheet
Handouts: Paideia rubric
and mark for discussion)
Paideia Rubric #2.doc, Articles for the paideia packet (read
Commentary on Hamlet.doc,
hamlet's sanity.htm, and
Hamlet Character
Foils in Hamlet.doc. There is one more
article that I cannot upload here. See me to get a copy.
Homework: Paidiea on Wednesday- DO NOT BE ABSENT!! Bring in your questions on
last block's handout, any extra articles or information you want to use, and a Works Cited
Page for all outside sources.
Wednesday, November 5th:
No journal- new seating arrangements.
Passed back graded papers- gave students 1st 9 weeks grade printouts
Discussed Hamlet, Act IV
Quiz on Acts III and IV
Paideia form.doc, and
1st Novel
Upcoming due dates: Paideia November 12th, Independent Reading due December 5th,
Field Trip November 18th
Homework: Complete the "Language of Revenge" handout from above/ Choose the
book (or narrow it down to 2) that you want to read from the reading list (see the
Important Documents section for the list)