講演タイトル: 『Windows Core Technology とプロジェクトOZ』

講演タイトル: 『Windows Core Technology とプロジェクト OZ』
講師: Dr. Dave Probert
日時: 2/3 (金) 午後 2:30~午後 4:30
場所: SFC 『τ11』
内容: Windows Kernel Team の architect として Dave Cutler と共に
NT Kernel のコード書きに明け暮れていた Dave Probert が、
Windows Kernel architecture と、
彼が最近力を注いでいるプロジェクト OZ(オズ)について
Operating System, Kernel, OS abstraction の歴史、
現在の kernel architecture、
NT の主要コンポーネントと一般的な OS コンポーネントとの関係、
Windows Kernel 内の特異性などを解説。
また、Dave が彼の博士論文で提案した SPACE をベースとした
OZ という NT を基礎とした OS 教育のためのプロジェクトも提案。
Ph.D.: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of California Santa Barbara, August 1996.
Dissertation title: Efficient Cross-domain Mechanisms for Building
Kernel-less Operating Systems.
Thesis advisor was John L. Bruno(currently at UC Davis).
2004 ~ present: Windows Kernel Architect at Microsoft.
chartered to support operating systems curriculum in Computer Science
courses, including development of the OZ Project Course - a set of OS
experiments based on the native NT APIs.
1996 ~ 2004: Windows Kernel Development Manager at Microsoft.
Supervised development of platform-independent kernel components for
Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Ran the
division-wide training program for new developers, served as technical
editor for the Windows Engineering Manual, and presented many lectures
on engineering discipline. Supported faculty from top Chinese
universities in developing an OS principles textbook based on Windows.
Presented a short-course on Windows Internals under supervision of
Prof. Kei Hiraki at University of Tokyo, July 2003 and July 2004.
1987 ~ 1996: Programmer/Analyst for the Department of Computer Science
at UC Santa Barbara. Unix kernel consultant. Chronic Ph.D. student.
Supervised the selection/acquisition of a 64-node Meiko parallel
computer, consulted with faculty on a variety of issues, and
setup/administered graduate computer lab facilities. Consulted on
unix kernel internals for several companies, and built components of a
NLS system for GIS.
1987 ~ present: UNIX Consultant. Duties including developing a new
virtual memory implementation for BSD and serving as instructor for
week-long course on Unix device drivers for the Culler PSC, Tokyo,
1984 ~ 1987: Vice President of Software Engineering at Culler
Scientific Systems, Santa Barbara, California, working for Glen
Culler, Lary Evans, and Ron Bingham. Contributed to the hardware
architecture of the Culler 7 mini-supercomputer, was the primary
architect of the operating system (based on Solaris 1.x), and
supervised software development. 1985 Lecturer for ECE 136C Digital
Electronics, UC Santa Barbara.
1981 ~ 1983: Development Engineer, Computer Systems Laboratory, UC
Santa Barbara. Systems manager for UNIX, plan/build the undergraduate
computing laboratory for the Computer Science department. Wrote
drivers, debugged kernel problems, consulted with senior faculty.
1978 ~ 1981: Systems Engineer at Burroughs Corporation, Goleta,
California. Built Design Automation programs. Developed hardware and
wrote microcode for B1900. Member architecture team for the EMode
replacement for the B1800.
D. Probert and J. Bruno, Efficient Cross-domain Mechanisms for
Building Kernel-less Operating Systems, UCSB Computer Science
Techreport TRCS96-06, May 1996.
D. Probert and J. Bruno, Implementing Operating Systems without
Kernels, UCSB Computer Science Techreport TRCS95-24, December 1995.
D. Probert and J. Bruno, Building Fundamentally Extensible
Application-Specific Operating Systems in SPACE, UCSB Computer Science
Techreport TRCS95-06, March 1995.
D. Probert, J. Bruno and M. Karaorman, SPACE: A New Approach to
operating System Abstraction, In Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Object
Orientation in Operating Systems, Oct 1991.
D. Probert, J. Berkowitz, and M. Lucovsky, A Straightforward
Implementation of 4.2BSD on a High-performance Multiprocessor, In
Proc. of the Winter Usenix Conference, Denver, 1986.