Order Materials: Reserve using the online catalog or contact us di 715-720-2069 imccirc@cesa10.k12.wi.us Patron Login Information: Username (your school email address) Password (your last name) Delivery/Pickup via Van Service: Check your schedule here. E-IMC Questions? Contact: imccirc@cesa10.k12.wi.us 715-720-2067 IMC Homepage Follow us on Twitter Newsletter from the CESA 10 Instructional Media Center May 9, 2012 Summer School is almost here. Contact the IMC to place your order for materials. The IMC is open most of the summer. If you need a quiet place to work or wish to browse our collection, we are happy to accommodate. Please call or email in advance. Planning for next year? Contact us and we will send you a list of the materials you checked out. Please make your request before July 1st. The van will run through the month of June, be off in July & resume in August. NEW IMC RESOURCES 616.85 MAR Apraxia uncovered: seven stages of phoneme development 1 book -- 3 CD-Roms Apraxia Uncovered is a comprehensive guide for developing speech sounds in children with apraxia and other severe expressive speech disorders. Teach children to become intelligible through seven practical stages of therapy (see below). Learn how to help them produce better sounds, syllables, words, phrases, and connected speech. In this 164-page book and 4-hour audio CD, Pam Marshalla integrates her insights on oralmotor, articulation, phonology, and infant vocal development into a comprehensive developmental plan. Based on more than thirty years of clinical research, this treatment approach is applicable for children of all ages who display apraxia, dysarthria, or severe phonological disorders. Read the book, listen to the seminar, or do both. Grades: Adult. Marshalla Speech and Language, Mill Creek, WA, c2005 346.7 CRE Copyright law for librarians and educators: creative strategies and practical solutions The copyright path : changing needs and copyright solutions -- The scope of protectable works -- Works without copyright protection -- Duration and formalities : how long do copyrights last? -- Who owns the copyright? -- The rights of copyright owners -- Exceptions to the rights of owners -- Fair use : getting started -- Fair use : understanding the four factors -- Getting comfortable with fair use : applying the four factors -- The meaning of fair use guidelines -- Distance education and the TEACH Act -- Libraries and the special provisions of Section 108 -- Responsibilities, liabilities, and doing the right thing -- Music and copyright -- Anticircumvention and the DMCA -Copyright, archives, and unpublished materials -- Permission from copyright owners. The advancement of innovative education, librarianship, and scholarship has become increasingly entangled with copyright law. Research and education seem to be routinely reinvented with the creation of new software and technological devices. Private agreements are becoming a dominant force on the shape of legal rights and responsibilities. Grades: Adult. American Library Association, Chicago, 2012 641.3 CUR Curiosity quest: cheese CUROSITY QUEST FILMING STYLE IS SIMILAR TO THE DIRTY JOBS SERIES – BUT CONTENT IS GEARED TOWARD YOUNGER STUDENTS. 1 DVD Join Joel as learns about the variety of cheeses Wisconsin has to offer. Hold your breath as he makes his way through the only Limburger factory in the U.S, samples the creamy taste of gruyere, and crumbles feta cheese. Grades: 3-7. Curiosity Quest, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., c2010 641.347 CUR Curiosity quest: cranberries 1 DVD Join Joel as he visits a cranberry bog in Wisconsin to learn how cranberries are harvested. Watch as Joel encounters the cold Wisconsin weather and wades through the flooded cranberry fields to help. Grades: 3-7. Curiosity Quest, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., c2010 641.3 CUR Curiosity quest: Crave Bros. Cheese 1 DVD Join Joel as he visits the Crave Brothers Cheese Farmstead in Wisconsin to learn how milk becomes cheese. Watch as Joel becomes a “master cheese maker” and creates his very own “Curiosity Quest” cheese. Grades: 3-7. Curiosity Quest, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., c2010 307 CUR Curiosity quest: fire fighter training 1 DVD Join Joel on this quest as he learns what it takes to become a fire fighter. Watch as he carries a water hose, runs into a burning building, and puts out a fire. Grades: 3-7. Curiosity Quest, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., c2010 636.73 CUR Curiosity quest: guide dogs 1 DVD Did you know, there are more than 1,000 families raising guide dog puppies throughout the Western states of the USA? Join Joel on this amazing quest as he learns what it is like to depend on a guide dog. Grades: 3-7. Curiosity Quest, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., c2010 372.4 BUE Developing readers in the academic disciplines book Mentoring students in disciplinary literacy -- Teaching comprehension with complex texts -- Teaching to the match: bridging academic knowledge gaps -- Frontloading instruction that activates and builds academic knowledge -- Building inquiring minds around disciplinary texts -- Instructional practices for working complex texts -Customizing literacy practices. Writing with the U.S. Common Core State Standards in mind, Doug shows teachers in all subjects-not just the language arts-how to help students meet literacy expectations. You also get instructional practices to help your students ''work'' complex texts, as well as helpful information for customizing literacy practices to meet the demands of your discipline. Grades: 7-12. International Reading Association, Newark, DE, c2011. 371.394 ADA Differentiation that really works, grades 6-12: math book Provides time-saving tips and strategies from real teachers who teach math in grades 6–12. These teachers not only developed the materials and used them in their own classes, but they also provided useful feedback and comments about the activities. The strategies included in the book are tiered lessons, cubing, graphic organizers, exit cards, learning contracts, and choice boards. Every strategy includes directions and offers opportunities for differentiation. Grades: Adult Prufrock Press, Waco, Texas, c2012 507.12 FUR Formative assessment for secondary science teachers book Research has shown that when teachers use formative assessments effectively, they have a clearer understanding of what students know and are better able to design instruction that meets learners’ needs. This practical guide shows teachers how to create and implement formative assessments in their middle and high school science classrooms. Grounded in extensive and solid research, this guide covers all science content areas—physics/physical science, life science/biology, earth and space science, and chemistry—as well as five types of formative assessments: big idea questions, concept maps, evidence-to-explanation, predict-observe-explain, and multiple choice. Grades: Adult Corwin, Thousand Oaks, Calif., c2009. BIG 635 GRO SCI Growing pumpkins 1 big book -- 1 guide -- 6 student books -- 8 activity cards -- 1 audiocassette. Takes children on a journey to a farm, where they'll follow the cycle of a pumpkin field from harvest time to planting time to harvest time again. . Grades: PreK-2. Newbridge, New York, NY, c1994 MMOD 616.85 MAR Marshalla oral sensorimotor test: MOST test Examiner's manual -- test easel -- record forms -- case history forms -- mirror -clipboard -- oral-motor supplies (toothettes, rapper snappers, whizzers, kazoos, storage bags) A comprehensive and quick assessment designed to put a numerical value on oral movement, oral-tactile sensitivity, facial and oral tone, as well as basic respiration, phonation, and resonation skills. The MOST is the first exam to allow speech-language pathologists an opportunity to place a numerical value on the oral exam. The MOST identifies jaw, lip, and tongue movement problems. It is optimal for children with concomitant feeding difficulties, neurological deficits, developmental disorders, and sensory processing disorders. It is appropriate for children four years and older. Grades: PreK-12. Super Duper, Greenville, SC, c2007 MMOD 371.9 WII Wiig assessment of basic concepts: WABC test Examiner's Manual -- Level 1 and Level 2 storybooks -- Level 1 and Level 2 record forms -- Clipboard -- Puppy Bank reinforcer with 30 Doggy Dog tokens The Wiig Assessment of Basic Concepts (WABC) is a unique, norm-referenced assessment that evaluates a child's understanding and use of basic concepts. Use the WABC to create focused IEPs and intervention plans, thoroughly assess basic concepts, identify children in preschool and kindergarten who need "extra help" with basic concepts, distinguish deficits in using basic concepts from deficits in understanding them and further distinguish an inability to understand basic concept terms from deficits in auditory processing (following directions). The WABC contains two age-level tests. Level 1 – A Day at the Zoo is for preschool children ages 2;6 to 5;11 years, and Level 2 – A Day at the Park is for children in kindergarten and early elementary grades ages 5;0 to 7;11 years. For a more complete picture of strengths and weaknesses, you may administer BOTH levels to children between 5;0 and 5;11 years.Ages: 2.6-7.11. Super Duper, Greenville, SC, c2004 HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY SUMMER! images©2012 iClipart.com School Edition Questions? Contact CESA 10 IMC imccirc@cesa10.k12.wi.us 715-720-2067 725 W. Park Ave Chippewa Falls, WI 54729