Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Chap 4. Beam – Column §4.1 Beam-Column with Conc. Loading. EIy IV w EIy IV 0 Static behavior EI u 0 y a1 x 3 a 2 x 2 a 3 x a4 static shape function EIy IV Py 0 y a1 cos kx a2 sin kx a3 x a4 buckling shape function ※ If we function, use we static will displ. have a function little as error shape because buckling shape is different from static 122 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ymax l x 2 Ql 3 3tan u u kl , u 3 48 EI 2 u 0 ( u) 0 3(tan u u) u3 a m p l i f iicoant 3t a nu u 1 m a g n i f iicoant u3 fa ctor u3 2 5 17 7 tan u u u u 3 15 315 2 5 0 1 u2 where u2 17 4 u 105 k 2 l 2 Pl 2 2 P 2 . 46 4 4 EI 2 PE 2 P P L L then 0 1 0.984 0.998 PE PE 2 P P L L 0 1 PE PE 1 0 Amplificat ion Factor P 1 Pcr Q 123 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ○ The presence of compression force weakens the bending stiffness ○ The presence of axial tension increase the bending stiffness. P The max. bending moment Ql Ql PQl 3 1 M m ax P 4 4 48EI 1 P / PE Ql Ql Pl 2 1 P 1 1 1 0.82 4 12EI 1 P / PE 4 PE 1 P / PE P 1 0.18 Ql PE or M m ax 4 1 P / PE ※ manual 0.18 M0 amplification factor current P PE AISC involve term moment magnification factor) for 124 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong §4.2 Beam-Column with Distributed Loading. 5 wl4 1 0 , 0 384EI 1 P / PE M0 wl 2 8 1 0.3 P / PE M max M 0 1 P / PE 125 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong §4.3 Effects of Axial load on Bending Stiffness - Slope deflection Equations with Axial Force The moment at a distance x from the origin is M ( x ) EIy" M ab Py M ab M ba P ( a b ) x l Mx EI EIy Py M x y y IV k 2 y 0 , y A sin kx B cos kx Cx D y( 0) a , y( 0) a B.C. y( l ) b , y( l ) b M ab EI M ba y( l ) EI y( 0) 126 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong After eliminating the const. A, B, C and D in y and solving for M ab & M ba , yields the slope deflection equations EI b S1 a S2 b S1 S2 a l l EI b M ba S2 a S1 b S1 S2 a l l M ab where S1 1 cot csc 1 , S2 2 tan 2 2 tan 2 1 1 kl Pl 2 (coupling of axial and bending together EI ⇒ till now nobody use it) Special case when P 0 M AB 2 EI 2 a b l S1 4 , S2 2 Bleich P.212, Value of S1 , S2 tabulated 127 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ○ Derivation of Slope-Deflection Equation with Axial Tension Note : Although a general model may be used, the complexity of computation is reduced by using superposition of simplified model. The moment at a distance x from the origin is M x M ab Py M ab M ba x l EIy M x x x EIy Py M ab 1 M ba l l Let k 2 y k 2 y P EA M ab x M k 1 ba EI l EI l 128 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong the general solution is y A sinh kx B coshkx M ab x M x 1 ba P l P l M ab P y(0) 0 B y( l ) 0 0 A sinh kl M ab M coshkl ba P P let kl A M ab cosh M ba 1 P sinh P sinh y y M ab cosh x M sinh kx x sinh kx coshkx 1 ba P sinh l P sinh l M ab 1 cosh coshkx sinh sinh kx M ba 1 k coshkx k P l sinh P sinh l Recall identity cosh x cosh cosh x sinh sinh x y M ab coshk ( l x ) M ba coshkx 1 1 Pl sinh Pl sinh a y(0) M ab coth 1 M ba csch 1 Pl Pl Multiplying numerator & denominator by l & P k 2 EI M ab l ba l coth 1 M csch 1 2 2 2 2 k l EI k l EI M M or a ab n ba f --(a) a where EI l 129 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong 1 n 2 f 1 2 coth 1 1 csch Likewise, b y (l ) M ab csch 1 M ba coth 1 Pl Pl from which b M ab l ba l csch 1 M coth 1 2 2 2 2 k l EI k l EI M l M l or b ab f ba n --(b) b solving Eqs. (a) & (b) for M ab and M ba gives M ab a n b f n2 f2 M ba b n a f n2 f2 Let S S1 C S2 n2 f2 1 4 1 4 (c) (d) n f2 2 n f n2 f2 1 2 coth2 2 coth 1 2 csch2 2 csch n2 f2 1 4 2 coth2 2 coth 2 csch2 2 csch 130 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Recall identity coth2 u csch2 u 1 n2 f2 1 4 2 2 coth csch 1 1 cosh 2 3 sinh sinh 1 2 cosh 1 3 sinh coth 1 S1 S 2 cosh 1 sinh 1 tanh 2 2 1 tanh 2 2 cosh 1 1 tanh 2 2 2 tanh 2 sinh 1 tanh 2 2 2 tanh 2 2 tanh 2 2 tanh 2 S1 S coth 1 coth 1 2 tanh 2 2 tanh 2 1 Likewise S2 C 1 csch 2 tanh 2 1 131 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong If the beam-column undergoes translation at both ends without end rotation The moment at a distance x from the origin is M x M Py 2 M P y x l Mx EI x 2x EIy Py M 1 P l l or y k 2 y M 2x x 1 k 2 EI l l y A sinh kx B coshkx y0 0 : 0 B M P M 2x x 1 P l l B yl : A sinh M P M M cosh P P 132 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong A sinh M cosh 1 P A M cosh 1 P sinh y M sinh kx cosh 1 coshkx 2 x 1 x P sinh l l The relationship between M & is obtained from the condition dy 0 dx x l y 0 l M k coshkx 2 cosh 1 k sinh kx P sinh l l M k cosh cosh 1 k sinh 2 P sinh l l M k cosh2 sinh 2 k cosh 2 P sinh sinh l M csch coth - 2 l lP 2 2 M M n f n f n f M M M 2 2 Pl EI Pl EI l 133 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong M n f S C n2 f2 l l S C a b / l (e) superimposing (e) on to Eqs (c) & (d) yields M ab a b EI S C S C a b l l M ba a b EI C S S C a b l l compare b EI S 1 a S 2 b S 1 S 2 a l l b EI M ba S 2 a S 1 b S 1 S 2 a l l M ab 134 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ○ Slope Deflection Equations with Axial Tension The moment at a distance x from the origin is M x M ab Py M ab M ba P y x l Mx EI EIy Py M ab M ab M ba P let k 2 x l P EI Then y k 2 y f ( x ) where f ( x ) linear function of x y IV k 2 y 0 y A sinh kx B coshkx Cx D 135 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong B.C’s 1. y(0) 0 2. y( l ) 3. y(0) a , 4. y( l ) b , or y(0) M ab EI y( l ) , M ba EI After elimination the consts A, B, C and D using the B.C’s in 4 and solving for M ab and M ba gives 0 B D --(a) A sinh kl B coshkl Cl D --(b) y Ak coshkx Bk sinh kx C a Ak C --(c) b Ak cosh kl Bk sinh kl C --(d) 0 1 0 1 A 0 sinh kl coshkl l 1 B k 0 1 0 C a k coshkl k sinh kl 1 0 D b By Cramer’s Rule A 0 1 0 1 a b cosh kl 0 l 1 Da 1 0 k sinh kl 1 0 0 1 0 1 sinh kl cosh kl k 0 l 1 1 0 Dd k cosh kl k sin kl 1 0 136 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong 1 0 1 0 Da a coshkl l 1 k sinh kl 1 0 b 1 1 coshkl 1 k sinh kl 0 let kl 0 1 1 Da a k sinh l 1 cosh 1 1 b 1 cosh 1 0 1 k sinh 1 1 a sinh 1 cosh b b cosh k cosh a cosh sinh 1 b 1 cosh k sinh sinh l 1 sinh Dd k k cosh 1 0 k 1 0 k cosh k k cosh 1 cosh k 1 k sinh cosh l 0 k sinh 1 1 l sinh 1 k cosh cosh k sinh k k cosh cosh k sinh k sinh 2 k cosh2 k 2k 2k cosh k sinh A Da Dd 0 B sinh k k cosh 0 0 1 l 1 a 1 0 b 1 0 Db Dd 137 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong sinh Db k k cosh l a 1 b 1 a sinh b k cosh a cosh b sinh k a cosh sinh b sinh k k cosh y Ak coshkx Bk sinh kx C y Ak 2 sinh kx Bk 2 coshkx M ab EIy ( 0 ) k 2 cosh sinh a sinh b k k cosh / l EI 2 2 cosh sinh k cosh sinh a sinh b k k cosh EI l l 2 2 cosh sinh let S1 S cosh sinh 2 2 cosh sinh recall identities sinh 2 sinh 2 cosh 2 cosh cosh2 2 sinh 2 2 1 2 sinh 2 2 Dividing numerator & denominator of S by sinh gives S coth 1 2 2 coth sinh 138 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong I 21 cosh sinh 2 1 1 2 sinh 2 2 2 sinh 2 cosh 2 2 tanh 2 S coth 1 2 tanh 2 coth 1 1 2 tanh 2 “Same result” 139 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Example Let b 0 , a b 0 EI S1 a l then M ab S1 M ab P l : S1 measure of bending moment EI a kl l P Pl 2 P EI 2 EI PE 2.05 2 EI Pcr , kl 2.05 4.49 l2 4.49 interpolation value ;P212 if kl 4.49, we have negative stiffness which that means the moment and the rotation are oppositely directed. That is , kl 4.49 , A is induced by the adjacent member, kl 4.49, A is resisted by the adjacent member. 140 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ○Stress Amplification in Columns Concentric Load on a column P for perfectly homogeneous & straight Column. A Bending effect f f P M y , M P y0 A I y0 : initial displ. preamplified displ. 141 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong ○ Rectangular Moment Curve l l Py0 2 4 Py0 l 2 8 ○ Triangle Moment Curve l 1 2 l Py0 2 2 3 2 Py0 l 2 12 ○ Moment – Area Theorem No.2 Py0 l 2 , Rect 8 Py0 l 2 EIy1 , Triangle 12 EIy1 y2 Py0 l 2 y1 10 EI Py1 l 2 10 EI Py2 l 2 10 EI ............. y3 < reach of Equil. position > y y0 y1 ........ y0 Pl 2 Pl 2 y0 y1 .......... 10 EI 10 EI Pl 2 Pl 2 2 Pl 2 3 ........... y 0 1 10 EI 10 EI 10 EI y0 Pl 2 1 10 EI 142 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Pl 2 1 -> infinite series if 10EI Diverge Pl 2 10EI 1.0 Pcr Pe 2 10EI l PE Pcr exact 9.872EI l f P Py0 c 1 A I 1 P / PE M c 1 c y0 I I 1 P / PE P Secant Formula ※ initial imperfectness l col. y0 800 in general l beam y0 400 slenderness ratio y0 c y0 l c l rr r2 initial crookedness AISC SPEC. : y0 1 2 shape factor for 50 l / 200 143 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Stress Amplification in Columns The behavior increasing of load calculating the a can compression be bending seen member most stresses under clearly and by lateral deflections that occur as the end load is applied. Consider a normal straight, slender member supporting a nominal axial load P. The loads of the member are assumed free to rotate in this case. If the member were perfectly straight and the load was perfectly centered, the stress in the column at any section would be simply f a P / A . No actual member ever would be perfectly straight nor would the load be perfectly centered. Even when great efforts are made to achieve such perfection in laboratory tests, it is not completely attained. Therefore, the actual case is best represented by assuming a slight initial imperfection of loading or an initial crookedness represented by a deflection y0 at mid height of the member (Fig.1). When a load P is acting on the column the stresses at the mid-height sections are P Mc A I where compressive bending stresses are taken as f 144 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong positive. At any section of the column, the bending moment is the load times the eccentricity, and the bending moment diagram has the same shape as the curve of the deflected member (Fig.1). This bending moment produces a further deflection at the mid-height. y1 1 Py0 l 2 10 EI the constant 1 / 10 is taken as a mean value for a deflected curve of more or less uniform curvature as shown. l 1 2 l Py0 l 2 Triangular Moment curve : Py 0 2 2 3 2 12 Py0 l 2 l l : Py0 Rectangula r 2 4 8 145 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong For other cases of initial curvature or eccentricity, the moment may vary between limits of 1 / 8 to 1 / 12 . Because of the added deflection y1 , there will be an increased bending moment Py 1 , and additional deflection y2 , and so on. y2 1 Py1 l 2 10 EI Continuing this process, the total deflection becomes y y0 y1 y2 Pl 2 Pl 2 y0 y0 y1 10EI 10EI 2 Pl 2 Pl 2 y0 y0 y0 10EI 10EI 2 3 Pl 2 Pl 2 Pl 2 y0 1 10EI 10EI 10EI The series in bracket is the multiplier by which the initial deflection y0 is increased under load P to give the final deflection y For values of P less than 10 EI / l at that load. 2 (i.e. Euler buckling load) the terms in the series are less than unity and the series is convergent, having 146 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong the limit 1 Pl 2 1 10 EI The final deflection is y y0 1 Pl 2 1 10 EI This requires a slight modification that will be discussed later if the curve of initial deflection differs greatly from the uniform curvature assumed. For any value Pl 2 P 1 10 EI of the series is divergent. This indicates that any small initial deflection will be indefinitely magnified at the load Pc PE 10EI or greater. l2 Let’s denote PE 2 EI l 2 10EI l2 Then the total stress of at mid-height of a column is f P Py0 c 1 A I 1 P / PE then PE 2 EI l2 let 2 EAr2 l2 P fa , since I Ar 2 A or fc 2E l r 2 147 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong further 1 1 1 P PE 1 fa f c 2 Py0 c Py0 c yc c y and f a 02 fa 0 2 I Ar r r c Then the total stress 2 1 c y f fa fa 0 r c 1 fa fc the magnitude of the bending stress 2 1 c y fa 0 r c 1 fa fc depends upon P represented in f a ; the shape of the cross section y c ; the initial curvature 0 r c Since f c the column 2E l r 2 , the stiffness of the material of and the slenderness ratio also are involved. It is convenient to make the expression for stress dimensionless by dividing by f c , then 2 f f c y f 1 a a 0 fc fc fc r c 1 fa fc c the value of shape factor r 2 range from 1.0 for a 148 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong section in which all the area is assumed concentrated in the figs. to 3.0 for a rectangular section and 4.0 for a circular section. Rolled shapes of the proportions generally used for Column having c r 2 in the vicinity of 1.4. about the strong axis and 3.8 about the weak axis. I – beam(S shape) run to values of 5.0 and over about the weak axis. Reasonable values of y0 c are more difficult to determine since the initial crookedness may be the result of either lack of straightness of the member itself of imperfection of the lignment of loading through the connections. Pending the better establishment of the values, the combined constant c r 2 y0 c has been assumed to range from 0.01 to 1.0 Since it is usually more convenient to express the initial crookedness y0 in terms of the length of the member, the quantity y0 c may be rewritten r2 as 149 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong slenderness ratio y0 c y0 l c l rr r2 lack of straightness shape factor The tolerances for straightness of Rolled shapes are expressed in terms of length, as for example, y0 l , as a max. figure in some specifications 1000 [Current AISC (7th edition P1-125) 50′or less 0.5″max] 150 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong Homework 1. Compute the critical load, Pcr , of the column using a) Matrix Method b) C 2 -method c) F D M 151 Structural Stability Fall 2006 Tel.(02) 3290-3317 Fax. (02) 921-5166 Prof. Kang,YoungJong 2. Compute Pcr of following truss 30° 3. Find Pcr using slope-deflection method Pcr 152