Solution 1a

CGS3063 EXAM 1 FALL 2008
Please select the best answer to each of the following questions based on material covered
in class and the assignments.
1. The philosopher who believed that one should look at the outcome of an action in order to
determine whether it was moral was:
a. Aristotle
*b. Mill
c. Kant
d. Spinoza e. Plato
2. From the list below, the only attribute NOT suggested for why we use computers to
process data :
a. speed
*b. simplicity
c. accuracy
e. storage capacity
3. The inventor of the first electronic digital computer was:
a. Boole
b. Babbage
c. Mauchley
*e. none of the above
d. Eckert
4. A piano could best be described as a/an:
a. *digital device
b. general purpose computer
d. CPU
e. batch program
c. analog device
5. Which of the following was NOT discussed as a component of a typical computer
a. RAM
b. CPU
*c. throughput
d. input device
e.secondary storage
6. In the movie “2010” which of the following was NOT an example of anthropomorphism?
a. HAL asking if he would dream.
b. Chandra telling the others that silicone-based creations deserved equal respect
c. *HAL converting into IBM
d. SAL’s voice
e. Chandra’s statement that HAL was confused
7. A bystander makes a 9-1-1 call to report an accident. He tells the dispatcher that there
has just been an accident with injuries on 16th avenue in Gainesville, and then hangs up.
The information given is not “good” information, PRIMARILY because it is not:
a. accurate
b. timely
c. relevant *d. complete e. concise
The main reason we use the decimal number system is:
a. it is the only one that really makes sense
b. our parents used it
c. the Phoenicians used it
d. binary numbers are much more difficult to use
e. *we have ten fingers
9. The first person to incorporate punched cards into a medium for controlling an industrial
process was:
a. Napoleon
*b. Jacquard
c. Hollerith d. Boole
e. Einstein
10. The brilliance of Babbage was that the analytical engine was designed:
a. To be steam powered, as well as electrically powered
b. For mass production
c. To utilize transistors for the first time in a calculating machine
d. *With all the functional parts of a modern computer
e. Babbage didn’t design such a machine
11. The former UF student who is credited with inventing the first electronic digital computer
a. Berry
b. Babbage c. Mauchley d. Aiken
*e. none of the above
12. The technique of reading program instructions into RAM, rather than rewiring the
machine to change a program was formulated by:
a. Boole
b. Atanasoff
*c. von Neumann d. Hollerith e. Berry
13. Which of the following takes place during the E-Time portion of a machine cycle?
a. Operand moved to the address register
b. Instruction executed
c. Result stored
d. All of the above
e. *“b” and “c” above, but not “a”
14. The principal hardware component of second generation computers was the:
a. Compiler
b. integrated circuit
*c. transistor *d. semiconductor
e. vacuum tube
15. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10101?
a. 7
b. 15
c. 17
e. none of the above
16. In a system using EVEN parity, to what should the parity bit be set for the number
a. 0
*b. 1 c.cannot be determined from the information given
17. Collecting data in machine-readable form, in order to minimize errors in the input stream
is known as:
a. Autodata recording
b. cobbling
c. data diddling
*d. source data automation
e. all of the above
18. Unjustified reliance on computer-generated information often adversely affects
individuals, and is a symptom of (the):
a. Anthropomorphism
b. Extended anthropomorphism
*c. Oz syndrome
d. Invidious-Benign dichotomy
e. cyberphobia
19. A typical stand-alone transistor would be approximately the size of a:
a. TV screen b. light bulb
c. fingernail
*d. pencil eraser
e. postage stamp
20. Traditional analog telephone communication is said to be ___________, whereas
internet communication is called ______________.
a. Slow; simplistic
b. *Circuit switched; packet switched
c. Reliable; unreliable
d. Broadband; narrowband
e. None of the above
21. In terms of network architecture, the Grove system which we use for this class is best
described as:
a. *client/server
b. intranet
c. peer-to-peer
d. ethernet e. bus
22. Common protocols and network communication standards include all of the following
a. ethernet
b. token ring
c. tcp/ip
d. 802.11
*e. modified ring
23. A device which is used to convert a digital signal to an analog signal, so that it may travel
over an analog medium, is called a:
a. translator
b. multiplexor
c. front-end processor
d. concentrator *e. modem
24. Registration for classes at UF is usually done using _________processing, while payroll
is usually computed using _________processing.
a. *Interactive; batch b computer; manual
c.batch; serial
d. analog; digital
e. none of the above
25. Which of the following contribute significantly to microprocessor speed?
a. bus width
b. clock speed
c. choice of architecture (CISC vs. RISC)
d. use of multiple ALUs
*e. all of the above
26. The metric prefix “nano”, as in nanosecond, refers to:
a. 1 million
b. 1 billion
c. 1/million *d. 1/billion
e. 1/trillion
27. In the history of data processing, the breakthrough in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system
was the use of:
a. symbols
d. binary numbers c. decimal numbers
*d. zero
e. numerals
28. In the movie “2010” which of the following is/are examples of the “OZ SYNDROME?”
a. Chandra asking HAL if he wanted him to stay with him
b. Hal asking, “Will I dream?”
c. Chandra telling the others, “It wasn’t HAL’s fault.”
d. All of the above are examples of the OZ Syndrome
e. *None of the above
29. ___________ is a special type of read only memory which can be erased electrically
and reused.
a. ROM
b. RAM
*c. Flash
d. cache
e. all of the above
30. DVDs hold more data than CDs. Which of the following reasons is/are responsible?
a. Packing pits closer together
Using two layers of pits
Using double sided disk
*All of the above
“a” and “c” above, but not “b”
31. When a processor needs an instruction, or data, it searches memory in this order:
e. None of the above
32. Which of the following lists of inventions is in oldest-to-newest order?
a. pascaline, Stepped Reckoner, Mark I, Census Machine, abacus
b. abacus, Telephone, Telegraph, ASCII, Pentium
c. *pascaline, Census Machine, Powers Census machine, Mark I
d. abacus, Radio, Telephone, Punched Card, Stepped Reckoner
e. None are in oldest-to-newest order
33. The technique of putting hundreds of thousand of transistors on a single chip is known as:
a. micro processing
b. nanoprocessing
c. picoprocessing
*d. VLSI
34. A driving force or event that pushed for great advances in data processing during the first
half of the 20th century was:
a. Tracking the Census data
b. Tracking Railroad statistics
*c. Tracking Social Security data
d. Sending man to the moon
e. Invention of the Telephone
35. Which of the following html code is correct to show “orange blue”, in which “orange” has
size 10, color orange, italic, and “blue” has size 8, color blue, boldface?
A. <text color=orange size=10><italic>orange</italic></text>
<text color=blue size=8><bold>blue</bold></text>
B. <font color=orange size=10><italic>orange</italic></font>
<font color=blue size=8><bold>blue</bold></font>
C. *<font color=orange size=10><i>orange</i></font>
<font color=blue size=8><b>blue</b></font>
D. <text color=orange size=10><i>orange</i></text>
<text color=blue size=8><b>blue</b></text>
E. None of the above.
36. Which of the following is NOT true of the search engines?
A. Information on the Internet is dynamic in nature.
B. *There’re two types of search engines: spiders and databases. Spiders are less
extensive, but more accurate than the databases.
C. Top-down searching strategy begins from a specific topic and moves toward a more
general topic.
D. One of the benefit of top-down searching is, more information on related topics can be
E. None of the above.
37. Which of the following is TRUE of the table implemented below?
<table border=1 width=400 height=200 cellspacing=3 align=center>
<tr bgcolor=silver><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=white><td colspan=2>4</td><td>6</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=white><td>7</td><td>8</td><td rowspan=2>9</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=white><td>10</td><td>11</td></tr>
A. This is a 4x3 table, which has 12 cells in total.
B. The first row’s background color is white.
C. The cell with number 9 shown spans across two columns.
D. *The second row has only two cells.
E. None of the above
38. Suppose there is a directory named "dir1" and a file named "file1" in home directory of
your Unix Account. You want to create a subdirectory called "dir2" under the current
directory ("dir1") and move "file1" into this new directory ("dir2") you have created. Then,
for this “file1”, give read-write-execute permissions to "yourself", read-execute
permissions to the "group" and "everybody else". What commands do you use to
accomplish the same? Assume that you are currently inside "dir1".
home directory
/ \
A. mkdir dir2
mv file1 dir2/
chmod 644 file1
B. mkdir dir2
mv ../file1 dir2/
chmod 755 file1
C. mkdir dir2
cp ../file1 dir2/
chmod 644 file1
*D. mkdir dir2
mv ../file1 dir2/
chmod 755 dir2/file1
E. mkdir dir2
mv ../file1 dir2/
cd dir2
chmod 644 file1
39. In general, what commands should you use to set the right permissions for html
files and directories on the internet?
A Html files: chmod 600 html-name
chmod 777 directory-name
B Html files: chmod u=wr, g=r,o=r html-name
chmod u=wr, g=r, o=r directory-name
*C Html files:
chmod u=wr, g=r,o=r html-name
chmod u=wrx, g=rx, o=rx directory-name
D Html files:
chmod 755 html-name
chmod 644 directory-name
E Html files:
chmod 444 html-name
chmod u=wrx, g=, r= directory-name
40. What do the following html codes show?
<ol type=1>
<li>Rene Campari
<ul type=circle>
<li>Scott Harrington
<li>Tatiana Wishbone
<li>Bob Trailerpark
A. *
1. Rene Campari
o Marge
o Jason
2. Scott Harrington
3. Tatiana Wishbone
4. Bob Trailerpark
Rene Campari
1. Marge
2. Jason
b. Scott Harrington
c. Tatiana Wishbone
d. Bob Trailerpark
Rene Campari
1. Marge
2. Jason
Scott Harrington
Tatiana Wishbone
Bob Trailerpark
1. Rene Campari
a. Marge
b. Jason
2. Scott Harrington
3. Tatiana Wishbone
4. Bob Trailerpark
1. Rene Campari
 Marge
 Jason
2. Scott Harrington
3. Tatiana Wishbone
4. Bob Trailerpark
If you have been given a password for this exam do as you were told. GMH