SPACE ODYSSEY VOLUNTEER UPDATE 01.12.12 Click below for quick access to: Space Odyssey News Trainings and Meetings Space Science Lectures & Events Museum News and Lectures Volunteer Enrichment Committee (VEC) Events SPACE ODYSSEY NEWS FREE DAY MONDAY JANUARY 9 Thanks for everyone's help on the Free Day! NEXT FREE DAY: MONDAY JANUARY 30 DMNS SPACE SCIENCE EVENTS FOR 2012 Here's a tentative list of all the cool events that will be coming our way in 2012: April 12-ish: Yuri's Night--a celebration of all things related to human spaceflight that occurs on the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's historic flight: May: Space Day May 20: Solar Eclipse: June 5: Venus Transit: August 5: Mars Science Laboratory Landing: September: Astronomy Day 2012 STICKERS ARE IN If you need a 2012 sticker for your badge, please grab one off my desk. HELP NEEDED FOR NEW MEMBER NIGHT MARCH 29 Event timeline: 5 PM--volunteer briefing and dinner; 6 PM: doors open to the members; 9 PM: event ends. Please let me know if you'd like to help out--these are fun events if you've never done one before. Thanks! 2012 "APOCALYPSE": What, me worry? From Marta Lindsay: Pseudoscientific claims link the end of a primary interval of the Mayan calendar system to a prophecy of the end of time at the Winter Solstice of 2012. This talk will detail how the 2012 beliefs have been fabricated and marketed and what the universe will really be doing on the winter solstice in 2012. Ed Krupp, Ph.D. is an astronomer and Director of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. Recognized internationally as an expert on ancient, prehistoric, and traditional astronomy, Dr. Krupp has visited more than 1850 sites throughout the world that have astronomical and archaeological interest. Dr. Krupp is the author of several books on the cultural dimensions of astronomy and hosted Project: Universe, a PBS series. BARANY CHAIR NOTE We don't have a lock for the Barany Chair cable right now (does anyone out there have it?) so please do not leave it unattended. When you are through using it, please store it inside the closet on the Planetarium Stage. Hope to get a new lock by next week. Thanks! SEASONS REMINDER It's Winter! Just kidding. ;) Semi-seriously, please remember to plug in the Seasons Table as we now have rechargeable batteries powering the "Sun." Thank you! ROVER UPDATE As you all know, the rover has been working intermittently due to the fact that it hasn't always been finding it's way back to the charging station. Tech is aware of this and are working on a fix. If you notice, please let me know if the rover is working or not. Thanks! SUNDIAL UPDATE In progress... The sundial has some sort of electrical problem so the light doesn't work. Dave Lewis is working on a fix. NEW ASTRONAUT ASSISTANT MANUAL--Revisions We made a few other changes to this manual, please check it out if you are a veteran or newbie Assistant. Thanks! Click here to see it: COLORADO OBSERVATORY INFO ON THE PORTAL Ever wonder if there are any observatories here in Colorado? There are! Here's some info about the Chamberlin and Mt. Evans Observatories: To access this info on the Portal, go to the Earth Based Observatories page: TRAININGS AND MEETINGS STARRY NIGHT SOFTWARE TRAINING Wednesday February 8, 2012 6 PM to 9 PM Galaxy Stage Space Odyssey Food and drink provided! This training is open to anyone with an interest in using this fantastic tool to educate our visitors about "what's up" in the night sky. This training will teach you how to use Starry Night night sky software which is loaded on all the Space O laptops. Starry Night is powerful and versatile allowing you to show visitors everything from moon phases to the orbital dynamics of the solar system to flying to distant star systems and perhaps it's most compelling feature: showing astronomical events in the past, present and future. This software is also designed to work with telescopes and can be purchased for personal use. NEW VOLUNTEER TRAINING Space Odyssey A Training Wednesday March 14, 2012 6 PM to 9 PM Galaxy Stage Space Odyssey Food and drink provided! This training is required for any new volunteers and veterans are welcome. It's a fun, interactive and engaging night that will teach you about being a Museum Galaxy Guide and help you give our visitors an "out of this world experience!" You'll walk on "Mars," sample a variety of activities to use with visitors including: the Vacuum Chamber demo, Bowling Ball Density demo, Moon Phases, LAMP cart, GPS and others. You'll also learn about our teaching philosophy to better help you work with visitors of all ages and learning abilities. You'll walk away better prepared and ready to have fun working on the floor in Space O. Want a Curator Briefing or Cart or Show Training? Do you have a burning question about dark matter? Would you like to learn the Sundial cart or another cart or show that you're curious about? Please let me know and we'll set up a date and time! SPACE SCIENCE EVENTS 60 MINUTES IN SPACE Wednesday January 25, 2012 7 p.m. Gates Planetarium Free Go "behind the stories" in space science using the best images and animation available to help understand new developments. Seating is limited to first come, first served. Volunteers may attend some lectures for free on a space available basis by calling Adult Programs at 303.370.6303 or emailing This is only for lectures, for other programs, like Science Lounge, please call Reservations, 303.370.6000, thank you! MUSEUM NEWS T-REX ENCOUNTER CLOSES AND SNAKES AND LIZARDS OPENS The temporary exhibition TRex Encounter closed last Sunday, January 8th. Our next temporary exhibition, Snakes and Lizards, is scheduled to open on February 3rd. If you'd like to learn more about Snakes and Lizards, check out We will also have a staff and volunteer meeting on Thursday, January 19th from 3:30-5:00pm in Ricketson where you can learn more about what's to come in this fun exhibit. We began de-installing T. Rex Encounter at 7am Monday January 9th. As usual, there will be a lot of activity inside/outside Phipps Gallery, around the freight elevator area, and in the south atriums of the 1st and 2nd floors. Please remember that we will also be loading and unloading trucks through the front member doors at various times on January 12th/13th, 16th/17th, and (tentatively) the 19th. Also - please remember that for your safety and ours, only authorized DMNS staff will have access to the Phipps Gallery/infill-queuing area on the 3rd floor. Installation for Lizards & Snakes begins after T. Rex Encounter leaves, and will continue until we open to members on Thursday, February 2nd, and then to the general public on Friday, February 3rd. Thank you for your support and help during these next very busy weeks! MEMBER DOOR REMODEL UPDATE Noise, cold, and holes in the building ... sounds like a problem, no? Really it is good news as we modify our members entrance door. Thanks to everyone for your patience. Here's some background info to share with staff and volunteers, so we can address visitor questions. Construction of the Education and Collections Facility has temporarily blocked the large loading dock we use to move temporary exhibitions in and out of the building. During construction we will use the north member entrance to unload and load our large exhibitions. To accommodate the size, we are putting a temporary opening in this location. Later this spring, we will install a permanent entrance that will accommodate member visitors and allow us to move large crates in and out. Thank you for your patience as we improve the Museum for our guests. MUSEUM LECTURE INFO Click here for Lunchtime Lectures Click here for Evening Lectures VOLUNTEER ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE EVENTS THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR! Friday, January 13, 2012 Mystery Tours are just that, you don't know where you're going! What better way to have a Friday the 13th! Where will we go this time? Past Mystery Tours have included The Botanic Gardens, Colorado Railroad Museum, and Hammonds Candy. We will tell you the tour is indoors! 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. DENVER HOSPICE IN-PATIENT CARE CENTER TRIP Friday, January 27 The Volunteer Enrichment Committee is pleased to offer a tour of the new Denver Hospice Inpatient Care Center. The Facility opened in January 2011 and offers a homelike setting for patients and families. Refreshments will be served in the Education Center, followed by a tour of the facility. You will be divided into small groups as you are taken to see the chapel, family gathering places, spa, suites and art collection, many of which are by Colorado Artists. Address: 8299 E Lowry Blvd, Denver, CO 80230 9:20-11:15 a.m. See bulletin board in the Volunteer Lounge for more info Dave Blumenstock Coordinator of Volunteers for Space Science Denver Museum of Nature & Science Phone 303.370.8344 Fax 303.370.6005 Join the Museum's Online Community