2743 Perimeter Parkway
Augusta, Georgia 30909
Tel: 706-210-3800 Fax 706-210-3803
Course Name:
Course Number:
Class Dates and times:
Forensic Psychology
PSY 3360
Term 2, 2012
L.E. ‘Mike’ Daniels, Psy.D.
Tuesdays, 6 PM – Augusta Campus
(706) 799-5712 (cell phone for EMERGENCY use only!) ;
Advising Hours:
Anytime via E-mail
By appointment
Course Pre-requisites: 6 semester hours of psychology
Course Description
Forensic psychology is the application of the science and profession of psychology to
questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. This course will introduce
students to the specialty area of forensic psychology. Particular emphasis will be on
applied aspects of the field.
Course Objectives
As a result of taking this course students will demonstrate knowledge of forensic
psychology, including the following topics:
1. Describe the psychological approach to studying law and the role of human
decision-making in legal outcomes; discuss the differences between the adversarial
and inquisitorial models of trials in terms of these processes.
2. Identify the different types of courts that have been created and some Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures.
3. Understand the various theories of crime (e.g., sociological, biological,
psychological, etc.).
4. Discuss the history and practice of police psychology including mental and aptitude
5. Describe basic information processing in regard to eyewitness and child testimony.
6. Identify methods of evaluating deception by criminal suspects, including the
detection of false confessions.
7. Describe the steps in the legal process between arrest and trial, including
psychological influences on the plea-bargaining process; describe the procedures
and processes involved when a case is brought to trial.
8. Identify the legal standards for competency and the assessment of insanity in
criminal and juvenile cases; analyze the considerations relevant to forensic
assessment in civil cases.
9. Understand how jury representativeness is influenced by the jury selection
process; evaluate the decision processes of juries.
10. Understand victimology and the psychological effects of victimization, describe
the psychology of sexual assault and distinguish between battering, date rape,
pedophilia, and sexual harassment.
11. Evaluate the purposes of punishment and sentencing, including the death penalty;
apply psychological study of the law in an examination of juvenile and adult
12. Explain different research methods used by psychologists and evaluate the
appropriateness of conclusions derived from psychological research.
13. Demonstrate effective writing skills and application of APA style.
Required Textbooks
Forensic Psychology
Fulero, Solomon M. / Wrightsman,
Lawrence S.
Edition: 3RD 09
ISBN-10: 0-495-50649-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-495-50649-2
Publisher: Wadsworth, Inc.
The textbook provider for the eCampus of Troy University is MBS Direct. The
Web site for textbook purchases is:
Required Supplementary Materials
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
Author: Hare, Robert D.
Edition: 93
ISBN: 1-57230-451-0
Publisher: Guilford Press
Class attendance is expected. All work missed must be made up. If an absence will
cause a student to miss an exam, especially a final exam, they must provide evidence
of emergency status. If you know in advance that you may be out of town, have
scheduled surgery, etc. then it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor to
see if there are dates for turning work in earlier or to make other arrangements.
Attendance is your responsibility. Roll will be taken each class period and attendance
will be reported to the Troy University Office. Unless you provide documentation of
emergent mitigating circumstances, absence from class will adversely affect your class
participation grade (if you’re not there, you can’t participate). Excessive absence will
result in a grade of FA (failure due to excessive absence) per Troy policies.
University policy states that in registering for classes at the university, students accept
responsibility for attending scheduled class meetings, completing assignments on time,
and contributing to class discussion and exploration of ideas. A student will be excused
for class absence for circumstances beyond the student’s control or if the student has
been required to attend an activity sponsored by the university.
Incomplete Grades
An “Incomplete” may only be given to students whose progress in a course has been
satisfactory, but who are unable to receive a final grade because of circumstances
beyond their control. A student must formally request an incomplete and give the
reason(s) to the professor.
An “Incomplete” for continuing students must be removed by the midterm of the next
term of enrollment, or one calendar year, if you drop out of Troy University and are
temporarily not taking classes. Students who receive “Incompletes” should be aware of
regulations related to “Incompletes”. An “Incomplete” not removed during the specified
time, automatically becomes an “F”.
Method of Evaluation:
Students will take two examinations, a midterm and a final. There are two writing
assignments for the course. Students will also receive a grade for class participation.
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam
Writing assignment
Class Participation
Research paper
(4th week - on-line)
(last day of class)
(due on last day of class)
Assignment of Grades:
A = 90-100% (Thorough demonstrated understanding of the subject.)
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = less than 60%
Writing assignment
Write a THOROUGH summary outline of the required reading:
Hare, Robert D. (1999) Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the
Psychopaths among Us. New York: Guilford Press
Research Paper:
Each student will conduct research on an approved topic in advance. The paper should
be fifteen (15) pages or more of research findings, typed and double-spaced. All
references must be cited in a bibliography and in the paper. The paper will be graded
based on its substantive content as it relates to topic, evidence of reading and research,
style and grammar. The style of the paper should follow the rule of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association. Research papers will be due on the
specific date the Professor will announce. While students may not be required to give a
formal presentation, they may be asked to share their findings in class.
All papers submitted electronically via Blackboard or Email should be in Word format.
APA Style Resources
Tips, examples, questions
Electronic references
• A reliable working computer that runs Windows XP or higher.
• A TROY e-mail account that you will access regularly
• E-mail software capable of sending and receiving attached files.
• Access to the Internet with a 56.6 kb modem or better. (High speed connection such
as cable or DSL preferred)
• A personal computer capable of running Netscape Navigator 7.0 or above, Internet
Explorer 6.0 or above or current versions of Firefox or Mozilla. Students who use
older browser versions will have compatibility problems with Blackboard.
• Microsoft WORD software. (I cannot grade anything I cannot open! This means NO
MS-Works, NO WordPad, and NO WordPerfect)
• Virus protection software, installed and active, to prevent the spread of viruses via
the Internet and e-mail. It should be continually updated! Virus protection is provided
to all Troy students free of charge. Click on the following link and then supply your e-mail username
and password to download the virus software.
Honor Code:
The awarding of the university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated
mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society.
Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions,
up to and including suspension and expulsion (cf. Standards of Conduct in each TU
Bulletin). Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or
knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee.
*Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already
been submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s
intellectual work, published or unpublished, including that of other students, and
portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict APA guidelines (as specified by
your instructor), is required at all times.
Troy University uses plagiarism-detection software to identify instances of full or partial
On-line Library:
Troy University University’s on-line library services are available to all currently
registered students and may be accessed through TU libraries web site When you get to Troy University Libraries home page, click
on the word "Remote Services" and follow the instructions. Problems with accessing the
TU on-line library should be referred to the Distance Learning Coordinator at, 334-6859555 or 334-687-4744. In addition to what is available at local libraries, all TU
registered students may access on-line journal databases—ie. UMI ProQuest Direct
and IAC SearchBank--through the TU Web Site. Troy University Augusta students may
also use the library facilities of the state college where you reside. South Carolina
residents may use the library at University of South Carolina in Aiken. Georgia residents
may use the library at Augusta State University. Corporate reports can be found in
“EDGAR” at
Helpful links and addresses:
Augusta website
Troy Main website –
Troy University online Library -
Blackboard –
MBS Books -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with
disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all
buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of
disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal
opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of
academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including
appropriate contact information, can be found at the following link:
Cell Phones in class will be put on vibration or turned off. If you must take a call during
class, please quietly exit the room, complete your call, and return as soon as possible.
The preferred method of communication with the instructor is via Email. (A cell phone
number is provided for emergency use only.) In almost all cases you will receive a reply
to your Email within 24 hours. Please include your name and class/cohort in any
message header, including messages with attachments. Please insure that all
attachments also have your name and cohort on the first page.
Web-Enhanced Instructional Activities:
This course may include web-enhanced instructional activities. Therefore, Blackboard
may be utilized in a number of ways including: group and individual work,
communication, virtual chat, discussions, storing and dropping assignments into the
digital drop box, and using the discussion board to post messages, articles, and
relevant web sites. (Note: Web enhanced curriculum is not homework, it is part of the
Web Enhanced days: