Troy University University College—Augusta, GA 2743 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 201 Augusta, GA 30909 Tel: 706-210-3800; Toll Free: 1-866-557-8617 Fax: 706-210-3803 Course Name: Course Number: Term: Instructor: Class Times: Composition and Modern English II Eng. 1102 Term 2, 2012 Jim Dyer, Ph.D. Oct. 15-Dec. 16, 2012; Mondays, 5:45-10:15 p.m.; Second Floor at the Augusta Campus Contact Information: Phone: (803) 279-8810 (Home) (Please call from 1:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.) Email: Contact: Anytime via email Hours: Before and after Class, by Phone, Email or Appointment Course Description: A continuation of the study of college-level writing. Requires a minimum grade of “C” to exit. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C in ENG 1101. Course Objectives: 1. To acquire knowledge in grammar and writing in order to be able to perform well at the college level. 2. To develop the composition skills to write effectively in both the personal and professional setting. 3. To increase the student’s ability to use correct grammar and composition techniques in the language arts of speaking, writing, reading, and listening as these skills apply to traditional settings and also to the technological field of “the new literacy,” electronic communication. Required Texts: Textbook: Hacker, Diana 7th. ed. Writers Ref. with Integrated Exercises 11, 2011. ISBN: 0-312-60147-6 Attendance: Class attendance is expected. All work missed must be made up. If an absence will cause a student to miss an exam, especially a final exam, the student must provide evidence of emergency status. If a student knows in advance that s/he may be out of town, have scheduled surgery, etc., then it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor to see if there are dates for turning work in earlier or to make other arrangements. University Policy: In registering for classes at the university, students accept responsibility for attending scheduled class meetings, completing assignments on time, and contributing to class discussion and exploration of ideas. A student will be excused for class absence for circumstances beyond the student’s control or if the student has been required to attend an activity sponsored by the university. An “Incomplete” may only be done for students whose progress in a course has been satisfactory, but who are unable to receive a final grade because of circumstances beyond their control. A student must request an “Incomplete” and give the reasons to the professor. The student and professor must sign a “Petition for and Work to Remove an Incomplete Grade” form and submit it to the student services record’s office immediately after the class is over. The professor must file a “Change of Grade” form once the “Incomplete” is removed. This form is also filed with the student services record’s office. An “Incomplete” for continuing students must be removed by the midterm of the next term of enrollment, or one calendar year, if you drop out of Troy State and are temporarily not taking classes. Students who receive “Incompletes” should be aware of regulations related to “Incompletes.” An “Incomplete” not removed during the specified time, automatically becomes an “F”. Honor Code: The awarding of the university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials, therefore, invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension and expulsion (cf., Standards of Conduct in each TSU Bulletin). Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee. *Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already been submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s intellectual work, published or unpublished, including that of other students, and portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict [MLA] guidelines (as specified by your instructor), is required at all times. Troy University uses plagiarism-detection software to identify instances of full or partial plagiarism. Online Library: Troy University’s online library services are available to all currently registered students at When you get to the home page of Troy University Libraries, click on the words “Remote Services” and follow the instructions. Problems with accessing the TU online library should be referred to the Distance Learning Coordinator at 334-685-9555 or 334687-4744. In addition to what is available at local libraries, all TU registered students may access online journal databases—i.e., UMI ProQuest Direct and IAC SearchBank—through the TU web site. Troy University Augusta students may also use the library facilities of the state college where they reside. South Carolina residents may use the library at the University of South Carolina in Aiken; SC. Georgia residents may use the library at Augusta State University in Augusta, GA. Corporate reports can be found in “EDGAR” at Helpful Links and Addresses: Augusta Website— Troy University Main Website— Troy University Online Library- Blackboard- Blackboard User Manual- MBS Books- TROY UNIVERSITY ADA STATEMENT FOR ALL COURSE SYLLABI: Troy University supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the following link: Students whose disabilities fall within the ADA must inform their instructor at the beginning of the term of any special needs or equipment necessary to accomplish the requirements of the course. Communications: Beepers in class will be put on vibration or turned off. Cell phones will be turned off in the classroom. Method of Evaluation: 1. Essay Writing 2. Final Exam 3 The Giver (1993) (180-page Novel) 4. Journal 5. Vocabulary Test 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Assignment of Grades: A=90-100% (Through demonstrated understanding of the subject.) B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=Less than 60% Research Paper: The research paper is to be fifteen (15) double-spaced, typed pages on a subject to be agreed upon by the student and the instructor. It will count forty-five percent (45%) of the final grade. The format is to follow the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. Students are expected to read assignments prior to the class in which they are to be covered. Attendance will be necessary to understand the material. If a student experiences difficulty, s/he is asked to contact the instructor either at class or by phone. In such a case, the instructor will make recommendations to remedy the situation. Library Services: Library services are available to all registered students in the term in which they are enrolled. Access is available through the Internet at or Upon arriving at the Troy University Libraries home page, click on the words “Remote Services” and follow the instructions. If you experience difficulties accessing the TU online library, questions and concerns should be referred to the Distance Learning Coordinator. Class Schedule and Assignments: Dates Topic Readings/Assignment Week 1 Grammar Week 2 Grammar Week 3 Grammar Essay Topic Due Week 4 Writing Week 5 Writing Thesis Sentence Due Week 6 Writing Week 7 The New Literacy Computer Writing Exercises Week 8 Final Exam Final Exam (Essay Due) Remaining Journal Entries Due Web-Enhanced Instructional Activities: This course includes web-enhanced instructional activities. Therefore, may be utilized in a number of ways including: group and individual work, communication, virtual chat, discussions, storing and dropping assignments into the digital drop box and using the discussion board to post messages, articles, and relevant web sites. Also, students will use the discussion board to share experiences, exchange ideas, and post course-related questions. Students’ participation online as well as in class will be recorded, evaluated, and attributed to the final grade. Blackboard tutorial can be found on the information section of the blackboard.