Worksheet for Library Searching

Date: _________________________
Worksheet for Library Searching
PART 1: Locating Items in the Library Catalog & Formatting Citations in
American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
Locate each of the following items in the SAU Library Catalog. First, find the call
numbers (Dewey Decimal) for the items and note it in space provided. Second, put
the source citation in correct APA bibliographic format for a Works Cited list. Use
the back of this sheet if you need additional space. Please submit this assignment
A. Eagly & S. Chaiken, The Psychology of Attitudes
1. Call #______________________________________________________________
2. Reference___________________________________________________________
James C. McCroskey. An introduction to rhetorical communication (any
3. Call #______________________________________________________________
4. Reference___________________________________________________________
D. McQuail, Mass Communication Theory (3rd edition).
5. Call # _____________________________________________________________
6. Reference __________________________________________________________
Watson, J. & Hill, A. A dictionary of communication and media studies (4th
7. Call #_____________________________________________________________
8. Reference__________________________________________________________
PART 2: Locate an article in each of the following journals (from 1990-present).
You’ll find the journal location in the SAU Serials Holding List. Provide the correct
APA bibliographic format for a Works Cited list for each journal article (photocopy
the title page of each article and staple it to this sheet).
9. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media: _________________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________
10. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly: ______________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________
11. Quarterly Journal of Speech: _____________________________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________
12. Journal of Communication: ______________________________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________
13. Human Communication Research: ________________________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________
14. Communication Quarterly: ______________________________________________
SAU Format:_____________________________________________________________