FORM 335 - Harrisburg Area Community College

Department: Communication, Humanities and the Arts
Discipline: Communication
Subject Code: COMM
Course #: 202
Course Title: Organizational Communication
FORM 335
Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at
a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2]
Digital Description:
Credit hours:
Lecture hours:
Lab hours:
BL: [X]⅓ [ ]½ [ ]⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent)
Catalog Description:
Examines the major organizational communication theories and processes that
form the study and practice of communication in organizations. This course
investigates the basic theories, concepts, and issues that are relevant to the field of
organizational communication. Class discussions focus on organizational
challenges including the most common organizational variables, such as conflict,
power, leadership styles, roles, relationships, organizational change, team
building, emotions, and technology.
Minimum Grade Required
Prerequisites: ENGL 101
Learning Outcomes
[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential
knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
Explain the major theories and perspectives used to examine organizational
Recognize communication issues within organizations and apply
organizational communication concepts, models, and theories to resolve them
Analyze organizational communication systems, processes, and structures
from multiple perspectives
Apply theories, approaches, and processes to different case studies
Identify and analyze barriers of effective communication
Study a variety of leadership styles
Determine what makes an effective leader
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11
Department: Communication, Humanities and the Arts
Discipline: Communication
Subject Code: COMM
Course #: 202
Course Title: Organizational Communication
Identify and explain the role of individuals may have within organizations
Discuss the role of groups and teams in organizational communication
Distinguish between theories of leadership and management and their
implications for organizational communication
Define and describe conflict and the individuals' role in handling conflict
Clarify his/her individual value system and its role in ethical organizational
Demonstrate competency in the decision-making process
Planned Sequence of Instruction
[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]
I. Classical Theories
 Metaphor of the Machine
 Henri Fayol
 Max Weber
 Frederick Taylor
 Application of Classical theories in today’s business world
II. Humanistic Theories
 Human Relations Theory
 Human Resources Theory
 Application of Humanistic theories in today’s business world
III. Systems Theories
 Systems Metaphor and Systems Concepts
 Cybernetic Theory
 Karl Weick’s Theory
 New Science Systems
 Application of Systems theories in today’s business world
IV. Organizational Culture
 Prescriptive views
 Alternative views
 Schein’s Model
 Organizational culture in today’s business world
V. Critical Theories
 Power
VI. Decision-Making Processes
 Models of decision-making
 Small-group decision-making
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11
Department: Communication, Humanities and the Arts
Discipline: Communication
Subject Code: COMM
Course #: 202
Course Title: Organizational Communication
Participation in decision-making
VII. Information Technology
 Theories of communication technology
 Effects of communication technology
VIII. Conflict
 Defining conflict
 Managing conflict
IX. Team Work
 Synergy
 Characteristics of effective teams
 Teambuilding
X. Leadership
 Defining effective leadership
 Methods for decision-making
 Leadership styles
 Utilizing power
 Leader-member communication
XI. Emotion in the Workplace
 Emotional Quotient
 Handling workplace emotion
XII. Ethical Issues
 Corporate ethics
 Ethical dilemma
 Secrecy
 Dissent
 Leaks
 Rumors and Gossip
 Lies Apologies
Assessment of Student Learning
[Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed
Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is
part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan
has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is maintained in the
College’s assessment management system.
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11
Department: Communication, Humanities and the Arts
Discipline: Communication
Subject Code: COMM
Course #: 202
Course Title: Organizational Communication
List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning
Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory,
A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online,
BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship,
F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience. [These resources must be easily
accessible to students.]
Avtgis, Theodore A., Paul E. Madlock, & Andrew S. Rancer. Organizational
Communication. Kendall Hunt. Dubuque, IA: 2010
Butler, Jennifer A., Sue Dewine & Daniel P. Modaff. Organizational
Communication: Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings. Third
Eisenberg, Eric M., H.L. Goodall & Angela Trethwey. Organizational
Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint, 6th Edition
Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela S. Fundamentals of Organizational Communication:
Knowledge, Sensitivity, Skills, Values. Seventh Edition
Richmond, Virgina Peck & James C. McCroskey. Organizational Communication
for Survival: Making Work, Work. Fourth Edition
Prepared by Faculty Member: Judith Dutill
Date: 9/7/11
Approved by Department Chairperson: Cheryl Wilson
Date: 9/7/11
Approved by Academic Division Dean: Thaddeus Sampson
Date: 10/17/11
This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335,
subchapters A / B.
This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the
policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is
consistent with the college mission.
If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar
courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and
Associate Dean, Curriculum & Assessment: Karen Tombs-Harling
Date: 10/20/11
Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: Ronald R. Young
Original Date of course approval by the college: 201320
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11
Date: 10/28/11
Department: Communication, Humanities and the Arts
Discipline: Communication
Subject Code: COMM
Course #: 202
Course Title: Organizational Communication
Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s)]:
Division Approval for New Course: September 7, 2011
Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11