Gkerpini Nikol: 3766926 Group Number 3 Final Paper Assignment Object-Role Modeling (ORM/NIAM) Nikol Gkerpini Department of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands n.gkerpini @ students.uu.nl Abstract. Object-Role Modeling (ORM) is a method for analysing and modeling data by using concepts. In order to position ORM design procedure (CSDP) in the IS Lifecycle and to illustrate its activities and their connection with the deliverables, a meta-model of the method will be presented. The ORM meta-model can be considered a helpful tool not only for IS Analysts, Data Designers and other practitioners, but also for method engineers, interested in extending, modifying or even reconsidering the method or fragments of the method. Keywords: Object-Role Modeling, conceptual level, Information Systems Lifecycle, ORM meta-model, Process-Deliverable Diagram April, 2012 1 1 Introduction An Overview The need of modeling Information Systems using easily understood natural language and mapping the conceptual level with the logical level, led researchers to the development of a fact-oriented modeling approach (Halpin, 1997). Object-Role Modeling (ORM) is a method for modeling and querying information systems using concepts. The deliverables of ORM provide a formal representation of the Universe of Discourse (UoD), i.e. the domain area. In other words, this method is aimed at depicting reality by defining objects (value types and entities) that play roles and take part in relationships (Halpin, 1998). Other methods of the same domain are Entity-Relationship (ER) and Object-Oriented (OO) approaches, such as the widely acknowledged Unified Modeling Language (UML). The basic difference between ORM and the other approaches is that the former does not explicitly use attributes (Haplin, 1998). For example, instead of using Building as an attribute of Classroom, the relationship Classroom is located in Building would be used. Attributes are parts of entities or relationships and, thus, are sensitive to changes in the model and may need to be reformed to relationships. On the contrary, the lack of attributes proves stability to the models created with ORM (Balsters & Halpin, 2007). The method originated back in the 1970s. The concept of verbalizing representative instances of facts of the reality, gained the interest of many researchers. Falkenberg was the first to establish a framework which allows n-ary relationships (Halpin, 1998) and then Nijssen (1976) initiated Natural Language Information Analysis Method (NIAM). Later, in 1989 his colleague, Halpin, continued the research on the topic, described thoroughly the method and renamed it as Object-Role Modeling to highlight that its purpose is to objectify facts and explicitly describe the roles and relationships (Halpin, 1997). Nijssen and Halpin worked together till 1989 and gave a description of conceptual database design procedure for NIAM in nine steps, usually referred to as “cookbook” (Navathe & Pernul, 1992). When Halpin renamed and extended the method in 1989, he provided his own structure of ORM (Halpin, 1997). The so called Conceptual Schema Design Procedure (CSDP) consists of seven particular steps. This study focuses on this version of the method, due to the fact that it is the latest and because most of the extensions are based on it. Conceptual Schema Design Procedure (CSDP) The Information Systems Lifecycle (Figure 1) involves typically requirements analysis, conceptual design (data analysis and data design), logical mapping, and, in case of DBMS, querying (Halpin, 1998). Thus, the CSDP describes the Data Analysis and the Data Design of IS that use as inputs the deliverables of the requirements analysis and provide output to the Logical and Querying activities. All these activities lead to a complete data modeling solution. Requirements Analysis Data Data Analysis Analysis CSDP Data Data Design Design Logical Mapping Querying Data Modeling Solution Figure 1: CSDP position in the Information Systems Lifecycle 2 The actors that are taking part in the procedure are the IS Analyst, the Data Designer and the UoD expert from the side of the client (Halpin, 1997). The first two roles are not clearly distinguished, but as the meta-model aims to clarify the activities, hence their actors too, in this paper we will consider that IS Analyst is taking part into the Data Analysis and the Data Designer in the Data Design activity. The Conceptual Schema Design Procedure as analysed in Halpin’s paper (1998) and a description of the steps provided by the author, are given below. Step 1: Transform familiar information examples into elementary facts, and apply quality check. The analyst discusses with experts on the domain area (UoD) over the verbalization of examples of information that needs to be conceptualized. This means that the information is transformed into facts expressed in natural language, understandable to the client. Then the experts are able to control the quality of the result by checking whether the objects are well identified. Step 2: Derive fact types, apply population check and draw draft conceptual schema The analyst derives the fact types from the fact table that should be populated with at least one fact (Halpin, 1998). The client is able to check the validity of the model and the analyst draws a draft conceptual schema consisting of objects and roles. Step 3: Check for entity types that should be combined, add values and note arithmetic derivations Different degrees of same information may be combined into one entity and described by entity types. Values types should be added. Arithmetic notes may be derived by counting objects that take part in a specific relationship (see example). Step 4: Add uniqueness constraints, check arity of fact types The designer adds these constraints to roles that depict one-to-one or one-to-many relationships. The arity of fact types should be defined at this point. Unary, binary or n-ary predicates are added. Step 5: Add mandatory role constraints, and check for logical derivation In this step roles that are mandatory should be distinguishable from optional roles with a dot added in the line segment of the draft conceptual schema. Logical derivations will be noted in case that any fact type can be derived from another without using arithmetic. Step 6: Add value, set comparison and sub-typing constraints The designer may need to restrict or compare the population of an object type by using value constraints and comparison constraints. Additionally, the designer needs to add subtyping constraints in order to show the hierarchy or generalization of object types. Step 7: Add other constraints and perform final checks. To finish the conceptual schema, the designer may add other constraints (frequency, ring and asterisk constraints) not to be further analysed in the context of this paper, and to check the validity of the final version of the conceptual schema with the client. CSDP dismantled Before providing an example of the procedure it is very important to clarify the activities and the actors involved in the CSDP. From the description of the steps, it is logically ensued that there are discernible sub-steps that are performed by different actors, executed in a specific order and that consist part of either Data Analysis or Data Design phase. These issues will be the criteria to inevitably 3 dismantle the CSPD, in order to later be able to design a meta-model of ORM method. Table 1, consists of 4 columns containing the original steps of the CSDP, the sub-steps derived after applying the aforementioned criteria, the actors performing the sub-step, and the phase that the sub-step is logically involved in. The table maps the original steps with the sub-steps and is the preliminary elaboration of the meta-modeling design. CSDP Step Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 SubStep 1 2 3 4 5 6 Step 5 7 8 9 10a Step 6 10b 11 Step 4 Step 7 12 13 Sub-Step Description Transform information into elementary facts Perform quality checks Derive fact types Perform population check Draw Objects and Roles based on Facts Combine Entity Types and Values Note Arithmetic Derivations Check Arity of Fact Types Add Uniqueness Constraints Add Mandatory Role Constraints Note Logical Derivations Add Value, Comparison and Sub-typing Constraints Add other Constraints Perform final checks Actor Phase IS Analyst Data Analysis UoD Expert IS Analyst IS Analyst Data Designer Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Design Data Designer Data Design Data Designer Data Designer Data Designer Data Designer Data Design Data Design Data Design Data Design Data Designer Data Designer Data Design Data Design Data Designer Data Designer Data Design Data Design Table 1: The mapping of the original CSDP steps to the dismantled sub-steps, the relevant actors and the IS Lifecycle phase. An example of the procedure is provided in the second part of the paper in order to make the steps clearer to the reader. The third part contains an illustration of the ORM method depicted using a Process-Deliverable Diagram. Finally, the forth part of the paper, provides a literature review in order to complete the overview of the subject. 2 Example In the next paragraphs an example is presented in order to explain the procedure of designing conceptual schemas with ORM method. The example shows the creation of a conceptual model that a company needs for developing a database of its employees’ information. Step 1 - Transform familiar information examples into elementary facts, and apply quality checks: The analyst discuss transforms UoD examples into facts expressed in natural language, understandable to the client. For example the instances (i) of the real world are written down by the analyst as elementary facts (Table 2): 4 i1 Instances Employee with EmpNum EmpName ‘George Smith’ i2 i3 Facts ‘381’ has f1 Employee has EmpName Employee with EmpNum ‘381’ works for Department named ‘Marketing’ f2 Employee works for Department Employee with EmpNum ‘381’ works on Project named ‘Advertising X Product’ f3 Employee works on Project Table 2: Transforming instances into elementary facts and fact types This column is produced by the sub-step 1. Then the experts control the quality of the result by checking whether the objects are well identified. Informally, sub-step 2, is a note that recognizes the approval of the instances. In the APPENDIX, the template provided in the Appendix (Table 5) contains additionally one column to formalize this approval. Step 2 – Derive fact types, apply population check and draw draft conceptual schema: The analyst derives the fact types from the fact table that should be populated with at least one fact (sub-step 3) and the right column of Table 2 is completed. The client is able to check the validity of the model (sub-step 4). Figure 2 shows the draft schema that depicts the aforementioned facts (Table 2) drawn by the designer (sub-step 5). Works for has EmpName Department (DeptName) Employee (EmpNum) Works on Project (ProjName) Figure 2: Draft schema of fact types mentioned in Step 1 Step 3 – Check for entity types that should be combined and add values and note arithmetic derivations: In figure 3 someone may notice that the entity Contract (Figure 3) may combine (sub-step 6) the two different types of contract (part-time contract and fulltime contract) using the codes ‘P’ and ‘F’. EmpName is considered a value. Step three is also about deriving arithmetic notes. One may wonder how many employees are working part-time and that is derivable if and only if there is a way to count it in the schema (substep 7). Step 4 – Add uniqueness constraints, check arity of fact types: In our example an employee is working for only one department, so the uniqueness constraint is added below the role ‘works for’ (sub-step 8). The arity of fact types may differ (unary, binary, ternary). To depict the fact ‘Employee has Contract till Date’ where Contract is defined as an entity, a ternary predicate is needed, as shown in Figure 3 (sub-step 9). Step 5 – Add mandatory role constraints, and check for logical derivations: In our example (Figure 3), every employee works for a department and this role is mandatory. The black dot is added in the line segment in order to distinguish it from optional roles (sub-step10a). Sometimes the designer is able to derive logically information from the schema (sub-step 10b). This may be noted to avoid later changes. The two sub-steps are not ordered. 5 Step 6 – Add value, set comparison and sub-typing constraints: A value constraint is that Contract code is restricted to (‘P’, ‘F’) as mentioned before. To give an example of sub typing constraints, Manager and OfficeEmployee are defined as subcategories of the Entity Employee. A comparison constraint is drawn in the figure (dotted arrow between ‘works for’ and ‘manages’) to show that the Manager who manages a department must work for the same department. Step 6 is mapped to sub-step 11. Step 7 – Add other constraints and perform final checks: To finish the conceptual schema, the designer may add other constraints, such as frequency, ring and asterisk constraints (sub-step 12), and to check the validity of the final version with the client (sub-step 13). OfficeEmployee Manager {‘P’,’ F’} Manages/is managed ContractCode Date (mdy) Until….. Signed…….has has EmpName Works for Employee (EmpNum) Works on Department (DeptName) Project (ProjName) Figure 3: Final Conceptual Schema Once the final Conceptual Schema is designed it is delivered to the IS modelers and usually is mapped to a relational database schema. The description of the Database Management System is well communicated to the client by showing an easily understandable and close to the natural language schema. 3 PDD, Deliverable Table and Activity Table Process-Deliverable Diagram (PDD) In this part, the Object Role Modeling method will be depicted using Process-Deliverable Diagram, a meta-modeling technique, designed in 2008 by Weerd and Brinkkemper. The technique combines UML activity and class diagrams, in order to reveal the relations between the activities and the deliverables of the illustrated method (Weerd & Brinkkemper, 2008). As mentioned in the introductory part, ORM is a data modeling method widely used for the development of DBMS. In other words, ORM provides a data modeling solution taking into consideration the customers needs of data structures and providing input for the logical mapping and querying development of a DBMS (Figure 1). The naming of the activities represents the phases of IS Lifecycle (noun), whereas the naming of the sub activities represents the steps of the CSDP (sentence starting with verb). This procedure and its deliverables will be illustrated in Figure 5. A closer view on the PDD On the left side of the PDD (Figure 5) the procedure of the method is presented as a set of activities and sub-activities. The seven steps of the Conceptual Schema Design Procedure 6 (CSDP) are depicted in detail. Data Analysis and Data Design are the basic activities broken down into sub-activities that illustrate the sub-steps mentioned in Table 1. Due to the uniformity of some sub-steps concerning constraints addition, a second PDD is designed. The reason of this division is to simplify the view of the PDD and to facilitate the reader that is not interested in designing details. This decision led to the creation of the open sub-activity ‘Add Constraints’, which is further analysed in the sub-PDD. The rest of the DBMS development activities are illustrated as closed activities (Requirements Analysis, Logical Mapping and Querying) as their details will not add important information to the context of the paper. However, it is important to depict them, so as to position the CSDP in the IS Lifecycle and illustrate its inputs and outputs. The right side of the PDD, presents the deliverables (concepts) of the activities. Some concepts (closed) are deliberately not analysed in detail for two reasons; either because they are not considered relevant with the method (REQUIREMENTS, LOGICAL SCHEMA, QUERY), or, because their extensive analysis would complicate and unbalance the diagram and disorient the reader from the actual goal of this paper (ROLE, OBJECT, ENTITY, VALUE). The advantages of the design method of the ORM PDD are multiple. First, the previously unclear roles of the sub-steps are being clarified. Second, the activities are being distributed in the CSDP phases. Finally, the division of the original steps into sub-steps simplifies the view of the PDD. This is because most of the sub-steps (sub-activities) produce one or at most two deliverables, whereas the original steps would all produce more than two. The sub-PDD The creation of the sub-PDD, facilitates the observation and understanding of the main PDD and provides double-level abstraction. Readers that are interested in detailed Data Design may easily distinguish the number of constraints and the order of their addition to the conceptual schema. On the other hand, readers interested in a lower lever of abstraction may skip the sub-PDD and have an overview of the method. CONSTRAINT Add Constraints Add Uniqueness Constraints Data Designer UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINT Add Mandatory Role Constraints Data Designer MANDATORY ROLE CONSTRAINT C VALUE CONSTRAINT Add Value, Comparison and Subtyping Constrains Data Designer COMPARISON CONSTRAINT SUBTYPING CONSTRAINT Add other Constrains Data Designer OTHER CONSTRAINT Figure 4: The sub-Process-Deliverable Diagram. Depicts the sub-activity ‘Add Constraints’ of the main PDD and delivers to it the open concept CONTRAINT. 7 Requirements Analysis DATA MODELING SOLUTION REQUIREMENT IS Analyst SolutionID FragementID DateIssued Author 1..* Derives from Data Analysis 1..* ELEMENTARY FACT Transform information into elementary facts IS Analyst Number Description Quality Check Fact Type Number Perform quality checks UoD Expert 1..* 1..* [else] [approved] 1 1 FACT TABLE 1 FACT TYPE 1 Number Description Population Check Arity 1..* consists of consists of Perform population check IS Analyst [else] [approved] 1..* 1 1 is based on Derive fact types IS Analyst Data Design 1 CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA 1 1 DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA 1..* ROLE 1..* 1..* plays 1..* Draw Objects and Roles based on Facts Data Designer OBJECT Combine Entity Types and Values Data Designer Note Arithmetic Derivations Check Arity of Fact Types 1 0..* 1..* D ENTITY VALUE Data Designer Data Designer Add Constraints Data Designer 0..* ARITHMETIC NOTE 0..* CONSTRAINT 0..* LOGICAL DERIVATION Note Logical Derivations Data Designer Perform final checks Data Designer [else] Is mapped to [approved] 1..* Logical Mapping IS Modeler LOGICAL SCHEMA 1 derives 1..* Querying IS Developer 1..* QUERY Figure 5: The main Process Deliverable Diagram (PDD) of Object-Role Modeling (ORM) method. The figure depicts the activities and concepts of ORM method. 8 Activity Table Apart from the Concept table, a PDD is accompanied with an Activity table (Table 3). This table enlists the activities with the relevant sub-activities and sub-sub-activities (from the sub-PDD) and their descriptions. The description not only defines the sub-activities, but also verbalizes the derivation of concepts depicted in PDD (Figure 5). Activity Sub-Activity Sub-SubActivity Requiremen ts Analysis Data Analysis The IS Analyst interviews the client, user or UoD expert to collect their needs (REQUIREMENTs) for data structure. This information is used to derive ELEMENTARY FACTs. REQUIREMENTS are used to derive conceptual examples of the UoD (ELEMENTARY FACTs) by the IS Analyst. Transform information into elementary facts Perform Quality Checks Derive Fact Types Perform population check Data Modeling Description Draw objects and roles based on facts Combine Entity Types Note Arithmetic Derivation Check Arity of Fact Types Add Constraints Add Uniqueness Constraints Add Mandatory Constraints The UoD Expert uses his experience to check the validity of the derived ELEMENTARY FACTs. If check of the ELEMENTARY FACTs is approved, IS Analyst derives FACT TYPEs from them. The IS Analyst checks whether each FACT TYPE has been populated with at least one fact. FACT TYPES and associated ELEMENTARY FACTs are depicted in a FACT TABLE (see example in Table 2). The FACT TABLE is added in the DATA MODELING SOLUTION. If population check is approved, the Data Modeler draws OBJECTs and ROLEs to create a DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (see example in Figure 2). On the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA the Data Modeler redefines ENTITY(ies) to eliminate duplicate types. The Data Modeler enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with ARITHMETIC NOTEs when there are possible computational opportunities. The property Arity of each FACT TYPE is calculated by the Data Modeler. The Data Modeler enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with a set of CONSTRAINTs in order to add information into the drawing. The Data Modeler enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINTs. The Data Designer enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with MANDATORY CONSTRAINTs. 9 Add value, set comparison and sub typing constraints Add other constraints The Data Designer enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with VALUE CONSTRAINTs, COMPARISON CONSTRAINTs and SUBTYPING CONSTRAINTs. The Data Designer enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with OTHER CONSTRAINTs. Note Logical Derivation The Data Designer enriches the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA with LOGICAL DERIVATIONs. Perform Final Checks The Data Designer checks the enriched DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA in order to formalize it into a final CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (see example in Figure 3), which will become part of the DATA MODELING SOLUTION. If the final CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA is Logical Mapping approved, the IS Designer abstracts its data content into a LOGICAL SCHEMA, that is added to the DATA MODELING SOLUTION. The IS Developer creates QUERIES that correspond to the LOGICAL SCHEMA in order to provide code for the DATA MODELING SOLUTION. Sometimes this activity is atomized. The QUERY(ies) are added to the DATA MODELING SOLUTION. Querying Table 3: Activity Table - Enlists the activities and sub-activities of the PDD. Concept Table Along with the PDD, it is important to list the concepts and their descriptions. The description of each concept consists of its definition and presents the relationships with other concepts. Table 4 enlists all the concepts that are illustrated in the PDD (Figure 5). Concept Description REQUIREMENT A REQUIREMENT is gathered information about customer’s DBMS needs (Naiburg & Maksimchuck, 2001) An ELEMENTARY FACT is a verbalized expression of UoD examples derived from REQUIREMENTs (Halpin, 1993). A FACT TYPE is an expression that models its associated ELEMENTARY FACTs. FACT TYPEs consist of OBJECTs and ROLEs (Halpin, 1998). A FACT TABLE is a table that consists of the association of ELEMENTARY FACTs and FACT TYPEs (Halpin, 1998). It is part of the DATA MODELING SOLUTION and it creates a mapping of the instances A ROLE is a participation in a relationship between one or more OBJECTs (Halpin, 1998). It is part of the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA thus the CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA too (Halpin, 1998). A VALUE is a lexical OBJECT type (Halpin, 1998). It is part of the DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA thus the CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA too (Halpin, 1998). ELEMENTARY FACT FACT TYPE FACT TABLE ROLE VALUE 10 ENTITY OBJECT ARITHMETIC NOTE LOGICAL DERIVATION UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINT MANDATORY ROLE CONSTRAINT VALUE CONSTRAINT COMPARISON CONSTRAINT SUBTYPING CONSTRAINT OTHER CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA LOGICAL SCHEMA QUERY DATA MODELING SOLUTION ENTITY is an OBJECT distinguishable from other OBJECTS and refers to a thing, person, event or concept of real life or Universe of Discourse (UoD) (Pol & Ahuja, 2007). OBJECT is either an ENTITY or VALUE (Halpin, 1998) that plays ROLES. It is part of the DRAFT and formal CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (Halpin, 1998). ARITHMETIC NOTE is a rule derived from FACT TYPEs and noted in order to add arithmetic information to a CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (Halpin, 1993). LOGICAL DERIVATION is a rule derived from FACT TYPEs. It expresses functional relationships of interest that are not omitted so far. It consists part of a DRAFT and formal CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (Halpin, 1993). UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINT is a type of CONSTRAINT used to declare that instances for a ROLE are unique (Halpin, 1998). MANDATORY CONSTRAINT is a type of CONSTRAINT used to declare that instances in the ROLE’s OBJECT type must play that role (Halpin, 1998). VALUE CONSTRAINT is a type of CONSTRAINT that its OBJECT type’s population is restricted to certain values (Halpin, 1998). COMPARISON CONSTRAINT is a CONSTRAINT that indicates whether a ROLE is subset of, equal to or excluded from another ROLE (Halpin, 1998). SUBTYPING CONSTRAINT is a CONSTRAINT that indicates that one OBJECT is subtype of another (Halpin, 1998). OTHER CONSTRAINT is a CONSTRAINT that may indicate frequency, irreflexibility, intransitivity, acyclicity, asymmetry, anti-symmetry or symmetry (Halpin, 1998). CONSTRAINT is the generalization of UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINTs, MANDATORY ROLE CONSTRAINTs, VALUE CONSTRAINTs, COMPARISON CONSTRAINTs, SUBTYPING CONSTRAINTs and OTHER CONSTRAINTs. DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA is a schema that initially consists of ROLEs and OBJECTs and during the Data Modeling activity is enriched with CONSTRAINTS, ARITHMETIC NOTEs and LOGICAL DERIVATIONs. If checked for validity, it consists the basis for a formal CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA (Halpin, 1998). CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA is an enriched DRAFT CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA validated through a check process (Halpin, 1998). It consists of ROLEs, ENTITIEs, CONSTRAINTs, LOGICAL DERIVATIONs and ARITHMETIC NOTEs (Halpin, 1998). LOGICAL SCHEMA is a schema that abstracts the data content of a CONCEPTUAL MODEL into database implementation specifications (Yeung & Hall, 2007). QUERY is a part of database language code, used for the development of a database. DATA MODELING SOLUTION is the document that derives from the procedure of analysing and modeling data structures based on ORM, a fact-oriented approach (Halpin, 2003). It consists of a FACT TABLE, a CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA, a LOGICAL SCHEMA and QUERY(ies). Table 4: Concept Table - Enlists the concepts of the PDD. 11 4 Related Literature The field of information modeling has been extensively researched during the past 40 years. Falkenberg was the first researcher that came up with the idea of using n-ary relationships to represent the conceptual level of information systems (Halpin, 1998). Nijssen (1976) presented the fact-oriented modeling method, NIAM that was later renamed as ORM and refined by Halpin (1997). Other approaches of conceptual modeling are Entity-Relationship model (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML). Halpin (1998) and Balsters (2007) made a comparison between the three modeling methods and argue that the lack of attributes in ORM provide semantic-stability to its deliverables. Apart from being a modeling method for database management systems and querying method for information systems, Object-Role Modeling is applied in a variety of fields. Some of them are the illustration of complex business rules (Halpin, 1996), domain modeling (Proper, Bleeker & Hoppenbrouwers, 2004), design of XML-Schemas (Bird, Goodchild & Halpin, 2000), creation of metadata repositories (Shelstad, Hallock, Dela Cruz & Barden, 2007). Extensions of both the NIAM and the ORM method have been developed. Bakema, Zwart and Lek (1996) introduced an extension of NIAM, called Fully Communication Oriented Information Method (FCO-IM) that focuses on modelling the conceptual aspects of communication that a DBMS should support and excluding implementation elements. In 2005, Halpin presented a second revised version of ORM. ORM 2 suggested changes in the graphical notation of the method that would save the designer time, would provide more compact deliverables than the first version, and would improve the tooling perspective. Commercial tools for Object-Role Modeling are available. Halpin, in collaboration with Microsoft have automated the procedure with Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects. CaseTalk is a fact based information workbench supporting FCO-IM. Other open source tools are ORMLite, NormaModeler and Dogma. 5 Conclusions This paper aimed at presenting an extended overview of the ORM conceptual design method by adding a helpful meta-model in the related literature. The meta-model has positioned the method’s design procedure in the IS Lifecycle, has clarified the necessary inputs and has specified the contributed deliverables during the DBMS design. The Process-Deliverable Diagram has been proven a substantial meta-modeling technique to achieve the aforementioned objectives. First, because it provides (a) a clear distribution of ORM activities in the IS Lifecycle, (b) a graphically presented order of the CSDP steps and (c) and clarification of their actors for each one of them. Second, because the PDD is accompanied with the activity and concept tables that provide an explicit description of activities and deliverables. These can be considered as the dictionary of the ORM method. Third, because the CSDP dismantled version occurred during the meta-modeling design. Moreover, the creation of a sub-PDD that supports the main PDD, gives the opportunity to the reader to obtain a level of abstraction, high or low, based on his needs. It is therefore obvious that ORM meta-model, is a helpful tool for ORM practitioners, such as IS Analysts, Database Designers, Modelers and Developers. Method Engineers, interested in extending, modifying, reconsidering or using fragments of the ORM method may find the meta-model useful too. 12 6 References Bakema, G., Zwart, J., & Van der Lek, H. (1996). Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (1st ed.). The Hague: Ten Hagen Stam. Balsters, H., & Halpin, T. (2007). Modeling Data Federations in ORM. In R. Meersman, Z. Tari, & P. Herrero (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 4805, pp. 657– 666). Springer Berlin Bird, L., Goodchild, A., & Halpin, T. A. (2000). Object-role modeling and XML schema. Proceedings from 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Salt Lake City, Utah: Springer. Halpin, T. A. (1993). What is an elementary fact. Retrieved from www.orm.net HU U Halpin, T. A. (1996). Business rules and Object-Role Modeling. In Halpin, T.A. (Ed.), Database Programming and Design: Vol. 9. Halpin, T. A. (1997). Object-Role Modeling: An Overview. Retrieved from www.orm.net HU U Halpin, T. A. (1998). Object-Role Modeling (ORM/NIAM). In Bernus, P., Mertins, K. & Schmidt, G. (Eds.). (2005) Handbook on architectures of information systems (pp. 81-101). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Halpin, T., Evans, K., Hallock, P. & MacLean B. (2003). Database Modeling with Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects. 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I., & Hoppenbrouwers, S. J. B. A (2004). Object-role modelling as a domain modelling approach. In Proceedings of Workshop on Evaluating Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design. Riga, Latvia. Shelstad, B., Hallock, P., Dela Cruz, N., & Barden, D. (2007). Object Role Modeling Enabled Metadata Repository. In Meersman, R., Tari, Z., Herrero, P. et al. (Eds.) On the move to Meaningful Internet Systems (pp. 635-646), Berlin: SpringerVerlag. 13 Weerd, I. van de, & Brinkkemper, S. (2008). Meta-modeling for situational analysis and design methods. In M.R. Syed, & S.N. Syed, (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications (pp. 38-58). Hersbey: Idea Group Publishing. Yeung, A.K.W., & Hall, G.B. (2007). Database Models and Data Modeling. In A.K.W. Yeung, & G.B. Hall (Eds.), Spatial database systems: design, implementation and project management (pp.55-92). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. 14 APPENDIX SOLUTION ID: FRAGMENT ID: DATE ISSUED: AUTHOR: <code> <code> <date> <name> FACT TABLE AND APPROVAL INSTANCE CODE INSTANCE DESCRIPTION FACT CODE i1 f1 i2 f2 i3 f3 in fn FACT DESCRIPTION QUALITY CHECK Table 5: Template of Example of Table 2 15 Notice of Originality I declare that this paper is my own work and that information derived from published or unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and has been explicitly referred to in the list of references. All citations are in the text between quotation marks (“ ”). I am fully aware that violation of these rules can have severe consequences for my study at Utrecht University. Signed: Name: Nikol Gkerpini Date: 13/05/2012 Place: Utrecht 16