“ARGUMENT TO THE COURT” A TRIAL & APPELLATE ADVOCACY TRAINING FOR LEGAL AID ATTORNEYS Saturday, June 5, 2004, 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. In response to community demand for advocacy training, NLADA announces a Trial & Appellate Advocacy Preconference to the Litigation & Advocacy Directors Conference. Legal Services advocates are responsible for some of the most significant decisions in our nation: Goldberg v. Kelley, Escalero v. New York City Housing Authority, Javins v. First Nat'l Realty Corp., and Shapiro v. Thompson, just to name a few. These victories had a tremendous impact on the judicial system and the quality of life for the poor in America. Although the courts are very different today from when these victories were won, trial and appellate advocacy are still important tools in legal services advocacy. NLADA and Trial Run Inc. join together to present an interactive (“learn-by-doing”) training focusing on presenting arguments to both the trial and appellate courts. This program is designed specifically to provide legal aid attorneys with the skill, knowledge and tools to become outstanding trial and appellate advocates. The program offers one full day of advocacy training, blending lecture, theory and on-your-feet application of the knowledge presented. TRAINING FORMAT Participants will learn the proper analysis, preparation and presentation of an argument to a trial court for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, and the effective presentation of a brief argument on the injunction to an appellate court. The morning session focuses on the trial court, with a lecture by an attorney with hundreds of jury trials to outlining the best way to persuade the trial judge to rule in your favor. As with real-life injunction practice with limited time and discovery, the emphasis is on effective advocacy and skillful organization. Participants then work in small groups to discuss and outline their group’s recommended approach. In the final morning session, selected groups will have a spokesperson present their argument to the trial judge. In the afternoon sessions participants will be treated to a lecture by a former U.S. Supreme Court clerk, who will outline the most effective way to persuade an appellate court through oral argument. Working with the same temporary retraining order and injunction file, the participants will then retire to their group, outline the issues for appeal and prepare a brief argument to an appellate panel. In the final session of the program, selected groups will have their spokesperson present their appellate argument to a three-judge panel, who will question them on the basis for the relief sought. The program provides a highly realistic experience in representing a client in front of trial and appellate courts. COST One –day training is $150.00 FACULTY Participants will be taught by a stellar group of seasoned trial lawyers with experience in training, coaching and teaching litigators, including: David M. Malone, the founder of Trial Run Inc., with twenty-fie years of experience teaching advocacy, at law schools, firms and government agencies, author of the most widely-used text on depositions, "The Effective Deposition," and the creator of the trial and appellate court argument program and materials. Cynthia Works, NLADA’s director of education and training, who holds an LL.M in Trial Advocacy, is a former trial advocacy law professor and teaches advocacy across the nation. Warren S. Radler, a Fellow of the American College of Trial lawyers, one of the nation’s most respected trial lawyers, with extensive appellate experience at both the state and federal levels. Kenneth C. Bass, III a law professor teaching Appellate Practice at Georgetown University Law Center, former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black and the immediate past president of the prestigious American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. Additionally, all of the faculty have received training from the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) and have taught in their national advanced programs. For more information on Trial Run Inc., visit their website at www.trialruninc.com. WHY ATTEND? Learn strategies from top trial attorneys! Increase your skills and confidence! Benefit from cutting edge trial and appellate advocacy teaching methods! ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS RESERVE YOUR PLACE!