Name ____________ Class _______ Date Directions for map

Name ____________________________________________________________
Class _____________________
Date ________________________________
Directions for map— use the map below and the maps on page 196 and on page 1103 as guides; follow the steps outlined below
1. Materials required: Ruler, black pen, colored pencils, No. 2 pencil
2. NEATLY print title above map:
New National Borders & The Missouri Compromise over Slavery
3. NEATLY label the following with a black pen (spelling counts!): COLOR MAP ONLY AFTER LABELING
 US States – Use official abbreviations from map below
 Use page 1103; add dates for the new states admitted to the Union for Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and
Maine, print dates inside ( )
 LABEL: US Territories: Florida Territory, Arkansas Territory, Unorganized Territory, Michigan Territory
 LABEL: Oregon Country (Occupied by US & Britain); New Spain (Mexico after 1821); British Territory, Canada; Texas
 LABEL: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
 LABEL: Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, St. Lawrence River, Ohio River, Mississippi River,
Missouri River, Rio Grande
 LABEL: Missouri Compromise Line 36° 30′ N; 42° N /Adams-Onis Treaty Line (1819); 49° N / Anglo-American Convention of 1818
4. Label key as shown on right of map. Use a ruler to draw all lines inside key, the color as per directions. COLOR MAP ONLY AFTER LABELING
States formed by the Missouri Compromise
(black lines with a pen or gray lines with a No. 2 pencil)
Free States and Territories closed to slavery
(color/lightly shade: orange; include ME)
Slave States and Territories open to slavery
(color/lightly shade: yellow; include MO)
Oregon Country (US & Britain)
(color/lightly shade: brown)
—— Missouri Compromise Line (1820)
(Red colored pencil over)
—— Convention of 1818 Line
(purple colored pencil over)
—— Adams-Onis Treaty Line (1819)
(green colored pencil over)