Risultato della fruizione del 2011-04-06 11:41:34 Legenda: Risposta dato dallo studente Risposta corretta Nota del tutor "The Ring of Fire,” is a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Atlantic Ocean. Vero Falso In deep water tsunami’s waves aren’t very high. They increase in height as they get near the shore. Vero Falso Tsunamis have killed more than 50,000 people in the past century. Vero Falso All large earthquakes do not cause tsunamis, but many do. If the quake is located far from the ocean, the probability of a tsunami increases. Vero Falso Tsunamis usually occur at night . Vero Falso Large tsunamis are usually accompanied by a loud roar. Vero Falso Is the following sentence correct ? “Tsunamis causes death and destruction” Vero Falso Which mistake is there in the following sentence? "The word tsunami not come from Chinese but from Japanese". Viene usato un ausiliare sbagliato. Viene usato un tempo verbale sbagliato Non viene usato l’ausiliare “do” Choose the correct verb for this sentence: "Often before a tsunami ……………….., water is sucked from harbours and beaches". Punches Hits Strikes Choose the correct word for this sentence: "People see the bare_____________________ littered with flopping fish and stranded boats". Sea floor Sea ground Sea bottom Which of these rules one must follow in case of a tsunami? It’s important not to approach the beach to watch for a tsunami! Waves are faster than you When you hear that an earthquake has occurred in the ocean or coastline regions you do not need to worry because it is not necessarily a tsunami If you live in a building located in low lying coastal areas try to reach the upper floors as soon as you can Which of these words is the odd one ? Earthquake, height, wave, thunder, roar, plates, shore. Plates Roar Thunder What does the Japanese word tsunami mean? The Japanese word Tsunami means a great harbour wave Which height can tsunami waves reach? It can grow more then 100 feet of tall What is a tsunami caused by? It is usually caused by some undersea earthquakes What is the Pacific Tsunami Warning System? It is a system to detect quakes Punteggio 47.37